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Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1960066
What happens when two halves of a soul meet!
The Lonely Sole

Once upon a time, in a not so far off place, there lived a lonely soul. The lonely soul was uncertain of his purpose in the great scheme of things. This poor soul led a robotic and mundane life. He had little joy and felt the energy seeping from his pores each day. The following is a brief description of the events that led to his saving.

The story starts with the lonely soul enslaved by the man. His dreams have been squashed and thoughts of a meaningful life were few and far between. The day that began his transformation was like any other. The lonely soul dragged himself out of the house and headed to the salt mine. And once there he started his mindless duties and counted the seemingly endless hours until he could return home. What the lonely soul hadn’t realized is today he would meet an angel!

Interviews were taking place that day and one sheep after another came and went to the slaughter. The lonely soul was busier than usual and the interviews only exasperated this situation further. He had just sat down when the door swung open for the billionth time. The lonely soul exhaled a much needed and long overdue sigh. Suddenly the soul was taken by surprise! In walked a dark haired beauty and as he fumbled for something to say this heavenly creature smiled. Her smile was unlike any other every seen. This smile was enchanting and sparkled with the brilliance of the most perfectly cut diamond. Nothing else existed in that moment except the angel, her smile, and the lonely soul. The lonely soul smiled back but knew deep down it would be a waste of time. No one this captivating could be available and if she was then surely she would have nothing to do with the likes of a drab and lonely soul. But the lonely soul was hooked and as the angel floated down the hallway he could only pray that she would get the job.

From that point on the soul had no problem getting to work. He welcomed the early morning rise and the hassles of rush hour traffic. For the sooner he made it to work then the sooner he could see that smile. And it wasn’t just the smile that melted his heart it was an intricate combination of so many little things. The angel hair that looked as soft as silk, eyes so warm and inviting and a well proportioned body that could melt a glacier. There were so many other stunning features that if we wrote them all down the story would make War and Peace look like a paperback.

However we could not move any further without mentioning the gracious heart that pumped inside this being. When the angel spoke her words were soft and caressing. They made you feel like the only thing that mattered was the moment at hand. She had a genuine presence about her that the lonely soul had never seen before.

The angel’s presence certainly hindered the souls’ work output. He could never concentrate on the task at hand because he wondered when he could get another glimpse of the most precious creature alive. To the soul’s surprise the angel started spending time with him. The two would talk, laugh, and all seemed right with the world. As time went on the lonely soul got scared and began to feel something that he could not explain. Every time the angel was around his pulse raced and his palms became sweaty. And every time he thought of her he would loose his breath. The soul found himself wanting to spend every waking moment with the angel.

Though the angel and the soul are from different backgrounds when they were together it was as if there was one person in front of you. They could complete each other's sentences and be completely natural with each other. The soul wasn’t lonely anymore. In fact the soul’s heart was spoken for the moment she walked through the door. But this scared the soul because he didn’t know if the angel felt the same way. The soul desperately wanted to convey it’s feelings but he knew he would be unable to handle any kind of rejection so he said nothing.

Then came the fateful day when the angel’s guard drop and let her feelings slip out. She told the soul she loved him and then walked off. But the angel thought that the soul had not heard her express how she felt. The soul in fact had heard his angel. But alass he still did not act on his feelings for he was under the delusion that this was all just a dream. He knew the old saying that if it was too good to be true then it probably was. This angel was most definitely too good to be true!

The day’s turned into weeks and weeks into months. It was finally time to test how his angel really felt. The soul asked for the angel’s hand in marriage and she agreed without hesitation. The wedding was grand and was enjoyed by all. The soul had never been happier in his life not even at the birth of his daughter. They started a family that grew continued to grow along with their love.

Today is the sixth anniversary of the wedlock between the soul and the angel. Though they have had their times when things weren’t always bright they persevered and never gave up. No matter what the situation no matter how bleak it looked the angel and the soul refused to stop loving each other. They are as much in love today as they were back then and I am certain that it will never end. But they are not the same as they were on that fateful day six years ago. Then again how could they be when they are now united as one? For the angel was the soul’s other half. She was the reason for his existence and because of her his dreams come true. Now he has new and exciting dreams that include his angel.

This story can’t even come close to expressing what the soul feels but the one thing he is certain of is that without her he would have faded away a long time ago. But no matter what the future holds for them he knows that as long as the angel is with him then they will be able to handle anything that God puts before him. The soul knows this because God told him so. The lord almighty has not revealed what their purpose is in his master plan. The one thing he did show this once lonely soul is that he is a far better man with the angel than he could ever be without.
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