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Rated: GC · Chapter · Adult · #1939437
My first story!
Janice and I were in her house chilling, when she asked for my hand. At first, I didn't understand, but then, she took my right hand and to my surprise, put my whole hand up to my wrist into her mouth! Since I knew that she would have trouble speaking with my hand in her mouth, I gave her the ability to communicate to me telepathically with a snap of the fingers on my left hand. The first thought that reached my mind was Janice thinking, “Yummmmmm, your hand is soooooooo delicious! What I wouldn't give to be able to swallow this and the rest of you. But, if I did, you’d be digested, and I don’t want that to happen to my delicious boyfriend….” After having finished tasting my right hand all over, she pulled it out with a POP and said, “So, I have telepathic abilities… Can you give me the ability to elongate my tongue so I can wrap it all around you; get all the taste of you as well as I can?”

I grinned, and replied, “So, I assume that you know about vore? I am a voraphile, which means-“ Janice cuts me off, saying, “Yes, I do know what vore is. I am also a voraphile, honey. What I’m thinking is that with the magic that you have; giving me the ability to talk telepathically to you, I’m thinking of all the fun that we can have. Hehehe. So, will you give me these abilities that we are sure that we want me to have, hon?” Grinning, I said, “Sure, hon. What do you want your next ability to be?” Smirking slightly, Janice said adamantly, “I want to be able to wrap my tongue all around your body, so I can see what the rest of you tastes like.”

Licking her lips, she recalled how she loved how my hand tasted after enveloping it in her mouth. As I snap my finger in a signature move, granted my voraphillic girlfriend her wish, she told me to take off all my clothes, except for my underwear. I acquiesced to Janice’s demand and as I took off my shirt, Janice knocked me backwards onto the bed and takes off my shoes and socks while I unzip my pants. When I finished unzipping my pants, Janice yanks off my pants and with a mischievous glint in her eyes, snaked out her tongue, and knowing it would tickle me, began wrapping her tongue around my paws, which made me squirm and giggle as Janice worked her way upwards, wrapping around my knees in half a second, then reaching my waist in the next half-second.

Janice stopped here, took my hands, and pushed them between her tongue and my sides, which would effectively pin my hands to my sides. After having secured my hands, Janice’s tongue continued on upwards, reaching my chest in half a second, then finished at the top of my head, but left room for me to breathe through the nose. After Janice finished wrapping her tongue around my body, I began to feel a pulsating sensation. I quickly realised that it was Janice’s tongue, tasting me. As her tongue continued tasting me, I began to hear her purring with pleasure and heard her thoughts saying, “Ohhhhhhhhh, you are soooooooo delicious!!! I ask of you to give me the abilities to: shrink you; grow you back to normal; make myself giantess size; go back to normal size; control my stomach acids; change any body parts on my body to any size of my choosing; for my nipples to suck in anything or anyone that happens to stick their hand, head, paws, or feet in. Last but most of all, I want the ability to swallow you up right now. So, when will you give me these abilities, my delicious boyfriend?

”I replied through telepathy, “If you would unwrap your nice, cool tongue from me and free my hands, I will grant your wishes, my beautiful feline.” Giggling, Janice unwrapped her tongue from my body and I watched it go back into her mouth and saw her smiling sweetly. Then, Janice rested her paws on her breasts and began purring as I snapped my fingers eight times and gave her each of the abilities that she had asked of me. After I had finished granting all of her requests, she said, “Whoops, I forgot to ask you to give me one more ability, which is to be able to teleport anything or anyone to or from any part of my body.” I snapped my fingers one last time and gave the ability to her.

Then, quite suddenly, her breasts changed size from being one foot in diameter to twenty-five feet in diameter with nipples of two feet in diameter. After changing her breast-size, Janice snaked out her tongue and asked telepathically, “Get on so I can bring you up to my breast’s nipple so you can go in and drink the milk from within. Oh, and if you’re wondering how I can get milk even though I’m not pregnant; I also have the ability to get milk from eating lots of tuna!” Janice blushes as she continued, “Sometimes, when I eat too much tuna, the milk squirts out from my boobs. So, anyway, will you climb onto my tongue so I can bring you up to my breasts and you can put your hands in my nipple? I think that it will take about 30 seconds at most, to suck your entire body into one of my boobs.”

After Janice finished speaking, I hopped onto her tongue. Then, Janice lifted me up and brought me to her right breast until my paws were in front of her right breast’ nipple. I lifted my paws and pushed my toes into the nipple and immediately, I felt it sucking on my toes. I quickly realised that Janice was not exaggerating when she said it would not take very long to suck in an object or person of my size as compared to the size of the breast. I found that both of my ankles were sucked inside the nipple in a second, and then my knees are reached in the next two seconds. In four more seconds, my waist is reached. As my waist passes through Janice’s nipple, I heard her purring and moaning in ecstasy, and I felt my toes dip into a liquid. As I am sucked even further into Janice’s right breast, she took her tongue away from my body and allowed her breast to do the rest as my neck is reached in 5 more seconds, then my head is inside the nipple in the next 2 seconds, then my hands are sucked inside 3 seconds after that; at which time, my waist feels the coolness of the milk. 5 more seconds passes as Janice’s nipple continued to suck in my head and hands and deposited me inside her breast.

As my eyes adjust to the darkness of the inside of Janice’s 25-foot right breast, I notice that the milk inside reaches up to my knees. Then, I heard Janice grunting as she concentrated and teleported the milk from her left breast to where I am, making the milk’s height reach my waist. Then, I heard Janice giggling, “So, aren't you going to drink or am I going to have to teleport you into my large intestines?” I gulped and immediately began to slurp up the milk and soon, I am purring to how delicious it is. Janice, hearing my purring said, “So, it seems that you love my milk as much as I do.” She allows me to drink for the next five minutes, when suddenly, I became immobilised since Janice had changed her breast size back from 25 feet to just one foot in diameter, which left a mighty bulge in her right breast.

As I tried to drink as much more milk as I could, I heard Janice taking a couple of pictures of herself. When she finished with her phone camera, I suddenly found myself standing in front of Janice wearing only my underwear. Then, I heard Janice say while purring, “Do you know what’s next for you, Josh, darling?” Blushing, I replied, “Do tell, miss Janice.” Janice grinned and licked her lips in either anticipation or hunger, and said, “It’s time for you to come into my stomach, my delicious boyfriend.

”Janice grabbed the both of my paws and stuffed them into her mouth. After having finished pushing my hands inside her mouth, Janice wrapped her tongue around my hands tightly, that I am unable to move a single finger. Then, I can feel her tongue pulsating, as she tastes my hands again. Then, Janice holds my arms and pushes them into her mouth, which forces my hands into her throat. As Janice wraps her tongue around my arms she continued along my entire body and finished wrapping it in 2 seconds flat.

After Janice had finished, she swallowed my hands and I became astonished at the rapidity of her esophagus as my arms go down it in the next gulp, after which Janice immediately began unwrapping her tongue from my body and brought it into her mouth and began licking my face all over as she loves to do when we’re together. After having licked my face, my head, neck and shoulders go down her throat as she swallows again, and then my waist follows in the next two gulps. While my legs enter Janice's mouth, my hands entered her stomach, and then as Janice swallowed again, my feet entered Janice's mouth, which of course, she licked it to tickle me and I squirmed in her throat as well as I could, which only increased the pleasure for the both of us. Another gulp and my feet entered her esophagus as my head entered her stomach. Two more swallows and my entire body goes down her esophagus and made the total travel time no more than fifteen seconds.

I struggled in her stomach to upright myself and managed to do it, after which I heard Janice giggling, “Wooooowwwww! You were soooooo delicious! Tasted like tuna noodle casserole!!! Hehehe. Hey, umm, Josh? Would you mind if I digested you for only ten minutes? I want to use the nutrients to refill both of my breasts with milk so you can drink it again when I have them suck you in, hehehe. Is that alright with you, Josh, babe?” Smiling, I called out to Janice, “Yes, you may digest me, but only for as long as thirty minutes, okay honeybuns?” After I said that, I snapped my fingers and gave Janice the ability to reform my body when she was ready.

I heard Janice happily replying whilst purring, “Thank you, dearest boyfriend! I just want to keep you happy with the warmth of my tummy and with the delish milk of my boobs” After having said that, Janice instantly digested me and as she sorted through the waste and nutrients, Janice goes to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet and pooped out the waste which, surprisingly, wasn’t much. The nutrients left over filled both of Janice’s breasts up to half full each. After she had finished converting the nutrients, Janice snapped her fingers and I appeared in front of her fully clothed.

I look around, babbling incoherently when my eyes rested on her beautiful orange fur, then, my gaze moved upwards along her long blonde hair, and as my eyes drank in her beauty, I gazed into her emerald-green eyes. Janice noticed that I had been staring at her too long, she cleared her throat, which made me jump in surprise, which in turn made her giggle. Then, she gazed on my brown fur, and ruffled my brown hair and then stared into my brown eyes. “Purrrrrrrrrr, I sure did love how you tasted, my dearest Josh!”

Then, Janice took out a potion that she had made for herself and told me, “This here potion is for even more abilities for me to use on you and other people or objects. Anyway, a few of these abilities will allow my breasts to turn into man-eating breasts whenever I allow them to become so. Another ability is my being able to unbirth you and either turn you into my baby or keep you inside for a day; if I make you my baby, I can suck you back into my womb and change you back into your feline self. Still another ability is that I will be able to vore you through my bum. And there are lots of more fun abilities I have put into here! What am I waiting for?!? Oh, wait! I forgot one vital ingredient that will allow me to change my species and shape. I think you’ll love it when I turn into a great big lioness! Ah, there we go! Got that last bit into my wonderful potion. A toast to our fun, my dear Josh!” Janice takes a swig of her potion and with a snap of her finger.... (To be continued...)
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