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When a visitor calls. Very important to read the first chapters or you'll feel very lost. |
4 Visitations Five years passed and Alahni grew fast and strong, her inquisitive nature and quick wit earned her as many enemies as friends. Her sun yellow eyes always looking and investigating. Whilst not an introvert she was not an outgoing person either. Her reserved behaviour with new people had made some dislike her from the start. And those who did like her were often annoyed at her for her use of ‘tricks’, small self taught magics. One mild autumn eve, with the leaves just beginning to show the red and golden hues of the season, a stranger came to Imi Tahn riding an impressive mare of the Shim Sayn. This marked him as a mage or the servant of one, only Telahn Shi could send a man with that breed of horse. Almost the whole village came to see this visitor, talking in low voices or smiling and laughing nervously. The older Nea merely watched, taking in everything they saw and heard, looks of thoughtful contemplation in their eyes. As he arrived at the council chambers and dismounted Etahne the Ter’tehn of Imi Tahn greeted him effusively and shepherded him in to the council chambers, earning him some disgruntled looks from a few of the elders. As he turned to close the door behind him, Alahni saw him look at her and then quickly away. Wondering who he was, she made her way towards the edge of the square away from the crowd. Reaching the east side of the square she turned into Sellers Way, then left into Potter’s Cut the circular street that ran all the way around behind the buildings of the square. There she found her friend Merahn climbing on to the roof of Old Potters Shack, one of the oldest buildings in Imi Tahn, sadly dilapidated now since the potters’ son had been trading at Nea Otu. The increased trade with the humans had made a lot of Nea rich although many still refused to trade outside of Nea Occan, The Masking. “Get down from there Meercat; you’ll break your silly neck!” Merahn, just reaching the lip of the roof and reaching for a hold, nearly lost his grip when he jumped at the sound of her voice. “Bulls’ balls Alleycat, you nearly be killin’ me!” he said, gulping for air. “Well I dint kills you, but your da’ will if he ever hears you talk like that!” she scolded, putting her hands on her hips. Her friend flashed a mischievous grin at her and shimmied his way down to the ground. “Whats ya be doin’ up there anyway?” She asked him. “I wanted to see the visitor, din’t I.” he said as if it were obvious. “Well he's gone inside the chambers now, Etahne rushed him straight in before anyone could speak to him.” “Bulls’…” “Meercat!” “Sorry.” “Listen, there is one way we mights be able to see ‘im!” said Alahni. “How?” said Merahn, whispering conspiratorially. “Well,” she also lowered her voice, “if we follow the Cut round we'll get to Kennans' Rest and that backs onto the chambers don’t it?!” She winked at him. “Oh Alleycat you're a genius!” he said, smiling from ear to ear. “Let's go!” He turned and began running along the curving street. “Hey! No fair!” She shouted after him. “But I'll still beat you!” “Not likely!” Came the reply. As she saw him round the curve ahead she slipped into the gap between Old Potters Shack and New Potters turned to follow the curving back wall and entered the tranquil surrounds of Kennans' Rest. She was already sitting calmly on the bench under the ancient Silver Willow when Merahn entered the peaceful little garden. “No Fair! You used one of your tricks!” “No I din’t!” she replied in a hissed whisper. “An' keep your voice down or they'll hear us!” Merahn subsided into grumbling protest but didn't raise his voice again. Slowly they crept towards the rear windows of the chambers. Hearing voices, she waved him to silence. Glaring at her he stopped his grumbling and crept closer to the open window. “…and how was your journey through Kennans’ Rac, are they still having trouble there with those damned Nil Shoy robbing every traveller who passes?” They recognised the voice of Etahne. The low chuckle that followed belonged to the visitor. “They were, until I decided to travel by normal means! They won’t be in shape enough to put two words together for some time.” “Ha, well done man, well done!” said Etahne, a broad smile on his face. “Well Etahne old friend, to business!” said the stranger, “There’ll be plenty of time to catch up, I’ll be here for some time.” “Who’s he to be stayin’ here for long?” whispered Merahn. “Shhh… They’ll hear us and then we’ll be in trouble!” hissed Alahni, waving him to silence. Boys, she thought, always talkin’. She cautiously looked over the windowsill to see if they'd been discovered; as she looked in they had turned to a table on the opposite wall from the window where drinks had been left for them. The conversation had paused while they served themselves. As they turned back to the window Alahni quickly ducked below the sill. “Tell me Merakii, what happens with the girl now? “Nothing for now, I’ll stay here for a time assessing her abilities and then her training will begin.” “Are you able to tell me what that consist of?” Etahne asked him. “Ha! I often forget after all these years that Shin (magic) can seem very mysterious to those who don't have the use of it.” He smiled to show he meant no slight. “Etahne, a thing that even mages are prone to forgetting is that magic is something natural to the Nea.” He paused to sip the wine he had served himself. Raising his eyebrow, “My my! This wine could rival our own from Telahn Shi!” “It's from our own vineyards, a particularly fine year that!” “Well, to continue. We were not made of Shin as many believe, but we were certainly made with it. Our bodies are saturated with it.” He paused again to sip his wine, “This really is good old friend!” Smacking his lips with pleasure and turning to the window. Alahni sat down abruptly with her back against the wooden planks of the chambers rear wall. She stared, stunned, at the small stones of the path that ran along the back wall of the building. Merahn seeing her came close, “What be the matter, Alleycat?” “He be a Shi, an' he's come for me.” She said quietly, thinking furiously. He looked at her, concerned for his friend. “What you be thinkin'?” “Hows you know I's thinkin'? I could be doin' one of my tricks to kick you up the bum!” She said, sticking her tongue out at him as she got up and walked towards the gate of the small garden. “Heh… if it were that I'd be rubbin' my ars…” “Meercat!” “Sorry!” “Well?” she looked at him arching her eyebrow questioningly. “Well what?” “Hows you know when I's thinkin'?" “Oh… like when you's concentratin' you crumple up your brow an' squint your eyes.” “Don't!” “Does! An' if you's thinkin' your face goes all smooth, makes you look like a statue it does!” At this he stuck his tongue out at her and raced off shouting over his shoulder, “Beat you to the Watchtree!” “No fair!” She shouted back and promptly used one of her tricks to trip him, then ran past him laughingly taunting him saying “I can cheat as well Meercat!” “No faiiiiiirrrr!” Merakii smiled and turned from the window. “It appears that we had eavesdroppers Etahne, and she is already using magic to do so!” “Ah, her tricks, as she calls them!” “Hmm…yes…” , he paused, tapping his lips as he thought. “But she is making coherent magical constructs, which is amazing if you have no training!” “She's making what?!” “Why don't we take advantage of this lovely evening and sit out in Kennans' Rest?” He smiled, grabbed the wine and made his way towards the back door calling over his shoulder, “Bring the cheese platter and I'll explain a little.” They walked through a door at the side of the window and entered the small garden. A peaceful, relaxing spot, with lots of nooks and alcoves that could only be seen when you were nearly upon them. Some may have found it claustrophobic, but both of them enjoyed the privacy and tranquillity that it afforded them. Walking along its' narrow pathways they headed towards the southernmost point. As they arrived they Kennans' nook where he had always sat to think problems through or just to enjoy the peace. Since the great Shii had left Imi tahn the people of the village had never used his nook out of respect for the many great things he had done for them. The children were taught in the schools that the place was almost sacred (never said, but always inferred). As they passed, Merakii made a vague gesture with his hand. Etahne looked at him enquiringly, “Just a little help for the soil and plants, to maintain the place in case he returns.” He said with a depreciating smile. “Amim(my friend), I know that he was your sponsor to Telahn Shi and your friend, but you know that his kind never live that long.” Merakii sighed, “I know Etahne, I know, but would anything surprise you with Kennan after all that we know of him?” “Ha! True, true.” “So...” Said Etahne as they sat down in another nook nearby “…explain what you meant about Alahnis' abilities?” “Ah, yes!” a rueful smile crossed the old mages' face. “I was getting myself sidetracked.” He made himself a little more comfortable on the Milkstone bench, popped a chunk of cheese in his mouth, took a hearty swig of wine and continued. “What I said was that she is already forming coherent magical constructs, which means that…” he paused and thought. !I think that first I should explain a little about the nature of magic. Now magic is a naturally occurring force that can be used in two ways: the first is the most basic akin to picking a rock up and hitting someone; the second is like taking that same rock preparing a machine with levers and pulleys and launching the rock exactly the desired distance and with the adequate force therefore achieving a desired objective.” Merakii stopped and looked at his friend to see if he'd understood, then continued. “This young mage has, without anyone teaching her, learned how to make those magical levers and pulleys to use magic in a controlled fashion!” Etahne looked at his old friends' smiling face; he could see that the other was obviously enthused by this. “I take it that this kind of self teaching is a rare occurrence?” “Extremely!” his friend said. “As I said earlier magic is natural to Nea, our bodies are infused with it." He paused as if collecting his thoughts. "You see it is commonly thought that Nea are made of magic, but we have found in our studies that this is not true. Nea were made with magic but not of it, magic was used to form us, to light the spark of life in us but is not the substance of which we are made." He let out a short self deprieciating laugh and said "Would you believe that we are made from exactly the same stuff as the humans, from the earth beneath our feet?!" "Never!" Etahne said, his face incredulous. Merakii chuckled at the look on his friends face, "I imagine that the look on my face was much the same when we found out.?" They sat in silence for a moment and Etahne took noticably larger swigs of his wine. "Would you like to know something else?" Now enjoying the shock value merakii looked at Etahne out of the corner of his eye, watching his reaction. Etahne huffed and said, "After that news there couldn't anything much more surprising." Merakii continued watching his friend until he turned to look at him. "All of the fell races are also made of the same." he said quietly. At this his friend stood up explosively saying, "Impossible! Now your poking fun at me aren't you!?" As he had stood the bottle of wine at his side had fallen to the floor, Merakii watched it rotate slowly on its' side. Thank the gods that it was empty! Slowly he lifted his gaze and look at the others face, "No my dear friend, it is very true." slowly Etahne sat down again. "Oh! I got myself sidetracked Etahne. What I was trying to explain was that while magic suffuses our bodies we are not naturally adept at its' use." He smiled, "That is why I say that someone who manages to manipulate it to such a level with absolutely no training is extremely rare!" His friend seemed to think this over. "Hmph! So we have a veritable prodigy on our hands, do we?!" "For now, yes, but sometimes their ability levels out and they become one of many among the Shi." |