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anything can await inside your mind. |
Edwin... Edwin get up... slowly our hero wakes up from his sleep he groggily paws for his glasses finally managing to knock them to the ground. With a grumble and a sigh of resignation he sits up in bed. his feet dangle listlessly and he slumps forward slowly and carefully sliding off his bed, not wanting to step on his glasses of course. Safely setting he's feet on the ground and after some blind searching he lift his glasses successfully off the ground and with sight now upon him he set of for some clothes and a much needed shower. Brushing his teeth his mind starts to wander he notices his shaggy copper hair is in jagged spikes from sleep looking much like a mountain range with his dark blue eyes twin ponds at their base. He can almost picture people swimming and having fun hiking and running at a nature park or camp ground. Before he can drift further his mother speaks up from the bottom of the stairs. Edwin honey if you don't hurry up you'll miss breakfast! almost drooling at the thought of food he finishes brushing and gets ready in haste not wanting to miss a much needed meal. Making his way down the stairs he is blindsided by the family dog Bartholomew the family's mastiff. The large tan tank of a dog knocks the boy down with little difficulty, stunned the boy find him self pinned by a large lion eyes staring down at the boy as if he were a t-bone steak. Though the young boy fights valiantly he is clearly outmatched as the jaws of the lion move in closer and the maw of the great beast opens revealing the creatures razor sharp teeth clearly design for one purpose. Edwin closes his eyes and awaits his doom. And what a doom it was a wet slobbery doom Edwin snaps out of his daydream he sees not a hungry lion but his lovable lazy dog he almost laughs but that would require him to open his mouth something he would rather not do with his dog's gigantic tongue covering his face in slobber he attempts move the dog off of him but while not a lion the dog is still pretty big. Wondering about his next course of action the slobbery assault suddenly halts for a brief moment the boy is a man but not just a man a soldier. lying down in a field he feels as though he has been lifted of an immense burden and as he is looking just for a moment he could swear he saw an angel. "Edwin." the angel spoke in a voice soft as a whisper but as clear as a bell. "Edwin," get up this is no time to be laying around." Startled that the angel knew his name, he slowly climbs to his feet "there now that's better wouldn't you agree?" "yes "Edwin replies" in a weary tone "now come to breakfast so you can have something to eat before the bus comes". confused Edwin replies "bus? what bus?" "The bus for school you know that now come on." Shaking his head Edwin realizes the angel is none other than his mom, dog still in tow. Confused his mother asks "Edwin do you want breakfast or not"? The boy smiles and walks into the kitchen eager to start his day. |