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Hey guys this is my new book about a girl with school problems. Don't forget to review! |
Chapter 1 "Jennyfer! Wake up! Don't you be late for school again!" screeched my mother. "Ugghh!" I groaned as I pulled the covers over my ears. "Yeah Mom, I wouldn't miss it for the world!" The first day of school was always a nightmare. New teachers, new classes, and worst of all, new bullies. Whatever. I raided my closet and found a decent enough top. A bright pink shirt with a smiley-face flower on it. How...positive. Sure to match my mood. I slipped it on and grabbed a pair of shorts. "Rise and shine, honey! What's up with the face?" questioned my mom. "Oh nothing. I just accidentally switched moods with a peeved ape who didn't get his banana," Who else was a kidding? "Oh sweetie," my mom said, like I just cracked her up. Was that even funny? "Make way for the ravishing princess!" yelled my immoral, monstrous, vile, sinister, wicked sister. "How's this for a cute ten-year-old?" She twirled around and bated her eyelashes. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a granola bar. "Thanks for the amazing breakfast, Mom! Love ya!" "First period, Mrs. Calazarki, room 205. First period, Mrs. Calazarki, room 205," I recited. I turned around the corner and found room 205. I peeked in through the window. Bridgette looked at me as if to say, Where were you? You're late! I rolled my eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped in to face my horror. "Hi, uh, Mrs. Calazarki. Sorry I'm late. I was, uh, looking for room first peri- I mean 205!" The whole class laughed. I felt my cheeks go hot. She wrote something down and gestured for me to sit. I took my seat next to Bridgette and got everything out. Bridgette passed me a note: What took so long? You're late! I scribbled back, First day of school. What do you expect from me? I passed it back. Bridgette rolled her eyes. The bell rang for lunch. Yeah, I was that late. After lunch, I had Texas History. I walked to my locker, only to discover a large group of what you might call "popular" kids standing in front of my locker. I groaned inside my head. "Umm, excuse me," I mumbled. I squeezed through them, finding myself face-to-face with Jake who was leaning against my locker. I gave him a sarcastic smile as he moved to the next locker. I stuffed my lunch box inside and pulled out my Texas History spiral, right when Jake scooted over to block my locker again. "Hey, Jennyfer, he barked, emphasizing on the Y. I put on my sarcastic face again. "Hel-lo," I murmured. "Jake, let the girl get to her stuff," I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Paisley in front of Jake, about a foot taller. "I am," he argued as I closed my locker and left. How embarrassing! I thought. Usually, They never talk to me. How many times do you get called "the girl" in your life? I sighed and thought I was going to have to get used to it. "So, how was school?" I wasn't surprised to hear the famous question every mom asked their daughter on the first day of school "Hmm. Fine. Cool," I replied back the famous answer that every daughter said to their mom. My mom sighed. "Jennyfer, why don't you be more honest to me? You really expect me to believe that?" I ignored her and tried to make my way up the stairs but was surprised when I heard my mom yell, "Jennyfer! I asked you a question! Get back here! I groaned and dragged my feet over to the Wicked Queen. "Now, answer my question." My mom said calmly. "OK. Let's see. Umm, one, why do I have to tell you everything going on in my life. And two, why do you care. Are we done here? Can I leave?" I asked eagerly. "Jennyfer, you know I care," My mom looked like I just said the saddest thing in the world. "I care more than any other mom in the world. So why don't you tell me?" I sighed. "I don't have to, okay!" I yelled and before she could say anything, I stomped up the stairs and slammed my room door hard enough for the Wicked Queen to hear. I flopped on my bed and cried. A good crying can do the trick. I cried mainly just 'cause of self-pity. Pretty stupid, I know, but tell me I'm wrong. I knew this was gonna be...umm, how to say it...interesting year. And before I knew, I became overwhelmed by my tears and fell fast asleep. |