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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1960546
This is the storyline of most stories, names have been changed to protect the innocent.

There is an Army of monkeys Invading Nevada NY (By the by they aren't flying monkeys...). Oneder went to the store one day with his girlfriend Goldie But as they got to the store a flock of monkeys jumped on them and kidnapped Goldie. But unfortunately their leader is Sparta, An evil Man who loves things with a g in them. So he sent his monkeys out to get all the things with g's. But they started coming back with stuff like golf clubs and go-carts. Sparta didn't like either of those things so he sent them out again. Unfortunately once again the monkeys took things like sewer grates and grandfathers/grandmothers. So Sparta kept these things but sent them out again. This time they found Goldie. They figured that Sparta wanted something and that was the best they could do.

Anyways they took her and Oneder had to go to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro to get to Sparta. On the way Oneder has to fight monkeys with a baseball bat. While on his way he meets up with John Wane. "Howdy Partner." Who is trying also to get to Mount Kilimanjaro to get Sparta (What a coincidence). So they band together to get to Sparta and save Goldie.

They need to get a ride up the mountain because the mountain is so high it would take three years to get to the top. So they look around and find a Pegasus. When they get close to the Pegasus it flies off leaving them in the dust. Oneder is completely devastated and thinks there is no way to reach the top of the mountain without a Pegasus. That's when a flying fish comes out of the sea! (Did I mention it was next to the sea? Another great coincidence) John Wane captures two fish and makes a deal with them that he will let them go if they help him and Oneder get to the top of the mountain. They continue on their journey and reach the top of the mountain in one night.

They come to a large entrance going deep into the mountain. John Wane conveniently has some rope with him and they begin to climb down into the mountain. They get half way when John accidentally slips! His fall is cushioned by a flying fish that was trapped inside the mountain (Just one convenience after another). It takes them down but when they reach the ground it flies off leaving them trapped in a cage. Sparta knew that they had been coming and had prepared. But not enough John Wane takes out his gun and shoots the ropes that are holding the cage together. The pieces fall apart towards the monkeys and smashes several of them (Without killing [because this is a kids story] them). John Wane fights off the rest of the monkeys while Oneder goes for Sparta. Sparta Fights Oneder and is about to win when and all the sudden Goldie knocks him unconscious. The monkeys, without Sparta to control them, suddenly turn nice and friendly and help Oneder and Goldie and John Wane get out of the mountain and return all the g stuff they took. Sparta Regains consciousness and starts plotting for revenge. But there is no Sequel.

Pretty much this is the basic story of most stories (Even if not this silly or, sometimes, sillier). This is it and I wrote all this in 16 minutes.

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