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When you need to do what you can to earn cash while awaiting what you hope to be doing. |
Well, the time has finally come to start thinking seriously about blogging. Particularly with the advent of a blog aimed at getting people interested in using two toll-free numbers that could help earn funds while I am out of work. http://www.ether.com/CallButton/songdove/11987339.aspx Title: Family Budgeting Assistance and http://www.ether.com/CallButton/songdove/11987273.aspx Title: Windows-based Computer Training A blog comes with this, touted by the Ether company as a way to encourage people that you are who you say you are, and have the knowledge you claim to offer for sale. That blog is: http://blogs.ether.com/songdove I have to admit, that I wasn't keen on regular blogging while the prospect of return on my time investment was low. I'm not the type to just write to the wind, although that's getting easier the more I run into people who read what I write and find it useful. So with those thoughts now running around my head, perhaps it's now time to consider a regular blogging schedule. At this time, I'm going to start with Mondays and do my best to write something about something every Monday until work or income arrives in some sustainable form. If viewers pick up, then I may even add some Google adwords listings to my main self-hosted blog over at: http://songdove.fa-ct.com/wordpress-mu/songdovemusings. Writing topics will include subject matter found in my books, as well as that taken from experience as a computer tech, and that of my faith. From time to time something completely random may show up in the mix as well, but the goal for now is that I get something up every Monday. This Facebook notes area has been my blog to date, and is syndicated to my series' companion website, Goodreads, Amazon, thebookmarketingnetwork.com, betterbloggernetwork.com, myopera.com, and more recently thebookclubnetwork.com. However, four of those areas allow for blogging in their own right if I chose to. So while the syndication is nice from this area, the Ether blog doesn't allow for it. I almost forgot! I also set up an announcement area over at Squidoo! Squidoo is another area this FB Notes page is syndicated to, although just in link format. So my Monday blogging will be interesting as I not only write, but ensure that everywhere I am online that allows for it, gets it in some fashion. I have accounts at writing.com, Wattpad, and writerscafe that are largely languishing due to inactivity. So there are lots of places to get the word out every week! It should be interesting to see how it goes. They say necessity is the mother of invention, and I guess that goes for trying to make a living financially too. You do what you can with what you have while you wait for other opportunities to gel. If you go to any of the places I've mentioned and want to catch up with me there, let me know in the comments and I'll put a list together of those links. |