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A story of a Knight called Thorn and a princess with the name Heira. |
Part I I sighed openly, ignoring my fathers irritated grumbles. With my head propped up in my palm, I lounged lazily in m my chair as I eyed the people on the dance floor in their fancy dresses and expensive suits. My head was flooded with thoughts of escape from this torture but found none. I glanced to the left at my father who sat plumply in his over exaggerated, over cushioned throne. An arrogant smile had molded to his face, his round cheeks looking extra round in the lighting from the chandelier. His face is a little red, probably from his struggle to actually get into his seat. He patted his hands on his knees excitedly, like a child picking out his new toys. I sighed again as the boredom began to sink its claws into my soul. Again I ignored the irritated grumble of my father telling me to straighten up and be more lady like. Rolling my eyes away from him, I watched the pretty people in their over-priced clothing again. Standing by the entrance of the ballroom, all the doors and even around me and my father the king, where more irritating men. I tried ignoring them, but i could still feel their eyes on me, like sickening hot water drowning me. Any protest I made to my father was batted away as nonsense. "They are my personal guard and will protect you too," is what he'd always say, no matter how many times I tried. Glancing at them made my hatred worsen, with each passing moment my body came closer and closer to performing acts of violence against them. I smiled to myself as the thought of pulling the dagger from its hidden sheath on my calf and a quick thrust into the nearest man's ribcage crossed my mind. Given my short stature, his ribcage would probably be about the best I could manage, and even that would be pushing it. But I could do it. I felt my smile widen a bit as my thoughts raced on, before anyone could stop me I could at least take down the man standing far too close to my seat. "Such a fine smile, Princess." His words startled me so much I jumped into a proper position. I hadn't even noticed him approaching from the dance floor. I cursed at myself inwardly for being my own distraction. The boy who stood before me was tall and lean, his masculine form visible through his cotton vest and summer trousers. Clad in forest green and dark browns, with his short neatly brushed light brown hair that was cut to match his image,I frowned at him. "May I have this dance?" he asked, seeming unaware of my deepening frown as he took another step toward me. Well he's certainly proud of his looks. I noticed the light sweep of stubble along his jawline and chin, and i frowned even deeper. Before i responded to his irritating request, I spotted what seemed like a group of other young men eyeing him from the bottom of the stairs. Encouraging grins plastered on all their faces. They reminded me of the maids I caught a few nights ago bubbly gossiping about some new Knight that came into town. Such children. Slumping back down into my comfortable position, his too big smile faltered as I looked at him with a kind of scowl. "No, you may not have this dance ,Sir," I let my annoyance come out in my voice, making my words harsh and unkind, like venom," I do not dance with arrogant little boys who want nothing more then to appease their childish games." His face flushed with anger and took over that irritating grin, then softened not a second later, as if he suddenly remembered he was speaking to the princess. His jaw tightened as he bit his tongue to stop himself from saying anything nasty. I bet he's never been told no before, he was expecting me to just jump right up and say yes. Heh. With an obvious fake smile he bowed and apologized for his intrusion. "Excuse me," he grunted as he turned and made his way back down the stairs to his friends like an injured dog with his hands in fists. I felt the heated stare of my father as i watched the boy. With my last sigh of the night, I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I wasn't here. _ "Heira!" My father hissed my name like a viper in the ball room after everyone had grown tired and gone home. I looked at him lazily, not really caring what he had to say. I responded absently when I was supposed to. Having heard him repeat this same speech over and over again, it wasn't hard to remember the pattern of his angry rants. He went on about how I was the Princess and how I should act more like it. How a man has his pride and so on and so forth. My eyes wondered for a bit until finally settling on the high window above the ballroom's main entrance, I noted the sun was quickly fading. That one realization made me forget about my earlier foul mood and spiked up my happiness. My fathers promise was to come tonight. ~Heira "Hey Mister," the rough looking man behind the bar calls out to you, "how about another drink." You hold up your hand in thanks but shake our head no. He smiles in an 'oh well i tried' kind of way and goes on to ask someone else. You tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear as you stand and make your way around the other rowdy groups of people to the table in the back. It wasn't as hidden as you would have liked, but you couldn't complain. You sit a bit heavily and adjusted your cloak around your waist and thighs as a makeshift blanket. You've still got a few hours and consider taking a nap. Pulling up your hood and leaning back against the wall, you fold your arms across your chest. Its not the best seat in the house, but you could see a decent amount of the Inn from right here. You let your head drop as thoughts swirl around in your mind. Coming to Felpher was easy enough, but getting in was harder then you thought. You'd been searched , interrogated and searched again. The guards picked through your belongings like ravenous birds. You understood their need for all the security though and answered all their questions truthfully, well as truthfully as you could. Afterwords they gave you that special pass, a bright orange strip of ribbon with the royal Felpher family seal embroidered on one end. Its safely put away, in the small pouch on your hip along with what few coins you own your name. The weather was warm and sunny when you arrived here and unsaddled your horse. But now, even with your eyes closed, the rhythmic beats of the rain outside the tavern echo gently in your ears. "Mary, its wet out there!" A man stated loudly with a chuckle in his voice as he entered the tavern, followed by two other men. You watch them make their way to the bar. The one with loose black hair was talking with Mary while the other two bought their drinks. Mary had a slight blush on her cheeks as she and the black haired man chatted. The smaller man, who looked about in his teens, tapped him on the shoulder and he waved to Mary as they separated. The bigger man, who was all muscle, scanned the tavern for place to loiter their time. His mouth makes an 'O' as he notices your quaint little table and he motions the other two towards it. The black haired man approaches your table with a smile. "Hey friend," he calls. He could have chosen any other seat, there where plenty available. You question why he chose yours, but only for a moment."Mind if we sit with you?" You straighten up on instinct, a safety measure to make yourself take up more room, to seem less...well less. Thrusting your head back just enough to throw off your hood and incline with a nod towards the empty chairs. "Thanks," he says as he sits down with a heavier thump then you ever could. The other two men flopped into the remaining chairs like large children with big grins. "Names Haris," he stated. He wiped his hand on his pants and held it over the mugs of ale. You grasped his hand and shake it firmly. It was rough and calloused in the places a sword was held. "That's Rick," He motioned his hand towards the big muscled , bald man with broad shoulders. "An' the little ones Meece," he tilted his head towards the smaller looking man with mushy dark brown hair. By his looks, he's no more then a mere boy. "Your a pretty lad," Rick chuckles as he picks up his mug. You smile slightly at him as he offers his hand, the same as Haris did, but don't linger on it. Anything could give you away, even the smallest of things. Rick seems to accept your attempt at the handshake and lets go. You unconciesly sigh in relief. He hails Mary to get you a drink, waving his muscular arm to get her attention. Not that was a necessity, his voice seemed to boom over the loud voices of laughter and playful argument already filling the Inn. You take note that his arm is easily four times the width of our own. Mary spins around with a slight frown. She doesn't take kindly to being yelled for like a servant, even if she is a waitress of sorts. She plants the deadliest glare you've seen out of her yet at Rick and her face softens when her eyes reach you. There's a questioning look in them as if asking 'do you want a drink?' You smile kindly in return and shake your head slightly. But it was enough for her. She grabs a pre-made mug from the bar and makes her way over. Her steps are purposely eye drawing, her hips sway alluringly, her eyes half lidded, and there's a slight smile playing on her lips. She is quiet stunning, with thick black hair the curls and spins in certain places. Her eyes are a very light brown, almost like wheat or honey. You almost think she misread your motion, but she surprises you by slamming the mug down in front of Rick, her face going from what it was a mere second ago to almost genuine anger. Almost. "Don't be harassing Thorn, got that Rick?" Mary scolded him in a half serious tone. "Aye, Mary," Rick grinned, a little cowed by her harshness. Mary was a kind woman, you'd met her your first day in Felpher's main city and she'd offered you a room here at the Burning Tree after you explained your situation. You accepted graciously with the promise that you'd help if there were any fights while you were here. That had been four nights ago, tonight marking the fifth. "He's a regular," Mary started explaining to Rick and the two others. Haris had chugged his ale by now and Meece was offering his in its place. Mary sat on Haris's right leg as she continued to on about you being here and about Rick's flirtatious habits. You let a small smile reach your lips. Mary wasn't a whore, but when she needed the money she'd offer her comforts to travelers, like Haris. And yourself, wich you giggled and declined her politely. You had recognized Haris and his gang when they first came in, thanks to Mary and her giddy conversations. You stand smoothly, carefully concealing your sword and dagger, and move around the table to stand in front of Mary. You hold out your fist to her, fingers down. She looks at your hand then at your face. She's fully confused to your intentions. You let another small smile reach your lips, to reassure her. "I've business to attend to," you say lowly. You haven't quiet gotten deepening your voice properly, so you stick to talking lowly or not talking at all. "Well go on Mary,"Haris chuckles and pounces his leg for her to stand. Which she does and he looks around her at you with a questioning look. You nod, he was correct. Mary cups her hands under your closed fist. When you release whats in your hand, Mary's eyes go wide. Four gold coins now lay in her palms, sparkling up at her. You make to move but Mary throws her arms around your neck. With watery eyes and a big smile, she plants a kiss on your cheek as her thanks comes out in a jumble of words. With a final squeeze she releases you and steps back to show Haris. Rick gives you a thumbs up while Meece smiles merrily at you. Haris tilts his head and raises his mug to you,"See you again ,Thorn." You nod and raise you hood as you step out into the rain. The doors to the Burning Tree closing behind you, closing in the warmth and friendly voices. The air is thick and you notice theres a heavy fog around you ankles. The cobblestones beneath your feet, barely visible, reflect the moonlight like polished marbles. Rain pours down like icy needles trying to drown the whole world. Unfazed by the sharp little bites, you look to the moon. Bright as the sun, just surrounded by black, and beautiful. Its seems to almost suck you in. Tearing you eyes away from it, you heave a sigh and make for the castle. ~Thorn |