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My thaughts are all equally merciful Equally proud Equally GOOD Equally stars They NEVER ever compete with each other THEY ARE ALL EQUAL!EQUALLY HIGH AND LOVING AND CREATIVE Many people believe in the saying-superstition related to the breaking of the mirror.According to it anyone who breaks a mirror will have a misfortune for the forthcoming few years... LET'S START. BEHAVE WELL.WHY? The thing is that people take things word by word.BUT DO YOU NOT KNOW BY NOW THAT THE PERSON/PEOPLE YOU ARE DEALING WITH BECOMES A MIRROR FOR YOU AS YOU SEE YOUR OWN REFLEXION IN HIS/HER EYES. WHEN YOU HURT THIS PERSON BY WORD OR A WRONG MOVEMENT,YOU ARE BREAKING HIM SOMEHOW AND IT'S Y O U R R E F L E X I O N THAT BREAKS IN HIM(AS PEOPLE WHO WE HURT DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH US ANYMORE AND SEND US NEGATIVE RAYS INSTEAD-THE NEGATIVITY STEMING UP FROM OURSELVES). SO BEHAVE WELL. DO NOT BREAK A MIRROR............ My dear Ksenia, For the last two days I have been talking to you in my mind and wanted to write down in an email my thaughts/'conv' It seemed to me so that during our last Skype contact , you misinterpreted my words as regards the readiness to become a parent ,perhaps ,in your mind you wrongly alternated the word readiness with the word" qualify" Very often, I notice that given the haviness of 'daily routine' life and work , my mind doesnt always come up with words which highlight what I exactly have in my heart and soul and intend to say with 100% clarity. It happens very often, especially when I teach for a few hours, because people who interact with me closely also have different energetic shelter and in close interraction with them I noticed that I I " immitate" their words etc- something like a mirror. But this email I decided to write ,of course not in the form of apology as there is no reason for that - but rather as some sort of a psychological support for you. The ancient wisdom states: IF YOU WANTED AND DIDNT GET MAYBE YOU DIDNT NEED IT AT THAT MOMENT another one goes like this: IF I TRY TO TASTE THE FRUITS OF MY EFFORTS BEFORE ITS TIME IT IS LIKE TRYING TO EAT UNCOOKED FOOD. At different stages in our life we are ready for this or that achievement according to many many different factors which can also be unseen.hidden and sometimes(very often) if highlighted - not quite understable for us humans or so to say -for the human brain which is burdened with many daily earthly tasks. All people QUALIFY for everything good in life , not just having kids or money or good jobs. ALL QUALIFY FOR EVERY SINGLE GOOD THING THAT S ON EARTH AS THIS WORLD IS CREATED BY GOD WHICH IS ALL MERCIFUL AND WANTS ONLY THE BEST FOR HIS CHILDREN WHICH ARE HIS THAUGHTS IT MAY BE SO THAT THE THAUGHTS HAVE BEEN UNATTENDED IN THE NECESSARY WAY AS THEY ARE SO MANY BUT GIVEN THE NECESSARY LIGHT THEY ALWAYS TAKE THE BEST FORM AS GOD HAS NEVER ALLOWED HIMSELF ANY -EVEN A SMALLEST POSSIBLE NEGATIVE OR DISTRUCTIVE THAUGHT THEREFORE ALL QUALIFY FOR ALL GOOD Simply, at different stages in our lives we are ready for this or that thing. In my life it happened many times that I was planning to get something good (and I thaught that I should as I fuly qualify) but because as I later on only found out I wasnt as ready for that thing - I didnt get it at THAT time. At that stage, I was feeling UNHAPPY, MISUNDERSTOOD, MISTREATED etc But when I came to get that same thing UNEXPECTEDY FROM GOD after many years/or say, months I then realized"how good that i didnt have it then , because I WOULDVE BEEN ABLE TO do sth else which i managed to do before actually getting what i GOT..... Readiness can refer to so many different things(such as business of one person) Some shallow reasons for not having a kid at a certain time can also be physical unreadiness. It may be so that parents are both 100% healthy and ready, however there is something in their physiology according to which they better have their child later. This may be something not related to illness and something which can not be detected by doctors but it also plays role..:) In your case, on our second lesson , if you remember I saw that at the age of 37 you WILL have children . 2 A girl and a boy together is what I saw. Sometimes, what I see refers to not the actual reality, but more to the spirits around. But in this case, I think that it refers to your real, today's life. So you have nothing to worry about :)and one more thing (request) PLEASE NEVER FEEL HURT BY ME:) If it so happens that i dont use the exact right word etc then - given the necessary understanding and clarity and kind notion around me and you -all misunderstanding can be solved:) Have a beautiful day (filled with a glimpse of heavenly light) Forever loving you, your friend Lilith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ7kQ8TL9aM Child Prodigy |