Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1938858-Life-for-others
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Environment · #1938858
This is my second writing. Don't forget to read the note for the readers.
This is life, what we see through our eyes are real and what happens all around us are real. Life cannot be whole with always having fun and overwhelming applauds, there are grey shades in every bit of life, time will come when there is no one around standing aside to console you, then you will have to sit alone. Sometimes you won't understand the reason of the burden you carry. It may not be your own burdens alone you would also be forced to carry some others too..

At first I really don't understand what I'm supposed to do in my life but now I know one thing, everything I had done or forced to be do are for some greater good deeds which will have purposes to be completed with my actions.

From the first of my distinguishable memories I could cherish from my heart we were on a course of journey. I have to travel long distances across mountains, valleys, rocks along with many fellow companions, I could really enjoy those time well and had my most memorable days ever. Then altogether my life has been changed when I reached more wider course but in this stage my travelings were restricted. I was really with many but in that crowd I don't know any neither do they care. Smile vanished from my face, all enjoyments have lost. I thought this will be where my life ends with all my happy days are left far behind beyond reach.

I was hoping for a certain death under the hot sun shining above my head but I don't know these hardships were meant for my transformation. Yes, I really transformed and it took me to greater heights, we could feel no stress or pain there we were flying like anything in the winds, it was so heavenly to be there. I really learned quite a bit from my life, nothing is stationary in a life nor there are any states where we could hung forever. So I was expecting a turnover soon and I was not mistaken, winds from calm breeze turned into violent storms roaring over us. We couldn't had a chance standing there we were pushed from the edge to a certain fall, a fall I thought that would have us killed. I was really wondering why I was being punished so ruthlessly over and over again. I didn't had an answer either.

When I woke up I was in the city limits in a plantation farm. I wasn't aware of my role to perform there so I tried soothe myself in as everyone else did, later I realized our task to perform there was of servers, we had to serve the peasants with their needs to be meet so that they can be the producers for all others. I could see finally that I was doing something which had a true purpose and my life was useful to others, from there I learned to smile well because what I learned from there smiling is showing gratitude without asking for anything and giving everything for a good cause. Yet I had a desire to stay there and help but my journey was far from over I have to continue without much regular stops through slums and cities. I had seen living forms in all classes of life. But I carry something every where and never dropped it ever, a Smile.

Finally I recall myself I have reached where I had started my journey a way long back, with a lot of new friends in company I had many stories to share from my life and to hear from them, this time the adventure may not be like the old ways but I was prepared because until now I have experienced a lot in my life, I have been put to worst and absorbed by the pure, transformed to many states and yet here I stand with a broad smile. I know I have many purposes in my life in which the main purpose is to "Serve ourselves as help for others".


Now you have finished reading this short description.What you feel? Is it anyway connected to your life?

Are you having any experiences like this in your life?

These are some questions I would like if you ask yourselves.

I want to mention you that this passage is only a description of a water cycle! which some of you must have already figured it out, I was trying to tell you a small well known process in nature with a different approach by relating it with our life. If you want to read it again to clarify about the water cycle go on. I hope you could read this passage without much boring.

Please leave any comments if you have.
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