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Rated: E · Article · Inspirational · #1933102
For what purpose have you been placed in the lives of those around you?
“ Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost its saver, wherewith hall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden underfoot by men.” Matthew 5:13

As Christians, we have heard this preached many times. Normally, the Pastor focuses on the aspect of salt as a seasoning. And most definitely that is a strong point. As Christians we are called to add flavor and taste to a world zapped of taste by Satan.

However, today I wish to focus on all the other aspects of what salt is and what salt does. Aside from being used as a seasoning, salt also has a handful of other purposes, each very important.

Salt has long been used in the process of drying and curing meats. It preserves it and slows down the decay process. In a world of sin and death, our job is to slow down the death process and preserve souls that still need the light and salvation of Christ Jesus. Additionally, we are to preserve our fellow Christians and keep them preserved with the word of God. To uplift and encourage them to keep up the good fight and to not give in to that which saps us of our flavor. Satan longs to rob us of our saver so that we become useless to the Kingdom of God and to those around us.

Salt is a binding agent. In meats that are processed, the salt helps to retain the water that reduces loss of meat during the cooking process. In today’s world, God’s word is being processed down to fillers and by products. The meat of scripture being preached and served up to today’s consumers is a generic, low quality product not fit to really sustain our souls. It is up to us, the salt of the earth to help keep the word of God bound together and insure it does not become so watered down and weak  that it fails to feed the souls of those around us.

In the fermentation process, salt slows down and controls how fast the food becomes fermented. Look around in your life. Do you see souls becoming fermented, stagnant or spoiled? How can you slow down the process and insure these souls have a chance to know the salvation and love of the greatest lover of their souls?

Ever hear the phrase rubbing salt into wounds? Salt is considered to be the very first antibiotic. Salt slows down and stops the spread of bacteria, it holds healing properties. If the human body suffers a salt deficiency, a condition known as iodine deficiency disorder causes mental retardation, miscarriage, goiters, infant brain damage and even impaired growth development. Within the body, salt helps carry carbon dioxide, aids in absorbing potassium, helps in digestion and even helps maintain acid based balance all within the body.

Are you being called as a spiritual doctor? Are you the antibiotic God is sending to those around you in need? YOU know that God is the master physician and that by his stripes there is healing. Are you the salt called to bring the sick and dying to the healer?

Salt is very powerful. Salt thrown on ice, melts it within seconds. It is powerful enough to eat through metal and cause it to rust. It can also destroy concrete and wood. It is abrasive. It wears down that which it comes into contact with. Are you the salt being used to wear down the hardened hearts of those around you? Are you to tenderize and soften them so that the Word of God can take root and grow in the barren land?

I challenge you to take this month to reflect and consider that kind of salt are you being called to be to those around you. Look hard at the lives and hearts of those put in your life and ask God to show you what type of salt each one needs. Then, take action.

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