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My freedom in free writing, thoughts, adventure, mystery, challenges met.
Free writing is a challenge because the left side of this page does not show up so thaT I can see what is happening, this is a guessing game. I hope I've started this writing at the top left hand side of the page. As for this exercise, it is my first writing in many months. My goal is to get writing regularly again. So far I am having success so will continue to write until I fall asleep or have no more word art to place onto this website page. Yup, for me words, writing, and telling about a topic is word art. I am an artist by nature, love sharing ideas, information, and helping people. More of the adventures which I participate in are: using the computer to of course write, read, and spend time here at WDC; research is something I enjoy and am willing to do to help people, animals are a passion, photograp[hy is interesting, oh no, my steam is running out...yikes...so just keep placing characters on the page and yo9u'll get going again...oh yes interests; music of different types, my house plants are very, very good friends whom I love and enjoy, I hope to enter into the world of container gardening with vegetables and herbs this coming season, anyone have and enjoy house plants and different types of gardening adventures? Back on track again here we go! My pet peves are injusti8ces, lack of righteousness and respect, and similar issues. Speaking of issues, I have spent most of my life with dogd, cats, and other animals. Dog psychology is very valuable for the dog person. Much of my time is devoted to learning as much as possible about dog psychology and training. I've studied this from childhood to the present. Humm, Iseem to be doing better with my word art now. OOps, I should have made a few paragraphs, oh well, Not going to fix this now or ever because of the type of writing I'm doing here. Free writing is exactly that, the freedom to out run the internat editor, so go for a run and see what happens to your deitor. *Smile*

Paragraph, good going here. At least I managed to create a break in the subject matter for a change. Creativity can surprise you when you allow yourself to write with no strings attached. When there are no rules and the boundries are limitless, art with words can be expressed in ways a writer may not otherwise be able to create while doing another kind of writing exercise. Exercise is good for the body, mind, and the writer inside who loves creating word art. So, oh yeah, new paragraph.

So, what do you think so far? I hope you are enjoying reading this free art work or rather free work of art, or work of art which is flowing freely, and is free for you to read. I'm happy!

This is a gift from me to me and to you. It is very, very good to be back to writing again. Being sick, having medical issues, and life happenings distracting me from writing is taking a back seat for a change. I'm getting a headache, so may have to stop to do something about this. I hope not. My trust in God will keep me at the keyboard with faith and hope.

Probably, sometime soon I should get some water, but this means no writing while I drink, so I'll wait a bit longer. It looks like I'm trying to fine reasons to stop writing. I refuse to let this continue because I need to write! I have made the choice to write and this is exactly what I'm going to do, even if it means winding up-p slumped at hte key board sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Ouch! That may not be a good idea. I need to write, so will be certain to stay awake, keep the fingers moving, focus on the task, and waite until I have nothing left to pour out in artistically placed word art, then and only then will I read what I've written to see what treasures I've created.

Bella my service dog is asleep under the computer table snoring away. If she neds something then I'll probable ask her to wait and if she persisits, I'll have to take care of her needs which means I'll have to stop writing. I think this sentence needs help, however, I'm not going to do anything about this. This is my choice and because I'm free writing, I'm going to ignore the urge to do anything about what I perceive is a run on sentence. The speeling, grammar, and other writing boo boos will not for this writing be fixed.

When I write something else, I'll do the editing eventually. I plan on making major changes for 1 oops 2014.

I will make time to do the editing I've been wanting to do. Eventually editing doesn't happen for me, I've got to set a time duration and stick with the plan.

Now I know why Iam getting a headache, my neck isn't happy. I'm getting dizzy, so unfortunately am forced to stop writing for now. I will return to writing as soon as possible.

This is the end of my free writing. Thank you for visiting with me. I appreciate any comments, suggestions, or a hello is appreciated. Safe travels & many blessings.
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