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Rated: ASR · Novel · Other · #1933581
In moments of despair one can really become who that are meant to be
Audree unfortunate story began at in the spring of 1986 her mother was only 15 and her father 22, to add to the mess of being born to a teenage mother her father was married to another women and while normally taboo her life had to just another twist into her birth, her father was married to her mothers older sister. So, our poor Audree was born out of wedlock to her aunt's husband. After she was born her mother and father left the sunny state of California and moved to a place not so sunny...Alaska. After being married for 5 years and shunned from both sides the tension has finally gotten to Audree's mother and father and so they split. Audree's mother Kathleen moving back to California and Audree's father Randall taking up residence in New York where his mother and father had relocated to. This left Audree to go back and fourth between new York and California. Eventually her mother remarried and had two more children leaving little room for Audree or so Audree felt so she moved with her father after her 14th birthday. Life with her father was difficult he worked as the head of an law firm and wasn't really ever home leaving Audree to find out about life the hard way so to speak. She fell in love in high school and thought for sure she would marry Seth but there relationship came to an abrupt end when he went off to college and met someone else. Audree tried to pick up the pieces never really got over being let down once again in her life. She then met what she thought was a replacement for Seth.. His name was Trevor. Audree and Trevor met through mutual friends at a party. After a year of Trevor being just a friend to Audree he convinced her that a relationship between the two would be something amazing. Reluctantly she accepted, and their relationship was anything but what he has promised. He was controlling and suffocating of who Audree was even going as far as moving her completely away from her family to north Dakota for a job he had promised was worth it. After two years of marital misery she got up the courage to leave so she did and never looked back. After leaving Trevor she had decided to take some time to herself. She moved back to new York and got a job at the local hospital and even bought herself a house. Everything had been going so good for her she had everything she ever wanted she had friends that were life family, she made decent money, had a quaint little home. Her friend often told her why don't you date but she had no time for that and besides the first two relationships she had wasn't exactly the best and left a bad taste in her mouth about relationships not to mention her parents track record. Then came the moment when fate stepped in and decided it was time for her to be in a relationship. One rainy summer day she Audree decided to loose her self in the Whitney point library reading old books on poetry. She has often wanted to be a writer but didn't have the patience or dedication it took to actually sit and write it. As she was reading she noticed her old high school crush come in go right to the poetry section and pick up one of her favorite poetry books. He made his way over to her and sat right in from her. She wondered if he would remember her she adored him from afar they hung out in different groups Audree was part of the quiet nerdy nose in their books group while Jake was apart of the to cool for school oh so handsome should be an Abercrombie model group. Seth would often taunt her during their lunch hour about her little crush she had on Jake and she had always played it off that Seth was just jealous of Jake and the short time that he and Audree had to spend together working on their senior science project. Now here she was just sitting two feet away from him and was really to take in the fact that she indeed had a crush on him. He has handsomely dark hair and an illuminating smile. She could smell his cologne and it was haunting like a love potion or something.  Then he spoke "Hey, Audree? Is that you?? Audree Tanner??" she snapped out of her trance "Audree Hinders actually.. and you are?" playing coy was one of her more awkward traits she often resorted to this in hopes to help her back out of awkward situations should that arise.  "Come one you remember me! Jake Hinckley!! We did our senior science project together you know the effects of soda vs. water?" of course I remember you how could I have forget you she thought to herself. " Ah yes Jake how are you?" he told her he was great they talked about what he had been up to. He was in his final years of med school and he was going to do his residency at Wilson memorial hospital. He has been single since high school with a few "flings" as he called them here and there but nothing to serious he wanted to be completely done with school before he embarked on the wonderful world of relationships. She told him briefly of her split with Seth and didn't spend much time either on telling him about Trevor she told him she too was focusing on herself and so far so good. They hadn't realized it but they had been talking for fours hours when the Liberian told them  that she was closing up. Not wanting to end their conversation Jake had asked her if she wanted to have dinner with him at the local diner she agreed without hesitation and so it went from there. They fell madly in love...

                                                Chapter One- The heart I didn't break

It's times like these I wish I wasn't born Audree thought to herself. "everything bad happens to me she" whimpered  as she flopped belly down onto her bed.she buried her face into her pillow and began to sob uncontrollably. Only a few moments later she heard a soft knock at the door "Babe, are you okay?" she heard her live in boyfriend Jake call to her half concerned, half scared. Part of her... well most of her wanted to open the door and throw her arms around him and just use him as her teddy bear, but the angry part of her won "GO AWAY!!!" she screamed and in the same instance she felt ashamed for taking out on him what had nothing to do with him. She heard Jake's feet shuffle down the hall now why did you do that dummy she thought to herself your only going to make it worse. Audree spent most of the day on the phone with her laywer it turns out that the divorce Trevor had wanted so bad wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Audree wanted it just as bad if not more than Trevor did but then he caught wind of the new house she bought and saw in his mine that it whatever money she had used to buy it belonged to him (even though the house was bought a year after they split up) and well in turn the house belonged to him and he wouldn't sign any divorce papers (that he has had for over six months now) until she gave him the house. Her lawyer insured her that this would not go over in court but yes it had to go to court

© Copyright 2013 Amy Mae (adenise08 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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