Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1932338-Their-Mistress
Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Erotica · #1932338
Being a mistress for three men are hard, what happens when one drops her?
Erin walked around the casino for ten minutes, she was enjoying the sound of the slot machines when the coins hit the medal trays, then when the person sitting on a seat that looks like a bar stool pulls the handle, and the strip inside starts spinning. This would be a great place, if she was not always walking around alone and going to the room as soon as Alexander was ready for bed. Erin made about three steps from the bar when a loud siren went off with a red flashing light above one of the machines, the person sitting in the chair looked happy.
Smiling Erin walked back over to the bar that now held two males on opposite sides, she sat down in the seat she had earlier, and smiled at Edward when he turned around and looked surprised to see her again.
“Do you want the same? I did not expect to see you back here so fast, if at all.” He said handing over the beer bottle.
“Yeah well, I will tell you this is one of the best spots in the joint.” She winked at him and took a sip from her beer.
Erin sat there watching the news on television and it looked like it was on just for back ground noise as the customers came in and got a drink. Edward stood with a smile on his face and greeted everyone that came in, if you had time to sit down for a chat, well that was more than great with him.
“This place can get busy, huh?” Erin asked, as she waited for another beer.
It was not fun to sit and drink alone, but what choice did she have? Keeping that bright, fake smile on her face as she always did, Erin looked like someone that had the world at her feet. In the real world, she didn’t have shit and if it wasn’t for the men she was using, she would most likely live on the street. How could she pay rent or eat?
“It depends on the night, but yes it does get busy in here. If you were staying in town, I could use some help.”
“Yeah, I could just see me back there. I would have no idea what I am doing and the customers would get upset.” She giggled; Erin was feeling good from the beer she has drunk.
Erin was sitting at the bar enjoying her conversation with Edward and sipping on her last beer for the evening, when a good looking man walked up to the bar, and sat down next to her. He looked over at her and gave her a small smirk before turning his head to Edward for a beer. Turning her head to look at the T.V that was still on the news, no one could want to see this all day. Erin exhaled and downed then remaining of her beer, set the bottle on the counter, and turned to leave. That is when she felt a hand on her arm; she turned her sultry eyes towards him and blinked.
“Where are you going? I was going to ask you if you wanted another drink, but if you would rather go out to dinner, that would be fine.” He smiled showing his pearly white teeth.
Erin wanted to say yes, he looked and smelled of money. She knew this man would be easy, like putty in her hands, but she was there with Alexander and it was not the time to pick up other men. Her mind was screaming at her to get a number at least, but she pushed that side and smiled at the stranger, “I am sorry, but I am here with someone. I was on my way to meet him actually, good night.”
The look on the man’s face told her he did not believe her, but she didn’t care. If it was any other time without of her men there, she would have taken the man on a ride of his life. He would not be able to stay up with her, she laughed in her head as she was walking away. Erin walked back over to the poker table to see if Alexander was done yet, and ready to go to the room. She was tired and some sleep sounded good to her, they could go shopping, and eating tomorrow.
When she walked close to the poker table she could see he was winning, which told her he was not going to be ready to go with her to the room, for a while. She exhaled as she walked over to his table and smiled at him, as she kissed his cheek. He gave her a quick glance and back to the table, his facial expression didn’t change. She sat down next to him and started to watch the game, when he handed her the room key without taking his eyes from the other players. Erin knew that meant he wanted her to go back to the room; this was the part of the trip that would anger her. The thing that pissed her off tonight was it is her birthday and he wanted to play poker all night, there were so many other things they could be doing.
Her mind started telling her she would be able to get him hard enough to have sex with her, but he never wanted to try. All he wanted was to lie next to her and hold her, it wasn’t that she didn’t like it, but damn what was the point in having her as a mistress if he was not going to do anything with her. There was a lot on her mind as she made her way to the room, swiping the key so she could go inside, and closed the door behind her. She made sure it was locked before she walked into the room; Erin was always amazed at how big the room was, with furniture like it was someone’s home. The best thing for her was a shower; it would relax the tight muscles in her back, and help her to fall asleep.
Erin walked through the sitting room, through the bedroom, and into the bathroom. All she could think about was going back to talk with the stranger, but she wouldn’t do that. Rolling her eyes as she felt like she was getting weak, she bent over and turned the knobs on the faucet. Erin stood waiting for the water to warm up, as she stripped from her jeans and sweater. Stepping into the shower she stood under the head of the shower, so the water would beat down on her back. It felt so good, her body bent forward so the water would run on the small part of her back.
Grabbing the shampoo and lathering it through her hair, Erin shaved her right leg before she rinsed it out, she added conditioner to her long hair, and shaved the other leg, under her arms, and made a patch to her love cave. As it got smoother and smoother down there, Erin couldn’t help but to let travel down past her pelvic bone, down between her legs, and cuffed the hottest part of her body. Erin moaned softly from the small contact of her own hand, leaning back against the wall letting the water spray the top of her clit as her fingers slid further down.
Erin pictured the stranger in the bar, which was strange when her body should be used to Blake or Logan, it didn’t matter that is what the mind and body wanted, and Erin made sure she gave in. The tips of her fingers slid across her opening where the heat was begging to come out, pushing her fingers in slowly, only up to the first knuckle, and held it in her pussy. She moaned again and pushed her fingers in a little further, this built the orgasm up for her, biting her bottom lip Erin shoved her fingers the rest of the way inside of her. Erin closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling when her fingers were soaked from her juices, shoving in and pulling them slowly back out of her hot box, moving faster and faster. She could feel it was going to burst like a damn soon, so she started wiggling her hips she rode out one of the best orgasms she has ever had. When she was done, Erin had to stay leaning against the wall or fall on the floor of the tub, her legs were wobbly, her heart beating like she ran a marathon, and her body she was shaky.
The problem with Erin is the men that came into her life would be put up on this high pedal stool; they could do no wrong, the best in bed, and great looking. What the men didn’t understand after Erin got that, she didn’t want it anymore, this thing with being a mistress was no emotion and all about money. There was no reason to give any of that up, when you are in a relationship it is so different, you have tell your other half what you are doing, where you going, and who you are around, and don’t forget when are you coming home.
Erin finished her shower and climbed out of the tub, wrapping the white robe around her body, and walking out into the bedroom. The huge dark wood bed looked so inviting all she could do is crawl onto the bed and falls asleep on top of the covers.
Alexander came in early the next morning, it was dusk out. Erin sat up and rubbed her eyes, she looked over at him and seen his wild appearance. She slowly climbed off the bed and walked over to him, she hesitated to touch him, and the look on his face was of pure anger. Erin actually took a step back.
“Alexander, what is wrong? I have never seen you like this.” She said with a shaking voice.
“I think it is time for us to check out of here and get home. I know it is early, but I will get a hold of you in the middle of the week and make up for this trip. Erin, do not argue or question me on this, it is time to go.”
Erin did as she was told and slid back into her jeans, sweater, and black boots, she didn’t bother to try and fix her hair, that could wait until she was walking out the door, and she would throw it in a messy bun. She walked out of the bedroom five minutes later to see Alexander sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. It had nothing to do with love, but she did feel bad for him, what could possibly make him act like this. She has never seen him act so out of character. Knowing to not say anything, she grabbed her purse and followed him out the door, and she pulled her hair into a ponytail.
As they walked through the glass doors and out into the parking garage to get a black shiny car, Erin had never seen that care before, but that didn’t meant anything. He could own every car he has taken her out in, and she would never know. Exhaling she climbed into the front seat and fastened her seat belt. She looked out the side window as Alexander climbed behind the steering wheel, and drove off. Neither of them speaking a word, she was in her own little world. It was like it hurt her that it was time for them to leave; it was the way he was acting that had her worried. When she got home there was always Blake or Logan, one of them would be calling her tonight.
As before it did not take them long to get to the strip where they would board his jet, Erin didn’t see anything as she looked out her window. Her mind was on other things, making a mental note to bring up something like this with the other two men, one of them would be happy to take her, and spend time with her. Most likely in the room, but that was a great place to start. She held her tongue just in time to hold in a giggle, looking over at Alexander is knuckles had turned white from him gripping the steering wheel so tight, she would was a little scared to get on the jet with him, what if he pushed her out when they were in the air.
There was a man there in bid overalls, as there always is someone waiting to talk with him before they got on the jet, and took off. Alexander jumped out of the car and hurried over to the man that was handling the jet, as Erin sat in the car waiting for him to tell her to get out and follow him. Looking around, she noticed there was nothing out near the air strip; you could tell this was private. There was not a house for miles away and if she needed help there would be no way to find any, she would bet there was no cell phone towers. Erin quickly pulled out her phone and bingo, she was right.
Alexander waved her to get out of the car and follow him onto the jet, but this time he did not wait for her, and walk next to her like he normally did. Erin had to many thoughts running through her head, when she got on the jet she was buckling the seat belt, and going to sleep. She was not going to deal with anyone that was in a foul mood, which was the point of not being in a relationship with someone. He could worry and stress when he was with his wife, when he was with her it was supposed to be fun and games. She walked up the four steps to get inside so she could sit in her seat.
Alexander did the same without a word; he didn’t even look at her once. Erin rolled her eyes and leaned the seat back so she could go to sleep. She could not wait to get home, hell Kayla would be happy to see her, and they may just have to go out. A girls night out, and everything is free game tonight. She didn’t noticed that Alexander was glaring at her because she was closing her eyes to get some kind of sleep before they landed and she had to get in another car, and have a stuffy ride home.
When she woke it was to Alexander roughly shaking her and saying, “are you going to live on my jet, or do you want to go home today?” he asked as he exited the jet.
Erin stretched and rolled her eyes, what the hell is up his ass? Whatever it was he could lose it or she was walking. There was no way she would was going to be around someone like this, and the whole trip sucked. The only plus to the whole damn thing was meeting Edward; he was like a fatherly figure. She walked off the plane and over to the blue car this time and climbed into the seat, Erin would have closed her eyes and went back to sleep if her body would have let her, but she was excited to get home, and away from tight ass over there.
An hour later Alexander pulled up in front of Erin’s house and kept the car in drive with his foot on the gas, nice she thought but smiled sweetly at him, and climbed from the car without a word. Erin didn’t even bother looking back; instead she walked in the house like it was normal drop off. She looked around the living room as soon as she walked inside. It didn’t look like anyone was home, or had been there since yesterday morning. Since she had energy and she was waiting for her best friend to come home, she would clean up and take a shower. When she came home she would ask if they could go out, if Blake or Logan didn’t call first.
Thirty minutes later the house was clean and she was done with her shower. Now it was time for her to pick something to wear for the night, since she has not heard from anyone, she would go out alone since she would be able to pick up any man in the place. It wasn’t that she thought she was better than anyone; Erin just didn’t do the word ‘no’ very often.
Erin went with a skin tight, pink dress that hung to mid-thigh, the dress was a light color pink or she would never wear it. Instead of leaving her hair down tonight she twisted half up and added a clip around it, the back was curled into ringlets, and then she picked them out enough that, her hair had more bounce. Spraying spritz all over her hair so it would stay in place, it was time to find something to do. Who will be the lucky person going out? Pulling out her cell phone to call Kayla, to see where she was and if she wanted to go out, her phone started to ring in her hands.
With a smile on her face she answered the phone, “well hello, I was just thinking of you. Do you want to meet up at Bonkers? It sounds like a good plan, I will see you there in twenty minutes.” Looks like she has a date for the night and she didn’t even have to call anyone, they called her.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1932338-Their-Mistress