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This story is based on my epic dreams. |
When the sky turned red my life started to change. I'm Josephine and here's my story. Sunday, 8:00 am. " KRING!!! KRING!!! KRING!!!" My eyes are still half closed as I reach out to stop that annoying sound coming from my side table but no matter how much effort I make, my hands can't find the thing I am reaching for. I let out an irritated sigh and hesitantly get out of my bed, eyes still half closed. Today is a very special day and in order for me to get up and attend the last mass in our church at 9:00 am, I remember putting my alarm clock on my study table last night. I don't go to church every Sunday, lets just say I'm not religious but today is an exception. Today is my 18th birthday and I have to go to church. That's our family tradition every birthday we should go to church and give thanks, confess and pray for more years to come so even if I don't want to go my mom will drag me to go to church. "KRING!!! KRING!!! KRING!!!" that sounds really getting on my nerve, I feel bad getting up early than my usual slumber which is until 10 am. I slowly walk and when I reach that stupid alarm clock.. " BAM!!" I hit it so hard the battery came out. I was astonish when I turn around, my room is open as in no walls or even a roof. I rub my eyes, maybe I'm still half asleep and just seeing things. I count to 10 and open my eyes. This time I see a stair case in front of me going up to the sky." Bloody hell... " I said to myself.( I picked up that expressions from my British friend ). The blue and peaceful sky is like a blood running through my veins. Have I gone crazy? I asked in my head then I hear something, no matter how much I stretch my neck looking for someone, there's nobody here but me and the endless sound of my alarm clock.. Just a seconds that sound, no its a Voice. A voice in my head, Its a different language compared to mine but I wonder how I seem to understand it. I slowly walk up the stairs while the voice is guiding me, every step I take going up, the sky becomes clearer. I'm half way the staircase and the sky is becoming less reddish. The voice in my head keep talking to me as if asking me to choose, I don't know the language but I answered " I'm for good.." Walking upstairs seems a long way so I stop to rest. I wonder it seems going down is the easiest thing to do. I get curious what's down there so I look down. I see a beautiful mountain it is full of flowers...Flaming red flowers every where... I love flowers and I feel tempted to go down. I was about to go back down but I hear the voice again but this time not in my head, I look up and I see a man dress in white he offer his hand to me, I'm not hesitating but I gaze at his hand it has a wound, I gently hold his hand and I look at his face, he turn around and started to walk back up. He was holding my hand so I instantly follow him. One more time I look down, no mountains or beautiful flowers just a pool of blazing flame.. " KRING!!!KRING!!!KRING!!!" I open my eyes. "Happy birthday!!" My family greet me happily. I hug them one by one. My vivid dream remain stuck in my head as time pass by. After going to the church my family and I went to the nearby restaurant to eat our early lunch and celebrate my 18th birthday. We usually have big parties when someone turns 18 but I chose not to have one since I have another plan. When we reach home, I hurriedly change my clothes. " Mom, I'm going out." I shout before I open the backdoor. " Come back early.." My mom shout back but I didn't hear everything she said because I run fast after seeing Dave. He's my boyfriend. We want to celebrate my birthday together. " Hi!" I wrap my arms around him and kiss him passionately. " Are you ready?" He smile. " Yup, where are you taking me?" " Its a secret." He winked at me before starting the car. It takes 30 minutes before we reach our destinations. Its a small house near the lake. I can hear loud music and laughter from the house. I can see people playing around in the water. " Where are we?" I can't help asking. " This is my uncle's lake house." " I thought we're going to celebrate my birthday. What are we doing here? I said bitterly. He put his arms around my waist. " My cousin Jeremy is also celebrating his birthday today. He begged me to come I can't say no. I will just greet him and lets stay for 30 minutes then we will live ok, please?" He kiss the tip of my nose and before I knew it, we are inside the house. He introduce me to his cousin and to lots of other people. I don't even bother to remember their names. Its been 30 minutes since Dave live me alone with bunch of people I don't know. I feel irritated but I still keep on smiling if they are talking to me. I excuse my self from the group and started to look around and find Dave. I can't see him anywhere. I feel so angry at the situation." I'm going home. I wish I agree to my mom when she asked me to have a celebration party on my birthday." I told myself. I was about to go out when someone grab me on my wrist and when I turn around a different looking Dave is what I saw. He smile at me and pull my arms so strong I bump my face on his chest. I feel a little scared when I look at him and see his eyes red, he looks like drunk but I don't smell any alcohol on him. He asked me to come with him and we pass through the backdoor. There's a small boat house at the back. When we go inside his cousin Jeremy and his girlfriend was there along with two other couple. There was a table in the middle and a candle on top of it. They were taking turns on sniffing something. That moment I realize they were using drugs. I look at Dave. He smile at me and said." Try it sweetie you will like it." We walk closer to the table, as we get closer the candle burning on top of the table started to look familiar. It hits me the beautiful red flowers in my dreams. I stop walking and turn around. I run as far away as I can from that place. I only stop running when I saw a police cars heading on the direction of the lake house. I feel so scared then I hear something. " I'm thinking about..." a song..my ringtone. I almost forgot about my cellphone. When I look at the screen its my mom, Thank God she's calling. After we talked my parents come and pick me in the nearby gas station. They are so thankful nothing happen to me and I was not arrested like Dave. I am so thankful too. Thankful to have a choice between good or bad, thankful I chose the right way. |