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Rated: E · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1960975
darkness awaits the innocent soul
Darkness Awaits

It was a long day on the farm the night I was attacked. I had worked for hours in the dreadful heat and my clothes were soiled with sweat. I went in to wash up then I came out to sit on the porch to watch the night sky. The moon was beautiful that night, big and bright like I had never seen it before. I was enjoying my quiet evening until a man approached my porch out of nowhere . I had not a clue where he came from, but he seemed of a nicer breed.
"Wonderful evining isn't it." He said. "Why yes, yes it is. Where do you hail from?" I asked him. "Oh along the woods there, just taking my evening stroll." He stated. "Well that's nice, but a brave man to walk in the dark alone." I told him.
"Yes, well you see it is a whole nother world at night." He said with aggression.
"Oh is it now and what type of world might that be?" I responded.
"This world is not of one to tell let me show you!" He said with a demonic tone.

What I had thought to be a man then attacked me out of nowhere. I felt a severe bit on the side of my neck. It seemed to have been done with razor like teeth. I could feel my warm blood leaving the veins and dripping down my neck. I was confused but I felt release as well. It felt as if he was going to drain me dry of everything. Not only my life but everything I had earned in it. Just as I began to feel weak he stopped. He then bit himself and forced some of his own blood down my throat. The taste was horrible at first, but then I grew to love it. He then stated"Now it is time to be reborn, now it is time to become immortal , now it is time to become a creature of the night. Let me show you the unknown world of darkness!"
Then i felt him twist my neck and the last thing I herd as a human being was the bones of my neck cracking. I awoke on what seemed to be the next night in my bed. It was true, I was reborn a new creature. I could run at fast speeds and my eyes could see everything. I could hear the heart beat of every living thing. I craved blood every minute. My new hobby was draining a human off all there blood. Killing was my way of living and I have some news for you my friend.
It is now time for me to take your soul......
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