Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1946487-Our-Anniversary-First-Date
by Amay
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1946487
Firsts are important occasions and deserve to be remembered
“Mr. Green, Mr. Green?”

A tug at my shoulder and another two more insistent Mr. Green’s followed that, breaking me out of my deep concentration. I looked up at my assistant, “Anna, I’m sorry, I was just thinking… well never mind. What do you need?”

“Your appointment is here. Are you alright, sir? Do you want me to reschedule?”

“No, no, I’m fine. I guess the weeks of interrupted sleep are finally getting to me.” I glanced at the photo of my newborn son and his beautifully sweaty new mom that was sitting on my desk. “I’m fine. Let’s get this done.”

Anna’s concern hadn’t gone unnoticed. As she walked to the door, she looked over her shoulder and smiled in that motherly way she has, “These days will pass and you won’t regret one minute of all the sleep that you’ve lost.” She opened the door and ushered in my appointment, while I sat trying to remember what a full night’s sleep was really like.


Once the meeting was done, I sent Anna home. There were a few plans I needed to finalize. Marissa’s well check at Doctor Shugg’s was on our anniversary and I wanted to make that night very special. I flipped over to my check list and ticked off the items already done.

Marissa’s mother and father were coming to pick up William for his first night at Grandma’s. I smiled, hopefully the first of many. I had already checked to see how much breast milk was frozen in the freezer, more than enough for my son to be well fed while he was gone. Marissa’s mom already had her nursery for William ready. I chuckled, thinking of how lucky William was to have so many cousins. He’d have fun with his very experienced sitters, well as much fun as a six week old could have.

Dinner reservations were made at Tavern on the Green, the restaurant where I’d proposed to Marissa, had our wedding night dinner, and marked just about every other special occasion. I’d already taken the mother’s ring I’d had made to fit with Marissa’s wedding bands and given it to Johnny. He’d have his pastry chef display it beautifully in Marissa’s favorite dessert. He promised just like before, “That this evening would be perfecto,” and I knew that it would.

Tickets for the show, “I Love Lucy,” I opened the top drawer of my desk to recheck the show time, not so romantic but it was the only off Broadway show in town.

My eyes trailed down the list, I still had to get flowers, chocolates, and lingerie, my normal anniversary gifts. I don’t want her to guess what’s going on too early.

I leaned back in my chair clicking through the Victoria’s Secret online catalog, searching for something beautiful that would accentuate the perfection of my wife’s new body. Clicking away, I finally found something I thought she would love a beautiful pale blue Chantilly lace bra and panty set with a matching kimono robe. I closed my eyes picturing her full breasts filling the lacy cups and the peek-a-boo effect the lace would have on her darkened areolas. My eyes slowly traced the curves of her small waist and luscious hips downward in my imaginary trip, to see the tiny triangle of lace daintily covering her. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Three clicks later, the package would be wrapped and delivered to the house on our anniversary.

Satisfied that everything was under control, I left the office and headed for Rabb’s Florist. Ms. Rabb had never let me down. From the first corsage through our wedding, all of the anniversaries, and the just because I love you days ever since, she always knew what my wife would love the most. The bell tinkled as I walked in and the scent of a summer garden embraced me.

“Well, look whose here, just in time for a special anniversary.”

I never knew how she kept up with everything. I shook my head and fell into my old friend’s hug. “Well, I couldn’t let this anniversary pass without flowers.”

“You’re a still a good boy.” She pinched my cheek, gave me a wink and turned to walk back to the back of the shop. “I’ve got some beautiful orchids in, just like the ones that were in Marissa’s bouquet.” She pointed as she walked, “I’ve got roses like your mom picked for your engagement party,” she stopped abruptly turned and looked at me. “So, what would you like this time? It’s a special anniversary; we need to make this one super special.” She never stopped; she turned back around, and started pulling stems. “Come on Sweetie, you know the drill, start picking.” A large smile crossed her face as she studied me over her shoulder. It was always kind of weird walking through Ms. Rabb’s shop. It was like she could see right through you, and know exactly what you needed. In less than the time it took to get to the shop, Ms. Rabb had the most beautiful arrangement I’d ever seen.

“I don’t know how you do it, Ms. Rabb, each arrangement is more beautiful than the last.”

She laughed, “You’re just channeling your inner florist, honey.” She gasped slightly and she remembered that I always bought one more thing to go with the flowers, “And, you’re in luck. Sandy just brought in a fresh batch of truffles this afternoon. You do want a box?” She grinned, patted my cheek and nodded, “I’ll have them sent to the house; you fix your card and get out of here. You’re running late and Marissa will be getting worried.” She waved as I flew out the door.

There, everything on the list was done. Now to get Marissa to agree to send William to her mom’s and go out to celebrate our anniversary.


I arrived home, with some semblance of a plan running through my head. Marissa sat in the glider with the phone to her ear, and William nursing away. She rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders, mouthing ‘sorry.’ I gently kissed the top of her head and whispered softly in her other ear, “You’re so beautiful.”

I rubbed William’s head as he greedily slurped at his mother’s breast. “Hey there, Peewee, I’ll burp you when you get through there.” He snuggled in closer, obviously he wasn’t ready to let go.

I silently listened to the one sided conversation. “But Mom, it’s our anniversary. Couldn’t you and Dad come and keep William so John and I could go out to dinner?”

My wife never resorted to whining, and the arrangements were already in place. I wondered what my mother-in-law was up to.

“Mother, I don’t understand. It’s just for …” Marissa paused and listened.

“What? You’d do that?” She started to sniffle. “Really! Oh Mom! All night?” My wife beamed, her eyes sparkled. “Thank you, Mom. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

It was my turn to play dumb. “What’s up?”

“Mom and Dad are going to come and pick up William and keep him so we can go out for our anniversary! Isn’t it wonderful?”

“I think it’s grand. I’ll see if I can get reservations for dinner.” I breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was set for our anniversary, and I was just as nervous as I was on our first date.


I sailed into work on cloud nine. My wife and I were going to have our first date night as parents, our first night without 12, 2, 4 and 6 AM feedings, and our first reawakening and reclaiming of our own physical desires in a very long time.

It was a totally uneventful day at work until Marissa called mid afternoon. The doctor had given her the all clear, and I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“We’ll have all night, to be,” she paused briefly, “together. Oh, and the package from Victoria’s Secret arrived! It’s beautiful!”

I could just imagine the blush rising on her cheeks. “I can’t wait to see it on you. Will you please wear it tonight? And honey, dress up. We’re going to Tavern on the Green. I’ll be home soon.” I could almost see her bouncing up and down with excitement.

I hung up, grabbed the tickets out of my desk drawer, slipped them into my coat pocket and left the office ready to show my wife how much I’d missed her and how much I desired to be with her again.

I arrived home, and found my wife sitting in the glider nursing William. “Mom’s already here. She’s packing up everything for William and I’ve already put the car seat in for her. As soon as I’m done here, I’ll finish getting ready.”

“Alright, I’ll grab a quick shower.” I turned on the water, stripped down tossing my dirty clothes in the hamper. I shampooed, lathered up and shaved. I was about to cut the shower off when the curtain pulled back.

“I thought you might want to see my anniversary present.”

Oh she got my attention. I sighed, standing there naked, feeling like a horny school boy with my mouth wide open and blood coursing into places that had been held in check for way too long. “My god, woman, you’re so beautiful.”

She blushed and turned around. She looked back at me over her shoulder. “Do you really think so?” I could see the insecurity in her eyes.

“Uh, honey, do you see what you’re doing to me?” I grinned, pointing at my member pointing up at me. I held out my hand, “Why don’t you join me?”

With the grace of a goddess, she flicked the hook and the bra slipped off. She faced me, clad only in that tiny lace thong. I held out my hand and beckoned for her to come. The panties slid down her legs and she stepped into the shower.

“It seems like there’s always something between us, anymore.”

She looked up questioningly.

“Well, think about it honey. For nine months there was a baby, growing in here.” My hands lightly stroked her abdomen. She sighed as my hands dipped lower. My hands slid up her sides and cupped her generous globes. My thumbs brushed over her sensitive nipples, she softly gasped. “And now, that very same baby is attached to you here.” I kissed her gently and pulled her closer to me so I could feel her pebbled nipples press into my chest and my hardness throbbing between us. I kissed her again, our tongues dancing with a new sense of urgency. We came up for air, panting under the hot water.

I turned her around, facing the shower heads. Lathering my hands, I washed her neck and back, my touch sparked sighs, and moans which inflamed me more. I stepped in closer, sliding my soapy hands around her waist, sliding up and gently caressing her breasts, enjoying their weight in my hands. I planted kisses along her neck while my thumbs gently brushed her hardened nipples. One hand embraced my face, while the other maneuvered my hand down to her heat. “I’ve missed this, honey, being close to you, touching you,” I whispered into her ear.

She moaned softly, as my fingers slid between her lips to find her pearl. She rocked on my hand, her head leaning back on my shoulder, taking control of her pleasure. I pressed closer, shifting, letting the heat of her core slide along my length. She pressed her hand against mine, as the rim of my head teased her pearl.

“So close.” She panted. “Need you, now.”

That was all I needed to hear. I turned Marissa around, and pulled her up high on my chest. Her legs wrapped around me. I searched her eyes, “Are you sure, Baby?”

She nodded, kissing my forehead, wrapping her arms around my neck I buried my face between those firm globes. I pulled her down slowly finding her open and ready for me. Pressed against the shower wall, I filled her. She felt divine. My goddess sheathing me, using her powers of pleasure to coax more and more from me, I felt her quake with her release. I finally succumbed and gave her all I had to give.

I pressed my forehead against hers, as we gasped for breath.

“Wow,” she caressed my face, “that was amazing.”

“Indeed,” I sighed as she lowered her legs to the shower floor.

She quickly rinsed off, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. “I’ll finish getting ready.” She flipped out of the bathroom grabbing the lingerie, and headed into the bedroom.


We finally got ready to leave when the doorbell rang. Marissa opened the door, and Ms. Rabb was standing there with the flowers and box of truffles, smiling like a Cheshire Cat. “Now you know we couldn’t let this anniversary go by without some flowers and candy!”

I smiled to myself. I should have known that she’d bring them here herself. After Marissa’s gushing about the flowers beauty Ms. Rabb smiled brightly, waved goodbye and wished us a happy anniversary.

Johnny pulled out all of the stops at Tavern on the Green. We had the best booth, the best waiter, the best wine, I couldn’t have asked for more. I was stuffed and we still had desert to come. The pastry chef, Truitt presented Marissa her desert. There encased in a blue blown sugar bubble on top of her cheesecake was her mother’s ring. I don’t know how he did it, but it was amazing. He handed her a little spoon and said tap it. He picked up the ring and dusted it off, just beaming. He handed me the ring with a flourish. “There you go.” He and Johnny stood over the table watching as I asked for my wife’s hand adding her new ring to her set.

Her eyes shimmered with joyful tears. She was so happy, it radiated off of her in waves. The whole restaurant burst out into applause when I kissed her hand. Johnny popped champagne and made the first toast. We laughed and toasted when I realize it was getting late and we had tickets for one more stop.

The play was packed. It felt good to be out with the love of my life. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she laid her hand on my thigh. It was like old times, before diapers, before waking up to cries of hunger, it felt good. We laughed until our sides hurt, the play was just hilarious. My wife kissed me as we left the theater preparing to head home.

“This has been the best anniversary ever. I love you so much.”

I was on cloud nine. I’d made it special, our first date as parents, our first anniversary as parents, our first rekindling of romance as parents. I did an invisible fist pumping YES, as we walked back to the car.


We arrived home, milk engorged breasts sought relief. Marissa excused herself to pump, and I occupied myself on the computer looking at the pictures we’d taken each month of Marissa’s pregnancy, and the video and pictures of William’s birth. In the darkened office, I marveled at how much had changed in our lives over the last twelve months. A tapping at the office doorway pulled me back into the here and now.

Marissa stood, in her anniversary gift in the doorway. “I’m done, I’ll be upstairs when you finish.” She turned with her back to me, a study in light and shadow. The light from the hallway illuminated the curves of her breasts as she twisted back at the waist to look at me over her shoulder. She smiled and blew me a kiss.

How rapidly can one close down programs and cut off the computer? Especially, someone that’s so hungry to be with his sexy wife. I grabbed two snifters of brandy and headed up the stairs.

I slowed myself. I wanted to drink in this moment. From the way her toes pointed, to how her top thigh bent over the lower leg. My eyes gazed at how her fingers and arm laid so relaxed upon the curves of her waist and hips. The tiny triangle of lace covered her mound. Her breasts practically spilled out of the lacy blue cups of her bra. Her hair cascaded over her shoulder while her head lay to rest on her elbow. Her eyes were closed, and her steady breath clued me in.

Quietly, I sat the brandy down and flipped the lights. I undressed, and snuggled close, spooning my darling wife. I kissed her neck gently and she moved allowing me more access. “Later, my Goddess, we’ll have plenty of date nights later. Rest, and enjoy the peaceful slumber.” I wrapped my arm around her, she pressed back conforming to me, and we slept.

Prompt: Firsts
WC... 2822

Firsts. Spin me a tale of a memorable first for your couple. Anything is game from a first date to the first time they made love and everything in between.
© Copyright 2013 Amay (amay5prm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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