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Chapter 2 - The Village |
Voices; he could hear voices. The fuzziness of his thoughts and his pain wracked body prevented him from interpreting the words, but he could sense the emotion behind them. They were arguing. Skylar raised his hand to his head and discovered a damp cloth across his forehead, covering his eyes. He pulled it aside and forced his gummed lids to open, as he struggled to make sense of the blurred images around him. Shadowy outlines indicated he was in a small room with no window. He was lying upon a rough-hewn wooden bed. A chair and a small table were beside him. Fire light was flickering and dancing from beneath the closed door. The muted, angry voices were coming from the next room. He wrestled with the coarse woven blanket which covered him as he attempted to rise. It proved too much and he fell back into the bed with a thud. The shooting pain from his side felt as if a dagger had been plunged into it and a small grunt escaped his pursed lips. The sound of voices stopped abruptly. Silence; then footsteps approached. The door swung open and a shadowy figure stood before it. The figure retreated and then returned carrying a candle which they placed on the table. Then sat down. A number of thoughts fought for attention in Skylar’s mind. First, that he was alive. Second, that he was in a building deep within the forest. Last, the person sitting next to him was a girl. All were things which should not and could not be possible. Both stared; each waiting for the other to speak. Skylar was tongue tied. In front of him sat a woman, the likes of which he had never seen at his father's court. He judged her of similar height to himself and outfitted in soft leather pants and jerkin. Tanned, slim and well-muscled, she held herself with the relaxed patience of a seasoned hunter; one accustomed to waiting. Long auburn hair tied in a thick braid hung down her back. Her lips were full and her snub nose was kissed with sun freckles, but it was her eyes that attracted his attention. They were the vibrant green of new growth. A rich green that he had not seen before and their focus was on him. Skylar broke the silence. “Thank you.” His voice cracked and his throat felt on fire. She just nodded. A tall well-muscled man appeared and his frame dwarfed the door way. He remained silent, but glared down at him. This did not worry Skylar, but an incomprehensible twinge of jealousy went through him. Skylar’s mind queried his good luck. Who were these people? How had they survived in this world of death? Were there more like them? The girl could see the turmoil reflected in his face and motioned him to relax. “My name is Elissa.” Her voice was deep and echoed a sureness and confidence that suited her. “This is my brother, Marek. We found you near the watering hole; more dead than alive. What should we call you?” “ Skylar. My name is Skylar.” He croaked. “We will leave you now and talk later when you are feeling stronger. Don’t worry. You are safe.” Gracefully she rose, turned and pushed past her brother who loomed in the doorway. With a final glare he too left the room, accidentily leaving the door ajar. Skylar settled back and closed his eyes feigning sleep. For a time there was silence from the other room. He could see the shadowed figure of Marek as he strode backwards and forwards, eclipsing the flickering light from the fire. In low tones their conversation resumed. “We should have left him to die,” exclaimed Marek. “It will cause us nothing but trouble him appearing at this time. Lucas will not be happy.” “I don’t give a damn what Lucas thinks. The law is clear. Anyone who makes it this far into the forest must be given a free choice of whether or not to join.” They must have noticed the door was still open. There was silence and then the heavier tread of Marek could be heard crossing to the door and pushing it shut. Skylar had a lot to think about, but pain and tiredness soon laid claim upon his consciousness. The shining green eyes of Elissa, his final thought. Skylar was roughly shaken awake by Marek. The big man was looming over him. His body radiated his impatience. “Lucas wants to see you. Now.” Marek indicated the chair where Skylar’s own clothes now lay cleaned and patched and then left the room. There was no evidence of his weapons anywhere. Skylar struggled to swing his legs over the side of the bed. It was painful, but not as bad as he had expected. He finished pulling on his boots as Marek once more checked on his progress. With a grunt, he indicated he was to follow. The next room was empty. Skylar felt a pang of disappointment. Elissa was nowhere to be seen. Shepherded out through the front door, the bright sunlight caused Skylar to pause, blink and look around him. He could have been standing in any village, in any part of Tanis. The ebb and flow of people as they went about their daily duties was strange in its normality. A high wall stood at one end of the street, supporting two large heavy gates which lay open. Four women armed with pikes and swords, stood intently watching the dark, dense forest on the other side. Marek set off at a brisk walk. Skylar didn't try to match the taller man’s pace, and soon trailed. He continued to look around in amazement. Children could be seen rushing around between the trees within the enclosure playing a game; always though, under the watchful eye of armed adults. Everyone was aware that danger and death it seemed could also be found within as well as without the walls of the village. After a short distance, Skylar spied a tall, fortified compound of living trees in the centre of the village. It had been constructed by using an existing grove and erecting massive walls to link them. It was obviously the final bastion if creatures managed to get past the outer palisades which protected the village. Marek and four armed women waited for him at the gate to the building. With an impatient wave of his arm, Marek indicated for him to hurry. Skylar entered and his escort closed in behind him. Inside, Skylar stopped and took note of his new surroundings. There were multiple rows of walkways and parapets set at various levels and accessed by ladders hugging the walls. Many small openings had been cut in the walls to allow the defenders to be able to repulse attacks, using arrow or spear. Stores of weapons could be seen piled in strategic locations, ready to hand. Skylar’s reverie was broken by a deep voice from behind him. “Welcome. Congratulations on making it here. Many don’t.” Skylar turned and found that another had joined his entourage unnoticed. The man before him was small, blonde and rotund. Not what he was expecting. His appearance was at odds with the confidence and power that the man radiated; that is until he noticed his eyes. They were a pale ice blue and held the depth and coldness of a mountain pool; eyes that observed everything and missed nothing. “My name is Lucas” he said, thrusting out his hand in greeting. Skylar accepted it and the strength of his grip surprised him. “I’m Skylar. What is this place? Who are all these people?” “This is Haven. It is populated by those who have been exiled or condemned to death by the king of Tanis and their descendants. For the past one hundred and fifty years, we have come together here and have managed to regain our lives. This is our sanctuary. We live on our terms and not on the whims of a king.” The people near, had stopped to listen. Lucas’ voice had captivated them. A quiet look of dignity on each and every face. Skylar knew the effort it took to survive within this forest and the pride they displayed was well deserved. Lucas continued. “You by surviving, will be given the choice of joining us, as is the law, but you have come at a very bad time. The council must meet and decide your future. Till we convene and discuss the options, we have no choice, but to restrain you.” “I am no danger to you,” Skylar remonstrated. “That may be, but some of the new arrivals recognize you.” “Then you know the laws of Tanis and why I am here.” Lucas’ reply to this was drowned out by the loud knelling of alarm bells reverberating around them. Skylar’s escort and the people surrounding him dispersed and mounted the ladders, selecting extra weapons from the stores, as they went. Marek sprinted to the entrance and checked upon those who were now entering at a fast, steady pace. No panic was exhibited. The central area of the compound began to fill. The children remained there, as the men and women collected weapons and joined those on the wall. Skylar looked over at Marek. He was anxiously peering through the gates. The flow had reduced to a trickle when a second series of bells added their notes to the first, then silence. Lucas’ voice could be heard clearly. “Close the gates.” Marek selected a pike and exited. Skylar realised what the big man’s problem was. His sister Elissa had not appeared. Skylar ran to the heavy door as it began to swing. He managed to squeeze through just as it slammed with a final dull thud behind him. He looked around and saw the tall, burly figure of Marek as he disappeared among the buildings. Skylar flinched as a spear plunged to the ground beside him. Its end vibrated with the force. He spied the small figure of Lucas on top of the wall, who waved an acknowledgement and pointed in the direction Marek had taken. Skylar picked up the spear went after him. He soon overtook the heavier man and together they ran down the now deserted streets. Ahead of them, they could hear the sounds of fighting and the high pitched cries of children screaming. On rounding the corner, a nightmarish scene opened before them. Backed up against the outer walls were seven children. In front of them were three women, wielding spears and swords with desperate energy. Two others lay dead near them. Both had been ripped open by the creatures they faced. A pack of five spiders, the size of horses were endeavouring to overcome the desperate defence mounted by the women. Elissa was one of the defenders. Unnoticed by the women and the cowering children, another spider was approaching over the top of the wall. Skylar aimed and flung the spear in one fluid motion. His aim was true and the sharp point pieced the thorax of the creature and left it squirming, pinned to the wall. Marek without hesitation had come up behind one of the creatures and swung the pike like a broad sword. He managed to destroy two of the creature’s legs before it became aware of him. Quickly it spun to face him. Marek still maintained his momentum and thrust his weapon through the head of the spider and deep into its body. It death gyrations ripped the pike from his hands. He drew his sword and pushed past the twitching body and joined the defenders. Marek and Elissa swapped grins and readied themselves. The spiders were wary and their advance had slowed. One left the attackers and scuttled towards Skylar who looked left and right for something to use as a weapon. He turned towards one of the downed warriors with the spider following close behind him. The spider lunged as he reached for a sword. Skylar turned his head long rush into a roll and snatched it from the ground; then reversing his direction, he rolled back between the spiders legs and thrust upward with all his might. The spider’s momentum wrenched the sword from his hand and its body collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut. He struggled to extract himself from underneath the dead weight. He rose to his knees covered by blood and ichor and peered over the body to see how the others were faring. The enemy number had been reduced to three, but the defenders were still hard pressed and Skylar once again found he was without a weapon. He spied the pike that Marek had rammed home into another of the creatures. Jumping over the dead spider, he moved to retrieve it. With all his strength, he struggled to extract it. It let go with a loud sucking sound as the spiders body reluctantly gave up its hold on it. Feet apart, Skylar held the pike with his left hand near the end and his right, further up, as would a man familiar with a quarterstaff. With a powerful downward stroke he struck the spiders back, hoping to distract it. With a quick and fluid movement, it now faced him. Fangs dripping venom and legs reaching out to grasp, it advanced on him. He swung the pike like a cudgel at the creatures legs, but the spider reared and the blow passed under it. Using the momentum of his turn he brought the staff swinging around to connect with its second set of legs, forcing it to stumble. Skylar quickly angled the end of the pike in the ground and allowed the monsters own body weight to impale itself. The spasming bulk of the spider came down on his legs and pinned him firmly to the ground. Unable to extricate himself, Skylar could do nothing more but watch. From his position, he was able to observe the teamwork which Elissa and Marek employed in such a deadly and devastating fashion. They had managed to force the creatures back and while Marek and the two other women kept them at bay, Elissa re-joined the children. She watched the battle with furious concentration. Judging her moment, she yelled loudly to Marek, a single word. "Now!" Marek dropped his sword and turned his back on the monsters and faced Elissa. He bent cupping his hands and waited for his sister who was charging towards him. When her foot settled into his palms, he straightened with an explosive shout. Elissa sailed upward performing a perfect somersault that landed her on her knees upon the spider’s back. Raising her sword high in a two handed grip, she plunged it down and pierced its brain. It dropped to the ground thrashing wildly. Elissa rolled clear and attacked the remaining foe from the rear. Between the four of them, they soon made short work of the last arachnid. TO BE CONTINUED... |