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A hike in the woods turns deadly |
Mind Blowing Idol Craig stumbled as he hiked up the trail behind Lisa, Jim, Big Bo, Carol, and Cindy. What was he doing here? The woods was no place for a black man, and especially some supposed haunted woods. He was glad his friends from his old neighborhood back in Detroit couldn’t see him now. But the sight of Cindy’s ass in front of him led him on. She was his first real girlfriend, and he was proud he had waited until he was in college to find one. Who the hell said white girls didn’t have no ass? Craig didn’t even know where they were, somewhere in Washington, a long way from school. Jim said this hill, or mountain or whatever held a cave that was the site of a slaughter of Native Americans by cowboys or something, and that a lot of gold was buried there. Craig didn’t care, but he wasn’t about to let his girlfriend go off into the woods with Big Bo around. On top of being Six- three and two hundred eighty pounds of solid muscle, the dude was every woman’s dream, with his flowing blonde locks and his All American looks. But what bothered him the most about Bo was the rep he had for being rough with women when they rebuffed him, and Cindy had done so more than once. The big ox was in front of Cindy now, though not looking back. Big Bo’s current hanger-on was ahead of him, Carol was her name. Craig didn’t know much about her, but when he looked at her all that came to mind was pictures of voluptuous Valkyries he had seen in books about Vikings. Lisa and Jim lead the pack, inseparable as always. A shout from the front told Craig they had arrived. As he approached, Craig saw Jim waving everyone into what looked like a bear cave carved into the hillside. Inside was dark and stank of rotting vegetation and wet earth. Lisa turned on a Coleman lamp and lit the cave up. Everyone jumped at what they saw. In the center of the cave was a raised dais, only about two feet off the floor of the cave, and on it sat the ugliest statue they had ever seen. It was carved from stone, and appeared to be of a gargoyle. Totally made of stone, except the eyes. The light played off the eyes in an eerie way, purple and black light swirling in its depths. Craig moved closer, staring into the eyes, and he reached out a hand to touch it. “Don’t touch it! “Yelled Jim and he pulled Craig away from the statue. Craig looked at Jim like he was crazy and started to ask what his problem was, when Jim laughed manically and punched him in the face. Blood streamed down Craig’s face from a busted nose, as Big Bo ran over to subdue Jim. Only his subduing move turned into a choke hold that had Jim’s eye bulging out of his head, and his face a bright red. Big Bo squeezed harder until Craig was sure he heard Jim’s neck break, and then he dropped Jim to the ground and turned on Lisa. Only Lisa was already turning on him. She charged the big man head on, who laughed crazily and welcomed the attack, until the handle of the large buck knife Lisa had been holding sprouted from his chest. Bright red blood squirted out from him with every beat of his weakening heart as he dropped to his knees, looked askance at Craig, and then fell over. Craig screamed, “What the hell is happening!” and turned to Cindy, only to find her on top of Caro tearing her throat out with her teeth. Craig bent down and picked up a large sturdy tree branch and yelled for her to stop. Cindy looked up, hell in her eyes, and rose to her feet. Blood still ran from her mouth in rivelts. She slowly approached, hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. “ It’s me, baby, Cindy. You wouldn’t hurt me would you? You know I love…” Cindy was stopped in mid-sentence as Lisa slammed into her, Knife rising and falling to a sickeningly meaty sound. Craig yelled and swung the branch, connecting repeatedly with Lisa’s head until she was unrecognizable. He stopped when his arms got tired. They were all dead. All of them. Now he could see about that statue again…… The medics rolled Craig down the path towards the ambulance. He still had the same glass eyed gaze he had had ever since touching the statue. Jim and Lisa stood off to one side consoling Cindy, and Big Bo and Carol spoke with the state troopers, giving they’re account of what had happened. One medic had said that the only time he had ever seen anyone in a state like this was a coma. It was as if his brain had been wiped clean. He was a vegetable. Craig loved it. Those eyes. Those beautiful crystalline purple-black eyes. So deep! He felt he could stare into them forever…. |