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I found a quarter and was inspired to write about what makes the USA so amazing. Enjoy! |
-Face Value- by Keaton Foster ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On the ground At my feet No one sees No one but me It’s a quarter One fourth of a dollar Twenty five pennies Two dimes and a nickel Ah the luck Such a fortunate soul I know I understand that I literally Could buy nothing with it At least nothing that I want And nothing that I really need But I found it It will for a time be mine I bend down and pick it up Light Not heavy Unburdened Like new Untarnished Mint condition I wonder to myself As I often do What’s that like Of course Such an answer Not so easily given Not so easily understood Try defining something Undefinable Without a dictionary Then maybe Just maybe You’d understand The quarter cares nothing Certainly not for me Or for every other The quarter cares nothing With regard to its situation Or it’s tedious predicament It’s just a quarter Ninety percent silver Ten percent copper Two metals shaped Formed under pressure Stamped into a design Each one identical Each one exactly the same Except of course for the date Freedom it seems Must be reminded Both when it started And when it was created I can understand that Do you God I hope I study each detail The date The face In God we trust The majestic eagle Fig leaves Arrows Symbiotic symbols George Washington The first of a dying breed Since 1796 E Pluribus Unum Liberty Freedom Act as we wish Not as others wish A hell of a concept Stand for something Either simple or complex Or both if that is what’s meant Liberty and freedom Both awe inspiring In concept and feeling Printed on money Born into our psyche No questions Not a doubt We would die for it At least we would before I’d like to think That we still will This quarter Mine At least for a time This here and now I know who it belongs to And what it stands for It’s not an amount It’s not a currency It’s an idea Something greater Then you and I Then everyone Everywhere Twenty five cents At face value But let’s be true Let’s be quite real Such a coin Left here for me to find For me to write about Has a value much greater Than any sum That could ever be spent… Face Value Written by Keaton Foster Copyright © 2013 Note: I wrote this about a quarter that I found today, and in a way because of the recent events of our great country. Enjoy! |