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this is like background info for setting up a setting for a novel |
The Sylvan Inquest by Richard Baldwin This document is an ongoing effort to compile all the information that has been gathered about the Event that has so shaped our elders attitudes and beliefs. What this event was has yet to be fully determined, but what we do know is that this is what made them what they are today. Long, long ago in the ancient of days the High Elves became. This was a time of chaos and pain. The very earth cried out in pain as hill and dale were rent asunder. Many creatures were twisted and changed. The Demons were set loose upon the land, for the sins of arrogance of the High Elves were deep and wide. For they considered themselves to be the masters and shapers of the very earth upon which they walked. Because of this arrogance the earth was changed, rent and torn. The High Elves had to admit that they on longer controlled Nature as they had once claimed in the past. Nature was wrested from their grasp. Deformities were inflicted on them . The surviving High Elves are fair to look upon. But there are stories of friends of survivors who were so twisted that they died horrible, painful deaths in hours or days. How this is possible is a mystery as all High Elves that we have ever met are blessed with perfect health. How were they twisted? It is frustrating as no High Elf will say. When you do mange to pin one down they just stare into the distance with a blank look and say nothing. Others will break down sobbing! By the name of all that is Elven, just what did happen? Even worse are the ones who start speaking in a foreign tongue of which there are no records. When they are in this state it is dangerous to continue talking to them as we are not as robust as our elders. It has been reported by some that the essence of Nature its self was strongly effected. It appears that most of the truly dangerous and magical creatures simply did not exist. It defies belief! How were the functions that these animals perform taken care of before? How could the biosphere function without these animals? Great monsters were sent against them as punishment. Some of the more deadly creatures are said to be from this time. A few elders have made offhand comments about how the 'Hunters of the Night' in particular were seen for the first time in this period. Other species such as the 'Creeping Towers' are mentioned in a similar context. One High Elf has commented how the 'Clutch Trees' were only myth before. There are whispered stories about certain individuals. About how they became inhuman. The description of what happened is sparse but sounds really painful. These are dark tales that are difficult to get our elders to talk about. Usually any given Elder will only speak of these matters once. Another theme that repeats in these stories is elves who have lost there mind. They behave like mindless animals in the stories. There are also references to claws and tentacles. This is strange as the tale starts out with a High Elven character that the teller of the tale clearly knew or knew of. Some the species told of in these tales talk of how before they were dumb and harmless. Some stories tell of trusted animal companions getting a intelligent look in their eye and turning on their masters. They speak of animals as household pets that no one in their right mind would have any where near their place of residence. |