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Act Two of my Action Horror Screenplay |
EXT. STREET CORNER JESSICA BURGY, a mid twenties beautiful dirty blonde, checks her PHONE as she had a DUFFLE BAG and a LARGE SUITCASE as she checks her phone to see that it was “6:35”. She clicks her teeth together as she nods and sigh's loudly, shifting her sunglasses back to the center of her face as she notices a VAN pulling up beside her after a few moments, JESSICA smirks as the SIDE DOOR and PASSENGER DOOR open, JESSICA coming over as CHARLES, BRIAN, MARK, and SHANE get out to greet her, JESSICA smiling as she comes over towards them. JESSICA Holy shit it really is you guys. SHANE You must be JESSICA BURGY? JESSICA Yeah, hey, it's really cool to meet you. SHANE right? And you're... CHARLES CHARLES...Yes...charmed. JESSICA shook SHANE'S hand before CHARLES took it and kissed it, JESSICA gagging a bit as she covers her mouth and nose. JESSICA What is that fucking smell... CHARLES Oh...yeah, that's VAMP gunk, and puss and blood and what not. JESSICA You guys can't smell that? MARK We do, we're just use to it. JESSICA Oh...okay. MARK I'm MARK LANDIS, I do all the computer and uploading stuff for the show. This big black man here is BRIAN GRIMES, camera man extraordinaire. JESSICA (shaking hands) Hi, it's really good to meet you guys, I'm really excited to be a part of this. SHANE You won't be. JESSICA Huh? MARK We haven't had the best track record with some of our INTERNS, least none that I've been around. JESSICA I'm still a little fuzzy on what actually I'll be doing, but you're paying a shit load of money to have me. MARK You're our public figure, as well as slash whipping girl, slash trainee. SHANE Basically your the fresh face, all our faces are known, and we're wanted men. But you, you can buy our motels, and food, and what not. Plus you'll be helping MARK with the equipment, and learning from all of us about what its really like out here. CHARLES It's not an easy life. You're going to be in constant peril, which is why we'll do our best to train you...and please you... CHARLES gives her a lustful look as JESSICA raises an eyebrow towards him as SHANE shakes his head. SHANE It's going to be a little cramped in here, but this is our roaming HOME. MARK Having you is going to keep us from having to sleep in here overnight so that's good. SHANE Here's your advance. SHANE hands JESSICA a large stack of HUNDREDS, JESSICA marveling at it for a moment before putting it away. JESSICA You guys aren't messing around. SHANE No we're not. CHARLES Alright, well we need to get back on the road before anyone lingers on us for too long, so I'm driving us to the next motel. SHANE Oh god no... CHARLES To late, called it. CHARLES takes the keys from SHANE and goes around towards the DRIVER'S SIDE as MARK offers to take her SUITCASE, JESSICA smiling as she let's him take it towards the back, JESSICA watching as there was all kinds of equipment and bags strewn about as JESSICA shuts the back and climbs into the SIDE DOOR of the VAN as BRIAN shuts it. INT. VAN CHARLES smirks as he flips through a CD case, SHANE moving to the back as he takes a seat in a bolted down CHAIR that was set up near MARK'S little console, BRIAN laying on the small futon Mattress that was behind MARK as SHANE nods for JESSICA to take the passenger seat, JESSICA crawling up front as CHARLES smirks at her, JESSICA smiling back but looks a bit concerned as CHARLES pulls a BLANK CD out with something written on it before he quickly pushes it to track SIX. SHANE Track Six, guys. MARK Oh yeah! JESSICA What's track six? SHANE CHARLES has a driving CD...a CD for everything basically. TRACK six just happens to be something he plays all the time. JESSICA And that is? MORRIS DAY and the TIME'S “JUNGLE LOVE” starts up, CHARLES singing and howling along with it's intro as BRIAN and MARK start dancing as CHARLES begins down the road, JESSICA laughing as the THREE start singing along to the song as SHANE shakes his head and tries not to smile but can't help it as MARK and BRIAN keep poking and prodding SHANE to join in, who does gradually as the group begin singing, JESSICA watching with a smirk on her face as CHARLES drives them out of the town. EXT. MOTEL NIGHT has fallen as JESSICA comes from around the corner as the GUYS were waiting about impatiently outside. JESSICA tosses them two keys. JESSICA Gentlemen, we sleep in beds tonight. MARK Hallelujah . BRIAN A real bed...how long's it been? MARK Couple weeks easy. MARK and BRIAN take some bags as they take a key from SHANE as they go into a nearby room, CHARLES taking the key as he hurries and unlocks the room, SHANE counting down from FIVE as he reaches into the VAN and pulls up a bag, tossing it towards the door at one as CHARLES had rushed back out and caught the bag, CHARLES nodding and throwing a thumbs up at SHANE before closing the door as SHANE smirked and went through the other bags as JESSICA comes over beside him. JESSICA He really needed that shower. SHANE He goes messier then he needs to, but he gets the job done. JESSICA You two know each other really well, huh. SHANE Yeah, we're like brothers. JESSICA Before this or because of it? SHANE A bit of both. We're all we have. JESSICA You don't miss your family? I know I would, I already do. SHANE We don't have any family. CHARLES'S all got killed before I believed him...and a few years back...some VAMPS got to mine. JESSICA Oh...I didn't know... SHANE It's okay. I knew that it could happen, even with the changing my name, getting it erased, whatever. JESSICA Did you find them? The VAMPIRES that did it? SHANE No...at least none that would admit to it. SHANE grabs her SUITCASE and hands it to her, JESSICA taking it as she pulls the handle up as SHANE takes a bag and shuts the VAN, locking it up as the TWO walk slowly towards the ROOMS. SHANE So why you? You don't look like someone who believes, if I may be so bold. JESSICA Well...I kinda don't. I mean, you guys are on the FBI most wanted list, everyday on CNN, or FOX news your faces are plastered about, people are psycho analyzing you, trying to put a rationality behind whatever you've been doing. At first I watched the show all the time, I thought it was...funny. But as it went on, it kept being so grim, so bloody and dark and...I don't care what anyone says, some of those things you guys shot couldn't of been special effects. So I believe something is going on. That's why I tried so hard to reach out to you guys. If this is real, I want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. SHANE Rather your eyes be open, then closed. JESSICA Something like that. SHANE Your life is going to be difficult now, JESSICA. It's not going to be glamorous. There is no thank yous, there is no reward. Just death...and pain. But, the good thing about it is that we're killing FANGS, and saving more lives then they're ever going to take. That's what it is all about. JESSICA What's your goal? What's your plan in the end? SHANE To have a nation who accepts that what we've been showing them is real, that FANGS and probably other things that we thought didn't exist do. That we become the start of a war. The launching point where we do not blindly ignore the truth, and we rise up against the darkness. JESSICA I get the feeling your the more deep and thoughtful of the two. SHANE Don't let CHARLES fool you. He's the one who had to prove to me after his entire family got slaughtered that FANGS were real. Behind that...goofy facade and bad musical driving tastes is a very angry...and brooding man. He hides it well, but...he's living in hell. JESSICA Like you? SHANE Like us all. JESSICA Well. I guess that's something to look forward it... SHANE I assume you got your own room? JESSICA Shouldn't I not of? SHANE It's fine for now. But I will probably say after your first show you'll reconsider. Stay with MARK and BRIAN though, cuz you know, CHARLES... JESSICA I can handle CHARLES, been handling guys like him for a while. SHANE Get some sleep, we're out of here in about five hours. JESSICA That's it? SHANE We're always on the road, always...looking for the next place that needs our help. We have to be on the move in order for that to really happen. JESSICA I'm sorry for all the questions I'm just... SHANE It's okay. You're new. Tomorrow is the real beginning...of the rest of your life. JESSICA nods as she heads to the room farthest from the two as she was right beside MARK and BRIAN'S room, SHANE watching her go inside before heading inside to his and CHARLES'S room. INT. ROOM SHANE comes over and sets his bag down on the twin bed that wasn't claimed by CHARLES'S bag, SHANE listening to the SHOWER run but hears nothing else as SHANE sighs and comes over to the BATHROOM, opening the door as he nods and comes and sits down by the TUB as CHARLES was leaning against it on his back, crying as he had his arms wrapped around his knees, his head hung low as SHANE grabs CHARLES and wraps an arm around him as CHARLES continues to cry. CHARLES How...how'd you know? SHANE When don't I. And you didn't have your SHOWERING CD playing. CHARLES Haha, fucking hell. SHANE We're doing it, man. Progress doesn't happen over night. CHARLES We killed how many tonight? Sixty, seventy? All those missing persons, all those innocents. We couldn't even save them, couldn't even save our own fucking families...I mean... SHANE It's not hopeless, CHARLES. Think about all the people that would have been killed, turned and what not hadn't we stopped those sixty FANGS? CHARLES I know...but... SHANE Take your shower man. You just need some real sleep, in a real bed. CHARLES (wiping tears) Yeah...yeah, you're probably right. CHARLES sniffs as SHANE pats him a few times before he stands and heads out of the BATHROOM, CHARLES smacking his face as he nods and pushes play on a PORTABLE CD PLAYER, CHARLES smirking as “INTERGALACTIC” by the BEASTIE BOYS begins playing as SHANE hears the music start and shakes his head as he comes over and flops down on the bed. INT. MARK'S ROOM MARK is scanning through EMAILS on a secure server on his LAPTOP as BRIAN was passed out on the bed beside him, MARK picking his phone up as he dials a number. MARK Hey...I've been getting some weird emails from a guy in New York City claiming that there's a giant hub of VAMPS there...sounds to good to be true, but he's consistent and he's got a lot of good evidence to show for it. SHANE (O.S.) Sounds like a sting. MARK That's what I was thinking, the last few emails seem way to forced and desperate compared to what he was sending. SHANE (O.S.) Hm. So maybe he does have something, but you think maybe the FBI is attached itself to him? MARK It's my gut feeling. SHANE (O.S.) Lets stick towards something closer to VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA and what not for now. Keep your eyes on any changes in future emails, could be something to look into. MARK Alright man. MARK hangs up as studies the pictures of A GIANT CATHEDRAL with a very ominous tone to it, as other snapshots around the CATHEDRAL show hundreds of VAMPS coming and going. INT. CATHEDRAL The NICELY DECORATED CATHEDRAL was covered in abstract ART, Victorian style furniture, decorum and every religious symbol and reference torn and scrapped out as HUNDREDS of VAMPIRES were conversing and talking amongst themselves in the large FOYER as a VAMPIRE comes over and whispers something into a MAN'S EAR who was in a fine three piece suit, sipping from a goblet as he smirks. CHRIS CAVILL is lead towards the back of the CATHEDRAL down a series of SPIRALING STEPS that leads to a LARGE CRYPT lit by CANDLES and had rows and rows of COFFINS. The VAMPIRE leads CHRIS down towards the VERY end of the room, where a LONE COFFIN was set apart from the rest as the VAMPIRE nods and bows before CHRIS, who touches the COFFIN with a clawed hand. CHRIS It is finally time...? VAMPIRE I heard the beating of her own heart...she will awaken soon... CHRIS Leave us...and inform the others of her return... The VAMPIRE does as he is told and leaves as CHRIS waits a few more moments, walking about the COFFIN as he leans his head against it, listening for himself as he hears a heart beat. CHRIS Our QUEEN...it is time for you to arise... CHRIS steps away slowly as he feels the COFFIN shake, CHRIS walking downwards from the ALTAR STEPS as he drops to a knee and lowers his head as FOG begins to appear billowing out of the COFFIN as the LID opens slowly, and the BRUNETTE WOMAN from the VERY BEGINNING sits up, yawning and screeching at the same time as she feels her chest, looking down as she see's a large hole in her chest with her beating heart slightly exposed as her face, contorted and twisted in the monstrous VAMPIRIC FORM begins to subside and shift towards her beautiful older woman features. REBECCA SCOTT, QUEEN of the VAMPIRES gets out of her COFFIN as she looks about the CRYPT as she stretches and yawns as CHRIS stands before her, REBECCA looking at him before stepping down a few steps, CHRIS extending his hand towards her as she takes it, looking down at herself as she was covered in a fine lace black dress which showcased her bodies curves and breasts. REBECCA Where...Am I? CHRIS My QUEEN... REBECCA I remember...my getaway home for the summer...that boy...and his friend... CHRIS Their names were... REBECCA CHARLES...I remember him...I seduced him...didn't turn him right away...wanted a boy toy...his friend...SHANE I believe... CHRIS Yes my QUEEN. REBECCA They...attacked my home...killed my children...and me... CHRIS They staked you, but they did not finish the job. We were able to recover you and those of yours whom had remained as well before they could finish the job. REBECCA How long... CHRIS Almost five years... REBECCA Five years... CHRIS There has been...some changes in the world... REBECCA Are they dead? CHRIS No...they in fact have exposed us...though their influence is still small...they have been...hurting us. They call themselves the STAKE BROTHERS, and have an internet show called Stake Brothers, inc... REBECCA You've allowed them...not only to live...but to expose us...and to kill us...for five years... CHRIS We did not think that they could make... REBECCA grabs CHRIS by his throat and lifts him up, CHRIS grabbing her hand as she dug her claws into his throat, CHRIS gasping for air as REBECCA looks about at the CRYPT full of COFFINS. REBECCA And these? CHRIS Some of your children from your summer home...and...others...whom were staked but not finished off from a few years ago... REBECCA drops him as he gasps and feels the blood oozing down his neck as REBECCA slowly walks down the CRYPT, touching her hand across a few of the COFFINS. REBECCA How many of them have awoken? CHRIS None yet, we have only focused our intentions on you, doing the blood transfusions and what not... REBECCA And what of...this? REBECCA shows him the four inch around hole that was protruding through her DRESS. CHRIS It...is a permanent scar. It will not repair. REBECCA A reminder... CHRIS We await you upstairs, My QUEEN. We have waited long and with heavy hearts to finally have you rise again. REBECCA Take me to them. CHRIS extends an arm as she takes it, CHRIS leading her up the stairs. INT. CATHEDRAL The VAMPIRES stand side by side as the CANDLES lit the area as they all face the ALTAR as CHRIS leads REBECCA up to it as the VAMPIRES begin chanting in Latin, their Red eyes shining through the darkness that the CANDLES do not illuminate as REBECCA studies their faces with a scowl as CHRIS stands a few steps down to her right. REBECCA For five years I have been asleep. Dead even. I have felt my life pulse become severed...severed from all of you...my children. I return...with a heavy heart...and a reminder...of my own carelessness. REBECCA shows her wound to them, listening to the gasps of shock and appalled horror from the collective VAMPIRES. REBECCA And though I return...I find myself...enraged. Enraged by the fact that the the very same humans who did this to me...are the very same...whom have littered the CRYPT below with our dead...whom have killed...countless more. I have returned...to seek my revenge...and to thrust us into a new age. CHRIS My QUEEN...? REBECCA For too long have we hid in the shadows...for to long have we...the dominant species in this world been subjected to hide. The HUMANS wanted to expose us...Then let us show them...the folly of their mistake...for humans are to simple minded...and ignorant to truly accept our outing, and in that ignorance lies our new uprising, our ascension into the light...from our shadows. We will feast tonight...we will gain our strength and we will force this world to crumble upon its own indulgence. I will paint this world with the blood of all, and at the helm of their destruction will be these TWO...STAKE BROTHERS... The VAMPIRES howl and cheer as CHRIS looks horrified as REBECCA calms them with a simple hand gesture. REBECCA So go forth tonight and enjoy yourself...but more importantly...bring back something for dessert. The VAMPIRES screech as some shape shift into their BAT forms others into WOLVES as the rest walk out of the CATHEDRAL in their normal form, REBECCA smiling as she watches them soldier out with murder in their eyes as REBECCA comes down beside CHRIS. REBECCA Bring me a video camera and a crew...I want to watch every one of these STAKE BROS, INC episodes you have told me about. REBECCA smirks as she heads off towards the back as CHRIS watches the Last VAMPIRE leave. MONTAGE The STREETS of NEW YORK CITY after MIDNIGHT become a blood bath as VAMPIRES were feasting at a frantic and violent frenzy, sucking down and ripping apart all kinds of people from alleyways, parks, homes, in apartment complexes and all in between as some are being drug and taken from their homes, jobs, etc. EXT. MOTEL JESSICA yawns as she comes out as DAWN was breaking, JESSICA watching as the others were already up and alert, CHARLES coming over and holding a hand out towards her as she smiles and hands him her SUITCASE, CHARLES taking it around the back as SHANE comes up to her. SHANE Morning. JESSICA Hey. SHANE We're about to head out, we drew up shifts, four hour intervals, you got third, after me and MARK. JESSICA Okay. SHANE Alright. MARK, where we going? MARK Small town outside of DUMFRIES, VIRGINIA. Seems we got ourselves a mini vamp outbreak...but I'm getting a lot of emails recently from this guy in NEW YORK this morning...said there's over a hundred plus dead bodies found, torn to shreds, decapitated, sucked dry even. And almost as many missing... SHANE We can't risk that, not yet. MARK I know but... SHANE Just...let's take care of this in VIRGINIA and then...we'll see. MARK nods as he gets into the back, helping JESSICA in as CHARLES shuts the doors and hops into the PASSENGER SIDE as SHANE goes around and gets in, turning the VAN on as he takes off. INT. APARTMENT COMPLEX AGENT HUGO PIKE and ANDREW FOREE look the crime scene over as THREE BODIES, a MAN, FEMALE, and what was a SMALL CHILD were torn and shredded apart about the APARTMENT. ANDREW covers his mouth in horror as HUGO shakes his head as he looks around at the FORENSICS specialist and local law enforcement were all about. ANDREW Jesus Christ, HUGO. HUGO This is off...this is... ANDREW What the hell could've done this...this looks like a lion or something came in here and torn them apart. HUGO I don't know, but whoever “DATONEGUY45” is, he thinks this is connected to VAMPIRES. And I gotta say...I can't discount it. ANDREW I mean...did you hear about the official numbers? HUGO Yeah. ANDREW I don't spook easy, HUGO. You know that, but that's not normal. Even for NEW YORK CITY. HUGO Yeah. ANDREW Boss is going to to have a field day, the damn entire agency is being sent down to examine some of the other murders. Not to mention the missing persons cases that have popped up lately. HUGO checks his phone as he notices a new text message from an unknown number, HUGO checking it as he reads the words “MEET ME OUTSIDE, NOW”. HUGO taps ANDREW and shows him his phone, HUGO waiting for ANDREW to hand it back before he makes towards the door. ANDREW You're just going to go? HUGO If it's who I think it is, we may finally be going somewhere. HUGO and ANDREW move under the yellow tape as they head out. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX. The TWO come out, looking about as the POLICE CARS and VANS were parked about the area as a small crowd was gathered behind the roadblocks as the TWO look about before noticing a MIDDLE AGED MAN waving them down towards the end of the street, HUGO patting ANDREW on his chest and pointing him out, the TWO walking over towards them. The MAN nods at them and begins down the side of the street, walking into a nearby Alley, ANDREW pulling his .45 as HUGO cautiously follows, as the MAN holds his arms up. MAN You can check me, I'm not a threat... ANDREW does a quick pat down before nodding and holstering his gun, HUGO looking around as they were the only ones around. HUGO DATONEGUY45? JASON HICKS nods as he rubs his head. JASON Yeah, that's me, and because of you, the real people who could be coming to help me, won't. ANDREW Calm down. JASON No! I don't have to calm down, I don't know if you haven't noticed, but in a matter of twelve hours, 148 people are confirmed dead, drained of blood, or torn apart, or worse. That's not even counting the dozens upon dozens of missing persons reports being filed all through out the day. ANDREW How do you know all this, are you hacking into... JASON I'm an Ex Cop asshole! I have insides. HUGO Calm down. JASON Just... HUGO It's okay. Look, we don't have a good idea or even a rational one of what the hell is going on here. Now, I've had my department latch themselves onto your IP addresses and servers because we believe you believe in VAMPIRES... JASON I don't believe to just believe... JASON unbuttons his shirt, the TWO stepping back as JASON reveals a horrible clawed scar going down his chest. JASON I survived them. ANDREW What the hell...? JASON Two years ago, working a beat, found a guy...dragging this man into an alley about eight blocks from here. I worked him over, got the guy off but...that face...it wasn't human, even I knew that, I didn't hesitate, I pulled my service action, and I plugged him. With every round I had. Did nothing. He slashed my chest open, one hard swipe with his left hand. I was down...i was about to get my neck chewed on, but this... JASON shows them the cross hanging on a necklace around his neck. JASON This is the only thing that saved me. Spent six weeks in the hospital, no one believing me...everyone just discounting me off as having some traumatic mental breakdown after being attacked by a mad man. Put in my resignation a few weeks after that. HUGO Dear god... JASON Since then I've been searching for them...and what I've found...it's bigger then anything those TWO KIDS have found, but their the only ones who could help me. HUGO What do you have? ANDREW HUGO... HUGO We don't have anything else to go on...we said we were going to follow this through regardless, this is it. JASON Look. JASON pulls something out of his back pocket and unfolds a map, ANDREW and HUGO coming over as JASON pins it against the closest wall. JASON About a year ago, I started noticing activity around this area. Traced the genesis coming from here. ANDREW What is it? JASON It's an old CATHEDRAL that's been Uninhabited for awhile, until ten months ago. Some shell corporation bought it, and our doing “renovations to it”. Since that time, within a 30 mile radius there's been an exponential increase in missing persons reports, and deaths. Fast forward to last night. I get photos of at least two hundred people filing in...and...the next day I've got a 100 mile radius sweep, and even more death and destruction. And this is only the beginning of whatever was started last night, I know it. ANDREW Jesus Christ. HUGO So you're saying this is what, their hub? JASON VAMP CENTRAL. I can't do anything about it, I've only killed a handful of VAMPIRES myself... ANDREW gives HUGO a look but HUGO nods it off as JASON notices it as well. JASON Look, if you didn't believe me, why even show up? Maybe you don't (nodding towards ANDREW) But I know you do. HUGO I'm starting to, but I need more. JASON I can get you more. But it's not gonna be pretty. Or...sane. HUGO What do you mean? JASON If I show you proof, you have to promise me...that you'll help me get the STAKE BROTHERS here...no matter what. Do we have a deal? HUGO Yes. ANDREW HUGO... HUGO We need this lead. And if he's telling the truth, we need to know what the hell is going on out there. JASON Follow me, you can keep your gun on me if you like, if that'll make you feel better, Agent...? ANDREW FOREE. And no, I won't do that...yet. JASON nods and lights a cigarette before heading down the ALLEY towards a parked NISSAN as HUGO and ANDREW follow, both wearing a different expression as they climb into the CAR. EXT. OPEN FIELD JESSICA looks about nervously as they were parked off in the distance in a WOODED AREA with an OPEN CLEARING, JESSICA holding two batons as CHARLES and SHANE were holding a few of them as well as BRIAN was filming, MARK watching on the camera feeds as he tokes up. JESSICA Are you sure about this...? CHARLES We gotta get your training started at some point. JESSICA But I'm a black belt in Tae Kwan Do and Karate. CHARLES Really? JESSICA Yes. CHARLES looks at SHANE who nods. SHANE Part of the reason I wanted her in the first place. CHARLES Well, all that aside. We're not teaching you Kung Fu here, we're teaching your VAMP FU. SHANE VAMP FU? CHARLES VAMP motherfucking FU, I didn't stutter. JESSICA Uh... SHANE It's not all about GRACE with VAMPS, it's about blunt force, and some fineness. JESSICA Okay. CHARLES Alright you come at us. JESSICA Are you sure? CHARLES Come at us, and let us... JESSICA charges and front kicks CHARLES in his chest, CHARLES tumbling backwards as he lands hard on the grass as SHANE spins the BATONS and starts swinging them at her chest and legs, JESSICA blocking them before she knocks SHANE'S arms down and knees him in the groin, SHANE reeling as she drops the BATONS and knees him in the face. SHANE falls over backwards before CHARLES rushes up and tackles JESSICA, JESSICA kneeing up and hits CHARLES in the stomach, CHARLES reeling as JESSICA palms CHARLES in the nose before she flips him over and pins him, CHARLES smirking at her as JESSICA shakes her and elbows him in the jaw, knocking the smirk off of his face as SHANE suddenly appears and puts a BLADE to her throat, JESSICA looking up at him shocked as CHARLES holds his nose. SHANE Be mindful of everything around you, as easy as I could of put this to your throat, is as easy as they could of sunk their teeth into you. JESSICA looks afraid as SHANE carefully pulls the knife away and puts it away as JESSICA stands and gets off of CHARLES, CHARLES getting up as JESSICA touches her neck. SHANE Are you okay? JESSICA Yes, sorry...just wasn't expecting that. SHANE Expect everything. JESSICA I will now. CHARLES Okay, so she can handle herself in the self defense and ass kicking department. Hows your aim? JESSICA Wonky. CHARLES Well, BRIAN here was a NRA rifle club member and bulls-eye shooter. JESSICA Really? BRIAN Yep yep. CHARLES He helped us get way better. And we even picked your weapon for you, BURGS. JESSICA Okay... SHANE goes over to a BAG and opens it, pulling out a QUAD BARRELED SHOTGUN. JESSICA Whoa. CHARLES Inspired by a favorite horror movie of mine, a former Intern with some engineering experience created this little beauty. JESSICA Four barrels? SHANE Fires off four rounds, holds sixteen. So you got four shots. But the devastation this thing causes. All the shells have the crosses carved into them and though they don't really kill the vampires... CHARLES It blows them into pieces, and that's fun to watch. JESSICA Doesn't look like I need a lot of training to shoot this thing though? CHARLES You don't for that, because that's not really for you, that's just one of our many usable weapons that we have on the shelf. This one is yours... SHANE also pulls out what looks like a MODIFIED GRENADE LAUNCHER. SHANE This is an M32 Multiple Round Grenade Launcher, which we modified to fire these... SHANE opens up the cartridge and begins loading it with SILVER AND WOODEN SPIKES. JESSICA laughing and clapping as SHANE loads it and cocks the cartridge back into place, before he aims at a nearby tree and fires, watching a STAKE fire out and hit the tree, embedding nearly halfway through. JESSICA Holy shit, I remember seeing this in some of your episodes. CHARLES Use to be mine, but I traded it in for the SUPER SOAKER. SHANE I'm not really into using heavy weaponry, so we figured passing it down to the INTERNS as a way of...welcoming them would be the best course to take. So... SHANE holds it to her, JESSICA hands CHARLES the QUAD BARREL as she takes the M32 into her arms, BRIAN handing SHANE the CAMERA as he comes over and begins coaching her, CHARLES putting the QUAD BARREL away as he comes over to SHANE. SHANE She kicked your ass. CHARLES You didn't fair any better. SHANE I faired better than you. CHARLES I think she likes me. SHANE Get over yourself. CHARLES I would never, that would be cheating. SHANE Shut up. SHANE elbows him away as CHARLES laughs and comes over, taking the bag as BRIAN was coaching JESSICA who was getting a feel of her new weapon. EXT. WAREHOUSE JASON brings the NISSAN to a stop outside of a WAREHOUSE off the docks, HUGO and ANDREW stepping out as they look about as JASON comes over and leads them towards the WAREHOUSE. JASON I rented this place a few weeks ago when I...you'll see. JASON comes over towards a door as he unlocks it and stops before opening the door, JASON turning to the TWO AGENTS as he looks uncertain. JASON I understand the trepidation you guys are working with. I was a COP, I've heard all kinds of stories, and crazy shit when I worked the beat, and even as a dispatcher so I know that...what I've told you, what you've probably looked into seems...crazy. But It's all true. It's real...and this...this is going to change your entire world. JASON opens the door and steps back, letting the TWO AGENTS walk in first before closing the door. INT. WAREHOUSE JASON comes over as ANDREW and HUGO look about to see all the windows had been blacked out, ANDREW SQUINTING to look at something that was in the middle of the room as JASON flips a switch, turning a light on. ANDREW draws his .45 and aims it at JASON once he saw what was in the middle of the room, HUGO grabbing ANDREW by the arm as ANDREW was screaming for JASON to get his hands up as A MAN was chained down, CROSSES placed all about around him as JASON keeps his stoic look as ANDREW was trying to keep his gun drawn on him. HUGO Stop, ANDREW stop! ANDREW This isn't right, HUGO, this is fucking kidnapping, there is no such thing as... HUGO Goddammit, ANDREW did you even look! ANDREW What are you... HUGO Look! HUGO spins ANDREW forcefully to look at the MAN in the CHAIR, JASON not moving as ANDREW suddenly begins lowering his gun, his eyes showing the confusion, horror and shock as the MAN was monstrous, his hands were dangling down, clawed and long, his face was not human at all, just a twisted mess of horror, fangs, and red eyes. JASON steps up towards it with ANDREW and HUGO slowly following, processing what they were seeing as JASON begins speaking. JASON I found him a few weeks ago, beat him down...got him pinned...I wanted to kill it, but I couldn't...I don't know why...but I knew...I knew if I could keep it alive long enough...I could show someone, anyone, and they'd have to believe. ANDREW What's...wrong with it? JASON Hasn't fed in weeks...it's weak...it's...dying I think. The VAMPIRE tries to move but doesn't muster much motion as it was breathing heavily. HUGO This is...this is real, isn't it? JASON As real as it gets. ANDREW Holy fuck. Oh fuck...fuck fuck fuck... ANDREW grabs his head as he walks back, clearly freaking out as HUGO comes over and gets closer towards it, studying it carefully as JASON stands guard. HUGO Shit...God... JASON That's whom I have to thank for at least keeping me alive up to this point. HUGO What are you going to do with it? JASON I don't know. It won't be alive much longer, But I guess I can keep it here, so you can show it to your ups? HUGO They won't believe us...they'll come up with everything and anything to discredit it, lock you away even I'm sure. They'll call this special effects and make up... JASON AGENT FOREE. ANDREW Yes... JASON I need you to see this. ANDREW See what? JASON picks up a rock and tosses it at a window, watching as it shatters, and the sun comes pouring in, hitting the VAMPIRE and the immediate area around them as HUGO and ANDREW jump back as the VAMPIRE began to screech and thrash violently in it's chained seat for a few moments before bursting into flames, HUGO and ANDREW watching as it was still screeching as it was melting away into nothing before bursting into ashes. ANDREW reels and vomits, as HUGO was shaking, HUGO hiding it by grabbing the hand that was shaking as JASON comes over to him. JASON Well...now you two believe me right? HUGO nods as ANDREW just covers his face and sits down as HUGO rubs his chin, lost in thought. HUGO So what now? JASON What now? You help me bring the STAKE BROTHERS to NEW YORK. EXT. STREET MARK comes from across the STREET with JESSICA as SHANE sticks his head out of the passenger side. MARK We've got confirmation that the area they're targeting is a backwoods little town about six miles west from here. SHANE Alright, let's get going, did you start up the countdown for the show tonight? MARK Yeah, lotta hits already, they're pretty surprised we're putting out an episode so quickly. SHANE Yeah. MARK and JESSICA climb into the VAN as BRIAN shuts the door as CHARLES takes off, “GET BACK” by LUDACRIS was blaring as he took off west. INT. REBECCA'S CHAMBERS CHRIS knocks a few times before he steps inside, but he quickly turns his back as REBECCA was having sex with a series of GOOD LOOKING YOUNG VAMPIRES, CHRIS clearing his throat as REBECCA looks over at CHRIS. REBECCA Care to join me, love? CHRIS It seems you have enough as it is. REBECCA The pleasures of the flesh...should always be enjoyed. CHRIS I have news, my Queen. REBECCA Speak, or join. CHRIS The STAKE BROTHERS have begun a countdown on their website, there will be an episode aired later on this morning it seems. REBECCA stops writhing and pushes a YOUNG MAN away, but as another kept on, REBECCA turns and snaps his neck all the way around, the VAMPIRE howling in pain as the others quickly jump up and away from here as she grabs a ROBE and covers herself, coming over towards CHRIS who finally turns to face her. REBECCA So soon? I must say, I am bit surprised..and happy. CHRIS Are we ready to begun such an...venture? REBECCA As long as you held up your end of the bargain. Walk with me. REBECCA opens her chamber door and heads out, CHRIS following close behind as he shuts the door. INT. CATHEDRAL REBECCA hisses as she spots a SUN SPOT coming from a WINDOW atop from them, CHRIS leading her to the RIGHT as the entire CATHEDRAL had blacked out windows, blocking the SUN rays from entering as the place was candle lit. REBECCA I can sense some hesitation on your end about all of this, CHRIS. I wanted to ask you about your thoughts on the matter. CHRIS It is not my place. REBECCA You have been running this venture since I went into my death sleep, I want to know what the former head of the vampires is feeling about my plan? CHRIS grits his teeth as he stops, REBECCA crossing her hands as she turns and faces him. CHRIS I feel...that we may be overstepping our bounds. You are my QUEEN. But you are not on the HIGH COUNCIL. I feel that once word reaches them of what you plan on doing...it could spell disaster for us. REBECCA The HIGH COUNCIL are old fools. Living in their dank crypts, hiding and having food brought to them like fast food. They are blind to the realities of the world around us, of the culture and it's paradigm shift. I am forcing their hand in change. And I believe they will see reason once they see the progress I make here in the states. CHRIS I will hope so. REBECCA begins towards the far end of the CATHEDRAL, CHRIS following as she opens the door and hears the frantic and loud scared screams of hundreds of people who are being locked away in caged pens, REBECCA smirking as she watches VAMPIRES guarding about the area as REBECCA touches ones face and kisses another, CHRIS looking at the scared and confused faces of the HUMANS who are being kept captive as she comes over and looks at the CAMERA EQUIPMENT being set up and prepared as she smirks. REBECCA You have done well, CHRIS. I will not forget this, nor will I forget everything you have done for me in bringing me back...even with your failings. CHRIS Thank you my queen. REBECCA I tire...but I would like a snack before bed. CHRIS Of course. CHRIS snaps his fingers and a VAMPIRE reaches into a pen and pulls out a SMALL 8 YEAR OLD BOY, The VAMPIRE holding him still as he struggles and tries to fight free but can't as REBECCA comes over and bends down, the BOY stopping his thrashing as he looks into her dark piercing eyes, REBECCA smiling at him. REBECCA It's okay...You don't have to be afraid of me. I am here to show you a different side of the world...to free you from the shackles of your ...existence. You are young, so I know you do not understand...but for the rest of you... REBECCA looks around before she pulls the BOY towards her and drives her FANGS into the BOY'S NECK, the BOY whimpering in pain as she thrashes and shakes as the BOY was quickly losing color as the HUMANS watching were screaming and crying in terror as she was chomping and biting into his neck, watching as the neck was stretching and tearing about as she slurped it all town before biting through the BOY'S NECK, the HEAD severing as it rolls a few feet away from the body as REBECCA lets go of the body, kicking the body towards a VAMPIRE who takes it and picks it up, drinking the blood that was oozing freely from the neck as REBECCA wipes her mouth and rolls her eyes into the back of her head with an almost orgasmic look as she opens her eyes and touches her body sensually before she smiles and begins walking back towards the way they had come, CHRIS looking a bit disturbed as he lingers on the BOY'S SEVERED HEAD before he turns and follows. |