Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1967931-Purple
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Other · #1967931
Marie Johnson turns puprle and gains new powers.
Prologue: A dark night, everyone is asleep. Except for one man, He busies himself by giant machines as he finishes his great project. He wears a crooked grin, with missing teeth. His pale skin only hides him in the night as he yells out “I have done it! The best invention ever made by man! And I Dr. Bender has done it!” He laughs evilly, and walks over to the giant machine which is humming and moving like crazy. He walks to a small pod and waits for the machine to beep. Finally when the sound echoes the giant factory, a small pod appears in the capsule. He pulls out a small gun like object and inserts the pod into the ammo. “This the best invention made by man, to make a man unman.” He disappears into the darkness and leaves the night asleep once again.

Chapter 1:
I felt my back-pack thud against my back as I headed to gym class. I shoved the door open to the girl’s locker room, as the second bell rang. I sighed and walked to my locker, number 518. Girls chattered around me like annoying bugs; as I ripped open the lock. I slipped on my schools gym uniform, a teal shirt and black shorts and pulled my brown hair into a low ponytail. I put on my bulky, black running shoes and hear the aid call for everyone to leave. I quickly jog out of the room and head down the hall to the tennis court. I find my gym class lined up already as I take my spot in line. The gym teacher, Mr. Smith was taking attendance. He yelled out “Billy, Colin, Lilly, John. MARIE JOHNSON!” I raise my hand as he speaks my name. I sigh as he finished the rest of the people’s names are called. He says “ok class, today we are playing Volleyball, in the small rooms by the tennis court! NOW, SPLIT UP INTO TEAMS OF 6! NOW!!!” We all cover our ears as he yells. I get into a random group of boys and girls, as he says “BILLYS GROUP AND JOHNS GROUP, ROOM ONE! LILLYS GROUP AND COLINS GROUP, ROOM TWO! AND MARIES AND BRICES GROUP ROOM THREE!” I groan I hate Brice. He is a snotty popular boy, who bullies me. Everyone thinks he has perfect brown hair, sparkly blue eyes and beautiful tanned skin, but I see him with a shiny, bald head, with dull gray eyes and pale skin. He says in his deep voice “we are definitely going to beat the losers’ team, right boys?” His all boy team snickers as we enter the room. The only thing inside is a net strung in between the two side walls of the court. A person on my team serves first. As the class moves on, we are losing 0-12. I had gotten so tired that I hadn’t realized that I had hit the net with my hand and it fell to the ground. Brice smiled and yelled “Mr. Smith!! Marie broke the net!” Mr. Smith stood in the doorway and gave me an evil stare. “Marie, 50 LAPS AROUND THE TENNIS COURT!” I gasped and decided not to fight as I walked out of the shame filled room. I opened the creaky gate into the tennis court and start running. After about 5 laps I am exhausted. When Mr. Smith isn’t watching I walk. I smirk as I start running when he looks at me. I check yam watch after a while and see it’s almost time to go. I decide to finish the lap before I leave. As I get to the turn, a spot a man squatted down behind one of the school portables. I look at him, He’s definitely old, and he has gray hair sticking out from his mob of hair, and has pale skin. He wears a white lab-coat and suddenly he looks at me. He gives me a smirk and I just shrug and turn around. I walk down the short mark of of the rectangle shaped court. Suddenly I hear a shot and I turn around to see the man holds a gun. No, this isn’t a gun. Suddenly a deep pain slices into my calf. I cry out and fall to my knees and everything seems fuzzy. I hear the heavy steps of Coach Smith coming and I whisper “Coach.” He reaches me and he looks at me and says ‘Marie, what happened?” Before I answer, the world seems too far away. I feel blackness engulfing me and then my world turns black.

Chapter 2
~~Softness. That’s what I feel. Beeping somewhere in the corner. A peaceful rest. Suddenly a bullet is flying towards me. I can’t move. There is nowhere to run. I scream as it moves at light speed towards me. There’s no gun anywhere. Where did it come from? Suddenly I hear an evil cackle and the same man, at whom I saw by the Tennis court is standing behind a wall, watching as the bullet fly’s towards my brain. I scream as he laughs harder and louder. The bullet suddenly makes contact with my head and the pain comes. I wake up panting, looking around. I sigh, it was only a dream.

I look around again. I’m in a hospital bed, a mountain of warm, white blankets and pillows. I spot my parents sitting in the guest chairs a few feet away. I say “Mom, dad?” They suddenly snap back to reality and say “Sweetie, you’re awake!” They run over to me and surround me in their arms. I smile and say “Mom, what happened? Why am I in the hospital?” My mom says “Well sweetie, you’ve been out for two days.” “WHAT!” I yell and my parents both nod. I shudder and whine “Mom, how?” my dad steps up and says ‘Well sweetie, there is something wrong with you. Something weird that the doctors don’t know how to fix.” I give him a confused look and my mom lays be back down into the bed. I say “Mom, dad what’s wrong with me? I feel fine.” My mom says “Well it’s mostly an exterior problem.” She fixes my pillow and my parents look at me in the eyes and say at the same time “Marie, you are purple.”

I look at them and say “What do you mean?” My mom sighs and leads me to my hospital bathroom, again all dressed in white. She says “Look in the mirror and you’ll know what I mean.” I shrug and open the door and turn on the light. I gasp, and scream. My thick, auburn hair had been invaded by purple streaks, my light green eyes, had turned into a fairy like light violet color and my tanned skin had turned purple. I screamed and started panting. Why me? How could this happen? Maybe it was that man? Maybe he did this to me? I ran out of the bathroom and into the bed. I buried myself under the blankets and my parents said “Sweetie, I’m so sorry.” I said “Please don’t look at me, I’m a freak.” I started crying, until my eyes couldn’t anymore. When I finally did come out from the covers, it was about 7:00 pm. I thought I guess time fly’s when your crying. I sigh and spot that my mom had left. My dad was reading the bible as I whispered “Dad, can you come here.’ He looked at me with a smile and said “Sure.” He sat on the bed and wrapped me in his arms. I said ‘how can you still love me, if I’m a freak?” He smiled at me and looked at me. He said “No matter what happens, if your purple, pink, white, or tan I will always love you no matter what. I will always be your dad and I will always be with you, even if I am not there.”

I smile and one more tear glides down my cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb and says “I’ll tell the nurse you’re a wake, so she can inform the doctor. And then I will tell her to get you something to eat. You look hungry.” I smile and laugh a little. I lean on him and say “Where’s Ally?” He let out a sigh and said “she’s at home. Your Grammy is watching her.” I say, “can you tell her to bring Sara tomorrow so they can come and visit me?” He said “Sure, of course. A girl should see her two best friends, when she needs them most.” I smile and he says “I’ll be right back.” He kisses me on the cheek gently and then walks to the door. He says “I love you, Marie” and pulls open the door. He disappears behind it. I sigh and think of what Sara and Ally will say. Sara is one of my best friends. We’ve known each other since 6th grade, and Ally is my twin sister. Well I guess now she isn’t, since I’m purpleified. She and Sara are my best friends. With the comforting thought of knowing, my two best friends will come and see me tomorrow, I nestled myself in the White Mountain and slowly let myself fall into, a peaceful rest.

Chapter 3:

Dr. Bender typed silently on his computer. His lab was so messy; you couldn’t tell it was decorated in a white paint. He typed the name he had found and clicked search. Soon a bunch of pictures and Facebook pages appeared. He sighed and looked at the picture of his latest subject, a girl named Marie Johnson. Young, fit, average size, perfect for this test. If only he had gotten it in the right place this time. His computer was still analyzing the pods progress in the freshman body. He watched as the purple spread through her veins, and organs, waiting for it to come to her brain. The brain, the body’s control panel. He heard a door open in the abandoned factory.
He turned his black desk chair around and spotted his son, Zach. He was young, nerdy, but handsome. He was decorated with black hair on his head that smoothed well, and bright twinkling green eyes. He smiled and said “hey my boy. How was school?” Zach moaned and said “Not so well. My lab partner was gone today and I had to do biology by myself.” Dr. Bender smiled and said “so, son, would you like to see my latest experiment?” Zach sighed and said “Sure, I guess if I’m getting the family business. So who’s your latest victim?” Dr. Bender corrected him saying “Test subject, Zach, and I do know her name. She’s a freshman, just like you, she goes to your school.’ Zach says “Great, a rampaging monster in my class yay.” Dr. Bender sighed and said “No, unfortunately the pod was shot in the leg, so the serum never reached her brain. But what I have found out is that, if her brain is pressured enough, which can be triggered by a strong emotion, such as anger, the wall that keeps her brain safe will break and she will turn into a monster.”
Zach sighed “So if she gets angry she turns into a monster forever?” Dr. Bender nodded and looked back on his computer screen. He said “I ‘m going to go check on the other experiments, you stay here and monitor the screens, Zach.” Dr. Bender stood up and Zach let out a muffled groan. Dr. Bender quickly walked towards a door, marked with a sign with red letters written into the words ‘Caution, Danger ahead.’ Dr. Bender pushed the white doors open and was immersed in loud grunts and noises. There around him hung 50 cages all made of dark steel and a cold heart. Inside each one was a giant grotesque beast, covered in a rough purple skin. Each one had stone, cold eyes, filled with pure coldness.
Each beast grew quiet as Dr. Bender came to the center of the room. He called "Soon my beast we will have a full army of beasts to overtake the world." Each beast let out an excited grunt and groan, but the doctor shushed them. " Each of you may have a disability but we can still do it." It was true. Each beast was a different level of experimentation, but each one had at least one flaw. Some may not be the strongest or may have a deformed limb, but each beast was still powerful. And dangerous.
Dr bender called out " Now go to bed to get your rest, we will start an invasion soon enough my pets." He walked past the only empty cage in the room and patted it slightly. "Soon enough, all will be full." He walked towards the door and turned the light off. He saw that Zach had left. He mumbled "Teenagers." He sighed and then sat back at his desk. "Marie Johnson, I will see you soon." Dr. Bender typed in a few more letters and found address. " I will see you soon." He quickly scribbled the address down and stood up from his computer. He walked to the front door of the factory and opened it. With his goal set, Dr. Bender ran into the darkness of the night.
© Copyright 2013 Maggie Williams (margarets5 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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