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Is a science fiction short story about an enforcer escaping the end of the world. |
Sirens were blaring all around, as Menari made her way through the hundreds of people on the loading docks. She tried to maintain calm, but everyone was screaming and crying, and the earthquakes were getting even worse. However, she could not really blame all these people for losing it, after all it was the end of the world. It had all started a year ago; scientists had determined the planet had begun to reach its point of implosion. Therefore precautions had been made, such as the escape pods that were now leaving for nearby planets. Menari being an enforcer was in charge of making sure all the important people got off the planet while the other poor saps just had to wait their turn. She hated her job on days like this, she watched as people prayed and children covered their ears from the harsh noises. Tears ran down their young faces as they watched their parents screaming to let their child on a pod. Sadly she knew there would never be enough room for everyone, some would be left. Then the red lights began to flash and the alarm got even louder, common people began to get violent. Menari had to punch a few men out. However, now everyone was welcome because time was dwindling down, she filed as many people into one pod as possible. Then clarity struck her she stared out one of the windows and saw that large fissures began to spread along the ground all around the base. Fire spewed forth from these slits along with lava, when it struck the building it was over. A cynical smile spread on Menari’s face, she knew this was the end for her, but she had enjoyed her years as an enforcer, cleaning up the filth that the suits above so desperately wanted to hide. In truth she mainly just enjoyed the fights. However, when Menari turned back towards the pods she saw a large man stalking towards her, when he came close she realized he was Amarian, big brutes of a species with red skin, teeth like razor blades, and long bone like projections coming off their heads and back like a mohawk. She reached for her electro whip on her waist as he got even closer. Then he stopped and looked down at her, his black eyes looked her over before he said, “Are you the enforcer for this sector?” “Yea you got a problem with that buff cake?” He smirked and then added, “Well there’s a slight problem going on at my ship if you wouldn’t mind your highness could you provide some assistance.” Menari was not an idiot she knew there was no reason for an Amarian to still be here, all alien life forms had tucked tail and ran months ago, it was not their planet after all. However, she had nothing to lose anymore, the final pod was set to leave soon and after that all she would get to see was families saying goodbye, and she had no one to share a fond farewell with so why not help out Mr. polite here. “Sure beautiful all you had to do was ask.” Then the Amarian lead her too his ship and sure enough people were trying to get in and get a ride off this place. Menari took off her whip and swiped two guys off the bottom door, and then she side kicked a guy in the face who tried to jump her with a laser bar. After that she led the Amarian to the ship then looked at him questioningly. “What the heck, you’re an Amarian you guys like to kick some butt, why did you need me to handle those wimps.” “Well my dear Menari I didn’t particularly need you to handle those men they just provided a good excuse to get your scrawny little tail down here.” Next thing she knew Mr. brawny was hauling her up above his shoulders and heading towards his ship. “Don’t make me whup your tale man I would prefer my last moments to be me stuffing my face with something good not stuffing your face with my fist.” However, this guy was mega strong and stopped her from reaching her whip, and had her on the ship in no time. A bot met them at the door, an AR3 unit pretty new model for a guy with a ship this beat up. Menari fell to the ground where he placed her and was about the yell what the freak when she saw him. Captain Bandi, all her insults and anger died in her chest. Bandi had died in a weapons transfer from the Arka galaxy to the Milky Way, but here he sat just as pretty as you please. Her old childhood friend back from the grave, and all she wanted to do was run and hug him. Then the anger set in. “Bandi you son of a how dare you let me think you were dead all this time when I get my hands on you I’m going to ring your little neck!” “Cao would you mind holding miss Menari still while I get us off this rock?” “After all her snippy remarks it would be my pleasure captain.” Then the large Amarian wrapped his arms around Menari and almost broke her ribs. The ride off the planet was surreal; Menari was feeling so many emotions, she was surprised she had gotten of the planet, she just knew she was going to meet that fire or be crushed by the crowd, but no she was safely flying away with the love of her life behind the wheel. What girl would not be thrilled, but her love had died two years ago. At least that’s what was reported back to her. “Bandi can you please make tiny here let go?” Bandi gave a nod and Cao let Menari go. She slid to the floor and took a few deep breaths then she climbed into the passenger seat and stared at Bandi. The AR3 unit floated on to her lap and she looked down on it, painted on it’s top was the word “Spot”. She could not help but to laugh at that, but then she looked back up. “What the heck Bandi, where have you been?” Bandi would not look at her he just kept looking out into outer space, even though they had jumped into hyper speed so the ship was basically on auto pilot until they reached a different galaxy. “Menari you have to know I wanted to come back, to tell you I was ok, but Gala was still out there.” Menari looked at Bandi, Gala was one of the largest bosses in the smuggling industry, and there was no reason he would be after Bandi Mr. straight and narrow. “Bull Bandi what would Gala want with you?” “Menari he was the one who had my ship jumped, he wanted pay back for us shutting down his plans to jack the new roasters from earth.” “Those guns were apparently gonna make him a lot of money, and when my ship got attacked I knew he’d send someone for you too so I tried to stay ahead of him, and I had to let news that I was dead reach earth or you’d come after me with guns blazing.” “I thought I would be able to get to him, but I can never get a lock on him.” “I never thought earth would explode, but when I found out I knew you wouldn’t use a pod, so I came back to get you.” By now Cao and Spot had moved to the back of the ship, probably to give them some privacy. “How could you Bandi, we were supposed to do it together, we are partners.” “You let me think my best friend was dead all this time, we joined the force together, I supported you when you wanted your wings, and we busted Gala’s men together!” “I have never been a girl to want or need protecting; I’m the one that always has to save your scrawny little butt!” By now tears were rolling down Menari’s face and her head fell to try and hide them. Bandi got up and put his arms around her, and as mad as she was all she could do was hug him as hard as she could. He brushed he purple hair out of her face and smiled at her. “Menari I have missed you so much and I promise from now on we’ll do it all together we’re going to the planet Raya to finally get rid of Gala.” Menari looked up at Bandi and then she kissed him, all she could think was you idiot I am going to be mad at you until the end of time but I am just glad that you are alive. To Be Continued…. |