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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Action/Adventure · #1943399
Finding yourself in an unfamiliar event.
City of Death!

From a lofty height of extremes I stand,
  in awe with eyes that peered o'er the land.
The State of the Empire I stood upon.
  A city now dead, all movement was gone!

Not a car was moving on the streets below,
  and no human being to pass, come or go.
I concluded that I had the only heart beating!
  I cried out but the wind was wild and defeating.

Lights still aglow, the power had not faded,
  so with haste to the uppermost lift car I gated!
Down 100 floors the car ran without stopping.
  Not a button was pushed, no souls needed dropping.

I crept onto West 34th street with passion,
  just one other voice would put me in fashion!
While passing a cafe on fifth avenue,
  I heard a mans voice, so my hopefulness grew!

I flew to the sound like a bat out of Hades,
  passed doors that stated for "Gents or for Ladies."
With a lump in my throat and my stride a bit weaker,
  That voice, a mere sound from a stereo speaker!

So I sat at a table to gather my thinking,
  my day filled with bliss, had turned into stinking!
No one to converse with, caress or console,
  forever to only be half and not whole.

When all of a sudden a hand grasped my arm,
  "I'm sorry Roberto, I mean you no harm!"
"I just came to tell you, we're locking the doors."
    "It seems such a shame to have hampered your snores."

I smiled with delight, my countenance gleaming,
  "not a problem" Nicole,  "I must have been dreaming!"
So out on the NYC pavement I ventured,
  To the noise and the crowds I was feeling indentured!

I'll never complain, 'bout the bustling mad city,
  to live without others, would be such a pity!
Forgetting the dream, would bring folly not gain,
  so I'll wait in this crowd feeling patience, not pain.


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