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by Tavode
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1967188
This follows the lives of three Mandalorian siblings
Follows the lives of Ta'vode, Tor'yc and Ka'lira Ka'ra as they experience the joy of family and the sundering and loss of family through war and tragedy. Follow them through the Hyperspace War to the end of the Galatic Civil War
Ta'vode lifted his helmet off and set it on the console beside him. He looked over both offers and weighed them in his mind. Stark was calling all mercenaries, bounty hunters, pirates, and other scum to join his organization. The money looked good but he didn't think his vode would all agree that his was the right cause. The other was from Senator Tarkin. He was collecting together a paramilitary force. Ta closed his icy grey eyes and thought for a minute. He knew what his younger brother would want the real question is would their free spirited and care free sister agree. He looked at them both his brother the shortest with similar coloring and features to his own. His sister was shorter than him but taller than their brother. She had black hair and a deep cerulean eyes. It wasn't obvious but she didn't have the same features as the two boys and her dancer's build also showed a difference where the boys had a more stout build.

"So ner vode. What do you think we should do?"
Ka'lira thought about her oldest brothers question. His voice was chilled almost lacking all emotion. Her favorite brother Tor said that Ta was the way he was from their buir. But her adoptive father had been nothing but kind and supportive of her. Sure he'd pushed her hard in training and when the boys had done things wrong he had punished them severely but from what she had learned of mandalorians it was better to be severe. The galaxy was a cruel, harsh place and he only wanted to protect them from it.

Thoughts of her buir brought her hand to the kad that Ta had given her after he'd killed their buir. Her heart ached even now after almost a decade. He'd been the first parent to ever love her and care for her. He'd saved her after her parents had abandoned her to the cruel twi'lik instructor. Ka'lira's eyes rose and studied her father's murderer. He was taller than her, broad of shoulder and thick of build. He wore a dark green almost black armor with bright blue trim. Duty and reliability, drove her brother. Her other brother wore all black, he was devoted to justice. Aruetii that learned that thought he was some kind of Security officer or lawyer but they didn't understand the word. He righted wrongs most often with his twin blasters.

"Stark has the money if we want to be completely mercenary about it. He'd pay us more and probably appreciate us more." She looked at Tor to see how he'd respond

(Buir=Father or mother, Kad= knife or blade, Aruetii= outsider,traitor,or simply not one of us.)
Tor'yc leaned against the bulkhead, facing the viewscreen. He'd also gotten the offers from both Stark and Tarkin. The Mandalorian gazed thoughtfully out of the viewport mulling it over in his head.

"So ner vode. What do you think we should do?"

Tor shrugged his shoulders silently and eyeballed his sister, Ka'lira, who was clearly dismayed at the prospect of joining the Republic for their little venture. He became distracted though by a quick glance he and Ta'vode, his older brother shared. It was almost undetectable, a minute twitch of the lip, but Tor caught it. Both Ta'vode and Ka'lira had a rocky relationship their entire lives while Tor played the mediator. Living in cramped quarters together like this always resulted in the festering of old wounds. As he glanced down at his rigid black form in the reflection of the viewport and starscape, it occurred to him that his mediation between the two siblings was the foundation for his own missions in life: Justice. It was not just a color for him, not a creed, a duty, or an oath. It was just who he was. It was even in his name.

He shook his head and reached across to pat his brother on the back giving him silent assurance that he agreed with Ta, and called up a panel on his helmets HUD to access galactic current event via the HNE and studied it quietly.

"Stark has the money if we want to be completely mercenary about it. He'd pay us more and probably appreciate us more."

After he'd finished his scan of the politics, Tor removed his helmet and ran his gloved fingers through his severely short brown hair and nodded to himself, knowing his decision would probably cause turmoil among his siblings.

"You're right, Ka'ika, Stark would pay well... The Trade Federation is backing them, and they have Xucphra by the gettse as well. But I think we should take Tarkins offer, vod. It might not pay as well, but its job security and we all know Iaco Stark is a madman. You're at the controls though, Ta." He replaced his helmet and maneuvered between the two. "Pick an offer and punch it."
Ta'vode nodded with what Tor was saying. He glanced at Ka'lira, she was sulking behind her helmet he could see it in the way she held herself. He closed his eyes and breathed out ignoring her. She wouldn't argue since it was her favorite brother that had disagreed with her.

"Tarkin it is then." Ta stated as he sent a declination to Stark and an acceptance to Tarkin.

Ta punched in the navicomputer setting coordinates for Coruscant. He picked up his helmet and slide it on. While waiting on the navicomputer to set the proper coordinates he sealed his helmets auditory system and activated his suits holocomm.

"Hey cyar'ika. I'll be in system soon. Got another job. If time allows I'd love to meet up with you. Be in hyperspace when you get this so just leave me a message."

Ta smiled to himself. He knew neither Tor nor Ka approved of his rampant womanizing but they had their own issues and he'd been with Ashelia since she was the Senator's Aide from her planet. Now that she was the Senator she often employed him when he was free. He closed his eyes and saw her golden red hair and mischievous bright blue eyes and a side of her that the public never saw.

The computer beeped and Ta instinctively pulled the lever activating the hyperdrive. He watched as the points of lights turned into streaks and soon their ship was enveloped in the blue tube of light speed.
Ka'lira sighed as Tor agreed with Ta'vode. They almost always agreed on everything. She leaned back in her seat dismayed and annoyed by the fact that Ta was once again getting his way and being left with the decision. Sure he acted like he wasn't in control but the way he did things almost spoke for him and Tor.

She watched as Ta slide his helmet back in place the decision to join the republic's cause decided. Not for the first time she considered trying to strike out on her own but being only sixteen and having no real name for herself would leave her paid low and hard to convince the clients that Tor and Ta had already proven themselves too that she was as valuable as they were.

She rose and left the cockpit as the ship lurched into hyperspace. She went aft to the galley and pulled down a bottle of Corellian fire whiskey. SHe removed her helmet unstoppered it and took a long draw from the bottle. Then she stared at her orange and purple helmet. The distinctive T-visor and remembered her buir.

She sat down and stared where the eyes would be, "Buir I know you get tired of hearing me talk to you but sometimes I feel like I'm barley wanted here. Like they would rather be without me. Especially Ta. I think he hates me sometimes and I still haven't forgotten that he killed you buir....." she trailed off as Tor stepped into the galley still in his helmet. She figured he would follow her. He cared about her more than her oldest brother ever would.
Thanks for keeping your mouth shut, ner vod. Tor said as he watched his sister stalk off. He sat down beside his brother and propped a leg up on the console. Ta'ika, I want the money, I'll be honest with you. If I were alone, I would've taken Starks offer. That man is shifty though and I don't want Ka'lira getting in a bad way. I don't expect you to understand that. I also know you're not going to Coruscant only for Tarkin. I don't know who she is but all I'm going to say, is don't ruin this for us. If she's any relation to Tarkin, back off. We need the creds. With that, Tor nudged is older brother and ambled aft in search of his little sister.

He heard her before he saw her ...Especially Ta. I think he hates me sometimes and I still haven't forgotten that he killed you buir....

Tor rounded the corner of the hallway into the galley and saw Ka'ika sitting at the bar, gaze burrowing into her helmet, now lost in thought. He strolled behind the bar and grabbed a couple shot glasses and roughly jerked the bottle out of her hand and examined it Corellian Fire Whiskey? What's the occasion, vod'ika? Did I forget your birthday again? He sat down beside her and removed his helmet. He swallowed a shot of whiskey while she came out of her self-induced trance.

You already know, Tor'yc.

Tor grunted at her remark and nodded as he downed another shot. He was a drinker like her, but she could easily over do it. It gave her a fatal weakness. Drunkenness can kill you in more ways than one. Especially for a Mandalorian. Especially for a young Mandalorian raised as a princess in a culture of so-called savages. Yeah, ner vod. I know. You two have your problems, I get that. We've been doing this act for too many years now. You know how the old man was to us, Ka'ika. So you know why neither of us wish him a peaceful afterlife. I understand why you don't feel that way. But you have to let it go. Ta killed him a decade ago and the only time I think of him is when I see you with that look on your face, drowning yourself in liquor. I can see where this feud will lead, vod. It's not going to end well Tor took a swig and stared at the visor in her helmet trying to divine what thoughts went on inside her head. She often seemed to stare at her reflection in her visor when in deep thought. I feel this war is the start of something big, Ka'ika. Don't let your petty squabbles ruin this. Put the kad away and remember who you're with. We will protect you. Even if Ta can be a chakaar.

She looked at Tor with solemn and serious eyes. Tor, you and I never fight. Ta is the problem here. He runs our lives like a dictator. He's tough. But you're as tough and with me, we could beat him. Together. Let's space him or if that's too much, drop him on an uncharted planet. Give him a fighting chance, but he'll never bother us again.

Tor'yc chuckled at the seriousness of her ludicrous suggestion, Ka, the man saved my life. He's always had my back when it counts, and I don't see that changing. So why would I turn mine on him? No. You can hate him, but your both my vode and I won't let you kill each other. Suck it up, soldier. Live the life you've been dealt and move on.

With that, his features hardened and he and downed another shot.


1  Chakaar-general term of abuse, ner vod-my brother/sister, 'ika suffix-little, or an affectionate form of ones name, kad-knife or blade.

Ta just nodded as Tor wondered aft. He knew he was going to go console the youngest member. In his own personal opinion Ka'lira wasn't trained as hard as he and Tor had been and she was soft in too many ways. Tor had his indomitable sense of justice that drove him while he himself was bound to the duty his buir gave him before her final time leaving.

Ta closed his eyes and remembered vividly.

Ta'vode stared up at the woman in dark blue armor. She smiled down at him her own grey eyes and brown hair a match for his except warmer. "Ta'ika I know he's rough on you and that you don't like how differently he treats your sister from you and your brother but I need you to remember that while I'm away you must look after them. You're the oldest and strongest of my ad'ika."

Tavode nodded. "Yes buir. I'll protect them both, and watch over them so long as I draw breath." he said seriously.

She laughed and knelt pulling him into a final embrace. "You always were my dutiful soldier. I know you'll take care of them both. You've never failed me yet and I don't think you ever will." she said with a sad ache in her voice. She rose slide her helmet on and strode out the door never turning to look back.

Ta's fist tightened. He promised their mother and he wasn't going to break the last promise he'd given her. Even if Ka was more trouble than she was worth. He'd never abandon her and he'd always watch over her or see to it that she was watched over.
Ka'lira glared at Tor then snatched the bottle back from him and took a long draw. "I'm not a soldier Tor'ika. I'm a warrior like our buir. Soldiers exist to give us a challenge and try and stop us. I am my buir's ad'ika." she shot back before going back to staring at the T-visor.

"I know you and Ta think I'm weak. You at least hide it but Ta doesn't bother to disguise his contempt for me." she took another draw before Tor snatched the bottle away and slammed the shot glass in front of her. She understood his meaning. "I'm not going to get drunk and try and do anything to Ta. So don't worry. I only attempted to kill him a couple of times after he gave me buir's kad. And if I ever decide to repay him the favor it will be with his kad." she said taking the shot he had given her.

"So which woman is our ner vod'ika going to this time?" she asked putting as much cynicism in the phrasing as she could. She learned early on that Ta couldn't stay away from women. He had a fling on every planet with a woman population on it and a few that didn't she was sure.
So which woman is our ner vod'ika going to this time?

Tor sat in silence for a moment to center himself. His role as mediator didn't mean he had no temper, which his vode occasionally forgot. He was just more patient. Her last remark about being a warrior almost made him lose his temper. Now wasn't the time though.

I don't know, probably someone with power. A senator, maybe. As long as it isn't in Tarkins ring, I don't care who he sees.

He drained his glass for a fifth and final time and took the bottle from her grasp and closed it. He rose from his seat and placed it back in the cabinet And Ka, much as you may hate it, you're still a verd'ika. You've been an adult for a while now, but don't make the mistake that age makes a warrior. Your brother and I, we've been on missions and adventures before. We can fight and we can kill. You've never proven yourself. You can tackle vode in the battle circle back home, sure. In the field though, it's not all fun and games. I'm going to be there for you on this one, but don't get cocky.

With that, he replaced his helmet and walked slowly out of the room making sure the alcohol wasn't affecting him. He rarely drank unless it was with his sister. He had his own vices to occupy him.

The Mandalorian paced to the front of the ship to confer with his vod on when they would arrive. When he reached the cockpit, he caught Ta in one of those rare unguarded moments that he had a feeling nobody else would ever see and sat down on a wall bench across the room. He waited in silence while his brother sat thinking, then cleared his throat.

She's really going to take that blade to you one day, vod. You better hope I'm around when that day comes. He removed one of his own blades and began sharpening it on his thigh plate. The rhythmic scraping of the blade soothed his mind and helped him concentrate. How much longer? I'm ready for some action. These long journeys kill me, and my dealer is waiting.
Ta'vode gave a minute shrug. "Ka'ika is welcome to try again. Next times she does I'm breaking that kad though. I think twice would be enough warnings for her." he stated uncaringly.

"And if I meet your dealer I'll introduce him to the buissness end of my bes'kad. That osik will be the death of you one day ner vod." he admonished his younger brother.

Ta sealed the bridge to be sure Ka'lira wouldn't intrude."As far as the woman I'm planning on meeting you needn't worry. She's an old friend. I've known her round eight years." he said as he hit a key and brought up Ashelia's picture. "She was just a senator's aide out looking for trouble when we first met." he said his voice warming slightly.

"Eight years ner vod.....You planning on taking the plunge with her? Most last what the visit? The really good ones maybe a couple of visits."

Ta'vode chuckled slightly but decided he wasn't going to play Tor's game on this one. Tor was the only one in the galaxy he opened up too. The only one he trusted enough to let in but some things were better left in the dark and he wished he could leave this one in the dark as well but he wanted Tor to know, "Only reason I am telling you ner vod is that I've decided to leave you as my emerngecy contact for her. If she can't raise me then she'll call you if it's important enough."
"Only reason I am telling you ner vod is that I've decided to leave you as my emergency contact for her. If she can't raise me then she'll call you if it's important enough."

Tor listened to Ta's reasoning and was mildly surprised that he would go so far as to give his comm code to this woman. It must be serious. He wondered for a moment how it would be seeing his older brother, old iceberg, as a husband or father. It would be strange, and he feared Ta may turn out just like their own father if it were to happen. Tor didn't want children because he knew the one thing his father instilled in him, it was the same temper and merciless action when provoked. If Tor had children, they would turn out just as screwed up as himself and his brother. But maybe, he thought, there would be some hope for Ta'vode if he were to settle down, however unlikely.

Alright, vod. Just remember if you're dead, I'm probably not far behind. Nobody is going to destroy that buy'ce but me, vod. Tor nudged his brother to indicate he was only joking.

The bond the two brothers shared was stronger than that which they shared with their sister, Ka'lira. Growing up, the boys were inseparable, always watching the others back. This brotherhood was due in part to their close age, Ta was only a year older than Tor, but it was their father that forced them to form such a close bond. Because of his, Tor and Ta constantly had to be on their guard to protect the other. He was an increasingly abusive and violent drunkard. However he treated Ka'lira very much like an alderaanian princess. He constantly doted on her and bought her anything she asked for. In many ways, she was raised un-Mandalorian. Tor always wrestled with the idea that his sister may be dar'manda, but he wouldn't say that to her as he was the only one of her brothers she could get along with.

Thoughts strayed once again to his habit and he instinctively glanced at his forearm. His dealer on Coruscant, Brevil Nex has discovered a way to increase the potency of Carsunum and turn into a liquid so Tor could use a syringe to administer it. He wasn't proud of his drug habits, but he knew he wouldn't let it kill him. He and Ta had built up a reputation as being invincible, and he began to believe their own legend.

Ta'ika, don't worry about my drug addiction. Its your addiction you should worry about. Your life expectancy drops with every new fling. Never know when you may catch something... or someone may catch you. He laughed a deep gravelly laugh that would usually incite dread in company, but he was among family now. No one had anything to worry about.

The console chimed and Tor leaned against the bulkhead as the ship exited hyperspace and was confronted with a beautiful starscape with the hub of galactic politics as its centerpiece. He replaced his helmet and commed Ka'lira Sober up, vod'ika. We land in twenty.
Ta'vode only turned to face Tor. "I got caught once by a husband and by a brother. The brother died and the husband got rid of his wife or was it the other way around." Ta shrugged uncaringly, "What are you gonna do when someone that hates us actually finds you when your strung out on that osik?" he asked.

Ta didn't expect a response because he knew Tor wouldn't give one. He turned back to the controls and contacted planetary control and followed the vector they gave him into landing. After landing Ta keyed the ships hyperdrive and navigational control locks to be sure no one could take their ship for a ride.

"Be sure Ka'ika knows to be at the coordinates I'm sending you at oh eight hundred hours tomorrow morning. We still gotta sign Tarkin's contract." Ta said as he rose and left the cockpit using the controls to send both Tor and Ka the coordinates to meet Tarkin.

Ta then moved off the ship and rented a speeder and then flew through the Air Lanes till he reached his usual landing pad. He followed his usual circuitous route ensuring he wasn't being followed by anyone then soon he found himself at his destination. He slipped the doorman a few cred chips to gain access and his silence. The man knew not to cross a Mandalorian in full armor. If the mando'ade wanted to give you money to let him in instead of blowing your brains out it was smart to graciously accept the cash and look the other way.

He rode in the elevator till he reached one of the upper floors and then got off and found himself being greeted by Ashelia.After he was inside he turned and stared at the beautiful woman that was in her late twenties. He smiled to himself at her attempt to have hard blue eyes. "Ta'ika you should give a woman more time than just a few hours notice." She scolded him.

He slid his helmet off and showed her the same stare that those he'd hunted and was about to kill up close saw and he noted mentally that she wasn't bothered by it in the slightest. "I give you the notice that I have. I do have to travel a lot for my work."

She held his gaze unflinching and that only served to excite Ta. He watched as she closed the distance and placed a hand on his chest plate and one behind his head then pulled him down into a fierce kiss.

When they broke apart they were both breathing hard. "How long?" she asked breathlessly. "I have to be somewhere by eight tomorrow." he responded and she drew him into another kiss obviously not wanting to waste any time. Ta didn't know if she took any other lovers but he did know that he didn't care to know for the response it might invoke in him and that is what scared him the most about her yet excited him.

Ka'lira was annoyed by Tor's comment. "I've never been incapacitated by my drinking unlike you and your drugs Tor'ika." she responded.

When her helmet beeped and showed a message from Ta she ignored it. They were heading to Galatic Central and she was planning on having a good time. She went to her small bunk and stripped her armor off before walking naked to the sanisteam. After her shower she went back to her room allowing herself to air dry before going through her clothes and choosing a revealing short dark blue shimmer silk dress. She slid into it and pulled on stilletoed calf boots. After she was ready she went towards the front in time to see her brother Ta'vode leaving. She caught Tor and smiled mischievously at him.

"So how do I look?" she asked as she spun around giving him the full view of her.

"And I know you are going to show me the best place to drink, gamble and pick someone up. Maybe I can even get you a girl." she said teasingly. "No reason Ta'ika should have the monopoly on women. Especially in a city this big." she said as she lead him out.
"I've never been incapacitated by my drinking unlike you and your drugs Tor'ika."

Tor sighed to himself. He wasn't going to argue with his vode about his drug use right now. Too many places to go and too many people to see to be dealing with family issues. He chose not to tell Ka'lira that he's had to scrape her off a floor himself too many times because she'd passed out. Of course, she didn't remember any of that. He also didn't bother to tell her that his drug of choice, Carsunum gave its user heightened mental and physical abilities during the hit. Sure, afterwards he would be ambushed by an uncontrollable shake, but he'd never been to incapacitated to do his job.

"So how do I look?"

Tor grunted and nodded at her. He wasn't one for complimenting looks, and he still felt his sister was too young to be looking for this kind of trouble. Her last fling didn't end so well. It ended with Tor having to send the guy to a medbay for a week. The bacta healed a lot, but the man still lost an eye. He thought for a moment that maybe she considered him a bodyguard and took that as an opportunity to start fights with people. He shook the thought from his head and noticed she was leaving the ship before him and decided to follow her out. He locked the ship down on his way out.

"And I know you are going to show me the best place to drink, gamble and pick someone up. Maybe I can even get you a girl." "I've never been incapacitated by my drinking unlike you and your drugs Tor'ika."

Tor sighed to himself. He wasn't going to argue with his vode about his drug use right now. Too many places to go and too many people to see to be dealing with family issues. He chose not to tell Ka'lira that he's had to scrape her off a floor himself too many times because she'd passed out. Of course, she didn't remember any of that. He also didn't bother to tell her that his drug of choice, Carsunum gave its user heightened mental and physical abilities during the hit. Sure, afterwards he would be ambushed by an uncontrollable shake, but he'd never been to incapacitated to do his job.

"So how do I look?"

Tor grunted and nodded at her. He wasn't one for complimenting looks, and he still felt his sister was too young to be looking for this kind of trouble. Her last fling didn't end so well. It ended with Tor having to send the guy to a medbay for a week. The bacta healed a lot, but the man still lost an eye. He thought for a moment that maybe she considered him a bodyguard and took that as an opportunity to start fights with people. He shook the thought from his head and noticed she was leaving the ship before him and decided to follow her out. He locked the ship down on his way out.

"And I know you are going to show me the best place to drink, gamble and pick someone up. Maybe I can even get you a girl." she said teasingly. "No reason Ta'ika should have the monopoly on women. Especially in a city this big." she said as she lead him out.

Tor head his sisters quip about finding him a woman, but his mind only focused on one thing; Carsunum. It flooded his mind and the thought of another hit was all he could think about.

Bentho's Nightclub He said, as he keyed in a rendezvous with his dealer at the same nightclub. That's just the place. Seedy and out of the way. You'll like it... He trailed off, not bothering to give her the real reason for choosing the place as they hailed a taxi
Ka'lira couldn't wait to hit the nightclub. She was sure she would have a blast and she knew if Tor would let her she could arrange for him to have a good time that didn't involve his drug. Once they arrived she followed Tor inside and ignored some of the looks that was shot at them. If Tor hadn't been in armor they wouldn't draw as much attention but he rarely went anywhere without his armor.

Ka went straight to the bar and ordered more fire whiskey and took a few shots before deciding to move to the dance floor. As the music set out a great beat she moved into the crowd and was soon shaking and grinding with humans and aliens alike.

While she was dancing she noticed Tor talking to someone over in a corner and knew that he was getting his drug.

After awhile she took a couple of twi'lik females one blue and one red over to the table where Tor was now sitting alone.

"So vod, my new friends here would love to meet you." she said her voice slightly slurred. "So take your helmet off and let's have some fun."
As Ka'lira and Tor'yc entered Bentho's Nightclub, he caught one of the patrons eyes in a dimly lit corner of the club. Knowing she could fend for herself in a place like this, Tor left her to her own devices and went to see his observer. When he reached the corner, his dealer, Brevil Nex, an old Chevin, was dismissing another customer.

Nex. You have my usual three doses? The Chevin grunted and reached in his jacket, revealing a small rectangle box. He opened it and there were three syringes of the special Carsunum mixture he had for Tor. He paid the chevin in full and found booth out of view.

When he'd gotten his seat, he removed his helmet and wiped his brow. The waitress brought a glass of water to his table. He smiled at her, Hey, sweetheart, why don't you join me? She smiled back at him and slowly walked away. Tor thought she may have been trying to get him to follow her, but he wasn't about to find himself in a compromising situation in this place. He shrugged to himself and finished off his glass before removing a section of his forearm plate and taking a discreet hit of his carsunum.

Tor'yc leaned back in his booth and closed his eyes and let the feeling of the drug wash over him as he listened to the reverberating sounds of the music and patrons. When he opened his eyes again, he noticed, for the first time, the strobing lights and bouncing bodies. He hadn't noticed any of the atmosphere in this place when he walked in. He only had his mind on his next hit. Now that he got it, he could focus on other things. One thing he noticed was how vibrant the colors in the place became. But that always happened to him while he was high. He replaced his forearm plate and helmet just in time to catch his sister strolling towards him with two particularly attractive Twi'leks

"So vod, my new friends here would love to meet you." she said her voice slightly slurred. "So take your helmet off and let's have some fun."

Tor smiled behind his helmet but slowly shook his head. He knew if he removed his helmet, Ka'lira would see he'd taken his hit, and he didn't want to hear it from her. He hated to do it, but under the circumstances, he supposed the best course of action would be to get rid of the girls, I don't trust Twi'leks. The way those headtails move... You know it's like their own secret language, vod'ika. Be careful around them. Shifty, the whole lot of them.

With that, he rose from his booth and stepped outside the club to clear his head. He needed to make sure he was alone from now on when he took a hit. He knew how his vode felt about his habit, but neither had any room to talk. They had their own issues as well and he knew if Ka saw him while he was high, he wouldn't hear the end of it. He leaned against the building and took a deep breath as he waited for the hit to wear off...
Ta'vode stood nude in front of the veiwing window staring out into the skylanes not really noting anything but letting his mind focus. He was terrified of what he was about to do. Ashelia had had his drop box for years but it was entirly a different matter to give her his and his brother's comm codes. All he did know is that if she truly needed him or help of his kind that she had a reliable way of getting it.

"Ta'ika what are you thinking and how is it your always up so early and sneak out of bed without me knowing?"

"How do you know I'm thinking and not just enjoying the veiw?"

"Ta you do many things but enjoy the veiw of scenery isn't one of them. Besides the veiw over here is much better."

Ta smiled and turned his head enough to drink in the site of her body in the early morning light. "So the veiw is better over there." he agreed.

Ashelia got a concerned look on her face. "Really Ta'vode what is it?" she asked as she rose and walked over to him her body automatically moving in that graceful stride that he loved so much. He held out a data pad to her. "Here I want you to have this." he said his eyes moving back to the skyline.

"This is a direct comm to you and someone named Tor'yc."

"Tor is my younger brother and if you called him when you couldn't raise me then he'd help you."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his abdomin pressing herself against his back. "Ta I think we've both broken our agreement we made so long ago. I think we are both getting attached. I know I can't talk you out of this job but I'd been considering hiring you as my personal guard." she stated with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I know you have to look after your family but doesn't mean I don't want you around more." she continued.

"I'll think on it cyar'ika." he promised. The thought was appealing to him as well yet that terrified him even more.
Ka'lira rolled out of bed to answer her chirping comm link disturbing the two Twi'liks. Most of last night was a blur to her she shouldn't have drank so much after Tor had left but she did remember somwhat better the after party with the two girls. She wasn't her brother Ta but she did enjoy some recretion.

"What the shab do you want so early?" she answered into the comm.

"Wake up and be at Tarkins office in and hour and a half." came the cold voice of her eldest brother.

Ka groaned audibly. Why did it have to be Ta calling her. "I'll be there chakaar. Go screw that woman of yours and thaw some." she said irratably before hanging up her commlink.

"Do you have to leave right now?" asked the red skinned twi'lik. Ka smiled "Not right away I have a little time." she said trying to figure how she was gonna have her fun shower and get her armor to get to Tarkin's on time.

"Good we'll help you start your day right." said the blue skinned twi'lik. Ka sauntered back to the bed and started stroking the red's head tail before kissing the blue.

Ka'lira barely remembered her trip to the senate building her mind playing over and over the wake up session and the the shower session with the two twi'liks. When she met up with Tor she removed her helmet and grinned at him. "You missed alot of fun ner vod."
Tor leaned against the wall by the exit of Bentho's Nightclub, chatting with the bouncer as he noticed Ka'lira leaving, more than a little tipsy, with the two female twi'leks. When he'd assessed them earlier, they didn't strike him as thieves or murderers. Just two women who took pleasure in the carnal sort. That was fine with him, so he let them walk. Ka didn't notice him, and he didn't feel obliged to draw her attention. He nodded to the bouncer, and strolled around the corner of the club.

Two standard hours later, Tor wasn't sure where he was in the lower levels, but he knew he wasn't in the nice part of town. At the end of the street, on oil stained permacrete, under a flickering street lamp, he could see the legs of a corpse hanging out of an overturned trash can and in every door way there was at least one pair of eyes on him. But he was Tor'yc. He was a Ka'ra, invincible. They couldn't touch him and even if they did, obviously the law didn't matter down here. He could dispose of them however he liked. He decided to press on.

It's around 2200 hours. When did Ta say to meet him? 0800, that's right. Ka thinks he controls me and her, I know. It is something I'll have to work out with her, She doesn't understand any group needs a leader, someone to give direction. In a nation, on a planet of people as a whole, democracy works. In a three person unit? It just doesn't work that way. The way she butts heads with Ta so much makes me think she's going to try and assume leadership of our little outfit and that can't be allowed either. She's no leader. Ta doesn't control us, no. But he makes sensible suggestions, and that's what we need... He wandered along the street, catching glances out of the doors. He un-holstered one of his blaster pistols and checked the charge on it. Satisfied it was fully charged, he continued walking, pistol in hand and considering once again, as he did at least once a week, how to solve the hatred in his family. He knew who was to blame, their father. He was the source of all their problems, but he couldn't bring him back for Ka, and if he could, he'd only kill him again himself. The man had been responsible for way too many medbay visits for Tor and Ta, claiming they'd either fallen, or played too rough with each other. Everyone knew the reason though. They were just afraid to stop him. He was a vile, uncaring, and unforgiving soldier. He also had well known connections with the Death Watch, a Mandalorian splinter group that wasn't known for being especially merciful.

Tor'yc continued on and noticed a Zabrak attempting to sneak up on him from behind, The attacker obviously didn't realize Mandalorian helmets offered 360 degree vision. Tor brought his pistol to bear and focused on the zabrak, What do you want, hut'uun? Wanted to jump me? The zabrak raised his hands and back up a few paces, Uh, no, nothing... I was just going to go in this house... Tor nodded towards the door, Well, go in then... When the zabrak didn't move and he flashed an ugly grin that Tor knew too well. This man felt cornered and he was too nervous or too stupid to back off. Tor tilted his head with an alarming crack of his neck muscles, and the zabrak charged Tor. The Mandalorian fired a single shot through the zabraks cranium and he dropped, head smoking. Tor'yc nudged the body with his foot to make sure he was dead. Their species was a hardy one. Satisfied he wasn't getting back up, he turned and kept walking until the jitters began to kick in violently. Oh, not this osik. Not now. Not here. He ducked into an alleyway and slumped down beside a dumpster, pistol still in hand and rocked himself to sleep as he waited for the after effects to wear off.


The next morning Tor awoke with a start as he felt a tug at his boot. When he aimed his pistol, he realized it was just a stray nek hound. Feeling much better and not in nearly as bad a mood as the previous night, he pulled out an energy bar from his ration pack and handed it to the nek. He was a killer, he'd come to terms with that years ago but he still enjoyed animals. His head felt a little fuzzy and he had to take a moment to clear his head. Now that it was daylight, he could make his way around down here without having to worry so much about any attackers. He holstered his pistol and rounded the corner to see the bloody flogged remains of the zabrak. The nek apparently already had a meal the night before. He strolled to the nearest turbolift keeping an eye on the time; 0547. If he hurried, he could get to Ta's coordinates by 0630.

By 0600 hours, Tor was in a taxi on his way to the penthouses in the upper levels of Galactic City. He removed his helmet and took a sip of water from his ration pack to rejuvenate himself. By the time he finished his drink, they were arriving. He paid the taxi driver and glanced at the chrono on the taxi console; 0620.

Tor marched up the steps to the Senate Building, helmet under his left arm. As he entered, he clipped it to his waist and marched the receptionist desk, Location for Ta'vode Ka'ra, sir. The receptionist smirked at Tor. I'm sorry sir, but I can't give you that information. Assassinations and such. The black-clad warrior smiled back and nodded. Then he slowly, deliberately reached across the desk and grabbed the receptionist by his neck tie and pulled him closer, then he removed his other pistol from his waist and held it to the mans head, I'll assassinate, di'kut. Tor'yc Ka'ra. Ta'vode is my kriffing brother. Get on the system and find him. The receptionist, visibly shaken sat back in his seat and pulled of his check-in log, Room C302. Fiftieth floor. Tor'yc holstered his weapon and nodded at the man, See? There's no reason we can't be civil. When he reached the turbolift, he about-faced and noticed the receptionist still staring at him, And try to be more accommodating to my sister when she gets here. Don't let me hear you gave her a hard time. He keyed in the floor, and felt his stomach sink as the lift rapidly ascended.

When he reached Ta's room, he glanced at the chrono at the end of the walkway, 0735. Twenty-five minutes early. Not too early. He knocked on the door and when Ta answered, Tor strolled in and sat in the living area. Not sure if Ta had company, he decided not to inspect his quarters, Nice place, vod'ika. He stretched his legs in front of him on the caf table as he rest his helmet on his lap, awaiting the arrival of his sister.

At 0759, he saw the familiar color of his sisters hair as it swayed by the door way. He knew business was finally about to begin. She stepped into the living area and nodded at him, "You missed alot of fun ner vod." He chuckled and gave her an insulting had signal, You would've just stolen them from me anyway... He looked up as he caught site of Ta'vode walking their way.
Ta'vode and noticed Tor arrive and was annoyed that Ka couldn't show up when he told her too. Sure he told her thirty minutes early but that was because they couldn't afford for her to be late.

Ka was in her armor but had her buy'ce off. "You're late, Ija'ad'ika. I told you to be her half an hour ago. Luckily I told you to arrive early so that you atleast would seem crediable even though your kriffing late."

Ka glared at Ta and he could see the anger in her eyes her posture and the way she was breathing. "You're not my buir, hut' uun. So why don't you go back and fuck your veriduur and leave me the shab alone." she shot back voice anger filled.
"You're not my buir, hut' uun. So why don't you go back and fuck your veriduur and leave me the shab alone." she shot back her voice filled with anger.

Suddenly there was blinding pain in her cheek and lower jaw. Ka'lira ignoring the ringing in her ears forced her eyes to focus and noticed that she was now on the ground. "I let you slide on aggravating me, jepordizing our contracts, and even calling me a coward but you will not call her that again. If you ever do shabla, dar'manda Ija'ad'ika I swear I'll give you the beating our buir never gave you that you so rightly deserve."

Ka'lira noticed that Ta's voice wasn't ice any longer but was hot. She'd obviously struck a nerve and her seemingly untouchable brother now had a chink in his armor.

Ka pulled her legs up under her and then slammed herself shoulder first into her eldests stomach and she heard the dull thud of beskar colliding as the both crashed to the floor. She didn't bother reaching for her kad because she knew the odds of getting it between his plates in a fatal spot was none exsitant. She managed to get on top and raised her left arm triggering her vibrobladed gauntlet.
Tor reclined on the couch watching the spectacle unfold as he had many times before. Ta'vode and Ka'lira had gotten into more fights than the Jedi and Sith. It's just who they were. Clashing personalities. In many ways, Ka'lira was only Mandalorian because of Ta'vode. Their buir never tried to raise her as a warrior, and thus, the responsibility fell to Ta, even if he did take his role too far too often. The argument erupted into a fight when K'alira insulted Ta's courage. He responded the only way Tor had ever seen him respond when his courage was in question; with a hard right cross. It was obvious she'd felt the punch, and before Tor could blink, they were against the wall and on the floor. Tor just shook his head at his chaotic and wild family until he heard the shu-shuk of her gauntlet vibroblade being extended.

Tor jumped from his seat and ran across the room across the room, grabbing her from behind in a choke hold, flailing wildly with her blade trying to slash and Ta's face. Tor dragged her across the room with his pistol aimed at Ta on stun. He knew his brother wouldn't continue the fight, he'd gotten his lick in. But caution was needed. They were an unstable bunch. He held the grip until her arm ceased to slash and she went slack. He rested her against the couch and slapped her face lightly to wake her up. Satisfied the fight was over, he put his pistol back and offered her some water while she glared at Ta who didn't look even mildly surprised she'd just tried to kill him. Tor knew why too; she never would have been able to. Ta would've killed her first. And that was his primary concern. His brother could hide a deep loathing for people, and if he had it in his mind to kill, he would do nothing but that.

Di'kute! Both of you. We're here on business. I said before we left the ship, no time for your kriffing squabbles. You can hate each other, fine. But we have a job to do. Get your heads together and do that job, vode. We're supposed to be meeting Tarkin and gearing up to go to war. We can't have our minds clouded with hatred of each other when we're trying to protect each other on the field!

Tor noticed the cold dead stare of Ta's burrowing into Ka's temple as if he was already planning a sniper shot. He walked up to Ta and punched him in the stomach to get his attention. They knew Tor was the most proficient in hand to hand, but Tor knew Ta could make miracles with a sniper rifle. He didn't want Ta getting any ideas while they were on the field. While Ta was leaning over, Tor turned his head towards Ta, Vod'ika, leave her be. You and I both know we have a lot going on. We can hash all this out later. But don't take any shots at her. This is her first mission.
Ta icy eyes met Tor's. "No worries ner vod. I have a promise or two to keep that stops me from killing her otherwise I'd have done it already." he stated in his no nonesense voice.

"Ka'ika do us all a favor keep your buy'ce on and stay silent. Let Tor and I handle Tarkin. He doesn't know you and therefor doesn't respect you the way he will us."

They all walked into Tarkin's office and watched as the Senator studied the three of them. He sat silent for a long period and then motioned for them to remove their helmets. Ta removed his for politeness but Tor and Ka kept theirs on.

"So I ask for two and I get three why should I pay all three of you the price you ask?"

Ta'vode met Tarkin's eyes with his own and held them unblinking. It didn't take long before Tarkin shifted uncomfortably and looked away. "Because we are worth the price we ask and more. We are mandalorians, feared ones at that and people don't like to know we are gunning for them."
Tor stood beside Ta who claimed the only seat in the office apart from Tarkins with his hands clasped behind his back. Ka'lira was standing by the door, clearly angry. She didn't seem to enjoy being told to keep quiet.

"Because we are worth the price we ask and more. We are mandalorians, feared ones at that and people don't like to know we are gunning for them."

Tor noticed Tarkins eyebrows raise slightly and his lips tightened into a thin smile. He obviously wasn't used to being talked tp in this manner. But like most politicians, he caved in the end, Okay. You three for the price offered. 5,000 cre- Tor'yc stepped forward, 5,000 each. Per battle. We're hungry people, Senator. 5,000 for a war doesn't feed much and we aren't your typical grunts. We will be putting our lives on the line for your cause. Your job is to sell us your cause so that we give you all we've got. Your cause is worth 15,000 credits right now.

He stepped back and stood silent, like a specter waiting for Tarkins response. He was livid but he wasn't saying a word, He barely wanted to give 5,000. He knew 15,000 was absurd. But Tarkin, he new, was a man of honor. He understood soldiers.

That's too risky on my part. How do I know you Mandalorians won't take this sum and run?

Tor removed his helmet and set it on the desk so the senator could see his eyes, see that he mean what he was saying, You don't. But you have our word, that for 15,000 credits, you won't lose this war. If you pay us 5,000 credits, the war may very well be lost. So what's more important to you, sir, your money or your cause?

Tarkin sat silent for several seconds, staring at his desk. Finally, after several tense moments, he nodded and keyed his receptionists comm code outside his offices. Yes sir, Mr. Tarkin?

Bring me the 5,000 credit chips for my employees in here, please. He turned off the comm and looked back at the three Mandalorians, For this price, I expect pure, professional soldiering.

Tor'yc and Ta'vode laughed, and Tor responded, We're Mandalorians, sir. You've never seen soldiering this pure. We're trained as warriors from the day we're born. With that, he grabbed his buy'ce and walked out of the room with Ka'lira in tow. Ta came out of the room shortly after and Tor looked over at him, There's no reason we can't be one of the good guys and make decent pay, vode. He turned and the receptionist reached across her desk and handed him the three credit chips. He passed them around and put his in a utility pouch on his thigh. I hope you were paying attention, Ka'ika. That's how you negotiate.
Ta'vode walked out of the office and looked at his vode. "Alright we're to stay planetside and ready to leave. Tarkin doesn't want to tell us when or where we are going but he does want us ready. So he has all of our buissness comms." Ta said as he slide his own cred chip into his own pouch.

Ta turned off his auditory and then switched to the private encrypted channel for his next part. "Tor, Ka I don't give a shab what you do with your spare time but I want both of you ready to go at a moments notice. Tor if you use your drugs do so in doses that doesn't leave you shaking. Ka, feel free to party and gamble all you want just remember you need your armor and weapons ready and be on shabla time. Oh and no passing out drunk for either of you, especially you Ka." Ta said to both of them before shutting off the link.

He left the room and Ashelia came to the for front of his mind. He knew where her office was. And he was tempted to go to her now.

As his vode came out he turned his auditory back on. "Tor hang for a second we need to discuss some buissness."

"Shouldn't I be involved in buissness discussions." came Ka's quick response.

"Personal buissness and it doesn't involve you trying to knife me so go the shab away." came his calmest voice, the voice that he often used right before executing someone up close. Ka stood and locked gazes through their visors "Fine have your private talk. But Tor meet me outside we never finished our fun last night and I intend to fatten our accounts before going to shoot someone." she said before stalking away.

"Tor I'd like you to meet someone before we leave here."
Tor listened to Tas directions and commands that neither were to get drunk or do drugs. Tor shook his head and scoffed, Ta'ika, I'm a professional. Have faith. I've not let you down yet.

Ta nodded as he left the room and Tor turned to Ka'lira, You did good in there, vod. The trick to good negotiating is keeping your cool and pushing it further than the other guy. Tarkin knows what he's doing, but he's still only human. The helmet and armor usually has a psychological effect on humanoid. That gives us an advantage. He saw that his little sister really was paying attention and mental taking notes.

Tor'yc started to head for the turbolift to find an apartment to rent. Ta may enjoy the creature comforts of the upper levels, but Tor preferred the lower levels. They kept him sharp. When he reached the door with Ka by his side, he heard his comm link click on, "Tor hang for a second we need to discuss some business."

Tor held up his hand to silence Ka but it was too late, "Shouldn't I be involved in business discussions."

Tor just shook his head at his brother and sister as he heard Tas retort. He'd expected something else from Ka, but to her credit, she dropped it, "Fine have your private talk. But Tor meet me outside we never finished our fun last night and I intend to fatten our accounts before going to shoot someone." He smiled behind his helmet and slapped her on the back as she stepped on the lift, I'll show you a good bar next time. I don't Bentho's wasn't the greatest. Ret' ner vod.

The door to the lift slid shut and she was gone. Tor turned and headed for Ta'vodes room. He opened the door and sat back down in the seat he'd claimed earlier on and waited for Ta. Moments later, he came around the corner of the hall way and Tor reclined his head at him.

"Tor I'd like you to meet someone before we leave here."

He removed his helmet and stood up, Well, I have to say, vod, it's about time.
Ta'vode just held his brother's gaze knowing it wouldn't have the effect it did on others. Ta knew how to empty everything from his eyes make them frozen wastelands to stare into and that got to most beings but Tor had grown with Ta and had grown up in the hell that their buir made for them till the day he died. "Be nice and I promise not to shoot you when we're in the feild." he told his brother a rare smile crossing his face.

Ta stepped into the doorway and motioned and in stepped the elegantly and stately dressed Ashelia. He closed the door behind them. "Vod meet my long time friend and cyar'ika Ashelia. Ashelia my vod'ika Tor'yc."

Ashelia inclined her head, "Nice to meet you Tor'yc. Ta has honestly told me nothing of you except your existance."
Tor'yc hid the shock on his face well. He was surprised Ta found someone so... elegant. He'd figured Ta'vode would end up with a hard Mandalorian woman. He inclined his head at Ashelia and kissed her hand, A pleasure, m'lady. I'm the civilized one of our humble family. All my esteemed brother and business partner here has told me of you is only your name as well.

He leaned against the back of the couch and looked her up and down, not in a perverted way, but assessing Tas new fling, As far who I am, besides my name, my journey has been much the same as his. Born and raised as a Mandalorian. Abusive father, loving mother. History is history. Just know, I'm the same as Ta only shorter and more charming. He said, changing the subject. He didn't enjoy discussing his past with anyone especially a stranger. He'd hoped they didn't catch his aversion from the subject. Ta would understand, but he didn't know if she would press the issue. Anyway, I'm glad the two of you are happy together. Eight years stronger now, huh? May there be many more for you.

Tor inclined his head again and returned to his seat. Ashelia seemed to be pretty shy around people she didn't know, but Tor was satisfied that she would contact him if need be. He didn't need her to converse with him now as long as she did when she was needed. He craned his neck to look back at his brother and his girlfriend. They made a good couple, he thought, but he saw some disturbing thought behind Tas eyes. Tor got a bad feeling in his stomach and knew Ta had something else on his mind. He decided to wait it out and see what his big brother wanted to say.
Ta'vode made a mental sigh of releif and wince. He'd never mentioned that his father was abusive just that he was dead and that alot of his personality came from his care. He saw that Ashelia had her smile still on her face. She inclined her head back at his brother. "It is good to finally meet you as well and thank you. May your next job go well Ta refuses to speak of his work beyond that he does what most mandalorians do." she looked to him and Ta saw the mischeviousness in her eyes. She turned back to Tor and inclined her head once again. "If you'll excuse me I must get back to my work." she said then turned stood on her tip toes and kissed Ta on the cheek before leaving.

Ta'vode watched her go and waited for the door to close behind her before turning back to Tor. "Vod I don't know what to do. When we first started we agreed not to get attached. I was a traveling mercenary and bounty hunter she was a senator's aide and looking to climb the political ladder. Now she wants me to be here more and more. Wanted to hire me as her personal guard so she'd be able to keep me close. Part of me wants to take that job, to be close to her and that scares me more than our buir ever did ner vod."
Tor smirked and rocked his head on his shoulders, You should try my mistress, vod. We don't have that problem. He said as he patted a pocket on his thigh where his Carsunum was kept. He glanced at Ta and saw the haunted expression on his usually expressionless face and realized how serious he was. He sat up straight. And looked over at his brother.

Ta'ika, I can't tell you what to do because I haven't been that close to someone. You know I have your back, but remember, I need you to watch mine too. We have a war to win. You can play happy family while your here, but when we get on the field I need you with me, vod'ika. Just make sure you know what you're doing. Remember that twi'lek you dated back on manda'yaim? She was serious for a while and you left and she ended up trying to cut you? Don't lose anything you may want back, vod.

Tor stood and stretched his limbs. Ta still looked strangely lost. Tor had never seen him looking so vulnerable before. He must've really been serious. Tor walked over and wrapped an arm around his shoulder in a half hug, Tell you what, win this war with me. You know I can't do it without you. Afterwards, take that job, and bring that little bombshell into the family, vod'ika. You love her and we're both late for marriage anyway. Don't worry anymore about that demagolka we call our buir either. He's dead and gone. You'll be nothing like him. He was a hut'uun. A coward. An unacceptable flaw in our existence. A flaw we corrected. Be a warrior first with me. Then be a husband and father to her, vod. You've earned a peaceful life.
Ta'vode looked at his brother. "Peace was never in it for us vod. We don't know how to trust or to let others close. Look at me and Kalira. She's our sister yet I don't trust her nor have I ever tried to let her close. I never even let our mother that close. You say win the war come back take the job and bring her into our aliit yet I look at her and see her as an aruetii. In many ways I even see Kalira as an aruetii. How do you tell someone that you care for that you were beaten for being a child, showing too much emotion, missing the perfect kill shot. That one day you saw your father try and kill your little brother and you shot him but didn't go for the instant kill. That instead you wounded him fatally and then took his own kad and stood over him. Looked into his eyes and slowly slide the blade into him and watched the life drain from his eyes. And that while it all happened you felt nothing. No hate, anger, grief, nor pity."

Ta moved to stare at the skyscape. "Tor all I know how to do is kill. I know nothing else. Killers don't go live peaceful lives. And what if I hurt her? Not like buir would but by leaving or dieing on some unknown battlefeild. Vod I also can't just abandon you and Ka'ika. I promised mom that I'd always take care of the two of you and look out for you. I can't do that being her guard. And even though I shouldn't I did promise buir to look after Ka'lira."
Tor listened to Ta'vodes rant quietly and moved to stand at attention beside him staring out the window. He couldn't believe his brother seriously tried to fool him into thinking Ta only saw Ashelia as an aruetii or that he still worries about killing their dad.

Ta'ika, you're right. Killing is all either of us knows. But it's not all I intend to know. One day, I plan on resting and I suggest you do the same. I worry about hurting someone too, vod, that's why I have no one. But our fathers blood runs in our veins, vod'ika. And Ashelia, like it or not, is an aruetii. You'll have to square that with yourself.

Tor wrapped Ta hard on the back to break his attention away from his self-disgust. Tor knew the feeling all too well. As for Ka and myself... Well, vod, we're grown. You may have made a promise, that's fine. But I'm relieving you of that promise. Live your own life. I'll keep an eye on Ka for a while. Make sure she gets on well in our work. He turned to the conservator and inspected its contents. He knew if Ta had been here any time, he'd have some alcohol in there somewhere. Sure enough, there was a bottle of some home-brewed whiskey made by their neighboring clan back home, Clan Ven'tra. Tor thought they'd drank it all. He fetched a couple glasses, because this wasn't a shots situation, and filled them both. He handed one to Ta and took a swig of his own. He let the alcohol burn the inside of his mouth a few seconds before swallowing and letting out a deep breath, Those chakaare really know how to brew some whiskey, vod'ika.
He drained his glass and set it on the window sill, You're not going to die on some battlefield, Ta. Take this job. At least for a while. Give yourself a rest.
Ta'vode looked at Tor then drained his own glass. "Ner vod the only person that can releive me of my promise has been dead for almost twenty years. I may one day decide I don't have to watch over the two of you directly but I'll always have to check on you two. Especially Ka'ika, you're too mean spirited to die and let me not have to worry about you."

Ta stared out the window. "Go. For now keep Ka'ika out of too much trouble. It follows her like a lost strill just try and not get arrested." he said. He continued looking out the window as Tor left. The simple fact was Ta truly beleived he'd die on a feild of battle one day. He was a warrior and a dutiful solider, and neither died peacefully in bed. Maybe he could one day have a life but with that he knew he'd eventually hurt them all by dieing. As for now he still wasn't sure where he was going with Ashelia nor was he certain he wanted to take that job. It'd be commiting him and making her a promise that he wasn't sure he wanted to make.
Tor glanced back at his brother before replacing his helmet and entering tat indomitable unbreakable spirit of the Mandalorian once again. When behind his armor, he felt nothing could touch him physically or otherwise. Still, he hated leaving his brother like this when he had so much osik on his mind. But Ta had made it clear he wanted to be alone.

Tor strolled down the corridor whistling tunelessly to himself, trying to decide where he wanted to rent a room for their stay. He needed to stash his armor. Walking the streets in full dress like this would attract attention and that's the last thing he wanted. Or needed, come to that, while carrying carsunum. It was highly illegal, especially in such potent forms.

He took the turbolift to ground level and stepped into the lobby, There he is! That's the guy that threatened me! Yelled the receptionist who Tor'yc had held a blaster on earlier in the day. He was pointing frantically at the Mandalorian from behind his desk, and beside him were two security guards sporting long blaster rifles that didn't look like they could burn synthflesh, let alone penetrate beskar. But this was Ta'vodes place of aresidence, so he decided to play along and be nice.

Sir, you can't just threaten Republic Officials like this. We need to detain you.

Tor casually placed his hands on his blaster pistols and took a step back, You mean is he weren't a republic official, I could threaten him with no consequence? Politicians disgust me. He started to walk away and one of the guards stepped in his path, blocking his exit, Look. You're a couple of rent-a-cops. You don't want the kind of hell I can give you. The receptionist over there, that slug is still alive. So look the other way and let me walk, or we will re-paint this marble floor, ruby red. Make a move.

The two guards shared a glance and raised their rifles. Tor sighed an grabbed his pistols. He'd really hoped it wouldn't come to this, Sir! We need to arrest you in connection with threats towards our staff. They stepped past Tor and stopped a confused politician behind him and detained the man. Tor'yc laughed to himself and walked out of the lobby. Not everyone on the republics payroll was stupid then.

He took a seat on the steps outside the building and surveyed the area. He was disappointed by the fact nobody ever took the time to just stop and look anymore. The galaxy was full of interesting things, connections, and beings, but no one hardly ever made those connections because they were too busy trying to get from point A to point B. He called up his comm list on his hud and selected Ka'liras name. It was around 1700, galactic standard time, so he figured she'd be up still.

Yeah? What the shab do you want?

Tor jerked his head back and scoffed, It's only me, di'kut. Udesii. Where are you?

Jez's Journey. 3rd level, corellian district.

Tor's heart sank, Jez? Don't take anything from anyone. That place only allows killers there. If you're in, you must have made them think you were one too. There are no rules there. I'm on my way.

He blinked and closed out his comm link and hailed a taxi, Jez's Journey. Corellian District. Step on it. He climbed in and the Rodian driver made full use of his liberties as a taxi driver on the busiest planet in the galaxy.


When Tor arrived, he could see the big burly bouncer standing by the door. He nodded at the bouncer and barged in. When he went in, the music was gone, that wasn't a good sign for a club. He rounded the corner to the dance floor and noticed his sister in the middle, two dead bodies beside her, and her helmet was laying off to the side. She had a black eye and a cut lip, but defiant. That was all the proof Tor needed to know that she was indeed a Mandalorian. He ran over and grabbed her helmet and offered it to her. She declined and he clipped it to his belt before putting his back against hers and covering her as they exited the building. Tor'yc was forced to fire more than a couple pot shots as they left the club. When they'd finally reached a safe distance from their attackers, he turned to her and aggressively forced her buy'ce back on her head, Di'kut! What were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed. You handled yourself well, but you wouldn't have held out against that many. Use your head next time, vod'ika. I'm proud of you. You're definitely a Ka'ra. Tor softened and grabbed his little sister in a mock head lock to show he wasn't too angry with her, And I may know the bars, but you know the best hotels. So tell me where I can find a good place to stay.
Ta'vode continued staring out the window his eyes not really following anything yet some part of his brain kept track of everything and filed it away as mundane or potential threat. He needed to decide on what to do about Ashelia. He'd been with her on and off for eight years and had yet to lose interest with her like he did others. Most were a one night fling or maybe while he was on the planet but Ashelia hadn't had any real benefit when they started and a few years ago when she became the senator of her planet was when she suddenly had the potential to be useful but Ta had never once thought to use her that way. It'd always been what it was.

Ta'vode was returning to Coruscant for another bounty and a hit on some high level gangster that had crossed the wrong offworld overlord. He went to one of his usual places to get information and ran into Ashelia out partying again cept this time she'd drawn the wrong sort. A few words and a couple of precise blaster shots later had him walking out of there with her in tow and later they'd gone back to his little rent house that was more of what his brother wanted. It was the weekend and they never left the place and that was when she'd proposed that whenever he was going to be in system drop her a line. It'd be discreet because she still wanted to climb the political ladder and a Mandalorian lover or boyfriend wasn't conducive to her goals so they'd agreed to be a regular fling but to never get attached.

Eight years later and she wanted him around more. She was a senator and had a lot of enemies both political and otherwise and it wouldn't be unusual for her to have a personal guard or two. She wanted to make him that guard now so that he could go wherever she went and there wouldn't be questions.

Ta's holocomm in the room started to chirp at him. He walked over to it and glanced at who was calling. Few had this number. He saw it was Ashelia and answered immediately. "Su'cuy cyar'ika.

She smiled at him. "Sorry I had to run earlier you just didn't tell me you wanted me to meet your brother. I'd have otherwise made room in my schedule so that I'd have had more time to talk with him."

"It's ok Ash'ika. Tor isn't much of a talker and he like me..."

"Doesn't talk about his past or let others close easily."

"You know me to well, cyar'ika. So do you need anything."

Ashelia smiled mischievously. "Only what I always need from you but that isn't why I'm calling."

"Then you need to scare the osik outta some low scum hu'tuun or kill someone?"

Ashelia smiled and stifled a giggle. "You do know how to sweet talk me don't you? But no I don't need you for you're scary image or killing skills. Since you introduced me to some of your family then I'd like you to meet my sister."

"Ok when? I don't know when Tarkin is going to call so I can't make any promises."

"Tonight you're taking me out to the sky lounge like you promised."

Ta mentally sighed. It was one of the higher end restaurants. He couldn't go in his armor. They don't exactly like fully armored mandalorians walking and dining. Tends to spoil the atmosphere.

"I would but I don't have the dress for that here."

"Don't worry I've already had a suit for you made and my assistant is bringing it over to your place now."

Ta'vode just stared into the holocomm at her. "So you had this already planned out?"

"Kinda just needed you and my sister on the planet at the same time and I know you don't keep dress clothes here on planet if you even own any so I went ahead and prepared for this. But don't worry my Ta'ika. You'll love what I'm going to be wearing and I know you'll be striking in the suit I picked out for you. Be at my apartments at 1700 hours our reservation is at 1900."

Ta'vode sighed nodded. As soon as she hung up he went to his local armory and started looking to see what weapons were easily concealable inside of a suit. While he wouldn't be in beskar he'd still be an armed and dangerous mandalorian.
Ka"lira glared at Tor through her visor. "I had it under control Shabla di'kut." she stated as she raised her arm and showed her wrist launcher held a primed grenade. "I was just waiting for the right moment and boom no more di'kutla hut'uune." she stated as she deactivated the grenade.

Ka pulled up a list of hotels. "No these are too soft." she mumbled. "Not these either, we'd have our throats slit, our stuff stolen, or at the very least we wouldn't be able to rest or leave at the same time." she continued.

Then Ka smiled. "Ner vod pick would you like our hotel to have some very open co residents or would you prefer the place that might kill us for sure. I know you like the rougher areas. Personally I'd prefer the place I stayed last night along with my two roommates. I'm sure you can win their forgiveness with your charms Tor'ika." she teased.

"Besides we need something to kill time with and going to the lower levels and killing things only goes so far before it gets old." she stated.
Tor smiled behind his helmet. Ka'lira always thought she was tougher than she was. He knew his sister better than she new herself, it would seem because he was always forced to drag her out of sticky situations. She would always tell him he was only being over protective. But he knew she wasn't as tough as her brothers whether she liked it or not. He nudged her, Ner vod, I'm not the enemy. You can't handle being around Ta to teach you the ins and outs so you are left with me. You can either suck it up and listen or learn the hard way and you'll be dead in a week. You can't fire a grenade in a shabby, dingy place like that. Especially when surrounded by killers. If, by some miracle, you didn't bring the roof down with your enemy, you would have had every angry patron in their on you. Use your head. Di'kut

Satisfied his younger vod had been cowed, he allowed himself to relax. It was his job to make Ka'lira capable of handling herself better than anyone she faces. And she still had a long way to go. He motioned for her to lead the way, Make it up to me, vod'ia. Introduce me to your two twi'lek friends. She led him to her hotel and he rented a room.


The next day, Tor awoke with a start and rolled over to see his two new friends laying beside him, sound asleep, wrapped in each others arms. He smiled at them and rolled out of the bed to freshen up. He ran his hand along his chin and noticed he had a few days growth of beard. Deciding to shave, he grabbed a complimentary razor and went to work. In the mirror, he noticed his complexion was much lighter than he remembered. He decided to spend more time outside his armor. His chest was covered in scars. He always wore a shirt for that reason. A lot of people were turned off by a lot of scars. Ta'vode didn't even know about most of them because they were inflicted by his buir on days his brother was gone. Tor'yc didn't get as much freedom as his brother because he was younger, and thus was left with their sadistic father occasionally.

He brought his attention to his face. He didn't have a problem looking himself in the eye. Not anymore. He'd come to terms with what he was; killer, assassin, generally just an asshole. But he liked who he was and what he did. That was the difference between him and most people. They either really enjoyed killing, or were to scared to ever set themselves free and squeeze the trigger. Tor'yc only knew he was good at killing and believed if you were good at something, you may as well learn to like it. He took no real pleasure in taking life. He knew his victims had families. They had fathers, sons, brothers, sisters, mothers, and daughters. But it made no difference. The art of killing, itself, was... liberating to Tor'yc. He sighed to himself and glanced at his right arm to see the tracks of needle points on his arm. That was the one thing he couldn't face yet. He averted his eyes and quickly shaved the hair from his face.

When he'd finished, Tor returned to the room and donned his Mandalorian armor, his beskar'gam, once again becoming that impenetrable specter of justice. He left the two ladies where they lie, and carried on down the hall way. When he reached the front desk, he paid for another night for the twi'leks, and left the building. He figured a'lira was still asleep. That was fine. He'd find somewhere else to stay. This place was a little too... Musky for him. If he didn't know better, he'd think it was a pleasure hotel. He preferred staying somewhere with less distractions. He took a right down a long street and just began window shopping, curious when he was going to get his call...
Ka'lira woke up with a slight ache in her head and looked at the chrono. 0730 she made out through blurry eyes and then glanced at her partner. A male Faleen. She shook her head, the ache was familiar which means it was from drinking. She slide out of bed trying to be careful not to disturb her lover and checked through the pouches on her armor. She quickly counted out sixrty-eight hundred creds. Then the memories of the night before came slowly cascading back. The bar, the tense sabaac game and the charming Faleen she managed to out bluff. At first he'd been angry and then when Ka had removed her helmet and revealed herself his additude had changed. She was sure he was wanting to steal her money but she didn't drink as much as she normally did and well it wasn't the easiest thing to break into a mando'ades armor.

Ka resealed her creds in the pouches and then woke her lover. He was happy to see her and they went for another round.

Ka'lira layed next to him breathing heavy and satisfied and knowing he felt the same from the pheromones he was releasing. "Get out." she said almost breathlessly.

"What was that my sweet?" he fiegned innocence.

"I said get the shab out of my room, I need a shower."

"But wouldn't you rather we take one together." he cooed and she felt his pheromones working on her body. Ka casually dropped her arm of the side of the bed and raised it holding her blaster rifle. "I'd rather not have to explain to hotel managment why they need to despose of a smoking faleen body." she said aiming the repeater at him. "Now. get. out" she said softly deadly.

The Faleen rushed from the room not bothering to grab most of his clothes as Ka followed him with the blaster. She didn't trust him and therefore wasn't going to get in a more vunerable position than the alcoholic, and pheromone induced sex frenzy the night before.

After the sanisteam Ka'lira was strapping her armor back on and was wondering what her brothers were up too. She went to the front paid her tab and then left cycling her comm links till she found the one she wanted. "Su'cuy vod. Was your night as successful as mine?" she asked.
The Mandalorian paced down a street with a few window shoppers. Judging by the locals accents, he could tell he must have been in the Alderaanian district. He looked around at the local shops, mostly floral, jewelry, and outfitters. There would be no gunsmiths in a place like this. The architecture of the shops told him most of the residents were from a northern quadrant of Alderaanian. There was a much more ascetic look to the buildings. It was a very pleasing neighborhood. He removed his helmet and clipped it to his waist, remembering he needed to get some sun. His brother spent a lot of time in his armor too, but he didn't stay in the shadows as much. Tor rarely got any light. And Ka'lira, his sister, was naturally darker skinned than either Tor or Ta'vode, which was good, because the only time she roamed the streets usually, was late at night. He noticed a nuna-on-a-stick vendor and bought one before carrying on his way, munching on his snack.

A couple hour later, Tor'yc found his way into an area under construction. He found his way back out and looked at the sign the workers had erected, "Outlander Club - Coming soon!" written in six different languages. He made a mental note of it and decided he would check back in a year or two and take his sister. She would enjoy a decent club. One where she didn't risk getting shot or stabbed by looking at the wrong person. Those were Tor's kind of clubs. They kept him on an edge. Kept his wits sharp. It's what put him at the top of his field; Close Quarters Combat. He couldn't remember the last time he saw his brother in a club though. Whenever they arrived on a new planet, Ta would explore the social scene long enough to find a pretty girl, and that would be the last Tor or Ka would see of him until business needed tending to.

He strolled further down the street and heard his helmet comlink chirping. He slipped his helmet back on and let it reconnect with his suit. He heard the chirping grow louder and more intense, Yeah, yeah. Relax. I'm working on it... After it booted up, he blinked twice fast to answer his comlink, and his called came as no surprise to him. He knew it wouldn't be Ta'vode. He tended to keep comm silence unless he needed to talk lately.

"Su'cuy vod. Was your night as successful as mine?"

It satisfied a need, vod. I assume you more than satisfied plenty of needs though. Have you heard from Ta'ika?

Tor'yc didn't enjoy discussing his sex life with anyone, especially his sister, and she knew it. She looked for opportunities to harass him on the subject, We should be getting a call soon. We've been here nearly a week. The war is about to kick into gear and we haven't eve-

Suddenly his comlink chirped into life. He noticed by the curious tilt of her head, that his sisters had too. Finally, the call he'd been waiting for.

Soldiers, came the slightly more gruff voice than his brothers. He instantly recognized it as Ranulph Tarkins voice. It really was time then. Today, we begin the war on Iaco Stark. Rendevous in the Qotile system in three days, 1800 hours. Don't be late. With that, the no-nonsense politicians voice cut out. Tor stood at the empty comm channel and felt a flutter of excitement. He looked over at his sister, Well, vod'ika. You heard the man. Looks like you finally get to see some action.
Ta'vode shifted and adjusted himself once again in the ride to the resturant. "Are you sure you're a professional sniper? You fidget an awful lot for one." came Ashelia's teasing voice.

"I know you're just uncomfortable in the suit. You're not used to wearing anything nice like that." came her answering her own quib. Ta had had a hard time finding places to slip weapons without them being obvious but he'd eventually had to discard some and settle for a less is more attitude.

Ta'vode looked over at Ashelia riding beside him. Her dark blue shimmer silk gown brought out the true depth of her eyes. It was strapless and hugged and fitted her upper torso while the bottom was full length but with a slit all the way up one side showing off her leg and giving her more freedom of movement. It spoke volumes about her and as she'd promised Ta loved the dress on her.

After the speeder pulled up to the Sky Lounge Ta stepped out of the speeder his eyes doing a quick scan and assesment of the area before he turned back to the speeder and helped Ashelia out of it. He offered her his arm and they proceeded towards the entrance of the resturant.

Ta tensed slightly when he saw a fully robed jedi melt out of the shadows and start towards them. He'd intended to just keep walking but was pulled to a halt by Ashelia.

The jedi pulled back her hood and Ta was suprised to find that he was staring into a mirror image of Ashelia from the red hair, alabaster skin, button nose, and the deep cerulean eyes. It was the same face yet Ta quickly started noting differences between the two.

"Ta'vode meet my sister Jedi Knight Serras. Serras meet my bo....."

"You never mentioned that your boyfriend was a mandalorian. They are nothing but heartache and trouble. You'd do well to get rid of him and forget about him." came her harsh voice as she pulled Ashelia towards her.

Ta remembered learning that jedi could sense things, intents so he entered his sniper mode. There was no thought or emotion, only action and reaction. Ta grabbed and raised one of his hidden blasters and leveled it on the jedi. He smiled as he noted her eyes widened in surprise.

"Let go of my cyar'ika, and keep your hands unmoving and where I can see them Jetii and I won't have to do something I regret." came his cold emotionless voice.

Serras seemed somewhat frozen and Ashelia jerked her arm free of her sister's grip stood in front of Ta and then reached up and grabbed the gun from him. She fumbled with the blaster for a minute before finally getting the power cell out. She Tossed the powercell one way and handed the empty blaster back to Ta'vode. "You couldn't go one night without being armed?" she said her eyes glaring before turning to her sister, "We're not little girls anymore. I don't need you to mother me like you always seem to do." she said menacingly.

"Now can the two of you act like you're somewhat civilized or should we go somewhere were you two trying to kill each other isn't going to cause a huge commotion?"

Serras moved forward first and bowed first to Ashelia then Ta'vode. "Please forgive my rudeness it was unseemly." she said softly.

Ta thawed his voice alittle, "I will if you can forgive my rudeness."

Ashelia smiled at the two of them. "Good now we can go eat."

Inside the resturant they smiled at each other and made small talk doing their best to avoid subjects that led to their lines of work which could spark another episode.

After dinner they made their farwells to Serras and then the two climbed back into the speeder. Ta sat quietly staring out the window.

"Ta'vode I'm sorry I didn't mention that my sister was a jedi knight. I guess I should have expected it to blow up in my face not telling either of you what the other was."

"Udessi,Cyar'ika. I should have handled it better. I just overreacted when she thought she could be presumptious enough to just take you away from me."

Ashelia turned Ta's face towards her. She smiled at him that smile that made him feel that it was for him alone. "You sure know how to sweet talk a girl." she whispered before kissing him.

Ta'vode slide out of the bed being careful not to wake Ashelia. She'd told him she'd taken the day off which was fine by him. He planned on spending as much time with her as he could before he had to leave.

Ta took his customary place in front of her bedroom's window and stared out at the skylanes depending more on his reflexes and instincts to warn him of any danger while he let his mind drift and wander.

Last night had revealed one thing to Ta. Ashelia was starting to mean too much. He could hurt her a little now or a lot later. He determined the best would be a little now, though it irked him that her sister would be proven right at this point. He hated jedi being right. But at this point he couldn't go out of his way to prove her wrong. He had his duty to his aliit and there was only one left that could release him and that was death. "Duty is heavier than a mountain." whispered a soft voice across the span of time, "but Death is lighter than a feather." When he'd first heard the statement he hadn't understood now he understood all to well what it meant. Duty would be his burden slowly crushing him till one day he could no longer bear it and died. That was the price of his freedom.

Ta heard stirring behind him. "Remind me to either tie you to the bed or attach a bell or something to you. I dislike waking up and finding you not in bed with me." came the groggy voice of Ashelia.

"You could just become a lighter sleeper or let the fact that I havn't slipped away since we hit a year calm your anxeity about me not being in bed."

"I'm a senator. I assume the worst is planned."

"I'm a warrior and soldier I plan for the worst." he shot back.

"Again with the sweet talk? I'm already naked in bed and willing."

Ta'vode smiled to himself before turning and returning to Ashelia.

Ta was annoyed when his comm started chirping. He reached over and grabbed the ear peice he'd brought with him. He stuck it in his ear and heard teh summons.

He rose out of bed and looked over at Ashelia the look of annoynace on her face plain yet he thought that she'd never looked more beautiful in her desheveled state. "Sorry cyar'ika work calls." he said softly.

"You know one of these days I'm going to get tired of work coming before me." she said then smiled rose and kissed him passionetly. "Yet your work is what attracted me to begin with. Go my warrior and don't stay away so long this time." she said as Ta was pulling on his jumpsuit. Ashelia helped him strap on his armor gave him one final quick kiss before lowering his helmet over his face.

Ta'vode nodded then turned and left her suite.
After the call to arms Ka'lira gave Tor her best glare. "Ta doesn't call me ever. The only time he wants to talk to me is when I've done usually nothing but he thinks I've crossed some line." she said trying to keep her playful attitude out of her voice. She loved Tor almost as much as she hated Ta. "So three days do we have time to hit one more card game. I think I can win double what I did last night if we go to the right place. And before you say I can play the ship again I hate playing the ship it cheats." she stated seriously.

"OH and I want a new reapeating blaster. Something that has alot of ammo and a high fire rate. We need to hit the tables then the gun shops all before we leave Tor'ika. And if we have time I'll even buy you a lap dance from a dancer of your choice." she said teasingly.
He knew his sister would want to do something like gambling and partying, but that just wasn't what Tor enjoyed. He preffered a drink and a conversation. Not loud noise and flashing lights. He was older than his age, and he liked it that way. No matter how many times his sister tried to change his ways.

Go ahead without me. Just keep your comm on in case we have to move early.

He turned and walked away, knowing it would anger Ka'lira, but she would have to learn one day that he just wasn't like her. He didn't hate being around his sister, but she liked to the party hard. Tor couldn't keep up with her. If she applied a fraction of the time to to honing her skills that she did to partying, she would have been a legend in her own right. She had talent, and skill. It just didn't seem it would ever be fully realized. He left her where she stood and strolled on down the street, whistling tunelessly to himself behind the black confines of his helmet. Most people thought he was cold and careless like his brother, but Tor wasn't. He knew Ta wasn't either, but he hid it more often. Tor felt and he hurt, but ultimately, what set him apart from most was that he had no problem with killing. People didn't understand that, and so, feared and disliked him. The problem, Tor realized a long time ago, was that people feared and were repelled by death not only because it was an unknown, but because it was the only true thing, in life, that they were a slave to. The only thing they had no choice in. The black-clad Mandalorian didn't care about his choice. He only knew survival. And every life he beat meant he'd survived longer than his opponent. He was better than the ones who died.

Tor reached an intersection and caught sight of an alluring brunette slinking around the corner into a lingerie shop. He smiled as she left his sight. He enjoyed the occasional fling as well as his siblings, but it wasn't his primary interest. Sex and partying seemed to dominate his sisters lifestyle, and it certainly motivated Ta's actions. Tor's interests were always on other things. He wasn't a conversationalist and he wasn't a friend of the sentient-kind. He just happened to be one of them.

He decided, rather than trying to find another room to stay in, he would head back to the ship. He always had a problem staying in one place too long.


When he reached the ship, he found a group of locals thugs milling about. They eyed him warily as he punched in the access code to the ship. After he boarded, he closed the hatch and secured it. He walked to the cockpit and claimed the pilots seat. He didn't enjoy piloting. He didn't enjoy space-travel either, come to that. But a secure spaceship offered more peaceful sleep than the places he was used to staying. And that's what he needed before a war; uninterrupted sleep.


The next morning, Tor'yc awoke well rested and happy. He checked his comm messages and had none of note. He went to the refresher and shaved before leaving the ship to explore what troubles he could get make for the day.

No long after leaving the ship, his comm chirped. He figured it would be his sister, but was alarmed when the voice came in male and rough, Tor'yc Ka'ra. I've contacted your siblings as well, meet me in my office. I have something you need to know based on your... special heritage. Tor didn't ike the sound of that, but acknowledged the message and hailed a taxi to the senate building.

Upon arrival, he was met by Tarkins aide and ushered to his room. The aide bundled him in and closed the door. It was odd to say the least.

He turned to his momentary sidekick and began to offer a retort, when the aide opened the door again and slipped out, closing it in his face. He sighed and turned back to survey the room. His brother was seated in full dress, minus helmet in his previous seat, and his sister was looking at an old painting on the wall, of Naboo culture by the looks of it. She had her helmet off as well, and appeared to have had one hell of a night. Her hair was dishelved and she had a swollen eye and cracked bottom lip. Tor knew he could have helped, but she'd have turned it down anyway. She pretended she had something to prove to Tor'yc and often rejected his offerings of help. He also noticed Tarkin seated comfortably behind his desk, and noticed a tall wookie in curious robes standing off to Tarkins right and a little behind him,

Welcome. I called you here today to tell you will be inserting on Troiken instead. Jedi Master General Tyvokka here, will have direct tactical command of your mission.

The word Jedi registered in his mind a split second after his sisters and he saw her blaster rise in her hand. She had a deadly hand, to be sure, but this wasn't the time, Woah...! Tor slapped her hand back down, but she wrestled him off her and took aim at Tyvokka, who bared his teeth but didn't react otherwise. Tor looked at Tarkin, who was removing a concealed slugthrower from under his desk and taking aim at Ka'lira.

Tor'yc, like all the Ka'ras, had anger issues. His was often forgotten due to him having learned patience in his years growing up. But the sight of his employer taking aim on his sister vexed him. He too his boot and pressed on the back of his sisters knee, causing her to drop to the floor, below Tarkins aim. His shot rang out and it left a large hole in his office wall, exposing wires and soundproofing padding. Tor silently thanked the Manda for that. He turned and shoved his sister aside and marched to Tarkins desk, drawing one of his own pistols, You want to shoot somebody, di'kut? Shoot me! Go on! At Tor's brazen dare, Tarkin slowly relaxed and relinquished his weapon to his desk, I-I-I-I apologize, I've never had a situation like this. I panicked. Is she al- Tor reached across the desk, the Jedi forgotten in his melee, and dragged the politician across the counter to see that his sister was unharmed, If you ever draw on me or my family again, I'll kill you on the spot. Do not threaten us. I don't have a problem with jetiise, but my brother does. Obviously my sister has no love lost either. Keep your dog on a leash and away from us. You paid us to do a job, now let us. We can't do that with a jetii looking over our shoulder, trying to play mind games. He looked back at his sister, who was rising back to her feet, blaster still aimed. He noted, in a moment, that the rifle was new. She must have been absolutely itching to try it out. And you. Stand down now. Or I'll put you down. He said with an edge of menace in his voice that he knew she knew he reserved for times when he was deadly serious. He turned his head back to Tarkin to show the stunned man he was looking in his direction. He gave the man a curt nod and barged out of the offices, leaving his brother and sister alone. Whatever happened now, was out of his hands. He wasn't his siblings master, only their brother.

He took a turbolift to the lobby and removed his helmet. He found a small room with a caf dispenser and some disgusting tasting, dried cakes. He grabbed a cup of caf and one of the cakes and took a seat. Tor activated his locator beacon in case his family wanted to find him, and began munching. It wasn't much, but it beat rations, and he hadn't had anything to eat today. He appreciated the caf, though. It was warm and not too bitter. He leaned against his chair considering the implications of bringing the Jedi in as he awaited any arrivals...
At the word Jedi Ta'vode unslung his rifle and had it leveled on the Jedi who's attention along with Tarkin's was on his hot headed sister. "Leave it to Ka'ika to draw on a client at the drop of a hat." Ta thought to himself breifly before seeing Tarkin draw and fire on his sister who was saved only moments before by Tor. Ta's eyes narrowed and his mind went to sniper mode his rifle aimed instintivly at the more dangerous of the two in the room.

After Tor had his say and stormed out Tarkin seemed startled and Ta all but forgotten in the commotion till he fired a shot only millimeters from the jetti causing him to flinch. "I don't miss. So be warned any more di'kutla actions from you two and I'll be adding a nice wookie claw necklace to my collection as well as a lightsaber." he said his voice completly frozen. "We've been trained to resist mind trick and to even get around jetii vaunted omniprescence. And remember Tarkin when someone wants a jetii dead they call a mandalorian for good reason. We know how and make a living on killing hard to kill things." Ta stated and then shifed himself without ever rocking his rifle's barrel displaying his skill as his off hand raised his pistol and aimed it directly at Ka'lira's head.

"Udessi, Ka'ika. Lower the blaster so I won't be forced to kill you either. I told you you're not going to jepordize our contract."

Ta kept the pistol leveled till reluctantly Ka lowered her rifle. He lowered his own blaster at that and looked at Tarkin. "Any more information that we should know?"

"Just that you will be onboard my ship and won't need to take your's" he said almost fearfully.

"Fine, and as my brother stated we'll be fine on our own but we'll take any advice this di'kutla hut'uun peace keeper has to offer about war under advisory."

"That's insobordnation. I give you orders and you're to...."

"No." came Ta's voice soft frozen and completly deadly.

"You hired us to win a war not play police along with lieing hut'uune who can't even admit to what they are and do." Ta told Tarkin.
"You hired us to win a war not play police along with lieing hut'uune who can't even admit to what they are and do." Ta told Tarkin.

Ka'lira was at the moment thankful for both of her brothers and relized that both would be angry and with good reason with her.

"Fine, have it your way then." Tarkin stated wearily.

Ka had so much more she wanted to scream at Tarkin and the jetii but she knew now was not the time. She was sure Ta would shut her up hiimself and it wouldn't be pleasent. It'd be quick efficient and completly ruthless. She often ignored what her two brothers were but she was reminded now that both were turned into ruthless killing machines by their father. Tor didn't mind killing and Ta seemed untouchable and icy towards takeing somethings life.

Ta motioned her to leave and she walked slowly out of the room keeping her hands away from her weapons while Ta walked slowly backwards out of the room. "One more thing." Tarkin said freezing both of them.

"I'll have to call security on your brother. Our incident has set off alarms and now there will be lots of questions." he said.

Ka turned her head and noticed the Jedi had moved and was standing in front of Tarkin ready for them to try something. "SHAB!" thought Ka'lira to herself.

They arrived in the lobby to notice Tor being takin away by CSF. Her hand strayed towards her blaster when she felt Ta's iron grip on her arm and then the sudden violent twist bringing it painfully up behind her. "Do nothing." came his chilled voice before he let her go.

They traveled together back to their ship and once the hatch sealed Ta grabbed her and spun her around his free hand ripping off her helmet. "What the shab were you thinking?"


"You weren't you were doing what you do best flying off half cocked and causing problems. If not for Tor you'd be kriffing dead and so would Tarkin."

"But he was putting us under a kriffing hut'uun."

"I don't care if he was putting us under a hutt. You don't draw on a cleint." he shouted his fist coming up his eyes staring into her bruised face.

"Go ahead hit me. Be just like buir." she pushed.

Ta'vode suprsed her when he slammed her back against the bulkhead and strode over to the holds comm system. He quickly hit a few buttons and then a female's voice answered.

"Senator Taygera's office."

"Put me through to the Senator."

"I'm sorry she's currently in a meeting.

"I said put me through to Ashelia's office and I won't have to kriffing come down their and shove my beskad down your throat you Schutta. Tell her it's Ta."

"One moment, sir." came her reply in a tone that said in a minute she would enjoy telling him that she couldn't be bothered and then hang up on him.

"Please wait while I connect you, sir." came her shocked voice.

"Ta what is it?" Came another woman's voice a moment later.

"Tarkin just had my brother arrested. I was wondering if you could pull some strings or do something."

"Why was he arrested."

"Long story but the short version is that Tor threatened Tarkin's life."

Their was a heavy resigned sigh.

"You don't ask much. Their probably isn't anything I can do. It is a pretty high offense but I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks Ash'ika."

"I just want you to remember that when you consider my offer."

Ta'vode hung up the line without responding.

Ka couldn't beleive that Ta could call a senator directly. "So who is this Ash'ika, that happens to be a Senator, and that will take your calls?" she asked curiously.

"Drop it." came Ta's response.

"I should know these things. I might need to use your connection to bail you out of trouble some time." she said thinking quickly.

Suddenly Ta was on her again and this time his kad was pressing under her chin. "I said drop it."

Ka'lira only nodded and watched as Ta then sheathed his blade and strode off into the ship. She decided that she'd hit Tor up for the information later.
Tor reclined in the lounge in a plush recliner - no expenses spared in a senate building - and listened to some glimmik music coming quietly from his helmet, positioned carefully on the small stand beside him. A small zabrak child wandered into the lounge and sat on a nearby chair, staring at him. The kids' legs didn't reach the floor, so he swung them to and fro, making a thumping noise. Tor'yc didn't like children much because of their critical stares and constant talking but he learned how to handle being around them.

He turned his sharp features towards the kid and he looked away from Tor, Hey, son, you like this helmet? He picked it up and held it out to the zabrak. He nodded enthusiastically as Tor motioned him closer. He jumped up and ran over to the Mandalorian who held it over the kids head as if he were going to bestow a crown upon him, Now stand still, it may be a little warm since you don't have a full set. as he lowered the helmet on the childs head, he heard him begin to giggle, Maybe I wouldn't be so bad with kids after all. Ta'ika can handle it if I can. Perhaps it will work out for him. As he completed the thought, the helmet cleared his vision and he saw two security members standing in the door way. He snatched the helmet up, and leaned back in his recliner, Beat it kid, I have business to attend to. Scram! He said with a sharp nudge from his boot. The zabrak child made a mad dash for the doorway. Oh well, he wasn't cut out for parenting anyway.

So what brings Coruscants' finest to my current... residence? He asked, glancing around him as he clandestinely reached in his pocket that contained the remaining two sharps of carsunum.

You threatened Senator Ranulph Tarkin's life, sir. We've been ordered to detain you under suspicion of terrorism. Please come with us.

He displayed the two syringes in his hand and smiled before quickly removing a forearm plate and jabbing one of them hard into a vein. He clenched as he felt the rush from the drug, Add possession to my charge, officers. I paid good cred for these babies, and I intend to get my moneys worth.

They rushed him in surprising number. He saw at least four rush through the opening and had just enough time to clip his buy'ce to his belt, You won't need that, Mandalorian scum. You'll be relieved of your armor at the station.

Tor leaned into the officer and jabbed him with the other sharp and squeezed the plunger all the way down. He watched the man convulse slightly as he took the dose. He would be angry and an extremely capable fighter for the next few hours, but he was a cop. Not a druggie, when his hit was up, so was his time. He would most likely hemorrhage. Two others cuffed him with binders quickly, before walking him out of the senate building, two holding his arms, and two with rifles trained on his back.

As they reached the exit, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Ka'lira and a Ta'vode exiting the turbolift. He noticed the livid face of his sister, and the sudden shock on her face, which was caused by Ta'vode, no doubt. He winked at his sister and mouthed, Don't wait up, vod'ika before turning back and exiting the building. He would pay his dues but he also knew they wouldn't keep him incarcerated long. He had a war to win for the man who had him locked up.


When he reached the CSF detention center, the officers bundled him out of the cruiser. He was beginning to feel his hit wearing off, and the shakes were beginning to start. He looked over at his buddy that took the other hit and hoped he enjoyed it for it was the last thing he would experience. The cop was already beginning to foam at the mouth, and a couple medical personnel rushed up and carted him to another facility to try and save his life. Tor knew they wouldn't though. Apparently, the lead officer of his little entourage came to the same conclusion, as the lieutenant removed a long, fearsome prod from his belt. It was the kid nerf-herders used on their cattle. It wasn't even police issue. Tor couldn't figure out why he had one or why they let him keep it. The cop squeezed a trigger and caused brilliant blue electricity flash across the tip of the prod. He didn't say a word, he just stepped into Tor and jabbed it in his neck, hard enough to push Tor into the other officer. He fell to his knees, gasping. The prod left a large black and red welt on his neck. He struggled back to his feet and noticed, looking down, that his binds weren't as tight as he thought. An idea quickly formed in his head, and he let his mouth give life to the idea, Sure, officer. Beat a man when his hands are tied... Admirable, pig. He knew the derogatory term, 'pig' would get the cops blood boiling. As if on cue, he came at Tor again with a savage lunge to his throat again. Tor threw his hands up, locking the prod between his binds. He drove his elbow into the officers forearm, and bent it upwards, driving it back into the cops eye. He let out a scream, and fell away. Tor stood at attention, What's that corellian term? An eye for an eye, sir. Figuratively on my part. He said, smirking. It was obvious he would need a cybernetic eye. The prod lodged itself in his eye socket. Blood streamed from the savage hole, and he spat the blood onto the ground.


Once incarcerated, Tor was walked down a long hallway between cells, hearing cat-calls and jeers, both. He didn't like the prison gray they had him in, but armor doesn't make the man. Some called this hall the walk of shame, others who enjoyed the... vices of prison life, called it the walk of fame. Tor felt neither shame nor fame. Infamy, perhaps. And he decided he would show them why.

They shoved him in his cell with a scrawny looking human and removed his binds.

The human sat on his bunk rocking back and forth. He glanced up at Tor and flashed a quick grin before looking back at the floor. Tor noted at a glance that the human was very twitchy. Probably a glit-biter. The human extended a shaky hand as Tor dropped on his bunk, I-I-I'm Mouse. I'm in here for cyber-terrorism. Not much good at nothing else. Dads a glitterstim dealer and mom is dead. We eat chow at 1200 hours. I've been here three years. How old are you?

Tor noticed his all-over-the-place conversation and figured it would be best to nip the situation in the bud, so he wouldn't be tormented by this man incessant babbling for the next two days. He sat up and stared into the mans eyes, Mouse. How did you get that name? Is it because you look like a rat, or rather... He grabbed the mans shaggy hair and pulled his head back before jabbing his thumb hard into the mans trachea and holding it there, Is it because you are one?

G-G-G-G-Guards! Mouse screamed, and Tor felt a hot burn on his back a moment later. Another jab from a cattle prod. He hit the floor hard and blacked out. When he came to, a moment later, he saw Mouse curled up on his bed, eyes wide, shielding his throat, Thanks. Now I know why they call you Mouse. He said as he pushed himself off the floor and laid on his bunk.


Chow time!

Tor heard the call, and waited as his cell opened, and they formed a line to the mess hall. He had an uneventful trip through the line, and sat down next to Mouse. He was a fidgety coward, but he was Tor's bunkmate. And as long as he was there, he knew he'd need somebody watching his back. Mouse would scream like a gundark again if someone tried to get in their cell. He was reassured by that. And the man was far too scared to try and do Tor in.

So who's the toughest person here, di'kut? He asked Mouse, while munching on his meal.

Mouse pointed across the mess hall at a big burly man covered in tattoos. He had no hair, and had piercings lining his skull, That man, Nevik Rynald. He's a murderer. He killed his wife and made his kids eat her. Mouse looked away quickly as if he was afraid to look at the man. Tor grunted and finished his meal.

After the meal, Tor'yc concealed a fork and marched to Neviks table, Hey! Nevik.

What do you want, gorgeous? He asked, standing to his full height and pressing too close to Tor for comfort. Tor came to the mans shoulders. A daunting task, but Tor felt confident, I'm told you're the one to watch out for here. I've come to let you know that has changed. He said as he stepped back from the man, Tomorrow in the yard. I'll show you how to cause fear. Because this that you have? It's not fear of your physical prowess. It's fear of your physical... assets. Tor said, glancing down at the man.

Okay, little man. And after I beat you to within an inch of your life, you're coming back to my cell for some fun.

Tor nodded, and trekked back to his cell with an even shakier Mouse.


The next day, Tor marched to the yard and found Nevik standing in the middle. He'd formed a circle in the dirt out of fellow inmates . It reminded Tor'yc of the battle circle back home. A place where warriors could test their mettle against one another with few rules. He didn't wait for a traditional bell to ring. He fought dirty and he fought savagely.

Tor charged the man and pushed him back a few meters. Nevik stopped sliding and pulled a massive fist back before driving it home in Tors stomach. Tor coughed and back up a few paces before coming back again. This time he mixed it up slightly, and ducked a cross from Nevik and followed up with an uppercut. The big man stumble back a few paces, and Tor saw his opening. He drove his prison shoes into the mans kneecaps. He felt one slip its place and Rynald collapsed on his face. Tor quickly removed his concealed fork, one he'd fashioned into a shiv, and dove on the mans back, driving it into the side of his neck, through the artery. Nevik held his neck as the blood spurt out in long streams. He rolled over, gasping, staring wildly at Tor, It was just supposed to be a fight! No weapons!

Tor shook his head. He was surprised the man could still talk. He was tougher than Tor thought, Nobody told me. He said, and then stomped the mans face until his light gray shoes turned a sticky black-red with blood, and Nevik stopped twitching. Tor had small droplets of blood on his clothes, and stepped away, beckoning to anyone who wanted to try next. Nobody approached him, but he suddenly felt a sharp burn on the back of his neck again. He blacked out.

When he awoke, he found himself in a dark, damp, dripping, bricked cell with one beam of light coming through the door. He knew he'd been thrown in solitary confinement. He shrugged. He didn't care where they put him. His ability would never be questioned by anyone here now. He had no more worries. In two days, he would be on the ship with his vode.


Two days later, Tor could feel his wits beginning to dull. With no place to roam, he was left to his own devices. Never a good thing for a Ka'ra. He'd fashioned a limmy ball out of brick at one point and began lobbing it at the guards when they brought his food.

His door burst open, and he shielded his eyes. This was worse than a flashbang. He felt his retinas burn.

You're free to got, Tor'yc Ka'ra. Under direct orders from Senator Ranulph Tarkin, you are to return to your ship and proceed with your mission. Just sign the discharge papers, and you're good to go.

Tor laughed his deep laugh. It was made more unsettling to the guards by the fact he couldn't be seen in the shadows. Tor could make himself invisible when he wanted, I knew Tarkin wouldn't miss his meal ticket. He needs me and my family to win this war.

Tor let the men bind him, and shoved through to sign the papers. After he'd been released, he made his way to the ship.

Upon arrival, he noticed Ta lounging in the cockpit, and Ka'lira slumped over the bar with a bottle of brandy.

Oya! I'm home, vode. Are we ready to get under way?
Ta'vode stayed in the ship with Ka'lira. It was proving to be a daunting task. He'd thought that the girl would have learned long ago that unlike Tor he didn't out up with her osik, and the best thing she could do was leave him the shab alone while he figured things out.

Ka had been drinking and oddly he found her in the galley dressed up but completely drunk.

"Heeeyyyy Taaaa'ikaaa." came her slurred voice.

"What Ka'ika?" came his irritated tone.

"Do youuuuuu think I'mmmmmm prettyyyy?" she asked.

Ta stared at her and looked her over the way he would any other female not his sister. Which in reality she wasn't blood but mandalorians didn't base family on blood.

"How drunk are you?" he asked before choosing to answer.

"I"mmmmm not thaaaat drunk." she responded.

"What have you been drinking?"

"Thisssss bottle riiiiight here." she said holding an almost empty bottle of Tarisian Ale.

Ta almost laughed to himself. She was completely plastered and she never remembered anything the next day.

"Yeah you're drop dead gorgeous. Best looking woman I've ever seen." he responded.

"Really?" she inquired looking almost completely happy.

"Yes. SO good I'll prolly have to go find a lay somewhere just so I don't try and take my vod'ika."

"Wow......I must be hot." she said happily.

While she was smiling Ta walked over pulled her up and close.

"Think I'll take a kiss before I leave you though vod'ika." Ta said right before he headbutted her in the face.

"I'll kriffing cut your gettse off Ta'vode." she yelled as Ta strode towards the exit and then laughed coldly at Ka'lira when the empty bottle shattered in the far corner.

Unfortunately she chose to continue drinking and irritate him, so instead of having the ship with only one other person he locked the cockpit and turned off the internal intercom system. After a few times of her coming and banging and trying to shout through the bulkhead she gave up trying to communicate with him.

Ta knew he should have more patience for her but something inside him refused to budge and give her the attention he knew she needed. He blamed his buir. If the old man had raised her right maybe Ta could stand being around her, and maybe he wouldn't feel a need to be as hard on her. But the reality was that wasn't going to change.

Ta had unlocked the bridge because Ka'lira was safely drunk past walking when Tor arrived on ship.

"Oya! I'm home, vode. Are we ready to get under way?"

"Good I won't have to leave you, space Ka and try and win a war alone."

"Tor Ta's a kriffing chakaar and he's beeeen meannnn to meeee while youuuu were locked upppp." complained Ka.

"We'll be docking with Tarkin's ship shortly. Try and get her decent." Ta said before closing the cockpit.
Tor'yc removed his helmet and shook his head at his brother. He wouldn't trust his life with another person in the galaxy, but he could be an absolute shabuir when the mood struck him. He nudged his sister from behind, Come on, you drunkard, he said playfully, Get in the freshers and clean up. Take some stims. Can't have you going into battle only to fall over.

He looked back at Ta'vode, They confiscated my last hit, vod. So lets not make this trip to long, shall we?

Good! You get so spaced on that junk, you would be less use in a battle than a drunkard! He heard his sister shoot back from the freshers.

I've told you, vod. Carsunum gives the user enhanced physical and mental abilities. I'm on my "A" game when I'm on it. You can't even speak clear. It's only the after-effects that could kill you.

He heard a loud laugh echo down the corridor and he turned back to his brother on the bridge, You do realize, ner vod, we can't do this mission like we're used to... You're going to be doing more than just covering my shebs, you're going to have to look out for her too. If you can't do that, vod, say so now, so I'll know to watch her. Tor sat in the seat beside his brother and waited for a response. His brother sat silent, so Tor assumed he would be a professional and do his job. Or he simply didn't want to talk about it right then. Ta was a hard one to read sometimes.

Tor'ika! Come here!

Tor rolled out of his seat, and marched down the corridor to his sisters' quarters. When he reached them, she was finishing fastening her thigh plates on her jumpsuit. She pulled her hair out of her eyes and tied it up so it would fit better under the helmet. He knocked on a panel by the door to get her attention, What is it, sis?

Your brother up there...

My brother? You were raised along side myself and him. You're a Ka'ra too.

I know, but... He's such a di'kut to me. I wonder sometimes if he's completely dinii'la.

Did you call me back here for a reason or to insult our brother behind his back, Ka'ika?

Ka'lira bit her lower lip and looked at the floor for a moment. Tor figured she probably knew better than to speak her mind, but it wasn't going to stop her, When you were in jail, Ta called someone... A Senator, Tor. What business does he have with a Senator? His he rubbing shoulders with the elite now? Whatever happened to slumming it with us?

It's Ta'vode you're talking about. He's never slummed it with us.

But still, who is it?

Did you ask him?

Of course.

And what did he say?

He told me to drop it.

Tor nodded and turned to walk away, Then drop it, vod. We RV in less than six hours. Get a nap.

Irritated with Tor's neglect to tell her Ta's secret, she almost didn't answer, but changed her mind, Oh, Tor. Thanks for saving my life.

He looked back over his shoulder and kept walking, Thank me on the battlefield. He decided he would go recline in the cockpit with his brother until their arrival. He had nothing else to do for six hours. He stopped by the galley and grabbed the last bottle of corellian whiskey, noting they needed to restock on booze. He grabbed a couple shot glasses and walked to the cockpit. He sat the bottle on the console and both shot glasses on either side before filling both. He looked at his brother and held up his glass for a toast. They were going into battle, he felt it was time to perform his ritual with his brother, Brothers born, brothers bred. Battle-borne, until dead. Haat, ijaa, haa'it. Oya, vod.
Ta'vode took the offered shot raised it in salute to his brother. "Before we can do this today ner vod, we are missing a sibling." Ta said as he hit the internal comm. "Ka'ika come to the cockpit and bring a shot glass." Ta's eyes met Tor's. He read the silent question in them. "If she's going to be a Ka'ra then she's going to join us as a proper mandalorian should."

Ta'vode waited till Ka'lira walked into the cockpit. Tor and Ta raised their glasses at the same time. "May her courage hold and let her have the gettse to die in battle,the love and hatred to avenge us if we fall, and may she bring unimaginable honor to our aliit." They intoned together and then drank.

Tor motioned for Ka to take a seat then filled the glasses and they raised them together Ka eyes watching the two brothers. "Vode born," Ta started.

"Vode bred, Battle-borne, until dead. Haat, ijaa, haa'it. Oya, Vode." Tor joined and they finished together then the three took their shots together.

"Welcome to the family buissness." Tor said warmly to their little sister.

"Assuming you live through this war we'll have the ritualistic party afterwards." Ta stated.

Ka'lira sat silent her eyes wary Ta noted. He guessed he deserved that much. Her nose wasn't broken but you could tell that it had been at least. Ta at times wished he had the relationship with her that Tor managed but he was the eldest and it was his job to pick up their father's failings. Their father failed to make her truly mandalorian and in their line of work that failing would cost her her life. He'd promised to look after his siblings and if Tor's drug was truly dangerous Ta would hunt down the dealers, kill the ones that sold him the drug and threaten the others not to sale but Tor hadn't reached the point that Ta thought he'd need to intervene yet. As for Ka she was reckless and head strong. He was hard on her and would accept her hating him and wanting to kill him if it drove her to take that extra step, to go beyond what normal soilders, mercenaries were, to truly be mandalorian. Her hate was fair trade in his mind.
Ka'lira sat watching her brothers but mostly watching Ta'vode. He was ice and no
one seemed close to him. Tor had some kind of bond but she wasn't sure how deep the
bond between the two went. Ta had never gone through the trouble of making her feel
welcome or like family. Tor treated her better but at the same time she always felt
outside the two. They were a year apart and neither let anyone close. Their closest
companions were always violence, death and destruction. She didn't understand how
either of them could live so apart from the rest of the galaxy. Having no one not even
each other yet some part of her told her that they both cared about each other in a way
that neither would ever be able to care about her. They had blood, while all she had was
the adoptive impulse and the ritualistic words of a man that they both hated. And that is
why she was sure she would always be an aruetii, outsider to them.

The two shots had eased the ache in her head but her mind still felt foggy. "No
thanks, Ta'ika. I doubt your parties would be up to my tastes." she said then rose
and left the cockpit not waiting for a reply. At the moment she didn't want to be
around the two. Maybe Tor to talk to but right now she didn't even want that. She
wanted to be alone like she knew she truly was. Her real parents hadn't wanted her,
the Twi'lik had wanted to use her and the only one that loved her was dead. She'd
learned through her life that the galaxy was full of people that wanted to use you. You
either used them first or got used.

Ka sat in her bunk and sealed the hatch to it. She set her helmet down and stared into the
T-visor. "Buir," she started before tears blurred her vision. She blinked them
away disgusted with herself. If she was ever going to prove herself to Tor then she
didn't have room for weakness like tears. Yet that's what she wanted at the
moment, to sit down and cry and have someone that truly cared tell her it would be ok.

Ka's eyes stared back into the T-visor,"Buir......I hate you for being too weak to
live. I hate you for dyeing and leaving me alone. And I hate you most for not making me enough like your sons that I'm an outcast from them." she shouted before grabbing the helmet and slinging it to the far side of the bunk.
Tor leaned back in his co-pilots chair and rocked his head to look at his brother. He was staring intently out to the blue streams of stars, You know, vod. She won't kill you, but as it stands, if you were to die in battle, she would spit on your corpse. Much less avenge you. I know you two can't stand each other, but you should probably try to- He heard a loud thud come from the corridor and it stopped him in mid-sentence. There was only one person missing from the room, so he knew who was responsible. She could be dangerous when her temper flared. She was impulsive and loved explosives. She may not have been as deadly on a battlefield as her brothers, but in a pressurized chamber such as a ship, she could be very dangerous. And Tor sometimes wondered if Ka'lira would kill him as well as their brother if it was the only way to get back at Ta.

He reached her quarters and banged on the hatch. He heard the metallic heavy sound of his beskar striking the metal hatch. He was always curious why beskar had that distinct heavy sound, but no Mandalorian metalworkers would share their secrets. Not even to fellow Mandos. When she didn't answer, he opened the hatch anyway. She'd tried to kill herself once after Ta killed their father, and he wasn't going to give her the opportunity again.

Inside the hatch, Tor first saw her helmet lying on deck across the room in a corner, then saw her with her legs drawn up to her on the floor by her bunk. It amused him slightly, seeing such a hard image as a Mandalorian, curled on the floor crying. Then he walked over and sat down on the bunk. He placed a hand on her shoulder and felt her tense. He knew she resented Ta'vode for a lot of things, most of all, for killing their buir; the one man that raised her with any decency. She refused to understand that some sacrifices had to be made, however, and he needed to die so her brothers could live. This train of thought led to Tor resenting his sister on occasion as well, feeling like she would rather have their cold abusive father around, than him. He knew their buir was compassionate to her, so Tor at least tried for her sake, What is it, Ka'ika? Ta and I have preformed that ritual before every battle for ten years. You should feel honored to be included, not crying like a shabla- He caught himself and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. In his mind, there was no room in a Ka'ra for weakness. If she was going to be one, she needed to toughen up. But now, he knew he needed to be more of a vod or buir than a drill sergeant.

I'm sorry, vod. Tell me whats wrong.

She ran her arm across her nose, trailing spittle along the forearm plate, Why did you have to do it, Tor? Why did you and Ta kill my buir?

Tor saw the question coming as soon as he entered the room, but he still wasn't prepared to answer. He decided to wing it, You know why. He was a drunk. One vice he gave to you, I've noticed. He tried to kill me, so I fought back. If I'd been older, Ta wouldn't have gotten involved, and you never would've had a problem with him either. But I was only thirteen, vod. I couldn't hold him off long, so Ta had to finish it. You know we would have been dead otherwise.

She looked up, fire blazing in her eyes. She bore the same look their father did. She wasn't related by blood to Tor and Ta's father, but she adopted many of his mannerisms. Tor knew this would not end well, Perhaps that would be best. I wouldn't be stuck with a sadistic brother, and another who happens to be a druggie, oh and they're both soulless murderers.

Tor shook his head and pulled his hand off her shoulder before driving his gauntleted fist into her eye, giving her another shiner. She hit the floor hard, and her her head bounced off the steel framed of her bunk. She looked back at him, eyes full of shock and surprise, You chaaar, I'll-

Tor was off the bed in a flash and slammed the hatch shut so as not to alert Ta, You'll what, you ungrateful di'kut!? I've saved your life more than I can count. Ta has kept you out of trouble more often than you know. You're like a child! We have to watch out for you and clean up after you.

Yeah, you're always so violent. The only way you know how to react. At least I try to get my mind off of killing!

You make us kill! Our buir, the ma treat like a god, created what you see. Ta'vode and I are his handiwork. Do you know how many times we've had to silence your... suitors? Remember that chakaar back on Corellia that you broke up with?

Yeah, Jevin Crel. She said, slightly more subdued.

I killed Jevin Crel! Ta'vode killed Crels friends! Do you know why?

He stared into her eyes as horror slowly entered them, Because he was a gang leader on Corellia. He found out you were leaving him, and was going to have you killed. The man was attached. You're welcome, di'kut. And thank you for giving us reason to do the only thing we're good at thanks to you and buir.

Ka'lira broke down crying again, but it was one more of pity than hate. Tor raised his hand to strike her again, harder, but relented. He loved his sister, still. And they had a war to fight. He needed to make it right. If Ta'vode got wind of this conversation, he would be livid. Tor didn't need to break up another fight between the two Mandos.

I love you, sis. I'll always be there to protect you. But killing is my sole profession. It's yours too, now. Get used to it.I don't enjoy it, but it needs doing. We only do it to make the galaxy a safer place.

Tor knew it sounded bad. As if it were scripted. Ka picked up on it too, Whatever helps you sleep at night, dema'golka.

Tor sighed and offered his hand to help her up. She accepted, and he brought her in close to her, Let's have this conversation after the battle and see how you feel. Remember, you've killed too.

He turned to leave and opened the hatch. As he stepped out, she called back to him, How did he die, Tor? Jevin?


He walked off as she bared a small smile. He knew it was a vague answer, but the fact that he tortured somebody for planning to kill her obviously lifted her spirits. They were a strange family. He headed back to the cockpit, hoping his brother hadn't heard her outburst and Tors subsequent reaction. When he reached the bridge, he caught Ta's piercing stare. Tor chuckled and directed a thumb back down the corridor, Women, vod'ika. How do you do it? He reclaimed his seat and sighed, staring off into the blackness between the star streams as he felt his brothers stare burning into his head.
Ta'vode stared at Tor. He knew Ka'lira hated him. He could live with that. The man that trained them made them to be ruthless, efficient killers and Ta guessed in some way Ka'lira was his trying to put something good and decent in the galaxy. Their sister had become more like their father than either of his true born sons but it still she seemed troubled by their differences more than anything else.

"It's easy I don't make a habit of getting with women that are emotionally unstable. I like them to have some fire and spirit but not to be out of control." he said as he worked on his rifle, making sure it was fine tuned and ready. "And I'm not asking what went on back their. I heard some noise and I figure since their wasn't an explosion and Ka isn't in need of medical attention that it was settled more or less peacefully. I don't care what happened or why it happened. All I care about is our ability to complete our contract." Ta said finishing the cleaning of his rifle. He'd have to wait till later to calibrate the scope but he would before the fighting started. It would be in perfect condition and his shots would kill instantly. Their buir had instilled that into Ta. Worthy enemies deserved a quick death and unworthy ones weren't worth killing less they forced you too.

"You were telling me Ka'ika wasn't going to kill me but she'd spit on my corpse." Ta said bringing them back to their former conversation.
Ka'lira rubbed her eye after Tor left. She know had two black eyes, a slightly crooked nose, and a split lip. She was glad she was going to be under armor. She knew she looked a mess right now. She looked at her helmet laying on the floor. She knew everything Tor told her was the truth. Her buir had been sadistic to them and when she was younger she'd often done some things that got them into trouble. She'd enjoyed the power she had, and now she had none. She picked the helmet up and stared into the T-visor, stared into her heritage. It was simple, she could either be mandalorian or not. Her brothers were mandalorian and most mandalorians she'd known growing up were also efficient killers.

Ka walked back up to the cockpit and saw that her brothers were sitting silent. She was sure Ta'vode could sit for days in the cockpit unmoving silent still as the ice he so resembled. "Vode, I wanted to thank you for everything. I know I've not been the best sibling and caused you both a lot of trouble. I just want you both to know I'm gonna try and be less problematic and also I won't disappoint you either." she said before leaving and heading to the hold.

Ka took off her launcher and started checking it making sure it was working properly before she started working on her explosives. Adjusting fuse times and yield that they could do. She would be ready for her first mission and she'd prove to them both that she belonged in this family.
You were telling me Ka'ika wasn't going to kill me but she'd spit on my corpse.

Tor sighed and leaned back in his seat, Fuck it, do whatever you want, vod. Life was never going to be a bed of roses for our little circus we call a family, anyway.

Tor pulled one of his pistols out and knocked against his helmet. He did that sometimes to check make sure the clip wouldn't fall out. He had an accident once when their buir took them hunting. His clip fell out of his rifle when he tried to shoot a nek hound. His father beat him for it and Tor ended up in the nearby medcenter for a few days. When he got out, their father beat him again for causing them to stay away from home longer.

He didn't calibrate his weapons, because they were meant for close range. On a good day, he didn't even need his helmet sensors to help him aim. On a bad day, that is, when he was feeling the effects of his drug, he was very thankful for the assisted aim of his helmet. Satisfied it was ready to go, he put the weapon away and let his mind wander.

A bullet grazed Tors skin. He jerked his head around to search for his helmet. It only barely occurred to Tor that he'd almost lost his life. He looked back at his wave of attackers and secured his helmet on his head. He fired several rounds point-blank into an oncoming twi'lek.

Down! Tor, get down!

Tor dropped to his stomach as he heard his brothers voice. He looked up and heard a loud crack as Ta fired his sniper rifle just meters from Tors head and dropped three invaders in one shot. Tor was always impressed with his skill with a rifle.

He rolled over and sat up in time to shoot two attackers with his twin pistols charging Ta from behind. They'd come to Ryloth to secure a vip for an interested party. The pay was good. Only they didn't realize that the vip was the leader of a local mercenary group only accepting Twi'leks, and was led by a specially vicious twi'lek by the name of Bovrak. Nobody knew his last name, it didn't matter. They had a picture of the corpulent red-skinned alien. Tor and his brother arrived on Ryloth with a team of ten men, selected by their benefactors, but now it was down to only Tor and Ta and an army of twi'leks on the horizon. The two weren't trained to give up, to surrender, and they had no interest in learning. They knew they would either die here or kill every last twi'lek on the field. There was no other choice.

Tor lifted a hand and flicked the barrel on his brothers sniper rifle. That barrel had saved his life a lot of times. Then again, his pistols had saved their lives too. He was nervous about bringing his sister into the fold. There were too many variables. It wasn't what he was used to. It was him and his brother against the galaxy. But now Ka'lira would be joining in. He hoped she didn't slow them down. Both men were known to get into very tough situations, that's why they were sought after. He couldn't afford to watch his sister if he found himself in another jam like Ryloth. He let his mind drift once again...

He looked back at his brother. Tor usually led an assault on the field while Ta made short work of opposition with his precision sniper fire, but they would occasionally mix it up together on the field. He saw Ta'vode take a shot that could have only been a sniper round as well, in the chest. He fell on his back, and Tor unclipped his last thermal detonator


He let fly the det and it exploded with a deafening boom. No more shots rang out, so he stood up. He could hear a few sobbing gasps, which were quickly silenced by his recovered brother. He and his brother were the only survivors of the battle. They survived the mission, but failed it anyway. They lost their vip in the process. But it was a success as well, in a certain light, seeing as they decimated the entire gang. Tor held his arms steady, pistols in hand, aiming until he was satisfied everyone was dead or unmoving. He let out a weak chuckle and collapsed to the ground. Sitting in the midst of the war-torn desert of Ryloth, he knocked his pistols against his helmet, and both clips fell out, empty. He laughed at the luck he'd had. He was out of ammunition, but it was over nonetheless. It was time to go home.

Tor shook himself out of his memory as he heard his sisters boot clanging up the hallway. He deduced from the sound of the gait, that she'd calmed down somewhat. She wasn't stomping. It was a softer, more feminine walk. He waited to hear what she had to say.

Vode, I wanted to thank you for everything. I know I've not been the best sibling and caused you both a lot of trouble. I just want you both to know I'm gonna try and be less problematic and also I won't disappoint you either

Tor listened to her footsteps as they trailed away and looked over at Ta and grinned, There may be hope yet, vod'ika. She's going to learn. Just give her time.

He listened to his words. He was a master manipulator with his words and face, but he knew it wouldn't work on his brother. He could read expressions as well as Tor. He heard his own words and hoped Ta didn't pick up on his doubt.

He stood up and squeezed between the seats, patting his vod on the shoulder as he passed, I'm going to catch a power nap. Get Ka to wake me thirty minutes before we arrive. I don't want to be drowsy when I'm killing.

He checked his armor plates to make sure they were secured and settled down in a chair in the galley for a quick nap. A lot of soldiers couldn't sleep in their armor but Tor found that a lack of sleep could mean death so he learned early on to overcome the light uncomfortable crimps and pinches. A small sacrifice for survival.
Ta watched the stars his mind drifting one last time to Ashelia before he was to fight. Once they exited hyperspace he would be the impregnable ice that he'd always been. He'd have no weaknesses and he would be cold efficient death to his enemies.

When the nav computer beeped its warning Ta hailed Ka'lira in the hold. "Ka'ika Tor wants you to wake him so he isn't drowsy." he told her.

"Since when did I start working in a hotel and became room service?" she shot back. "But I'll wake the chakaar." she said. A few minutes later Ta heard a loud thud and then what sounded like a quick scuffle. Ta shook his head. One day his sister would learn to not always do the impulsive thing, or well he hoped she would learn.

A few minutes before the were to exit hyperspace Tor came back into the cockpit. Ta nodded to his brother. "We'll be docking with Tarkin soon." he stated and about that time the nav computer beeped again and they came out of hyperspace with Tarkin's ship in view as well as the rest of his fleet. "Ner vod if we ever get the insane idea to start a small militia group we'll need to have ships similar to this." he said his mind taking in the possibility of running a mercenary group consisting of more than just the three of them. It would kill their small jobs that they often did but it'd open up more large scale jobs.

It wasn't long before Ta had their ship safely docked inside Tarkin's. He looked at his siblings. "Remember vode we're here to fight Stark so despite our tendencies we'll need to play nice with Tarkin's little soilders. Tor, no beating them and making them piss themselves. Ka, don't sleep with half of them and steal the other half's money through card games. You can gamble some but don't bleed them dry."

Ka'lira being smart saluted Ta'vode. "As you command, Alor." she said mockingly.
Tor hit the floor with a thud and looked up, grabbing his kad, a short vibroblade he kept on his waist. He kept a slightly longer, curved one on the small of his back. His sister, Ka'lira slowly came into focus. He sighed and sheathed his blade, You chakaar. He got to his feet and kicked a foot-stool he'd propped his legs on into his sister and stalked out of the room, hearing her snickering behind him.

He ambled into the cockpit just in time to see them dock with Tarkins ship. It was massive compared to their craft. He replaced his helmet one-handed and heard the click and slight hiss of his air filters kicking in. A lot of people loved Mandalorian iron for its protective qualities. It was the hardest known substance in the galaxy, and Mandos controlled all of it. But a lot of people forgot just how easy it was to integrate beskar, Mandalorian iron, into just about anything. Outsiders saw a Mando in his armor and thought they were impenetrable without realizing he was a walking technological platform as well.

Well well, Tarkin isn't one for subtlety, is he?

Tor leaned forward on the viewscreen to look for weapon emplacements. He could see it was heavily armed.

Remember vode we're here to fight Stark so despite our tendencies we'll need to play nice with Tarkin's little soilders. Tor, no beating them and making them piss themselves. Ka, don't sleep with half of them and steal the other half's money through card games. You can gamble some but don't bleed them dry.

Tor laughed as he stood back upright, I'll be surprised if Tarkins toy soldiers don't piss themselves at the first bullet. As long as the jetii stays on a leash, I'll be good.

Tor watched Ka make her mockery of Ta before walking off down the corridor. He shook his head, mildly surprised Ta let her walk away. He felt the thud as they docked, and traveled to the airlock to wait for the portcullis to open.

When he saw the airlock begin to cycle open, his brother and sister to his right, he patted his weapons to make sure everything was secured snug. He practiced noise discipline religiously. He hated hearing his weapons rattle when he moved.

Welcome, Mandalorians. We've been waiting.

Tor took a step back and shook his head, staring at the source of the welcome; it was one of Tarkins security guards. Was this seriously all he had on board besides his "special" troops? He didn't need this complement.

Oh haran no. We have to deal with Tarkins lackeys too? Vod, we better get a bonus for this.

He said, glancing at his brother. The beauty of a helmet meant he could discuss this development in total privacy with anyone on the same comm channel.

These guys don't worry me so much as the implications; if Tarkin saw fit to bring his bodyguards, did the jetii bring some friends to the party too?

Tor let the question hang in the air, but he heard his sister let out a quiet grumble.
Ta'vode shook his head.

"The jetii better remember that we can kill them easily enough." came Ka'lira's comments.

"Udesii ner vod." Ta stated. He stepped forward towards the security guard his sniper rifle held loosely in his arms.

"Didn't think we'd miss the party." Ta returned icily to the guards.

"Don't think we'll take being confined to quarters." came Ka'lira's quick impute.

The guards looked at each other nervously. It was one thing to stand around a senator and talk big and tough. It was another to stare three armrored mandalorians in the T-visor and tell them something that they didn't want to hear, and if they brought force into the matter well the scant protection that they wore wouldn't help them at all.

"We'll need....."

"To show us the ship, escort at least myself to Tarkin, and leave us the shab alone otherwise." came Ta's cold orders. His lips twitched in amusement when he noted one of the guards in the back nodding agreement.

The leader of the group shook his head no. "I'm afraid after threatening Senator Tarkin's life that won't be a possibility. You've already proven yourselves to be very dangerous."

"That's why Tarkin hired us." came Tor's retort. "He didn't want a bunch of hut'uune Alderanians to walk around telling Stark that they should throw down their weapons and talk this out peaceably."

The guard stared at them a moment before Tor raised his hand. "What if for now we promised to play nice and we go talk this out with Tarkin?"

"That'd be acceptable." stated the guard and Ta again noticed relief cross more than one guard's face. They didn't want to fight them and they were afraid they'd have too.
Ka'lira shook her head. "I'm not going to talk to Tarkin. If he pissed me off this time I might decide to shoot him again." she said, "Instead I'm going to mingle a little, make some friends, and maybe find the armory and see if there is anything good to grab from there."

"Ka'ika," both of her brother's voices flooded through the private link.

"I'm not good enough to take all their money while you two talk to the old man." Ka responded.

"Fine, just behave yourself." came her favorite brother's voice.

Ka rolled her eyes. "You two worry too much."

"Stop rolling your eyes and do as your told." came her eldest frozen voice.

Ka'lira saluted her two older brothers before walking away and melting as much as she could into the crowd of soldiers. After she was somewhat sure that the two could no longer see her she let her walk slip into a swaying motion and unclipped her helmet. Her face was still beat up from her fights but she knew she was still attractive enough for soldiers.

Ka'lira scanned her eyes through the group and noticed that most of them were the Security forces from various planets. Sure they were slightly better than police but none of them were actual soldiers. They were used to dealing with pirates and smugglers but she wasn't sure how they'd handle real combat. Then again she'd never seen true combat like her brother's but at least she was better trained than the rest of this rabble.


It didn't take Ka'lira long before she'd found the arms master. He was a man in his mid thirties and unlike most of this group looked to have at least seen some combat. She'd got him into a game and she'd flirted with him throughout the various games losing on purpose and never winning by much. And now he was letting her browse through the various weapons he had available. Most didn't interest her but she wanted something that would work at close range when her rifle was either spent or unable to be used. She smiled when she found it. "I'd do anything if I could have this one." she said giving him her most alluring look that told him that she really meant anything.

He smiled. "Sure you can have that. We'll discuss it more over another game. I'm itching to see if I can claim more than a hundred credits from ya, lass." he stated.

Ka gave him her most flirtatious smile. "We'll see." she said as she hooked her newest weapon onto her armor. She couldn't wait to show Tor the Flechette shotgun she now had.
Tor followed the two senatorial guards around the ship, quietly taking in every detail. He started chuckling to himself, What is it, Tor?

Everyone we meet, vod, we almost have to kill. Perhaps we should try some civility next time.

He didn't hear Ta respond, but he knew he'd find the realization funny too. They had a reputation for being gruff, no-nonsense shabuire around strangers and they really lived up to it.

They rounded the corner of a dark, dimly lit corridor in a bright hall, And this, gentlemen, came a timid response, but with growing confidence, is the mess hall. Tor surveyed it occupants and wasn't impressed. He let a grunt escape his external speakers on his helmet and shook his head. The guards' smirk slowly faded as he realized their best still wasn't as good as Tor and Ta's worst.

Mate, we're not here to engage in... eating contests he said, eyeing a portly man dressed in a uniform of some planet. It was clearly putting up more of a fight than he would. He turned to face the guard, We're here to win wars, not... He Looked at a couple officers wearing tidy uniforms, their shoes were polished so well, they looked like mirrors, {color:green} Pageantry. We've seen enough disappointments. Take us to Tarkin.

He saw the guard look feebly at Ta, apparently believing him to be the voice of reason, the leader. Tor's older brother only crossed his arms. What these men didn't realize was Ta and Tor weren't two individual people. They were a unit in and of themselves. They knew how the other thought and so new what the best course of action was to take in any given situation. In this situation, seeing Tarkin was the best. Defeated, the guard nodded, and beckoned for them to follow.


Upon reaching Tarkins bridge, Tor noticed a beige robe standing in the room, Oh, here we go... He thought as they entered the room. When they walked in, Tor stopped in his tracks and Ta stood to his side. He turned to his brother and nodded his head at what halted his progress, See, vod? Told you. Jetiise. He said, turning his external speakers up slightly so they could hear. He could see Tyvokka standing at Tarkins side, as usual, but with two Jedi Masters, two Knights, and a padawan in random places on the bridge. He shook his head, but marched on towards, Tarkin, trying to lighten his own mood, Su'cuy, Senator! Happy to see me? He said, smiling behind his helmet, he held a finger and thumb up in the form of a blaster and pretended to shoot at Tarkin. He was only joking, but it seemed to unsettle Tarkin. Some people had no sense of humor.

The Senator gathered himself and held his head high, Actually, no. But I need you. This is my ship, you will be inserting from her. We call it the Invincible. I expect you to show the same respect to such a warship.

Tor scoffed at the demand. Like all Ka'ra's, he had a serious issue with authorirty. With anyone telling him what to do. That's partly why he became a mercenary. People tended to back off if they knew you could kill them without breaking a sweat. Tor respected Tarkins tenacity though. He was almost Mando-worthy.

Very well, Senator. I'm sure she'll bring hell to our enemies. He said, putting as much sarcasm into the comment as he could. Tarkin stared into his T-visor a moment before turning to Ta'vode. That was fine with Tor. He didn't like to negotiate with people he'd already threatened once. They could be a little timid and wouldn't be up to the challenge. Tarkin seemed to feel the same way and didn't want to have contact with Tor either. He grabbed a seat at one of the stations and relaxed while he listened.
Ta'vode's skin crawled being surrounded by so many jedi. He was wary of jedi and hadn't had many dealings with them but the few he had usually ended poorly. He tried to caculate the odds of Tor and him walking off the bridge alive if this ended badly and they had to start killing. They might catch the first one or two off guard but after that they'd be ready and then it'd be a matter of wearing them down. He didn't want to be pessimistic but odds were not in their favor. But they'd take several with them so they wouldn't go alone.

After Tarkin turned to him Ta motioned at the two guards. "They are not going to follow us around like lost kath hound pups unless you want them to take a long walk out of an air lock." Ta'vode stated his voice frozen telling Tarkin, jedi, and the gaurds he wasn't kidding.

Tarkin stared and then nodded motioning the guards to leave. "I'm sorry I was just taking precautions."

Ta'vode looked around the bridge noticably for the sake of the others. "We can see that." Ta said in a voice that told Tarkin it still wouldn't save his life if they'd really wanted it.

"Well would you two like to stand on the bridge we're about to jump into hyperspace. It'll be the start of a new age for the Republic. They'll see how important a military is and then we'll no longer be defenseless." Tarkin stated.

"Good then maybe the clans will reunite again and we can see just how tough the Republic is. Last time we fought them took the Jettiise going bad to stop us." Ta remarked. "But that is neither here nor there. The republic depends on the Jettiise and men like my brother and I to do its dirty work. We'll wait in the hanger with the rest of the grunts. I promise we aren't going to kill any of them. We might need them as cannon fodder."

Ta turned to leave and watched through his helmet as Tarkin shook his head and then gave the order to jump. Right before the ship jumped alarms started blaring and then the ship lurched violently into hyperspace. Ta picked himself up off the floor and looked around quickly. "Things just keep getting better and better." Ta muttered to Tor.
First, jedi, then jail time. Now more jedi, and getting thrown to the floor... Tor regained his balance, I might say it'd a bad omen if I believed in that sort of thing.

The two Mandalorians trailed the halls of the vast warship towards the hangar. They reached their destination, a service turbolift, and took it down to the loading bay. There were several crew members loading a civilian craft, Tor noted, but kept walking. Eventually, after taking longer than it seemed it should have, they reached the hangar. The blast door were shut, and the lights were scarce. A hangar wasn't much use in hyperspace, so a lot of auxiliary power went to the hyperdrive.

Tor nudged Ta as he brushed past him, letting him now he was walking off. They relied on non-verbal communication a lot of the time. It was more practical than voicing your intentions. People thought neither had a lot to say, but that was only because they weren't listening with their eyes.

He eyed a couple of the flight crew gathered around a woman in bright orange body armor with red trim. Tor knew the colors instantly and marched over to her, shoving between the crew, who turned out to be a lot more than a couple, the closer her got, Make way, you horny bastards. Tor boomed, his external speakers making his low, deep voice echo over the noise.

When he made it through the crowd, he saw his sister flirting with a dark skinned, athletic looking pilot. She looked over at Tor with a grin spread on her face that Tor couldn't remember ever seeing. She was genuinely happy. He hated that she couldn't be that way with her family. But that was the consequence of a family. Everyone knew every dirty little secret and it made for awkward and tense situations.

Shift it, sis, he said, making sure to emphasize his relation. He couldn't justify his over-protection of her, but it was there. He had to protect her, We're going to be hitting the ground soon, vod. Focus.

Ka'lira shoved away from the pilot, and a momentary scowl crossed her face. But when her arm brushed her shiny new weapon, Tor noticed a gleam in her eye and she raised it for him, Look at my new kit, Tor. It's for those hard to reach places. You know, Tor noticed the pilot reach a hand behind Ka'lira, those little annoyances in life, she said, as she grabbed his hand and twisted it back nearly to his elbow. He screamed and she let him go. She knew Tarkin needed every hand he could get.

Nice Flechette. Calibrate it and get it stowed. He and his brother were take-charge types on the battlefield. And the preparation before battle was just as important as the battle itself. Poor maintenance meant poor performance. Poor performance meant malfunction and malfunctions inevitably meant death. He would not allow his sister to die due to undisciplined weapon maintenance.

He turned to rejoin Ta'vode when he felt the warship drop out of hyperspace. He noted it was a lot less violent leaving than entering hyperspace. He reached his brother, What was that? We shouldn't reach Troiken for a couple more hours.

His question was answered before his brother could voice and opinion, General Tarkin is taking a shuttle to Troiken in an attempt to quell any violence between our great Republic and Starks forces. We will wait in silence until given the signal, should things go badly.

Tor threw his arms up in frustration. He was prepping for battle. You can't starve a nek dog only to put a nerf in its path just to snatch it away again when the dog gets a whiff. The dog will bite its owner for the cruelty that had been done to it, for it will realize there is no justice in promising a meal only to take it away. That's how Tor felt at the moment, and he was dead set on finding Tarkin or Tyvokka, one and cracking skulls. He needed his nerf.

Tor, look! He heard his sister yell, and all three turned their heads to see the shuttle Tor had spied earlier, leaving from a smaller exit bay.

Well, damn. Tor said, Stark isn't going to play this nicely. Suit up boys and girls! You're going to be rescuing a very stupid Senator in a couple hours. He shoved past his siblings and sat in a dark corner of the bay, his black armor melting seamlessly into the shadows. He clicked his internal comm on, We'll probably be rescuing a dead Senator though, vod. Stark isn't going to let his arrogance go as easily as we will.
Ta'vode shrugged at Tor's comment. "If he dies, then so does our contract lest someone wants to pay us to get a body. Personally I'd prefere to let the politicians piss it out with Stark over a body."

"Ta'ika, Tor'ika got the right of it. We've already been paid to win a war. Why not at least get our client's body back?"

"Because our client didn't pay us to fix stupidity but to kill Stark's men."

"Udessii vode. Ka, Ta is just playing a part. We're going to kill someone regardless of what the Jetiise or the politicians think or want. So you'll get to play with all your new kit."

Ta'vode shook his head. He knew his sister would eventually learn what he and Tor did. If they had to get Tarkin back dead or alive they would. Nothing else for the duty of their contract. He presented an opposing side so they could both be sure they were going to do what was in their best interest. He also knew she was more interested in using her explosives and her new guns than in anything else.

"Vod'ika go be sure your new kit is ready and find out what the rough ride through hyperspace was about?" Ta told her coldly.

"I already calibrated everything and changed the fuses on my grenades. Some long some short. How the shab do you want me to find out about the hyperspace?"

"Go do what you do best. Flirt with some di'kutla engineer and get him to tell you what happened."

"Fine." she stated in an irritated tone but Ta could tell she was happy to go do something she enjoyed.
Ka'lira for the sake of proving to her brothers that she was a worthy member of their team and family followed Ta's orders. Ta was the eldest and the most experienced and he had the cold dispassionate approach that both her and Tor lacked.

She strolled around the ship and wandered as deep into engineering before returning and wandering towards the officer's break room. And it didn't take her long to spot the bridge engineer officer. He was young and obviously hadn't been out of training long. He had short red hair and brown eyes with a decent build but obviously he wasn't as muscled as someone that had the harder labor jobs. She waited till he'd broke from his friends and then approached him.

"Hey" she said smiling at him and telling him more with her eyes.

He smiled back and she noted his eyes did a quick glance over. He wouldn't be able to tell much about her physical attributes while she was in armor but she was sure he could use his imagination.


It hadn't taken her long or much effort. He'd talked about the ship's engines, its capabilities, even it's weaponry with the pride and enthusiasm of a man absolutely proud of his ship. He talked almost like it was one of his own children. Though she did set up plans with him after everything if he was still alive. He'd be fun for a little while she was sure. Nothing else she hoped he'd at least be a decent partier.

She walked back to her brother's. "Apparently the hyperdrive's navi computer was having some glitches. But Lt. Wallace assured me that they had everything under control and we'd not have any more problems."
What's the matter, Tor'ika? Dema'kad slapped Tor'yc in the face with incredible power and speed. His buir was much older than Tor, he was only 13, but he knew how to defend himself. He'd trained for as long as he could remember on hand to hand combat. He was the best fighter in his age group in the battle circle on Mandalore. When his father took another swing, Tor ducked it and grabbed his wrist, using his free hand to drive his palm into the older mans elbow. Dema'kad let out a grunt before popping his elbow back and smashing it in Tors face, You're good, you little chakaar. But not that good. He said as he lifted his leg and kicked Tor in the pelvis, sending him crashing into a book shelf.

Tor'yc regained his balance, feeling bruises and lacerations open on his bare back where he'd crashed into the wooden shelf. He would tend to it later. If there was a later. He ran full tilt and crashed into his father, fighting back for his life. He knew if he did less, he would die. He'd made a mistake today and Dema'kad caught it. He'd showed mercy on an intruder. It was a thin Rodian roughly twenty years of age. He'd sneaked onto their land and was stealing crops. A new recruit to the Mandalorian culture, by the looks of him. Tor had been out hunting with Dema'kad, and was returning when his buir caught sight of the invader. He handed his rifle to Tor, beaming at him, This is your chance, boy. Don't let me down. Tor missed the shot on purpose. The Rodian disappeared into the jungle, and Tor thought he'd gotten away. Di'kut! His father yelled, as he stole the rifle from Tor with an iron grip, and sighted on the Rodian and gunned him down. He looked back at Tor and spat in his face. Tor knew then that his life was about to change forever.

I won't let you kill me, buir. Tor panted between syllables as he wailed on his father, hitting every pressure point and nerve he could think of. Their father had a weak knee from a bad hunting trip years earlier, and he made use of that. He kicked the knee as hard as he could, knocking him off balance, and followed up with a jab to the mans throat. Dema'kad dropped to his knee and punched Tor in the groin. Tor fell to the ground in agony as Dema'kad rose to his full height. He walked to the wooden door of the shed they were in and reached behind it. He produced a long wooden pole, I don't want to kill you. I just want to bash your kriffing skull in. Tor ducked as he swung the wooden bat and rolled out of the shed to gain some space from his tormentor. Just leave us. We can take care of ourselves. You already killed mom. Go join your death watch! Dema'kad knew his kids knew about his association with the hated splinter group, but it was something they were to never discuss. And he refused to admit he'd had their mother killed. He ran at Tor in furious anger, intending to pummel the young Mandalorian with the bat, but Tor ducked the initial swing, only to get caught in the leg on the return. He collapsed to the ground, Dema'kad standing tall over Tors prostrate form. Tor rolled over and saw the wooden bat, like a blur, slam into his midsection. Again and again. He began to taste blood and saw the wild look in his fathers eye. He knew this would be the end for him. He would not show weakness though. He closed his eyes and endured his final moments in stoic silence.

After what seemed an eternity of beatings, Tor heard a loud gunshot. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling his bod ravaged by the blows and saw his father lying on the ground as if he were star-gazing. He slowly dragged himself to his feet and stumbled slightly. He couldn't stand straight because of his injuries. He hoped the man had his fill. As he walked over to his father, he noticed he was clutching his neck with blood oozing between his gloved fingers. Tor then remembered the blaster fire and looked around to see his brother holding the hunting rifle. The look he saw in Tas eyes told him things really had changed for good. He was no longer the care free brother he'd been when their mother was alive. He could see every bit of his brothers emotion being locked down further and further in his eyes, like a cascading chorus of doors slamming shut under lock and key. He knew too, he would have to be there for the man who saved his life, too. He was now indebted for life and he didn't care one bit. At least he lived to see his fathers end.

Ta dropped the rifle, and marched to Dema'kad, who was fumbling for his dagger. Tor knew this dagger well. They both did. While he'd never cut them, they'd been hit with the pommel on several occasions. Ta jerked it from the mans weakening grasp, and pried off his chest plate. It took some working and Dema'kad tried to fight back, but Tor used what strength he had left to hold his arms down as Ta'vode slowly slid the blade through the elder Mandos breastbone and into his quickly beating heart. He heard their father gasp, and when Ta slid the knife out, blood spurt from both his neck and his chest, bathing both their faces in blood. Tor and Ta both stood side by side as they watched their fathers quivering form slacken into a corpse. The two brothers, Tor only thirteen, and Ta only a year older, had just witnessed and taken part in a gruesome death. It was a scene out of a horror story and they both knew they would get away clean. Everybody knew Dema'kad Ka'ra was a cruel, heartless man, and he wouldn't be missed. Tor and Ta hugged each other in the relief that they could live freely now. After Ta left, Tor hung in the darkness, watching their father partake in his eternal rest.

After a couple hours, he began to hear a gurgling sound, T.... Trr.... Tyr.... Toooooor.... He realized, in frozen terror, that the voice was coming from his fathers corpse. He stepped closer to see what was happening, the mans arm shot out and snagged Tors leg and his head rotated at an odd angle to stare at Tor, his face slowly melting into a mirror of Tors older self, Nothing lasts... Life, politics, family... It all ends. Everything you touch dies. You killed me. Kill them too before they kill you... Tor jerked back from his reflection and scampered away, hearing his fathers calls as he ran, Toooor! Tooor! Toor! Tor!

Tor! Tor! Tor! Tor jerked out of his slumber, wild eyed, still in mid-twilight, and threw his sister out of his way, grabbing his blaster, he gritted his teeth and fired at the imaginary ghost left in his mind. He hit a scaffold and caused some beams to collapse on the floor, drawing disturbed looks from passerby. You couldn't fire a weapon on a ship without drawing attention. He gasped and collapsed back in his seat. He threw his helmet off his head and it crashed on the floor.

Ka'lira noticed the attention and rounded on them, Back off, aruetiise! Mando business. She turned back to her brother, who was regaining his consciousness, Vod'ika, I have no idea what the hell that was all about, but you need to snap out of it.

Tor wiped some drool off his mouth and sat up straight, looking around self-consciously, It was nothing... Memories altered by dreams. Don't worry about it. Lack of sleep. Tor didn't want to worry his sister, but he knew what the cause was. Not so much the hauntings of his past, every soldier had that, but it was the withdrawals from the carsunum he was beginning to feel. It was causing him to have fever dreams. He was beginning to hallucinate.

She knocked him on the head and gave his helmet to him, Whatever. If you expect me to be a hundred percent for show and tell, you should be too. Get up to sick bay before we embark and see what's going on.

Tor nodded, thinking he may get some relief, and left his seat. He caught a glance from his brother as he passed him heading for the turbolift. He'd almost certainly seen the blaster fire, if not, heard it. And if he'd been wearing his helmet, he surely would've seen Tors heart rate skyrocket as well.

When he reached the medical center, or what passed for one, it might as well have been a janitors closet. Such a let-down for such a massive warship, he entered a found a frail old man with graying hair, and thick glasses, Su'cuy, doctor. I've been having fever dreams and hallucinations. I believe it's carsunum withdrawal.

The doctor looked Tor up and down, You don't look like a druggie, son.

Looks can be deceiving. Give me some stims or meds and send me on my way. I have a war to fight and I don't want to hear any lectures on the dangers of recreational drug use. I hear enough from my family, and they can be a lot more persuasive than you.

Okay, here you are, he handed Tor two stims, and an antibiotic One is for the hallucinations, the other is for dehydration. Take them before the battle. The antibiotic is what we give patients in rehab. He handed Tor a Republic Rehabilitation Center flier, and a pamphlet of some religious texts. Tor smirked at them and promptly threw them in the nearest waste receptacle, I'm in control of my drug use.

Obviously not. At least take this. He attempted to hand Tor another copy of the pamphlet, only to have it waved away, Doc, I don't need your god. All I need is my heart and my wits.

But what about your soul, son? He asked, pointing to his chest.

I can't go to hell, old man. I'm already there. He said, and marched out without looking back. He couldn't stand people coaching him on his habit, or the after life, and he'd just met both in one body. He scowled as he marched back to the hangar, but at least he'd gotten what he came for.

As he took his stroll, the lights dimmed slightly, and he felt the ship jerk from under his feet. He hit the deck, stims scattering on the floor. They must've reentered hyperspace. He gathered the stims, and took off at a run down the corridors leading to the hangar, removing his forearm plate and jabbing the stims hard into his arm as he ran. When he reached the hangar, he saw Ka'lira and Ta'vode chatting about something. He told himself if she was telling Ta about what happened with him, he would throw her off the ship without a helmet, not believing a word of it, himself.

When he reached them, they turned to him, Ready for war, Ka'ika? He asked, trying to get a feel for the situation. Just try to save me some. Don't want you shredding the competition. He said, as he tapped her flechette shotgun with his middle finger as he walked away, motioning with his head to Ta to follow him.

Safely out of earshot, Tor removed his helmet and leaned in close to his brother, She wants to play big shot on this one, vod. But you know how inexperience and ego mixes. I don't want her leaving my side for this battle. You may have tactical command, but don't give her an order that takes her out from under my wing. She's a Ka'ra, not cannon fodder. She needs to bring honor to our name today.
Ta'vode locked gazes with his younger brother. "Again ner vod I remind you I can't use her for cannon fodder." Ta said his mind flashing back again to the woman that was their mother. The parent he'd loved, wanted, the one that the man he hated killed. She got his word and he still held it to this day. "I have a promise that I intend to honor to our buir. She deserved a better fate than she got and I'll not dishonor her memory and send Ka'ika to her death. I may be indifferent to her for all I see from her is a past I hate." he said his mind shooting back to the day he'd murdered their father with the assistance of his brother. The day they'd both changed. He shut down everything became cold and duty bound to look after his siblings. He'd become the clan leader of Ka'ra that day. His brother decided to fight injustice and later he'd become a drug user. They'd had to adapt to cope with life as it was. They'd walked through hell and lived. Now they were the hellspawn that their father had created and neither had any real intentions of siring children. His brother said their blood was tainted and he felt that he was probably right. The only answer they had was violence, death, destruction.

"I told you to watch your drug use. It's starting to interfere with our work. You wanna watch our vod'ika then you better start taking better care of yourself." he said and then clapped his brother on the shoulder. "Now its time to be the invincible men that we are. Let Stark tremble and fear when he hears our names on the fleeing hut'uune." he said almost enthusiastically and then slid his helmet over his face. It was probably the most feared thing in the universe. A mandalorian's helmet. It struck fear and dread into most beings.

After they all had their helmets on they got onto the first shuttle that would land planetside and the three of them waited near the hatch forcing the others to go around them. They would be the first off and they would bring glory and honor to their name and show Tarkin, these men, the Jetiise why mandalorians were so feared and respected.
Tor sat in his seat across from Ta by the exit of the shuttle, peaking out at the other soldiers filing in. Ka'lira was seated directly behind Tor'yc and was already socializing with the new guys. She was already starting off on the wrong foot. Tor preferred to keep the aruetii soldiers at arms length. Not because he disliked them or considered them inferior, but because they were more likely to die. Tor only worried about his brother and sister, and saw everyone else as a faceless entity sweeping the battlefield.

He reached out and helped the last soldier aboard. He was a scrawny guy carrying a large rucksack and struggling up the foot-plate of the shuttle. After everyone was seated, Tor did a discreet head count. There were nineteen bodies on board including the Ka'ras. Tor doubted he would see half of them return. The last one that entered, the small soldier, Tor already wrote him off as a dead man. He was nervous and anxious, which was expected in ones first battle, but this kid, he was of an already anxious disposition. Tor could easily see the man having regular psychiatric treatments.

Tor suddenly felt Invincible lurch under his feet and heard the slight scraping of metal as the ships shifted on their skids. They'd exited hyperspace. That could mean only one thing; war. He leaned out of the hatch and saw the blast door cycling open revealing a vast starscape with their destination in the center like a celestial throne. The shuttle shuddered and cleared the deck, moving swiftly out of the ship and towards the planet. The shuttle door slammed shut in front of Tor and threw the cabin in to total darkness. He noticed his sisters vital signs spike slightly. She was getting anxious. He nudged her with his arm, but didn't turn his head.

Listen up, soldiers! You men are designated Bantha Team. You will be tasked to hold Starks ground troops for as long as you can. Until our jedi can safely rescue the senator. Tor heard the voice from the pilots cabin, Under General Tyvokkas command, the Mandalorians will lead the assault.

Tor scoffed in his helmet and shook his head, Of course. We made such a nice impression on the shabuir, he wants us to get at them while they're fresh. He said, voice dripping with sarcasm. He noticed his sisters vitals spike again. He wasn't angry with her. He'd nearly had a panic attack too before his first battle. He turned and gripped her leg to get her attention, Udesii, vod. I won't let anything happen to you. And our eye in the sky over here, he nodded towards their brother, Will make sure you get your kills.

He watched her vital signs slowly stabilize. She just nodded.

Tor felt a slight shudder again as they passed into the atmosphere, and he leaned forward to peer out of the pilots viewscreen. They were over a frozen wasteland at the moment. The cold would really affect their mens ability. He figured they were close to one of the planets poles, and he didn't know what it was he was fighting for. He only knew he was being paid to mop up every last soldier on the field and that's what he intended to do.

This ship hit the tundra with a thud, and the canopy slid open, Move! Move! Move! The pilot shouted as blasterfire greeted the company of soldiers. Tor and Ta exited the shuttle first, acting as a wall to stop stray blaster fire, followed closely by Ka'lira. After they disembarked, Ka'lira took a flank position, while Tor stood by the exit, picking off any attackers that got too close, while he motioned for their soldiers to exit the craft. He caught sight of Ta directing a few to safety while he drew fire from the enemy as well. After the last man exited the shuttle, he banged on the hatch, and it lifted in a vertical take off that nearly forced Tor to the ground from the downdraft.

Satisfied their ride was safely in the air again, Tor turned his attention to the field and noticed they had no practical defensive lines. They'd been dropped in the middle of a shit-storm. But like all Ka'ras, Tor could adapt and think on his feet. They had a wave of Stark's forces coming at them and no time to dig trenches, Ka, toss me a mine! He turned to his sister and saw her making good use of her flechette shotgun. It sliced through one of her attackers, and she promptly stabbed the other until he stopped screaming. He could hear her panting in the speakers as she reached in her thigh pocket and grabbed one of her anti-armor landmines and tossed it to Tor. It was a self-burrowing mine. One she rigged herself. She could be annoying, but the di'kut was an artist with explosives. He activated it and tossed it on the ground several meters away. After it burrowed itself in, he directed his brother to fire at it. Ta's sniper rifle, a much more powerful weapon than Tor's twin blasters, chased the mine and blew a crater into the snowscape, forming an instant defensive position. All 16 soldiers gathered into and were putting up a valiant effort of defending it. Tor knew it was only a matter of time before someone got smart and lobbed a grenade in after them. It was how he used to fish. Corral all your fish into a small area and drop in a thermal det. Easy pickings.

He took cover by an ancient rock wall caked in snow and took shots at the incoming wave, wondering what they would do if they lost their help. Tor and Ta were tough, but they couldn't hold off an army single-handedly. He knew they would be taken prisoner. He only hoped Ka was strong enough to resist it. Dema'kad had died before he'd gotten to train Ka in the delicate art of resisting interrogation. On most days, Tor was glad for that. But today, he cursed his father for not finishing her training.

He decided that they weren't going to get taken prisoner and took a deep breath before leaning back out of cover and taking four soldiers out with repeated blasts.

Ka'ika, come to me! I'll cover you and we can do some damage while Ta gains some ground and does what he does best.

He heard his sisters panting grow as she sprinted across the tundra to Tors position. She slammed hard into the wall behind Tor and knelt down, peeking back over the wall anxiously. Tor crouched by the end of the position, trying to gain a sense of the enemy forces they had. The war had begun and they already had long odds. But Tor had seen worse. He waited to see the spectacle he knew would come. His brothers shots would ring out soon, and heads would roll. Or explode. They did that sometimes. The ions in the blaster rounds could heat the water in the brain and make for a gruesome display of gore. He looked back at his sister, noticing her vitals were racing just like his, but seeing nothing wrong with her, he jabbed her with the back of his hand, You ready to see a miracle, vod? Tor asked, expecting his brothers initial shot to ring out any second.
Ta'vode ran up a nearby hill. He preferred somewhere with more of a vantage and better cover but his vode needed him where he could do the most damage. Ta laid down on the back descent, turning on the special program in his helmet. It didn't help him aim it tracked targets and did a quick threat assessment, outlining all enemies in white, the more dangerous were painted red, while friendlies had a blue painting.

Ta peered into the scope and watched the battle field leap from a distance to very close. The first target was a twi'lek and Ta's shot took her in the throat, vaporizing most of it. She dropped to the ground her head laying slightly askew from her torso. He tracked the next target a human and fired a round right between his eyes. Ta continued to lay down fire the chant that he'd learned from a friend of his buir playing over and over in his mind, "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast." Sniping wasn't about how many you could kill quickly but was more about taking out someone with a single round. Anyone could fire two three or more rounds into a being and killed it. True artistry came in killing with a single round. And Ta made sure each round killed and killed quickly.

Ta's system suddenly painted a pair red. He swung the rifle towards them. It was a rodian with a bith close behind. Ta'vode smiled to himself. "Vode a two for one special." he chatted into their link. He aimed and fired. The round burned clean through the Rodian and when it connected with the Bith his head erupted into a gory testament to his skill. Ta didn't take time to marvel at his kill. He moved onto the next target firing into weequay and dropping him hard.

Ta watched as the opposing troops were moving with a more tactical method since seemed to realize now that simply trying to overrun them wasn't going to work.

"Get ready for the next wave. I think they are done testing us and they know our big weak spot." he told his vode in an analytical detached voice.

"Does he ever sound alive?" came Ka's sarcastic question. Tor answered by punching her in the arm. "I hop you sound more alive in the bedroom or I don't see how anyone could want you their." she quipped. Tor punched him in the helmet this time then fired a few rounds into the encroaching attackers. Ka stood up and fired a few bursts into the enemy.
Ka'lira stood firing into the approaching enemies. Many were dropping under the hail of her fire but only some didn't get back up. Her rifle didn't have much accuracy depending more on spray to kill or keep pinned down. Battle was nothing like the stories her buir used to tell her or the bar fights she'd been in. Those never seemed so chaotic.

Kalira noticed something go lopping over into the crater her mine had created. She reacted without thought as their comrades were shoving trying to fight to get out of what was now a death nest she threw herself down into the pit. She quickly scanned the ground and found the small sphere of death. By the flashing light it was about to go off. No time to throw it back. She noted quickly it was a fragmentation grenade and guessed its yield wasn't enough to punch through beskar since it was designed to disperse and cause more damage with shrapnel than anything else. All this she determined in the blink of an eye. She threw herself onto the sphere.

When it blew a second later she screamed in pain as the force of the blast threw her from her stomach. She landed hit and rolled to her back. Her chest had a sharp pain shooting through her body. Could she have miscalculated the odds. Her left hand went to her breastplate feeling the hot dent that was now going to make it more of a pain to draw a deep breath.

"Ka'ika. Ka'ika." Came through her helmet's link. The icy voice of her eldest brother. Then Tor was standing over her staring down through the T-visor at her. She could see the anger in his stance. "I'm fine." she groaned scrambling to her feet. She activated her launcher and used her suit to project the trajectory. She raised her arm and fired and a few seconds later heard loud screams and cries of terror and pain. She then loaded an incendiary and fired it towards the next group giving them a feiry death on the frozen plains. If they wanted to play with bombs they should at least use better grade explosives with shorter fuses. If she'd seen most of the enemy holed in one spot she'd loped a short fused death bringer that'd explode as soon as it hit giving them no time to react.

"Looks like Stark's boys are pulling back for now." Came her older brother's response. Ka'lira nodded before stripping her helmet off and sitting down unbuckling her chest piece examining the scorched paint and the dent. Her armor now had its first official war scar. She looked around and noticed that the other soldiers were busy making fortifications under the icy glare of the eldest Ka'ra. She knew Tor was pissed at her but she reacted. Their hadn't been much thought when she saw the grenade. She looked at her brother and smiled her most winning smile. "I survived my first battle but remind me next time to throw Ta on the grenade. I doubt it'd make it through his frozen demeanor and it'd hurt a shab of a lot less."
Tor'yc peered through a blaster hole in his wall at the wave of soldiers as their group slowly reduced it little by little. Eventually he saw a detonator, picked out in his field of view by an incoming indicator, land in his makeshift trench. He silently cursed to himself and leaned around the corner to pick off the man who threw the det. That was all he could do for the poor souls in the pit, he would secure vengeance for them.

As Tor saw the man drop, he caught a glimpse of orange armor rush by him. He reached out to stop his sister, but she was too fast. She dove on the the grenade, and Tor waited in frozen terror as he mentally counted the remaining seconds he had with his sister. He swallowed and it caught in his throat as he saw his sister leave the ground and then heard the explosion. He knew, theoretically, beskar could protect the wearer from a pointblank explosion like that, but armor didn't do a thing for the shock wave. The liquification it could cause was what could have killed her.

As he rushed to the site, he saw several soldiers lying around the outer edges of the pit. A couple had some shrapnel wounds, but otherwise everyone survived. So even if she died, at least she kept their men alive. Something he couldn't say for either himself or Ta'vode, so the action redeemed her anyway.

When he looked looked at her live-feed in his hud, he could see she was staring at the breastplate. He knew she wasn't dead now. Her scream and Ta's subsequent calls kept ringing in his ears though and it made his blood boil.

He stepped into the crater, gently picking his way through the cast of soldiers and reached her. She looked at him and grinned, showing the plate as it glinted off the sunlight peering through dark clouds, "I survived my first battle but remind me next time to throw Ta on the grenade. I doubt it'd make it through his frozen demeanor and it'd hurt a shab of a lot less.

Tor froze and glared at her through his helmet. He couldn't believe she was joking. Honorable as it may be, Ka'ras looked out for each other. That's how it had always been. She upset the balance.

These men are trained for this, Ka'lira! You do not risk your life for their survival. We were hired to kill the enemy. Not save this rabble. He said, as he kicked one soldiers leg that had a piece of shrapnel embedded in it.
He saw another man ambling towards. He reached Tor and placed a hand on his shoulder. The Mandalorian recognized him as the scrawny guy he helped board the shuttle. Apparently he thought that made Tor and him buddies. Friends. He thought wrong, Hey, guy, go easy on her. She just saved all of us.

Tor gritted his teeth and tilted his head towards the intruder in his conversation, She did, did she? He said, as he took his blaster pistol from his opposite hand and drove into the soldiers stomach, squeezing the trigger twice. The mans horrified face sucked large quantities of air and collapse on the ground, a river of blood flowing down the crater towards his sister. He kicked the body off of his boot and it rolled down the stream, That's one less you have to save, hero. He said, before stalking off, receiving horrified looks from the mans comrades and his sister. He knew he wouldn't be the toast of the town today. He didn't care. He wasn't there for them. She wasn't either and she needed to learn that.

After the spectacle, Tor'yc sat down on the front face of the hill his brother was on and removed his helmet. He took a deep breath and watched it chill on the wind before removing a ration pellet from his pocket and chewing on it. He needed to keep strength for the next wave. Now that he had time to calm down and think, he figured he probably shouldn't have killed the man. At least not in front of his savior, who also happened to be Tor's sister. But it had happened and she saw a side of her brother that she probably never would forget. Tor came to term long ago with what war did. It turned decent men into monsters. He could be a loving husband and father at home and rape and torture on the battlefield. But he was neither of those things. He was a caring brother who had no problem killing anyone who threatened his siblings safety. Of course Ka'lira most likely wouldn't see it that way.

Regrouping to try some new tactics, vod? Our men won't stand a chance. Moral is low and we're a couple men short. He surveyed the area looking for any tactical advantages. He saw none save for a small mountain range a few kilometers to the west with a large crevice running between the two. Probably an old nerf herder pass carved out millenia ago. They could use the pass to funnel and trap their enemies.

He could feel his brothers bead on the back of his head. He knew he wouldn't shoot. He didn't understand why Ta loved to view the world through a scope all the time. It was probably a subconscious metaphor for keeping everything, the world and his emotions, at a distance. But Tor wasn't a philosopher. He nodded his head at the range, Maybe we should mix it up too then, Ta'ika. Check out that passage. I bet we could use that. He pulled on his helmet and magnified his hud to get a closer view of the passage, Yes, I'm sure we can... He said to himself.

After he finished surveying the small range, he nodded and looked back at his brother, I'm going to take a couple guys and scout it out, vod. Even if we can't use it, at least we'll be able to hit their flank on the way back. They won't be expecting it. These bounty hunters and mercenaries don't know how to fight as a team. It's every man for themselves. He said, hearing his own words come back at him. He felt no remorse for the death of the soldier though. Tor'yc was a man unburdened with friends and relatives. He had his brother and sister and that was all he needed to survive. He still felt like somewhat of a hypocrite though and decided he would comm his sister to apologize for his outburst. He knew it wasn't much by way of fixing it, but it may help her calm down. He knew she would be frantic. She'd just risked her life to save his only to have her brother kill him for surviving.
She didn't answer. He shrugged and blinked his comm off. As long as she still followed orders, which he had no doubt she would. She knew what he and his brother were. She just never witnessed their cold dispassionate dispatches with their blasters. All of their hands had blood on them and now she was no different. She would have to square that away with herself when the killing was done. For now, he knew he needed to find out what was in that pass.

He walked back to the crater where the men were still mourning their losses, and waved to of the tougher looking soldiers to him. They reluctantly marched to him and growled as they arrived. Both were a good head taller than Tor and built like machines. He took his helmet off and stared at both of them. They turned their heads first. He would not be cowed by physical intimidation. He knew he was the more dominant of these men. What are your names? They glanced at each other and dropped their heads. Noval and Dwyer they intoned together. Tor looked at both and noticed a few similarities. More that a few, actually, they appeared identical. He mused for a moment what it would be like to have someone that looked exactly like himself and decided it would be a little creepy. He brought his attention back to the present, Okay, men. See that pass over there? He asked, handing a pair of macrobinoculars to the due. They looked at it and nodded, Get your gear. We're going for a hike. He turned and started marching for the pass as he watched the two share a worried look and grabbed their packs to trudge off after him. He knew they probably thought they were going to die too, but he wasn't that bad of a person. He just didn't want his sister to die. Surely they understood that. Then again, these were average civilians, not battle-hardened Mandalorians. He decided he would try explain to Ka'lira why he went off, later. When it was more prudent. For now, he had a job to do and he intended to do it well. He locked his feelings down and marched onward.
Ta had watched the scene unfold through his scope. He almost pulled the trigger the moment the guy laid a hand on Tor and then decided not too. Ka'lira had to learn for herself that Ta wasn't the only one that was cold and dispassionete towards aruetii. She loved Tor and was blinded to the fact that he was as ruthless as himself.

For now the soldiers, such as they were, were improving the ground they held. It needed fortifications so they could spread out. They'd been thrown here as cannon fodder. Seemed very unjedi like to him yet Ta knew that the jedi were hypocrites and soon enough these men would learn it too. "Ka'lira do you have any anti-personel mines?"

"I have a few. Give me the grenades from the others and I can rig some traps."

"Just plant a couple on the flanks. I want them scared to fan out."

Ta continued to sit up there watching for the first sign of trouble. He'd be the first to see it and he wasn't going to end up in another situation where his sister decided to be the hero.

After she was out planting the mines he commed her. "Ka." he said. "What the shab you want now?" came her response. At least she remained respectful while she was around the others.

"Don't die. Tor couldn't take losing you," and Ta silently added himself, "and right now you're all that is keeping these men here. They see you as a savior their guardian. Keep their spirits up however you can. Light drinking, card games whatever you need to do to keep them from breaking. They break we all die. Three an army cannot fight."

Ta listened as Ka'lira laughed. "So fear and intimidation won't keep us alive and you admit that you need me now. This is different. Remind me to bring this up next time you're being a chakaar."
Ka'lira finished planting the mines and joined what was left of their group. They were down to thirteen not counting Tor and his two. She slid her helmet off and shook her head while pulling the bands out of her hair letting it fall free of its binds. One of the older guys chuckled. "Well lads, I've seen it all now. Not only were we saved by a mandalorian, a woman but it's a young woman that looks to be barely old enough to be out here." he said teasingly.

Ka'lira gave the group her most infectious smile. "You're just mad that I'm prettier than you." she shot back and a few of them chuckled. Then one of them pulled out a small bottle of Tarisian Ale, "To our savior and protector, never let it be said that all of our mandalorian leaders are kriffing heartless" he toasted took a swig and tossed it to her. She caught it and took a long draw sighing at the end before passing it on to another.

"So how did such a young pretty girl like you end up in armor?" asked another.

Ka smiled her mind going back to what she could remember. She'd been so young. She could bring forth images of her real parents and she did remember the twi'lik was teaching her a lot of dance but she didn't really remember much of how she'd come to be adopted beyond that she had been scared, terrified.

Ka'lira as hiding in the back room under her teacher's bed. She'd heard gunfire and shouting, screams and lots of sobbing and what she thought was begging and pleading. Suddenly a terrifying figure walked in. It was all armored and were there should have been a face there was a black T. She scooted further under the bed pressing herself against the wall more trying to get out of anything's reach. She didn't want the faceless monster to get her. It walked closer and stopped before the bed. It knelt down and saw her. It slid an cold armored hand towards her and she screamed shoving herself flat against the back wall. It stopped reaching then, "It's alright ad'ika I won't hurt you." came a distant but reassuring voice.

"Where is Ms. Alarra? What'd you do to her?"

There was a sigh. "I'm sorry I scared you but that twi'lik was a very bad person. She was going to sell you to really mean men."

"No she wouldn't. She was teaching me to dance so that I could be a big star one day."

The creature sat up and slid off the scary face and then sympathetic grey eyes locked onto hers. "She was lying to you. She bought you from your parents cause they didn't love you and she was gonna sell you to some shabla hutts or some other group of low scum in the galaxy that would use you abuse you and one day kill you for no other reason than because they can."

Ka'lira began to cry. "I don't want to die." she wailed.

"Udessii, ad'ika. I won't let anything hurt you. That's why I came. To stop the bad people from hurting you."

She sniffled. "You did?"

"That's right ad'ika. And if you come with me you'll have a mother and two brothers as well."

Kalira didn't have any siblings she crawled to the man's hand and he gently pulled her out. He held her close and carried her all the way to his ship.

"My father saved me, and adopted me. He died when I was young and my brother's took care of me and still do." she told them.

"You make mandalorians sound loving. I thought they were all ruthless killers.

"We can be. But we are a family raised in a culture based on honor, glory, and being a warrior."
As they trudged through the snow towards the old pass, Tor could see in his helmet that Noval and Dwyer were struggling to keep up. They were both carrying their rucksacks, whereas Tor only had his armor, so he slowed down for them, thinking they would appreciate the reprieve.

After they got out of sight of their comrades, Noval spoke up, apparently feeling some confidence returning. Hey, you know that guy had a girlfriend. They were going to get married when he got home. He said sourly, glaring at Tors back. One good thing about these helmets was you had wrap-around vision. You could view the world in '360 degrees, Then I did her a favor. He said, and picked his pace back up. He continued to eye the soldier as his walk came to an abrupt stop and his hand began to sway ever closer to his sidearm. Tor stopped walking too but kept his back to the men. Don't do it, soldier... File in and do your job. He said, adding a little kindness to his deep voice. He needed all the help he could get. They all did. The man reluctantly trudged on. Tor saw his brother, Dwyer place a hand on his shoulder as they marched. They probably felt like they were in hell. He wouldn't argue with them. He wasn't afraid to bring hell to anyone.


When they reached the mountain range, Tor signaled both men up either side of the pass to scout the area out, and he strolled through the pass. It lifted their spirits a little, he could tell. Probably thinking he was making the sacrifice for them if he was ambushed. He wasn't. He knew his armor could handle the impact though.

As he walked, he saw small puffs of breath over the ridge as his soldiers scaled the hills. It was a small mountain range, but large enough that somebody felt the need to build this shortcut. He wanted to see where it led. The walls of the pass were large and jagged. Almost as if it had been carved with stones. He observed the trails through the pass. He didn't hit guess on the mark; it had been a nerf trail. But it had been a while since anyone had come through. He wondered for a moment why the trail hadn't been disturbed. He looked above him and noticed the trees in the mountains had grown together creating a ceiling over the pass. He thought for a devious moment that they could bring the entire thing down on their enemies if push came to shove.

As he brought his attention back to his stroll, he caught sight of Noval lying on the ridge of his side, and saw the red glint of the laser on his rifle. Tor suddenly realized that they hadn't gotten less moody because he took the hard road, but because they were going to be the ones doing the ambush. He stood still and decided to let Noval get whatever vengeance he felt he needed. But the man didn't fire right away. Tor was beginning to get impatient, Come on, di'kut. Get it over with! He yelled over his speaker. As he finished his sentence, the man fired and a round impacted directly behind Tor'yc. He glanced behind him and saw a clawdite lying in the snow. It must have hid under the snow. Tor nodded at the limp form and looked back at the smoking barrel, the only thing peering over the ledge now, Nice shot. Watch your corners, men. We're not alone.

He armed himself with his blaster pistols and continued down the pathway. He found himself wishing he had his brother and sister instead of these two. He could link up with them and be aware of where they were and how they were faring. He couldn't see his men now. As he reached a bend in the passage, he realized it would make a great choke point for the Stark''s forces if they could funnel them in. He continued making notes of his surroundings but was beginning to feel more and more confident that they could use this discovery to their advantage.

After a while he reached the end. He noted it was about two kilometers long. Further cementing the thought in his mind that it was important to someone. The opposite end of the pass opened up into a vast field. Just more wasteland covered by a white blanket of ice and water. He knew it didn't change the result. They could fortify this end of the pass and corral Starks men, but he was still curious what the pass was for. He cycled through his visual filters in his helmet, and noticed on electrical and sonar filters, he could see slight indentations under the snow. He could make out houses and windows. A road leading out of the town to the pass. The crevice must have been much older than he thought. This village had been abandoned for a long time.

Okay. We're done looking around. It looks good, I guess the clawdite was alone. Probably scouting like us. Came Dwyers voice as both men descended the hills behind him. He turned back to them, Good. Let's build a wall here and see if we can't bring this whole damn thing down on our friendly little neighbors. He watched their shoulders sag a little and noticed them begin to shudder. It was a lot colder in the pass than in what Tor considered the actual battlefield back where the red of Bantha Team was located. He knew his armor would protect him from the most of it, but hypothermia would set in before long on the two less-protected individuals with him.

Nevermind. Regroup with the others. Don't die on the way back. They nodded and started to drag themselves away. Tor prodded Noval on the shoulder. When he turned around, Tor spoke slowly, emphasizing syllables. He didn't want them to forget his orders, Tell Ta'vode I am redecoration. I will be back soon. Noval nodded and they walked off.
After they left, he looked around wondering what he could use to fortify the exit. It was old and already built up a little more than the canyon floor. He climbed up a hill and searched for some long limbs he could use to slow their advance should they reach the exit. It was snowing heavily so Tor didn't have to look hard. Gathering up his materials, he dragged them back to the exit and lashed them together using some fibercord from his utility belt. He leaned the makeshift wall against either of the pass and it set sturdy at the exit. Happy with himself, he scaled the hill again, this time having to use blades on his forearm plates to pull himself up the rock face, since closing himself inside the pass took away his option of walking up the hill.
Reaching the top, he walked along the ridge eyeing the canopy where the snow and tree limbs and formed an ice-bridge. He found a few strategic weak points on the canopy and climbed the trees to affix a mine to the ceiling. He only had three so he knew he had to stretch them out. He didn't have time to travel back to his sister.

After what seemed a couple of hours, he placed the last mine and scrambled back down to the pass floor. He walked out and saw a flashing blue and red light in the distance. He magnified his viewscreen and saw it was a firefight. He knew he couldn't have taken that long. He cursed himself for not having a rifle to take some shots sooner, but he ran full tilt with his pistols anyway.

He decided that if his siblings were dead by the time he got back, no one would survive. Not Starks men, nor Tarkins. It would be a day for the dead.
Ta'vode had gone to sleep his helmet hooked up to his scope. It'd let him know if anything was wrong. Ta was woken up by an insistent beeping. His eyes snapped open the fog of sleep receding instantly thanks to the constant fear growing up of not being awake when their father entered the room. He looked through the scope and saw the enemy approaching. He scoped in and saw that they were forming on what should be outside his range. He aimed carefully and decided that it was time to give this next wave a welcoming gift. He fired and watched as the intended target dropped. A targeting computer might have said the shot was impossible but he'd been trained to be the best and his brother didn't say he performed miracles for nothing. He aimed carefully again and targeted what appeared to be the one in charge and fired again dropping him. "Ka'ika get the men ready. We'll soon have visitors."

Ta never heard a response from her but he could see in his peripheral movement and knew that she was preparing the men for the next wave. They weren't as bad off defensively this time but it wasn't going to be easy. Ta'vode fired a third round into them dropping another and they charged in disorder. Ta knew their type. They were here for the money and long as it wasn't insane they'd act proper military but when their being dropped when their supposed to be out of range didn't work for keeping a disciplined unit together much less this odd assortment of rabble. Ta hopped that their mines would further dishearten them and cause them to break into a retreat. They'd find out soon enough.
Ka'lira was lightly sleeping.

"Think she can hear us?"

"I can't believe she's sleeping in that armor."

"Nah no way she could hear us through that less she had it own."

"Think she's awake and the armor is on?"

"Nah she hasn't moved in a few hours."

"Think the rest of her is as pretty as her face."

"I don't know but I think...."

"That you'll not finish that line."

Five heads swiveled towards her. "You could hear us?"

"I can hear and see most things around me." she said matter of factly. "As for your curiosities you all can find out after the war. We're gonna all go to Corascant and crash the best bars and nightclubs. And the first round at every bar is on me."

They all cheered in excitement and went back to talking among themselves and she felt hollow inside. They were one small team set out to buy time. They were expendable and none of them seemed to realize it. Then again they believed their savior would keep them safe and she couldn't save everyone. Buir is this why my brothers don't let anyone close. They refuse to feel the loss of pain like I'm going to feel with each one of their deaths. she silently asked the man that was long dead.

"Ka'ika get the men ready. We'll soon have visitors."

"Get up and get to your positions di'kutla shabuire. Stark's boys want to be bloodied some more."

The men started grabbing their guns and moving to position. She moved into her own spot. She activated her macro binoculars in her helmet and watched as they closed. They were disorganized and charging wildly towards them Ta's fire dropping them here and their. From the rate he was shooting she could almost swear their was more than one sniper up their. This wouldn't be to bad.

"Hold fire and wait for my order."

She resisted the urge to fire indiscrementally into them and wait. She wanted to be sure they could hit them with a wall of fire that nothing was gonna get through.

She watched as they hit the first mine and the shot into the air spraying pellets into their flanks forcing them to bunch together. before long they hit the second set of mines.

"FIRE!" she screamed and all twelve of them opened up on them producing a red wall of deadly light streaks. They started to return fire as they approached and her helmet let her see one of the men take a shot in the shoulder. He hit the ground screaming in pain. "Leave him keep firing are we're all dead." she screamed through her loud speaker. They hit the third set of mines and kept coming. "Shab." she muttered to herself. She set a flashbang on her launcher. "Everyone down." she yelled as she fired into the onslaught of enemies.

Tor listened to the orders and commands being shouted over his comm. He kept quiet because he didn't want to distract his family from their trade. As he neared the carnage, he realized the fighting had regressed from a firefight into a fist fight. He could still see the occasional blaster round from Ta's sniper fire striking the crowd. The precision with which he utilized in his shots fascinated Tor who could never calm his mind enough to make that perfect shot. He relied on his close range blasters because of his preferred method of dispatch; close-quarters battle. With his twin blasters, he was allowed more range of motion, more freedom of movement in close.

He could hear the deep percussion of Ka'liras flechette boom over the sound of the charging mercenaries and the screams of the dying. The din of her instrument followed by the spray of blood and bellows of the injured made her appear the very image of death. As he reached the edge of the battle, it occurred to him that he hadn't been noticed by anyone yet. There were far more of Starks forces than they had. He could only count ten of Bantha Team left not including himself and his siblings. They'd already lost six men in a few hours. He had to figure something out with his brother after this attack. He knew in his mind that they were only there to draw attention away from Tarkin and Tyvokka, but he decided they would do more than be a distraction.

He charged into the fray, mentally shutting out all the noises of combat and filtering only the commands of the men he worked with. The first mercenary he caught sight of was a devaronian who was standing over Noval in the pit. Tor ran behind the alien and fired both pistols in his back before kicking him over. Noval lie on his back, hands propping him off the ground, staring up at the black form of his savior. Tor'yc tossed him one of his blaster pistols. He reached and fumbled the pistol before gaining his senses and rolling to his feet, gun in hand. He nodded at Tor, his paragon-like act seeming redeeming Tor in Novals eyes. He decided that if Noval survived this war, he would find good work for the man. He nodded at him and turned back to the oncoming horde, firing blasts into the crowd as he caught sight of them through his wall of soldiers.

Tor! Down! He heard his sister yell through his helmet. He dropped to the ground and heard the whine of her repeater cut down several soldiers in front of him. He grunted in acknowledgement as he propped himself up to one knee and rested his last pistol on his opposite forearm, sighting up on a mercenary who was running from the carnage. He fired his shot and the man fell to the ground with a bolt in his back and one in his head. Tor noticed the other bolt came from above his head, so he knew his brother still had his six.

He kept fighting his way through the lines until he reached the last few soldiers at the end of the line. Tarkins boys had really showed their mettle this time around and had about evened the playing field. Or so he thought. He heard a loud whistle and paused a moment, listening. He cranked his helmets hearing sensors up and listened. It sounded like...

Suddenly Ta'vode's identifier light blinked red three times. Their universal code for something that had just gone badly wrong. Then Tor felt the whump! of the mortar strike. It knocked him several meters backwards and he landed in a heap. He rolled to his feet and knocked his blaster against his helmet to make sure everything was working fine before setting off at a run across the exploding battlefield. He could see Noval waving Tors blaster, defending the position of their dead and two injured soldiers. One had no legs anymore and was dragging himself across the snow leaving a bloody trail. The other only had minor chest wounds and some shrapnel protruding from his right leg. He lay against a small embankment helping Noval defend their position.

As he marched by Ka'lira, he heard the whistle again. He'd numbed himself to the sound, but he saw her dive on top of the nearest of Tarkins men. He reached down and roughly dragged her to feet and along behind him, They're soldiers, vod. Don't treat them like children. He said as she looked back to see the mortar shell land directly on the fallen soldier. The explosion forced his body into the air and sent limbs and blood spraying over the surrounding company. Tor felt some blood spatter his visor and one of the mans fingers landed on his shoulder. He flicked it off with a gloved hand and noticed Ka'lira watching him. He couldn't see her expression but he could tell her breathing patterns and her grip that she was horrified and angry. Tor knew, to her, he was no different than Ta right now. On the battlefield, both men became cold and ruthless. Wraiths soaring across a vast ocean filled with the blood of their enemies. He tried to walk and she pulled him to a stand still. He knew she felt these were her men. She had a duty to protect them. He understood that. But he had a duty to protect her as well. And they would get their justice for Starks men playing dirty. Whoever ordered the mortars had ravaged Starks forces as well. What was left of them lay on the field, dead, just like Bantha Team. Men! Fall back! We can't fight those mortars! He yelled, his low voice bellowing over the clouds of frost. The surviving members began to work their way back as Ka'lira stil refused to budge. Tor stepped into her and brought his knee in to her stomach, causing her to double over. He lifted her on his shoulders and too off as fast as he could towards Ta'vodes position. He held the only position left that they could defend. Gar ori'atinla, vod'ika. Learn to follow orders. He whispered as he ran, hearing explosions rock the ground behind him. He could still see Ta taking potshots at the surviving members of Starks troops.

When he reached Ta's position, Ta didn't budge. He only reached down and tapped his macrobinoculars on his thigh plate. Their viewscreens were powerful, but not nearly as powerful as these. He let Ka drop from his shoulders and retrieved the binocs.

So what am I looking for?

He watched Ta take two fingers and point north and heard an irritated sigh. Apparently he saw something he didn't like. Tor powered on the binocs and peered north. He saw several mobile mortar emplacements on a ridge about five kilometers away. There was nothing else. It occurred to him that there was nothing to defend or retrieve here either. Just a staging point for one of the bloodiest battles in the opening of the Stark Hyperspace War. He scanned the area from the north to the west and measured the distance between his pass and the mortars. Three clicks. He felt an idea bloom in his head.

Get Ka'lira and the others to the pass, vod, and I'm sure you and I can take out those mortars once it gets dark. There's only four. Once their advantage is gone, they'll follow us into the pass where we can trap them. He knew the idea would work if everything went off without a hitch but he was concerned about how to keep the mortars from collapsing the pass on Tarkins people. He weighed the risks and decided they probably wouldn't try it. Bantha Team was the only force on this side of the equator. They would try to get their hands on at least one live prisoner. He thought it just might work.

Yeah, you're right. You're both always right because you're so cold and analytical and so shabla heartless! She seethed as she rose to her feet and punched Tor in the back of the head as hard as she could. He stumbled forward over Ta and turned back to her, genuinely confused, I just saved your ass! Stand down! He yelled to his sister. She just stalked towards him, gripping her flechette tight.

No, you're my brother, not my CO. You don't get to tell me what to do. You've already killed two of my men today. She brought the flechette to bear, What's one more? She said, and squeezed the trigger. The blast caught Tor in the shoulder and knocked the wind out of him. In an instant, Ta was on his feet and behind Ka'lira, placing her in a headlock.

Tor brushed the shrapnel off his scarred black armor and slowly walked towards her, You have five men left, Ka. Don't get them killed in the pass. He said, slowly patting the side of her helmet where her cheek was. He wasn't going to hold her outburst against her. He knew she'd feel terrible when she calmed down. He would let her guilt fulfill the justice for him. He placed a hand on Ta's shoulder and looked north. So tell me, Ta'ika. What should we do about our friends? He asked, as he saw Ta's grip slacked and Ka gasp began gasping for air. He knew his brother wasn't going to hold until she died. He was bound by duty, just as Tor was by justice. Neither could kill her. Tor didn't want to lose her though. That's what set him and Ta apart. She stalked off, grumbling.
Ta'vode kept his scope up peering part of him wishing that his sniper had the range to sit from here and pick off the mortars but sadly it'd take a lot more powerful rifle than he could easily carry to reach that far. He kept a careful eye on the positions of those mortars, Ka'ika and her men and anything else Stark might decide to send up their mice little patch of paradise.

A small part of Ta pitied Ka'lira right now. She had let the fact that she'd saved those men, that they looked to her for leadership even though she was just as green get to her and now she was angry and heartbroken which led to her being extremely impulsive and dangerous. Right now the thing she needed most was an outlet.

It wasn't long and dark had fallen. Ta and Tor moved up on the positions of the mortars their darker armor helping hide them in the shadows. Ta slide his darkened beskad out while his brother drew both of his kads. They were going for a silent strike. They didn't want Stark's men to know what hit them till they blew the mortars to hell.

Tor moved forwards melting into the dark with his armor till he reached the first sentry and quickly silenced him with a single quick slice across the weequay's throat. Ta moved forwards while Tor eased the body down and quickly slammed his beskad through a devourian's throat sufficiently silencing the creature's ability to cry for help.

It didn't take them long and they'd subdued the crew manning the mortar's and all without raising an alarm. They'd gathered everything and was piling it when Tor's voice came over his helmet link. "You thinking what I'm thinking ner vod?"

"You mean take a couple of these and some ammunition and give Stark a big surprise?"

"Actually I was thinking of gifting one to Ka'ika, but your idea is good too." came his brother's wry voice.

"And she might use it to blow both of our shebe back to Manda'yiam." he responded in a dry voice.

Ka'lira trudged off leading what was left of her men. They made a pathetic bunch of rabble at the moment and she made an even worse leader for them. She'd failed to save more of them from everything and she'd even let her brother stop her from saving others.

"So what's your rank ma'am?"

"I don't have one." she said back hotly. Ka cursed herself for taking her anger out on poor Aemon. They'd just lost most of the people they knew and she barely knew them. They deserved better. But she did swear one thing. She wouldn't let them see her weakness. She wouldn't show them her pain over the loss of their comrades. Even as tears silently streamed down her face. She never let a sob rack her body or showed any outward sign of the crumbling she felt inside. She'd give them a strong leader.

"Thought she was warmer than the other two." muttered Stevron.

"Nah. She's like them. A mandalorian." stated dwyer.

"There not so bad." commented Noval.

"She's better than the others." said Aemon, "Look at her walk she's pissed."

"Shut the kriff up all of you. Less talk more walk." she barked their talk fanning her flames.

It only hurts just once. Troop losses are nothing but broken bones. flashed through her mind. The voice of a man she loved dearly. It was one of the times she'd overheard him teaching her brothers. It was the same heartless mentality that they both showed. She knew both her brothers wouldn't let something as small as a broken arm or leg or rib slow them down. They'd ignore the pain and keep fighting.

Once she got to the pass her visor picked up Tor's mines. She directed the brothers, and Stevron to go up one slope while she took the other with Aemon. "We want to fortify these and make it so that when Stark's men head this way their forced into this pass. Then we'll bring it down on their heads." she told them. It didn't take long and they'd made the sloped impassable using almost all the rest of her explosives.

They all sat around a fire at the back of the pass waiting for the inevitable to come. She'd taken her helmet off as well as her chest piece and she noted silently that the others were taking discrete glances. Let them. They deserve it. she told herself. She softly began to sing Da Werda.
Tor slid his knife across the weequays neck and was greeted by a warm spray of blood on his faceplate. Too deep... He thought as he realized he'd sliced halfway through the mans neck. Weequays had larger arteries in their necks than humans and it was a lot easier to hit one.

As he eased the body down, he looked up and saw a Devaronian watching him. Tor reached back for his pistol but paused in mid-motion as he watched the mercs eyes widen in shock and pain and then saw Ta'vodes beskad slide through the back of his throat and out the front. He eased him down as well. Tor nodded and continued on their silent massacre. He looked at the mortars and saw two mercs beside each of the four tubes. He decided they could wait and take those eight out last.

He silently ran at a crouch across a snowy courtyard. He glanced to his right and saw a barrel burning. There was an overweight trandoshan sitting on the snow in front of the bonfire. He made his way silently to the opposite side of the barrel. Upon reaching it, he leaned against the barrel and checked his pisto. He turned the setting to stun. It would be silent, but it wouldn't kill the big guy, so he kept his knife out too. He knew he wouldn't be able to dispatch the trandoshan silently with his knife by the fire, so he relied on shock and awe instead.

Tor rose slowly over the fire opposite the trandoshan and slowly raised his pistol. He knew the flames licking his breastplate and reflecting in his visor would add theatrics to his kill. The trandoshan stared at the figure and grabbed his weapon, rubbing his eyes. Tor squeezed the trigger and the trandoshan silently fell to the ground. He walked over to finish the trandoshan off and noticed his eyes were still open. He nudged it with his book but the alien didn't move. Tor shrugged and squatted over the alien, driving his blade deep into its neck and sawing back, cutting all of the tendons and arteries that populated his bulbous neck.

After they'd finished clearing the perimeter, Tor met Ta back at the mortars. Ta showed up at one end and Tor the other. Tor holstered his weapon and retrieved his knives and quickly silenced the first two operators. There was light, so it didn't go unnoticed. Ta lined up at his end and fired a round through two mercs as well. Tor dropped one knife and grabbed his available blaster, firing it into one mercs face, spun and threw his other knife into the fourth mercs neck. He dropped, gurgling. Ta quickly finished the last two and met back with Tor. He was retrieving his knives as his brother approached.

You thinking what I'm thinking, ner vod?

You mean take a couple of these and some ammunition and give Stark a big surprise?

Actually, I was thinking of gifting one to Ka'ika, but your idea is good too.

And she might use it to blow both of our shebse back to Manda'yiam.

Tor didn't bother to respond, instead he lashed two mortar tubes together and slung them on his back to carry to the pass. He let his brother grab the ammunition. Both men were stout and strong, but Tor liked to do the heavy lifting himself if he could. He looked for a challenge in everthing. Two mortar tubes were nothing for either though.

He crouched down to finish tying his cord and noticed Ta had disappeared to collect the ammo from the ammo dump and pile it up, when he felt a light ping from the back of his helmet. When he looked behind him, he noticed it was a large barabel whom he thought he'd killed earlier. He hadn't dealt with their kind much, so he didn't know their physiology. He would remedy that if and when he got off this planet.

Tor quickly glanced around, taking in the darkness with his NV fileters. He didn't see his brother anywhere, but he though he could make out a laser.

Big Mandalorians come to my outpost, destroy my troops. And try to kill me? The alien let a small chuckle escape his lips, Not today, tin-can Mando scu-

During his interlude, Tor pulled up a map of the area on his HUD and highlghted the ammo pile behind him as the objective. He wanted the barabel to die horribly. He gave Ta three greenlight flashes on his HUD and waited.

Tor raised his external speakers to be heard over the alien and laughed loudly at the big idiot, I knew barabels were dumb, but you should've learned to count, friend. He held up two fingers, This many came in. He lowered his index finger, leaving his middle finger up, This is how many you have hostage. Goodbye.

As he finished his sentence, he heard a quick pop followed by a deafening roar as the barabel screamed and was thrown over Tor s head. He could feel the heat radiating from the blaze through his armor. He gave three quick green lights to Ta and slowly walked over to the barabel who, amazingly, was still alive. He was groaning and rolling in the snow, his back completely charred, clothing melted to flesh. Tor kicked him and he rolled over onto his back, staring at Tor. He removed his pistol and maxed the charge out before leveling it on the barabels head, You're tough, soldier, I'll give you that. Admirable. He said and then fired three consecutive shots into the mans face, effectively obliterating his skull. All that was left was meat and tissue.

He looked in his hud to find his brother and he was standing beside him, leaning against a wall. He'd seen Tor get this way before too. They were a double act on the battlefield. They'd seen everything each other had in their repertoire. Ta slung his rifle and shouldered the ammo. He began walking towards the pass and Tor followed suit, grabbing the two mortar tubes and strapping them to his back. They left a smoke signal for any number of bounty hunters, mercs, or soldiers to follow. It was only a matter of time now.

The two brothers trudged through the night towards their destination. Not very far, but made to seem that way in the stillness and deepness of the soft packed ice under their boots. Tor listened to the rithymic crunching of their soles and was alarmed when he heard a lighter fast paced crunch added to their chorus. He spun around, pistol aimed. A nek pup stopped dead in its track. It was pitch black and tor could only see it through his NV filters. Even if his hand knew where to aim, his eyes didn't. The pup slowly walked up to him, ears laid back and promptly rolled on its back, playfully batting the barrel of the pistol. Tor smirked and holstered the weapon, They do call them man's best friend, vod'ika... He said as he reached in his ration pack and pulled out some dried fish-meal and fed it to the little animal. He decided if it followed him back to their pass, he would keep it. Neks could be useful animals, and they made far better companions than most sentients.

As they walked, he could hear the constant pitter-patter of his new friends feet hot on their trail.
Ta'vode glanced at the nek and then at Tor. "I'm not watching that thing's back nor am I feeding it or anything else. You can keep it alive in the heat of battle." Ta stated his voice matching their surroundings. Ta personally thought that Tor should kill the thing now and save it and them time and trouble but his brother had always liked animals more than people and he wasn't really surprised to see Tor take this one in now.

They continued walking in silence when Ta noticed movement ahead. He held up a hand and Tor froze. Ta unslung his rifle and noticed a lone man moving back up the slope. "Ka at least set a sentry. Let's see what kind of welcome we get."

When they ran into Ka'lira and the others they'd set themselves up to ambush them with Ka in the position of taking the heaviest fire if they'd been unfriendly. "So you two finally show the shab up." she stated after stripping off her helmet angrily. Great she's still pissed.


"Stow it. I know this is war, men die. But unlike you two I can't view them as expendable." she fired quickly interrupting Tor. Ta shook his head and slide his own helmet off letting the cold air hit his face and give him a moment to think. "You're angry fine," Ta'vode said quickly, "We get that. Maybe we should have better prepared you for this. But flying off at us and acting on impulse alone will get you and YOUR men killed." Ta said slicing into her own arguments.

"Besides we bring you presents." Tor added trying to keep the two from breaking out into a fight.
Ka'lira sat singing Da Werda her voice getting stronger and louder with each verse. Upon her third time into the song she noticed a couple of the others trying to sing with her their tongues butchering the words. When she stopped she looked at the men, her men, what was left of them.

"So what were you singing so prettily?" asked Aemon.

"An old mandalorian song." She replied.

"Your looks and your voice doesn't match the armor." stated Stevron.

Ka'lira smiled at that. She hadn't been trained as her brother's had, who was she kidding. Ta called her a princess just because their father had spoiled her. He trained her but he hadn't even attempted to turn her into the killing machines that her brother's were. She'd taken to explosives with ease and enthusiasm and that was why she was trained with them otherwise she'd been left to figure out what was her position. With Ta and Tor both being long and short range specialist she'd decided to take the middle row.

"What do mandalorians believe?" asked Noval.

"Honor, glory, family." she said knowing that many disregarded that as not. They were as mixed as others but that was their society and culture.

"And religiously?" he pressed.

Ka smirked and fought to keep a laugh from escaping her lips. "We believe in the Manda." she said. "When Mandalorians die we don't think of them as dead but simply as marching far away." she explained. That was the best she could think of as a religion. They really didn't have a religion as far as deities were concerned.

Suddenly Dwyer appeared. "I believe it's your brothers returning." he stated his breath frosting as he drew in deep lungfulls of frozen air.

"To your positions." she ordered grabbing her breastplate and reattaching it and sliding her helmet on.
Tor and Ta cleared a ridge and the pass came in to view. They both had above average endurance and stamina, but he was beginning to feel the burn in his legs. He knew Ta must be as well.

The neck pup gave a low growl as Tors motion sensor picked up a reading. He crouchd down and patted the puppy on the head. He would learn fast.

When they reached the end of the pass, they were greeted by a scene that instantly irritated Tor. Ka'lira had set herself up to take the full barrage of blaster fire should her intruders be hostile. He scoffed at her and shook his head.

So you two finally show the shab up.


Stow it. I know this is war, men die. But unlike you two I can't view them as expendable.

Besides we bring you presents.

He unslung the mortars and held them out with one hand. She glared into his visor and waved them away as she stalked off, growling. Tor shook his head and removed his own helmet, clipping it to his waist, Shab, she's an emotional di'kut sometimes. He said, glancing at his sister. He raised his voice to the wind, Dwyer! Stevron! Position these mortars on our flanks. Conceal them.

Stevron, a smaller wiry man not much taller than Tor took the ammo and ran off while Dwyer took the mortars.


Tor woke with a jerk, feeling his nek pup snuggling against his helmet. It was 0500 hours now, the sun would be coming up soon. The battle stopped for the night, but he expected it to pick back up soon.

He sat from his small hole he dug to sleep in and fetched an MRE from the stores. Tarkin didn't have much by way of supplies, but the man did have a large cache of meals-ready-to-eat. He heated two up and sat down on a small stool beside a next of sleeping soldiers. He decided to let them sleep since they'd probably be dead soon anyway. His main reason for sitting her was because his sister was stretched out beside the stool, sleeping. He removed his helmet and nudged her with his boot and she stirred. He offered her the meal as a peace offering.

Come on, vod. Can't stay angry forever.

She glared at him, Usen'ye!

She slapped the meal out of his hand and it scattered on the snow, the hot dish melting into the landscape. Tor sighed and set his own meal down. He leaned on his knees as clasped his hands, Okay, Ka. You may think these men are yours to protect, but they aren't. They're Tarkins men. He saw fit to put them here, so let them do their jobs without impeding them. We have our own job to do.

She sat up and stared, Tarkin's not here, is he, chakaar? You and that bastard, Ta damn sure won't take care of these boys, so I have to.

Tor shook his head, realizing he'd made a critical error in training her. He'd thrown her to the wolves. He forgot she wasn't like him and Ta. He needed to zero the clock and start again. You're right. You're doing a good job. Ta and I though, we're different. You know that too. We were trained to be totally efficient and completely self-reliant. That's why I lost it with that soldier. Neither of us knows what to do with command. But you're a natural, vod.

Save your praises and your excuses, Tor. I thought you were better than Ta, but I was wrong. You're both monsters. Despicable creatures. I know our culture doesn't consider hell a reality, but if it is, you'll surely go there.

Tor stood up and looked down at Ka, I can't believe you're making me do this... He turned and stood up on the stool. By now, every soldier nearby had awakened in the argument and was listening intently, Soldiers, you're doing a good job keeping Bantha team up and running. I had the opportunity to work with Noval and his brother, Dwyer when we went to the pass. You're not cowards like I thought. You can hold your own just fine. Forgive me for the soldiers life I took and we will bring you glory.

Tor stood on his pedestal, waiting, Ka staring in shock at her brother. Tor removed his helmet and spoke as loud as he could, his voicing rising a couple octaves, I'm not your leader. Don't take my orders. But my sister is your CO. She will lead you through this battle and you will grow with her. I won't always be there, but protect her as she protects you.

He waited a moment longer. He was about to decide to step down, defeated, when a voice rose, Greij. That was his name. Came one of the voices. Noval looked up, positioned close to the front, with sad eyes, He was my little brother. We told him not to join Tarkin. I told him not to come.

Silence fell on the congregation. Tor didn't say another word. He stepped down and embraced the soldier. I'm sorry, verd. Truly. Noval nodded and sat back down. Tor felt a slight ache in his chest, but quickly buried it. He let his feelings show long enough to prove to his sister he wasn't cold and heartless. He knew if his brother had seen the display, he was probably thinking Tor was going a little far with his public relations campaign, but Tor'yc needed his sister on his side and this was how to do it.

She caught his arm as he walked off, You didn't have to do that, Tor. I would've calmed down. It just takes me time. she said, still shocked.

Tor rounded on his sister, showing emotion throguh his eyes. A blaze of anger rose in them as he lowered his helmet on his head. He hated that he had to thaw for his sister to accept him again, but he would get over it. Right now he had bigger problems, like keeping Bantha together. He thought he saw a reaction in her face as he concealed his own. I meant it. You take care of these men and they'll take care of you. But do not baby them. You need to learn to control your emotions. They dictate your decisions. It's unhealthy in a normal life. Fatal in yours.

She looked at a loss for words, Next time you do something, he patted his chest, You better kriffing mean it.

She glanced down at the gouges of paint on his chest plate from her flechette shotgun and her mouth began to quiver. She was tough. Tough as they came, but she could also be emotionally unstable when it came to her family or those she cared for. He held up a hand to stifle her sob, We are responsible for our actions. Do not live with regrets. But next time, if you really want to kill me, aim for the head. I'd rather not live through the betrayal of my own sister. He said, and walked off. She seemed to calm back down, taking his words in and mulling them over.

He passed by Ta'vode, who was propped on a makeshift table, eating his own meal. Tor had lost his apetite. He sat down at the table across from his brother and replaced his helmet. Ta's icy eyes shifted up and penetrated Tors visor but said nothing as he ate. We need her and we need the men, vod. He said, answering the unspoken question. Ta just averted his eyes and continued eating as Tor checked through a series of filters on his HUD. He noticed his seismograph picked up a small fluctuation in the land to the north, and progressively, it was getting larger. By the time he finished his checks, Dwyer and Stevron came bounding around the pass, Bogeys, twenty clicks north! We counted about fifty.

Tor nodded and walked over to his sleeping area, checking on his new companion. The pup was sleeping soundly, but ears twitching in rithym to the jumps on Tors seismograph, You really need a name, little guy... He thought as he checked his pistols charge. Satisfied, he turned and walked back to the gathering, reclaiming his blaster pistol from Noval and reached his sister, eyeing the ridge from atop one of the trees in the pass, Rally your men, sergeant. We have a battle to win. He checked his pistols against his helmet and stood by his sister, awaiting their arrival.
Ta'vode watched Tor make a fool of himself with a public spectacle. If he'd just give Ka time she'd calm down and she'd go back to loving Tor.

After Tor saw down Ta didn't bother speaking verbally. Tor could read the reprimand in his eyes. Part of Ta knew that they did need the men and their sister but their sister also needed to grow up and stop being controlled by her emotions. Ka'ras didn't let emotions run them less they wanted to end up like their father. A drunkard and a violent shabuir.

Suddenly two men came running up and reported another wave inbound. Ta finished his meal and then slid his helmet on. He walked back to his vantage point and picked up his rifle. It wouldn't take long before they were in range.

"Prepare the mortars, time they tasted their own medicine." came Ka's orders.

Ta didn't care much for explosives. To him nothing inspired fear like a few well placed rounds that said "You're next."

Ka'lira was issuing orders and the men were responding with "Yes, ma'am." It felt odd to her but their had to be a chain of command. She answered to her brothers.....well somewhat answered to them, and the men answered to her. Ta didn't bother ordering about on the battlefield he perched somewhere quiet and rained death on their enemies and only passed along necessary information. Tor fought in close and never gave the men orders but talked to her some over their helmet to helmet links.

She waited impatiently while they closed on their position and then she saw the flashes as Ta began to fire into them. After everything that they had thrown back only fifty men seemed to be a little insulting to her. "Give them some hell." she ordered and watched as the mortars sent a deep thwump and then a shrill whistle as the screamed their death warnings before smashing into the ground blooming into small fires and sending men flying across the field. "Stevron, Dwyer take that side. Aemon with me. Funnel them into the pass and lets spring a surprise on them if they make it that far." she ordered. She was sure the fifty were nothing but a probing force meant to see what kind of surprises they had in store. "Ta see if they have any surveillance going on. Tor reinforce Stev and Dwyer." she ordered.

Before long the remaing forces walked into range. "FIRE!" she screamed as she opened up with her repeater not bothering to aim for deadly accuracy but instead going to gun down however many she could before they reached the defenses. She wanted to save bringing the pass down when it could do the most damage and she wanted a lot of Stark's men in their when it caved in on them. Stark wasn't the only one that could play dirty. And if possible she wanted at least one alive to grill for information. "Ta if you can wound one. I'd like some old fashion mandalorian friendly persuasion and find out why only a small force is coming towards us."
Stev and Dwyer, had left a long trail in the snow. As Tor followed it, the trail scattered and he saw them crouched behind some cover. The force that attacked their flank look about the same size as the direct one. He figured if this pattern kept up, they would actually be facing a hundred and fifty soldiers. That sounded more like it. Fifty soldiers was a suicide run for even Tor, Ta and Ka. Let alone what was left of bantha team.

Dwyer! Get down! Stev, build that wall up! Pack it in and suck it up, di'kut! He yelled over the scream of soldiers and hell fire of red laser blasts. Stev had been shot in the shoulder and was leaning against the wall, attempting to shoot with one arm. He was certainly atin'la.

Tor dove under a blast that chipped the rock over his head and landed beside Stev. He grabbed a frag det from Stevs waist and threw it over the barrier. He waited to hear it explode and grabbed Stev by the collar. The man groaned as Tor pulled him in close and dragged him across the field with one hand, firing at the attackers with his free hand. When he reached Dwyers more heavily foritfied position. He reached Dwyers location and slammed Stev into the wall to avoid him taking a sniper round in the face. The round struck Tors forearm plate and the impact jerked his arm around. Dwyers re-angled his position and returned the fire. The sniper never shot back. Tor was impressed with Dwyers skill. He pulled a portable medkit from his belt and removed a hypospray. He began to spray the dark red wound in Stevs shoulder but watched the man flinch and tighten. That would only make it worse. Tor raised his hand and slapped Stev hard in the face, Come on, soldier. Pain only exists in your mind. Shut it out. Stev stared hard at Tor and nodded. He took a deep breath and sat still and silent as Tor sprayed the wound. He bandaged it and gave Stev his rifle back, If you don't survive this day, give them a reason to end it. He said and checked around their cover. The force was dropping considerably. Dwyer was doing an outstanding job with fire-supression while Tor played doctor but now that Stev was back in the fight, Tor could too.

He aimed his blaster pistol through a hole in the cover and took out a few with some well-placed shots. They were down to a disappointing number; Stark only had five men left on this side of the pass. Tor knew this couldn't be the end of it though and kept his guard up.

Sappers! Dwyer yelled. Tor didn't look back. He registered the word and dove to the ground. Dwyer ducked around a corner, but Stev was unlucky. The sapper vaulted the cover and embraced Stev. They both fell to the ground and erupted in a violent blast of gore.

Tor rose from the snow and stared down at what was left of the sapper and Stev. Stevs id tag lay on the ground in front of him, Sorry, sis, but I'm not you... He thought to himself, realizing he could've saved the man, but his instinct was to save himself first. He did promise vengeance for Stev though, and leaped over the wall before Dwyer could rise. Tor ran into the fray and finished off the last four. He took a couple rounds in his chest, and one on his right leg, but none penetrated his armor. They were only bruises. He would live.

After the melee, Tor returned to see Dwyer slip the id tag in his pocket, The man deserves a memorial, Tor. He fought like a hero.

Tor'yc nodded at his comrade and beckoned to his comrade to follow. They trudged back through the snow to Ka's position. He heard the whistle of the mortars cease and knew they'd made it past this stage of their fight. When he reached the R&R portion of the pass the men had built for meals and relaxing, he removed his helmet. Dwyer looked stricken, made more apparent by the soot streaks on his face. Tor's face was in complete contrast to Dwyers, since he was behind his helmet. He knew his face denied every feeling and emotion. He looked completely blank.

Do you not give a damn about your men? You killed one and let another die. What the hell is wrong with you? He asked, voice low and pained.

I feel, Dwyer. But the middle of a battle isn't the time to grieve. There'll be plenty of time for that after we win, trust me. He said remembering back to the men he called brothers whom he'd lost over the years. He was only twenty three, but he felt decades older sometimes. Dwyer just sat down and held his head. Tor patted him on the back and sat down too. He understood Dwyer well, but he wouldn't let it control him. Dwyer needed to do the same.

After he calmed his only other suvivor down, he replaced his helmet and commed his siblings. He felt he needed to make sure they were okay as well, Ta'ika, Ka. Give me a sitrep. I see you Ka'lira. How are you doing, Ta? He asked as he scaled the pass to stand by his sister.
Ta'vode kept firing round after round into the oncoming enemies when suddenly one went from white to a flashing red. Ta'vode stood swinging his rifle around and as soon as it was facing the direction of the man he fired catching the man in the chest and saw him explode. Gettla hu'tunne he muttered to himself. He scanned his scope looking for more of the same suicide bombers. When he caught a force that had swung wide and was mostly concealed by the very ridge that they were using to try and funnel Stark's men.

"Stevron watch your left." he shouted knowing the man wouldn't be able to hear and then watched as he was killed by the quiet approaching force. Ta drew his sniper up and began firing.

"Ta'ika, Ka. Give me a sitrep. I see you Ka'lira. How are you doing, Ta?" came Tor's voice in his helmet. "Stevron just joined the ranks of those marching far away and our left flank is being rolled. You might want to retreat from that position." he replied his voice cool and almost casual as he began firing into the troops foolish enough to make even a part of themselves open for a shot. He'd slow them down but he couldn't stop fifty plus men with his sniper rifle alone.

Ka'lira cursed when she heard Ta's report. "Noval grab your mortar and fall back to point delta. I want you to set that mortar to fire like a cannon. Aemon fall back with him give him blaster support. Dwyer start setting up point omega for a last stand." she ordered.

Ka turned her head looking at her favorite brother. "Will you help me hold off Starks men to give them time to set up?" she asked as she readied her repeater. Tor nodded and they braced themselves for the onslaught.

Ka'lira opened up and fired into the first man to show himself all while Ta'vode kept sniping from above. Tor fired into them taking out more men. The two siblings kept a slow retreat making Stark's men pay for every inch that they took. They were losing ground but not before soaking it with blood first.
Tor caught sight of Noval charging past him, hugging a mortar tube and dragging as much ammo with him as he could. Ka'lira was beginning to get the hand of command. He was proud of her. They were following her orders without question.

Tor and Ka'lira were holding the line, deep in the pass. Her flechette shotgun mowing down any incoming attackers brave enough to face them. Tor opted to unburden her from her assault rifle and shouldered it. He loved his pistols like his children, but sometimes a little more firepower was needed. He could see Ta'vodes shots sporadically appearing in the sky above him, raining down on their enemies like a deadly strobe light.

After what seemed like eternity, the force began to die down slightly. Tor took a moment to catch his breath and build their cover back up.

Noval checking in. Mortars are set and... Boom time. He said as Tor heard the whistling in the air, Aemon and Dwyer, here. Omega is prepped and ready. Waiting on you boys and girls.

Noval, if things get hairy, fall back to Omega and wait. I want Dwyer and Aemon to start breaking out the back of the pass. Looks like we may have over played out hand by cutting it off.

Tor grunted into his comm as something closer-than-comfort hellfire rained over his head. He snapped it off with a blink of an eye and fired back. He heard a scream and saw no return fire.

Stevron just joined the ranks of those marching far away and our left flank is being rolled. You might want to retreat from that position

Tor shook his head. They were losing too many men to be capable of creating a reasonable defense. Bantha team was in shambles and... Tor fired into the line and heard a click and a hiss. He looked at his rifle and saw it was empty and the barrel had melted. The day was bleak. The force was coming back in a rush, and the day was beginning to look bleak. Ka had somehow lost her helmet. She hurriedly out it back on, cursing all the while. He saw her long hair slip out of her helmet and whip around her shoulders and thought she looked better that way.

Noval, fall back. We're delta bound. Tor muttered into his comm. He wasn't one to give orders, but he'd formed a bond with Noval and Dwyer. They worked together well, You got it, Tor. Happy hunting. With that, Noval slipped off comms.

Tor tapped Ka on the shoulder, I'll cover you. Fall back. She nodded and started at a run while Tor and Ta held off the incoming mercs. After a few moments, she sent him three green flashes on his hud, and he saw a grenade skyrocket over his head. He turned and ran behind Ka, slapping her on the shoulder as he ran. After he got behind her, he turned and flashed her three times and fired some more. They repeated the process all the way to delta point, Ta following suit on the ridge above. Tor could see his silhouette moving like water along the ridge.

When they reached their designated position, they stopped and turned to take out what few soldier were left. After the fighting died down, Tor heard a faint noise in the distance. It sounded like blaster fire.

Abort! Abort! Omega if being overrun! Repeat, negative on Omega position!

Tor heard Aemon spit the words out like they left a bad taste in his mouth and the Mandalorian began to feel his heart sink. He quickly shut his emotions off and turned his feelings to stone. He made his heart harder than the armor he wore, and resigned himself to his fate. Well, it had to end one day... He thought as he saw more soldiers come from in front. He watched his sister mow them down with her flechette and he equipped both of his blaster pistols. He no longer felt defeated, just angry.

Ka'lira slapped Tor hard on the shoulder. Ta had ceased his firing. Tor had to assume the worst, despite his hud telling him Ta was alive and well. We have to go, Tor! Come on! She shouted into his com. He could hear the mounting fear in her voice. He could almost taste it. He turned to fire back at a merc coming behind Ka, and caught a high-power blast in his chest for his effort. He collapsed to one knee. He could hear Ka'lira cursing. He saw her pulse racing. Tor growled in anger and rose to his feet, firing at all angles and in all directions. He'd seen the end before and lived to tell the story. He would find a way to do so again.

Tor eventually began to tire though. He and Ka were tough, but they were only two people. He was running low on ammo, and the mercenary floodgates were wide open. I'm going to blow the charges... He heard his brothers voice come through the comm, sullen. Tor almost gasped in relief then realized his brother was talking about ending their lives as well. He nodded to himself as he shot another attacker. They were getting close now. Soon he would be down to his blades, Brothers born.

He heard Ta swallow and lick his lips, Brothers bred.

Ka chimed in after Ta, Battle borne, until dead. She said, utter defeat clouding her tone.




With that, Tor looked to the ceiling and saw a bright red flashed strike one of the charges and heard a deafening boom. In that moment, time slowed. He saw his brother cover himself on the ridge. He saw Ka take cover. Tor, himself, grabbed the nearest stunned merc, shot him, and dragged him over his own body before collapsing in the pass, a giant wall of ice and snow covering his visor. He felt a sharp pain, then nothing.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

Tor slowly opened his eyes, vision coming into focus even slower. His hud was flashing a warning at him. He struggled to make it out.


Tor took a deep breath and stopped abruptly, feeling a sharp pain. He looked down as best he could and noticed his lower half was buried under ice.

Hey! We've got a live one her, boys! A mercenary gave a cheer as he walked towards Tor. Tor, realizing he was in no shape to fight, quickly shut his systems down and hoped the electrical silence would be enough to deter the merc. Apparently his motionless form did the trick, because the merc only nudged him with his boot and trudged off.

Tor waited in the blackness of his helmet until his breath began to stifle. Then he touched his helmets reset sensor and let it reboot. After it had come back to life, he noted he'd been unconscious for eight hours. It was daylight now, he could tell. He did a full body check with his suits sensors and noted he had some internal hemorrhaging and a dislocated rotator cuff. But it was nothing a little bacta and some applied force couldn't fix. He took a deep breath, forcing the air into his lungs and slowly dragged himself from his hole. He was in a bad way, he knew. But he'd come through the icy hell he'd been living in for the past couple day, and survived. Now he had to find allies. He rolled onto his back with a grunt, and turned his comm on a broadband circuit, Bantha... Report. He grunted, struggling to take breaths. He pushed himself onto a knee and stood up, teetering ever so slightly, Bantha Team, come in. Noval? He took a couple steps toward his hole and picked up his blasters. Tor caught sight of a hand sticking out of the snow in the distance. He slowly made his way to it. He could tell when he got close it wasn't one of his people. The ragtag uniform clearly made him out to be a merc. The man wasn't dead, however, and reached out to grasp Tors leg. Tor aimed the blaster and finished the merc off.

He sighed and trudged on. The pass was alien compared to its previous state. Trees were uprooted, hanging out of the ridge and there were gouges all along the walls. He oriented himself south, towards Omega and started walking, right arm dangling at his side. He needed to get that fixed fast, Bantha... He thought he heard some static across the comm, Ka'ras, come in. Ka? Ta'ika? He knew if anyone survived, his brother and sister would have. He just had to keep moving until he heard back.
Ta'vode opened his eyes silently cursing Tarkin and the Jetii for putting him and Bantha here. He determined before he blew the mines that he was gonna survive so that in case his siblings didn't then he'd be able to take sweet vengence on Tarkin and the Jetii. Tarkin would find himself killed quickly once back on Coruscant and the Jetii would find themselves hunted and Ta knew he'd proudly sport the wookie teeth and claws as well as the lightsaber.

After firing the shot Ta had moved back on the slope as far as he could and found a spot that left him relativly free of the cave in. He'd long since shut down all his systems to help hide him from Stark's men that were left to pick over the pass remnants, scavengers mostly looking for what they could loot but he killed them as he found them or rather as they unluckily ran across him. His armor was chilled by the surrounding air and the only thing keeping Ta alive, his heart beating, his lungs drawing in each friggid breath was the resolution to have his revenge. They'd pay and he'd collect and make each one sorry because mandalorians had long memories, and had a great thrist for vengence.

He closed his fingers making the numb digits move. He focused his eyes and saw movement through his visor. He activated the hud and saw another of Stark's lookers. He slid his kad free silently and stalked forward driving the kad into the back of a Duro covering its mouth with his other hand and twisted the blade feeling the creatures spine give under the assualt. He then jerked his arm snapping the neck to ensure its death. He gave out quick effecient death as he was always taught. If they died quickly then they weren't a threat any longer.

His helmet started flashing showing the power up of his brother's armor. He activated the rest of his suit. "Ka'ras, come in. Ka? Ta'ika?" came his brother's voice.

"Here ner vod'ika. Glad that's one less death I have to avenge. You alright and do you think Ka made it?" he asked before he saw his sister's indicator start flashing and moment's later a large blast opening up a hole where she'd been buried.
Ka'lira woke and screamed a sharp pain shooting through her left arm. She looked down at it and saw the piece of wood was still there. She grabbed the wood and tried to remove it and screamed louder. Her antenna was broken and her comm system wasn't getting through the debris. She was worried about her arm but first she needed to get out of her. She drew her kad and started digging. She got made a small dent from her alcove and started hitting rocks.

After about an hour of digging and running into dead ends she slammed the kad into the ground in frustration. SHe pulled one of her anti-armor mines and knew it'd detect it was buried. She opened it up and began to work on the inside. She rerigged it so the blast would be more focused and one direction. It wasn't easy fixing the mine with only one arm working right and in tight quarters. She set the mine and set it to blow in a few seconds. She scooted back and covered her head and then waited for it to blow. It blew and she looked up thanking any divine beings that were there for it opening up and not be a dead end. She crawled out and suddenly got readings on both her brothers. She got herself to a sitting position and waved to them for help.
Here ner vod'ika. Glad that's one less death I have to avenge. You alright and do you think Ka made it?

Tor heard the message come in and angled himself towards his brother.

By the time he reached Ta, he noticed he was breathing a lot harder than he should have been. He was really beginning to feel the effects of his injury. Ta was standing over a small river of melted bloody snow. He nodded at Tors shoulder, Here, help me fx this. He said as he angled his arm towards Ta and removed his helmet with his free hand. He took some fibercord in his belt pouch and bit onto it. Get on with it... He grumbled through muffled tones. Ta grabbed his arm and hand and pulled the arm straight out before giving it a vicious jerk. Tor felt the arm reset. He held it against his chest and nodded in appreciation, Thanks... No, I haven't heard from Ka'ika. She was right beside me and the ground wasn't disturbed when I woke up. She must still be buried. Tor turned and began walking, still clutching his helmet. He was looking for the rest of Bantha. He left Ta to scout for survivors on his own.

After some time, Tor reached the end of the pass. He could see part of the slope that marked the edge of the pass. There wasn't much of one left anymore. But he did see a moving body. He crouched quickly and squinted his eyes between tree limbs. Relieved to see his allies, Noval and Dwyer, he left his cover and marched into the open so as to present as innocent a target as possible. He knew they would be on edge. As he got closer, he noticed Dwyer was being dragged out of a hole as well. Noval looked relatively well, all things considered. A couple scrapes on his face, but nothing of note. Dwyers right leg had a slight limp. As he approached, Dwyer and Noval both drew and trained their weapons on Tor. He sighed to himself and stood still, I saw ou, Tor. You didn't give a fuck if our men died during the battle. You're here to finish the job, aren't you? HYe heard Dwyers voice drift over the cold, still air. This is not my day... He thought, Of course not, di'kute! I'm here to help you, nibral. He shouted back, feeling his lungs ache.

Don't lie to us. You have no witnesses left. You were working with Stark all along!

Tor shook his head and patted his shoulder, then drew back and spat on the ground in front of them. It was bloody. He smiled through bloody teeth and red spittle, Right. I did this to myself. Intentionally. Stand down, boys. We survived. He coughed again and felt more fluid rise. They lowered their weapons.

After Tor, Noval, and Dwyer finished splinting Dwyers leg, they built a fire. Warmth did a lot for moral and Noval and Dwyer were a lot less protected than Tor and his family. He still needed to find his sister.


After Tor finished placing a bacta patch on his shoulder to increase the healing and decided it couldn't hurt to swallow some to help his internal injuries, he felt a lot better. He leaned back, feeling the chill begin to reach him, and whistled. Thinking, for the first time, about his new friend. He figured his little friend hadn't made it, but he'd give it a shot. Before long, he heard a whimpering. He turned around and saw the pup running across the snowy plain at Tor. He jumped into his lap and snuggled in, shuddering. Tor assumed since the pup was asleep in the small alcove Tor had built, he was shielded by most of the impact. That was good. He would enjoy the dogs company.

Before long, Tor heard a loud blast and quickly replaced his helmet. He saw his sisters fof id flash alive on his hud and took a deep sigh of relief. He decided to go and search for her. He could move his arm freely again, so he felt a lot like his old self.


After what seemed way too long, Tor found his previous spot in the pass coming into view, his nek pup in tow. He heard the pup let out a low whine and thought he saw a blur in the distance as well. He increased the magnification and caught sight of bright blue trim. He increased it further and saw Ta'vode marching toward him, but he was bent at an odd angle. It took Tor a moment to make out Ka's orange armor. He was walking beside Ta, arm draped over his shoulder, leaning into him to keep her balance. Her left arm hung at a very awkward angle and Tor could see something protruding from it. He shook his head and broke into a jog. He was more fortunate than her, it seemed.

When he reached them, he took her off Ta's shoulders and let Ta find the rest of the survivors.

First fight and you almost get done in, vod'ika... You've got to try harder. He said, trying to make light of the situation.

Piss of, Tor. Somethings not right... Tor let it go and they walked back to camp.

When they reached their temporary post, Tor could see Ta returning from one of the slopes with Aemon. Aemon was attempting to chat with Ta, but as best he could tell, Ta was ignoring him. Tor sat Ka down in his seat and removed her armor plating covering her injured forearm. It was a gruesome sight. A large piece of wood had embedded itself in the join of Ka's arm. The elbow was destroyed. He swallowed hard as he inspected the wound. It had become severely infected and was oozing milky blood.

Ner vod... That's going to have to come off... He said, solemn.

She let out a weak chuckle, Don't try to play with me, Tor'ika... Just patch me up.

Tor shook his head and removed his helmet. He looked into her eyes, I don't mean the infection, cyar'ika... He'd never referred to her as 'sweetheart' before, but he knew she would panic. He tried to be as sympathetic as he could. His politeness only seemed to heighten her panic though, as she realized. He handed her his fibercord, Bite on to this, Ka'ika. He craned his neck to find his brother, Ta? Ta'vode! Come here, we've got a situation! He yelled over the wind, as he rose to his feet, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He didn't know any other way to deal with an infection this bad, If they didn't take the arm, the infection would spread and kill her.
Ta'vode jogged over to where Ka and Tor were. He looked at the wound and cursed behind his helmet.

"Ta, Tor is saying I'll have to lose my arm. Tell me that Tor is wrong." came her pleading voice and it told Ta just how scared she was. Ta removed his own helmet and looked at the wound. He slipped off his gauntlets and gloves and touched the bare skin around her arm and it was burning hot. He then felt her head and it was hot as well. "I've already called for evac but I don't know how soon they'll be here to pick us up." he said matter of factly. "If we wait it could kill you, Ka'ika."

Ta watched the fear flash through her eyes coldly distantly. He drew his beskad and placed it in the fire waiting for the blade to turn red hot. "I'd rather risk waiting."

"Ka'lira, this is no time to be a hut'uun. Your life isn't worth your arm." he told her coldly as the blade began to get a slight glow. He motioned for Tor to stick his blade in as well.

"You can't do that to her." spoke up Aemon. "She obviously doesn't want it and she's in her right mind so you can't just ignore her wishes."

Ta'vode stared at the man and then walked over to him keeping his eyes locked on his. For the man's credit he didn't look away. "You have no idea how hard this is going to be for either of us. She's our vod'ika." he stated right before he drove his fist into Aemon's stomach and then quickly brought his knee up into the man's face while his own hands held his head still. Ta let him drop onto the ground and watched to be sure the man was unconscious and then looked at the other two. "Any other dissenters?" he asked. "No, good."

"No you can't." she had started pleading. Ta was thankful now that long ago he'd shut himself off from his emotions. He wasn't sure now if he'd be able to go through with doing what was necessary if he hadn't. He also knew that this was going to be hell on Tor.
Ka'lira watched as her eldest drew forth a red hot glowing beskad from the fire. "Tor, please this'll kill me assuredly as the infection. Please don't let Ta do this." she begged and Tor kept silent. She tried to struggle but she was too weak to fight him off. He held her down and her arm out with what seemed ease.

"No, you can't." she begged her eldest brother knowing that he was as immovable as ice. "Ka, I'm sorry but I have to do this." was all he said with as much emotion as the frozen ground around her. He swung the blade down and Ka'lira screamed as she felt the blade slice into her arm severing and cauterizing as it went. She screamed and jerked and finally felt her brother Tor struggle to keep her in place. "You kriffing hut'unnla aruetiise." she screamed before screaming again as another blade was pushed against her arm before she blacked out.


When she awoke she looked down to where she thought she felt her arm and saw nothing. She stared at it unbelievingly. They really did it. They took my arm from me. They made me incomplete. she thought to herself. She grabbed her flechette beside her and Ta was the first one she came too. She hated him. He didn't have to take her arm. She raised the gun awkwardly and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. They'd taken her ammo too. "I hate you." she said before throwing the gun down turning and stomping off into the dark.

She walked to she could barely see the fire that was burning. She awkwardly slipped her helmet back on and sat down and began to cry.
Tor, please this'll kill me assuredly as the infection. Please don't let Ta do this.

All Tor could do was replace his helmet, close his eyes, and turn his head. He quickly selected a random glimmik song, "Goodbye, Sweet Family" and blared it. He thought it seemed appropriate seeing as everything he'd accomplished trying to keep their family together was about to go to hell. He heard her let out an animal grunt and he began to feel inexplicably guilty. He knew this was the only way. Ta did too. Tor just didn't know what to say to make it better. For the first time that he knew of, Ta found the words that Tor couldn't, Ka, I'm sorry but I have to do this. Tor hated he heard his brothers remark, and raised the volume in his helmet.

The next thing he felt was a harsh thud. He couldn't hear her scream, but he could feel the vibration from it reverberating from her seat. He stole a glance at her and saw her head throw back, eyes wide and mouth agape. The silence of her scream made it all the more horrifying. Tor quickly looked away again, knowing the image had already been burned into his subconscious.

He felt the sudden tension releasing in her forearm and knew then that it had lost its life. He threw it aside, and grabbed her by the shoulders, holding her down. He was staring into her face, unable to hear her, but noticed her lips moving viciously. He stared into her horrified eyes as he raised his own blade, I'm sorry! He yelled into his helmet, knowing she wouldn't hear it either, and allowed a tear to roll down his face as he pressed the side of the blade hard into the nub of her left arm, cauterizing the wound. She screamed again and passed out from the shock.

After she'd lost consciousness, Tor grabbed a monitor and stuck her right finger into it to check her heart rate. He didn't want to put her helmet on her yet. He needed to see her, to know she was still breathing. Her heart rate was rampant, nearing cardiac stages, but it was beginning to drop. He silently thanked whatever gods existed for her black out.


After the removal and cauterizing of the wounds, Tor had to disinfect any open areas and suture a couple up. The bad thing about a beskad was, if it was worn, it was used. So it had a lot of dull or serrated spots on the blade. It tore its way through her flesh, rather than slicing. And that made it come off uneven. Tor decided when they got back to Coruscant, he'd buy her the best help she could get. But, all things considered, they did a decent job of battlefield amputation. Ta loomed over her with a bottle of bacta, and some gauze. Tor rolled out of his way and let his brother dress the wound with clinical precision and robotic movements. Tor knew right away that Ta had forced himself to shut down. Tor knew he wasn't this way all the time, he'd seen the real Ta'vode surface from time to time and knew somewhere, deep inside, Ta'vode was screaming.

He removed his helmet and took a great sigh, Well, vod, if you need me, I'm going to go shoot myself...

He started to walk off, head down, when Ta grabbed him by the arm, Ner vod... Don't get stupid on me.

Tor nodded and turned back to his brother, We're cut out for this, vod. Ka'ika wasn't. She isn't. We never should've brought her with us. If Corellias nine hells exist, we're going to see every level. This is our fault. He said, jabbing a finger at his sister. A severed arm here, a bullet wound there, it doesn't matter. We keep moving. She's different. But you don't need me to tell you that. You've pointed it out every chance you get... He said, as he turned away from his brother. He felt a sharp rap on the back of his helmet and turned around, ready to pounce on his big brother. But when he looked back, Ta just stood there. He didn't attempt to swing at Tor and he didn't attempt to defend himself. He just stood there. Like a mannequin Tor had seen while window shopping back on Coruscant. Tor decided it wasn't worth it, he knew Ta would have to feel it eventually. Tor could do the same thing Ta was doing to a certain point, but he wanted to face it now.

I'm sorry, vod. We don't need that right now, he said, regaining his cool, It was the right call. Evac in a place like this will be around two hours at least. She didn't have half that long left. The infection clearly set in and was aggravated by her suits heating system trying to compensate for the cold air the puncture wound was letting in. He placed a hand on his brothers shoulder and walked past him, towards Ka's weapons, I'll retrieve her ammo, vod. She'll be ready to kill when she wakes up. Take care of her. I can't look at her anymore right now... He felt Ta pat him on the shoulder, an attempt to calm him, but didn't say anything else. He knew Ta wasn't a socialist. He didn't do sympathy and had no bedside manners, but Tor appreciated the gesture. They both had to lean on each other sometimes.

After he'd gathered her ammo, he placed them in a vacant pouch on his leg and walked off, irritated by the muffled rattling he was hearing from the rounds in his pocket.


Tor sat, resting his arms on his drawn-up knees, throwing a freeze-dried nerf steak and letting his nek fetch it until it thawed. He wasn't hungry, but he could hear his dogs stomach rumbling. The animal kept returning it, faithful as always. Tor thought he was a nice reflection of himself and his brother. Loyal and faithful. Tor smiled to himself, still feeling guilt creeping in his mind. He doubted he'd ever forgive himself for it, even though it was necessary.

Eventually the steak thawed and his pet attacked it with the ferocity all Ka'ras showed. Tor stood up and went to find his brother, only stopped in his tracks as he saw Ka'lira up, striding towards Ta, shotgun in hand. He watched them exchange words, and then she stormed off. In the background, Tor was vaguely aware of Dwyer fussing over Aemon. He appeared to have suffered a broken nose at the hands of Tors older brother. He decided he would go in search of his sister. He knew how vain she could be and he didn't want her killing herself.


When he found her, she was huddled near a tree and he could see by the convulsing motions in her helmet, and her grip on her right arm, that she was crying. He approached with caution. When he reached her, she didn't try to swing at him. He almost thought she didn't even know he was there. But she had her helmet on.

Tor sat down next to Ka'lira and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She jerked violently and looked at him. So she hadn't seen him coming.

I'm sorry, Ka'ika. It was the only way.

You don't know that. Evac could be here any minute. I would've lived!

Tor shook his head, You've been asleep four hours. You didn't even have one left before it would've gone too close to your heart. Your time would've already been up, cyar'ika.

She elbowed him with her good arm, Don't call me that. I'm nothing now. I'll be useless. As a Ka'ra, as a lover. As a woman. As a human being. You should've just let me die, di'kut.

He removed his helmet and sat it in the snow between his legs, This can be fixed. I'll get you taken care of when we get back to Coruscant. I'm sorry, vod. But I didn't want you to just die. I couldn't lose you. With that, his voice choked up and he stopped talking. Death was a reality in his business, but he never considered losing his baby sister. The more he thought about it, the more he realized it may be more than that. She sat silent for a long time.

She eventually took off her own helmet, You stole my ammo...

He nodded and patted his leg, letting her hear the rattle of the shells, I knew you would want to kill somebody.

You know me so well.

Well enough.

With that, she jumped to her feet, slipping his pistol out of his holster. Tor rose slowly to his feet, cool as an iceberg, Go ahead. It's not like I haven't thought about doing it. But leave Ta out of it. Remember, I'm the one who suggested we take the arm.

Shut up! I'm trying to think.

If you don't want to kill me, cyar'ika, put it down. He said. He saw a flicker in her eyes.

Stop calling me that! She yelled. Tor allowed his own features to soften and he threw all of his weapons to the ground, surprising his sister. He removed his chest plate and opened his flight suit, exposing the scars and battle wounds. She'd never seen them before, Shoot me then, cyar'ika. He said, forcing her to make a decision.

She froze.

He slowly walked closer to her, arms held away from his sides, until his chest was pressing against the barrel, Safety is on... He said, as he slowly reached up to it and flicked it off. He could have taken the gun, but he wanted her to do it at the moment, Now squeeze the trigger. The anger in her eyes began to fade and was replaced by something Tor hadn't seen in years. What he saw was a scared little girl. The last time he saw that look, was when their buir died and Ta handed her Dema'kads knife; the one Ta had used to kill him with. Tors guilt and his eagerness to die quickly vanished with her anger and was replaced by more guilt. She dropped the gun, and moved in. He hugged her to him, feeling the ice cold of her armor pressing against his bare flesh. He didn't care right then, it wasn't important.

All he could do was hold her until she stopped crying. He had to remind himself more than once, that he needed to keep quiet and let her get it out. Telling her to stow it would do no good.

Eventually, her sobs became sniffles became deep breaths, I'm sorry, Tor, I know you two saved my life. Thank you... She said, regaining her composure.

Tor nodded, realizing how close they were, I told you I wouldn't let you die, Ka. Not under any circumstances. I'll always be there for you. Their eyes locked for a moment, and she leaned in and kissed Tor. Tor was taken aback by it, but quickly fell prey to her charms. She was his sister, true, he grew up with her. But he had no blood relation to her. And she was far from unattractive, even with one arm. He returned to favor, turning it into a passionate, drawn-out kiss.

After an eternity, she eased off, and Tor caught a breath. They chuckled together for a moment, and then realization dawned on him that they were in a war, she was injured, and if Ta heard about this, he'd be pissed. Tor went to push her off him, and felt her armor cling to his chest. They laughed and both attempted to work the adhesion free.

Once apart, they both recollected their belongings, Tor helping her, and stood silent for a long moment, This never happened, Ka'ika. He said, grinning behind his helmet.

Agreed. If Ta asks, I beat your shebs with one hand and you begged for mercy. Tor laughed to himself as they began to walk back to camp. Guilt alleviated, he felt for the first time in days, they may be able to pull everything together once more.
Ta'vode sat cleaning his rifle his helmet sitting beside him. He'd notice Tor wander towards the way Ka went. Best thing was for both of them to deal with their issues and move on. Ka'lira was vain and the lose of her arm was probably going to be a blow to her image. And her begging and pleading and worked its way into Tor. He'd at least done the mando thing and shoved away everything unnecesarry and dealt with the situation. Ta knew one day he'd probably have a break from being closed to everything but ever since he'd fired that shot and killed their father he'd taken the responsibility of leading his family, of taking care of them and he'd seen enough at that age to know that as young as he was emotions were dangerous to him and them and he didn't need them. Eventually it had become his habit. Keep everything locked away safe where it couldn't hurt anyone and he could always do whatever he needed too to accomplish his goal, mission or whatever.

"You're a real piece of work. I thought your brother was cold but at least he is seeing to her. You don't even seem to care that you've deeply hurt her." came Aemon's voice. Ta ignored the man. He seemed to have a devotion and fixation on his sister that he didn't care for.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Don't you have anything to say?"

Ta looked up his eyes cold and his face set in, what was obvious to anyone but this di'kut, what his brother often called his sniper face. Noval moved up and touched the guy on the shoulder. "I'd drop it, Aemon. He looks read y to kill you and he knocked you out last time with little effort."

"Your right, Nov. He isn't worth my time or breath." he said turning and walking off towards where Dwyer sat. Ta let him go. Maybe the man deserved to be reminded just how dangerous Ta was but sometimes people, especially humans, got stupid when it came to others. When Ta'vode finished cleaning his rifle and reassembling it he recalibrated the scope making sure it was perfect. After a few test shots he noticed Tor and Ka coming back together. Ka was walking less defeated and Tor was walking lighter as well. That was good. "You two better?" he asked as a shuttle whipped by overhead.
Ka'lira walked with her favorite brother, or maybe he was something more now. She wasn't sure anymore. She'd never looked at him or Ta as more than brothers or maybe she had looked at Tor as something more. She'd always wanted his approval, and to have the same kind of bond he shared with their eldest brother. They didn't need to talk to communicate, she'd seen them hold entire conversations with nothing but silence and Ta's unmoving, unexpressioned face. Her brother was handsome and she'd never seen the scars and a part of her wanted to trace them and see how many he had and where.

Ka didn't know what possessed her to kiss him but after he'd held her and let her cry out her sorrow, kept calling her sweetheart, that he couldn't lose her, and that he'd always be there for her she'd felt the urge to kiss him. She probably shouldn't have let the impulse rule her but at that moment she needed him and she felt drawn to him. And from the kiss he'd returned he wasn't complaining. She watched him in her wrap around vision. She wanted to touch him more but at the moment this wasn't the place. After the war they could figure out where they stood with each other and damn Ta and what he'd think of it.

When they reached the camp her eldest brother was finishing up work on his sniper rifle. "You two better?" he asked his voice as cool as the air around them.

"I'll live you saw to that." she responded as a shuttle whipped by over head and then made a turn and came in for a landing it's struts lowering and cushioning its landing. The rear door landed and a man in robes came out and motioned for them.

Once everyone was in the shuttle and the hatch closed Ta stood in front of the Jedi his helmet strapped to his hip. "Is this everyone from Bantha?" the man asked.

"Everyone that didn't die as your sacrifice." responded her eldest.

"We didn't put you all their as a sacri....."

"Don't even start with that sanctimonious osik that you jedi spew. You set all of us here to die so you could go get Tarkin's sorry shebs outta the fire. If you hadn't meant to sacrifice us then we'd have had backup and more support but we didn't have anything you kriffing shabuir." Ta'vode told the man after slamming him against the bulkhead and pulling his kad. His voice was still frozen but their was an icy rage in it. Harsh and unforgiving as the landscape that they were leaving behind.

"What we need from you now is proper medical care for my sister. She lost her forearm due to you hut'unne. The others need psych evaluations. They are the survivors of a decimated unit. They are men not machines and you kriffing Jetii forget that all the same." he told the man.

"I'm sorry........

"I'm sorry isn't going to cut it." stated Ta as he dug his kad into the man's arm cutting it.

"Sorry is for scratches. I want results." stated her brother. And at that moment she was seeing a side of Ta that she thought didn't exist. He seemed to genially be concerned about her and the men.

"We can't. We're stuck planetside for the moment. You were lucky we were able to get this to you."

"If my sister comes to more harm or dies on this planet know that the jedi will feel my wrath." Ta'vode said as he dropped the man in disgust and looked over at the other three of Bantha. "This is why you don't name hut'unnla lieing jetiise to command. They couldn't lead an army if their lives depended on it. But they think their vaunted Force gives them the right to be above us. Remember that. Jetiise are only mortal and are as fallable as we are." he said before putting as much distance between himself and the jedi as possible. Ka for once felt sorry for the jedi.
Tor and Ka marched back to their camp, side by side. As they reached a klick from camp, Tor transitioned in front of Ka and pulled away a little. He didn't know what to think about their kiss, he only knew things were different now, somehow. He couldn't let his brother know just yet what happened, though. It wasn't important enough during a war and he needed his brothers fury focused on the enemy right now. Before long, he heard a warning warble throughout his helmet. It was telling him he was spotted. He looked down and saw a red dot focus on his matte black chest plate. He looked up and barely made out a dark figure in the distance. {{i}Ah...{/i}/c} He thought. His brother was making sure who was arriving.

As they continued their march, he looked back at Ka'lira, taking her full form in. He knew what she looked like outside the armor and he wasn't sure how he felt about that now. He could tell by the angle of her helmet that she was looking at him too, but he didn't say anything. He wondered if Ta would pick up on it too. He knew he could control his actions enough to make Ta think everything was business as usual, but Ka didn't spend nearly as much time behind the visor as they did. She couldn't conceal her actions as well. If anything, she unconsciously pronounced them, because she was used to alluring people.

You two better?

Tor listened to Kas retort and gave Ta a thumbs up as he noticed their shuttle arriving overhead. It settled in a small clearing and the remainder of Bantha Team scrambled aboard, letting Ka and Ta go first, Tor decided it best to put some space between them, and closed the hatch behind him.

When he turned around, he noticed Ta standing near the cockpit talking to the Jedi. He grabbed the only seat available - beside his sister - and sat down. Noval was positioned across Tor. He leaned in close, I heard the pilot say Tyvokka's dead, sir. He didn't make it.

Tor threw up a hand to silence Noval as he heard Ta's voice rise. He turned and watched him berate the jedi for his insolence. There were only six members of Bantha Team left. And it occurred to him that somebody higher up didn't expect that many to survive since they sent such a small shuttle. This was a clean-up crew. He decided not to press the issue. They were all expendable and the jetii was getting enough of an ear full from Ta'vodes tirade.

When Tor saw the jedi grimaced and blood began to leak from his arm, Tor broke into Ta's comm circuit, Udesii, vod'ika... He said as he watchedthe blade slowly slide back out of the wound.

After Ta's conversation ended, he grabbed hold of a hand rail and waited. Once they were in the air, Tor turned back to Noval, Now... You said Tyvokkas dead?

Yessir. Shot trying to save Tarkin and Valorum.

Tor stood and walked to the cockpit. He turned to the pilot, Is Tarkin and Valorum still alive?

Yeah. They're at Mount Avos. Everyones been recalled there since we can't leave the planet. Our forces are decimated, soldier. The co-pilot said, turning to look at Tor. He had a thick corellian accent and an even thicker build. Tor nodded and turned back to Bantha Team, Alright, it looks like we're going to regroup at Mount Avos. Unfortunately, our illustrious leader survived his meeting with Stark, so it looks like we'll be taking orders from that coward once more.

The Jedi cut in, Of course Tarkin is alive, you savage! Show some respect to the Senator!

Tor looked coolly at the Jedi and took his helmet off to lock eyes with the man, Savage? he asked, looking around the cabin for a moment, I'm not the one raising my voice. I'm not the one who steals children. I'm not the one who acts pious and carries a weapon like that around my waist. I know what I am. A warrior. Like all of these men - and woman - in this shuttle. If you want to be what you preach, drop the lightsaber and be a monk. Otherwise- He stepped in close to the jedi, leave me and my brothers-in-arms alone. It's been a rough week. He took his seat beside Ka and heard her sigh as she took of her own helmet.

Tor glanced up self-consciously at Ta. He was surprised the man had removed his helmet, and he was now peering out the forward viewport. He looked back at his sister and nudged her in the side, How are you holding up Ka'ika? How's the arm?

She turned her head slightly away from Tor and looked at the deck. He saw her dark, glossy black hair fall over her blue eyes and immediately lost his concentration. Since the kiss, he'd realized his feelings for her and he didn't shy away from his feelings. He would shut them down when need be, but he still accepted them.

It hurts like hell, Tor. What are we doing? She asked, clearly tense. She rubbed her injured left arm with her free hand.

We're sitting here, talking.

You know what I mean, di'kut She said, with a sniffling laugh. She sounded like her feelings were starting to ambush her again. He'd need to teach her how to control that.

I know, Ka.... I don't know what we're doing. But if you want it to stop, say so.

She sat silent for a long time. Until they hit dirt at Mount Avos, but Tor waited.

Okay, vode. We're here.

The shuttle bay door jarred open and Bantha Team, six-strong, bundled out, setting up a perimeter until the shuttle could take off again for more soldiers. They were supposedly in a green zone, but Tor knew no place on a hostile planet that would be safe.

He caught a whiff of the spice from the derelict mines and his head began to hurt. It'd been far too long since his last hit. He replaced his helmet and tried to focus on the surrounding area. Tor caught sight of his sister struggling to shoulder her flechette shotgun, so he crept over to her and offered a blaster pistol. She nodded her appreciation and accepted the proffered weapon. Tor took over her flechette shotgun and strapped it to his armor.

After the shuttle took off, all six members bolted for the cave system and were greeted by a wall of jedi and soldiers. Tor didn't like Jedi too much, but at the moment, he was just happy not to see an army of mercs for once.
Ta'vode looked around at the survivors. This is what Tarkin intended to stop Stark with and Ta was saddened by that. If Tarkin wanted serious military he needed to drop the jedi and pack in more mandalorians. They were the best professional army in the galaxy and everyone knew it. He looked at Ka carrying one of Tor's blasters and shook his head. She didn't need more action at the moment. She needed out of the fray. He'd thought some on what his brother said and he supposed he was right. Ka'lira wasn't ready for this but it was the life she choose. Now she had to suffer the reality of it. If she wanted to leave this life behind then that again was her choice. He tapped Tor on the shoulder and then motioned up. He wanted his brother to know that he was going for a more suited location. Hitting the front with the grunts wasn't Ta's style. He preferred somewhere high with a good view that he could rain hell down upon his enemies. But if their previous battles were any indication then his sniping wasn't going to do any real good beyond thin out numbers.
"Don't do anything stupid vod and try and keep Ka'lira from getting hurt any worse than she is now." he said before striding off to find a better vantage point.

Ka'lira had wandered off alittle from Tor. At the moment she didn't trust her own impulsive nature not to make matters worse. She stared down at the pistol and checked the charge, it was full which was good and then it dawned on her. "How the shab am I to switch out the power cells? she asked herself. She looked over at her other arm then at the gun. It wouldn't be easy but she could do it one handed but in a firefight it'd make her almost useless. Cause the range of a pistol meant she'd need to be able to switch out ammo quickly.

"Mandalorians despise weakness and uselessness. Look at our armor, our people all of us have a purpose. We don't have excess, we don't allow ourselves to be soft. We call our children adult at 13 while the rest of the galaxy considers them children. We throw our children into war as soon as we deem them ready to carry ammo, help at camp and so on. We teach them to fight long before then. We allow for neither weakness nor uselessness, we are the galaxy's most feared professional mercenaries, bounty hunters, and army, we are Mandalorians." came her eldest brother's voice from when she was a little girl after the death of their buir. She'd tried to kill herself and when they'd stopped her she'd told Ta then she hated him. and she remembered what he'd said to that, "Good hate me. Let it burn inside you, consume you, but you use it to push you harder. For if you want to kill me then you'll need to be stronger than me and right now your nothing but pathetically weak." his voice then was as cold as it was now.

Ka'lira looked at her arm and sighed. She was useless and weak now. Till she was fixed she wouldn't be of any use in a fight. She hooked the pistol unto her armor and then punched the nearest wall a wave of hopelessness, and self loathing washing over her. "Id have been better off dead." she thought to herself. Then a voice inside of her spoke up, "That's right dead would be better. Tor'yc is as mandalorian as Ta'vode. He could never truly care about someone that is worthless." she tried to shove that voice away. Last time she'd heard a voice like that she'd attempted to kill herself.

Ka was brought out of her self loathing by a hand on her shoulder. Her hand grabbed the pistol from her hip as she stepped and spun bringing the pistol up and found Aemon standing behind her. Her eyes were wide and her breathing heavy as Aemon looked suddenly terrified of being their. "What is it, Aemon?" she asked as she lowered the pistol.

"Just wanted to check on you, see how you were, Ma'am."

"I'm fine, just need time to adjust." she told the man

"If you need anything let us know." he said before wandering off to go rejoin what was left of his squad.

She looked around and saw Tor and Ta talking before Ta left. What she needed at the moment was to talk to her brother. She walked over to him and went to tap his shoulder with her left hand, then stopped. She no longer had a left hand she had to remind herself. She turned and touched his shoulder with her right made a motion with her head and then turned and walked till their was an alcove where thankfully their wasn't anyone. She turned to her brother and noted he was keeping distance. "Distance is good. We, I can't do anything we'd regret this way." she told herself even though she really wanted Tor to hold her at that moment. "What is it cyar'ika." he asked concern touching his voice.

"Tor how can you love me? I'm useless and weak, but I cant stop thinking about you but I can't even manage to like myself and I can't see how you......"

She trailed off as Tor's arms wrapped around her and he pulled her against him. "Ka'ika, I'll love you always. I'm not going to determine here where your scared, hurt, and their isn't a guarantee of tomorrow how I love you. I'll protect you and I'll always be there for you. Just know that." he told her and when she nodded he stepped back. "Patience cyar'ika. We'll sort everything out." he promised. She felt better even if it wasn't everything she wanted to hear. Tor at least was there for her.
Tor and Ka stood together for a long while. He stared out at the trees, distracting himself from his feelings for Ka'lira. He let his mind wander as his eyes did the same, skirting across the branches of the nearby forest. They reminded him of a hunting trip his father had taken him on back home. When they were growing up on Mandalore, trees surrounded their home. Their nearest neighbors lived thirty kilometers away. Tor always thought Dema'kad seemed paranoid to make them live so far from civilization. He and his siblings never had an friends hardly growing up and always had to rely on one another. When Ka'lira came into the picture, he had to widen the circle. Ta'vode never got used to her, as if she were a third wheel. Tor tried to make it work with Ka, but never managed to truly see her as a sister. She was just someone he grew up with.

He nudged his sister, Come on, Ka'ika. Lets go see where command wants us.

She turned and followed him back towards the caverns, I don't think I'll be able to do much.

Tor listened to the depression in her voice. He could almost see it seeping through her vocal speakers in her helmet like a black cloud. He stopped and grabbed her right hand, lifting it up in front of her, All you have to do is point... And shoot. I'll take care of everything else.

She nodded and rocked back and forth for a minute. She was obviously happier. Tor was glad. They walked through the caves and Tor noticed a distinct scent coming from the walls. It reminded him of something he hadn't thought of in a while.

Before long, they rounded a corner and Tor saw the lights of the temporary HQ shimmer off the cave walls in the distance. He could see several Jedi surrounding a small table fashioned from a downed star fighter. He didn't see many other soldiers around. He noticed the hulking forms of Noval and Dwyer standing off to one side. They would make excellent soldiers. Tor could already see their attitudes change. They were green, fresh, ripe, when Tor took them into battle, but now they were in a league of their own. Almost Mandalorian in the way they worked. They watched the other soldiers with an air of doubt. The same Tor had when they'd first set foot on Troiken. Bantha Team was almost completely destroyed, but the three remaining members had been catapulted to another plane of soldiering.

Suddenly, as he neared the end of the caves, the HQ, the lights began to shimmer and sway in his vision. He blinked hard and removed his helmet. When he looked again, the lights began to spiral into the distance. He caught another whiff of that scent, and felt incredibly nauseous. He covered his face and leaned against the cool cave wall trying to calm down. Ka'lira moved closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. She had her helmet off too. Tor looked into her eyes and saw nothing but concern before he shoved her back and painted the floor in putrid vomit. He fell to his knees, still vomiting and promptly passed out.


Stand back, stand back! Give the man some space!

Tor blinked his eyes rapidly, taking Noval into focus. He was leaning over Tor.

Get back, Nov'ika, before I shoot you. Tor heard his sisters voice and Noval shook his head before slowly backing up. His vision was replaced by the dark black hair and blue eyes of his sisters face. Her sharp, slender features coalescing into the beautiful face he'd come to know, Tor, are you alright?

Tor tried to speak, but couldn't. He clenched his jaw and felt a tube in his throat. He grunted and slowly started pulling it out before Aemon rushed over and helped him. Once freed, Tor nodded, I'm fine. Wh-What happened?

His surroundings slowly started to come into view. He was laying on the makeshift table he'd seen, and he had a bacta drip in his right arm. His carsunum tracks, disappointingly visible.

You passed out, Tor. The jedi seem to think it was withdrawal. Is that it, Tor? Are you that addicted?

Tor shook his head, inhaling the scent once more. He began to shake violently and she held him to keep him calm. When the shakes began to subside, he just nodded at her. He had no answer. Shed just seen him at his worst.

After a while, the HQ thinned out, and Tor was left alone with a still very concerned Ka'lira, You've seen what carsunum does to me now, cyar'ika. Don't think a missing arm is that bad.

He patted her arm lovingly as he passed by her to study a map on the wall. She seemed to think Tor and Ta were untouchable. The sad truth was, Tor and Ta were both shattered souls. Neither knew how to trust or to truly love. Tor lost composure more than Ta, but they were both prone to occasional outbursts, like she had seen from Ta in the shuttle. She would never think he was invincible again, but maybe that was for the best, Tor decided. He liked having someone to worry about him.
Ka'lira sat and watched Tor carefully. She had been scared when he had passed out. She hadn't called Ta but she was sure he'd hear eventually but right now she didn't want to deal with her eldest brother's disapproval. "I didn't want the jedi to touch you at first, cyar'ika." she said trying the word out. She'd never used it before and she liked the way it felt to her when she used it on Tor. "When they saw you I pulled your pistol on them. They seemed shocked at first and one of the masters approached slowly telling me they only wanted to help." she said almost absent-mindedly. "And I havn't told Ta." she stated almost as an afterthought. She knew her eldest was going to be livid. At her and Tor. Tor for his addiction getting this bad and her for not telling him as soon as it happened but at the time she didn't want him taking any more time away from her and Tor.

"Tor why am I always so scared?" she asked quietly. She didn't understand why when she watched their biorythmes Ta's almost never moved and Tor's were always steady yet hers' spiked and were rampant and raging. She guessed she'd just have to accept that she wasn't as tough or strong as her brothers.
Tor pondered her question for a moment, That's not a bad thing, Ka. Me and our brother are different. We don't fear, but in not fearing anything, we also lose that that motivation that it instills. We just... exist. Your fear drives you, Ka;ika. You just need to control it is all.

And how do you expect me to control it then?

Tor was about to describe some commando tactics for controlling ones fear, but was interrupted by a violent shake in the cave system. He knew they weren't on a fault line. He'd memorized those. He once got stuck in a groundquake and obsessively refused to let it happen again. That only left one alternative: bombardment.

His thoughts immediately turned to his brother who was outside in his perch. He sprinted for the opening in the caves and saw dust carpet his vision as he felt the ground shake once again.

When he reached the opening, he could hear Ka shouting his name from further behind. He'd forgotten about her in the moment, and when his vision cleared all he saw was his brothers form charging at him. He tackled Tor back into the caves as an aerial strike stuck the ground directly outside the caves. They hit the floor and rolled. Tor jumped to his feet and dusted himself off.

Aerial bombardment, vod?

Yeah, they're blotting out the sun out there, Tor. They're going to come for us in these caves, He said, as he smeared some mud over the blue lining his armor plates, Get your buckets on. He said as he marched further into the cave system. Tor could hear a muffled clicking coming from Tas helmet as he walked silently down the path. He realized Ta was mapping the cave system with sonar. Tor decided he would do the same and turned it on. Immediately his field of view turned to a black and blue grid line as the sonar printed out an in-depth warren of tunnels on his hud.

Tor, what are you two up to? She asked, tapping her finger on her arm in rythm to the clicking. Tor stepped into her field of view and held her head still to face his. When she stood still, he let go of her helmet and pointed to the lower right of her visor, See that small circle? Look at it and blink twice.

He waited a moment and suddenly heard a click come from her helmet. She staggered back a pace, Wow...

Tor nodded, Good. Its sonar imaging. Find a place to lay up and wait. It's going to come to blows and we don't want to get caught with our pants down. He heard her chuckle as she walked off. He blushed as he realized what he'd said to her, but shrugged it off. They needed to focus.

She turned and charged down the system, carrying Tors blaster in her good hand. Okay... Lets get Bantha back up to speed... He said to himself as he marched back to the HQ. The battle was about to begin anew and he didn't have much by way of personnel. It hit him that he'd practically taken over Bantha team after Ka had her injury. She was their CO, but he decided he'd do what he could until she was a hundred percent again.

When he reached the HQ, he found Ta talking with Dwyer in a small alcove, and the table was surrounded by a couple jedi and Aemon. Noval stood by a monitor, watching the fighters above.

Okay, lets close up shop, he said as he pulled the plug on the electrical lighting. The lights slowly dimmed and faded to black, Tors dark armor fading into invisibility with it, They're coming... Came his disembodied voice as he heard the first of many shouts at the opening of the cave.
Ta'vode watched as the lights dimmed and then scanned the area. Stark's boys weren't being shy about making noise and it gave them away. "Tor, Ka direct Bantha's fire." he said into their private links so that no one else would hear them. Ta planned to do what he did best. Disappear and take out the enemy one by one. The mud covering his brighter plates allowed him to disappear as effectively as his brother. Their sister would stand out with her bright colorings. "And Ka please try not to draw too much fire. I don't want to have to do any more field medicine on you." he said before cutting his comm to her and disappearing down a tunnel.

Ta stopped and slid down a small depression on the wall. He drew his kad and waited as a group approached. When the group ran by he stepped out covered the man's mouth and drove it up into his back and twisted the blade killing him quietly. He then pulled his pistol and fired it into the retreating back of another man and then slide down a side passage before the others could react. He wanted Stark's men paranoid and afraid. In that they'd make more mistakes and be more prone to friendly fire. He followed a tunnel around and came out ahead of another group. He at that moment wanted one of those verpine rifles so that they'd never see his fire as he opened up on them instead he waited with his kad in one hand and his pistol in the other.

Ta stepped out and stabbed a weequay in the throat and then fired into a rodian the resulting attack left him in a fire fight while he withdrew from the intersection. He fired one last shot into the group killing a duros before disappearing around the corner. He then went around another corner and came upon the back of a group. He fired into them killing a human female and the three others turned. He fired another round into a trandoshan. It took three more rounds before the thing went down. Then he was in close combat with a Faleen and to his surprise a Sun Guard Legionnaire. "Vod, Stark has gotten serious we have Sun Guard." he said as he drew his beskad readying for what he knew was a long fight.
Tor listened to Ta's warning and silently cursed. This was just what they needed. They had no idea how many Legionnaires might be down here. They hired out in groups of four, so he knew there had to be at least three more down here. He quickly regulated his internal temperature to match the temp in the caves. Sun guards generally relied on thermal imaging in dark places and he wasn't taking chances. He sighed as he watched his chilled breath float through his helmets filters.

Can somebody please tell me what a kriffing 'Sun Guard Legionnaire' is?

Tor scoffed in his helmet, You really need to study some history, ner vod. Their incredibly efficient, well trained soldiers. Possibly as good as us...

He heard her bark a laugh, If we were crippled, maybe.

Tor shook his head at his sisters remark. He knew she was still raw, emotionally, even though she tried to cover it up with cynical humor.

As he began to feel his teeth chatter, he clenched his jaw and eased into a small recess in the wall as he heard muffled voices coming in his direction. He held his breath as he saw three mercenaries and two Sun Guards creep by. He now had a bead on three Legionnaires. Two down his tunnel, and one pretty far east down another cavern, if Ta's location was any indication.

After the pursuers disappeared from sound, he eased out of the crevice and stood up to get his bearings again. He saw a sudden flash and ducked as one of the Sun Guards pikes hit the rock wall where his head had been. He rolled away from the guard and rose in a crouch, aiming with a pistol. He only saw the one Guard, so he must have broken off from the others. He felt confident he could take the Sun Guard one-on-one but he knew he couldn't risk letting a round off in here. If the others or more Guards were nearby, he wouldn't stand a chance.

The Legionnaire stepped into Tor and stabbed the rear end of the pike into his chest. Tor took the blow and staggered back, dropping into a reverse-roll. He came up with his curved blade in his off-hand and prepared himself for round two.

The Sun Guard stepped in again for an identical strike and the Mandalorian side-stepped it. He swung his khukri-style beskar blade at the Legionnaires neck. Disappointed by his lack of reach, the blade missed by a hair, just slicing the top lair of skin on the soldiers neck. The man staggered back, clutching his neck and Tor saw his chanced. He rammed into the soldiers and both tumbled to the ground. He landed on top of the Mandalorian, and attempted to drive his pike into Tors own neck. He jerked his head to the side and knocked the weapon away, losing his own blaster in the process. It skidded across the rocky surface. The Sun Guard attempted another jab and Tor managed to bring a knew up into his midsection, pushing the man out of reach. Tor quickly grabbed his other blade, the straight edged one, and threw it. It stuck into the soldiers neck wound and he toppled over. Tor lay, legs entangled with the Sun Guards, gasping for breath as he realized he'd just had a very close brush with death. He wouldn't be caught off guard again.

He rolled away from the Guard and retrieved his blaster before walking in a crouch back to the Legionnaire to get his other knife. He sheathed his curved knife as he neared and noticed the Legionnaire still breathing. He wasn't speaking, but he was gasping for breath. Tor removed his helmet with some struggling, and the man was staring, scared, into Tors visor. He couldn't actually see anything in the stark blackness of the caves, but Tor could see fine behind his visor. The soldiers coughed, and bubbly red blood oozed from the corners of his mouth. Tor shook his head and stuck the blaster to the mans head. This close of a shot would muffle both the sound and light of the round, Die well, soldier. He said, in his coldest voice. When he tried, he could reach arctic levels in his voice that would give Ta a run for his creds.

He fired and the man let out a short yelp and was gone. Tor removed the knife and wiped the blood in the mans chest before re-sheathing it and marching further into the tunnels, in search of the other. If he could sneak up on it, he knew he could probably take the others out as well.
Ta'vode parried the pike as the Falleen stepped in closer and slashed. Ta took the attack on his bicep plate letting the vibroknife slide harmlessly off his beskar. When the pike came again Ta caught it with his beskad and directed it into the cave wall and reached out with his kad and tried to stab the man's wrist. At the last second the guard twiated his arm and Ta's blade
Ka'lira watched as first her eldest went off alone and then Tor disappeared against a wall she moved the rest of Bantha a little farther down the tunnel and set them up in an ambush. When Stark's men hit here they'd find themselves caught between three directions of fire. She'd wanted to set up on a four direction crossfire but Aemon had insisted on staying with her to help her. She couldn't find much wrong with his reasoning so they'd set up. As a group of four entered the intersection she fired into them with her borrowed pistol and suddenly three other blasters opened up into the group. They never saw what was coming soon all but one of them was down. He had ducked and dodged at first reacting quickly when Ka had opened up first. And now he was closing slowly but surely on Noval's position.

Ka stepped forward and fired into his back repeatedly. "Why don't you try and give me a challenge, hut'tuun." she challenged as the black armored man stopped and turned towards her his pike in hand. "A one armed mandalorian, is that a joke?" came the man's deep voice.

"Bantha fall back I've got this one." she ordered and noted Aemon reluctantly nod and then disappear down a side corridor and that Nov and Dywer went back up the tunnel towards Tor. "So the Mandalorian has some sense of honor to settle this between us. Good now prepare to die." he taunted.

Ka responded with a barrage of blaster fire while the guard spun and somersaulted takeing a few hits on his approach. Ka kept side stepping and backing up trying to score a solid hit but suddenly her pistol made a noise. She glanced at the cell "Shab" she said hooking it to her belt and pulling her father's dagger.

"Really why don't you do us a favor little mandalorian and just let me kill you it'll be less painful."

Ka'lira's anger flared. "Why don't you come closer so I can cut out first your hut'uunla tongue then your shabla heart."
Tor slowly made his way further into the tunnels until he heard a loud splashing from boots hitting puddles of water from further in. He pressed himself against the wall, in wait, grasping his straight vibroknife in one hand.

As the sound neared, he could make out in his night vision that it was two of his guys. As they ran past, he grabbed them and jerked them down. They were making themselves vulnerable. Slow and silent is best in this environment, Tor thought.

Alert the whole army where you are, di'kute. Why the rush? Are the caves going to blow or something? He felt he should ask, since his sister had gone further into the caves than him and hadn't been heard from since.

Ka'lira's going up against some guy that looks kind of like you guys. She said to thing out, so here we are. Dwyer and me were looking for a good place to set up an ambu-

You left her alone!? He hissed, Do you have any idea what you've done? Tor rushed further into the mine, knocking Dwyer off his feet as he charged by, gunning for his sister.

When he neared a large open cavern, he slowed his pace and crouched, listening quietly. He thought he heard a scuffling sound further in the large room, and eased in.

You kriffing chakaar! Ahh! Tor couldn't mistake his sisters voice. He angled towards her and slowly crept forward, looking intently at the location of the voice.

Come on, Mando, is that all you've got? He heard a male grunt, Enjoy this, becau- mphh He heard the choked muffle of the mans voice.

He stopped and waited. A moment later he heard something heavy hit the ground and Ka let out a cut-off groan. Then he heard her begin to growl and stutter. It was time to move.

When Tor'yc neared the two duelists, the first thing he noticed was her helmet laying on the ground several meters away. Then he took everything in in an instant. She was still holding her fathers beskad. It had blood on it. Her face was beaten and bloody, indication she'd lost her helmet early in the fight. The Sun Guard also lost his helmet, and his chest plate. It appeared to have been forcibly torn away.

Tor edged closer, coming up behind the man, completely shrouded in the darkness. He drew his own beskad and waited. The man had Kas arm pinned to the ground. Tor also noticed in the mans thrashing, that his mouth was bleeding heavily and her knife had blood on it. That had to hurt. He raised his pike and attempted a downward jab into Kas face, but as he raised the pike, Tor moved in and stabbed the man in the throat, holding the Legionnaires pike away from Ka. He removed the object from his neck, and blood spurt from it, bathing Ka'lira in blood. She growled as the weight lifted from her arm and drove it deep in the side of the mans chest and began carving. He fell to the ground, dead, but she wasn't finished. Tor stepped back as she finished her gruesome filet and removed the soldiers heart. She then opened his mouth and crammed the heart in his mouth before stomping it into his teeth, causing it to burst.

She took a deep breath and Tor could see her shaking. She wasn't prepared for death. She thought she was going to die. He pulled her to him and did his best to wipe the blood from her face, You did good, Ka'ika. Very good. He patted her shoulder. She reached in his belt to grab another magazine for her blaster, So that was a Sun Guard, huh?

Yeah. Tough bastards, aren't they?

She laughed. Tor knew it was due to the elation of surviving a horrible situation and feeling safe again, but they weren't safe yet. He quickly cupped his hand over her mouth and pulled her to a crouch as he retrieved her helmet for her.

There's at least two more around here somewhere. Unless Ta has found them, we need to stay on the look out.

He saw her green ghostly image nod at him and they turned to head back up through the caves. She was cradling the blaster pistol much more carefully now. She was on edge. Tor was glad she was taking it serious now. She'd almost died earlier by fighting to keep her arm. He didn't think she would be so stupid now.
Ta'vode parried the pike as the Falleen stepped in closer and slashed. Ta took the attack on his bicep plate letting the vibroknife slide harmlessly off his beskar. When the pike came again Ta caught it with his beskad and directed it into the cave wall and reached out with his kad and tried to stab the man's wrist. At the last second the guard twiated his arm and Ta's blade caught the shaft of the pike and slide down into a finger. The man gasped and shoved Ta back. The Falleen moved in on him again but Ta threw his kad watching it sink into the things face between its eyes. Now it was just between Ta and this Sun Guard.

Ta'vode circled the guy trying to see an opening. Later he'd have to work with Tor on his close combat he was sorely in need of more training. He closed and traded blows with the man each trying to land a solid blow but Ta's armor made it hard for the Guard while the guard's obvious greater close combat skill made it hard for Ta to get in a more injuring wound beyond maybe a scratch here or there.

"You can't beat me mando. Eventually you'll tire enough and I'll be able to get a killing blow in on you."

Ta'vode didn't bother responding. He wasn't going to allow himself to be distracted by taunts instead he'd answer by killing the man. Ta moved in again and locked up with the guy and the man suddenly caught Ta's beskad and twisted his pike Ta stifled a scream of agony as his elbow was being dislocated and instead shoved himself into the guard causing further pain but he drew his blaster and shoved it against the man's helmet and flicked the charge on it to maximum and fired a round burning through his armor and his skull. Ta stood and looked down at the man. "Looks like you screwed up first, chakaar." he said coldly to the dead corpse.

"Tor, I've killed one Guard. Tell me Ka is still alive and I need you to help me reset my arm. The chakaar messed it up but I put a round through his skull for it." he said cooly into the comm as if he wasn't in pain.
Ka'lira followed behind her brother quietly. Ta had said he needed help and she was surprised by that but then again Tor had said his arm was dislocated. Knowing her eldest he would have his arm set and then he'd continue as though nothing had happened. Ka wished she could be as casual about the lose of her arm but the fact was she wasn't and if she'd had both her arms she wouldn't have been in near as much trouble or maybe she'd had been in more. The Sun Guard member had been arrogant and disdainful till she'd managed to really slice off his tongue. If Tor hadn't of shown she didn't know what she'd have done probably have died before following through on her threat.

Once they reached Ta's position she saw he was sitting off to the side his blaster pistol in hand and a dead corpse by his side. Her visor still picked up the heat radiating from the man's head. "Looks like the only way to kill these shabuir is brutally." she stated.

Ta turned his helmet towards her while Tor was knelt down setting his arm back into place. "They preferred heavy armor and bladed weapons unlike their female echani counterparts." he said his voice not straining as she heard the audible pop from the resetting. She watched as Ta flexed his arm and hand before he picked up his beskad and sheathed it.

"Ka'ra's what is your current position?" came Tarkin's fear filled voice.

"Close enough." came Tor's response.

"I'm under assault by three black armored men and one yellow. I have only one Jedi Knight here to defend me and my blaster doesn't seem to affect them."

"We're on our way." came Ta's cold voice.

The three siblings moved quickly and quietly down the tunnel and when they rounded the corner to where Tarkin was they could see the Jedi was doing his best but he was slowly being overwhelmed and would eventually fall to their assault. So much for their abilities. thought Ka'lira to herself. "Ka'ika don't go trying to cut one of these ones hearts out till after their all dead." came Tor's voice through her link. Ta raised his sniper rifle and fired a round into one of the black armored ones as he was approaching the jedi from behind while the yellow armored one was keeping the knight busy. The armored man fell and his two companions turned and started towards them while the one yellow armored guard kept at the Jedi.
Tor stood at the opening to the area and watched the melee before him, with his family to his sides. The Jedi was putting up a valiant effort but was beginning to gas. Tor didn't care for Jedi, but he always respected their abilities. He saw Tarkin clutching his shoulder and knew the Jedi wouldn't be able to protect Tarkin much longer. He switched to his sonar for a second and saw the cave lead further in and looped back around to the temporary Headquarters they had set up.

The three Mandalorians rushed into to the fight and at 1900 hours on Troiken, an age old fire was rekindled.

Tor could see the three remaining Legionnaires closing in on the Jedi and he was losing ground. Ka rushed one Legionnaire and cannonballed into him, taking him off his feet, while Ta hung back a bit and took near point-blank sniper shots at the enemy. While Ka and their allies tussled in the fight, Ta let fly a few rounds, missing friendlies each time, a testament to the mans uncanny skill.

Tor finally moved in last, going for the one Legionnaire facing the Jedi now. He noticed Ka sitting astride the Guard she tackled, pounding his head with her fists. She was a brawler through and through, but she lacked precision. He ran up behind the Sun Guard attacking the Jedi and attempted to grab him, but he spun around, trying to swing his pike through Tor. Tor stepped back and grabbed hold of the shaft, then drove his right leg into Guards' knee. He was now stuck between a rock and a hard place, so he let the blow knock him from his feet and he rolled out of the way as the Jedi brought his lightsaber down. Tor saw it just in time to dodge to the side and he saw the green luminescent blade arc in front of his helmet. The Jedi looked shaken. Tarkin looked horrified.

That tunnel will lead to safety. Go! He yelled, pointing behind them, We'll hold them off. We have history...

He turned back to the crouching Sun Guard as the jedi and Tarkin made for safety.

Ahhh! Die! Die. Die. Die! Tor could hear her shouting through his helmet as she continued beat on the mans helmet with her fist. She wore durasteel caps on her knuckles, so he knew the Sun Guard was feeling it even if she didn't penetrate the helmet.

He heard her grunt once more as she pulled back and hit him again, with as much force as Tor could manage -he had no idea she was that fit- and broke through the visor on the front of his helmet. Transparisteel pelted his eyes and he let out a scream before kicking her off and the battle was on again.

Ta fired a round at his attacker, but the wily Guard dodged the shot. Their flexibility and skill always amazed Tor, even though he had several generations of hatred for them. He drove on towards Ta'vode, dodging and flipping over each shot, using his pike as a vault. He jumped in close to Ta and swung his pike over him and brought it down in a perfect arc on to Ta. Ta threw up his let forearm over his head and caught the blade on the plate. He force pushed him to one knee. He shouldered his rifle with his right hand and aimed as best he could at the head of the Sun Guard and flicked the power to max through his hud link and fired. The recoil knocked the rifle down slightly, and it wen through the thing flight suit of the Guards neck and out the opposite end. The pike slumped and the Legionnaires' head toppled. It rolled off his shoulders, completely cauterized and landed in front of Ta, staring up at him. Tor had heard that if you cauterize the wound fast enough, enough oxygen could be stored him a humans head to give him a couple minutes of life left, but he'd never had proof until now, as he watched the Guards eyes blink in rage at Ta. Ta paused as he registered what he was seeing then stood, and brought down one large boot with a sickening schlick onto the mans head. Tor noticed blood running from the Guards ears. Ta had squashed his head.

If you two have it, I'm going to go cover Tarkin. The Jedi looked pretty exhausted. We don't want to have to gone through all this and not get paid.

Tor motioned at him to head down the tunnel, and Ta took off. Tor was having his hands full with the yellow dressed Sun Guard. He thought this one must have been the group leader, he was much more difficult than the one he'd previously fought. In fact, Tor hadn't fought anyone this tough before. And they still had one more Legionnaire somewhere in these tunnels.

The yellow Guard charged Tor, who grabbed the Guard and brought a knee up into his chest. The Guard, demonstrating enormous strength, flipped the heavily laden Mandalorian over his shoulders and Tor landed with a thud on the stone floor. His assailant stepped over Tor and began kicking his helmet over and over. Eventually, Tor regained focus and caught his foot and twisted it. The Guard fell to the ground and Tor dropped a knee into his back and drove an elbow into the back of his neck.

The Guard lay still. Satisfied he'd been taken care of, Tor stood up. But as he started to turn, the Legionnaire returned to life, reached for his pike, and rolled over, swing the pike in a slice. Tor didn't have time to react. He took the blow full-on in the side of the helmet. It knocked his helmet off and he hit a rock on the cave floor. The world went black for a moment and he tasted copper. He was bleeding. He looked up and saw through cloudy eyes, that the Legionnaire was standing over him and bringing the axe-end down on him. Tor barely had to roll his head out of the way and grabbed the pike, holding it against the floor, unable to do anything else. The Guard started kicking Tor, trying to knock him off, but Tor resisted and held on. Eventually, the Guard decided to kick Tor in the face, and the Mandalorian lost his grip as his head bounced off the ground. The soldier lifted the pike again, but before he could bring it down, Tor pulled his pistol and fired once into the chest of the Guard. He fell back, with a smoking hole in his chest plate.

Tor! Help!

He rolled to his feet and staggered slightly. The black Guard was sitting atop Ka'lira, pounding her over and over. She, too had lost her helmet and was taking a hell of a beating. Tor started to her, but before he could move, he felt another pike slide behind his arms, and felt a blaster touch his temple, Drop it, Mando. Or you both die.

Tor couldn't believe his luck. He'd shot this man, he knew it. How could he survive?

You know you're dead, for this...

You're in no position to be making threats. Liez, do it.

The black Guard looked up and nodded, then started beating on her face more. Eventually, after she stopped screaming, he grabbed a dagger from his belt and pulled it back, his pike lost to the cave. Ka was unconscious. Tor stared hard at the scene, and saw a familiar form approach. The member of Bantha Team slipped up behind the Guard and grabbed his pike, he hit the guard in the back with the blunt end. He rolled off Ka and into the Guard Ta had shot when they entered the room. Tor's sense of hope quickly diminished as he saw the Guard rise, this time holding his fallen comrades' pike.

Now you get to watch them both die...

Tor growled and he felt blood run from his wounds. It turned his vision red as he saw the two combatants clash and felt the blaster press into his skull.

The member of Bantha, Aemon neared the soldier, who swung his pike Aemon. The man jumped back and hooked the Guards' pike with his own and brought the other end over to smack the Guard in the helmet before jumping back again. The Guard came in once more with a straight thrust. Aemon swatted it out of the way and spun in close, bringing the point of the pike behind him and directly through the Guards' throat. Tor watched, mouth agape. He couldn't believe Aemon won. Neither could the surviving Legionnaire because Tor felt the muzzle of the pistol leave his head and saw him point it at Aemon.

Tor instinctively grabbed the hand and flipped the Legionnaire over him. He hit the ground and fired a shot up at Tor, but he'd already moved his head out of the way. He quickly drew his pistol and fired two rounds into the mans helmet. Afterwards, he removed the Guards helmet and fired a third into his forehead to make sure.

After the battle was done, Tor retrieved his and Ka's helmets and walked over to check on her. Aemon was already administering first aid and she had regained consciousness.

Hey, Ka'ika? How're you doing?

Ugh... She held her head and sat up, My head hurts worse than beach day on Mustafar... What happened?

Tor shared a glance with Aemon, You tripped and fell after you stabbed that Sun Guard. He knew she would be mad that he lied to her, but Tor needed to know who Aemon was first. He was obviously more skilled than he wanted to let one. Tor could see he'd had training. Very specific training. He countered and parried the Guards' blows perfectly. He left her and nodded for Aemon to follow. Once they'd gotten well away from her, Tor un-sheathed his blaster and aimed it squarely at Aemons head, eyes hardening, Who are you really? And if I think you're lying to me, you die here and now.

Aemon sighed and held his hands up in submission, My name really is Aemon... But before Tarkin hired me, I was a member of the Sun Guard... I was a squad leader, like the one that almost killed you.

Tor powered up his blaster with ominous whine, You're a traitor.

I'm not. I just received the training. It wasn't my lifestyle so I left. That's all. I saved your sister, Tor!

Common double agent tactic... Save your enemies so you appear an ally.

Aemon just sighed and shook his head. He dropped his arms and just stood there, looking at Tor with what registered in Tors mind as pity. He didn't like that. He pulled Aemon to him and shoved the blaster in his back. They angled towards Ka, Walk. You saved her, so she'll decide your fate.

When they reached her, she was sitting up drinking water. She looked up, confused, You two are kind of close, aren't you?

Tor stepped away from Aemon and held his blaster level at Aemons head, He's with the Sun Guard. Or claims he was. He saved you when that Guard was beating your head in. What do you think?

You lied to me...

Security. Get over it. Kill him?

Of course not! He saved my life! What were you doing?

Tor, stunned by her reaction, holstered his pistol. He often forgot she felt things differently than he did.

He turned to Aemon and clasped hands, forearm to forearm, as a Mandalorian, Thank you for saving her life. He pulled Aemon aggressively to him, But if you harm her or my brother, I will take my time killing you, he said as his vision began to redden again with the blood of his wound. He wiped his face with his hands and headed for the tunnels.

Ta is back at HQ with Tarkin, come on. Aemon, you're on point.
Ta'vode was running hard on Tarkin's heels abandoning any sense at stealth trying to catch the Senator. They had one unaccounted for Guard and Tarkind was running headlong down a cave that could easily lead to the Senator's death.

Ta finally caught up to the man grabbed him and jerked back as they were entering the opening. Ta jerked his head back at the last second as a pike hit and sent his helmet from his head. Ta blinked and drew his beskad. "Shabla hut'uun." he cursed as the Jedi stepped up igniting his blue saber with a snap hiss. Ta stepped back letting the Jedi go first in a round with the Guard. Ta'vode aynalized both combatants looking for a weakness in both to exploit. He carefully sheathed his beskad and shouldered his rifle. He took aim and fired into the black clad member catching him in the shoulder. He spun and hit the ground and the Jedi held his lightsaber to him. "Surrender and I'll spare your life."

The guard member nodded and as the Jedi removed his lightsaber deactivating the shimmering blade. Ta watched as the jedi jerked to the side but not fast enough before he took a serious wound to the side. Ta raised his rifle and fired catching the Jedi in the leg but it burned through to hit the downed Sun Guard in the helmet, and Ta heard the shattering of a face plate and knew that they were all accounted for now. "Tor Status report." he sent to his brother's helmet.
Ka'lira followed Aemon through the tunnels with Tor to the rear. She couldn't believe the man in front of her was a former Sun guard member. He'd shown some real skill with that pike and she wondered if he could challenge her favorite brother in close quarters combat. "Hey Aemon just how long were you with the Guard?"

"I'm originally from their home system. My father was a member and started training me early. I then enlisted like most of my people do and soon I proved my skill and leadership ability they moved me into officer training. Afterwards I decided I didn't like being a pike for hire so I left." He responded.

"So they just let you leave?" Asked Ka curiously.

"No let's just say that if they knew who I was they'd have come a f tear me relentlessly. They don't take desertion well."

Ka thought on that as they rounded the corner to see Ta wrapping the leg of the Jedi knight. "I know you have some Baca spray why don't you use some." Asked Tarkin.

"I have a limited amount thanks to Stark and I'm not wasting it on a stabla hut'uunla child stealer who is too stupid to kill a dangerous enemy. If he needs more than basic help he can use his Shabla force." responded Ta coldly.
As the group marched back up through the cave system, Tor could see Noval and Dwyer pick off a few stragglers before joining their entourage. The Jedi looked pale and Tor knew he wouldn't go much further under his own steam. Noval and Dwyer each took an arm and helped the Jedi up the rocky cavern. Tor would rather just let the man die. He was a burden they didn't need.

The Mandalorian unholstered his pistol as he walked behind the group. He powered it up and raised it to the back of the Jedis head, the unmistakable whir of the blaster catching Ta's attention. Tor glanced over at his brother, both of their helmets off, Tor knew it was safe enough now that they had the system under their control, and began to squeeze the trigger. Before he let the shot go, Ka'lira ambled in front of him, completely oblivious to the fact Tor almost killed the Jedi and he lowered the weapon and replaced it his holster. Maybe the Jedi would make it after all. The wounded man glanced back over his shoulder and made eye contact with Tor. Tor saw something in the mans eyes, a plea? Gratitude? He couldn't make it out, but it didn't matter. He would let him live for now. He had more pressing concerns.

He held back a little farther from the group, studying Aemon from a distance. The man was clearly a prime soldier, otherwise he wouldn't be here now. He had good knowledge of hand to hand combat and possessed decent skills with a rifle. Any other day, Tor might consider bringing him into the Mandalorians. But he knew that Aemon would be just as likely to say no. Tor also couldn't get past the fact that Aemon kept this disturbing fact a secret from him. Surely, Aemon knew what a Sun Guard was to a Mandalorian. Maybe that's why he kept it a secret though, Tor pondered. The reason was irrelevant, he'd kept it from the men leading his outfit, and, to Tor, that was unacceptable. No Mando would keep a secret that large from his commanding officers, regardless of how they felt about it. If Tor had known of his previous associations, he could've used the man on the field better.

Apparently his observations didn't go unnoticed as Ta began to slow his pace to match Tors, What's different, Tor? What happened back there?

Well, Tor said, making no attempt to hide his tone, his deep voice with a slight country drawl echoing off the walls of the damp cave, We have a problem.

He let the statement hang in the air for two seconds. He heard a boot step in a puddle and Ta instantly snapped into action. He knew when either thought there was trouble afoot, that it wasn't time to play. Ta quickly trained his rifle on all of the soldiers, managing to entirely skip Kal who was in the midst of them, and settling on the Jedi more than a few times.

A little to your right, ner vod... Tor watched Ta angle to rifle onto Aemons throat and let out a low grumble, Sun Guard, Ta'ika. Says he left them though...

Ta loaded a round in a flash of movement and moved in closer as the rifle charged,

Wait! Let me explain. He said, holding up his hands in submission. Tor watched Kal step in front of Aemon and spread her arms, Great... More drama. Tor thought as Ta continued to stalk towards the two. He stopped, rifle inches from Kals breastplate and just glared into her visor. Tor and Ta both were more animalistic than many realized and they had an equal reign over their pack. Tor knew Kal would be cowed. After a few seconds of defiance, she bowed her head, and stepped to the side. Ta moved in closer, You have ten words. Make them count.
Damon's eyes hardened and Ta watched as the man's eyes turned into to those of a killer. In the hats what made both mandarins and Sun guards so dangerous was that they were all professionally trained killers from a society that didn't shrike from killing.

" I knew plenty like you in the Guard. Doesn't matter what I say if you wanna kill me you will so I'm tired of defending myself. I didn't have to save Ka'lira nor reveal myself so pull the riffing trigger and get it over with already." Stated the man in a voice that would match Ta's on for coldness.

Ta's eyes narowed and his finger slowly started to squeeze the trigger. He noted Ka moving towards him and he kept a wary eye on her.

"Ta'vode I wouldn't pull that trigger."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." Came his cold response.

" Tor'yc left his fate in my hands. Any decision other than what I chose his discounting Tor." She said coyly.

"I'm clan leader. My decisions over rule his."

"So your saying Tor can't make good decisions?"

"He erred in judgement."

"So his honor means nothing then. He clasped him after I spared Aemon's life like an equal."

Take looked at Tor waiting for him to confirm.
Tor watched as Ta conversed with the soldier and half-listened. He knew Ta was either going to shoot or not. Those were the only two options, so the rest was just for show. Scare tactics for the Sun Guard and any others threatening to jump ship or reveal incriminating evidence,

He watched Ka trudge into the conflict, unsurprised, and heard his name mentioned a couple times. Eventually his brother looked back at Tor and every other eye followed suit. He unfolded his arms and pushed himself away from a wall he'd been leaning against and walked casually up to his brother and sister, She's right, Ta. He did save her life. Mine too. But he's still a lying piece of osik for not coming clean at the start, I would've shot him myself, but our sister appealed to my kinder side.

He looked at his sister and felt his insides ice over for bringing him into it, He gave a derisive snort and looked back at Ta, But unlike our beloved sis, He glanced back over at her, I defer to the clan leaders judgement. I chose to let the man live because he could be useful. Do with him what you will though. With that, he backed off and caught a glare from Ka, knowing whatever she'd felt was quickly dissipating. He didn't care at the moment, this was business. Still, he though to himself, Ka'ika, don't be too angry... as he averted his eyes and focused his attentions on a puddle on the floor, awaiting the shot.

He leaned quietly against the wall, watching the drops of condensation dripping into the puddle. Before long, the drops increased and became louder.

Eventually, it was a full shower on that one puddle and a boot splashed into the puddle. The water hit Tors eyes and he rubbed them clear. When he opened them, he was in a dense forest, unaware of his surroundings, on one knee and saw a body lying on the ground. He was clutching one of the mans hands and he was badly burned. Tor noticed he was wearing Mandalorian armor, but not much was left. It looked as if he'd been attacked with his armor already off. You're going to burn in hell for this, aruetii... The Mandalorian grunted out before Tor, unable to control his body, reached down and slit the soldiers throat. He didn't just stop though, he came back and carved through bone and sinew, until the mans head came off of his shoulders. Tor tried with all hist might to stop himself, but he couldn't. He saw sweat drop and sizzle on the Mandalorians charred armor and skin.

He looked up and his camp was burning to the ground. He had a feeling he'd been here before, but couldn't place the planet or the time. He heard a reverberating whomm sounding through the camp. Somebody set off an alarm. Somebody betrayed us! Our camps is burning to the ground! Find the aruetii! He heard familiar voices shouting over the deep siren.

He looked down at his own body, half of his armor in place. He watched helplessly behind his own eyes as his body ran for his tent and secured his armor and weapons before trekking into the woods.

Eventually, after losing his allies, he stumbled out of the forest into a small town and procured a small landspeeder which he drove back to the camp, taking a circuitous route. When he reached it, he noticed charred remains scattered across the camp. It was pure devastation across his current home. Fifteen Mandalorian had been stationed here and he'd counted thirteen bodies. He was missing one, then. He heard a twig snap behind him and spun around to find a blaster pistol pointed at his face. At this range, the round would most likely shatter his faceplate.

You aruetii... Why did you do this?

Tor didn't have an answer, but the man whom was committing these atrocities did, I was bored.

The only remaining Mando, he was wearing black armor, just as Tor was, shook his head and motioned for him to walk further into camp. There was one mirror left standing in the fresher, and the soldier marched Tor to it and held the pistol against the back of Tors helmet, All traitors must die... He motioned Tor to remove his helmet, and he did as instructed. Tor was surprised to see the image reflected in the mirror was not his own, but Aemons. The man behind Aemon removed his own helmet to reveal Tors face, All traitors must die... Aemon echoed, and Tor quickly pushed the blaster under his own jaw and squeezed the trigger, spraying blood on the ceiling. He slumped to the ground and stared vacantly at Aemon. Tor was mortified, viewing this from Aemons perspective. Eventually his head began to throb and a puddle came into view.

After was seemed like hours, days, the puddle was clear again and he could hear Ta and Ka talking. Tor shook his throbbing head and wrote it off as another carsunum episode, but Ka'lira caught his eye, nonetheless. He suddenly felt and urge to kill Aemon. He was a traitor, after all. But he'd given his word to Ka.

He watched as Ta slowly lowered his rifle and stared at Aemon, You live for now. But if you make one wrong move, if you even breath too deep and I find it annoying, you're done.

Aemon nodded slowly and Tor swallowed hard. He couldn't believe Ta had let him live. Justice hadn't been dealt. He decided he'd bring it up when it was more appropriate.
Ta'vode stared down Aemon a little longer before moving his gaze to Ka'lira. She'd crossed a line and questioned not only his authority but his, tour's and their clans sense of honor. Ta thought about asking Tor to talk to her but both had been acting strange around each other and he figured if he wanted her chastised properly he'd need to do it himself.

Ta turned and walked away disappearing into the darkened cave system away from everyone. He needed time before he confronted his little sister about what just took place.
Ka'lira watched as Ta'vode strode off into the cave system his rifle slung across his back. She knew later Ta would talk to her either him or Tor because she'd challenged him and Ta never let anyone or thing win. She'd pay and he'd make sure it wasn't pleasant but maybe she'd get lucky and he'd send Tor to talk to her. She could appeal to Tor.

Ka smiled to herself she could appeal to Tor in more than one way. Her mind drifted back to their shared kiss. She hoped that Ta did send Tor.

Aemon placed a hand on her shoulder bringing her out of her reverie. " Hey thanks for all of that."

Ka forced a smile "No problem your one of my men. If I don't look after you then who will?"

Aemon shook his head and leaned in close to her. And she noticed that they were alone in the cave. "You don't really know what your taking onto yourself." He said softly before kissing her.

Ka'lira at first was stunned before she closed her eyes and let his kiss take her. When he finally pulled away she was breathless and longing for the taste of his lips again. She stared into his dark eyes and started noticing the differences between him and her brother.
Tor watched his sister walk away from the confrontation and Ta did likewise. He was glad. He didn't want to have to break the two up right now.

Are you alright, sir? Tor looked at Noval who was looking a little concerned, You're a little pale, Tor'yc.

Tor stared at him, confused for a moment, surprised that his vision was noticed by Noval who seemed to have had his back to him the whole time. He just shook his head and growled as he walked by Noval in Ta'vodes direction.

The group was moving again, so it took a minute to catch up to his brother without breaking into a jog, but when he caught up, Ta was nowhere to be seen. He saw a dark corridor leading off to the side and figured Ta left Bantha for a bit. He looked around for Ka and saw her at the lead, Ka, watch your men. I'm leaving for a few minutes.

He saw her and Aemon share a curious glance before he took off at a jog down the corridor. He knew at the end of this tunnel, he'd find either a good fight or a good talk. He wasn't sure which.

When he reached the end of the tunnel, he noticed it came to a ridge overlooking the former HQ. Ta was crouched on one knee, helmet resting beside him, gazing out absently into the now lighted HQ. There were a couple of Tarkins boys back in there, bringing the operating systems back up. Tor walked up slowly to stand beside his big brother and set his helmet on the dirt floor beside Tas.

You're getting weak, Ta'vode.


Tor glanced down at his brother upon hearing the remark. It was the rudest way a Mando could tell someone to shut up.

Cold emotionless Ta'ika has feelings after all, yeah? I couldn't kill the man because I told him it was up to Ka. My mistake. Not one you had to repeat.

Ta stood up and stood face to face with his irritant, Is there something you want to say, ner vod...?

Tor scoffed at his brother and looked up at him. He was a couple inches taller than Tor, but Tor refused to be intimidated by anyone. Least of all, his brother, You're definitely our fathers son. Always letting me down when it matters most.

Tor watched Ta's eyes glaze over and knew a fight was about to erupt. He took a step back and prepared himself, but to his surprise, Ta backed off and just stared at Tor, You need to learn to take responsibility, Tor. All our lives, you've tried to make things about you and you alone. I'm the eldest and therefore, clan leader. I have more important things to worry about than who to spare because he may or may not be an enemy. If he screws up, we kill him. You're just a spoiled little nibral that can't see the bigger picture.

Now it was Tors turn to feel the fire in his chest. But he didn't push it back down. He swung at Tas face and connect on the left side of his skull. Ta spun around and stared back at Tor, visible surprise registering on his face, as a stream of blood leaked from the wound. Tor didn't understand why Ta couldn't see it from his perspective. Had Tor really lost it that much that he couldn't tell who was a threat?

He didn't have time to ponder his own mental stability before he lost his physical stability. Ta came in close with a knee to Tors midsection, causing him to lurch and followed up with a downward hook, which Tor deftly evaded and came back with an uppercut to Ta's ribcage. The older Mandalorian grunted in response. Tor knew how to make his punches hurt. With Ta momentarily winded, Tor grabbed his injured arm and wrenched the man over his shoulder onto the floor. Ta let out another grunt, but he would say no more. Ta pulled on his arm and rolled back towards Tor, kicking Tor off him, before rolling back to his feet and grabbing his sniper rifle.

Tor never saw the butt of the rifle come up, but he felt it when it connect with his eye. His head jerked back and he saw Ta spin away before aiming the rifle. He fired.

Tor felt a hot burning sensation in his chest then saw a bright light. He thought he'd died. Then he felt a hard thud as his body impacted the HQ floor below. The light was from the luminous strands the workers ran along the ceiling, and he was still wearing his beskar'gam, so the shot didn't pierce it. Ta had to have known that.

He slowly raised his head and looked up at the ledge where Ta was perched. It was about a three meter drop. He saw Ta quickly chamber another round, and Tor stayed on his back but drew and aimed his own blaster. They were at a standstill and the other staff members in the HQ were obviously shaken. They were slowly backing out of the new Mandalorian battle circle.

After a few tense moment, Tor slowly got to his feet, feeling bruises form everywhere on his body. He never once shifted his aim, however. And he could tell Ta didn't either.

Tor began walking sideways towards the ramp that would eventually lead back around to Tas position, and neither man left the others sights. When Tor finally made it back around to the top of the ledge, he eased around, blaster still raised. When Ta came into view, his was raised too. The only difference was Ta was aiming for Tors chest, where Tor was aiming for Tas exposed head. It occurred to Tor suddenly, that Ta wouldn't kill him over a simple fight. He'd lost his bearings again. He needed to get his anger in check before it was too late.

He slowly holstered his weapon and Ta dropped his, but didn't set the rifle down. Tor understood that. Ta needed a strong defense is Tor went off the rails again.

Let's try this again, he said, as he slumped to the ground against the wall. He chuckled to himself and motioned towards Ta's head, Got you good, didn't I?

Ta sat down opposite Tor, I got you better, he said, eyeing the dent in Tors chest plate.

Tor nodded, I'm sorry for that, vod. It's the withdrawals. I'm going to check in to Republic Rehab when we get back, he said, knowing he didn't mean a word of it. Except for maybe the apology.

You should've shot him though.


Because he's former Sun Guard. He withheld information. He could be a spy, a traitor, or worse. Not to mention everything else.


Tor searched for words, You know what he's like.

Ta leaned forward and rubbed his chin, No. Enlighten me.

I don't like the way he looks at Ka. She could do better.

Ta'vode sat back almost an "aha" look about him and tapped his hand rhythmically on his helmet. In the silence, Tor could see his brothers mind work, and Tor knew his brother as well as himself, so he knew what was coming next, I've been meaning to ask you; what's going on there? Ever since she lost her arm, you two have acted different. It's subtle. Too subtle. You know that makes it obvious.

Tor leaned back as well and stared at the black ceiling, We kisses, Ta. Okay? I'm not sure I see her as my sister anymore.

There was a long still silence. Tor could hear droplets from the stalagmites in the caved dripping on the floor. He could hear the occasional shriek of some unknown animal deep in the caves. He could hear the quiet puffs of his brothers breath on the air. He could see his own breath drifting towards the ceiling. He wasn't afraid. But he knew what Ta would say and it wasn't the time to deal with it.

You what?

Tor stood back to his feet and Ta followed suit. He didn't want to be sitting down if Ta's anger got the better of him.

You heard me.

You di'kut! Are you even listening to yourself? That's your sister you're talking about.

She's not blood.

Blood doesn't fucking matter! he said as he moved forward and caught Tors throat in a vice grip. Tor grabbed his wrist and brought an elbow down on Tas forearm before turning it and brushing it against Tas jaw to try and deter his brother from attacking again. Ta knew Tor could beat him in a fight. Tor was wary of the rifle that Ta was now clutching viciously though. He maneuvered away from the ledge and held up his hands in a surrendering gesture, Look, vod. It was a spur of the moment thing. She was needing affection. I just tried to-

Tried to what, 'vod,' if you even know what that means anymore, tried to fuck your sister?

No, I tried to help her. Something you wouldn't understand, you heartless chakaar. Things just got out of control. I have feelings for her now, but I can shut that off. I was going to discuss this with you when we were safe again. We're the two best chances this group has of surviving. If we kill each other, everyone dies.

Ta stepped back and looked away, fighting his anger off. Tor tried to do the same. He hated fighting with his brother. They were closer than most brothers, and yet, could fight like bitter enemies when it struck them.

If there's something, anything going on, as clan leader, I want you to break it off.

Tor felt his anger begin to swell. He wouldn't listen to Ta giving him orders. He was his brothers equal in all but name, As clan leader? A kriffing joke.

Ta conceded slightly, I want you to break it off, Tor. For the sake of the family.

Tor swallowed. He knew the politeness was difficult for Ta, and so he'd do the same for his brother, I'll do my best.

Ta nodded at his brother, both knowing Tor would do as he said. Whether it would be enough remained to be seen.

Both men sat back down on the ledge and sat in silence, watching the staff repair the HQ. It was rare either of them got to just relax, even outside of combat, so they both seized the opportunity whenever they could.

After a while, Tor heard a distant barking and it steadily got louder and louder until Tor could hear a set of footsteps as well. Ka peeked around the corner, Rise and shine, ladies. We have incoming. She said, with a twinkle in her eye and smile on her lips.

Tor nodded and caught a warning glance from Ta. He would keep a distance at least for now, Oh and Tor, I have something for you...

Tor and Ta both froze, and suddenly Tors nek pup from the glaciers raced around the corner and tackled Tor. Tor laughed and patted the nek on the head, How did it get here? I figured it died when the pass collapsed.

Apparently not. It ran here.

That's twenty clicks away.

Then take a shower. He traveled by scent. She walked off and Tor continued petting the nek for a moment before grabbing his helmet and marching back up the tunnel with Ta'vode. They had another wave of soldiers to deal with and he wasn't getting caught with his guard down.
Ta'vode slideshows helmet on and sighed. Next time I agree to fight a war it better be a less active war. Tor is starting to feel the wear, Ka needs medical attention and time. She's emotionally vulnerable right now and her and Tor both need time to sort themselves. And I need time with Ash to sort myself and all that's taken place. he thought to himself.

When Ta got to the entrance he knotted that Aemon was wearing red armor with black strips his helmet hooked to his hip. Ta raised his rifle and aimed. Tarkin figured since you all knew I should wear my armor. It'd give him another heavy infantry and should scare more of Starks men and make them easier to dispatch.

Ta lowered his rifle and turned ignoring him. That was the politest answer he'd get from him. When Starks men came into view they withdrew deeper into the cave as artillery started to crash around the entrance again followed shortly by the metallic ring of gas canisters. Men fall back. They're tryin to smoke us out.

Ta watched as Ka withdrew with her ever growing entourage of troops. He noted that he Tor and Aemon didn't budge but waited for the storm to hit. When the first ones came into view Ta fired into them followed by Tor. Aemon charged into the group and began to use his pike with deadly efficiently. Every move was one that with killed or removed from combat an enemy. Ta would grudgingly give Aemon his due and Tarkin for deploying him this way. Ta would watch him closely and carefully because he was definitely a threat.
When Tor rounded the corner of the tunnel back into the cave system the others were occupying. Immediately he saw Aemon sporting his red Sun Guard armor with black slashes along the detail. He listened to the mans reason for wearing it before growling at him and shouldering his way through the crowd to the front.

Ta was already at the front with Ka and Aemon followed close at his heels, Helmet up, Aemon, Tor said, glancing back. He slid his own bucket on his head and waited for the inevitable.

He heard the soldiers marching towards the cave long before he saw the first shadows. When the shooting started, the wall of four commandos, shielding the less armored Bantha Team, crouched and returned fire, slowly backing back down the narrow pass. Aemons armor wasn't as resilient as the Ka'ras beskar'gam.

When the attackers reached the entrance, they lobbed several smoke detonators deep into the mine and Tors hud picked them out with a warning.

Men fall back. They're trying to smoke us out.

Tor listened to his brother but noted a few of the men did not. He rounded on them and fired a few shots over their heads, Move, idiots! He yelled before turning back to the entrance. It was filling with smoke and a dark purple noxious gas now.

He switched to thermal imaging and, in a flash, saw Aemon charge past him into the melee. The man was moving like a tornado with his pike. Tor was surprised at the skill and efficiency the soldier displayed and realized he must've been the best Sun Guard Tor had ever seen. He yearned to fight the man, himself. He hoped Aemon survived for that sole purpose.

Ka! Regroup with your men. You too, Aemon! Ta and I will work our way back to you. We'll get slaughtered here. There's too many entrances to the mine.

Ka didn't wait for a response. She turned and sprinted back down the cave, followed closely by Aemon. He'd left a trail of bodies in his wake and Tor hated to see him leave the fight at the moment, but he needed Aemon out of the way. He primed a thermal det and lobbed it at the group.

It exploded in a display of gore. The vibrations brought more spikes and rocks from the ceiling, crushing most of the remaining attackers. The boulders eventually made the entrance inaccessible. There was a few stragglers left standing, and Ta quickly picked them off.

Tor, you two better move your shebse. We have Sun Guards incoming...

Tor shared a glance with Ta and both sprinted back towards the HQ.

When they arrived, Tor first noticed his nek ripping the throat from a down Mercenary. Then his view widened to take in the entire picture. Tarkin was positioned behind Aemon and Ka as the rest of Bantha Team held off the attacking Sun Guards. They were getting mowed down as the Legionnaires moved through the walls of soldiers like a living thresher.

Aemon, unable to restrain himself, earned Tors respect by diving into the fray and battling his former brothers, the Sun Guards.
Ta'vode watched as Aemon dove into the fray his pike movements a blur. The first guard tried to parry the attack and managed to deflect the first couple of fients before Aemon drove the tip of his pike through the man's stomach before pulling it free and spinning away to engage another legionarre.

Ta admired the man's tenacity and ferocity. He saw the other Sun guard members move to attack him with increased ferocity. Take decided to aim and fire into the group of mercy behind them. He'd let Aemon either kill or get beaten back by his former comrades before deciding what to do about them at the moment they were distracted by their hatred of Aemon's change of allegiance.
Aemon danced forward is pike a spinning blur. He shifted his pike and caught the oncoming attack from his newest opponent. He caught the other man's blade with his own parried it and brought the blunt end of his pike into the man's arm, followed by to quick high strikes with the point of the blade. Aemon spun and shot out his leg driving a hard blow into the man's chest and sent him sprawling back. Aemon felt anger rise inside him because these supposed legionnaires thought to challenge him they were so far beneath his skill that he felt contemptuous of their efforts.

Aem moved his pike and caught the attack of the guard behind him. Traitor snapped the man after his attack connected. He shoved the man's pike back and turned bringing his blade around in a quick mid, high, low flurry forcing the man onto the defensive. Aem never let up from the strikes. Always swinging either the blade or the blunt end at the man. When the guy he kicked came back Aem felt that this would atleast be a better challenge of his abilities. He attacked the man in front of his caught the attack from behind him spun lashed out quickly and then caught another attack before sending another flurry of attacks ending with him using his blade to rip of the man's helmet and driving the butt of his pike into the man's nose sending it up into his brain cavity. He turned facing the last man. You ready to die, worthless pathetic schuttta. mocked Aemon. Least I'll die with my honor.

Aem attacked relentlessly and ruthlessly striking high, low, high, mid, low. A never ending flurry driving the man further and further back till Aemon left an intentional opening in his guard. The man took the bait and Aem let his rage show at the stupidity. He spun his pike caught the man's pike and then using his pike ripped the pike from the other man's hands then drove his blade into the man's shoulder. You're so pathetic that you're so far beneath me that you're not worth killing. he said as he shoved the blade down harder causing the man to cry out in pain. Now where is your commander? Go space yourself.

Aem twisted and pushed down on the like the man screamed. Aem ripped out his pike then spun it and rammed the blunt end into the man's wound. Activating the heating element in the rear of the pike Aem held it in place watching as smoke rose and the man started thrashing his head side to side screaming in agony as the rear of the pike burned inside of him. Aem turned off the heat. Talk

You're no match for Commander Kellen.

Go tell Kellen that Aemon Hylia is waiting for him. That his recruits are no longer amusing and I wish for a real challenge.Aemon removed his pike and watched as the man left to go deliver his message.
Ka'lira watched Aemon dance with the other guard members. She couldn't call it anything else. Their moves were fluid, graceful and deadly. She watched them and her desire to learn to fight like them grew with each passing second. Once upon a time she'd wished to dance more than anything and now she saw battle and war turned into a beautiful dance of death.

Ka found herself comparing Tor and Aemon more and more. Tor was efficient at killing but it was all brutality while Aemon was showing equal efficiency but had turned killing into an art form. And she found that that excited her.

Ka shook her head she needed to stop comparing the two. They were similar but very different at the same time and she knew her brothers would never accept a former Sun guard mercenary, the only acceptable man would have to be mandalorian.

She was brought out of her thoughts when Aemon glided past her as the last guard retreated and was surprised to see her brother Ta containing at him.
Tor watched the match with a practiced eye. Admittedly, Aemon was taking on more Sun Guards than Tor would, but he was trained in their style, where Tor wasn't. He knew what to expect.

Aemon had a certain fluidity to his motions that Tor knew he couldn't mimic but Tor knew what he lacked in grace, he more than made up for in sheer unadulterated brutality.

Not long after Tor had made a reputation for being the best in their area in the battle circle, one of the big kids from the northern woodland area came through town and decided to test his mettle. Tor remembered, vividly, he'd broken two fingers. But he'd broken both the other guys hands and his nose. No one else stepped into the circle with him after that.

Aemon danced around the Sun Guards, leagues better than the ones Tor had fought, except maybe that last one. The soldier looked less like a human and more like a dianoga. He slithered through strikes and melted under blows, at least one appendage always finding its mark. It captivated and fascinated Tor, but at the same time, he was looking for openings. Weak spots. And he found one.

Aemons grace and precision were unmatched, to be sure, in this fight, Aemon would kill Tor. But he tended to telegraph his attacks. Something not even the Sun Guards could train out of him. Only someone with no feelings in battle could delete their Tells like Tor and Ta had, and Aemon fought with emotion. It fueled his strikes, Tor could see. Before each through, he pursed his lips, and before each swing, his eyes crinkled slightly at the edges.

Tor was all savagery in a fight. He knew where to hit to make it count and make it hurt. Incapacitate, but Aemon seemed to be performing art, not violence. He was hitting several places that would only slow a person down. If Tor met him in battle, that would be his tactic. But he hoped it wouldn't come to that. With any luck, they'd kill each other.


Throughout the scuffle, Tor kept his pistols trained on only one man; Aemon. Eventually it wound down to just two and a heated conversation ensued. Tor listened intently at the impromptu interrogation and decided Aemons pride would be his down fall sooner or later. He didn't know how to choose his battles.

After Aemon let go of the Sun Guard, Tor quickly shifted his aim, unbelieving of the fact Aemon had let a target slip, and brought his sights to bear on the retreating soldier. He squeezed the trigger just as Ta'vode pushed him and his shot went wide. The soldier picked up his pace and disappeared. Tor didn't give chase.

Let him go, Tor. If he brings back the Commander, we can slot them all at once.

Tor rounded on his brother with fury, Or, and this is just a crazy thought, he could bring an entire battalion through that entrance and wipe us all out, you di'kut! Tor watched his brother give a great sigh and shook his head, Listen to yourself. Sun Guards are honor-bound. They won't pass up this opportunity. Ask Aemon.

Tor jerked his head back in disgust, 'ask Aemon,' like he's one of us. In case you haven't noticed, vod, honor means osik to those people. He even betrayed his own people.

Calm down, Tor, he probably just saved our lives, came Ka's interrupting voice. She kept it calm and subdued in an attempt to placate Tor, but it only angered him more, You stay out of this, Ka. Our lives mean nothing. We fight, we kill, and we die. We wouldn't even be in this position if you hadn't let him live.

Ka'lira back away slowly. She knew Tor didn't view life with much value, but she never realized he'd held all lives, even their own, in such low regard. If Tor was that serious, and she knew he was, she wanted none of his wrath.

Listen, you schutta, back off her. Came a voice from behind Tor. He felt a firm hand grasp his shoulder from behind and then heard a growl. He turned just in time to see his nek hound leap and latch on to Aemons arm. He jerked his hand back and cursed, kicking the dog away. In that time, Tor pulled his pistol and leveled it on Aemons head. Ka raised her own rifled and trained it on Tor. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and Ka and caught Ta's eyes. He didn't realize his brother had removed his helmet. It struck him as odd, considering the volatile nature of the situation.

Family business, aruetii. Back down or fall down. Your call.

Aemon seethed. Tor could hear the air hissing out of his lung, but Aemon didn't move. He knew Tor had the jump on him, In a fair fight, I would easily kill you, Tor'yc, he said. Tor shrugged and casually lowered his aim slowly, very slowly, calculatingly slow, Then don't expect a fair fight, di'kut. He squeezed the trigger, and the round burned through Aemons right left armor and skated across the skin. Aemon yelped and jumped back. Tor could feel in his minds eye, the trigger tightening on Kas rifle, but then his brothers voice cut in, dragging him out of the fire once again, That's enough, people. Aemon, it's only a scratch, don't worry. Ka, stand down.

Tor turned around to face her. It wasn't the first time she'd aimed a weapon at him and it wouldn't be the last, but he refused to apologize for who he was. He had nothing to hide. He was a cold, sadistic shabuir, held in check by his ferocious loyalty and sense of justice. He clicked on his helmet comm since Ta still had his off, I see the way you look at him, Ka.

With that, Tor cut off his comlink and went to stand against a wall opposite the cave entrances, and await the next fight. He considered taking bets, but it would only worsen morale when it came time to pay up.
Aemon walked out of the area and soon found himself wrapping his damaged leg and mailing a not to, if he kept using this armor, to have a cortorsis weave inlaid on his armor. It'd make his armor lightsaber resistant, and it would disperse energy better than his current armor.

Aemon heard a step behind him and didn't bother to look up or around. What do you want, Tarkin.

Have you found what I asked you.to out yet?

You mean the Ka'ras?

Yes, what else?

I can't tell you much more than any other observer. They are unstable, volatile and rarely see eye to eye on anything. The eldest and the youngest fight constantly. The middle is more mediator but is getting to be increasingly more unstable. Ta'vode is a long range fighter and is not as competent at close combat, Tor'yc is a close ranged specialist and is weak at range, Ka'lira is more of a mid range but has decent proficiency at all ranges and has a profound love for explosives. As for an actual weakness there isn't one.

What do you mean there isn't one?

Just that they don't have one. You threaten any of them and all three unite into an extremely deadly force that will destroy anything that threatens them. They are mandalorian. You can't threaten the mandalorian race without all of them coming after you. You can't threaten them without all of them coming after you.

If they became a problem could you......

Neutralize them? Go space yourself. I'm not going to do your dirty work. Aemon said as he rose and walked off not caring what Tarkin thought.
Ka'lira glared at Tor through her visor working trying to contain the anger and pain that the one comment made by her brother, lover, she wasn't sure anymore. As soon as Ta'vode wandered away from the area her impulsiveness took over. She jerked his pistol fromher hip walked up to him and set it to its highest setting, shoving the barrel under the lip of his helmet. What do you mean the way I look at him? she demanded.

I'm not stupid Ka'ika. I have eyes to see.

Maybe you should go get your eyes checked then. Aemon is no different than any other soldier. she said defensivly. Her own mind wondering.

If your gonna use that then use it. Otherwise put it away. came Tor's mocking voice.

Ka'lira lowered the pistol and threw it across the cave.

It'll be better if you find someone else anyway. Ta doesn't approve and wants us to stop. Said so as clanleader.

Ka stopped replaying his last statement over and over in her mind for several minutes. She clumsily worked her helmet off, then even more awkwardly managed to let her torso armor drop to the cave floor and turned to face the man she was unsure about. She knew she loved him and she felt like it was more than a brother but at times he made her second guess herself.

Tor tell me you told Ta to space himself. Tell me you're not going to let him decide us before we even get a chance to see what we are to each other.

Ka'ika he's our clan leader, and he's trying to look out for what's best for all of us.

Ka stalked forward and stared Tor directly into the visor the pain and hurt she was feeling showing clearly in her eyes.Tor'yc Ka'ra you take off your buy'ce and look me in the eye and tell me that you don't care for me as anything more than a sister.

Ka watched as Tor slowly purposefully took his helmet off and then looked into her eyes. Ka'ika we shouldn't...... was all he managed to say before she wrapped her arm around his beck and pressed her lips against his hungrily. At first he seemed to resist and than he was all fire and aggressive in returning her affections. Ka moaned softly from deep within her chest at the feircness of her brother/lover's kiss and the strength that the hands that held her possessed and the absolute secure feeling she drew at the same time from him.
Tor fell into the kiss and felt his heart begin to race and his head begin to pound. He pulled her in close and passionately kissed her, one hand placed on the back of her head so she couldn't pull away. Her moan only excited the Mandalorian more and he started to go further, his hands slowly beginning to find purchase around the seams of her flight suit when suddenly he had a white hot vision of a Sun Guard jumping him while he was vulnerable. He jerked his eyes open and released Ka'lira.

We don't have time for this right now, Ka. We're in the middle of a war, he said, wiping saliva from his mouth. He glanced around, making sure they were still alone, and looked back at Ka, but after the fight, we need to talk.

Ka'lira stalked towards Tor again, biting her lip and looking into his eyes seductively. She was much more impulsive than Tor and had he given in, his vision was a very real possibility. But he restrained himself and averted his eyes, You know they probably won't come through here to get to Aemon. And Ta won't show up for a while yet...

Doesn't matter, Ka. This is how we make our living. We have a job to do first. We can figure out whatever... this is afterwards. We need to focus.

Ka's eyes hardened slightly before softening again. He'd hit a nerve, but she was trying. That reassured Tor. She replaced her helmet and brought up the hand-blaster, covering Tors six as they stalked down the tunnel towards Aemon. It was still hostile territory, even if they had a momentary break in the fighting.

Tor passed Tarkin on their way to Aemons last know position and he looked more than startled to see the duo, Tor'yc, Ka'lira. What a surprise. I trust you're well.

Tor stopped and looked at the man, dumbfounded. It was a given they were doing well, because his troops were still alive. And why would it be a surprise? He hired them to be here. It would have been less suspicious if Tarkin had just kept quiet and kept walking, No thanks to you, hut'uun. I need Noval and Dwyer off of guard duty. They're soldiers, not your personal lackeys. They all died already. I need those two. They're excellent warriors.

You-you shall have them then.

Tor tilted his head and brought his visor closer to Tarkin. He was way too agreeable. Something was amiss, What aren't you telling me, Ranulph? The use of the politicians first name brought a glint of fear to his eyes, confirming to Tor that he was hiding something. Senators always had ulterior motives, but Tor felt this one hit a little to close to home, somehow.

N-nothing, Tor'yc. I was just checking on the soldiers... Hearts and minds and all that. Aemon seemed to have been injured... Tor slowly turned his craned neck down the pitch black corridor where Aemon had went and quickly did an infrared scan of the tunnel. He caught a heat signature standing behind a wall just to Tors left. Aemon was waiting in ambush if it came to it... Tor decided not to bring it to Ka'lira's attention. He would settle this later.

Well, he was overconfident, Tor said, turning his face back to Tarkin, But he has excellent skill due to his previous training. I only wish you could've told me from the start so I could better utilize him. He would've been great on the fields when Bantha was getting shredded.

I had no way of knowing that they would be so relentless and brutal. What happened was tragic, but the best survived, you did your job.

You sent your men to die and led them to believe it would a walk in the park. I only hope your fate will be just as... glorious. He said, shifting slightly, bringing his weight on one leg, ready to block a strike from Aemon. He heard gravel roll down the walk way. So Aemon wasn't as silent as he was deadly. Good to know.

Look, they were my men, Tor, okay? And I can handle that. Tarkin, you're a fine politician and a good man. Thank you for looking after Aemon.

Tor looked at Ka'lira in wide-eyed shock at her naivete. Was she playing a game he didn't get? Or was she really that clueless? Did she think Aemon was one of the good guys? Or Tarkin for that matter? Surely a Ka'ra would know better.

Still, he conceded and just waved dismissively at Tarkin and wandered back up the passage, whistling for his nek pup. Before long, it came bounding around a corner and leaped into Tors arms. He rubbed the animal's head affectionately and shut everything else out for now. It was time to prepare for the next fight.
Aemon waited around the corner in a small recess. If he'd learned anything about Ka'lira it was she kept an eye on her men. She was naively dedicated to all of there well being and Aemon pitied her for that. It was nothing but pain and agony at each loss, each life that was snuffed out was a personal failure for her. She didn't deserve such a burden it would age her beyond her years yet she played the strong leader even while she inside had crumbled from the loss of her arm.

So when she was walking past Aemon just reached out and pulled her close to him inside the recess. It mad e him uncomfortable to be this close to her because he'd fallen for her but he wasn't sure if she felt the same.

Aemon noticed that her hand had strayed to her dagger before she recognized him. Oh, Aemon. I was looking for you. How's your leg?

It's fine. I've had worse and will have worse again. he said nonchalantly.

I'm sorry Tor did that. He's just having issues right now is all.

Aemon ignored her apology he wasn't really concerned with why her brother was getting crazier. So about earlier.....Was I too forward? he asked casually.

Aemon felt her stiffen at he is question and he found himself wishing he could see into those beautiful dark blue eyes.

You shouldn't have kissed me like that. she said and Aemon heard the lie in her voice.

You didn't seem to mind at the time. he fired back at her and that's when the tension rolled out of her in the form of a dagger appearing at his throat.

If you ever try that again Ill kill you myself she stated with deadly seriousness.

Her head tilted suddenly to the side. Well your up Aemon. The leaders arrived with just five legionarres.
Ta'vode wasn't surprised when he'd found the group moving forwards. The yes slipped into the cave and were moving stealthily through it. If it hadn't been for the choke point Ta never would have caught them. The man named Kellen stood behind three of his guards who stood ready to fight and he had two behind him both carrying pikes that looked different than the ones in front were carrying. Kellen himself knelt on the ground his helmet off completely at ease.

Ta noticed that he was older his hair starting to gray. The man was quite hadn't said a word nor seemed bothered that a mandarins had kept a sniper rifle trained on him since he'd been found. It was obvious this man was a war veteran, and that he fully expected the mammalian to stay out of the fight and let him and Aemon duel.

It wasn't long before Ka showed up with Aemon and Tor shortly after them. Daemon stepped forward and stopped.a few places from the guards. They parted and one of the ones in the back came.forward and offered Aemon the strange pike. Aemon grasped the pike and swung it before spinning it and finally nodding his approval.

I figured since you were still honorable enough to issue the challenge I'd bring the proper weapon for it. May the more honorable man win. stated Kellen challenging.

Ta watched as the two men circled each other slowly before closing and beginning to trade blows. Ta had thought it was art and dance before but watching the two of them go it made the others attempt look sloppy and clumsy. Ta began to wonder how they would fair in a fight against the truly skilled of their rivals.

Suddenly Ta heard an explosion and he switched his helmets.view and saw that Starks men were pouring into the cave. The guards turned and came towards them Take raised his rifle and fired point blank into one killing him instantly while Aemon had stepped back and rammed.the odd pike through a man's chest the whole of the pike smoking and searing his insides.

When another was on top of Take he was forced to use his rifle to repel the attacks that were incoming and take suddenly felt a searing pain in his right eye as a second attacker appeared from right behind the first.
Attaboy... Tor said and patted the Nek on the head as it retrieved a towel for him. He decided to take the momentary break in the fighting to clean himself up.

When I get out of here, I'm going to catch up on some rest... This has been complete haran, he thought to himself. He sealed his flight suit and began reattaching his armor, starting with the legs. He stared idly at the dog while he worked the plates and his companion began to get excited, spinning in circles and jumping towards Tor. He smiled at the animal, but his mind wandered to his sister.

Oh, what fresh hell have I gotten myself into... he asked himself, You're falling for your sister, di'kut. Even if she isn't related to you genetically, you've been raised to see her as your sister... he imagined her face, that smile that always sent a flutter through his stomach, even before he realized why.

He finished fastening his leg armor and strapped the back plate and arms plates on. He was working on the chest plate when he heard Ka's voice alerting him that the Legionnaires were inbound. He hurriedly finished getting ready and marched back up the pass, his faithful nek staying behind in the little hovel.

When he reached what some of the men were referring to as the "grand hall," he saw Aemon facing down an older Sun Guard. The man was grey headed and his face showed more than a few battle scars. But his skin was all granite muscle. Tor didn't scare easy, but he knew he'd rather shoot the man than fight him.

Tor leaned against the cave wall by Noval, casually taking in the duel. He was fascinated with their battle style, even it was a little flamboyant and graceful. It eventually got the job done.

The fight was fairly evenly matched. Aemon had speed and agility, but the leader had strength and experience. Tor was beginning to bore however. The fight was taking too long.

Tor'yc was almost relieved when he heard a loud explosion reverberate through the chamber followed by a wave of smoke and dust. When the debris settled, Starks mercenaries poured through the cave like the dam of a river bursting open. Tor could tell before they even reached the grand hall that the Ka'ras and what little remained of Bantha Team were about to be overrun.

He suddenly had a vision of a tunnel deep in the caves he saw on his first expedition through the system that had light spilling into it. Perhaps it was a reasonable exit to retreat out of.

Before he could voice his thoughts, another gold-clad Sun Guard blocked his path, wielding a fearsome looking firebrand with a hooked end.

Stand still, you Mandalorian scum. We can see through each others helmets too. You killed my brother.

Tor heard a sneer behind the helmet and knew this man was going to enjoy the chance the kill Tor'yc. In the chaos, Tor was fairly certain he could dispatch this Guard relatively safely. But still... He looked determined.

In the blink of an eye, the Sun Guard exploded into motion and stabbed the rounded end towards Tor and he deftly sidestepped it, hooking his arm around the pike and delivering a left-cross to the Guards head. He shook his head hard and jerked the weapon back. The hook-end caught Tors armor between the front and back plate and heard the fabric begin to rip. Suddenly, it occurred to him what the man was attempting.

He pulled the searing-hot hook out of his flight suit and pulled the guard to him, kicking him in the mid-section. The guard grunted and pulled back. He ripped the weapon free of Tors grasp and swung it hard at Tors helmet. He ducked it and stepped in to drive his elbow in the Guards faceplate when he heard a sharp gasp and hiss of air in his helmet. He saw Tas vital signs spike violently and turned to see his big brothers helmet gazing blankly at the ceiling for a moment, sniper rifle hanging limply in Tas right hand. One of the Guards stood in front of Ta, pike raised for the kill and another stood behind Ta, pike reached past and stuck horribly into Tas faceplate.

Tors stomach sank and turned towards his brother. As he turned the Guard he momentarily forgot about hooked onto Tors chest plate and completely seared it off. Tor groaned as the hook lightly raked across his chest. He turned back and fired two rounds point-blank into the Guards face. As he slumped, Tor turned back to help his brother.

Ta still stood, frozen, when suddenly, the rifle snapped up and burned through the Sun Guard in front of him. The Guard dropped his pike and fell backwards, smoke curling from his chest. Ta dropped the rifle and reached both hands to the pike. The Guard held on to the pike, to surprised and terrified to do anything else. Tor noticed Ta's vitals spike to near cardiac levels, but heard nothing beyond a couple grunts as Ta slowly, determinedly slid the pike back out of his helmet. As soon as the tip cleared his helmet, Tor fired and dropped the Guard holding it. Ta collapsed to one knee, panting heavily. Tor saw blood pool on the ground and Ta fumbled for his weapon before dropping onto his side. He rolled onto his back, grasping the rifle tightly, aiming at the crowd of mercenaries.

Tor lost sight of Ka in the conflict, but he ran to Tas aide and peered into his helmet. Ta jerked and brought the rifle up. Tor caught the barrel and aimed it back at the crowd, Relax, vod'ika. Assess the damage.

Agh... He got my eye, Tor.

I can see that. I've lost Ka. I need you to cover me while I flush and clean the wound, okay?

Tor spoke clearly and hesitantly to make sure his brother understood. He didn't know how far the pike penetrated. He hoped it didn't go through the socket. Ta nodded and continued to aim.

Tor fished for a pain killer sharp but Ta refused to allow it, It'll slow me down too much.

Tor shook his head and put it away. He knew his brother could handle pain, but this was going to be hard for him, Just don't go into shock. I don't have the supplies for that.

He grabbed a bottle of water and flushed the wound. Ta'vode blinked rapidly and breathed hard through his nose. The blood ran freely out of his eye and before long, Tor could see veins and eventually the socket wall. Luckily, Ta would have no brain damage. But the eye was definitely gone, Alright, roll over, vod. Let that water drain out.

Ta did as instructed and Tor aimed with his blaster, covering his brother. After it finished draining, Ta rolled back over and began aiming again. Tor holstered his pistol and grabbed his last pack of bacta, Where's your armor, di'kut? his brother spat. Tor saw Ta's ice-blue eye flicker across his form and return to the scope, The Legionnaires are getting smart. Hooked firebrand. Get ready for the bacta. He leaned over his brothers face and sprayed the last shot in his eye socket. Tor rumbled low and clenched the rifle. He heard the rifle groan in response and Ta fired a couple rounds into the ground.

After the first-aid was done, Ta sat up clumsily. It would take time getting used to one eye. Tor helped him up and stood by his side, covering his back, Everyone, out the back! he shouted, Retreat!

He turned for the exit, Ta on his heels and caught a glimpse of Ka'lira leading Aemon and Dwyer down the passage that led out. Noval followed a moment later while Tor and Ta brought up the rear. They were now entering a small tunnel and that increased their odds of getting killed. Stark could just keep sending his boys in waves, but there were so few of Bantha left. Tor had no idea where Tarkin ended up. Or the Jedi.

There's too many following. I'm going to drop the ceiling. Tor pulled a thermal det and let it cook-off in his palm for a couple seconds before lobbing it at the ceiling. It exploded and the rock rumbled to the floor. Still, a lot of mercenaries made it through and they charged after Bantha. Tor caught up to Ka and took her flechette off her back before returning to Tas side and firing a couple round into the riot. Everyone ran for the exit.

After a while of fighting, Tor could begin to see light in the pitch black tunnel. He pushed Ta'vode on ahead and brought up the rear by himself. He fired again and ran. After a few moments, he felt a sharp knock on his back plate. One round struck home. He spun to fire back and when he did, received a barrage of rounds. He felt a sharp burning sensation on his chest, almost like a peeled scab covered in duros hot sauce. He fired back and didn't bother to look down. A moment later it got hotter. He collapsed to his knees and looked at the damage, breathing heavily. He could see four spots between his chest and abdomen that were leaking a lot of blood. He looked back at the crowd and struggled to his feet, using the shotgun as a crutch. He pulled his pistol and sighted up on his attacked, the leader of the Sun Guard, and fired. The man dropped to the ground, a smoldering hole in his neck, and Tor did likewise.

Tor! He heard his sister shout. He looked up through foggy eyes and saw Noval and Dwyer covering him, firing assault weapons into the crowd. He saw his little pet run up to his and lick his helmet affectionately, and then saw the blue armor of his older brother appear before his visor. He grabbed Tor and began dragging him down the tunnel. Tor had no more bacta, so he knew he just had to hold on. He vowed to never again try to attack his brother. He was possibly damning his own life to save Tors. A sacrifice Tor knew he would not soon forget.

Still, the war raged on...
Ta'coz heard the fire and lost the sound of his brothers steps. He turned fearing the worst and saw Tor struggling to stand. He dropped his rifle and ran to his brother as Ka, Noval, and Dywer moved to cover them. As they fired into the oncoming enemy Ta focused.on dragging his brother safely out of the cave.

You've got to be riffing kidding me! exclaimed Ka.

Take looked up and saw the native carniverous insects swarming over the enemy mercs. Shab. Get the kriff outta there. Take yelled at the three. Dwyer and Novak moved to help Take get Tor out. He watched as Ka set her hand blaster to overload and tossed it into the oncoming swarm. It exploded and that's when she raised her arm and lowered her hand. You boys better hurry cause this will only last a few seconds. she stated as she activated her flamethrower and swept back and forth burning the creatures, their screams of agony mixing with those of their views Tim's they were eating.

Soon they were outside and Ta set Tor down with the help of the others as Aemon blew their escape.route sealing off that exit. Kate appeared instantly her helmet off fear and worry showing in her face and eyes. He's gonna be ok right Ta'ika? Take could hear everything in her voice. She was scared terrified that she was gonna lose a man she cared for deeply once again. Take wasn't sure were it came from but his eyes softened and he said softly reassuringly to herIll do everything I can and Tor'ika is tough so don't worry.
Ka'lira watched as her eldest even missing an eye worked on his younger brother, her lover mechanically. He occasionally asked her what she saw but her eyes weren't trained the way Ta's were. Their mother was a medic and Ta had received the most training from her and was the most medically trained combined with his cold calculating demeanor and seemingly perfect efficiency he would challenge even a medical droid in its ability as long as he had the knowledge to mend the injuries that they Ka'ras bore.

She watched as he dug out a sharp. What's that? Ta looked at her his eye back to being a frozen wasteland. Anything he felt at the moment, any worry or fear for their brother was gone and she wanted to yell at him, scream at him that this was their brother and that he could show something if nothing for the sake of their brother. But that was Ta'vode, cold controlled dutiful. She knew he would probably work on Tor long after any medic or droid would give up. It's a shot to put him to sleep. So I can stabilize him.Go call for evac while I continue to work. We don't have the supplies we need to treat him fully.

Ka nodded to her brother and then turned sliding her helmet awkwardly on and keying the fleet communications. This is Ka'lira Ka'ra of Bantha company. There are six survivors and we need immediate medical evac. Two are in need of immediate critical medical care. Do you copy fleet? Fleet this is an emergency we need immediate medical evac. she wasn't sure there was a fleet anymore. Ka listened for what seemed an eternity with no answerKriffing shabla chakaare answer. My brother's going to die if we don't get an evac She disapaired into the link. Maybe Ta and Tor were right. Better to be a heartless chakaar than to feel pain like this so often.

Ka'lira of Bantha company. We have a medical shuttle inbound to your position.

Ka'lira ripped her helmet off her heart bursting with relief that Tor wasn't going to die. She rushed back to her brother's. There sending a medical shuttle. she said her voice full of relief and hope.

Ta'vode just looked at her coldly.Good I've got him stable for now but there isn't much more I can do. he said with as much dispassion as always.

Ka looked over the injuries that Tor suffered and could see the crude bandages that he had made using a combination of Tor's flight suit and what few medical bandages he had. She hadn't realized she'd been that long in trying to raise the fleet. Her hand reached down and gently carrased Tor's face. He seemed softer wrong in this drug induced state. She leaned her head down and touched her forhead lightly to Tor's Don't die on me cyar'ika. she whispered softly and then lightly kissed his forhead. Ta knew so she wasn't going to hide it in front of him. She was in love with Tor and he couldn't change that.
As Tor felt his backside being dragged across the dirt and gravel of the cold cave floor, he caught his mind drifting, wondering what the cave looked like if it were lighted. He couldn't make out the shapes of people any more in his nightvision, so he sluggishly blinked his eyes at his spot lamp and it flashed on, bathing the tunnel in light. He saw a hoard of mercenaries backing down the hallway. He took a deep breath and gurgled on some blood. He mustered all his strength to lift his blaster as Ta dragged him out, but couldn't manage it. He settled for turning the pistol on its side and firing from the dirt. He downed one of them, and he caught a glimpse of Noval looking over his shoulder to see where it had come from. He nodded in respect to Tor. Tor growled. He was breathing and so he would cover his brother, one way or another. It wasn't something to be amazed at. He was doing the same thing they were.

Eventually, he began to nod off, feeling the rhythmic scrape of the coarse ground. He dropped his head back, head lamp illuminating the ceiling.

Tor violently jerked to and silently groaned to himself. The wounds were still weeping blood and he didn't know how much blood he had left. He did know he was now in the sun -or dead- he wasn't sure which until he Ta gently laid him in a lean-and-rest position.

Tor stared at the sky as Ta removed Tors helmet and clipped it to his own, then brought up a sharp of blue fluid and held it in front of Tors eyes.

What's that?

It's a shot to put him to sleep. So I can stabilize him. Go call for evac while I continue to work. We don't have the supplies we need to treat him fully.

Tor listened to the words. They sounded distant and far away. After he heard the retreating footsteps, Ta looked at Tor, his one eye hardening. Tor knew it was time to do the same and knuckled down, Lecepanine... I know, not the most gracious of sedatives, but it will work. Now, if you fall asleep, vod, you may not wake back up but if I don't, you stand a good chance of going into cardiac arrest, which will either kill you or, considering the amount of blood loss, severe brain damage. Do you want me to use it?

Tor tried to answer, but his mouth was sticky with warm blood. He coughed hard and just nodded to his brother. He only hoped Ta put a breathing tube in. He wouldn't last with all this blood in his throat. Tas eye hardened further, into granite, and drove the sharp hard into Tors neck. Tor almost immediately felt his muscles relax and begin to drift, Wow... Maybe I should put my carsunum there... was his last thought as he drifted off to sleep.


Tor heard a loud grommgrommgrommgromm sound but couldn't identify the sound. He tried to open his eyes, but to no avail. They were caked shut from the blood, which was a good thing. That meant the bleeding had been stopped.

He felt his body leave the ground and felt a hand on his chest, It's okay, Tor... The shuttle is here. You're going to be fine.

Tor rolled his head to his side and tried to fire back a retort but couldn't bring himself to it. She was genuinely concerned, so he just nodded. He knew he'd be fine. The Ka'ras were invincible.

He lifted his head and slammed it against the gurney in frustration. He forced his eyes open and stared blurry-eyed at Ka. She was looking straight ahead at the drop ship, Nek... Ka looked down at him, attentively and she leaned in close, Does your nek hurt?

Tor grunted in response and flailed his arm off the gurney. His muscles were still mostly unresponsive. He forced his hand to curl up and pointed at his dog walking along at a distance, Nek...

She looked away and begin to laugh. She walked off to fetch the animal, and Ta took her place. He placed Tors arm back on the gurney and patted his shoulder as he passed, Welcome back, vod...

Tor lost consciousness again.


Tors head began to roll side to side with inertia and flicked his eyes open. He could feel pain now. A lot of it. He also heard the drop ships throttle screaming. He looked at the bulkhead and saw nothing but shadow. Dissatisfied that he couldn't move as he pleased, he closed his eyes and tried to relax once more.
Aemon watched as Ka'lira hovered near her brothers worry and fear etched into her face her movements. He couldn't decide if it was fear of a sister or maybe something more. He'd watch and he'd learn eventually how she felt.

Eventually the shuttle showed up and Ka ran to fetch her brothers pet. After they were all on the shuttle Ta'vode slid Tors helmet on and didn't move for several minutes then motioned for Ka to put hers on. After a few minutes with Take being completely still and Ka fidgeting some clearly trying to keep from moving she slide her helmet off and then motioned for the rest of Bantha to move in close.

Alright we need this shuttle to go to Corascant instead of back to the fleet. Tor might not have time for them to finish operations

She looked at each in turn and each nodded. They had Tor stabilized and strapped down and were preparing for lift off. She grappled her flechette as Ta pulled his pistol. The brothers both leveled their assault rifles and Aemon dropped into a ready stance with his pike. Ta aimed at the pilot.All of you out. We're borrowing this shuttle and you can retrieve it on Coruscant.
When the shuttle burst from hyperspace they were instantly hailed by Coruscant Planetary Control and given their coordinates for landing. Dwyer brought the shuttle in as smooth as possible during re-entry and before long was gently setting the shuttle down on the assigned pad. As soon as the shuttle touchdowned Ta'vode opened the hatch and was greeted by a dark red skinned, light pink haired and hard green eyed Zeltron. Welcome back to Corascant Mr. Ka'ra. I have already arranged for temporary living quarters for your three companions who will be escorted by Ms. Mila. Senator Tygara's newest assistant. She then will take Mr. Ka'ra nek and wait for him after his recovery at your apartment.

Ta shook his head. Glad to see your in a business mood Dyni.

I'm always in a business mood when I have work to do. Now if you will step aside these gentlemen would like to start seeing to your brother.

Ta stepped to the side as three medics climbed onto the shuttle and were soon loading Tor into a medivac. Ka'lira climbing in to ride with him. He'd allow her to ride with him since it was soon going to be a division between them. He wasn't sure if it was a kindness or cruelty but either way he thought it was better for all of them that way. Oh and Mr. Ka'ra please try and restrain yourself. I don't think Senator Taygara can convince anyone that it was necessary if you decide to perform a hostile takeover of the hospital.

Ta looked at her and she had a mischevious smirk on her face. Will you quite trying to mess with my head.

Only when you learn to be something other than a rock. She said before climbing into the other medivac. And yes I'm riding with you because the Senator wants to be sure you behave and she want's someone she trusts their while your under.

Ta wasn't surprised when they arrived and the doctor was telling him what kinda prosthetic Ashelia had already arranged for him. It was top of the line and would almost eliminate the need for his buy'ce visor. Ta laid down on the table comforted by the thought that when he awoke Tor would be on the road to being himself and Ka would have her arm back. His last thoughts as he drifted were of his decision. If he didn't interfere anymore with Tor and Ka then maybe he could stay with Ash and those two would take care of each other.
Ka'lira rode with Tor her hand resting lightly on his. She was surprised that Ta hadn't even said anything. Dont worry ma'am. He's in good hands.

Ka just nodded to them her mind more Tor. She wasn't sure how she would feel if he did die on her. And one thing that did scare her was that this was the first time since her build died that she felt like she couldn't lose someone.

When they arrived at the hospital they were rushing Tor towards the emergency operating room. Before they pushed him through the doors she squeezed his hand Dont worry Cyar'ika I'm here for you. she said and then let them push him on through the doors.

A Bith walked up wearing scrubs. Dont worry this is mostly precautionary. We just need to be sure that he's healing ok and that their isn't an infection setting in then help be headed for the Bacta tank.

Ka nodded before heading to her own surgery to get her arm replaced. She hopped it was close enough to her real arm that it didn't make it obvious she had a prosthetic.
Tor strolled down the dirty streets of the Skids in Tyrena in full armor, helmet off, whistling tunelessly. It wasn't the safest place to be carefree, but he was a man on a mission. His apparent lack of awareness was a carefully built ruse. He knew where he was going and knew what he was going to do. He rented an old apartment earlier in the day and stashed his weapons there. All he currently had on him was a durasteel karambit and a sharp of Thanatizine - a sedative that put the receiver in a state of near-suspended animation - from a local black market drug dealer for a steep price. But it was worth it for what he had planned.

He turned a corner and saw a wooden building with across the dirt road. It had a sign hanging lopsided by the deck that read, "Norbet's Nest," Here it is... thought Tor as he determinedly made his way for the building.

When he pushed the door open, dust and alcohol wafted through the rays of light. He slowed his breathing and walked in. It was a dark, dirty place, and it took a couple moments for his eyes to adjust. After they had adjusted to the dimly lit dive, Tor made his way to the bar and claimed a seat near one end. The bartender walked towards him, wiping a glass, Two shots, he said, holding two fingers up. The bartender inclined his head and slid two glasses down the bar before filling them up, How are things, Mando? Tor glanced up, his hazel eyes, piercing and hard, About to get interesting, the bartender took a step back and left the Mandalorian alone. Tor downed both shots in succession and propped his elbows on the table. Before long, a light skinned, lanky human, with long shaggy hair sat down beside him, Hi there, Mando, he said, raking his fingers through his hair and looking at Tor. He showed fierce green eyes and a wicked grin. He was an unassuming fellow, but that smile spoke volumes for Tor'yc. Name's Jevin Crel. And I've seen far too many of your kind around lately... And with that, Tor knew the man sealed his fate. This is who he'd been looking for. Yeah? We can be a troublesome bunch, friend, he said, as he filled another shot with whiskey and slid it to Crel, Yes you can, buddy. I just had one Mandalorian back at my place, and boy was she a fighter. I eventually had my way, as always though, he said, and flashed that evil grin again. Tor slammed his fist down on the bar and Jevin jumped in his seat, Bartender! An ale for my friend, here. He just met his first Mando girlfriend! Jevin's shaken look dissipated and he happily accepted the reward. He had no idea what was coming to him...

On the other side of town, Ta'vode silently infiltrated Jevins gangs headquarters and silenced the other six members. He was good at being silent. Both men were looking for local work near the transport area when Ka'lira had returned, showing bruises and cuts from head to toe. She refused to tell Tor or Ta where she'd been, but after some reconnaissance, they knew. They both agreed no Ka'ra would go un-avenged, and decided to remedy the problem that Crel had become. Tor immediately volunteered to be the one to take out Jevins gang members but Ta, being leader, said no. He knew Tor could handle himself better with Jevin than himself. He decided to take out the gang, where he could be as loud and hellacious as he pleased. But Tor wouldn't be without an exercise for his demons either...

Tor and Jevin Crel drank late into the night, long after the rest of his men were dead. Eventually, Tor decided enough was enough and stood up, Actually, friend, I have another little female tied up at my apartment if you want in, Crel's head shot off the bar and looked at Tor, his face full of wonder and excitement. He nodded silently and followed the Mandalorian out. Soon, they reached his apartment and Tor lead the gang-leader into the apartment.

So where is the little shutta? Tor flicked the lights on and all that occupied the room was one bed and a desk that held a fine assortment of knives and drills. Jevin stopped in his tracks and stared at the knives as Tor swung in behind him and drove the sharp into his neck, That Mando was my sister, dema'golka... The man gasped and looked back at Tor as he collapsed to the floor. After he hit the floor, Tor angled his head towards the bed, knowing Crel was still conscious but unable to scream or move. Tor slid rolls of plasteel out from under the bed and began lining the walls with it, soundproofing the room as best he could. When he finished, he hauled Crel onto the bed and began tying him to the bed.

Eventually, Crel began to recover, and Tor stood up, Do you know why you're here? he asked, You stupid son of a motherless whore. I'll kill you. You don't know who I am! Crel spat in Tors face and laughed wickedly as he watched the spittle slide down Tors cheek. Tor wiped it away and grabbed his karambit. He casually walked towards the foot of the bed and placed the blade near the top of Crels pants and slowly slide the blade down the seam, ripping it in two. Jevin seemed to become worried, more by Tors silence than anything. He removed the pants and stepped back to look Crel in the eyes, And you don't know who I am, he said, and drove the karambit deep into Crels right knee. He wedged the blade under the kneecap and popped it up, separating it from the knee. Eventually, he worked it completely out of the skin. Crel lay on the bed screaming, so Tor slipped the bloody disc into Crels mouth to get him to be quiet, Now... That girl you beat, the one you were going to kill... That's my sister. The rest of your gang is dead, thanks to my brother. And now you are too, thanks to me, he said, and returned to his assortment of tools as Crel began sobbing.

Suddenly, Tor jerked his eyes open after such a vivid dream and found himself floating in an odd colored fluid. He had no recollection of where was. The last thing he remembered was a dark cave and dying.

He looked around and felt a sharp pain in his chest. He tried to move again, but felt a tug in his abdomen and his arms. That's when he noticed the saline drips and catheter in his body. He began to struggle. He was alive, so he didn't need these things.

Somebody, up the sleeping agent! Quick! He's not ready yet. If he comes out of there, he'll go into shock!

Tor began to fight it harder, and planted his feet against one end of the tube and fought through the pain, banging on the glass. He caught a distant glimpse of his brother, Ta'vode operating a computer screen. Ta pressed a button and Tor immediately felt his head begin to swim. Why was his brother cooperating? He suddenly saw two hands appear in front of his face and he looked down to see his sister, Ka'lira pressing both hands against the glass. Tor stared at her, enjoying the sight as he drifter back off to sleep. His last thoughts were of Ka'lira. It hadn't even occurred to him that she had two hands.


Tor slowly stirred in his bed, coming to. He flickered his eyes open and saw light filtering through sanitary white blinds. He found it a very beautiful sight compared to what he'd been seeing in his sleep and previous location. He felt a weight on his left side and rolled his head to look. Ka'lira was lying on her side, head resting on his shoulder. Tor smiled and looked around, trying to see where he was. He could tell it was a hospital room and he saw Ta's helmet, fully repaired sitting in a chair in the corner. Apparently he was around too at the moment.

Ka'lira slowly opened her eyes and looked at Tor, her smile widening. She leaned over to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek, Good morning, cyar'ika, Tor smiled back and heard water begin running in the freshers. Ta'vode cleared his voice and Ka sat up, moving to a chair before Ta came out, How long was I out? Ka smiled sadly, distantly, Not long, Tor...

The door to the freshers opened, and Ta stalked out, towel wrapped around his neck and glanced at Tor. He let an ever so slight smile cross his face and gripped Tor in the Mando handshake, Welcome back to the land of the living, vod. A lot has happened since you were out. Tor glanced at the now guilty looking Ka. If a lot had happened, he must've been out for a while.

Tor decided not to mention it. He indicated Ta's scarred face and the matching eye in his head, Nice cyber-netics, vod'ika. Glad they were able to salvage what they could of your mind. Glad you didn't die, he said, jokingly. Ka looked at him sadly, What? Come on, cyar'ika, that was funny. You have two arms now, the least you can do is clap... He said, indicating her new arm. He thought it really did look real and he didn't really think it mattered anyway. He knew Ta also picked up on the affectionate term by the look he gave Tor, but he didn't speak his mind. He must've known something about Tors condition that Tor didn't. He really didn't think he was that close to death.

I have to get back to work, vod. Get hold of me when you're up and about...

Tor nodded and they clasped hands again before he left, leaving Tor and Ka alone, Wait... Work? What is he doing? Tor asked curiously, He can tell you. Tor, don't you ever scare me like that again.

Scare you? I wasn't going to die, Ka'ika. It was just a flesh wound.

She stared at him, mouth agape, then marched to his bed side and jerked up his gown, revealing four deep scars on his chest and abdomen, You did die. Three times.

Tor looked back at her, not believing it. He laid his head back down and stared at the ceiling, having nothing to say to that. She sat down by his side on the bed and looked out the window. Tor tried to comfort her by reaching up and rubbing her back. His heart monitor fell of his finger and nurse immediately rushed into the room, Shove off. He said, and replaced the monitor.

Your arm looks great, Ka. He said, trying to calm her, They did a very good job.

She rubbed her arm where it met the bone, self-consciously and looked down at him, Thank you.

He pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips. The kiss lengthened and Tor began to feel his heart race. The nurse rushed in again and gasped. Tor threw a pillow at the nurse, I said leave! He shouted and the nurse yelped and left. Ka laughed and stood up.

I have to go, Tor. I'll be back by later. She said and kissed him one last time. Tor smiled at her as she left. She tossed the pillow back to him and closed the door behind her,

Tor rested his head back on his bed, content with life.

Sometime later, he heard a sharp knock on the door. Tor figured it was Ka returning, so he didn't bother to move or speak. Soon, the door opened and he heard a distinguished male voice, Hello?

Tor sat up in his bed - or attempted to - as the man walked in. He wore very regal robes and greeted Tor with a smile. It was getting dark out so Tor clicked his lamp on and looked at the man in confusion, Senator Finis Valorum, at your service, young man, Tor shook his proffered hand and tilted his head, Tor'yc Ka'ra.

The Senator stood by the bed a moment, inspecting the machinery attached to Tor. He read all the readouts and frowned, You got in a pretty bad way on Troiken, I see.

Better than most, came Tor's deadpan response. Valorum barked a laugh and nodded, Yes, I suppose so...

Tor groaned. He didn't have time for games. Actually, he did. He had nothing but time, but he was impatient, Is there something you want, Senator? Someone to kill? I'm unsure why you're here, exactly.

Ah. Straight to the point. Good man. Valorum glanced at the door to the room and turned back to Tor, looking at him conspiratorially, See, I've been receiving death threats recently. A lot of them, in fact and I've been advised to hire protection. My staff recommends Corellian mercenaries, but I don't think so. I know what Mandalorians can do. I was there. On Troiken. I saw some of what you three could do from the sky. When you heal up, I want you to come work for me. I need Mandalorian protection, and from what I remember Tarkin saying, you're the easiest to talk to.

Tor just looked at the man, surprised, shocked, and happy for a meal ticket, I wouldn't say the easiest. But definitely the most tolerant, he said and nodded his ascent, I'd be happy to work for you, sir. Just let me get sorted first.

Very good. Have good day, Mr. Ka'ra.

Just Tor'yc.

Valorum paused and nodded, unused to using first names. He left the room and Tor tried to get some sleep.

Sleep yet eluded him, however, as the door soon opened again and Ka'lira walked in, carrying a late-night snack, Su'cuy, Tor'ika. Good day?

Tor looked at her and shrugged, The nurses have finally left me alone, so I'd say so. I got a job as a bodyguard too. Says a lot for Republic Security when an injured Mandalorian is more valuable than an able-bodied soldier...
Ta'vode had to work at getting used to his new eye. It showed him how much his other eye missed in comparison yet he knew that even this new detail was limited by his minds ability to absorb the information the eye sent. Ta decided to handle this like most things ignore it and adapt.

It was a couple of weeks after there arrival at the hospital but Tor had finally been pulled from the bacta tank and moved to a normal room. He we waiting for two people to arrive one he expected late the other he knew would be on time if her schedule didn't go insane. And to Ta's surprise Kate actually showed up early. She had her helmet off and by her appearance she looked like she'd been through a second hell. So Tor'ika finally got moved to a room. There sure he isn't gonna crash again right? Take could hear the worry and fear and under it all her resignation that she might lose her favorite brother.

He's gonna make it Ka'ika but I need to talk to you first before I let you in this room. he said in his usual voice. Take watched as her tired eyes narrowed and became a lot more aware. i won't promise not to act on my feelings for Tor. she said defiantly.

Nor do I have the intention of telling you not too. I was just going to tell you that I was wrong to try and force my will onto you and Tor. I love you and Tor both and I've realized that despite how weird or wrong it may seem you are adopted and there isn't really any reason that I should stop you two. If you.make each other happy then go be with him but treat him right Ka'ika. I'm a protective older brother. he finished with a rare smile on his face. Ka just stood there staring dumbfounded by what he had just told her. He wasn't surprised really for once he was being genuinely kind to her. And to drive the confusion further Ashelia had arrived with Dyni in tow. And Ka'ika I'd like you to meet my new employer and also my Cyar'ika Ashelia Taygera la Croix. Ash bowed to Ka It is a pleasure to meet you.

After a few minute of pleaseantries Ta told Ka that he had to go with Ash and left Tor in her hands.


Ta'vode walked into the room and found Kate asleep on the bed with Tor. They both had a smile on their faces and take just hoped that they had enough restraint not to fuck before Tor was fully healed. Ta cleared his throat and Ka's eyes snapped open a/ she rose to a sitting position smoothly without disturbing Tor. Take indicated the door and she reluctantly stood stretched and them left leaving him alone with Tor.

Ka'lira walked out of the room leaving Ta to talk to Tor. She knew how much Ta valued his privacy so she hadn't told Tor anything about what their eldest sibling had been doing nor did she tell Tor that Ta had given them his old apartment since he had moved in with Ashelia. Nor was she going to tell Tor that it was Ashelia who had told Valorum that mandarins were far better than Corellian mercs. She was just relieved that her cyar'ika was alive and recovering.

Ka took her speeder and drove to her new residence. When she entered again she stared at the sparse but comfortable appearance of the apartment. It screamed her eldest brothers touch. Cold, functional and no real excess. When Tor was better she supposed she'd take the time and do some redecorating. She wouldn't really need to change much but she wanted the apartment to be more of her and Tor and not just be Ta's Spartan living style.

Ka knelt when Tor's pet came around the corner. She caught it as.it enthusiastically jumped into her arms. Hey boy. Tor'ika isn't out yet but he's awake and soon he'll.have the nurses shoving him out the door. Now I bet you want some food.
Tor'yc slept in a dreamless, restless sleep. It wasn't a deep sleep, but enough to relax. He didn't like the gown. He rolled onto one side and sleepily opened his eyes. He sighed to himself as he watched speeders race through the skylanes between the blinds high in the Corsucant sky. He really wished they would have given him curtains. This, he felt, couldn't really be considered night time. The ever-glowing lights of the sky-scrapers, the speeders and the advertisement boards made this city feel truly alive. A city that would never sleep. He groaned and rolled onto his back, silently wishing for a city-wide power failure, knowing if it did happen, the repulsors supporting some of the voluminous buildings, signs, and buses would fail, causing catastrophic damage to the upper-levels and most of the mid-levels. At the moment though, he didn't care. All he wanted was sleep. He sighed and got out of bed, making his way for the freshers. After he'd taken care of his business, he stalked back to bed and laid down.

After what seemed like an eternity, he'd gotten some respite and drifted off to sleep...

Su'cuy Draknan! young Tor'yc yelled as he came onto the Ven'tra clan grounds. Draknan Ven'tra was the clan leader of Clan Ven'tra. He sired three sons, one who was running his own Clan now - Tor had never met him - and the other two were about Tors and Tas age. Give or take a couple years, Is Oly and Ryol home? he asked. Draknan stepped out of his smoking whiskey still and wiped his hands on a dirty rag. The man was always working on something in that still, No, sorry, son. They went to town to see their mother. You're welcome to stay for a bit though. I could use some help on this old still, he said. Tor jumped at the opportunity to help Draknan. He was the father Tor wish he had. Loving, caring, and would never beat his kids. He knew Ryol and Olys mother was dead. Dema'kad had told them so. Still, they went and visited Dah'tras memorial often. Mandalorians didn't do burials very often, but Draknan was born a Corellian and he wanted a Corellian cremation for his wife.

After a while of helping the man, Tor began to wind down. He realized it was getting dark outside and he'd better get home before Dema'kad started to wonder about him, You better get on home, son, before your old man notices you're missing, Draknan said to Tor, putting words to his fears, so Tor turned to leave.

Don't leave now, boy. You've already skipped out on all your chores today, as if speaking his name brought the specter himself, Dema'kad emerged from the tree-line clutching a charged and loaded hand blaster in one hand, You think you can disappear on chore day and leave your brother to all your work? Do you? he yelled, coming nose-to-nose with Tor, Hey, hey... The boy still did an honest days work. He helped me fix the still, came Draknans reassuring voice as he slid a hand between the two. Dema'kad stepped back and leveled the pistol at Draknans head. The dark-skinned Mandalorians face was a study in shock. He held up his hands in submission, not wanting to fight in front of Tor, Now take it easy, Dem'ika... You don't want to do this, Tor ran up and tugged on his abusive fathers forearm plate, Don't dad! No! Dema'kad answered by slapping little Tor to the ground and switching his aim to Tor. Tor stared back, horrified, Go home, nibral. Now.

Tor slowly opened his eyes, annoyed by another bad dream on this restless night. The memory of that day was so vivid in his mind that he could still see his fathers gun pointed at his face. No... That wasn't his fathers. It was too sleek. Nothing like what Dema'kad would carry. It slowly dawned on Tor that the blaster was real. Deadly real. His hands shot up and twisted the arm back, then forward, then back gain, weakening the joints. Then he pulled straight down and brought the gun to his attackers head. He almost squeezed the trigger, but something made him hesitat, Who are you? He asked, hissing the words, I was just seeing if you'd gone soft, vod, came Ta'vode's deadpan response. Tor instantly released his brother and laid back in the bed, his chest screaming. He ignored the pain and rolled over to switch his lamp on.

You di'kut! Are you trying to get yourself killed?

Ta sat down in a chair adjacent to the bed with a rare smile on his face, Hospitals soften, vod. You know that.

Yeah, if you've been in one a while.

Ta's expression changed to his cold stare before Tor's eyes and he cleared his throat, You've been here long enough to grow that beard.

Tor rubbed the slightly-more-than stubble on his chin and lip and decided to change the subject. Ta wasn't going to tell him hiw long he'd been out, anyway. Ka says you got a new job?

Ka'ika says a lot of things.

So is it true?

Ta gave a sigh and nodded, Head of Security for Senator Ashelia Tygeera, at your service.

Tor chuckled and bowed his head, Official title and everything. Kandosii, ner vod. Valorum came in here last night. You know, the guy on Troiken, Tor sat up straight and did his best facial expression of Senator Valorum. Tor shrugged, Anyway, he hired me for personal protection once I'm discharged.

Ta leaned forward, his hands clasped across his knees and nodded, That's good, vod. Real good. Listen, there's something I should tell you... I talk to Ka'ika about you and her, and- Ta's words were interrupted by a sharp rasping knock on the door. Both men turned their attention to the door. Noval walked in and stood at rigid attention. He was clearly well-ingrained in Corellian military tradition.

Hello, sir. Glad to see you're doing well, Tor stared at him in confusion. Why was he standing on protocol? They were brothers-in-arms now, Shove that 'standing at attention' osik up your shebs. Come here. Tor leaned forward and clasped arms with Noval in the Mandalorian way and stood out of the bed with difficulty, his bare-rear exposed from the nightgown he wore, I'm glad to see you made it, soldier. You didn't deserve to die there. Where is Dwyer?

Novals eyes drooped and they searched the floor. Tor sat back down on the bed, curious, PTSD, sir. He's back home on Corellia recovering. He sends his regards, however. Tor nodded his head. He couldn't sympathize with Noval because he didn't mourn people. But he did do his best, Any idea what set it off?

Noval shrugged, After you three got banged up and that last fight in the caves, he just lost it. Started screaming and crying on the shuttle ride over here to Corsucant, he took a few steps back and bent down by the door, Oh, and here's a gift from Dwyer and me for you saving our backsides, he presented a new chest peice painted in Tors color scheme, It's durasteel, but it should do well until you get another made.

Vor'e, Tor said, accepting the gft. He laid it by the rest of his armor stacked by his bedside. He hadn't taken a look in his helmet yet. He knew that was one sure-fire way to find out how long he'd been under.


Means 'thank you.' Ta said, eyeing the doorway. Noval had interrupted their conversation and Ta didn't like it. Tor stifled a grin and nodded at Noval. He took the hint, Well, I have a shuttle to catch back to Corellia, he said as he made his way for the door, Look us up if you're ever around, sir. Good to see too, sir, he said, glancing at Ta. Ta just stared back.

After he shut the door, Tor turned his attention back to his brother and nodded, prompting him to continue, I told Ka'ika you two can do as you please. I won't stand in your way.

Tor took the news silently and thought about it for a few minutes, considering the implications of starting a relationship with the volatile Ka'lira Ka'ra. He really didn't care, Vor'e, vod'ka.

Ta nodded and leaned forward again, conspiratorially, and looked at his brother, Another thing, he said, holding up a finger, our sister has become something of a contract killer in the lower levels. I think the weight of command, the war, and your injuries pushed her a little over the edge.

Tor just stared at his brother for a few moments. Ta's ice colored eye glinting off the light in the room, and the other one focusing and unfocusing accordingly as Ta rocked back against the chair. Tor slowly, painfully, rolled over and grabbed his flight suit. He stood out of bed and discarded the gown, What are you doing? Ta asked, standing as well. Tor strapped his plates on his body as quickly as he could and grabbed his helmet. The plates felt tighter, You've already saved m, ner vod. Now I'm going to go save her, he said and slipped his own helmet on. As it booted up, it showed when the last time it was used; nearly forty standard days ago.

I've been out almost a month?

Give or take a couple days.

Tor shook his head, realizing why Ka hadn't wanted to tell him. In Tors mind, the war had only been over for a couple days, when in reality, he'd been unconscious for several weeks. He shrugged it off, as usual and made his way for the door, big brother in tow.
Ta'vode followed Tor out the door. Tor Just don't draw on the nurses. I'd prefere not to deal with Corsec. Tor stayed quiet and focused. He figured as long as he didn't cause a scene they'd get off ok. He dailed Dyni's private number.

I hope you have a good reason for calling me on my off hours.

Tors decided to leave the hospital.

He's supposed to be there a couple more weeks for recovery and carnasuum treatment.

Plans change.

Ta could hear here sigh audibly. Fine I'll take care of this but don't make this a habit. Remember your now Ashelia's head of security. Your actions reflect on her.

Thanks Dyni.

When a nurse and a doctor stood in there path before Tor could say anything Ta placed a hand on his shoulder. I'm releasing him on senatorial authority.
Ka'lira walked throughout the store browsing looking at various styles of lingerie. Part of her questioned the sense in buying any. She wasn't sure if her brothers likes dislikes or even his overall tastes. She really knew nothing beyond what a sister would know. She sighed as she looked over some frilly lace things and shock her head.

A woman dressed in a business skirt and top approached her. Can I help you miss?

Ka laughed to herself. oNly if you can divine what my new boyfriends tastes are.

Well What does he like or is there a special occasion?

If I knew what he liked I wouldn't have this problem but he is getting released from the hospital soon from war injuries. He's a mercenary. she explained to the sales lady.

The lady stood there thinking for a second and eyed her up and down a few times before mentioning her to follow.Well how about we try some of these. They tend to be universally popular across most species and you do have the build to wear this as well as any twi'lik would. Ka looked at it and nodded it'd be a safe starting price anyway. It was a somewhat see through piece that would hug her form but still covered enough to not reveal.all of her body. It was made of shimmersilk and lace.designs that would draw the eye to trace the wearers body. She went and tried it on and finding that she even found her reflection attractive she went and bought it.

As Ka was leaving the store she saw Tor and Ta standing outside. She stared for a minute and then dropped her bag and threw herself onto Tor wrapping her arms around him and kissing the side of his buy'ce. I'm So glad your out cyar'ika. Why didn't either of you tell me you were being released I'd have come to the hospital.

It was sudden and why are you at a shop like this?

Ka stared at Tor disbelieving before responding.I thought I'd buy something special to where for your pet neck Prudii.
Tor'yc looked his sister up and down, taking in the side of the bantha-hide jacket, emblazoned with the words "Bantha Team" and two chevrons on the right sleeve. She had a white tight-fitting t-shirt on underneath, and tight black pants with matching bantha-hide boots. She looked nothing like the soldier of fortune she was. Just a beautiful girl out on the streets buying... lingerie? Tor still couldn't picture that. If he wanted this to go somewhere, he'd have to completely let go of the big brother mentality.

You can wear it for the little guy, but I doubt he'll care... came Tors innocent response. Her eyes widened and she let out an exasperated sigh before slapping Tors helmet - hard, You can be such a clueless di'kut, Tor, The Mandalorian grinned behind his helmet and removed it, showing her he was only joking. Ta shuffled uncomfortably behind his helmet at the display of affection the two were showing each other. Tor turned to his older brother, Thanks for the help, vod'ika. I'm sure you have something to do so I'll link up with you later at the Senate, You know where I'll be, vod, Tor flashed a grin, But I won't be welcome in the bed room. Ta gave Tor a dead stare behind his helmet and walked off, throwing his hand up in a half-wave. Tor chuckled before turning back and wrapping an arm over Ka'liras shoulder.

So where tor, cyar'ika? He saw her smile and she leaned in for another kiss. This time she pulled too hard and Tor let out a soft grunt as he felt his injuries. She immediately stepped back, all concern, What's wrong? The bacta isn't holding? She asked, I'm fine... Just need to take it easy for a while, I guess, he said, rubbing his chest with his free hand.

Ka'lira smirked at him and led the way, Then you'll want to go home, she said and took his hand, leading him down the street. Home? thought Tor, Where? he asked, not knowing he'd already found a place of residence. He figured he would just rent a room at his usual spot, The Screaming Mynock Bar and Hotel, and wait it out until the next pay check, but apparently Ka had other plans.

I got us a little place in the lower levels with the proceeds. I think you'll like it. I already have your stuff there, Tor liked the idea. He'd thought about living with Ka'lira again when he was in the bacta tank, having no idea she was probably signing papers on the lease at the same time. Still, it would take some getting used to. They were both very stubborn and liked things their way, What 'stuff?' he asked. He realized he really didn't have much by way of regular effects. Just his kit and his new nek. That was it. Unless she had some of his old stuff from their old home shipped to Coruscant, which he didn't want. He wanted no memory of that horrible place to taint this one, Just the dog, your clothes, weapons and cleaning equipment, she said. Tor mentally sighed and was glad she hadn't mentioned their old home.

After several turbo-lift rides and shuttle boardings, they reached a small neighborhood in the Iridonian district where houses were posted further apart than most others. She knew Tor liked his space. That was good. He also suspected she wanted the larger area so she could play with her explosive toys. He respected that too as long as it didn't endanger either of them. She was an artist with explosives.

After passing a few sections and seeing a couple rodian children flanked by two more humans running down the road, playfully jumping around, Tor realized she hadn't picked a laying-up point. She'd picked a settling-down home. His heart sank as he realized she may be moving faster than he, but the Mandalorian told himself he got into the relationship with a clear head, knowing where it would lead and how she was. So he would stick by her.

The couple reached a small house. It wasn't too large, but it was larger than they needed. That spoke volumes and Tor recoiled slightly, unnoticed. She led him in through the wooden sliding door, her eyes glistening.

Inside, it was the nicest place Tor had ever wanted to stay. It wasn't like the upper levels like Ta preferred, all aesthetic whites and grays, deep reds, and flowing blues. The hues the upper levels used were colors of royalty. Down here, it was a place of warmth, of comfort. The walls were a polished oaken color and the floor, a practical short brown carpet. There wasn't much by way of furniture, just a couch, two chairs and a holoset in the main room.

She stepped in front of his and stared at him, grinning, So, what do you think? She asked, barely contained excitement seeping through her voice. Tor looked deep into her eyes, the dark blue irises casting a noticeable glow across her entire face and illuminating that deep auburn hair. Suddenly the entire house melted from his vision and all he could see was Ka, Absolutely perfect, he whispered and slowly moved in for a deep, passionate kiss that she gave way to. She moaned lightly and he felt his fingers begin to trace her body. Unwilling to stop himself, he began to slip out of his armor and just as things began to intensify, he was attacked by a crippling pain in his side. It occurred to him that every muscle in his body felt like it had been put through the wringer.

Ka helped him over to the couch and fetched some water for him. He drank it and relaxed back down, only his leg plates still attached, Soon... he said, with a smile. She smiled back at him and kissed him again but Tors mind wandered astray, to what his brother had told him, to the reason he had left his hospital room to begin with.

Are you taking hits down here? He asked bluntly. Her eyes darkened before him and she looked away. He didn't press, he just waited for her answer. He was curious why she would do this. He resolutely decided he wouldn't let her keep it up. He would take the rest of her contracts if she had any.
Aemon walked into the small little dive and looked around his armor discouraging any interest in his business. He knew everyone recognized the armor and feared it like they feared mandalorian armor. Both were synonymous with trouble and death.

Aemon looked around the room and found in the corner the person he was looking for, an old chevron and he'd brought with him a rodian and a weequay. Ahem walked over to the table and sat down not bothering to remove his helmet.

So why did you contact us? he asked using his helmet to make his voice deeper.

I have a large shipment of some very precious cargo coming in and let's just say I didn't tell all the proper people what I have coming. So I need a little extra muscle to discourage would be opportunist from my precious cargo. You said your partner was a mandarins correct?

Aemon nodded. She is and quite a good one too. We don't come cheap.

Credits are not the problem so long as you two hold your end of the bargain. I'm willing to pay you your full price now and another half after the job is done but none of my cargo can be stolen and all that take an undue interest must be terminated.

Aemon reached out his hand. You have a deal then. You said tomorrow night?

The Chevin nodded and Aemon rose and walked out of the room. He'd need to inform Ka'lira of their newest contract and at this rate their company Nek Gaurds could soon start to hire others and they could do less of the running around and more of the management.

Aemon arrived back at their office and sat down in front of the terminal. He dailed Ka's cooling but found it turned off so he failed her new residence and soon she answered. Am I interrupting he asked? noting that she looked upset. He hoped her brother hadn't taken another bad turn but it was possible he'd crashed three times. His eyes studied her dark blue ones and noted the slight dishevelment of her dark locks and the slight swelling of her lips. No, Tor and I are just having a disagreement. What is it Aemon? she asked keeping everything all business.

We've got another contract tomorrow night with a Chevin named Bevil Nex. He's gonna pay us one and a half times our normal rate for a little security job.
Ta'vode walked the streets off the upper level. He never would understand why Ka'lira would refuse to stay in the apartment he'd offered her but she and Tor did tend to have a taste for the lower levels. He smiled to himself behind his helmet. Tor had no clue where Ka had found them to live more to their tastes but it was also more of a long term place to live. It wasn't long and Ta found himself outside the Senate building.

Halt! You can't go in there in that armor and with those weapons.

Ta stared at the two men calculating their odds versus his own. He doubted these two would even tarnish his armor. I am Senator Ashelia Taygera's new head of security. I suggest you move out of my way, chakaar. Call her office or your captain and I might not have to kill you both.

The two men looked at each other and then seemed to strengthen their resolve. You're still too heavily armed to enter the Senate.

Ta unslung his jetpack and set it down in front of them. I'm a reasonable man. I'll leave this with you. I'm now minus flight and a missle. Do you feel better now?

You don't need a sniper rifle either. One said reaching out for his rifle.

Ta's hand shot up and grabbed the man's wrist. And at that time a man wearing Gaiden's armor walked up and looked at the two Senatorial Guards then at Ta. He saluted Ta with a fist to his chest and a shallow bow. Sir, Senator Taygera is looking for you. I see the Senate Guard still hasn't learned who you are but maybe if you wore Gaiden armor or more normal clothes they'd let you in better.

Ta just turned his head and stared at the Gaiden member through his visor.Are you two satisfied now?

The two guards stepped out of the way quickly allowing Ta to pass.

If you're here then who is guarding Ash?

Dyni is currently watching over our mistress. She thought it important that we get you past the guards again.

Who commands you and Jekt?

I'm not sure sir. Technically you do but something bout Dyni gives me and Jekt the willy's.

Ta chuckled and kept walking. You're right there is a lot more to Dyni than she appears.
Ka'lira looked at her lover feeling every bit he little sister under the stare and with the question hanging in the air. I did what I had to do Tor'ika. I couldn't stay in Ta's apartment it was too soft and I wasn't going to live off his charity. You were out for a month cyar'ika and you crashed on me three times. I needed money and something to do besides watch you lay in a coma and die. Aemon had nowhere to go and also needed income so we started a business. Its all the expertise that I had to work with.

What expertise? That was one battle and you shouldn't trust Aemon.

It was a war Tor. I lived through it. I killed through it. Aemon saved my life more than once and has done nothing to show any disloyalty to us.

He betrayed the Sun Guard. Once a traitor always a traitor.

You and Ta...... she trailed off as the house's holocomm began to ring. She forced back the tears that had started in her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths before going and answering the comm.

Am I interrupting?{c}

No, Tor and I are just having a disagreement. What is it Aemon? she said keeping it all business.

We've got another contract tomorrow night with a Chevin named Bevil Nex. He's gonna pay us one and a half times our normal rate for a little security job.

Ka nodded. Send the details to my helmet's uplink.

Already sent. See you tomorrow night.

Why is he calling our house? fired Tor angrily.

He's my business partner and my comlink was turned off. So of course he'd call here Tor. She answered and watched as Tor's eyes narrowed.

I know what you're thinking and you're wrong cyar'ika. she said as she then walked over to a closet and palmed it open revealing her armor that was now a dark vermilion with deep blood red linings.

Maybe I am, but you can't do that contract tomorrow night.
Tor glared at her back, ignoring the new armor on display in her closet, So who is it then?

Ka'lira sighed, exasperated, Just guard duty. A local spice dealer needs some protection. Your type of scum.

Tor shook his head, I'm telling you, Ka, I'm done with spice. I don't even know where my old dealer is these days, even as he spoke, Tors hands began to shake, feeling the need for his Carsunum. He quickly concealed the involuntary movement by removing his plates. He was glad Ka'lira hadn't noticed because she surely would have commented and caused his blood to boil further.

Anyway, where's my room? I'm going to turn in for the night. I still don't feel a hundred.

Ka'lira shut the closet door and turned on her heel to stare at him in disbelief, You're standing in it!

Tor looked around, noticing most of Ka's personals lying about, Where are you going to sleep? he asked innocently.

Ka'lira shook her head and stormed passed him. He was only trying to get her to joke, but apparently she was still upset. He shrugged and finished undressing.


Tor woke with a start, seeing shapes on the walls where there were none. After relaxing, he rolled over and saw Ka's closet opened and her armor gone. Tor was a light sleeper, by nature, made more so by his father, but he hadn't heard a thing. He dragged himself out of bed to go check on his sister. She must be around somewhere.

As he walked up the hallways, he noticed the living room light on and light leaking through into the hallway. The wall chrono said he'd only been asleep a couple hours, but the dates didn't match up. It looked more like he slept for a day. As he neared, he could hear quiet voices coming from within. He slowly approached the cracked door and listened.

Are you ready?

Why are you whispering?

Tor's asleep.

He's out!?

Yeah. He let himself out. I didn't ask why. With him and my brother, sometimes it's best not to ask questions.

Tor heard the voices and recognized Aemons immediately. His blood began to boil and his head started pounding. This man. In his house? Tor had to halt himself. It wasn't his house, it was theirs. Even so, he didn't trust Aemon. He looked down at his own body to see if he could get the jump on Aemon and decided he couldn't. Judging by the clacking of his movements, he was armored up, whereas Tor only wore a pair of loose fitting pants and the bandage across his chest.

I still think you should talk to Ta'vode about him. He should've finished his rehab before leaving. I remember what happened when he had his withdrawals on Troiken. He's dangerous for you to be around to...

He's fine, Aem. Don't worry.

I'm not worried about him... Aemon said wryly.

I can handle myself.

He's a special kind of crazy, Ka'lira. They both went through things in that battle that men have died from and its as if they don't even care.

Tor felt a surge of pride at the soldiers comment. The two Ka'ra brothers did care, they just knew how to shut it out.

Do you want me to make sure your brother leaves you alone for good, cyar'ika?

At that moment, Tor'yc didn't care if he was completely naked. He would not be insulted by this man and leave it unchallenged. He shoved through the door and marched across the room, chest aching and hands twitching for a throat to squeeze. He felt his face tighten uncontrollably and a low growl escaped his lips as he eyes narrowed on his prey, How do you plan to do that, cyar'ika? He asked, sarcastically as he shoved Aemon backwards. The man took two steps back and fell into a combat ready stance. Tor just stood in the same position, arms at his side, seemingly un-threatening. But he knew Aemon wasn't stupid. Still, he liked his house and he wouldn't destroy it for Aemon. He backed off.

Tor! You're awake! Ka said, with a little too much excitement to be believed. He felt like she was trying to cover something up.

I said not to go tonight.

She stood back and stared at him with determination, And I'm a grown woman, not your little sister anymore. If you want this to work, you have to understand that.

Yeah, so back off, sir, came Aemons retort as he muscled back into the conversation. Tors hand deftly shot out and the knuckles clacked against Aemons faceplate, hard, before he had time to react, Can it, aruetii. Be glad I didn't kill you for coming into this house.

Ka pushed her way between the two and leaned against Tor, making it clear who she was with. Aemon removed his helmet and the two men locked stares and neither looked away first. Aemon was a full head taller than Tor, but Tor'yc was much more heavily muscled and moved slightly faster. Aemons grip on his pike fractionally tightened, Don't try it... Tor warned.

We have a job to do. Ka'lira, are you ready? He asked, not breaking his stare. She slipped her helmet on and patted Tors chest, Yeah. Let's roll.

Tor continued the stare even as Ka'lira walked past him and gathered her weapons.

Who are you protecting? Asked Tor, curiously, judging how important the mark was.

Just a local spice dealer. He's a Chevin.

Tors scalp tightened and his pupils dilated slightly. The mistake wasn't lost on Aemon as his expression changed to curiosity as well.

I said 'who.'

Ka'lira stopped gathering her weapons and Aemon dropped his stare. Tor turned to her and she looked at him confused, He said his name is Brevil Nex, I think. Why?

Tor quickly looked away and stared hard at the chrono as if trying to decipher a code. He was really trying to find a way to not reveal their connection, Only curious. A lot of spice dealers out here. Thought I may be able to get you a discount for protecting one, but not him.

She continued to look at him, then, seemingly accepting the story, turned back to her gear, Yeah, he's moving some heavy product and needs a few extra eyes on the ground.

An idea bloomed in Tors brain and he put a hand on Ka's shoulder, I'm not going to let you go alone, either way. If you won't listen, I'll come with you. Let me get my beskar'gam.

No, take it easy, she said, surprised.

I'm well enough to fight. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be Mandalorian. Maybe a Sun Guard.

With that, he headed back to their room to prepare.

Before long, Aemon stepped in behind Tor, She may be too blind to see it, but I saw the change. You only decided to join us when you knew who it was. You know Brevil Nex and I want to know how.

Tor just dropped his head. He didn't have time for this mans incessant nagging and curiousness, Shove off, aruetii. Wait for me outside.



Tor grabbed his blaster pistol and raised it at Aemon. The soldier performed a flawless flourish with his pike and backed through the door to rejoin Ka'lira in wait. Tor turned back to his gear. He slipped his helmet on and recorded a message, Ta'ika. I just wanted you to know that, in the event of my death, investigate Aemon. The man is shifty. Not to be trusted. Re'turcye mhi, vod'ika. Tor blinked the send icon and holstered his pistols.

When he returned to the living area, everyone was ready. The scent of gun oil and lubricant was strong in the air. Tor loved the smell of firearms. It was soothing. He nodded at the doorway, silent and impenetrable as ever, and away they went.
Aemon followed Ka'lira and Tor'yc out the door and towards their new objective. He signaled his private link with Ka.

Ka, Brevil not gonna like us bringing in a third person. His kind are suspicious by nature. Aem said cautiously.

It'll be fine we aren't gonna charge him anything extra and we'll pay Tor outta my cut. So there won't be a problem.

Fine but you should know that Tor is..... Aemon started before being interrupted

Drop it Aem. Tor is my cyar'ika. I live with him and if you ever do anything to try and drive us apart again I'll take my flechette and commence a hostile take over of our company. I told you that your my comrade and friend but I'm not interested in you in any other way. So can you live with that or do we need to split after this job?

Have it your way then Ka. You're as stubborn as you are beau.....`Aemon caught himself before he said something that would upset Ka further.

Aemon determined that he'd keep a discreet watch on Tor and if he did do something that gave him evidence he'd bring it to Ka and let her determine everything. He didn't trust Tor and didn't think Tor should be out at the moment. Nothing else maybe he could convince Ka that Tor really needed to go back to rehab.
Ta'vode sat in front of the screen looking over the information displayed in front of him when a familiar pink haired zeltron stuck her head into his office. After she stepped fully into the office and Ta continued to ignore her.

If you not going to have a wild office affair with me the least you could do is acknowledge my presence.

Ta looked up from the screen his cold eyes boring into hers. I don't think Ash or Jekt would appreciate us having a fling. Besides don't you have some information for me.

Dyni giggled. I suppose. Your sister and her partner have taken a job to guard a local dealer. And apparently he didn't inform Black Suns that he was bringing in a rather large shipment. Son I think he's making a power play. And apparently your brother Tor is involving himself with this duty which the dealer isn't going to like. From all that I could find out Brevil Nex doesn't like surprises nor is the trusting or forgiving type.

And my options?

You have only one. If you go and are recognized it'd implicate the Senator. If you send any of her staff or the senatorial guard it'd also implicate her. If I routed a private message to Corsec it'd only draw your siblings into a firefight with them. So I suggest you.do the hardest thing and do nothing.

You know I can't do that Dyni.

Dyni smiled.I knew you would say that so I already have it taken care of for you.

Dyni stepped out of the room and stepped back in with two sets of deathwatch armor.

Ta stared at her for a minute the question forming in his eyes.

Ta You know who I am and what I can do. Don't ask you know the rule just know you owe me big I had to pull in a lot of favor for these.
Tor followed Ka and Aemon at a discreet distance. He wasn't a part of their group and he had no intention of becoming a part. He was only wanting to get his sister through this contract alive, and keep his old supplier alive as well. After that, she was done. He didn't need to tell her about his connection to Nex, or alert Brevil to his presence, he only needed to make sure things went smooth. The only catch was, things rarely went smooth.

Tor double checked and then triple checked his weaponry, fully aware of his own bodies current limits. He would have to take it easy and pick any invaders off from the shadows. If he got caught out in the open, he might be in trouble. But one thing he'd learned growing up, a wounded animal was much more dangerous.

I wish I'd brought Prudii. This would make a great training mission for him, he thought, thinking back to a small bowl of chow and water that he saw nestled in the yard. Ka really had come through for him on this home, he knew he shouldn't have gotten angry with her but sometimes the 'big brother' over-shadowed the 'lover' part of his psyche. He was worried about her. Ka was happy-go-lucky and care-free. A devil-may-care approach to life. Before the Stark Hyperspace War, she wasn't a killer. Not like this anyway. She'd killed before then, sure, but she didn't enjoy it. She never actively looked for targets. That was something Tor and Ta would do, not little Ka'ika.

You wanna buy some deathsticks...? Asked a green-haired balosar as he fell into step with Tor. Aemon glanced over his shoulder but continued walking. Tor nudged into him with a little more effort than necessary. The Balosar stumbled away and stopped following, Yeah, well, you look like one of them Carsunum freaks anyway! He heard the Balosar yell in the distance. Tor suddenly felt very conscience of his own addiction and hoped it was just the Balosars pride spouting insults and not Tor displaying his own demons. He didn't like people knowing what was in his head.

After some time, Tor yawned softly and checked his chrono. They'd been walking for nearly two hours now. He wished they'd decided to take the speeder instead, but Ka swore it was just down the street. She probably thought she was funny, getting Tor back into shape - he had been out of commission for some time after all - by giving him some impromptu PT. He didn't find it overly amusing.

After a few more yawns, which was the way Tor was beginning to tell time on this stroll, they neared a large warehouse with several repulsor trucks parked in front with blue and white livery on it that read, "Pulsar food and supply."

This is the place. Alright, guys, follow me in and watch my lead.

Tor choked off a chuckle as he realized his sister was serious. She didn't know the first thing about negotiation or diplomacy. But then, she didn't know osik about leadership either, but she handled it better than most on Troiken. Maybe she would surprise him.

Tor wanted to melt into the shadows and oversee the meeting and shipping, but apparently Ka had other plans, and she was team lead, after all. So he decided to follow, but if the shooting started, at the first distraction, he was going to make his way for darkness. The havoc he could wreak from the comforting cool twilight was much greater and more satisfying - a fact he hid from everyone except his big brother, Ta - than anything else.

As the trio walked around the back of the warehouse, Tor noticed several floodlights he could take out if need be in order to give them the advantage, but even so, if they were attacked, they would be in for a fight. There was only one exit from their location, and Tor could now see Brevil Nex, flanked by two mercenaries himself, coming in through the same place, effectively trapping the Mandos and Aemon.

The Chevin approached slowly, then came to a stiff halt. Tor knew the man well enough to know he was repulsed. Brevil recoiled slightly, hunching his shoulders and taking a half-pace backwards, There's more than we agreed. Why isn't it just the two as advertised? He called across the expanse. He was a hell of a dealer, but he wasn't the brightest tactical soldier Tor had ever known. He started to leave, when he clearly had the protectors dead-to-rights if he wanted to kill them. Clear light, no escape, probably out-gunned, surely out-manned if Tor knew the Chevin as well as he thought.

The payment stays the same! He's just a tag along. He won't be in the way.

The Chevin seemed to cool slightly and walked across to the trio, gaining confidence with every step as he heard his own Mercenaries weapons begin to charge. He walked straight up to Aemon and Ka, then looked slightly past to Tor. The black-clad Mando saw an expression of the Chevins face strangely reminiscent of recognition. Tor hoped Ka'lira didn't know Chevin expressions as well as he did. He really hoped Aemon didn't.

Do I know you, Mercenary?

Tor stood motionless and just stared at the Chevin. He didn't know what to say. Ka'lira and Aemon both looked back at Tor and he realized he may as well spill the proverbial beans and get it over with.

Bah! Doesn't matter. All you Mandos look alike under that armor. Just the other day, I saw four of your guys wearing the exact same color as you! I didn't even know this one was a female! He said, pointing at Tors sister. He let out a quiet sigh of relief and remained silent as Ka worked her deal. She seemed oblivious to the near exposure, but Aemon kept his vigil and watched Tor, only Tor during the entire meeting. Tor couldn't figure out why it was so much more important to expose him than it was to watch the real criminals.

Then it dawned on him, Aemon was still wanting to get to know Ka'lira, and he saw Tor as his rival. He was trying to win favor with Ka. Well, I don't leave loose ends, ner vod, he thought to himself, silently flicking the charge on one of his blaster pistols. He could always find another dealer. As soon as they got paid, Brevil Nex the Chevin Carsunum dealer would be nothing but a faint memory in the slimy underbelly of the Coruscant crime families.
Aemon stood vigil over the hover truck along with Ka and Tor. It reminded him somewhat of their time on Troiken except that none of them had to really stand watch. He hoped it was a simple just stand around pass the time and get paid deal. Though nothing was ever that easy. He was ready for anything though. He'd gotten quite adapt at handling the lower level scum on Coruscant, and if things kept going then they'd have a name and work to last them easily for the rest of their lives on Coruscant alone.

Suddenly another large truck pulled up and about ten men all dressed in dark skin tight suits got off of it. A few moments later a male Zeltron stepped out of the front of the truck dressed in a somewhat nice suit. Brevil surely you just forgot to mention this shipment though it does seem awful large. More than what we allow at a single time anyway so maybe this wasn't just an oversight and a clear defiance of our authority.

And maybe I'm tired of only dealing in what you allow. Maybe I've decided to move up the chain a little. I could easily make much more than you people allow and I will.

The Zeltron shook his head. When will dealers learn to just stay where they belong. Men you know what to do.

Aemon didn't wait for Brevil to say anything further he started closing with the Black Suns men pike at the ready. Odds were non of them were skilled in close combat. He noted Ka'lira was already laying down fire while moving towards some cover.
Ta'vode didn't like sitting on the sidelines and liked even less that he couldn't at least let his cold know that he was there. He watched coldly as the scene before him played out. Aemon charging in and catching them off guard, Ka firing into them with her usual repeater forcing them to take cover while she moved to cover herself and Tor was melting into the shadows.

Here, I think you'll agree that this is most suited to the situation. Dyni said as she held out a disrupter rifle. Ta nodded and took the proffered rifle. He hoped that at worse this would cause friction between Black Suns and the Deathwatch.

Ta took careful aim down the disrupter's scope and targeted the leader of the group. He set the charge at maximum and fired watching as a quick thin beam struck the Zeltron in the chest and he turned to ash from the chest outwards. This caused further confusion among the Suns thugs. So far four were down and no one had broken a sweat. If this was all they sent then they severely underestimated Nex and what he'd bring to the table.
Tor mentally sighed to himself as the firing started and he trotted leisurely into the shadows, Just one deal where things don't go south... Is that too much to ask? He thought to himself as he slammed his back against the wall and began edging along the perimeter. Brevil had moved his stubby legs as fast as they would carry him back to his repulsor truck and was hiding on the floor.

Tor'yc chose his shots very carefully. So far he'd been so careful, he hadn't even fired once.

Before long, he saw the Black Sun troops numbers begin to dwindle as Aemon moved through the melee like one of the hurricanes Tor had seen on Haruun Kal. While he was distracted with a victim, another Black Sun Mercenary approached Aemon and was promptly shot in the chest. The entire cavity where he was shot simply disintegrated.

Acid round? Atomization rounds? He wasn't sure. Either way, he knew they were expensive rounds and he decided he had to find out who was using them.

One mercenary ran at Tor with a vibroblade raised. He instinctively raised his blaster pistol and fired point blank. The Mercenary dropped, missing an eye. The Mandalorian felt a surge of joy and excitement flow through him. A feeling not unlike...

Carsunum. The realization that there was a whole truck sitting there unattended caused Tors hand to begin shaking uncontrollably again. He aimed at another Mercenary who spotted him, but his hand was shaking so badly, his shot went wide. Several meters wide. In fact, it was the worst shot he'd made in his career. Ka blasted the soldier before he had a chance to take Tor out, however, and so, he carried on his chosen path, maneuvering around the battlefield in the shadow, trying to get closer to Brevil Nex and his fix.

As Tor neared the truck, he saw another shot flash from the roof. He focused on it and magnified his vision. It was two Mandalorians. Or rather, two Death Watch members. Why are they helping us? He thought. Still, something about the way that one was perched on the roof like a Dathomiran Gargoyle cradling his rifle looked familiar. Tor paid it no attention and took a breath before diving into the trucks cabin, chest aching with the effort.

No! Please don't kill me! I'll pay!

Tor bent down face to snout with the distraught creature and quickly removed his helmet, Shut up! It's me! I'll save your ass on one condition. Give me some stuff so I can.

The Chevins eyes gleamed knowingly and quickly produced two syringes of Carsunum from under the front seat. He knew what Tor was capable of. He'd seen the Mandalorian kill in the past and knew he would be good protection. Tor smiled sadly at the Carsunum, like you would a dying friend, and jammed the full length of the sharp into his neck.

He waited till the count of five and then felt his muscles begin to tighten and bulge and the veins in his exposed skin burst outwards like they were being forced out of his body. The pressure the strengthened dosage put on his body was incredible. He arched his back and let out a bellow as he felt the solution kick in. When he calmed back down, he was panting and breathing heavily. He looked down at Brevil who was cowering and whimpering on the floor now. He laughed happily and jerked his helmet back on, ignoring all pain. He switched the truck into reverse and let it roll back out of the entrance as he left the cab and walked through the middle of hell, blasting everything in sight. He finally felt like he was back.

As the killing came less often for him, he found himself glancing up at their allies. He hated Death Watch with a passion and wanted to fix this intrusion so he found a small crevice nearby the crouch in and sighted up with one of his pistols, resting the barrel on his opposite forearm.

As the settled in with the shot, he slowly exhaled. As he did, the Death Watch members barrel swiveled onto Tor. Tor quickly pulled the trigger and so did his adversary. The snipers shot rang out, but instead of hitting Tor, it completely engulfed his laser blast. Tor stared, dumbfounded as the sniper fired another round and it hit directly in front of Tor. There's only one person in the galaxy that accurate... He thought to himself. And he knew if it was who he thought it was, then that second shot was a warning. That would also mean he saw Tor take his dose of Carsunum.

Tor gave a mock salute to the figure and didn't get shot, so his thoughts were reasonably confirmed. As he turned his attention back to the chaos, Aemon was mopping up. Ka'lira had the Zeltron on his knees with her flechette pressing into his stomach. She was asking him questions, but Tor wasn't sure what questions. He could barely hear anything. His ears were pounding and his eyes were bloodshot. After so long since he'd had any Carsunum, he realized, it very nearly did kill him.
Aemon stood by Ka'lira as she questioned the Zeltron. The Zeltron at the moment wasn't sure what he feared more at the moment. Ka's deadly promises of a slow death or the assured slow death if he betrayed the Black Suns or didn't die in his mission. They weren't exactly a forgiving group. You either succeeded or died, Aemon understood the concept growing up in the Sun Guard. It was better for the entire group to die than to return in failure.

Please don't kill me I'll talk if you'll protect me from them.

You mean your bosses. Depends on what you offer us.

I'll tell you everything I know and I'll even use my contact for you if you just let me live and protect me from them.

Ka moved her helmet and looked at first Tor who didn't move then him. Well?

He's scum. His contacts are probably really in the employ of Black Suns.

Ka then pressed her flechette into him harder. I swear there mine. Most of them are just regular people that are overlooked. The Black Suns doesn't even have a list of them.

We'll see. Aem take this scum and see what he knows. If he's worthless dispose of him. If he's worth our trouble keep him alive.

Aem nodded grabbed the guy and started back to their office with him. He really wanted to stay watch how things were gonna play out but he didn't have that luxury.
Ta'vode sat in his office contemplating how to handle Tor and his continued use of the drug. He supposed the simple thing would be to threaten his dealer though Tor could always just find another and wiping out all the dealers on Coruscant would be impossible. At that moment Ashelia walked into his office and he smiled at her. I see you had a late night last night. she inquired.

I had a lot of work to do. Some of it involved my vode. Ashelia nodded. Keep your secrets then cyar'ika. Oh when your sister gets here see that she comes in directly.

Ta looked at her questioning and she giggled. I havn't spoken with your sister in almost a month. Last time I talked to her she was distraught over your brother's third crash. I'm just trying to get to know at least one of my cyar'ikas family. You let only slip what you want and I'm sure your brother is the same. So your sister is the one that I'll have to get to know.

Ta'vode shook his head. I'll be sure to do that Cyar'ika.

Oh and I'm glad that you and Dyni are working so well together. I was worried that the two of you would clash. You're so private and abrasive with most people and she has a way of finding out just about anything. Ta smirked.

Yes we are working well together.

With that Ashelia went into her office. Short time after that Ka showed up out of her armor. Ta'ika think you can do something about those uptight senate guards? They won't even let me carry my kal into this place.

There afraid you'll stab someone important with that temper of yours.

I've calmed down since Troiken.

You mean you've started taking hits like a normal mandalorian and have worked out some aggression.

Sure make it sound like I havn't changed. She fired back and started towards Ash's office when Ta grabbed her arm. How's Tor? he said concern barley lining his voice.

Ka stopped and looked away for a moment worry etching her face.He's ok I think. Last night he went with Aem and me and I think it was too much stress on his body. He's at home resting.

He let Ka go and she went into the office. He then keyed the holocom and dialed Tor and Ka's place.

When Tor answered he stared at his borther and his brother stared back neither saying a word. Finally Ta broke the silence. Tor we both know what I saw last night and now I know who your dealer is. Eiether stop or I'll personally hunt down and slowly kill every dealer you talk too. If necessary I'll hit you with a stun round and lock you in a psych ward till your clean of that osik.
Tor'yc stared into the shimmering blue hologram profiling his older brother. He couldn't help but think Ta'vode was over reacting to the situation. Tor knew what he was doing. Carsunum was like an old lost friend to the Mandalorian, not a serious issue... Although, such a strong dose after so long had been very detrimental. He realized he'd need to take it easy for a few days.

The warrior smirked and tilted his head, You worry too much, ner vod. I cleaned up out there last night. You can't say that fix didn't help.

He watched his brother lean back in his chair, arms crossed and dropped his head, staring at Tor, And you know, ner vod, where this will lead. No more carsunum. That's an order, with that, Ta'vode cut the link and left Tor staring at the wall.

The Mandalorian just shook his head. There was no point arguing with his brother, he was a professional stone-waller. But he knew that Ta knew he would do what he wanted regardless of order. Neither brother had ever been big on orders. Ka hadn't either, for that matter. Must be a Ka'ra thing... He thought as he shook his head clear. He was wearing simple trousers and walked to the fresher when he noticed his wound dress was gone. He silently cursed to himself when he saw the wound was weeping blood and quickly cleaned and re-wrapped the injury before armoring up.

Tor opted to wear only his leg armor and just wore a simple t-shirt and jacket so he would have easy access if his chest decided to open up again.

And where are you headed on this fine Coruscant morning, Mando? came a voice from the doorway that Tor dreaded to hear. He'd hoped Aemon was gone. He knew Ka was gone, he heard her leave that morning. Apparently Aemon crashed in the living room last night. Tor didn't like that idea. He casually reached in his helmet and retrieved his comlink. He placed it in his ear and turned to the face Aemon. The man leaned in the door way, drinking a steaming cup of caf. He was dressed in street clothes as well; jogging pants and a tank top. He was planning to blend in with the morning crowd. Tor knew the man well enough to know he didn't normally walk around in casual clothing.

Tor decided not to say a word and brushed by the man. Aemon reached out and grabbed Tors arm in passing and the two soldiers locked eyes, I scratched my head on it all night, but I finally figured it out. When you finally decided to fight like I know you can, something was different. And it was only after coming back from that truck that you were different. You're back on drugs.

Tors eyes frosted over as he envisioned dismembering Aemon then and there. It seemed Aemon noticed the change as well, because he quickly dropped Tors arm and backed away. Tor just glared at the soldier as he exited his home, I want you out of our home before I get back or I'm burning it down with you inside, he said as the door slid shut behind him, leaving Aemon unable to respond.


Several levels below his home and hundreds of kilometers away, Tor finds himself in a dark alley staring a grimy sign crudely plastered on a pleekwood door that read, "The Hive." Tor smiled to himself. He could hearing the bass inside and feel the humming of the rhythm in his sinuses. He knew it was a club and could tell just by the look that it would be fun.

Tor walked up to the door and banged on it. The sign slid open and a pair of shifty eyes peered through. Then slowly, a pistol barrel entered the gap, What do you want, came a deep voice. Tor reclined his head and stared into the eyes, smiling, I want to party, he said, Party? You don't look like much. Shove off! Tor felt for his blaster wedged in the back of his pants and felt reassured, Looks can be deceiving, scum. Open the door. I've had a hell of a week and I need to relax, the eyes stared at Tor, unblinking for the count of seven and the gun slid out of the opening. The sign slid back and Tor heard the door unlocking. It swung open and Tor came face to face with an impressive looking Barabel, First sign of trouble and you're dead, mate, Tor nodded and slowly walked by the Barabel, stopping momentarily to look sideways at the bouncer, I'm no trouble maker, vod. But don't threaten me, He said, all joy vanishing from his face and menacing terror replaced his expression. The Barabel grunted and locked the door. Tor marched on into the club. It was even worse looking on the inside than on the outside. One of the first things the Mandalorian noticed was a large smattering of blood on one wall as if somebody had been shot and slowly slid down the wall. It was dried and Tor noticed shapes in the blood as if someone found an artistic taste in the grizzly scene. He chuckled under his breath, My kind of place... he thought as he turned the corner and stepped down a flight of stairs into The Hive.

The Hive had an obvious name. It was dark with a slight orange tint emanating from the ceiling and Tor could smell a sickly sweet scent in the air. He couldn't place the name of the drug, but he knew it well too. A strange techno mix was screaming on the air and bodies were bouncing everywhere on a stained duracrete floor. Tor smiled to himself and found a seat at a rusty table. An overweight bartender wearing an age-old uniform six sizes too small and sporting a gap-toothed grin, a black eye, and patches of hair missing. Tor felt better about his week after seeing this sad excuse of a man. He didn't wait for the man to speak, Your strongest drink, please, he said, slapping a credit chip on the table. The man grinned wider and Tor could smell his stench even at this distance. He turned and left.

Tor shook his head and reclined in his seat as the bartender returned with his drink and quickly returned to his post.


After five drinks and two or three questionable pills, Tor saw a familiar face approach the bartender. Even across this dark lit room, he knew the man as well as he knew his brother, because it was, in fact, his brother.

Shab! How did he find me? Nobody knows this place. I didn't even know it a couple hours ago,

Tor quickly downed his drink and walked to a fountain to splash some water on his face to try in vain to hide the fact that he was high. When he stood up, he heard a voice from behind him, Come to the senate with me, vod. We need to talk.

Tor gritted his teeth and slipped his knife out of his waist pocket. He spun with lightning speed and intended to bring the blade crashing into his brothers head, but he realized all too late that the alcohol and drugs were catching up. Ta'vode deftly ducked the strike and returned a swift blow to his stomach. As Tor bent over, losing everything he just spent his money on, Ta closed his mouth with an uppercut and Tor saw blackness.


On your feet, ner vod, came his brothers steely voice. Tors eyes jerked open and he immediately regretted it. His head was killing him and the pills still left him feeling uneasy. He laid back down, which he now realized was the couch in Ta'vodes suite.

Where is she? he asked. Ta tilted his head and gave a quizzical look, She's here of course, you druggie. You think you could hide this from everyone?

Tor sighed deeply and shook his head, And Ka'ika?

She's at home. I told her you and I had some brotherly stuff to take care of. It's your place to tell her about this.

Tor nodded and slowly opened his eyes. Ta stood in a business suit. He must have been getting ready for some important business, So what do we do?

We do nothing. You get some help now before it kills you. And I mean it, vod.

Tor nodded and closed his eyes again, Alright, Ta'ika. No more games. I'll get help.

Ta didn't answer but he felt his brother grip his shoulder then he heard his footsteps retreating, Sleep it off here, vod. Then go talk to Ka. I'll check in later.
Ta'vode walked to the door a part of him wishing he didn't have to go to the lengths he did but his brother needed more help than he could give himself and Ta couldn't truly help his brother. Sure all the Ka'ra siblings enjoyed their vices. His had been women. He'd always kept them distant all but one and now he was past his own vice. He was doing something he'd never considered before and choosing to semi settle down with Ashelia. She had always seen past his cold calculating nature to the man below that cared fiercely for his family and would do anything for them. She'd worked herself slowly to be included in the small group of people that he would do anything for and now she was slowly becoming the center of his world.

Part of Ta feared Ashelia becoming too important. He feared what it would do to his ability to watch over his siblings. But Tor was a man grown and Ka was maturing fast. She'd taken a hard hit to her own self esteem on her first real war but had survived in true Ka'ra fashion and was acclimating to life with a prosthetic. She'd even for awhile disappeared from the party scene though Ta was sure she still drank she wasn't out looking for trouble like she used too instead she choose to hire herself out as a mercenary or bounty hunter and refused to use her brother's names to help boost her reputation.

Ta chuckled to himself. He remembered when he'd first started. He'd refused to use his father's own brutal reputation to help him and instead built himself a reputation for his cold calculations and icy demeanor that scared people far more than his own fathers brutal tactics ever did. When beings heard that Ta'vode Ka'ra was coming for them they knew there would be no mercy, and that he was ruthless to a fault. Ka'lira would build herself a rep for her hot headedness he was sure and he thanked the Manda that at least she had Aemon who was a cooler head than hers by far to help even out her recklessness.

Ta still wasn't sure how Tor and Ka would work out. Tor wasn't as emotionally vacant as Ta but he wasn't deep either. He was a cold hard killer himself and practical and up till now besides the occasional one night stand had never had a relationship. But overall maybe the two would be good for each other. Tor could help check Ka's recklessness and Ka could give Tor one thing he would need. Deep unyielding love. And Tor would need every ounce of it to get through his coming trails. After he was rehabbed maybe he'd settle and clean up working for Voloorum.

Ta was brought back to the present by Ash's face suddenly in front of him. Worried about your borther?

I'm just worried he's gonna set my sister off and she's gonna blow half the block up in a fit.

Ashelia laughed. She isn't that bad, Ta'ika. I might actually know her better than you by now.

You've never seen her mad, but maybe you're right. Maybe she'll be ok.

You're brother will need her and you. Neither of you are as invincible or perfect as you think you are.

The thing is neither of us thinks that way. We just happen to know how dangerous we are and are comfortable with that.

Ashelia laughed again. Remind me to work on you with personal play. You lack understanding in that still.

Ta' laughed before leaning close and starting to lightly kiss on her neck. Ashelia gasped and swatted Ta playfully away. I think I'm proficient enough.
Ka'lira sat in the house she'd bought for her and Tor and was working on her arm. When she'd gotten back Tor was already gone and Aem had left a note apologizing for the dirty dishes but said that Tor had told him to leave ASAP so he did so as not to cause any problems. She knew Aem liked her but she hoped he'd understand that she was in love with Tor. She smiled to herself. Tor'yc was a feared killer and came across as an asshole and rough and heartless most of the time. But to her he'd always been there. He'd protected her and he'd saved her from killing herself when her buir had died.

Ka'lira had just gotten out of the shower and was toweling her hair dry when he eldest brother came into her room without knocking. You can't come in here like that. Buir will be mad when I tell him. she fired at her eldest.

Ta'vode just shook his head and that was when she'd noticed he was different. He was always cold towards her. More dutiful sibling than any warm love like Tor had given her but now he was icy. Why are you covered in blood. You know Buir won't like you making a mess all over the house.

Ta's icy eyes just stared at her and there was something akin to pity deep in them. I doubt he's gonna care anymore Ka'ika. The man's dead. Finally dead as he deserved for a long time. came his chilling response.

Ka'lira was standing and fell to sit on her bed. Her eyes wide in fear, shock and quickly filling with tears of a deep drowning grief. How? she managed to stammer out.

Ta stared at her for what seemed a lifetime before finally answering I killed him. He attacked Tor and me for the last time and I killed the shabuir. and while his voice was frozen she could hear a distant relief and pride in it and he held out her father's favirote Kal. He was never without it and it was covered in blood.You're too small for any of his armor and I doubt you'll grow big enough ever to wear it but here something of his for you to keep. he said before tossing the dagger to her room's floor. He then promptly walked out.

Ka went and gingerly picked up the knife and clutched it to chest and wept. She knew Ta didn't care for her, possibly even hated her and he was know the leader of their family or maybe his family. He might kick her out even though their buir did officially adopt her. She started to breath heavier as fear clutched her heart. He doesn't care for you. He doesn't love you. You have no one now. Ka heard a strange voice in her head. Tor loves me. she timidly told the voice in her head. Tor does what Ta says. You've seen it. Ta has complete power over him. The only man to love you is dead. And you're too weak to save yourself much less help him. Why he always left you here when he worked with them.NO! Shut up... she demanded of the voice. You're weak!I am not.she cried back. Prove it use it.

Kalira looked down at the knife for she wasn't sure how long before she determined she'd show the voice that she wasn't weak. She took the knife and testingly sliced one of her wrists and cried out in pain as it cut smoothly and deeply. Her hand began to shake as she then turned the knife towards her stomach. She placed the blade on her stomach just above her belly button and started to push it in. She screamed out in pain as the blade slowly pierced her. Then she was on her back the blade knocked from her hands and a battered Tor was over her. What in the shab do you think you're doing?

Showing everyone I'm not weak....that I'm not afraid to die......she cried before clutching her brother tightlyWhy does it matter? Why stop me? No one cares anymore. she wept into his shoulder. Tor held her and rocked her as she cried and that's when Ta stepped into the room. Why is she bleeding vod?

Ka looked up at him. He said he'd killed her father. Killed the man that truly loved her had saved her from the twi'lik and the bad people. I HATE YOU! she yelled at him. Good hate me. If you want to kill me then use that hate. Let it burn in you and consume you. Cause if you want me dead then you'll need to be stronger than me and right now you're pathetically weak. he said before turning and walking out. The next day Tor and Ta had started training her Ta pushing her harder than she thought she could take.

Ka smiled at the memories. Tor had always been there for her. Ta in his own way had always pushed her. She continued working on her arm and turned when she heard the door open slightly disappointed when she saw it was Tor and she didn't have her arm on nor the outfit she'd bought specifically for him. You ok cyar'ika? Have fun with Ta'ika?
Tor'yc Ka'ra woke from his slumber to a dull red flashing light in the corner of the room illuminating a small figure relaxing in a chair opposite the couch. Tor didn't bother reacting. He trusted Ta's security not to be so lax. If this person was here, there was a reason. He sluggishly sat up and the figure extended an arm to the wall behind and turned the lights up. Slowly, the room brightened and Tor could see the figure fully; a fire-haired Zeltron.

Good afternoon, Tor'yc. You slept late. You must have had quite a dose... Are you feeling well? Tor stiffened suddenly as he felt an invading sensation of calm over come him. He knew Zeltrons could produce pheromones similar to Falleen, but he'd never experienced it. It felt wrong. Forced. Fake.

Tor shrugged it off, I'm not weak minded or weak-willed, aruetii. Knock it off. What do you want? What time is it? He saw mild surprise and felt the sensation disappear as suddenly as he felt it arrive, My name is Dyni, I am an assistant to Ta'vode. How are you feeling?


You're brother asked me to keep an eye on until you woke up. He worries about you whether he shows it or not.

This bothered Tor. He and his brother understood each other. He knew Ta wold stick by him and have his back come hell or high water, ad knew he'd be there for his brother to the end. He didn't need an aruetii, an outsider telling him how his brother felt. He felt in his waist band for his blaster and was silently mortified to find it missing. Dyni casually held it up limply in her hand, Looking for this, handsome? She cocked the weapon and charged it skillfully before powering it down and inspecting it again, Oh, you boys and your toys... Are blasters all you worry about? Sometimes its the hand that wins the day, not the bullet.

With that, Tor shot off the couch and dove for Dyni. She slithered off the chair, under his arms and held the gun on him, looking surprised. Clearly she was used to his brothers cold, witty demeanor, not Tor's bare violence. He walked directly into the blaster, You powered it down, di'kut, he said as he slapped it from her hand. She went with the motion and brought one of her legs, he didn't see which, across his face. He staggered back and spat some blood on his shirt. He didn't want to mess his brothers room up.

The Zeltron stepped into Tor and fired a lightning fast punch into his throat and backed up again. She was Tors height, but her slender, seductive frame lent her a speed that Tors muscled body couldn't match. But he could take pain, so he went on the defensive and just kept approaching, letting her wear herself down.

Eventually, she slowed and drove a side kick directly into Tors chest. He felt the sharp pain surge through his body and nearly lost his mind in a rage, but retained his focus and quickly grabbed her foot, and twisted the ankle. She napped into a spin and landed hard on her back on the floor. In an instant, Tor mounted the Zeltron and held her down with one hand on her throat and the other fist pulled back far. They both knew at the distance he had his fist cocked, that it would be a killing blow.

Tor sat on his opponent, bruised and primed for the killing blow in a frozen moment. Suddenly he snapped a wide grin at her and stood up, offering a hand, You're an incredible fighter. My brothers assistants should be. You almost had me a couple times, he lied.

Dyni registered shock on her face, which Tor assumed wasn't something she was used to. She took the hand an rose to her feet and dusted herself off. Tor really was impressed with her. For someone of her size, she really was very good.

I knew you were crazy, Tor'yc, but I thought you were going to kill me, she said as she retrieved his weapon and handed it to him, Of course not, burc'ya! Thanks for checking in on me.

Dyni chuckled and glided towards the door, seemingly regaining her wits, but still taken aback by Tors rapid regression from rage to contentment, You Ka'ras... I'm glad we're working together. Your brother is a hell of a leader, Mando. She shook her head, smiling as she left the room.

I know. Tor said as he lost sight of her. She was attractive and he thought, at first, that she may have an interest in him, but at the mention of Ta, he saw a glint in her eye, Ah... he thought.


Senator Finis Valorum read a polished pleekwood sign on the door in front of Tor'yc. He planned to go back home after his friendly encounter with Dyni, but decided he was close enough to being healed to protect a senator, so he found himself at the Senators office. He checked the chrono on the wall and it read 2100 hours. Late... he thought. He rang the bell to the office and a small human assistant answered the door, Yes?

I'm here to see Senator Valorum about a job.

The Senator has been receiving death threats lately. He will not be seeing anybody. Good day.

Tors hand shot out to keep the door from closing, That's why I'm here, chakaar. For his protection.

Oh, you're the Mandalorian. Yes, I see. But I will need to confiscate any weapons you have before seeing the Senator.

Tor seethed, but quickly reigned in his anger and acquiesced to the assistants wished and relinquished his blaster, Thank you, he said as his slender fingers grasped the blaster rail, This way please...

Tor followed the assistant into an ornate, well furnished office. Valorum sat behind his desk, looking haggard, Senator? You're doing well, I see.

Valorum looked up at Tor and appeared not to recognize him at first, Ah! Tor'yc! Good to see you, lad. You healed fast.

Tor made no reply, but simply raised his shirt to reveal his wound that had begun to weep blood into the bandages again thanks to Dyni, I see... Are you well enough to serve?

I wouldn't be here if I wasn't, sir.

Valorum nodded and rubbed his face vigorously. Tor remained at attention, ignoring the luxurious chairs on either side of him. He understood tact, and applied it when necessary, Sir. When do I start? If the threats on your life are as serious as they appear, judging by your demeanor, I should start immediately

Finis looked at Tor as if he didn't know what he was talking about, but gave up the facade, I agree. Ranlow, have this man put on my bankroll and fit him with a uniform. I'll take care of the paper work.

Yes sir! Right this way, Mr. Ka'ra. You're going to love working for Mr. Valo- Tor snapped up a finger to the assistant and looked down at Valorum, A uniform, sir?

Valorum dropped his head for a moment and slowly looked back up at Tor as if it took the last bit of strength he had. The man was seriously stressed, The Mandalorian Wars just ended, Tor'yc. That's what people are calling it already. This hyperspace war may have made the headlines, but people do read the second page too, son. A Mandalorian in battle dress will not be good for my public image.

And fabric isn't good for my life in a fire fight. Sir.

That's why you're getting paid 5,000 credits a week.

Tor didn't respond. He didn't want to go without his beskar'gam, but he was hurting for the credits. He followed the assistant without complaint.


Finally, after a long night, Tor made it to his front door. He was almost midnight and he could tell by the lights inside that somebody was home. He only hoped it wasn't Aemon.

Tor slowly approached the front door and keyed in his access. The door slid open and he saw the woman he loved sitting cross legged on the couch across from him working on her arm. He was stunned by her beauty. The missing arm was a moot point. It was in her eyes, the way her hair gently flowed over her shoulders, the sparkle on her lips that he wanted to taste. The concern and care in the way she looked at him. She seemed to mistake his silence for disgust and self-consciously covered her arm with her other, You ok cyar'ika? Have fun with Ta'ika?

He smiled at her, Of course I'm okay. Just happy to see you. I actually didn't see him much. He left right as I got there.

She looked at him quizzically, Then what were you doing in his apartment all day?

Tor evaded the question with all the subtlety of a rampaging rancor, and she noticed. He displayed his new uniform to her, pressed and cleaned his a bag. It was a plain black suit jacket and pants with a black undershirt and lapel pin that read "Valorum." I got a job today, cyar'ika. 5,000 a week!

She seemed happy to hear that, so he draped the suit across a chair and sat down beside her. He knew she wouldn't keep on at him about what he did, but he knew his brother was right too. He needed to talk to her.

Cyar'ika, I have some news. This is going to upset you, but it's going to stop. I slept all day in Ta's suite because I got high. He saved me from it though, and I'm going to get help.

Ka stared at her prosthetic arm, Why? When? she asked quietly.

The Chevin we protected the other night? He was my old spice dealer... I'm sorry. I took a hit.

Is it gong to happen again? She asked, her voice hardening.

No. I'm going to rehab. Ta won't let it happen again. He says he's going to kill everyone who deals to me. That would be bad for economic balance, and with that assistant of his, he might very well do it.

Good. I don't want to lose you again... She said as she snuggled up to him, seemingly satisfied.

Tor sighed, relieved that it was that easy. He closed his eyes and felt a hard thwack! and tasted blood running down his face. He opened his eyes and saw Kas fist retreating, That's for lying to me.

Tor chuckled and stifled the nose bleed with a tissue. He craned his neck and kissed her on the forehead, Never again, cyar'ika. Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum. She looked up at him and grinned, Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, Tor'yc. she repeated and nestled her head against his chest. Tor soon lost conscious and enjoyed his first real night alone with Ka'lira Ka'ra.
Aemon sat in the back bedroom of the office that he and Ka had set up. His mind kept drifting to his beautiful partner and what he wanted from her. She'd shot him down and he supposed he could live with that for now. But he knew that she was different than most women in the galaxy. She understood his world mainly because she was also from his world. She knew what it was to be raised in a society that's main occupancy was war. But she was different than most in his world in that she hadn't become heartless. He took a sip of Kafe and tried to focus his mind on their work. They were already gaining renown on Coruscant and it wouldn't be long before they could start looking to hire more into the group and even better start working for the high society that paid the real money.

Aem also knew that Ka as their fame grew would start being pickier over who she worked for. She already showed reluctance to work for just anyone and she hadn't agreed to take any hits that she didn't think the person deserved it. She'd even threatened one Rodian for trying to hire them to take out a rival suitor for some female Falleen. She didn't mind being a mercenary but she had a conscience that he was sure that he and probably her brother's both lacked.

Aem was brought out of his reverie by the ringing of the holocomm. When he answered it was Ka'lira's face he saw. Hey what do you need partner? He asked trying to be friendly.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be taking a couple weeks off from everything. I went over what contracts we have that are up coming and you should be able to handle them easily enough. And I'll take less of a percentage but I think Tor's going to need me for a bit so I won't be available.

Aemon swallowed and buried his feelings and the urge to blurt out that he knew Tor was on drugs again. Ka had made it clear she didn't want his interfeiring and till he had concrete proof that she couldn't ignore he wasn't going to present anything else. And your training? he asked instead.

I'll run through the drills you showed me already but I don't think it'd be a good idea for you to come over here for awhile. If you need anything you can call me.

Alright. he said almost deadpanning.

The image took on a look of slight concern and pity Aem I'm sorry but you know how I feel.

I'm fine goodbye. he said before hanging up the holocomm. He sighed and looked at his armor. Before standing and grabbing a small concealable blade and a blaster then headed out the door.
Ta'vode was glad when Ashelia's public speech and meetings were over. They made him nervous. He was more comfortable with his eye to help him keep track of things and it was almost as good as his buy'ce HUD but it still wasn't as good and he didn't have as much to react with. Now he had several blaster's all concealed on his person most were only good for short to medium range but he had one heavy medium range blaster that was definitely more up to his standards but he'd seen the sense in Ashelia insisting that he discard his Beskar for smaller events. It did make her look paranoid and the armor did make many people uncomfortable.

Ta chuckled inwardly as most people avoided his gaze. The cold emotionless face and the eyes that were colder than a winter on Hoth tended to make people just as uncomfortable but the difference was he wasn't used to being out of the armor and not having the reassuring weight it provided to him as well as the fact that it would take most hits and he'd at most have a bruise from it.

Once they were back in her car she looked over at him and smiled warmly and he smiled back. See I told you it wouldn't be so bad.

Yes but siding with Valoruum won't sit well with a lot of people. You have a lot of pull among the races that respect warriors and having a standing army.

Croix was a merit military society. We still are a merit society. Lots of things are just expected of its people.

Ta chuckled. They expected you to push even though Tarkin botched everything for the Republic to recreate its military and once again be able to police things.

Ashelia smiled lovingly at him. No, they expected me to read the situation here in the Senate and take the best course of action for our people. Many might not see what I see but they do trust me to run things here.

Like they trust your brother to run the Gaiden's and your Father to run the Fleet. Your family has a lot of power on Croix.

My family has earned all of that. My father has devoted his life to the Croix military and my brother's trained since he was a boy to be the best of the Gaiden.

The hovercar suddenly pulled up to a stop and the door slid open as Dyni slid in under Ta's watchful blaster.

Dyni smiled at Ta and filled the back with pheromones to both calm and excite everyone there.You shouldn't have Ta. You and your brother know how to make a lady all excited and feel loved. she said pointing towards his blaster.

You should give more warning or one day you may end up shot by accident.

Ta don't play with me. You don't shoot anyone by accident. You take too much pride in killing with single shots. You only kill what you intend to kill. Dyni quipped back.

Ashelia laughed. You two are perfect opposites for each other. So Dyni anything we need to know?

Yes, it is why I'm here. You're brother is up and going home. And I have that report you wanted waiting for you on your desk. As for you Senator the cogs are already turning and there are some unhappy people with your decision to work with Valoruum.

Anything to worry about? asked Ta.

At the moment no. But I'm keeping my ears open to see if someone gets stupid.

Good. I won't have anything threatening my Cyar'ika.

You worry too much. I got this covered it is what I do. Oh and Senator Croix is wondering if you'll be returning soon to talk with them over this Senate matters or if they need to send Admiral Taygara to fetch you back.

Ashelia giggled and smiled mischievously at Dyni. I suppose I'll be returning soon then. Figure out with Ta when is a good date to leave.
Ka'lira woke up that morning snuggled close to Tor. She smiled and silently sighed in contentment. It was nice to be able to have a night with Tor and she smiled wickedly. She'd see just how well he'd healed up tonight. She slide from the bed and saw just how tired Tor really was when he didn't stir. She stretched feeling her joints pop as she arched her back. She then stared down at her prosthetic and closed her eyes and flexed first her real hand and arm then the prosthetic. Being reassured that the prosthetic wasn't a fraction off she then silently slid open one of the drawers she had her clothes in and pulled out a tight top and bottom that left her mid drift exposed but gave her complete freedom of movement. Before heading outside she went and sat in front of the holocomm and looked at the time. She figured Aem would be up. He was usually awake by now anyway. She dialed their office and waited for Aem to pick up. Hey what do you need partner?

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be taking a couple weeks off from everything. I went over what contracts we have that are up coming and you should be able to handle them easily enough. And I'll take less of a percentage but I think Tor's going to need me for a bit so I won't be available. Ka watched as Aem's face quickly lit up with disappointment then flashed to a deadpan look that she knew from her brothers. She wasn't worried about their finaces because they'd worked enough that she could take some time off and not be pressed plus Tor said he was getting five thousand credits a week. That would be more than enough for them to live comfortably on while she helped him through his rehab.

And your training? Ka inwardly winced. She knew that Aem enjoyed teaching her but she also knew that Tor wasn't going to be in the best of moods for a bit and at his best the two wanted to lock horns and fight and she didn't think it'd be wise for Aem to show up at her and Tor's home or for her to go somewhere to work out with Aem. It'd only set Tor off and she knew that soon he was going to need her more than anything else.

I'll run through the drills you showed me already but I don't think it'd be a good idea for you to come over here for awhile. If you need anything you can call me. She stated knowing that that would ensure that the two stay separated.

Alright. came a voice to rival her eldest brothers. Ka couldn't help it she didn't want to hurt him but she'd made it clear on Troiken and here that she was interested only in Tor. Aem was handsome she'd freely admit and she was sure he'd be a great companion for someone but that someone wasn't her.

Ka couldn't keep the pity nor the regret that she'd hurt him off her face or out of her voice. Aem I'm sorry but you know how I feel. she said wishing she could make it better on the man.

I'm fine goodbye. came his cold voice and a sudden cutting of the line. She sighed and then stood determined to work it all out and be ready for Tor when he awoke.

She went to the back sliding door and stepped out into their fenced back yard and was followed quickly by Prudii Tor's Nek. Ka smiled lovingly at the growing pup and knelt and petted him quickly before standing and beginning to work through the series of movements Aem had taught her up to this point. She started slow and exaggerated each movement and allowed it to flow smoothly to the next before picking up speed and working on mastering the regime. Aem had told her that it would take time and practice but that she had the build and grace to master at least the basics of Sun Guard hand to hand and close combat. Ka lost herself in the flow of things and was suddenly surprised by Tor when he cleared his throat and had a slightly pissed off look on his face. You're up Cyar'ika. Did you sleep well? she asked hoping to draw his ire away.

Where did you learn that osik? came his direct question as he moved purposefully towards her.

Ka knew the answer was going to upset him but she knew he already knew who taught her it was more of a rhetorical question. Aemon taught me while you were still floating between life and death Cyar'ika.

What else has the chakaarla hut'uun taught you? he demanded. And that's when Ka decided to strike while he wasn't really focused. She stepped to his inside and scissored her leg grabbing his arm she managed to catch him off guard enough to bring him over her hip but he grappled her arm and when he landed he pulled and she came flipping with him to the ground and he was suddenly on top of her. She smiled wickedly up at Tor and kicked her legs up to wrap around his waist and her free arm she wrapped around his neck and pressed her lips to his kissing him passionately.
Tor hit the ground hard and was surprised by how fast she'd moved. He responded the only way he knew how and let his body do the work. He pulled her down and rolled on top of her but before he could restrain her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and began to kiss him. Tors anger and malevolence instantly dissipated and was replaced with passion and desire. She breathlessly stripped her top off as he kissed every inch of her slender body...



The shower ran hot and steam coated the mirror in the 'freshers while Tor prepped for his shower. He stepped into the shower and felt the warm water roll over is scalp, What do I do about this guy trying to train Ka...? I don't think I can take him until I heal but he needs to go. For good. Maybe if I sneak one more hit... No, thats out of the question, he splashed some water in his face to help clear his mind and he heard the door slide open and close. A moment later, he saw a long, tanned leg slide behind the shower curtain and his cyar'ika slid into the shower with him, I have to get clean to, cyar'ika. You're hogging all the hot water.

Tor smiled as the two kissed and suddenly all his troubles were gone once again...


The day ended before Tor knew it and wondered for a moment if Ka had somehow managed to replicate Falleen pheromones and was secretly trying to make him forget about Aemon. He supposed it was okay if she did. It was only because she loved him. Ka'lira was a lot of things, Tor knew. But she was never deceitful to him. He was the only one who ever tried to defend her and showed he cared. Ta did, in his own way, but more out of duty than love. Tor felt his Nek, Prudii jump onto the bed in the dimly lit room and his cyar'ika, Ka'lira silently snuggled up to him, her shimmersilk gown gracefully sliding across her body. He smiled at life for the first time in years and didn't think about who he wanted to kill that night. He reached over and traced his fingers across his blaster lying on the night stand and, rather than charge it, he turned out the light and went to sleep.


The next morning, Tor woke with a start in a cold sweat. He felt out of breath. Ka was on the opposite side of the bed now, there was a small trace of blood on her gown. She was lying in bed, still, as if asleep, but her eyes were open and fixed on Tors, What happened, he asked, catching his breath, You had a bad dream. I tried to calm you and you lashed out. It's just a scratch, I'm okay, she said, moving back to him. Tor felt a quiet sense of shame as he held her, but more than shame, he felt confusion. He should have remembered his dream. So much for normal, peaceful nights... He thought as he looked over at his blaster. As much as he would like to settle down and be the white picket fence and blue collar family that he saw in the holo-vids, the blaster was his trade. And he was good at it. Nothing would ever change who or what he was. Ka understood that and Tor quickly shook himself out of the bland fantasy he'd built the previous day.

0530 the chrono on the wall read. Tor could see the artificial sunrise peering through the windows, Duty calls, cyar'ika... he sighed as he sat up on the edge of the bed. She wrapped herself around his waist, I don't want you to go, He turned back to her and kissed her, And I don't want to. But I'll be back. Don't go near Aemon, but practice what he taught you. You're a natural. I'll see you soon, he kissed her forehead and stood up, heading to the freshers.

He looked in the mirror and studied his beaten chest and ribs. Removing the bandages, he could tell they'd healed up nicely but still had a ways to go. He cleaned the wounds and sprayed them with bacta before adding more wrappings.

Tor opened the closet and removed his freshly pressed suit and pulled it on, feeling decidedly less deadly with a lapel pin than he did a buy'ce. But it was a small sacrifice for his monetary gain.

He returned to the bedroom to kiss Ka and she rubbed his face as she kissed him, I've seen wookies with less hair, Tor'ika... Tor laughed and took the hint. He grabbed his beskad and went to the freshers to shave.


0700. Tor stepped out of the cab and found himself standing in the upper levels of Coruscant staring at the glistening walls of the Senators' Offices. He marched in, feeling very out of place in his smart black suit. But, he thought, a least I have my blasters. And it is in my color... He thought with a smirk as he walked up the steps, catching glances from passerby. Not one of them realizing that not many saw his eyes and lived.

He reached his destination, that dark pleekwood door that read Senator Finis Valorum and banged on the varnish. The door jerked open and a tall dark skinned human male stood in the frame, Yes?

Tor cocked and eyebrow and nodded to the man, Ranlow get a day off?

The man chuckled with a thick accent that Tor couldn't place. He didn't like that, Ranlow's indisposed, Tor grew suspicious of the man and cast his gaze to the floor as he stepped into the room, That's too bad. I liked Ranlow, Mr... he scanned the mans name badge, Zarkavi.

I'm here to see Valorum. I'm his new bodyguard, Zarkavi stepped in front of Tors path and shook his head, That won't be necessary. Valorum has hired me instead. I do your work now. You can go.

Tor shook his head and turned slowly, scanning the room. He picked out a slender finger sticking out from under the door as he was ushered out, You know, for an assassin, Zarkavi, you are quite the amateur, he said, turned his back to the large man, I am no amateur! he yelled and grabbed for Tor. The Mandalorian quickly sidestepped and brought his elbow backwards, crashing into Zarkavi's face. The assassin dropped to a knee and held his nose, blood flowing between his fingers. Tor calmly drew one of his blasters and held it to the mans head. Zarkavi looked up to Tor, Please, I have children, he begged. Tor stared into the mans eyes so he could see Tor had no pity. Then he slowly squeezed the trigger and felt a sense of calm, of belonging, of being back as the blaster discharged and the large body collapsed to the floor.

After sliding the body into the office and shutting the door, Tor grabbed the body of the Ranlow and piled it on top of Zarkavi's, Senator? Valorum! he yelled. He heard a muffled sound from the refresher. He kicked the door open and found the senator restrained in the tub with blood trickling from his lip. Tor reached down and removed the gag, Oh, thank you. I'm not sure who sent him but he definitely had bad intentions, Valorum spat the some blood in the sink and washed his face off, I have a meeting with Orn Free Taa this afternoon. I would appreciate it if you would accompany me. After this incident, I feel your fee is worth it.

Tor nodded and returned to the office area with the Senator, First things first. You need your men to do something with these bodies, sir. I can get my brother to get me some contacts and reinforce your office. Security is good. Security with armor is better, Senator.

Valorum nodded in quiet contemplation and sat back down at his desk to return to his duties. Tor exited the office and put his comlink in his ear to call Ta'vode. It rang twice and a groggy Ta'vode answered the call, What, vod?

First day on the job and I've already had to kill somebody. Death follows us like a bad habit, vod'ika. I need somebody who can reinforce rooms. You're more familiar with the denizens of this great cesspit... So do you know a guy?/c}
Aemon maneuvered around the practice dummy. He spun his force pike and practiced aiming and striking armored joints and neck. He told himself he was practicing for encounters with other mandalorians but really he wanted to be ready for a match with Tor'yc Kara.

Aemon practiced maneuvering and striking working out some of the more unnecessary flourishes. They were god for show and good for misleading people but against someone like Tor they were a liability. He had to refine his technique so that it would be proficient. A part of himself wanted to test himself against Tor. A deep primal part that recognized the skill and threat that Tor provided but another part didn't want to hurt his partner.

If only Tor would do something stupid and get himself spaced while on one of his high's then he could have Kalira to himself. He could comfort her and eventually help her move past her brother. But so far he'd not been that fortunate. If only he could convince her that he was the better man. But a part of him feared that she'd been in love with her brother for longer than she'd probably ever realize. So he was stuck with this friendship and professional partnership and a sit and wait position and it was eating him slowly from the inside.
Ta'vode rubbed his eyes and eased out of bed. He checked the comm and saw it was his brother. He reluctantly answered the call.

The ship they were on ran on Croix time instead of Galatic standard which meant though it was early morning on Coruscant that right now it was three in the morning on Croix.

"What Vod?" Came Ta's groggy response.

Tor proceded to talk about how he'd had to kill someone on the first day and that he needed someone to reinforce rooms.

"I know several. But the best uses beskar. But unfortuantly he doesn't like you. Last time you two interacted you tried to knife him."

"That was like four years ago." Tor responded.

"Vod, you know we have short fuses and long memories."


"I'll give you the three best guys that can do the work so you pick. I also suggest you hire guards for off duty time. Also have him start later and have him let you pick him up." Ta instructed.

"Vore, vod."

Ta hung up and turned around to see Ash sitting up.

"Tor needed my help."

She nodded yawned and then smiled. "You can make up for waking me and not telling your siblings you were leaving the planet."

Ta smirked and moved towards the bed purposely.
Kal worked on her arm at home.

© Copyright 2013 Tavode, Ka'lira, Tor'yc, Aemon, (known as GROUP).
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