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An erotic encounter aboard the Orient Express |
Word count - 2999 Istanbul: I enjoyed a light dinner at the Pera Palas Hotel, this would be my last day in Turkey and I was to catch the train to London at Sirkeci station which was due to depart at 22:00 this evening. I had spent the last four weeks in Istanbul on company business and had availed myself of all the sights and dabbled in a couple of ‘Turkish delights’ shall we say, all at the company's expense, of course. This trip home was going to be somewhat of a special one though, and I was looking forward to it. I had secured several lucrative deals for the company and they had responded generously. Having previously had my baggage sent down to the station, I took a leisurely stroll down myself as I knew there would be a little wait for the train to be ready, and as there would be no restaurant carriage until the train reached Kapikule on the Turkish-Bulgarian border in time for breakfast, I would need to grab a coffee and a light bite before boarding. On arrival at Sirkeci, I immediately checked on my luggage and found it had already been stowed in my allotted cabin. So with only a wait ahead of me, I popped along to the station eatery for that hot coffee. I entered and found a seat near the window; I always tried to grab a window seat so I could watch the world go by outside. I had spent some time in station eateries across the world in my time, but none matched the aroma of the eatery on London Waterloo, there the place simply oozed with the scents of fresh baked pastries, fine tea and ground coffee. However I do have to say on entering the Sirkeci eatery my senses were assaulted with differing aromas that simply tantalised the nostrils. While sipping an extremely hot coffee, my eyes fell upon a small oriental lady sat over in the far corner. I nodded and smiled, she returned my smile with the most enchanting cute grin I have even seen, and although she was some distance from me her eyes shined as she smiled. This oriental gem captured my interest; she intrigued me sat there all alone. I will admit in those few fleeting moments of eye contact my mind was assaulted with lustful thoughts of having my way with her. Of taking her to my bed and easing that turquoise Cheongsam off her slender shoulders and dropping it to the floor; then to touch her soft skin and run my fingers over her pert breasts before lifting her onto the bed and making love to her. You see, I am somewhat of a lecher; I can’t help it. I simply adore the female physique and what sensations it brings when indulging in the sexual act. In my lustful revelling I didn’t notice she had gone until I dragged my mind back from the gutter of debauchery that flooded my mind. In a few short seconds, those vivid imaginings had impacted in my pants, and for now I would have to remain where I was or cause some embarrassment with the tenting of my trousers as I left. I ordered a second coffee and a toasted sandwich while I waited for my predicament to subside, which I might add took longer as my mind continued to wander into lurid visions of undressing that oriental woman. However, once my ardour had subsided and my dress was more presentable I exited the eatery. The time was nearing 9:30pm, and the train was due to roll into the station from the side rails any minute, so I took a casual stroll along to the platform at the far end to watch the famous locomotion pull in. I made it just in time; the platform was fairly crowded with waiting passengers and of course the many sightseers who were just there for the thrill. I worked my way to almost the front of the platform where I had a good view of the oncoming track. Everyone was chatting away with his or her partner, friend or family when over all the chatter the shrill whistle of a locomotive echoed across the station, and everyone fell silent. In the distance we could see the exciting sight of the locomotive approaching, grey white plumes of smoke puffing out into the air as it trundled into the station. The steam engine gleamed; the clouds of smoke hit the roof and billowed outward adding its smokiness aroma to the air. Everybody stared as the locomotive draw to a halt with its gleaming luxurious cream and navy blue Wagons-Lits coaches that marked this luxury train as the Orient Express. When the steam rushed from the locomotives engine onto the platform everyone stepped back and waited for the porters to open the doors. Once the doors were open the porters allowed passenger to board, checking each ticket in turn; I embarked at the first coach behind the locomotive, where the porter advised me I had been allocated sleeper cabin four in carriage two, and that my luggage had already been stowed there. I have to say here, I was extremely impressed with the luxurious décor of the Orient Express, and my cabin was steeped in luxury befitting someone much higher than my status. I unpacked my luggage and hung up my clothes as the Orient Express lurched and then began rolling out of Sirkeci. Once the packing was finished, I undressed and lay on my bed reading, and with the gentle motion of the train soon drifted off to sleep. I was awoken by a sudden shunt of the train as it connected to the restaurant carriage; we had reached Kapikule on the Turkish-Bulgarian border. It wasn’t too early and so I got up, washed and dressed and headed out for a stroll through the train before hitting the restaurant coach for some breakfast. The Orient Express was full of varying types, all from all walks of life one would imagine, yet all having the pleasure of travelling first class. I hear there were even a couple of aristocrats aboard, though I didn’t get to meet them. Most were either business types or those returning from vacation or going on vacation, some even only taking the trip for the experience that only the Orient Express can deliver. I entered the restaurant car to find several people already there, must be early risers like me. I placed myself at one of the window seats and a waiter was quickly by my side. “Good morning, sir.” “Good morning, could I have a pot of Earl Grey and a round of lightly buttered toast please?” “Certainly sir,” replied the waiter and went to get my order. While I waited I lit a cigarette, and took in the splendid views from the window as the train powered through the countryside. A few moments later the waiter returned with a tray carrying my breakfast and placed in on the table. “Will there be anything else sir?” “No thank you.” He left and I poured my tea. I had drank about half and eaten two pieces of toast, when I noticed the carriage was becoming quite full, people were needing to double up on seating arrangements, so no doubt someone would inflict their company on me soon. I just hoped it wouldn’t be some boring businessman who wanted to tell me his life story. As luck would have it, my dining companion was actually quite a stunning English woman, who was travelling with her sister, but unfortunately her sister had remained in bed due to a stomach problem. Her name was Victoria Cavisham, and was only taking the Orient Express as far as Vienna, where she and her sister Constance, were to attend a concert. Victoria and I hit it off, whether it was because we were both English in a foreign land, or because just most of the others spoke a different language I don’t know but we spoke for an hour or two, which resulted in an arrangement for dinner that evening where I was also to meet Constance. Victoria finished her breakfast and excused herself stating she had to return to Constance to make sure she was all right. When she left, I lit another cigarette and stared out the window while my thoughts turned to Victoria. She was a slender woman of approximately five foot three in height, with dark brown, shoulder length hair, and crisp pale blue eyes. Victoria also had a damn fine figure on her and I couldn’t help but keep stealing a glance or two at her rather large breasts, albeit them being fully covered. A night spent lying my head between those breasts would be a night well spent. I mused at how large they were and how heavy they must feel, and wondered if Constance was built the same. Imagine the fun one could have with two busty women. “Can I offer you anything else sir?” The waiter’s question snapped me out of my raunchy revelry and I answered, “Could I have a glass of cold water?” The rest of the day was spent chatting with a couple of passing passengers, reading, or simply wandering through the train taking in its splendour, well actually I was looking for Victoria, but as she didn’t impart her cabin number it was rather a futile search and thus I would have to wait until dinner. For a couple of hours in the afternoon I napped, and on waking prepared for dinner by donning my evening suit in the hopes to impress. When I arrived at the diner carriage I was pleased to find Victoria and her sister were already sat at a table awaiting my arrival. On reaching them I was submitted to my first sight of Constance, a vision of loveliness that set my heart racing and my mind afire with lustful thoughts. Constance was a tad younger that Victoria, with long blonde tresses that framed a stunning face augmented by full lush lips, a cute button nose and rapturous pale green eyes that seemed to tinkle. Her figure was slim with breasts that were even larger than her sister's, a real pleasure to the eyes of a man such as I. Victoria made the formal introductions and I took my place opposite these two lovelies. We ordered our main meal for the evening, and then conversed with each other in a polite and mannered way whilst sipping the red wine that had already been poured by the waiter. The food was quick to arrive and we all set about eating. I was slow to consume the meal as my attention was continually placed on each forkful entering the ladies mouths, something that I found quite erotic seeing the juicy meat pass between their lips, and the way they delicately chewed. It was roughly halfway between the main meal that I felt a rubbing against my leg, a shoeless foot was touching me, but neither of the ladies showed any signs of which one was playing with me under the table. My eyes constantly flicked from Victoria to Constance searching for a revealing smile or telltale sign that they were the interested culprit, but none was forthcoming. The pleasurable stroking of my outer leg was pleasing; however when the unknown foot moved to my inner leg and slipped further up, I almost choked on the mouthful of wine I was about to swallow, and both ladies looked and smiled, which again didn’t offer any inkling as to which one was making advances. The foot moved further up until it was pressing against my groin, and this had an obvious effect, awakening my manhood and rapidly causing the desired affect. This covert titillation continued for several more minutes until whomever were pleasuring me was satisfied my tool had gained full arousal, after which the teasing foot was removed. By the time my covert seductress halted her wanton teasing, we had ended the meal, and Victoria was the first to speak. “Well that was most enjoyable, but now Mister French, my sister and I must depart because we have a few things to attend to before the train reaches our departure point tomorrow morning. It had been a pleasure Mister French,” she stated as she stood. “I assure you madam, the pleasure was all mine,” I responded as Constance also stood to leave. “Perhaps when we return to London we will meet at some soirée or other so we can enjoy your company once again,” Constance added as they both moved from the table. “The honour would be mine ladies,” I answered as I watched the objects of my lust move along the carriage and exit. I was somewhat disappointed that whichever of the ladies had decided to put me in a state of arousal hadn’t seen fit to reveal herself so I could possibly pursue the matter further, until I notice a folded piece of paper left on their seat. I reached over and unfolded it and read what was written. James, I do hope you enjoyed my under the table frivolity, if you would like to take things further then come to my sleeper in one hour, birth eight, as my sister has an appointment with the beautician and will be away for at least an hour. The note was unfortunately unsigned so I was still kept in the dark as to which of the sisters would be so accommodating. Refolding the note and tucking it into my inside jacket pocket, I left the diner carriage and moved to my birth where I waited for the hour to pass, which managed to move considerably slowly, but perhaps that was due to my excitement and ponderings of what delights were to come. I laid on my birth puffin away at a cigar, watching the clock endlessly tick with its minute hand seeming to take ages to reach the allotted point when I could leave for birth eight. My mind raced, would it be Victoria or Constance, with only an hour of pleasure time we will have to move fast to fully enjoy each other. Would she be in a state of undress ready and waiting? By the time it had reached five to the hour, I had worked myself into a state of arousal, and was eager to do the deed with whoever it was. I didn’t mind which, Victoria or Constance it made no difference to me, my mind was fixed on what was to come. The only real regret I did have was that it wasn’t both sisters I was about to sexually experience. I found birth eight without hindrance, and gently tapped on the door. The door opened and I stepped inside to see Constance stood there in just a red and black corset with her delicious ample breasts spilling over the top of the cups. There was no ceremony in her advance, she threw her arms round my neck and pulled me to her, pressing her soft lips against mine and snaked her tongue deep into my mouth. Her hand immediately gripped my male jewels and began manipulating it through my trousers. I returned the passion of her mouth-to-mouth and clasped a hand firmly on one of her supple buttocks whilst the other massaged her left breast and tease her nipple. Constance broke our amorous tongue battle, pulled away and moved to the pull down bed, she laid on it and simply said, “Take me James.” I needed no further encouragement from this delectable tease; I shed my attire as quickly as possible and joined her. We entwined our bodies, my hand went straight for the hot spot between her shapely legs where I expertly tweaked and stimulated her sensual bud into full arousal. The soft lips of her opening rapidly became moist and I slipped a finger deep inside whilst my lips surrounded her large erect nipple and sucked eagerly. Constance spread her legs wider as my finger worked at massaging her internally, her head was thrown back in desire, and her hand found my hardness, her fingers wrapped tightly around my engorged staff and pumped it in slow motions. I would usually take my time with such an eager woman as this, and fully taste all she had to offer; however time was short, and there would only be time for reaching our peak once before I would need to return to my own birth before Victoria returned. As such I took control, I placed myself between her open legs, she positioned my erection at the entrance to her soaking love tunnel so that the head sat between those juice pink lips and removed her hand. I pushed forwards slowly and entered her incredibly warm canal before sinking in fully so we were pubic bone to pubic bone. “Do it,” she commanded. Her legs wrapped around the small of my back lifting her buttocks up to accommodate my entire length. I gripped onto her shoulders and began moving in and out of her succulent folds with little force to begin with, but the woman’s eager bucking soon caused me to be hammering my stiffness into her forcibly. We slammed our bodies together for what seemed an eternity, and finally Constance let out a low ecstatic moan as her legs clamped down on my back and her orgasm coursed through her body. Her internal muscles contracted and gripped my organ tightly causing me to grit my teeth and my seed to erupt in a gushing flood, jetting deep inside her, and we relaxed together for a few moments, our passion spent. It has been lust at first sight, but little was said between us as I dressed, Constance pulled on her dressing gown and unlocked the door. I managed to get to the next carriage before I turned to see through the adjoining carriage window Victoria returning. |