Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1936486-Beyond
by BRayV
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1936486
The start of a story about what will lie beyond a door and where it will take you.
    "What do you see?" Sean called out from above.

    "It's some sort of underground cavern, I can't really tell." Mike replied as he shined his flashlight back up towards his descent.

    Two days ago Sean was plowing his field preparing the soil for planting his sweet potatoes when he came across a large hole. The storms with it's heavy rains the week before must have opened it up. Thinking it was maybe a small sink hole he was astonished when he looked down to see it was more of a cave opening then a hole. Being curious he called Mike and asked if he would come out to look into it. Agreeing Mike told him he would be there in a couple of days.

    Mike now at the bottom looking up could see he must have roped down about one hundred and fifty yards. That was impressive he thought now moving the light beam around the top. The opening looked like a little pinhead to the size of this cave. He knew why Sean called him. Mike was an outdoorsman and caves were no exception. He had been into numerous caves, including one of the largest cavern systems in the world Mammoth Caves in Kentucky. This was a bit different however believing this was just discovered, that he is the first person to step foot inside.

    His light crossed the top and down one side and up another. Mike was trying to determine just how big this cave was, and wandering if this was a system of caves. A high school football stadium could easily fit into this room itself. Distracting him from his thoughts and observations Sean called from above, "You OK?"

    "I'm good, but I think you need some other people besides me to check this thing out." Mike hollered back.

    "I'm untying from the rope for a couple of minutes to look around." Pulling himself free from the rope Mike began his exploring.

    Sean yelled down, "be careful man, and yell back at me when you want to fire the tractor back up."

    Mike smiled thinking of that tractor as his lifeline considering the rope is connected at the other end to pull him out of this monster. Searching and admiring the beast of this cave he spanned towards the far end from his entrance. The light from a small flashlight was not really doing much but for short distances, he was not expecting the size of this cave. When Sean called him two days ago explaining the discovery of some kind of sinkhole he did not expect to find this.

    Walking north his light hit wall about thirty yards in front of him. Moving his light from side to side as he walked searching his destination something caught his attention. Ten yards now from the wall he realized it was no longer his imagination. There in front of him with the little light coming from his flashlight stood two man made pillars. The two pillars looked more like totems with four strange faces that towered maybe forty feet high. The carvings into this stone was impressive, very detailed. Each set of eyes seemed to gaze into his soul. Mike shivered, not knowing because of how cool it was or what he was looking at. Both pillars were the same, four different heads all the same style with carved crowns atop each head. These heads however looked all different. Mike had watched enough Discovery TV to look at this and think different cultures. One looked Egyptian, another Mayan, and yet one was maybe Roman. The top however was strange, almost a combination of human and animal.

    The pillars however was not what stunned him. Between the two massive columns stood a very large door.
© Copyright 2013 BRayV (hollywood17 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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