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Rated: 18+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1933778
The journey of a young man thrown into danger and things get messy when he learns of agift
The next hit was a man with a snorting red nose and wearing fancy clothes, I unloaded four shells of my shotgun into his head, and left the bloodied screaming scene. I was on my way to pick up payment when Lo and behold a road block, I thought about it a second, but knew this road block could only end in two ways and the one I was hoping for was about to unfold. We pulled over to the police women. She walked over to my car, I unleashed a round into her face then floored it through the road block. I could hear the angry shouts of the other police as I roared away, I managed to escape them but they would have my numberplates by now , Fakes anyway.
“See that wasn’t so bad now was it” I said to Cindy.
“It’s fucken scary though”
“Why don’t we stop at a Macca’s or something and get some food”
“ yes about time ya fuck, I’m starving”.
“I’ll give you fuck in a minute”
“What and I suppose were just gonna pull over here and start fucking”
“Ok” I said pulling over. We starting pashing and stripping off when I caught them in the mirror.
“FUCK, IT’S COPS” I said and decided it was gonna be a cold day in tassy before the cops got me. My girlfriend screamed:
“Let me out of here, Let me get out , I wanna get out” She screamed whilst kicking me.
“Listen fuckhead if they catch you, you’ll be going down for stuff too , So SHUT THE FUCK UP!”.

We took off and I waited to see if they were after us, sure enough they put there lights on, and the chase began. I swerved through traffic driving like a race car driver in the city streets, I couldn’t loose them, I managed to get to a free way and just floored my old black panel van as fast as I could push it , weaving in and out of slower cars I was starting to gain some distance from them , But they caught up to me in the corner
The chase went on for about 2 hours, out of town.  Then when I was trying to figure out where we were, when we came off the road at a corner and went down the ciff. We climbed out of the wrecked car blood on our heads..
“Oh you fuckhead, learn to fucken drive” Said Cindy holding her head
“We got away didn’t we”
“My necks probably fucken broken, you fuck”
“Your neck looks fine, now lets get out of here”
We got a change of clothes out of the back of the car which lay on it’s side.
“We’ll get changed and clean up soon just follow me for a while”
“Ok, but then what! , tell me, we just gonna walk home with cops everywhere” she said as we walked
“No where gonna wait for about five hours till the heat dies down then walk home, I have a wig for you and I’ll shave. Trust me it’ll be sweet.
“It better babe”
We came to a clearing by the river.
“Lets set up a fire here and changed clothes now”
“But first “ Cindy said stripping of her clothes in a little strip tease, so I took off my clothes.
And we had sex in the cold muddy ground.
Afterwards we washed up and sat by the fire and waited
“I’m so glad I came with you, that was incredible”
“We waited for a while then I heard them, the dogs”
“What are you doing can’t we wait here longer” Cindy said as I started packing up.
“No we have to go, those dogs are sniffer dogs, there on to us”
“I can’t hear any dogs”
“Well there their coming, come on”
We ran through the bush and I looked up Google maps to see where the next road was.
Cindy’s exhausted words come when we got there; “Now what genius “.
“Now we hitch”.
So we stuck our thumbs out. And we had luck Then the second car we saw, pulled up, it was a little orange Datsun and there were kids in the car, but can’t complain about the lift at times like these.
“Hey I’m Adam where ya headin “.
“To the city”
“Well im going to the city, get in “ He said and we got in.
“So what brings you people out here on such a miserable day”
I said “Oh were just came back from camping, Our car broke down . We thought we’d have to walk all the way back to the city then you came along”.
"So I'm like your saviour of sorts" Adam said.
"Something like that".
The rest of the drive we chatted whilst Adam smacked his kids for being too loud. When we got to the city there was a road block. The policeman looked at us then ushered us through. We got out of the car near a Mcdonalds.
"Thanks for the lift Adam" Cindy said.
"No worries". said Adam and drove off.
I went in and bought coffee. Then I had to go collect the money.
“You go home and I’ll meet you at home here’s some money to get a cab”
“Ok” said Cindy.
I got my own cab and got out a couple streets from Abilas.
It was one of those old houses with little stone gargoyles at the door. I knocked the required amount of times to let him know it was me.
With the door opening came Abilas Mexican accent  “Aah yes Lorry, come in come in” .  We went in to his house and sat by the large wooden coffee table where he was snorting cocain and watching a turned off Television.
“So how’d this one go for you”
“Not the best we got chased by the cops, but the jobs done”.
“Oh chase by the police hey, what happened spare me no details”.
I told him what happened and put the money in my green duffel bag and called a cab and I left for home.


I was eating bananas and working on my assignment for a graphics design course.
In came Edward and spoke:” So do you want to skip class and go into town or something”
“Nah I’ve just gotta finish this CD cover design”
“Nah Come on, I’ll buy you some beer”
“Not like I can't afford beer”
“Come on!, I’m bored"
"Come on!!!
“Ok Ok lets go”
And so we jumped in my brand new Mercedes sports car that dad bought me, Edward put on Eminem as we drove.
Edward spoke “What about those chicks last night they were smoking”
“Weren’t they just , so were do you want to go”
“Into town we’ll buy a bottle of jacks and put it in a coke bottle and drink in the mall”.
So we bought some Jack Daniels , and drunk half the coke then filled up the rest of the Coke bottle with Jacks and sat in the mall and got pissed. Some lady comes out with  a massive bag and I say with slurd speech; ”That lady needs help with her bags, somebody fucken help, help the old lady “.“Why don’t you fucken help her”.
Edward said ” Why the fuck don’t you help her then”.
I say “Im the foreman, the foreman just over see’s the situation”
Ed laughs. Then some guy walks out of the take away shop with a green face and spew’s everywhere.
I say “Clean up in isle town”
“That’s disgusting”. “ hey do you wanna go see bob”
“Ay yeah alright”
So we scooted over to pick up Bob.
We pressed the button on his luxury home “Bobby what’s going on “
"Not much come in"
We went into his house and found him standing there with his hand out holding some LSD he said:
“I got some Acid” Don’t know what it’s like though, do you want to try it with me”.
Ed spoke ”Oh Yeah, that’s the shit give me some”.
So we took the acid. And Ten minutes later there was no effect and Bobby said” Dam fucken shit, doesn’t do shit, I’m gonna have to get my money back”
Ed said” Oh well better luck next time do you want to go to the casino, check out the chicks, raid the buffet, do a little black jack?”.
I said “ Yeah, coming Bobby”
“Yeah, but this acid was suppose to be top notch, I can’t believe this shit I payed two hundred dollars for this shit”
And Bob kept complaining all the way to the slingshot , where he climbed into the ride not even knowing that it was a ride, all the while complaining about the bad acid somebody sold him. I climbed in with him and he was still complaining. Then the ride took off bob screamed;” THEE ACID’S THEEEEE REAAAL SHIT AAAAW AAAARGGHHH”. It was as though Bob didn’t even know we where on a ride. We got out and smoked a reefer in the car park. That’s when I noticed something weird. There  was a man getting into his car but it was like he was paused or something, upon closer inspection it was like he was moving real slow, and when I mean slow, I mean His body was moving about an inch in a minute
I said “Hey check out the old guy”
Ed said” What old guy”
“Over there”
“That acid must be kicking in real good, there’s no one there you goose”
“I swear I can see some old guy moving really slow”.
“Looks like your trip just started, Ha Haa look at Bobby”
Bobby was trippen out in the back of my car. We took off to the casino, on the way I was seeing cars as crocodiles and birds where dropping bombs on us. We got to the casino and the moment I stepped inside I started to trip hard core, the dragons in the pattern of the carpet where jumping out at me.
I spoke “ I think we need a room” To which Bobby gave a thumbs up.
Ed said” Ok But I’m gonna have a game of blackjack before I go up just let me know what room where in”.
I managed some words at the room rental desk. And managed to get into bed but the trip was hardcore, all I remember from that night was looking up to a haze of people moving like vampires with supernatural speed.
I woke up to a knock at the door, it was room service. I had a killer headache and couldn’t find bobby.
“Hey wake up “ I said to Ed and shook him.
“No I don’t want a flower!”.
“Oh, I was having a dream some disgusting monster was trying to give me a  flower”
“Where’s Bobby”
“He went home, Hey what happened to you last night, you were sleeping with your eyes open”
“Oh was I , what time is it”
“Oh shit I’ve got class today, ah fuck it might as well skip another one”
There was a call on my phone
It was my dad; ” Listen her fucker you better start going to school more often, I don’t give you money to just waste your life away”
“Your only young once you know”
And he started the when I was your age I was a millionaire yadda yadda ya and hung up.
“So what do you want to do today”
“I don’t know about you but I’m going to rest up at home”
“Ok I might do the same”
So I dropped Edward off and went home and had a hot shower, I especially love the feeling you get after a hot shower it’s kind of like the buzz you get after sex. I slept in till around two and decided to go for a walk to the shop for a pie or two. I was buying a couple pies and a drink when BOOM a gun erupted into a bag of chips next to me.
The gunman spoke “You, your coming with us”.
“Nah man I’m just gonna buy some pies and go home”
“Your coming with us or”
And he let off another loud defening blast next to my feet.
“Grab him babe”
A women came out of nowhere and grabbed me and tried to walk me out the door I yelled FUCK OFF and struggled. And the Gunman smacked me out with the butt of the gun.

I  awoke to the sound of the TV some crappy telemarket show.
“He’s coming round”
“Yes were kidnapping you, but you’ll be ok the instructions where to kidnap you for 24 hours then let you go, so just keep your cool and we’ll all get along fine”. “ Now can I trust you to not scream so I can take off the masking tape from your mouth”
I nodded and he took it off. The man wore a black suede jacket and black pants and the girl wore a white dress with blue doves on it.
“So How much you getting for this kidnapping”
“Look I’m not in the mood for chit chat just watch the TV and Ill make you tea later”
“Did you bring my pies”
“No like I said I’ll make you dinner later”
I mumble something; “Stinking kidnapers wont give me pie”.
I looked around , it was an old decrepit house with yellow wall paper that had red flowers on it. The perfect place to hide somebody kidnapped. I heard the sound of scissors being used from the kidnappers behind me.
“What’s going on, are you chopping up” I said with a smile.
“Oh so you smoke the old marry do you, well I suppose we could give you a couple”
They finished chopping up the weed then fed me some bongs, the bong they used was shaped like a grim reaper and the gear was the bomb.
I looked back at the Television and there was something wrong with it, it was all in fast forward, and there was no sound.
I said “Hey check out the TV it’s in fast forward”
“What “ Said the man and came closer to the TV.
“What the fuck’s with that”. “Hey babe come look at this”
And in came the hot as women , I looked at her as she came into my line of vision, then something truly scary happened, she started going into fast forward, Zipping around the room like a mouse in fast forward
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Me and the man shouted, my heart started pumping faster.
“Laurance wake up! Wake up” said Cindy as she came back to normal speed.
“What the fuck I’ve been awake the whole time, You’ve been in fast forward” 
“No you’ve just been sitting there staring like a zombie , I’ve spent the last ten minutes trying to wake you up”.
“This is fucked I feel sick” I said and looked at the TV and it went into fast forward mode again.
Cindy spoke “So what just happened, are you taking drugs I don’t know about”
“No I’m telling you, you were in fast forward, Wasn’t she Veito”
“Yes “ I said and nodded with eyes wide open.
“Look at the TV, that’s what you were doing”
I looked over to the women again and she went into fast forward again and the TV stayed on fast forward too.
“CINDY! No not again”. ”What the fuck is going on, slow down honey”.
“I wish this shit would stop, it’s too trippy.” I wish she would slow down I thought to my self. And just like that Cindy and the TV went back to normal speed.
“Lorry you Fuck.. oh so your back among the living are we”
“I know what’s doing this, it’s the kid, he said stop and you went back to normal”. “ Ok kid try it on me, say speed up on me”.
So I looked at the man and said ; “ Speed up”. But it didn’t work.
“Ok wait on try it on Cindy again”
“Fuck off cunts I’m not spending another 15 minutes in fast mode or what ever the fuck this shit is”.
Lorry slapped me around the head and said; ”Do it”
So I looked at Cindy and she backed away saying don’t do it, and I said “ Speed up”. And sure enough she went back to speed mode again.
“Now say slow down to her”
“Slow down” And then she was in super slow mode. Lorry got up went over to her she was holding a cup of coffee and smoking a ciggerette the smoke was even in slow mode but when Lorry walked through the smoke, the smoke went into our time again. He lent over and poked Cindy gently in the ribs.
“Feels real hard”. “ Now say normal speed”
So I said “ Normal speed!”. And she started moving again.
“This is some trippy shit, there’s no way you could move that fast Lorry, What the fuck!  Is going on”
“It’s this kid! , he can speed and slow down time! ”. “ Fuck me imagine what we could do with this power, A job would be a cinch, hell we could pull a bank robbery, and no one would even know we where there”
“Ok lets test this somewhere else”.
“What do you say Veito do you wanna play with your powers”
So I thought about this and whilst looking at Lorry said “ Slow mode”
But nothing happened.
He slapped me in the head and said; ”Doesn’t work on me remember”. “ Come on kid where going to the park”. He grabbed his keys and we jumped into his little red hatch and drove towards the park
As lorry drove he said; “ Now you see those cars ahead of us I want you too say fast forward to them, but hang on don’t say that say fast forward for two minutes”.
“Ok Fast forward for two minutes” And I pointed at the cars.
Then just like that they disappeared.
Cindy said “Fuck me this is awesome, Imagine what you could do, you could fuck me in fast forward mode, I wonder what that would be like”
“Save that for later babe, right now where going to the park”.
I just thought to my self surly this is a dream, but I knew all too well that it  wasn’t. As we drove I noticed the inside of the car seemed like it was in high definition as though my senses where growing stronger.
We pulled up into the park car park and got out, and walked over into the park.
“Now I want you to say slow mode for everybody in the park except Cindy”.
“Ok,  Slow mode for everybody in the park except Cindy”
And sure enough everybody there practically froze. There was people jogging, left standing on one foot , kids in the playing had all froze, there was even a man in mid air catching a football.
Lorry said “Ok you too wait here”.
And he walked over to a couple super slowly eating there lunch. Then he tried to pick one of them up but couldn’t, then It looked like he was trying to lift something out of there bag but couldn’t budge it and fell over, he then he came back to us.
“It’s like the things that get slowed down weigh a ton, Doesn’t look like we can affect any of them”. “ Ok now say normal speed and lets go”.
I said it and all the people went back to normal. I noticed there was a man looking at us with shock, he was one of the ones we put in slow mode and he stood there mouth open cigarette hanging from his bottom lip with a look of  utter horror. We got into the car and drove in the direction of the city.
Lorry said ” Now say, slow mode for everybody on the planet except for cindy”.
I said “ Ok, Slow mode for everybody on the planet except for cindy”.
Nothing happened.
“Too bad I was going to have fun this time, ok lets go back home”
And we drove back to the old house.
We went in and Lorry said; ” Ok now point to that packet of corn flakes and say slow down”
So I did.
Then he tried to move the box of corn flakes but couldn’t. Then he pull out his sawn of shotgun and pointed it at the cornflakes and pulled the trigger. The bullets hit it and it made a sound like hitting metal and the cornflake box was unaffected they where still just sitting there like nothing happened. Cindy walked over to them and tried to pick them up but couldn’t. And said “Fuck me this is some dream ass trippy shit”.
“Now don’t say anything to this box of corn flakes don’t even look at it , and Cindy chop up a session and lets see how long the slow mo can last”.
So we smoked cones and had a coffee, every now and then Lorry would say don’t look, and check on the box of corn flakes. About three hours later after a heap of cones and coffee he checked the box and it was normal again.
Lorry said to himself “That’s heaps of time”, and gave Cindy a kiss.
“Now point to the box of cornflakes and say speed up”
I pointed at it and said ”Speed up”.
Lorry picked it up and said ; “ Ok now it’s light as a feather”. He pulled out his shotgun and shot at it, and the whole box disintegrated into dust.
I coughed from the dust wich kind of smelled like roadworks.
Lorry said “ Now lets have some more cones, I’ve got stuff to think about”.
So Cindy started chopping up, while I looked at Lorry sitting in a chair scratching his chin and thinking. I started wishing I could slow him down, then I could escape. I started to wonder why he was immune to my power and looked at him and said in my head slow down , slow down, over and over again, then I look at Cindy and did the same.
I was tackled off my chair and punched in the forehead by Lorry.
“Don’t you ever do that shit in your head, you little cunt”.
Cindy came over to me and slapped me and said “ You fucker stop doing it to us”. “ ALRIGHT “ she said with another slap.
I said “ Alright I won’t do it again”.
“You’d better fucken not”.
And she reluctantly went back to chopping up.
“I’ve got it , where gonna rob a bank”.
“I can’t do that, I’m just the kidnap victim” I said not wanting anything to do with such a crime, they throw people in jail for that kind of thing.
“Look you little fucker, You’ll do what I say or you’ll be buried out the back”.
“Ok I’ll do it, what other choice do I have”
“None”. “ So listen we go into the bank as customers then you Veto say slow down everything in the building except for the money, You think you can remember that”.
“Yeah” I replied.
“Ok then we grab the money put on masks so no one in the street will recognise us and leave in the crappy car were gonna buy”. “What do you think Cindy”
“Yeah sounds like a plan”.
"But won't the cops be able to trace the car you buy back to you".
"I've got fake licenses, so no they wont, Soon where gonna be running this show, with the help from this kid”.
“But you are going to let me go aren’t you”
“Of course we are “
So we got into his red hatch and went and bought an old white Sigma. Cindy drove the red hatch home with us behind her. Then Cindy got in the Sigma and Lorry changed the plates and we drove towards the bank.
Lorry said in the car  “Ok you remember what to say when we walk in”
“Slow everything in the bank except the money”
“That’s it".
We pulled up to the bank, Lorry checked his bag once more then said; “lets go, you wait here Cindy and watch the car”.
We walked in and lorry whispered; “Now”.
“Slow mode for everyone in the bank except the money”.
Lorry jumped over the counter and started filling his bag with money from an open cash draw, then went to the next one but couldn’t open it.
I said “ All cash draws normal speed”.
“That’s the way kid”
And he cleaned them all out, then said; “ I’ve got an idea Veto follow me”
And we ran out the back of the bank to a huge vault door. Lorry pulled out his shotgun and said; ” Now fast forward the vault door”.
So I did.
And Lorry pulled the trigger. Metal dust went everywhere but didn’t hurt us. Lorry went inside the vault and filled his duffle bag with more cash.
We hurried out the door, there where perplexed looking people standing there obviously wanting to use the bank. We jumped in Sigma the money landing on my lap, then Lorry stepped on it, we made it back to where the Newer Red hatch was parked and swapped cars then drove towards home with no tails.
“ That worked like a charm “ Said Lorry looking back and forth from road to me. He said “ We could rob every bank in the city, if we played our cards right”.
Cindy spoke “ Why do I have to sit in the back”.
Lorry said  “Because it makes more sense to have my man close to me, so I can instruct him, any more fucken questions before I go mad”.
I was already feeling mad, the shock of what had happened that day was still setting in. My heart was still pumping hard from the experience. Every time I used my powers, my heart pumped hard. As we drove toward the house we pulled up at a red light behind a cop car..
Lorry said " This'll be fun, Slow down that cop car and cops".
So I said it and the light turned green, and the cop car just sat there. Lorry overtook the cop car and we looked at the cops as we did. They both had astonished looks on there faces eyes and mouths wide open, as if they had just died with that look on there faces. As we rolled past, Cindy hocked up some snotty spit and spat it right into one of the cops mouths, then Lorry and Cindy laughed hysterically as we drove off. I didn't laugh I was still dazed and scared of what was happening, It was like something out of a David Lynch film.
When we arrived at the house , Lorry got call on his mobile and said " Cindy go buy some smokes and some hot chips". Then went into one of the bedrooms to take the call. Cindy came over to me and sat beside me and whispered in my ear " Make me fast forward ".
So I looked at her and said in my head fast forward, then In a flash of movement she was gone. Lorry came back into the lounge room and sat down oppesite me on the brown leather chair while I sat on the old green couch, Lorry spoke ;
" So young man you interested in becoming partners, We'll split everything sixty forty, together we can become very rich, so what do you say?.
I had no intention of become his partner, but with this new power I had, he might keep me hostage forever, so until I could find a way of escaping I agreed.
And we shook hands.
"Now where partners, I can tell you about my latest hit. It's on some kid named Edward. The hits a million dollars".
Just then Cindy whizzed in waving her arms about , so I made her normal speed.
"Hey, I walked on water, I walked on water".
"What?, so while your in fast forward mode, you can walk on water".
He turned around and looked at me , then said; " Next time you fucking use your powers, talk to me first, we can't afford to make any mistakes, we can't just play with your powers for fun, so next time fucking tell me first, OK?.
"Ok, So what's this Edward's last name".
"Castle why".
My heart sunk, That was the last name of my mate Edward, the hit was on Edward.
"You can't kill him , it's a friend, can't you give up the hit man bullshit and just rob banks".
"Kid it's a million clean dollars, untraceable , I need this, come on where partners remember".
"FUCK YOU! " I screamed and jumped to my feet and ran for the door , They both grabbed me and I struggled hard and managed to get the door open but couldn't get free of their hold , I put Cindy into fast forward and she let go, then I kicked furiously at Lawrence  and I managed to get free then I ran for my life. As I ran I saw a fast forward Cindy zipping all around me , so I put her back to normal speed and she tried to grab me but was too slow. I kept running for a while and didn't see them anywhere behind me so I stopped in a park and hid in a bush and caught my breath. After I caught my breath I decided I needed to get to a phone and call police, Edward was in danger.

I jumped somebody's back fence and banged on their door.  An old lady answered and I explained the situation, sparing the strange details, and she let me use the phone. I called triple zero and asked for police.
"Hello  Police".
"Hello I've been kidnapped , I mean I was kidnapped , I mean I escaped and now my friend is in danger".
"Ok calm down sir just give me your name and  the address and we'll send someone over".
I asked the old lady for the address and she told me, and I gave it to the operator she said she'd send someone over.
"Here calm down and drink this" said the lady.
I tried to calm down a bit and sipped my tea, I was a mess and my nerves where shot. I continued sipping my tea and listened to the radio, there was a show on and they were talking something about Evolution and how If were not careful we might Evolve the wrong way. I thought to my self maybe that's what happened to me, I Evolved.
Shortly after that there was a knock at the door.
The old lady slowly got up and answered it. It was the police, the old lady let them in. It was two young male policemen.
"We've got a report of a possible kidnapping".
"Yes I was kidnaped, but we don't have time the kidnappers going to kill Edward, we have to..."
"Hold on chap, we just need to get some details first, What's the kidna..."
"WE DON'T HAVE TIME!, he's going to kill my best friend, and all you lot want to do is sit around and ask questions , FUCK THIS! WE NEED TO GO! NOW!"
"Ok so your friend Edward is in danger, and who is trying to kill him?"
"Lorry, I mean Lawrence".
"Lawrence who"
"I don't know his last name, I only met him yesterday".
"Doe's this Lawrence fellow have a gun ?"
"Yes he's got a fucking sawn off shotgun".
"Ok and who's your friend, who Lawrence is trying to kill".
"Edward Castle" I said and gave him the street address.
"Ok well your gonna have to come with us to the station and give a full statement, don't worry about Edward we'll send someone around there to check on him".
"No I'm not giving no statement until we've checked on Edward".
One of the policemen went outside and talked on his radio for a bit, then came back in and said;" Just got word from the sergeant, he said take Veto to Edward's and check on him".
We said bye to the old lady and got in the police car and drove towards Ed's. The officer who sat beside me asked me for more detials about what's been happening which I gave him.
We pulled up outside Ed's.
"Your staying here" one of the officers said as they both got out.  I had a view of the front door, it was open. One of the officers pressed the door bell, and they waited, no answer came, they pressed it again, then waited, still no answer. The two officers then went in the house. Then I heard gunshots, then out the door came a blood splattered Lorry with the Shotgun aimed in front of him as he walked. He walked out to the cop car and pointed the gun at me through the window and said:" Get out !. I said Get out",  and fired the gun at the adjacent  window shattering it. He then reefed on the handle, but by then I had already put the cop car into slow mode, then I put Lorry's gun into slow mode, I then scrambled into the front seat and put the car into normal speed again, then got out and piss bolted. I heard gun shots from behind me and I spun around and there was Cindy holding a handgun pointing it at me. I  put her in slow mode and kept running. Lorry was screaming his head off at me to come back as I ran as fast as I could. I ran about a KM then found a phone box and reverse charged my dad. After the automated stuff was over my dad answered; " So how was your day son ha ha, Thats what you get for not going to school".
"What?, you mean it was you!, you had me kidnapped".
"Ha ha ha ha I know it was a dirty trick but you had to be taught a lesson son"
"Listen dad, The guy you hired is crazy, you have to come and get me".
"Did he hurt you, That fucker wont be getting a dime if he...."
"No dad just listen, I have these powers, and he wants use me to rob banks with him, he wanted to be partners in it  "
"What are you on about, what powers"
"Ok I'll try something try not to freak out too much"
I slow motioned his phone, then heard a gasp and some strange noises, so I put the phone back to normal speed, and heard it drop to the floor.
"Son, you there?, did you do that?". came an unusually timid voice.
"Yes dad I did it, I can speed up and slow down time!, now I need you to come pick me up, I'll be waiting at the bakery on Cimetre street, and hurry Lorry might find me.
I walked over to the shops and waited with tears coming out of my eyes.
The sun was going down as I lay on the bus stop seat and waited. Then I noticed people where moving fast, as though they where in fast forward, and the sun moved in fast forward too. I stood up and the people whizzed around me so fast it was as though they disappeared, then seconds later the sun came back up then rolled over the sky and went back down. It got faster and faster, I looked down and my body was turning skinny, the skin then disappeared and I was a skeleton, I screamed.

I woke up in one of my dads spare beds.
"What! what is it, you alright son" my dad said rushing in.
"What happened, did I pass out"
"I found you asleep on a park bench and picked you up brought you home"
"Have you heard from Ed"
"He looked at me with glassy eyes and said ; " Sorry V, he's gone"
"No! no! no!" I cried then balled my eyes out.
He left me when I roared at him to leave the room. The rest of the day I sat in that room and sobbed.
Later that day I got up and went into the lounge room and sat on the couch, dad was in his office arguing with someone. Dad came into the lounge room.
"You right now" Dad said.
"Yeah I've finished crying now"
"You hungry?"
"Yeah a little".
Dad gave his maid a call on the intercom and told her to get her sexy ass up here and cook some breakfast. Dad sat on the other couch and said; "So how'd you do that trick with the phone".
"It's not a trick it's real, I have powers".
"Ok son, show me your powers"
"Wait till the maid comes up and I'll show you"
Moments later the maid came in and walked into the kitchen and began cooking breakfast.
"Ok dad look over there at your maid"
"My pleasure"
Fast forward kitchen and maid, I thought. And sure enough the maid began moving in fast forward.
"What the fuck!" dad said with an amazed look on his face.
The bacon and eggs being cooked began to smell ready so I made her and the kitchen normal speed again. Then not half a minute later she walked through the door and said "breakfast is ready" with a smile.
"Well I'll be fucked!, you just put her in fast forward. What else can you do, can you go back in time, or into the future".
"No I can't got back in time, but if my powers increased I might be able to travel to the future".
"How the hell did you get this power".
"I don't know".
"You sure got banged up hard by this fucker" said dad as he looked at my face, I had a black eye and some bruising from where Lorry attacked me.
The maid walked in and said; " My mum just rang, she said there's something you should see on TV".
So we turned the TV on and the news was on, the presenter said:
" This is the third massacre today, a man with white hair and a grey suite has been captured on camera pointing his finger and hundreds of people killing them instantly. I know this sounds strange but it appears the killer has some kind of telekinetic powers, this is not a joke, I repeat this is not a joke. Police have issued a state of emergency and urge all people in the city to stay indoors all day until the man can be captured.".
"It appears people are Evolving" I said.
We sat silent and watched more, there was another video of a massacre that happened early this morning. This time the man had put the crowd into slow motion, then pointed his finger at all the people, then ran away. Seconds later all the people dropped to the ground together as though they were puppets, but strangely one survived.
"He has the time power like you" Dad said ; " maybe you could go fight this killer".
"What if he can stop my heart too"
Dad just looked at me with the most odd look then we watched some more of the TV, we listen to the news reporter and she said;" Police say they've never seen anything like it, and they have nearly lost all their officers to the man".
Then it cut to a reporter standing in the city and the camera showed bodies everywhere and a lady was being interviewed, she said she wondered why the man didn't kill her, why did the monster kill so many people and leave so few. Then It showed the third video then cut back to the studio and in an instant the news presenter dropped onto the desk and the camera went askew, one of the camera men then rushed over and checked her pulse, then made a cut it motion with his finger, then left the stage, then moments later it went to a testing signal.
"I think I should call your mum".
And Dad called mum and they talked briefly.
Dad got off the phone and said to me; "Your mums already at Nan's I think it's time we left as well".
"Ok" I said and followed Dad to the helicopter pad.
We climbed into the helicopter and Dad started it up and pressed and flicked the various switches and buttons, the blades began to whirl , then we took off.
The city was in chaos, we flew over bodies strewn all over the place, ambulances and police rushing about, it was like a war zone.
I yelled over the noise;" Let's not tell Nan about my powers, I don't want to freak her out".
"Agreed" dad shouted.
About an hour after we left, we arrived at the old country manor and landed on the front lawn. Out came Nan, Mum and Grandpa to greet us.
"Veto!, you've grown so much, oh my dear what's happened to your face" said Nan as we neared her.
"I got into a fight at school" I told her.
Hugs and kisses were exchanged and we went inside. The TV was on and the presenter was saying the death toll has increased to over a hundred thousand.
As we sat at the large wooden table Nan spoke first; "What happens if they can't catch him, we could all die".
"Don't talk like that, I'm sure a sharp shooter will eventually get him, we just have to wait it out". said Dad.
My mind was numb with shock I sat there in a trance at them talking and the TV going on about it.
"Come to the farm house" Came a voice in my head.
"Come to the farm house" Came the voice again.
I excused my self and walked cautiously toward the farm shed.
"That's it come to me" came the voice again.
I came to the farm shed and my heart skipped a beat as I opened the door. Inside stood a young Girl about 10 years old looking at me, she was pointing to the sun. Then she came closer to me and put her hands on my head. Flashes of images passed through me, I saw myself flying and a great war, Then the white haired man was flying around pointing his deadly finger at solders killing them slowing there weapons as not to get shot,
I saw the white haired man fly past the soliders their guns floating in the air as they dropped dead..
The trance was over as she lifted her hands and I saw her shake her head then point to the sun again. Then she ran away.
"Wait how do I fly, wait what was that you showed me" I said, but I didn't follow her.
I went back into the house.
Mum spoke as I stepped through the door;" Now he can fly".
And the TV showed the white haired man flying away from a fresh slaughter.
"Dad I need to talk to you come out to the shed"
We walked into the shed and I told Dad about the visions of me flying and the great war.
Dad said; "Sounds to me like a premonition, I'd say you need to learn to fly".
"But how".
"Climb up that ladder and jump, if you can't fly you'll just land in the hay".
So I climbed up the ladder and jumped, but nothing, I just landed in a heap in the hey.
"I think you need the risk of danger, lets try on the roof"
"That's pretty high" I said.
"I know you can do it!, ever since you were little I knew you were destined to do something great, Come on son, nows the time for heros son".
So we got the big ladder and I climbed up onto the roof.
"Can't you put some hay down first"
"No Veto, there has to be a sense of danger, or it wont work, If you don't fly just remember to break the fall with your legs, at worst you'll have a broken leg".
I took a deep breath and stepped off, but instead of falling I was floating.
"We'll fuck me, your doing it!, try it out a bit!, go for a fly! somewhere".
I took off it was as though the air it's self was an extra limb which I could use to make me fly. I flew high and fast into the summer sky. I pushed it faster, then next thing I knew I was in the city. I decided I had to beat this white haired killer or at least try, so I flew into the city in search of him. I flew around the city for a while then I heard screaming coming from one of the suburbs, I flew in and found the white haired killer killing people in there homes, I could feel there lives ending I could feel the power emanating from the white haired man. I flew in fast and lined up a punch and timed it perfectly and smacked him in the back of the head knocking him out cold. I flew down and grabbed a cops gun of his dead body then flew back to the white haired mans unconscious body and unloaded the clip into his skull. The bullets were pushed out and his head and it healed almost instantly. I checked his pulse, he was still alive. He woke up as I did this and grabbed my arm and said; "Don't you see your gonna be part of the new society, the Evolved shall inherit the earth, and all other people must die, they will only hunt us, experiment on us, so In order to be free we must wipe them out".
"So your wiping out all the non evolved people. Your as bad as Hitler".
"But I'm not Hitler , allow me to introduce my self I'm Beach "
"Your killing innocent people, So I'm here to stop you".
"You can't fight the inevitable , If I die, there will be others after me"
I grabbed him around the collar and started to punch him in the face.
"Your killing innocent people, just stop!" I said .
"No, I'm having to much fun" he said and started punching me back.
There was a gunshot and a bullet hit the wall near us and Beach flew away from my grip and I flew after him. I could sense him better now I had contact with him. He flew fast but I kept up, I started to get flashes of painful visions of Beach as a kid , he was in a dark room and he was shot , but he healed like before. He screamed for Mommy, then more flashes of other experiments they did on him, these vision like an aftershock knocked me off course. I lost him. Then I heard gunshots and I flew down to them and there was Beach killing more people. Then I remembered the young girl looking at the sun, and the vision of the great war. That's it the sun I thought. I flew down as fast as I could and wrapped my arms around Beach. Then flew Up into the sky as fast as I could moments later we where in space and the sun was boiling our blood as I flew towards it. I felt the heat increase. Beach struggled but I held on with all my might and used every ounce of energy I had to go faster. We went faster and faster till the heat and the pressure became too great and we exploded into dust.


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