Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1963480-The-Void-Kings-Story
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1963480
a child that becomes a god. Warning. Some Blood and Gore will be seen.
This is the Story, of a child named "Darke". born, on a planet similar to Earth, but different in many, many ways, the planet was called "Vioni". He was the 8th child of a family in a small town called "Krauni". This story starts when he is the age of 7. as all Vionians, he is intelligent already. intelligent enough to outsmart the smartest humans in existence, however they never show it for reasons.

It was a normal day, his sister, Amber was picking on his brothers Joey and Allen. and his Mother and Father were watching from their house. Darke however, was spending his day the way he normally does. Exploring the nearby areas. Krauni was built within a giant valley, having quite a bit of caves and forests and very few deserts around it. Darke liked to explore them. And so he did, day after day, week after week. but one day...something changed in his favorite cave.

Instead of the normal collection of Crystals growing out of the walls ceiling and floor. there was a new one, the biggest he had ever seen, and it looked as if the ceiling had vanished into a black abyss above, the crystal growing into said abyss. stunned by the sudden change, he began to write about it, he tended to Document and write about all discoveries he makes, no'one believed him though. Which made him Sad.

when he finished, He walked to examine the crystal, however when he got near it. the entire cave began to shake. the Crystal started to move and get up, panicking when he realized that it was not a crystal, but a Crsytalix. which is what his kind called Elder Crystal Golems. he never knew they existed, he thought they were only Fairy tales to be read by children.

he stumbled back in terror as the golem stood up, shaking loose crystal shards off its back. he hurried behind a crystal to hide, but it did'int take long for the golem to find him, picking him up off the ground.

Darke had covered his ears in pain as the Elder Crystalix Spoke, as to him it sounded like cats scratching nails on a blackboard. only twice as painful to hear. but after a few moments, he heard the sound in his head, not as screech's of pain, but as a calmed elderly voice. "Why have you intruded in my home, Child" the Crystalix spoke telepathically.

"I-I came here often... i did'int know it was your home! honest!" Darke spoke in a panicked state. the Crystalix thought for a moment, and after a few minutes, put Darke down. "Begone child. you are not safe here. not as much as you think you might be." now more terrified. Darke fled.

When he reached the sunlight, instead he saw smoke. lots of it, in every direction. he ran to his home to find it being raided by a large army of Armored creatures, they had beaks like birds, spikes on their backs. tesla coils on their shoulders and blades on their arms, some carried weapons instead of blades.

They were Ransacking the place, leaving no survivors, angry, Darke rushed down to the town and took a large piece of metal and swung it into the back of one of the creature's heads. the now pissed off creature looked behind him, grabbing Darke by his head and lifting him off the ground. and spoke in what Darke presumed was the creatures native language. but Darke however did not understand said language.

The next thing Darke knew, he was thrown to the ground as his entire family was brought infront of him, and were slaughtered, one by one, as Darke was forced to watch. when it was over, the creatures which Darke had named the IronSoul's. after the main villain species of one of his favorite books. had left the planet. leaving Darke to watch his home planet burn to the ground.

Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, days felt like years, and years felt like Centuries. when Darke was 23, he was suffering from Insanity, and lonelyness. which was plain to see, as he had set up skeletons in the town where each person who lived in the town could be found the most often. "Would you like some more fruit, Darke?" Asked the skeleton of Mrs.Jane. "No thank you Mrs.Jane i'm fine for now. Lovely day is'int it?" said Darke, as he sat in a chair on the porch of Mrs.Jane's home. her husband, being at the market to sell fruit. like usual. "Oh yes, it is quite a lovely day. not a cloud to be seen in the sky!" Said the skeleton of Mrs.Jane.

Which technically was true. as the entire sky had become dark red, like in those horror stories he used to read as a kid. when he reached the age 61, which for humans is the age 61,952,165. he saw something he never saw before, Ships. hundreds of them. lowering from the sky. the ships being bigger then he ever imagined a ship could be. all being Colored white, red and gold.

When the first one landed he wandered to it, hoping to find people that will help him, as in his mind, he still had those skeletons, although fake now as the originals decomposed years ago. however when he arrived at the ship, he was quickly surrounded by several Squads of soldiers, each wearing armor and carrying weapons that seems over 7 million years more advanced then his planets own technology, or even earths.

Darke was quickly knocked out and thrown in a jail cell on the ship for several Years, when he reached the age of 73, he was taken out of the cell and escorted out of the ship, which had now landed at a GIANT city, which was surrounded by what he presumed was a endless desert. the city itself being amazing to stare at, hundreds of neon signs, cars flying in the sky, large alien like planes even higher in the sky. and buildings which seemed to reach straight passed the clouds. and several blimp like cars which seemed to be Mobile Restaurant, judging by the signs on its sides and back.

Darke was escorted through several streets and to a prison, and like it had started, he was thrown into another prison cell for several years, until he was 80. in which he had proven how intelligent he was, and managed to be hired as a scientist. "Well...atleast its better then rotting away in some prison" he thought to himself. he was escorted to what he presumed was a Transport ship, which was guarded by several other smaller ships. he was Loaded onto the ship with several hundred other scientists of other species'. when he was taken off the ship several months later, he was on what he presumed by the visible stars and planets in the backround, a Space station.

"Where am i?" he asked to a nearby soldier. "Space Station Alpha." the soldier spoke. Darke presumed he was a high ranking soldier, as he had different armor then the others, more durable it seemed to Darke. "Your lab is on the 18th floor. use a elevator to get there faster." the soldier had told him. "Do NOT! leave it. unless you are told too." the soldier said with a harsher voice. Darke, now a bit annoyed, had followed the instructions he was given by other soldiers, and arrived at his lab.

Darke worked in the lab for what he thought were days. which appearantly to everyone else. was several hundred centuries. thankful that his race cant die of old age. he continued to work. and work. and work, until one day, a mixture of elements and items lead to be Darke's greatest mistake.

Darke had mixed Hydium with Exirion. and then mixed them with Dyunite. creating a Blue grey and silver paste like substance that seemed self aware. after putting it through several tests, it seemed more intelligent as time passed. but one day while he was sleeping in his lab. he heard what sounded like glass shattering. startled, he jumped up and looked around to see the substance which he named Void Corruption. had broken the container it was in and started spreading over the lab walls. turning its color from grey to a far darker shade of grey. he stared at it for a moment watching it. then panicked as he saw it tear his Science Partner, Ion, to shreds. leaving blood where he was standing.

Darke had, in a panic, pressed the alarm button, as the soldiers slammed the door to the lab shut and locked it, now terrified he banged on the door begging them to let him out, but to no avail, as the corruption begin to escape through the vents and into the rest of the station, as he turned to look behind him, the a human like figure arose from the corruption, being pitch black, with solid green eyes, it walked to him, and swung its hand at his head, and in a single, painless moment, his vision had gone black. and Darke, had died.

What seemed like simple seconds, he woke up in the lab, perfectly fine, however like the creature that attacked him, his skin was pitch black, which he learned by looking at his hands while checking to see if he was alive. he panicked and went to a shattered mirror, taking a reflective shard and examining himself, seeing his eyes solid green, with a pentagram replacing the pupil of his left eye. his teeth was replaced with 2 razor sharp rows of teeth, and whatever he touched seemed to quickly be corrupted.

Darke discovered while examining himself for any wounds, that the lab was silent. he looked around seeing his lab in complete ruins. and left to see if anyone was alive. however, after several hours of exploring he found not a single sign of life. but there were bodies, some hanging from the ceiling by vocal cords. others in pieces. one man even had his legs and everything in between torn off, and his eyes gauged out. disturbed by what his creation had done, he wanted to leave.

After several minutes of searching he finally found the hanger, and thanked the gods, if there were any left, when he saw a few Transport ships remaining, he broke the door off of one by accident and went to the cockpit to find several bodies littering the ship, he dumped them and started to pilot the ship, which he had learned how to do by watching the pilots on his way to the station.

He decided whether or not to go home or to the planet that hired him, but deciding that, returning to the planet that hired him, would probably lead to his death, he flew the ship home, well. atleast tried to. but managed to after a few years. only...things were different.

The water had turned dark grey, the grass was pitch black. the trees leaf's were all dark purple. and the bark was black as well. he explored his planet, assuming this was the work of his creation. After several days he suddenly felt like something was calling him... he followed the call until he reached a very Ancient looking temple. climbing the 3 foot high stair cases which he found he could easily do when he found he could now Teleport. he reached what seemed like a giant throne room. and at the throne was the body of a man wearing a pitch black crown with several spikes on it, and a sword resting on the ground beside the man.

Darke, discovered that the crown and sword was what was calling him, by taking them both. and when he did. his vision changed. everything was more evil looking now, there being blood stains on the ground and walls. bodys seemed to be rotting even if they were still alive. and he felt compelled to kill and spread the corruption to every planet. when he left the temple to do so. he saw a army of what he now called Voidians. outside the temple, all watching him like loyal soldiers and peasants, he raised the sword and commanded that the soldiers and peasants did his bidding, and to his discovery, they did.

The peasants had started rebuilding his planet, which he had named the Void. and the soldiers patrolled until Darke Commanded them to go to other planets via the ship Darke took. and they did.And while they were gone, Darke sat in his new throne and began to think of many, many, MANY, plans. From then on, Darke lived as a King, as a God. a God, of the Void.
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