Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1933543-John-Doe
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Detective · #1933543
A case of a serial killer leads to new relationships to blossom.
A piercing cry echoed the alleyway and it shut so quickly, like a door was slamming shut. All the noise that was left was the rain drops finally dripping on the ground and surroundings. In the midst of the fog and bleak and darkness he stepped out tugging his collar closer to him, looking both ways checking that no one was there. Then he disappeared into the darkness.


CSI Jack Brumwell had just gotten to sleep, after taking some Benzodiazepines for his insomnia when his cell phone rang with a high pitch trill. He groggily got his phone from the bedside table, moaning.

‘Hello?’ he moaned.

‘We got a homicide. The corner from ‘15 Romolo’.’ A young and male voice informed.

‘Is it him?’ he asked.

‘Yes sir. He struck again.’ The voice clarified.

‘Got it.’ He shut his cell phone shut. He rubbed his eyes and rolled out of bed in his blue jeans and black t-shirt. He changed into his black shirt and black jeans and went into the bathroom and splashed himself with cold water. He slowly raised his face slowly and looked at himself in the mirror of his reflection knowing that that day was always going to be the same- you have a crime, you try and track down a suspect and you get him. He put on his shoes and went outside into the bleak black night. The sky was still black and the streetlights were shining, as if it was giving the neighbourhood some hope. He stood on his front porch, contemplating which car to get into. In the end he got into his black Mercedes CL – Class Coupe and the engine revved getting thinner and quieter as it sped out of the pebble stone driveway. He sped down the road and made a sharp turn which led him to the crime scene with an abrupt stop. He got out of the car pushing the door shut and then locking it with his key.

‘What’ve we got?’ He asked with authority striding down the wet black road.

‘Female Caucasian, around late 30s. We can run her DNA through the database and see if she’s on there. Money is still there along with credit cards. Weird thing is that the killer left the murder weapon, it was a gun.’ Denzo, the patrol officer informed.

‘Thanks Denzo. Hey, go home to your kids.’ He dismissed.

‘You sure boss? I mean, you don’t have to do this…’Denzo stuttered.

‘Yes, go home. You’ve been working overtime too much. Oh, and while you’re at it, take the day off tomorrow.’

‘Thanks boss.’ He said happily. He left the crime scene leaving Jack Brumwell and his two junior CSIs. However, the two junior CSIs weren’t there and Jack Brumwell was wondering what was happening to them.

‘Where’s Jamie and Kiera?’ He asked one of the patrol officers.

‘I don’t know sir.’

‘Ok, collect all the evidence and photograph the scene. Remember to take multiples.’  He ordered.

‘Yes sir.’ Jack left and slammed the door shut, sighing. Then everything went blurry. He had images of his father being murdered, when he was only 15. He couldn’t see this nightmare again, he gasped for breaths of air, desperate for it to stop. Then it stopped and he was back to his normal self again. He hurried to open the glove box and got out the pills and took two and gulped them down. He reversed dangerously and sped back to the station.

He entered the building and knocked politely on the Superior’s door.

‘Come in.’ The Superior said, not looking up. The Superior was a man with fair hair and blue eyes in his early forties.

‘Where are the two Juniors?’ Brumwell asked as he walked into the door.

‘Ill. Are you going to be able to solve the case and get the killer?’

‘If it’s like the others then I don’t know.’

‘I don’t know isn’t frickin’ good enough. People in the town are scared to let their kids go to school on their own. We need to give them answer, we as a police department need an answer.’ He said, pointing at the people walking past.

‘What do you propose?’ Brumwell asked.

‘I’m calling in a specialist.’

‘From where?’

‘Probably New York or the CIA.’

‘Please, not from the CIA. I can’t stand them.’ Brumwell muttered under his breath.

‘What was that?’ The Superior barked.

‘Nothing. I’ll be around.’ He walked out, unhappy. He walked straight down to Autopsy where the body of the victim was lying. The ME was standing, recovering the fragments. The Autopsy was cold, just like the Arctic, and it had five main tables for the body of the victims to lie down on.

‘What’ve you got?’ He strode in, as the doors closed behind him.

‘C.O.D was a bullet in the heart. I’ve sent the bullet to Ballistics and DNA to the lab.’

‘Anything else?’

‘Multiple stab wounds but these were after she died.’

‘Overkill. No ligature marks or defensive wounds?’

‘No. My best guess is that she was approached from behind.’

‘Ok.’ He walked out.

‘Detached.’ The ME muttered. Brumwell started to walk up the stairs and had another attack. This time it was his mother, being stabbed again and again- one of the vicious ways of being murdered. He found that he was gripping tightly onto the silver banister, as if he was gripping onto it for his life. He was back to himself again. He slapped himself and shook his head and then walked to the lab.

The clear, immaculate glass revealed Judy looking at the results on her computer screen. Judy had fair hair and green eyes but even though she was stunning, this didn’t mean that she was okay. She had suffered from a brain tumour when she was 19, when she was studying Forensic Science and Criminology at the University of California, Berkley. She excelled during school, especially in Science and Maths. She achieved 100% during her ACT and SAT Reasoning Exams and got a scholarship into college. When she found out about her brain tumour, her grades started to slip and she lost her hair during chemotherapy and when she beat the tumour her grades started to come back up. She was generally a very rambunctious and energetic person- especially since she recovered from the brain tumour.

‘Gun?’  Brumwell asked as he walked into the room.

‘Matched all the other prints left at the previous crime scenes. Sent the gun to Ballistics. Patrol recovered a USMC ID card along with dog tags there. Prints were too degraded and the rain washed the evidence away. I scanned the prints on AFIS and caught nothing but then ran it through the nation. Your vic is Kirsty Jackson.’

‘Same killer. How did her fingerprints get on there?’

‘She worked at Sunny Springs Hospital and they require your fingerprints.’

‘Anything else?’ He added.

‘None.’ Brumwell walked out. He was never one to stick around. He moved away from his birth town of San Francisco to Portland to go to the Portland State University. Then he moved again to Atlanta and took his job as a CSI and has never moved since. 

Then he walked to the Ballistics Lab where Alice Nicks was analysing the bullets and anxiously looking at her computer. Alice doesn’t really have a sob story only that her pet hamster, Cookie, died when she was 17.

‘What’ve you got?’ Brumwell ordered.

‘The bullet in the victim’s body is a match to the gun.’

‘That’s the weapon.’

‘But why leave it at the crime scene?’ But by that time, Brumwell had left and she looked helplessly at the thin air. He was always the one who never really said anything, he wasn’t shy just quiet.

Brumwell walked away into his office. The white desk with a green bottle glass with a lamp on the right and in the centre at the front was a name plate with his name – ‘Jack Brumwell’ and underneath had ‘Supervisor’ written on it. The office was blank and the walls were painted in navy blue. He sat in his leather chair and examined the images of the crime scene. Ten minutes later and there was a knock on the door. He looked up and saw this woman wearing a pair of black jeans and a brown t-shirt and an almost white jacket on top. Her light brown wavy hair came down past her shoulder and her amber eyes shone in the light- the lamp light not the sun.

‘Who are you?’ He grumbled.

‘Mandy Hopson, NCIS.I understand that one of the victims was in the Marines.’ She introduced herself. He moaned- he hated the federal agencies. They were too up themselves.

‘I guess that I’d better introduce myself to you. I’m Jack Brumwell… welcome here. Blah blah blah.’

‘Thanks for making me feel welcome(!)’ she mumbled.

‘Hmm?’ He noticed.

‘What do we have on the case?’ She quickly changed the subject.

‘All victims have multiple gunshot wounds in the stomach area in the shape of a smiley face.’ He passed her the photographs.

‘No physicals are similar. Anything else?’

‘They all worked at the ‘Sunny Springs Hospital’.’

‘That’s the link? It must be stronger than that.’ The phone rang with a high pitched trill.

‘Yeah?’ He looked at her, the phone did interrupt them talking about the case- trying to catch a killer.

‘Got it.’ He slammed the phone down.

‘Ballistics have a match.’ He got up from his chair and walked towards the ballistics lab.

‘Anything?’ He ordered with Mandy following behind him.

‘I ran the gun to see if it was used in any crimes in California.’


‘Nada. So I ran it for the U.S and it came up. Meet John Hale.’


‘198 Ponce DE Leon Unit: D-5.’  Brumwell walked out. Feeling sympathy she turned around trying to console her.

‘I’m sorry, I’m Mandy Hopson, NCIS.’

‘I see.’

‘I’m here to see this case through until we find the killer.’

‘Right, you’d better go. Boss doesn’t like to be kept waiting.’

‘Right. I’ll see you around.’ She rushed out of the door leaving Alice getting back to her other requests from other cases.

‘You know you could be nicer to your co-workers.’ She told him, as she slammed the door of the Mercedes and sat in the leather seat.

‘It’s effort.’

‘It’s manners.’

‘It was never my forte.’

‘Clearly.’ she ended.

‘Turn left.’

‘It’s a right turn.’

‘I know this place.’

‘I live here, you live in LA.’ He took a right and realized two streets later that she was right and so forced himself to turn around. He tried to cover it up by excusing himself for a coffee and she chuckled to herself in the car.

‘Are you going to say it?’ she hinted when he got back.

‘Oh did you want a coffee?’

Mandy rolled my eyes. ‘Manners are really not your forte are they?’


‘Why are you so guarded?’ Mandy asked- she took psychology at school.

‘Why are you so persistent?’

‘I was a serial killer profiler – your mind does not fit any profiles.’

‘Maybe because I am not nor have I ever been a serial killer.’

‘It’s intriguing.’

‘It’s creepy.’

‘It’s fascinating.’


‘So why are you guarded?’ He made a dangerous turn and Mandy could feel the tyres skidding along the black road.

‘Not anyone’s business.’ He answered, frustrated.

‘If I’m going to be working on this case with you then I need you to tell me.’

‘Ok, but this stays between us. Nothing leaves these 4…walls.’ He looked around.


He sighed- he had never told anyone but he felt like he had to with her. She was the only person that he could open up to. ‘My family were murdered when I was 15. I witnessed the murder and they were killed by a serial killer.’

‘Don’t tell me that it’s the same killer.’  Brumwell looked up at her, pointing out the obvious.

‘Oh my God.’ She gasped, in realization.

‘Don’t tell anyone, please?’ He begged. His eyes were filled with a mixture of desperation and sorrow. He was apologizing- he felt guilty for what happened.

‘Do you think you’re going to be okay?’ She asked, not knowing if she should have.

‘I will be.’

‘Hey, we’re going to catch this guy.’

‘Yeah.’ He left it by walking out of the car leaving Mandy Hopson to just sit in the car and sigh before getting out of the car herself. They went and knocked on the door politely and waited, observing the surroundings.

‘Hello?’ The door opened.

‘APD and NCIS, can we come in?’

‘Sure.’ He invited them in. Hopson went in first, after Brumwell being the gentlemen he is behind the rough, secluded exterior, opened the door to her. They entered the white door into the cream coloured hallway and followed the guy into the living room where they sat down on the brown leather couch.

‘So, John Hale, do you own a gun?’ Jack Brumwell started to ask.

‘Yeah, I’m a Marine.’ Jack Brumwell started to write everything down whilst Mandy Hopson asked the questions.

‘Ok. Do you have it now?’

‘Sure. I’ll go and get it for you.’ He walked off into another room.

‘He seems innocent.’ Hopson muttered to Brumwell.

‘We’ll see.’ Brumwell left the conversation. John came back without anything.

‘I’ve seemed to have lost it but it’s odd, because I’m sure I had it this morning’.

‘Where were you this morning?’

‘Last night, I was out celebrating my arrival from Afghan last week and slept at my friend’s. Arrived around an hour ago.’

‘We’re going to have to contact people who can verify that. Notice anything strange, like open windows or doors open?’

‘Dylan McLean and Emile Sanders. Not that I know of.’

‘Know what type of gun it is?’ Hopson asked.

‘Yeah, a Baretta M9.’


‘Can I just ask, why does this concern me?’

‘Your gun was found at a crime scence.’

‘I swear I didn’t do anything.’ He protested innocently.

‘Yeah. We might have to contact you later so please keep your cell phone on at all times.’

‘You got it.’

Brumwell and Hopson thanked Hale for his time and walked out back into the car.

‘He’s innocent.’ Hopson came to a conclusion whilst Brumwell started the car and reversed out and back onto the black road.

‘We’ll check his alibi.’

‘I’ll call Judy.’ Hopson said, getting out her Iphone 4S and dialled Judy’s number.

‘Hello?’ A sweet voice asked on the other end.

‘Hey, it’s Mandy. Can you check something out for me?’

‘Sure. Shoot.’

‘I need you to call Dylan McLean and Emile Sanders. Ask them to verify if they saw John Hale at a party to celebrate Hale’s arrival from Afghan last night. Ask them if he stayed at a friends and came home this morning.’

‘Ok. Got it.’

‘Thanks.’ She ended the call, removing the phone from her ear.

‘So, did the police come up with a suspect at least?’ She asked.

‘No.’ he knew what she was referring to.

‘That why you wanted to be a CSI?’

‘Yeah.’ He said, ashamed.

‘It’s nothing to be ashamed of- you’re just trying to get justice and that’s okay.’

‘But it doesn’t bring my family back.’

‘But it does stop the killer killing someone else’s family and then destroying their life.’

‘I guess.’

‘If you need some time out…’

‘I don’t.’ He said, stubbornly.

‘Well, if you need to then you can. I’ll understand.’

‘Thanks.’ They arrived at the lab for APD and walked in straight to Judy’s lab.

‘Got anything?’ Brumwell asked.

‘Yeah. I rang them both and they both confirmed that they were out last night.’

‘Darn it.’

‘Guys, we got another homicide.’ The Superior poked his head around the door.

‘Go and do your thing.’ Judy encouraged. Brumwell and Hopson went back to the car and arrived at the crime scene.

‘Denzo? Thought I gave you the day off.’

‘I need to help put this serial killer behind bars first.’


‘Alicia Stillwall. White female, 24. Worked at Sunny Springs Hospital.’

‘Just like all the other victims.’ Mandy Hopson recalled.

‘We did find a potential suspect. He was at the crime scene  when the officers came. We found blood on his shirt.’

They walked over to the potential suspect.

‘What’s your name?’

‘James Bradley.’



‘I can’t help but notice blood on your shirt.’

‘My dog was bleeding earlier.’

‘I’ll test it.’ Mandy Hopson used a swab to roll it on his shirt and used a dye. The swab turned purple- blood was positive.

‘The blood’s human.’ She concluded.

‘You’re lying. Denzo, take him back to the crime lab and get him registered there.’

‘Yes, sir.’ Denzo walked away, happy that they had a suspect.

‘The killer wouldn’t stay at a crime scene.’ He said, not convinced.

‘I agree.’

‘You do?’


‘Why have you gone all magnanimous on me?’ He noticed.

‘You deserve it.’

‘I like this idea. Same signature.’

‘Yeah. Definitely the killer.’

‘We’ll go back and interrogate him.’


‘Ok. Guys, take multiples and clear up the crime scene.’

‘Yes sir.’

They both got into the car and drove back towards the Crime Lab. They strode into the PD, knowing that this could be it, the big break. The conviction of one man could put an end to everything- the end of fear.

‘After you.’ Brumwell insisted with Hopson leading in and Brumwell slamming the door shut.

‘I didn’t do nothing, I swear!’ he protested.

‘Sit down.’ Brumwell ordered sternly.

‘Name?’Hopson asked. Brumwell pulled back the chair and let Hopson sit down. He started to pace around the room.

‘James Bradley.’

‘You’re 19 huh? That makes you what…  a freshman in college?’

‘Yes ma’am.’

‘What are you studying?’

‘Calculus, English Lit, Chemistry, Physics and Art.’


‘Not bright enough if you’re staying at a crime scene.’ Brumwell interrupted.

‘Listen, I didn’t do it I swear.’

‘Why were you at the crime scene?’ Hopson took over.

‘I got a call last night.’


‘I don’t know.’

‘You don’t know if it’s a man or a women? Guess you’re not so clever after all.’

‘Okay okay! It was a man. That’s all I know.’

‘I’ll go verify it.’ Hopson left the room- leaving the two boys on their own.

‘What’s the deal with you two?’ James asked.

‘What do you mean?’ Brumwell sat down, intrigued.

‘You’re together right?’


‘Could’ve fooled me.’ He muttered under his breath.

‘Why is NCIS and Atlanta PD working together?’

‘Need to know.’

‘I’m not.’

‘You’re right.’

Then the door opened and both heads turned to see Hopson’s head poking in the door.

‘I need to talk to you.’ She said, making eye contact with Brumwell. Brumwell got up and went out of the room.

‘He’s telling the truth and the prints on the murder weapon don’t match.’

‘We have no circumstantial evidence- we have to let him walk.’ Brumwell said, sourly.

‘The real killer is still out there.’ Hopson said- both turning their heads to look at the boy through the glass.

‘Release him.’ He told the officer standing outside the door.

‘Yes sir.’

Brumwell and Hopson walked back to Brumwell’s office.

‘Back to square one.’ Hopson said.

‘Where did you trace the call to?’

‘Pre paid cell phone.’  Then the phone trilled and Brumwell picked it up.

‘Atlanta Crime Lab.’

‘Yes it is. Who’s speaking?’ Then his faced turned to stone. Hopson looked at him worried and then he put the phone on speaker.

‘I killed those people. I’m the serial killer.’

‘What do you want?’

‘I want you to meet me.’


‘At Centennial Olympic Park.’


‘Tonight, 18:00.’


‘I only want one. I will call for further directions.’ He said darkly.


‘Don’t be late.’ Then the line was dead.

‘Game on.’ Brumwell muttered.

‘I’ll get the superior.’ Hopson said going out.

Five minutes later, Hopson came back with the Superior following behind her.

‘Fill me in.’ he ordered.

‘We’ve just received a call from the killer demanding one of the team to meet him later.’

‘What time?’

’18:00. That gives us 2 hours.’

‘Get the teams involved in this in the squadroom now.’

‘Yes sir.’

Everyone was standing there- in the squadroom. The tension was rising. You could tell what everyone was thinking. They all knew that this could be it- when everyone’s living nightmare would be over.

‘Ok. I’m sure you all have some idea of why you’re here.’ The Superior started.

‘We have a major operation involving the recent murders. I’ll hand you over to CSI Brumwell and Special Agent Mandy Hopson.’

‘Thank you.  Operation Smile.’ He said as he wrote it onto the board. ‘A couple of minutes ago we received a call from the killer who wanted to arrange a meeting with one of us. I’ve talked with the Superior and we both agree that we should send in Mandy. She’ll be on her own but we’re going to need you to go in undercover to make sure everything runs smoothly. Any questions?’

‘What are the directions sir?’ Someone raised their hand.

‘We go to Centennial Olympic Park and he will call. Any more?’

‘Where will we stand and what do we do?’

‘Ok. There will be around 15 of you undercover and another 3 in a mobile van. Some of you go into pairs and pretend you’re together or meeting with a friend. Some go on their own- pretend to speak to someone on the phone or jog. Some will be walking some of the dogs from the canine unit. Some will sit down and read or something. Some will go into Starbucks. We’ll cover everything there. We’ll all have an earpiece and I will be communicating from the van. When given the signal, go in and arrest the guy. We need to catch him… tonight.’

‘When are we leaving?’ Another guy asked.

‘We leave in 25 minutes. Re group here in 10. Some go at different times. Remember this is undercover so take your own cars. Hopson will arrive there at 18:00. Dismissed.’ All of the people in the room, apart from Hopson and Brumwell, scattered to get ready for the operation.

‘Do you think this will work?’ Hopson asked.

‘It has to. Coffee?’

‘Yeah.’ They both walked to the canteen and got something quick to eat and drink.

‘You ok?’ Brumwell asked concerned.

‘Yeah.’ She sighed.

‘Ok. Nervous?’

‘Kinda. I don’t know why- I should be used to this.’

‘No one can be ready for it.’

‘I know, just can’t help it.’

‘I remember my first undercover op and I tripped and my disguise came off.’

‘No way! You’re kidding.’ Hopson laughed.


‘This all seems so real, an entire police force and federal agency on the look out and we can’t even catch on guy.’

‘We will.’


‘Where did you grow up?’ Brumwell asked.

‘Near the Port of San Francisco.’

‘So, do you have any siblings?’ Brumwell asked.

‘Nope, my mom died of cancer. My brother and dad got killed in action whilst serving in the USMC.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘You weren’t there.’

‘So, you ready? We’ll get you kitted up.’

‘I hope so, I mean I’ve got to be.’ She sighed.

‘You don’t have to be anything.’ She looked up to smile at him. They reached the squadroom where all the equipments were lying- the earpieces, cameras etc.

‘So, this is a hidden camera but on a necklace. This can send text messages, to the naked eye- it’s a plaster.’

‘Awesome. Where did you get these?’

‘Let’s just say that we had a special favour from a person in a very high place.’

‘Ok. I’ll go and get kitted up.’

‘I’ll wait outside.’ He told her. Hopson went and got changed in the locker rooms. She changed into her blue jeans and changed into her white hoodie with her black jacket on top, wearing the bullet proof vest under her jacket. She changed her footwear into comfortable trainers and put in her earpiece and microphone under her sleeve.

‘Hey, can you put this on for me?’ She asked Brumwell.

‘Sure.’ He walked in from outside.

‘Here.’ She handed him the necklace and turned around, grasping all her brown wavy hair. He nervously put the necklace on her neck and she quietly gasped as the cold metal touched her neck.

‘Thanks.’ She turned around smiling. He eyes and his met and instantly and a connection between them flowed through their eyes. Brumwell showed concern whilst Hopson showed fear and anxiety.

‘I’d better go.’ Hopson said, breaking the silence. She was scared that it would go to the next level. They were both scared of commitment, despite them knowing their true feelings for each other. She walked past him and went back into the squadroom where more of the undercover officers were piling up, crowding the room. Everyone wanted to be a part of this, a part of catching the nightmare that would hunt every mother for over a decade now. The chattering suddenly creeped down to a minimal whisper when Brumwell walked in with Hopson following after.

‘Right, remember act normal. Hopson will get a confession out of this guy and only when he’s done his confession you arrest him. Do not engage before. There are some civilians so remember, you need to protect them at all costs as well. This is the time when we will end every parent’s nightmares. This is going to be the victim’s families and their loved ones. Gear up. First group go out. Second group go out in 5 minutes and the 3rd group go out in 10 minutes. Dismissed.’ The chatter rose suddenly and the crowed of undercover police officers all dispersed and walked away with some going straight to the car park and others back to what they were doing.

‘Hopson, you’ll do fine.’ Brumwell encouraged.

‘Thanks. I’ll see you later.’ She said, not quite sure how to take the word of encouragement.

‘Hey.’ Hopson turned around.


‘You look beautiful.’ She smiled and left the room leaving Brumwell with regrets about his actions.


‘She’s here.’ Brumwell whispered into the mike.

‘Got eyeball, boss.’ One of the officers responded.

‘Ok Hopson. Go in.’ Brumwell directed her. She did as she was told and went in like any other normal civilian. She looked around trying to see if he was there.

‘You getting a feed from the necklace?’ She asked, not knowing if it worked or not.

‘Yeah. Everything’s good. Comms are all good. Don’t worry about it.’ He reassured her.

‘Sure he’s going to come?’ Hopson asked anxious.

‘He arranged it.’ Brumwell answered, not sure himself. Then her cell phone rang.

‘Got an incoming.’

‘Pick it up.’ Brumwell told her.


‘Walk into Starbucks and I’ll be there. Don’t bring anyone with you.’ Then the phone dropped and she shut the cell phone.

‘What did he say?’

‘Go into Starbucks and he’ll be there.’

‘We have officers there anyway. Wait for my cue.’ Brumwell informed all officers what was going on and what to do. He told some to go back to the squadroom normally and to have some going into the café getting a drink and taking the drinks out.

‘Ok. Go in. Hopson, good luck.’

‘Thanks.’ She walked in and saw him and went to sit down at the table, opposite him- opposite the killer.

‘You’re not late.’ He said. His voice sounded so sinister but somehow it didn’t sound like a serial killer’s voice- it sounded lost, like a little child getting lost and not being able to find a way back. He was longing to find a light at the end of the tunnel- maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. But then again…

‘You actually came.’ He sounded surprised.

‘Why would I want to be late for my own arrangement?’

‘What do you want?’

‘What’s wrong with a civilised conversation?’

‘You can talk, you’re the one that’s a serial killer.’ He laughed.

‘I’ll give you that one.’

‘Would you like to order anything ma’am?’ the waitress came over and asked.

‘Sure, I’ll have a Caramel Frappuccino please.’



‘Anything for you sir?’

‘No thanks.’ He smiled. The waitress wrote down the order and went away.

‘So, why did you kill them.’

‘Rejection can be a funny thing sometimes.’

‘What?’ Hopson asked confused.

‘Here you go ma’am.’ The waiter put the drink down on the table and discreetly nodded at the killer. He let out an exasperated sigh and the waitress went away.

Then the café suddenly burnt into flames. People were screaming in panic and the police tried their best to get all the civilians out.

‘What’s going on?’ Brumwell shouted.

‘Fire boss.’

‘I can see that. Get all the civilians out and try and find Hopson!’

‘Yes sir.’

He slammed down his mike and jumped out of the mobile car and ran towards the ever-growing fire.

‘What are you doing?!’ Hopson screamed.

‘Earpiece. Nice try.’ He ripped out the earpiece and turned her around. Her hair swished round and she started to struggle violently. He threw the earpiece out into the front.

‘Now now. Hold still, I don’t want to have to kill you do I?’ he whispered as he dragged her away through the back door, leading into the backyard. She dragged her, like a father dragging a kid away from a playground with the child protesting violently. He pushed her into the back of a black SUV and put a piece of white cloth on her mouth- knocking her unconscious. He smiled a wry smile before slamming the boot shut.

‘This is for Mia!’ The waitress screamed and pressed a button. Then the café blew up into shrapnel and the windows shattered onto the ground outside. The spectators gathered outside covered their faces, crouching down until the chaos ended and it was Brumwell who slowly got up.

‘Denzo, process the crime scene. Do a head count of the officers and make sure the civilians are safe. Get statements.’

‘Yes sir.’ Denzo went away, traumatised as to what he had just witnessed. Someone came out, coughing and spluttering, putting his hand on the nearest trees.

‘Get paramedics! We have a survivor.’ Brumwell ran towards the guy and gently got the injured to lie down.

‘Officer McGreen.’ He recognized. The officer slowly managed to nod his head in response when two paramedics rushed to help him. Brumwell stood there feeling helpless as the officer was being carried away on a stretcher.

‘Sir?’ Denzo came up to him.


‘We have 35 officers present. Five are missing.’ He informed, with regret.

‘Five were killed in action. Record anyone or anything that might ID them. Check Officer McGreen’s status hourly. Report to me if there’s anything, especially if we can ID Hopson or know of her whereabouts.’ He ordered.

‘Yes sir.’ Denzo left. Brumwell’s cell phone rang and he picked it up, wondering if it was Hopson.


‘Status?’ Brumwell recognized the voice as the Superior’s, not Hopson’s.

‘Currently five officers MIA, presumed to be dead. No-one’s seen Hopson.’

‘Keep me in the loop.’ He barked, showing no compassion at all.

‘Yes sir.’ Brumwell shut his phone shut and looked at the café, breathing a huge sigh.


Hopson groaned, finally waking up. Her hands were tied up with a rope which was attached to another piece of rope which was tied to a metal bar. Her feet were tied and she was dangling in mid air- well, only literally 15 inches off the ground. She tried to find out where she was but she only got fresh sea, boats and trucks.

‘1 hour and 45 minutes and 56 seconds. You know, I thought you being a Special Agent and all, that you would wake up faster.’ He criticized.

‘I’m sorry to disappoint.’ He chuckled in response.

‘Where are we? What happened?’

‘Ah- my victim’s concerns are always funny to watch.’ He said, as he paced around her. ‘Fortunately for you, you won’t have to worry about that. You’ll be dead soon.’ He whispered to her. The cold breath tickled against her warm ear.

‘The team will find you.’ She hissed- trying to put up a fight.

‘It’s nice when one has faith in another. I don’t think so thought my dear; no one can hear you scream.’ He said darkly whilst putting the cloth between her mouth, and he walked away. As soon he left the room Hopson tried to struggle using anything but came up with nothing. Maybe he was right; maybe she would be the next victim.


Meanwhile, Brumwell was pacing around his office when Denzo knocked on his door.

‘Sir? McGreen’s just come out of surgery- his family are their and so are two officers. Doctors expect that he’ll make a full recovery.’

‘Good good.’  He said, but he seemed a little too disinterested and Denzo realized that.

‘Is there something bothering you sir?’


‘Hopson isn’t it?’

‘Yeah.’ Brumwell admitted as he turned around to face him.

‘It’s just I can’t stop worrying about her. I shouldn’t have volunteered her to go on this op.’

‘Sounds like love to me.’  Denzo talked from experience.


‘Well, there are your classic symptoms. You can’t stop thinking about her, the way you look like her.’

‘She’s a great person. She’s not like my ex, when I was 16.’

‘She’s not a raging bitch then?’

Brumwell chuckled. ‘No, she’s sweet, caring, and funny. She’s the only one that makes me happy- despite the loss and everything.’

‘You really love her don’t you?’ Denzo clarified. He couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.

‘Yeah I do, which is why I need to find her.’

‘We will.’

‘So, what have we got?’Brumwell asked.

‘We’ve identified the source of the explosion- suicide bomber. Managed to get a tooth sample as their melting point is extremely high. Lab are doing tests now.’

‘Tell me when they get something.’

‘Yes sir. Sir? We’ll get her back, I know we will.’ Denzo said as he was about to leave.

‘Thanks.’ Brumwell smiled. He sat in his desk, praying that she would be okay.


Hopson struggled and remembered the plaster. She struggled making sure that she didn’t make any noise and managed to turn it on. She was in the middle of a text when the battery was running out- she forgot that she had turned it on all the time since the mission. Then she heard a crash and knew that she had to hurry up. She quickly sent a text message saying ‘Fish smell, shouting, engines.’ And then started to act like normal.

‘You finally realized that you can’t do anything?’ He chuckled.

‘Do you want some food or go for a walk?’ He asked- finally, maybe he was a gentleman.

‘Oh wait you can’t.’ he teased, walking away- on second thoughts, maybe not. Hopson tried to struggle even more in fury.


Denzo walked in through the door.

‘Sir, we’ve got a DNA match from the teeth. Meet Fiona Lopez. Served a sentence for prostitution, armoury dealership from the US military. Also accused of setting up a bomb factory back in Afghan as well as being accused of being involved in al-Qaeda as an operative.’

‘Pretty bad rep sheet.’ Brumwell noted.

‘Yeah. Intelligence from a friend of mine in the CIA says that she signed to be a suicide bomber.’

‘Explains the explosion.’

‘We got anything else?’ The Superior scraped into the conversation.

Brumwell’s phone buzzed. ‘A text.’ He looked as it came from an unknown number.


‘That’s the text message thing.’ Denzo realized the number.

‘I gave it to Hopson.’ Brumwell realized.

‘She’s alive.’ The Superior said.

‘Use the clues to find out where she might be.’ Brumwell ordered Denzo.  He walked out leaving Brumwell and the Superior.

‘Hey, don’t let your personal life get involved with this case.’

‘Well, this just got personal.’ Brumwell said, walking out.

‘Brumwell!’ The Superior slightly raised his voice.

‘What have we got?’ He stormed into the room where Denzo was talking to some other officers.

‘Nothing, sir.’ Denzo said, with regret. He knew how much this meant to Brumwell but couldn’t help feeling disappointed that he came up with nothing.

‘Put the message on the plasma.’

‘Yes sir.’ The message came up on the black plasma screen. You could literally see the brain trying it’s hardest to work out what it meant until…

‘Got it.’ Brumwell realized.

‘She said something about that she lived near the Port of San Francisco. That makes sense; she can smell fish, people shouting and then ship engines. Pull up all the nearest ports from here.’ Brumwell ordered Denzo.

‘Yes sir. Ok, the two closest are the Port of Brunswick and the Port of Savannah.’

‘We’ve narrowed it down to two.’ The phone trilled and Brumwell picked it up.

‘Hello? Yeah, I’m coming. I’m going to Forensics, keep me posted.’

‘Yes sir.’ Brumwell walked out and went into the lab.

‘What’ve we got?’ Brumwell asked Judy as he walked into her immaculate lab.

‘I was able to recover some information on Fiona Lopez.’


‘Got some text messages from our kidnapper.’

‘Well?’ He asked, getting impatient.

‘Looks like our kidnapper was planning on taking her to the Port of Savannah.’

‘Thank you.’ Brumwell walked out.

‘Woah- that’s the first time you’ve said thanks.’ She realized. Brumwell stopped and looked back.

‘Guess Hopson’s making an impression on me.’ Brumwell shrugged and resumed walking out.

‘Or teaching you.’ Judy muttered.

‘Denzo! Get me a SWAT team to meet us at the Port of Savannah.’

‘Got it boss.’

‘And pull up an emergency meeting.’


‘Just a little bit longer and he’ll be here’ Hopson thought to herself.

‘You finally given up trying then?’ The guy laughed. Hopson spat out at him but he dodged.

‘Now, now, you need to learn some manners don’t you?’ He walked out of the room, slamming the door shut.


‘We’ve the location of Hopson and the killer. The Port of Savannah.’ Some of the men murmured.

‘As I speak, the SWAT team are on their way there. Remember, shoot only in defence.’

‘Yes sir. But sir, it’s a three hour drive.’

‘I don’t care- Hopson’s is in danger. We can get some helicopters to an airport then drive from there. Ride out immediately.’

‘Denzo, I’ll meet you out at the front. Get the car.’ Denzo went away. Brumwell went to get his gun from his desk and walked to the front. He dialled a number and on the other end, a man picked up the phone.

‘Hey, you know you still owe me? How about I say it’s time to collect?’ Brumwell asked.

‘What do you want?’

‘Need to borrow your car.’

‘Is that it?’

‘Yeah. Where do you want me to meet you?’

‘I’ll text you the location later.’

‘Got it.’ Brumwell hung up and walked out of the office knowing what he had to do- go in and save the girl. Easy, how hard could it be?

Brumwell got in the car and told Denzo to step on it.

‘We need to get map. Stop at the next gas station.’

‘Yes sir.’

‘We will get him. The guy I mean.’ Denzo tried to reassure Brumwell. He smiled with thanks. Denzo reached the gas station when Brumwell got out of the car.

‘You want anything Denzo?’ Brumwell asked, looking through the empty space between the window and the frame of the car.

‘Sure, just drink of Coke and some chocolate will do boss.’

‘Ok.’ Brumwell walked into the door of the gas station leaving the door to swing shut. He walked over to the drinks section and grabbed two diet cokes and he also went to grab a chocolate. On the way to the counter he grabbed a map. He payed for it and went back to the car.

‘Here you go.’

‘Thanks boss. I’m hungry, can we get a burger?’

‘If you want but after that we need to rush.’

‘I will boss.’ They stopped by at a drive-thru at ‘In n Out’ and got their meal and rushed to the airport with their sirens flashing. They got an emergency helicopter and looking out from the window of the helicopter to see some amazing landscapes. They arrived, an hour later, on an empty piece of land and were greeted by Brumwell’s ex-colleague who let them borrow his World Record Edition of the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport which was black and had hints of orange on the bottom of the body.

There he stood in a black suit with black sunglasses. His hair was groomed back and he chewed on a toothpick.

‘Still the same old then?’Brumwell asked as he walked towards him.

‘Of course.’

‘Who’s he sir?’ Denzo asked, confused.

‘Never mind.’


‘In already.’ He said nodding towards the car.  Brumwell rushed to the car and Denzo followed, not knowing what was happening.

‘Who was he sir?’ Denzo asked as Brumwell sped out.

‘Complete idiot.’


‘Old colleague. You got a map?’

‘One of the officers texted me the exact locations of Hopson. I’ve got a GPS on my phone.’

‘Pull it up.’

‘Ok, only a 15 minute drive from here and we’ll be there.’

‘Tell me the directions.’ Brumwell ordered.

‘Yes sir.’

‘Turn left.’ Brumwell listened and the tyres skidded along the black tarmac – skidded too much that Denzo had to hang onto the handle above him.

‘Jeez boss! Calm down! I mean, I know that Hopson’s great but she’s not great enough for you to have us killed.’

‘Shut up! She’s worth dying for!’

‘Sorry boss.’ An awkward silence.

‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.’ Brumwell regretted.

‘It’s alright. Turn right and then keep going for around 10 minutes and then turn left.’

‘Got it.’

‘What’s the plan when we get there?’

‘I’ll go in first. You follow. I’ll get Hopson.’

‘What about the kidnapper?’

‘Don’t shoot him. Only shoot in defence. Death ‘s too kind for him.’

‘Yes sir.’

‘How’s your kids?’ Brumwell asked.

Denzo hesitated- he had never asked about his personal life before. ‘Good sir. Nina’s graduating from high school next month.’

‘Good. Congratulations are in order I guess.’

‘She’s just grown up so fast. It’s freaky.’

Brumwell laughed a soft laugh. ‘Wife’s expecting number 3 to come on the way.’

‘Congratulations! When’s she due?’

‘In July sir.’

‘Well done. Daddy numero tres.’

‘Yeah.’ He chuckled.

‘Turn here.’ Brumwell did as he was told. Denzo looked out of the windows and tried to see the sign for the port. He spotted the blue and white sign and pointed it out to Brumwell. They came across a left turn and Brumwell skidded and he raced towards the black road until one person stopped him.

‘You can’t come here.’

‘Try again.’ Brumwell scrolled down the window revealing his badge. ‘Where’s box number 15?’

‘On the right.’ The guy reluctantly let them through and Brumwell wasted no time stepping on it.

‘SWAT team are here.’

‘See that one Denzo.’ He stopped the car and rushed out where one of the SWAT members came forward.

‘What’s the plan?’ The man asked. He was wearing black from head to toe and was wearing a bullet proof vest.

‘Get in following me and Denzo and rescue Hopson.’

‘The kidnapper?’

‘Only shoot in defence.’

‘Got it boss.’ He went away to tell the rest of the SWAT team.

‘Boss, here.’ Denzo threw the navy blue bullet proof vest which had the word ‘police’ printed in the middle with white block letters. Brumwell put it on and withdrew his gun from his trousers. Denzo followed him where they went in front of the SWAT team.

Brumwell met eyes with a SWAT member and they both nodded. He kicked in the door and led the rest of the team. This was it- game one. ‘Police! Freeze!’ everyone shouted but for Brumwell it was all a dream. He knew what he had to do, who he had to find. He kept on his toes, fired a few shots hitting bulls eye every time. Guess that’s what adrenaline does to you he shrugged. He went into a room and kicked the door and took a cautious step back. When the sunlight hit his green emerald eyes they lit up but were also filled with guilt and sadness. He saw her hanging from the ceiling above and rushed to be with her. He removed the cloth which restricted her from speaking and put her head under her arms providing support for her. He lifted her and carefully brought her towards the ground. She hugged him as she had never hugged anyone before and Brumwell cleared the hair out of the way and hugged her, stroking her hair back.

‘You’re fine.’ Brumwell muttered into her ear.

‘Thank you. I’m tired.’ Her voice sounded so hoarse as if she hadn’t had any water for ages.

‘Go to sleep.’

‘Will you be there when I wake up?’

‘I’m not going anywhere.’ He promised.  She closed her eyes and fell into complete darkness.

Hopson eventually went to hospital and Brumwell lead the interrogation.

He slammed the brown file on the metal desk. ‘What’s your name?’

‘John Doe.’ He answered mysteriously.

‘Is that it?’ Brumwell joked.

‘You’re pathetic. Killing all innocent people and for what?’

‘No comment.’ Brumwell shook his head and left the room. Leaving the killer. They got the guy. He got the girl. End of. Full. Stop.

*******10 YEARS LATER*******

‘Come on Paul! You’re going to be late for school!’ Mandy shouted up the stairs. She walked back into the black Toulouse kitchen. The curved table was in the middle and the cupboards and cabinets behind it. The stove was cooking some eggs and the black frying pan was spitting out oil like a volcano. She was pouring some orange juice when she felt two hands hug her around the waist. She gasped and looked behind her and she smiled. He cleared her hair just like he did 10 years ago and leaned in for a kiss. He reluctantly let go of her and grabbed the coffee and sat down on the high stool of the breakfast bar. Then one of the kids came running down. He had brown hair from his father and had amber eyes from his mother. He wore a checked blue and white shirt and jeans.

‘Mom! Dad!’ he greeted as he landed from the stairs.

‘Hello big man!’ Jack got up from his seat and opened his arms for his 10 year old kid to run to him.

‘Go and say good morning to your mom.’  The kid did as he said and went to hug his mother, leaving her a peck on her cheek. He sat next to his father.

‘Done your homework Paul?’Mandy asked.


‘Good. Bacon or sausages?’ She asked looking at him.

‘One of each please.’ Then she looked at Jack and he nodded, agreeing.

‘Mommy!’ Another child ran down the stairs, only this time it was a girl.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘Paul stole my bunny.’ She whined, with tears nearly flowing down her face. Mandy looked at Paul with a questioning look.

‘I did not!’ He argued in defence.

‘You did!’

‘Paul…’ Jack intervened in a serious, stern tone.

‘Fine. I’ll go get it.’ He backed down with defeat. He stalked upstairs.

‘Can you get Nina please?’ Mandy asked Jack. He nodded and went up.

‘Bacon or sausage Lexi?’

‘Bacon please momma.’

‘Here you go.’ Paul came back down and handed the white bunny with floppy ears to her and sat back down. Following him was Jack, cradling Nina, the youngest of the clan. At just the tender age of 3 months Nina had the green eyes from Jack which shone beautifully in the sunlight. Jack handed her to Mandy who sat down in his seat as she allowed him to take over from the cooking. Jack served up the breakfast and the kids started to eat it. Jack then heated up some milk and put it in Nina’s bottle and passed it to Mandy. She fed Nina who sucked the milk out instantly and he also racked up some coffee for Mandy who drank it in one gulp. After the kids had eaten they hurried to get to school and to work. Jack settled the kids in the car and buckled all of them in, including Nina. Mandy got all her stuff and walked outside, locking the door. She looked back at the house. The white paint was partially covered by the brown strips of paint which came from Mandy’s English background. Jack came and grabbed her hand and kissed her and they went back to the car. They both knew that they could move on- move on and start a new life.

© Copyright 2013 IzziPark96 (isypark96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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