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Rated: 18+ · Other · Contest Entry · #1957965
Story written for the October Grand Prize of A Muscle Stretch Writing Contest.
         There was a stillness to the air.  I stood looking towards the graveyard and felt a shiver ripple up my back.  I knew I needed to go there, but I was dreading it.  I wished the moon would pass beyond the clouds and give me some light, but I knew that would be hoping for too much. 

         Gazing up, I felt another ripple of apprehension when I noticed the clouds looked like streaks of blood fingers over the moon.  It seemed as if something was holding the moon captive. I tried to shake off the thoughts and made myself move.

         My eyes scanned the grated rot iron fence looking for any sign or movement.  There was nothing.  I kept my pace slow and tried to reign in the fear that threatened to choke me.  My hands tightened into fists and I breathed deeply forcing the calm in, shaking out the stiffness I had brought into my hands and my whole body.

         I wished for the hundredth time I didn’t have to do this or at least wished the meeting place had been somewhere less obscure.  But Regina had petitioned for this and she had power behind her.  There were many that would not cross her.  I just wished I did not have to go alone.

         When I got to the gate, I paused and closed my eyes willing my body to ease and for confidence to find me.  When I felt I could not procrastinate any longer, I set my hand on the gate and shoved.  It swung wide; the squeal of its hinges cut the night air like nails on a chalkboard. I blew out a breath, then moved through.

         Without touching it, the gate slammed closed after I passed beyond it.  My heart rate skittered to a stop then ramped up filling my ears with a deafening blow.  I stood stock still, waiting for it to calm, willing myself to find that place within me that could deal with this.  I probably stood there five minutes before I felt the strength to move on. 

         I kept to the path, taking the one that wound around passed the great oak trees that stood guard.  This way would bring me up on the far side and I would be able to see before being seen.  At least, I hoped so anyway.  From what little I knew of Regina, I knew her power knew no bounds and I expected she already knew that I was there.  Probably watching my approach with a cackled heart and wicked smile.

         A breeze stirred and the mighty oaks let off a shower of leaves that circled the air around me.  An owl called out breaking into the bleakness.  Then all fell silent once again.  I took care with my steps trying to avoid the crisp leaves that would give away my approach, but it was almost impossible on the other side of the hill.  The leaves grouped without a way to pass through.  I carefully placed my steps, knowing the crush of leaves would tell the others I was almost there. 

         As I neared, I could make out the mummer of chanting, a hypnotic hum rising out from the portal’s belly that lay within the catacombs at the edge of the cemetery.  I headed that way, following the sound, feeling my heartbeat skip and skitter at the imposing possession. 

         I found myself standing in front of one of the grandest, highly gargoyled structures within the cemetery; the gravesite of Regina’s family. No doubt she had called them all back for the ceremony.  I stood there feeling the chill in the air.  The temperature had dropped significantly just standing at the entrance. 

         I said a little prayer, a witches’ protection of sorts.  One of the only ones I knew, then pressed forward.  My feet heavy on the steps letting me know there was no turning back now.  I let my Self be pulled forward.  Let my Self go where I was expected.  Before long I stepped into the grand sanctum of the underworld and my breath caught at the stench that rose up to greet me and overtake my senses.  It seemed to lock me there, watching.  Watching as Regina approached, a smile so twisted on her face I wanted to cry out.  But I could not move. 

         â€śSo you have come.”  Her voice grated out.  The rasp cut the air and blistered my skin. 

         She gazed at me with a gruesome hideousness behind her.  She seemed to grow in that moment and all I could do was stare.

         Without touching me, she rose her arms and I levitated off the concrete floor.  She cackled as she spun me slowly around the room above her.  All I could hear beyond her throaty laugh was my blood thickening and throbbing at my temples.

         â€śYou want to save your family.”  She said in her gravelly voice then she laughed again in that raspy way.

         â€śYou cannot save them; you know...they only sent you as sacrifice.  That will only buy them time and your death will be a moot point.”  She cackled further. 

          A sound rattled and bumped behind her and she turned in horror to see a tromping of the Dark Army.

         â€śWhat have you done?”  She screamed and tossed my almost lifeless body. 

         I slide on the floor to land in a pile against the wall.  My body throbbed with vicious pain but as I lay there watching the battle before me ensue, I felt the life slowly trickle back in.  Regina could not hold me and fight the Dark Army that had come for her.

         They had come, I smiled weakly.  I had not been sure, but I had tried to believe.

         Still weak, I pulled myself along the wall making sure to keep out of Regina’s line of sight. She could still singe me and send me to oblivion.  Not something I relished. 

         I made my way toward the entrance and felt along the wall for some sort of weapon. I needed a weapon.  I focused my mind and with my lips I uttered words that seemed foreign on my tongue, but they felt right and tangible.  I closed my eyes and raised my hands seeming to know this was what was expected.  I felt the air move around me, then lift me and strengthen me.

         When I opened my eyes I found Regina staring at me dazed and scared.  She backed up a step uttering words as self protection.  I smiled, feeling the power radiate off of me.

         â€śRegina your time has come.”  A voice said, then I realized it had been me.

         My arms rose above my head and with the twist of my hands Regina rose and floated like she had done to me.  I seemed to spin her, her velocity picking up as her screams ripped out at the world around her.  Then with a deafening blast all fell silent and I dropped to the floor exhausted and alone.

         When I regained consciousness my mother and father knelt around me; their hands hovering above me as if to restore me.  When my Mother saw my eyes open she cried out and gathered me close. 

         â€śI can’t believe she did it.”  I heard my brother say with a tone that sounded like awe.

         â€śI told you she was the chosen one.”  I heard my gruff grandmother’s voice. 

         I twisted to look into my Grandmother’s rheumy old eyes.  She smiled at me and winked.  “I knew you could do it, little one.”

         â€śThe Dark Army?”  I asked perplexed at how I had managed any of this.

         â€śIt was all you, sweetheart.”  Grandmother boasted proudly.

         â€śBut I don’t know...”

         â€śHush child.  You broke the curse.  Regina and her kind are gone.  Peace will come to our family again and you need never know how you did it.”


         â€śLet it go, child.  Just remember, you are the chosen one.”

         That said, my father lifted me up and carried me out; my family following along behind.  I did as my grandmother said and let it go.  Peace did come.

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