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chapter three and continuation to our thriller 'life happened' |
Scarlet sat down in the office where the secretary had showed her into. She wore a black leather jacket zipped up with matching black baggy trousers and combat boots. A few minutes later Mr Koech walked inside locking the door and took the imposing chair behind the huge mahogany desk covered with a lot of paper work. “How is the club?” he asked her. “You mean my club the one you are pretending to own because I asked you to? It is doing fine none of the members have brought in any problems they enjoy their perversions too much to jeopardize their memberships. They are addicted to the leisure we offer them,” she said. “The organisation has decided to open up a new exclusive gentleman’s club in Kileleshwa and another at Runda the membership applications are too many and we need to cater for everyone’s need.” “How exactly will this help me find my sister?” she asked leaning forward. “The only reason I agreed to help this rotten government was because you offered to help me find her. That is the only reason I have not caused havoc like you have never seen in the underworld.” “Immediately I get a lead I am going to give it to you as promised but for now I have a target for you,” he said. “Who is the unfortunate guy?” He laughed. “He is unfortunate indeed if the organisation decided to send Inferno to take care of him.” “Why didn’t you send your son?” “Because these kill will be a warning to some competition. The underworld fear Inferno's name now we want the whole of African underworld to tremble at the mention of your name.” “Very soon I will forget my real name,” she said glancing at the photo he slid to her. “So do you want a phantom kill or just a messy one?” “Whichever you will find appropriate. He is a reporter from South Africa and has been following a trail of money laundering that will lead back to the organisation and other important people in short he is nosy and dangerous. Get rid of him.” “Such a shame he is way too good looking to die,” she stood. “A rotten government that will do anything to maintain its’ power even hire an assassin like me the worst of the worst. What is the world coming to? Just drop the money into my account the next time I check it I want to find it all there understood Minister Koech?” she asked sarcastically. “Yes,” he said his jaw clenched. “I never wanted this life for you Victoria.” He said looking defeated and way older than his actual age. “He will be dead by morning,” She said ignoring him. “What do you know about the King of the underworld? This name has been cropping up and it seems the bosses fear this king than they do the organisation.” “I am an assassin not an informant find about it yourselves but what I can tell you is that this time the government has met its’ match,” She said smiling. “And no I won’t kill this king of the underworld even if you offered me millions. You see minister Koech I would see this government burn if I would sit on the pile of ashes and dance in celebration. I will not raise even a single finger to help it. I will even plunge the whole country into civil war just so the government will destroy itself in the process. Have a good evening Minister.” Scarlet knocked on the door and proceeded to wait patiently. The door opened slightly and the man looked at her carefully. “Do I know you?” he asked when she smiled. “No you don't know me but I definitely know you,” she said cheekily and he opened the door wider when he realised she didn't look dangerous at all. “I am here to deliver some bad luck,” she said walking into the hotel room. “What does that mean?” he asked closing the door behind him. “Look at me such terrible manners I forgot to introduce myself. They call me Inferno,” she said turning and the smile had disappeared from her face. Fear replaced the shock on the man's face. “A word of advice don't open the door for strangers without knowing who they are first this is Nairobi after all,” she said palming a knife he had not even known she had with her. One second she was standing across the room the next she was standing next to his body on the floor drowning and chocking in his own blood. He looked at the woman looking down at him her eyes were so cold and lacked any emotion. Her lips were curved in a smile that didn't portray any amusement as she watched him die. He could feel the cold seeping through his bones as his life seeped away and he realised that she didn't regret what she had done. He managed to ask why before darkness engulfed him and the light in his eyes faded. “It’s nothing personal,” she whispered leaving the room. *** “Could you stop stalking me even in my own club?” she snapped when she found Jay seated on her bed waiting for her to emerge from her dressing room. “I saw you leaving my father's office today after staying there for a little over ten minutes,” he said. She smirked, “A lot can happen in ten minutes darling,” she said moving past him the gypsy skirt she wore flowing around her with gold chains around her waist. A black and gold cloth was wrapped around her breasts. “You like?” she asked twirling a sensual look on her face. “Today is gypsy night and since I am in a good mood I will give you a lap dance for free.” He looked at her hair piled on her head with gold chains decorated with sapphire stones wrapped in it as if they were the ones holding the hair up. “You should come more often to the club you know we hold all kinds of decadent nights like tomorrow will be Egyptian night. I think I will go with Greek goddesses the next night. What do you suggest about the weekend that is when we get extra clients you know?” He didn't answer he was too busy looking at her and wondering how she had managed to turn into such a simpering and brainless woman. The girl he had saved that night had had cold eyes and resolve etched in them. She had had strength and the will to live so fierce that it had even rivalled his own and it shamed him as he had wanted to give up a long time ago. But now when he looked at her she looked like any other prostitute who worked in the club entertaining old married doddering government officials with money to waste and perversions to satisfy. He had thought that she would fight heaven and hell if need be to find her sister but here she was giving lap dances to men who walked through the door. He couldn't believe he had been so wrong about her. “Why did you choose this life?” he asked softly not asking the beautiful girl in front of him but reaching across time and space to the young girl he had saved. She stopped smiling and turned away from him, the question and the hurt in his eyes. He had once told her he viewed her as a sister and right now he was asking her as an older brother who was concerned for her welfare. She could sum up the courage to laugh away his heart felt question by answering with something flippant and empty but a part of her did not want to continue using her mask to ensure he despised her and yet another part told her it was not a good idea to show him that she was exactly what he had wanted her to be and more. That she survived because she wanted him to be proud of her someday. She didn't know where the words came from but she found herself saying, “Because it is the only way I can find my sister. Men talk recklessly at the height of their pleasure and since what happened to my family was part of another underworld boss this is the fastest way to find her. I couldn't trust anyone and I had to do this on my own so I had to make a choice, my sister or my dignity I chose her. It wasn't really a choice Jay.” Her phone rang and instead of picking it up she stared at it for a few second trying to calm her voice. “So please do not look at me with such hatred in your eyes because even if you don't believe me it hurts when you do it.” She picked up the phone and said, “You will be the ultimate escort for Mr Singh this evening Juliet. Be ready.” She switched it off and looked at him. “I have to go to work I have a client who has some information I need.” “Ultimate escort? I see you are the one who sets up assassinations for my father these days,” he said. “I do a lot of business on your father's behalf you know. This is one of them I don't have to get my own hands dirty,” she said cheekily. “You just get other people's hands dirty then how noble,” he replied dryly. “I am a lover not a fighter,” she said smiling and winking back at him changing from her real face and putting on the mask of an empty headed prostitute whose only purpose is to enjoy the perversions the wind blows her way. “I am aware of what you are and I am reminded of it every time I look at my father,” he said with such disgust it tore her heart. She wanted to kneel at his feet and tell him the truth then maybe he will look at her with a little bit of affection the way he looked at his girlfriend Zein. She could feel her eyes flood and her vision became blurry. There was a wetness trickling down her face and she touched her face confused to find tears. They were so alien as she could remember the last time she had cried was when she had been five years old and Tina had been very sick and had nearly died. |