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Rock star Jake's world is rocked when he & his booking agent Kelly pretend to be engaged! |
]]]]7777777777777777=======]+ **** "Please, Kelly, you're the only one who can help me out with this," Jake pleaded with the woman sitting across the table from him with an incredulous look on her face. Kelly swirled the coffee in her mug, glanced around her kitchen and finally said, "It will never work." And it wouldn't, it couldn't, could it? Kelly tried to keep a nonchalant look on her face hoping what she was really feeling was well hidden. She glanced up and into the piercing blue eyes staring intently at her and felt her heartbeat kick up yet another notch. Even at this early hour of the morning Jake Slade was the most gorgeous hunk of man she'd ever seen. His shaggy, jet black hair with bright blue ends was sticking up at all angles as if he'd just rolled out of bed. Granted, he did wear his hair in typical rock star fashion but it was especially disheveled this morning. He was wearing a short sleeved tee shirt that partially hid the sleeve of tattoos he had on each arm but his ear piercings and eyebrow piercings were in place. She took in his electric blue eyes, chiseled cheekbones, muscled arms and the strong tattooed fingers tightly gripping his coffee cup and sighed, "Jake explain this to me again." Hope glinted in his eyes. "We have a few weeks break off the tour and my mom is insisting I go home and visit. I haven't been home in over a year, since our current CD really took off and she wants to see me and cook for me and all that other stuff that moms do. Which is fine," he said, looking down at his nearly empty coffee cup, "but my mother is on a mission...to get me married. She even has some "nice girls" that she wants to introduce me to," he groaned, slumping back in the chair. Kelly laughed at Jake's look of despair, he looked for all the world like a kid who's just been told that Santa Claus isn't real. "So you beat my door down at 6am because you think I can help you? By pretending to be your fiancé?" "Yes," he said sullenly. Kelly stood and went to the counter for the coffee carafe and refilled their cups, not because she wanted more coffee but because she needed a few moments to think. Could she pretend to be Jake's fiancé? Hell yes she could. She'd been Defiance's booking agent for two years and had had a crush on Jake for just as long. Okay, truth be told it was more than a crush; she was half in love with the man so it would be very easy to slip into the role of his fiancé. Too easy. And what would happen when the little charade was over? She had a great working relationship and friendship with Jake that she didn't want to jeopardize. She may be half in love with Jake but she loved her job, too, and didn't want to risk that. She poured them more coffee and sat down again across from Jake. "What's so bad about meeting a few nice girls? Most moms do that kind of stuff for their sons, try to fix them..." "No way," Jake interrupted her, "I like my life the way it is. Hell, I love my life the way it is and as much as I adore my mother I can't do this." Kelly grinned slyly, "You love your life the way it is. Meaning no commitments, getting any woman you want whenever you want, but never for more than a few days at a time?" "Hell," he frowned and pushed the coffee cup away, "you make me sound like an asshole. I'm a musician. The guys and I have been working our asses off for years to get ahead in this industry and now that we've made it I'm not supposed to enjoy the perks of my job?" He ran his hands through his black tresses again then asked, sounding defeated, "Will you help me or not?" Kelly bit her lower lip, undecided. This could be it, this could be her chance to get and hold his attention long enough for him to see her as a woman and not just his booking agent. "Okay," she said, and help up her hand when he made a move to leap to his feet, "on one condition." Grinning now Jake stated, "Name it." Her heart skipped a beat at his lopsided grin and she couldn't stop the grin spreading on her face, "No matter what happens during this little trip I keep my job. I also love my job and the perks that come with it." And she did, she loved being an independent booking agent for musicians. She had started small with local bands and when Defiance came her way she didn't think twice about accepting them as clients. Defiance had struck gold this past year with CD and downloadable sales through the roof and sold out venues across the country. Their success was her pride and joy, and provided her with a more than generous income, but best of all Kelly was fully immersed in the world of rock and roll. She'd loved hard rock and heavy metal since she first heard it on her dad's radio and now it was her life and she wouldn't trade it for anything. Jake stood and pulled her up out of her chair in into his arms, whirling her around her kitchen, "Baby you got it! No matter what happens your job is safe...no matter how pissed my mom is when she figures it all out! You are officially my favorite person Kel!" She laughed, enjoying the feel of his arms wrapped around her. All to soon he set her down and kept his hands on his shoulders, holding her at arms length, "How soon can you be ready?" Kelly shrugged, "It won't take me too long..."she started. "Good," he squeezed her shoulders, "I chartered a plane and we leave in three hours." Kelly's eyes widened, "Three hours? Seriously? You chartered a plane?" He winked at her and said, "Yes to all three. I'm going home to pack and I'll pick you up in two hours. Don't worry about packing a lot, we can get you what you need when we get there." She blinked, "What I need...Jake I need my clothes and I can't get everything ready in two hours!" He grabbed both of her hands and said, "I'm sure my mother will want to do girly shit like shopping so you can just pack the basics and I'll get you the rest when we get there!" As Jake turned to leave Kelly stopped him, "I can't let you buy me clothes." He grinned the lopsided grin that made her heart skip a beat, "Baby think of it as a bonus, an additional "perk" to your job." Kelly rolled her eyes but then remembered where Jake's mother lived and her eyes lit up, "Your mom lives just out of Chicago doesn't she?" "Yeah, rural outside of Naperville. What's so funny about that?" He asked as her grin widened. "Chicago has amazing shopping...the Mag Mile, Water Tower Place, oh and not to mention all the little specialty boutiques!" She clapped her hands in excitement. "See, you'll have fun. I'll let my people know you'll be using my card," he pulled out his cell phone. "I was teasing you! I in no way expect to shop with your credit card!" "You work hard, busted your ass to get us on the map into venues we could only dream of before we met you! You deserve to relax, spoil yourself a little," he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her into his side and kissed her cheek. "Let me spoil you." Well this was awkward because the tone he used was suggestive and the way he spoke with his lips against her ear made her skin break out in goose bumps. She looked up at Jake and he had an odd look in his eye, a surprised look and Kelly knew if she turned in to him he'd kiss her. She longed to turn her face into his chest an kiss him, she wanted it so bad it made her ache but she knew better that to get involved any more than she already was with the charade. She knew Jake and the band well, she considered them friends. She was comfortable calling any of the guys if she had a problem, whether it be needing help to move, help with her car or the occasional over zealous stalker type date. When the guys were in town she had them over for cook outs or just to get together and hang out. She wasn't as close to her other clients but Defiance was special, her baby. She'd been with them when they started small and knew it was only a matter of time before they made it big. She worked hard getting them into venues with big name acts so Defiance could get their name out there. She had believed in these guys from the moment she met them and booked killer schedules for them but it had worked. Finally they were getting the recognition they deserved. The guys respected her for her hard work and she had an open invite to show up or hang out whenever she wanted and she was often invited to parties, awards shows and special appearances. The guys were like her brothers. Except Jake. He was different; she had feelings for him that went beyond what she had with the other guys. Sometimes she thought he felt it too, and this little charade they were going to play could be her chance to discover what was possible between them. She'd play along with the charade and see how things played out. "Okay," she broke away from him, "If we leave in less that three hours I have to pack and ask my neighbor to water my plants. Oh shit, I won't have time to stop my mail and...." Jake interrupted her, "I've taken care of it. I have people who will forward your mail to my mom's." "Okay, thank you. I'll take my laptop; as long as I have it and my cell I can work anywhere." "Are you good then while I go get my shit? I'll come back to get you before meeting the pilot at the airfield." "Yeah, I'm good, I just feel rushed...and nervous. By tonight we'll be sitting around with your mom and I'll be your fiancé....Jake what did you get me into?" She groaned as the reality of it hit her. He crossed the room and tipped her chin up so she was looking him in the eye, "You'll do fine. You'll do what you always do but instead of marketing the band you're marketing us, making us look like a perfectly content couple. You've got this sweetheart," he swatted at her bottom and left promising to be back shortly. "I am so screwed," she said out loud to herself. Jake was always playful and flirty and they usually bantered back and forth but, now she had to make this little farce believable. And him calling her sweetheart always made her heart and her brain turn to mush. It was just a silly endearment but it meant something to her because he never called anyone else sweetheart. She remembered the first time he'd called her sweetheart and she'd given him shit and told him to save his pet names for his flock of groupies. He'd retorted, "I've never referred to any of my women as sweetheart. You're my only sweetheart." Her heart had melted then and it melted now thinking about it. Why would he say such a thing? He sent out more mixed signals than anyone she knew. Sometimes she swore he knew how she really felt about him and maybe he felt a little for her. She shook her head as if to clear it. Since she was going to be his sweetheart for the next 20 days she'd better get her scattered thoughts together and erect a wall around her heart since she had a feeling this was going to hurt when it was over. **** Kelly looked herself over in the mirror above her sofa and decided she looked fine for a flight to Chicago. She fiddled with her hair, taking it out of the usual messy knot she wore it in and let the blonde locks fall around her shoulders. Wow. She should wear her hair down more often; she looked good, if she did say so herself. Her white sundress was sleeveless, well fitted and was very flattering to what she thought her best feature, her boobs. She usually wore baggy tee shirts and jeans or pant suits when she worked so her 36 D chest wasn't so noticeable, but today, well, her girls were looking good. The sundress hung mid thigh, a respectable length for meeting her fiancé's mother. Her fiancé. What the hell had she gotten herself into? She flopped down on her couch with her two suitcases and carry on bag. How could she possibly pretend to be Jake's fiancé? And when this charade was over would her heart be intact? She groaned, leaning her head back against the sofa cushions. Jake was the man of which dreams were made, especially her dreams. Sure, his badass, tattooed, pierced, and wild haired look may be off putting to some people, but to her, and the band's millions of female fans he was 6 feet of muscled hunk. She sighed, it was the millions of female fans that helped rocket the band to the top {i}of the charts but those fans were also her competition. Jake was a true rock star and definitely appreciated the tits and ass thrown at him day and night. Those girls didn't care about anything but being able to brag that they fucked Jake Slade and that bothered her more than she wanted to admit to herself. The groupies wanted to fuck him for bragging rights, they were using him. She wanted him because she loved him, she cared about his music and appreciated how hard he worked. She loved just hanging with him, especially when he was putting together a song. She loved it when he asked for and valued her input regarding his music. She liked and respected all the guys in the band, they were the real deal; rockers to the core who brought their love of music to the stage and shared it with the world. The other guys enjoyed the women that came along with being a rock star, but she wasn't in love with the other guys. They could fuck whoever they wanted. She wanted Jake and to him she was his booking agent and friend. Period. Lost in thought she jumped when the doorbell rang. Well, here goes, she thought, flinging her door open. She had twenty days to be Jake's fiancé and she vowed to herself she would do everything in her power to rock his world. **** Jake pulled his car into Kelly's driveway, his sense of relief palpable. Kelly was a life saver. No way in hell could he spend almost three weeks with his mother parading every nice girl in the suburbs of Chicago in front of him. He loved his mother and her intentions were good; she believed in him and backed him in his career fully but she felt that at age 35 it was time for him to settle down. Didn't he ever get tired of the same old routine, different girls in different places? Didn't he want someone to balance him, to come home to? She asked him the same questions every time she talked to him and recently he had given up trying to explain his lifestyle to her. He was on the road almost constantly, and in between gigs trying to write songs for their next release, his hours were insane and what woman wanted to live like that? Of course he was rarely alone, women were his for the taking at every show. There were always women around him, all shapes and sizes, blonde, brunette, redhead...all dressed to kill and willing to do anything for a night with him. The early years had been the best, going from a garage band to playing actual gigs and the bigger the gig the more women he had to choose from. Thinking of some of the things he had done, some of the women he had done, made him wince. In the last year he'd realized they didn't give a damn about him and he sure has hell didn't give a shit about them; they served a purpose and for that they got to say the fucked a rock star. Lately, though, when his mother drilled him about settling down he had a small, nagging feeling in the back of his mind, a feeling he didn't want to acknowledge, a feeling that scared the shit out of him. The merry go round of women was getting old. He was starting to notice that after the show the women he thought used to smell so good and look so good were beginning to all smell like cheap perfume and look the same. Garish make up concealing weary, haggard faces, hiding eyes that have seen too much partying, too much alcohol and other drugs. The last few gigs he had gone back to the bus alone by choice. He thought of the girl who had decided she wanted to live the lifestyle with him and what had happened to her. She'd tired of the time apart yet hated being on the road. He'd watched the spark slowly fade from her eyes and hadn't done a thing about it. He'd ignored the amount of drugs she'd been using, didn't think about what or who she was doing to obtain those drugs because she hadn't gotten them from him. Her death from an overdose hadn't surprised him but it had shook him to the core. Her hatred of the life of a rocker's girl had been the death of her. He'd been the death of her. Never again would he subject a woman to his lifestyle; the constant temptation of drugs, the jealousy from the constant presence of women, months apart...none of it. He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts, this certainly wasn't something he needed to worry about now. He had three weeks to spend with his family and Kelly was being a trooper, saving his ass. She was a good friend and a damn good booking agent and the band was lucky to have her. She had busted her ass to get them playing arenas as supporting band for talented, well known artists and that had paid off. After opening for the likes of Shinedown and Nickelback after this three week hiatus they would be co headlining with Twisted. Just the thought caused an adrenaline surge. He had to be careful with Kelly, he didn't completely trust himself with her. She was a good friend and he called himself ten times a bastard because sometimes spending time with her felt good, too good, and he respected her far too much to think about going there. Spending time with Kelly was easy. He enjoyed being with someone who didn't kiss his ass because of his status. Kelly treated him like a "normal" person and he loved that. Being surrounded by people who anticipate your every need and being treated like a god had been awesome in the beginning but now it could be annoying. A lot of people in his line of work let that shit go to their head and he'd met some artists he'd admired that turned out to be self important assholes. No, he liked the way Kelly treated him, liked that he could be himself around her and she wouldn't bat an eye. Jake knocked on Kelly's door and when she flung it open and waved him in he stood on her doorstep staring. Kelly usually wore jeans and baggy tee shirts and her hair pulled up and little to no make up. The woman standing in front of him had blonde hair falling in waves over her shoulders and was wearing a sundress that showed off lightly tanned and flawless skin. Long eyelashes framed her clear blue eyes, her cheeks were pink and her full lips were glossy. The sundress fell mid thigh and he noticed for the first time that Kelly had amazing legs. And that wasn't all he noticed. The sundress fit snugly across her chest unlike the baggy tees she usually wore. Those damn tee shirts hadn't showcased her boobs. Not just any boobs, either. He stared, awed by the sight of her. Her breasts were full and natural, firm and begging to be touched. He blinked as his dick twitched. What the fuck! This was Kelly! Kelly his friend, his booking agent, his employee...and she was HOT! He knew he was staring too long but he didn't care. His brain was trying to reconcile the Kelly he knew and this golden haired goddess standing before him. "What's wrong? Do I have something on my dress?" she looked down at herself. Jake hauled his gaze away from her breasts and found his tongue, "No. No. You look great. Amazing, really. I've, uh, never seen you dressed like this before." "Oh. Well, I wanted to look nice to impress your mom." Again Jake had to force his gaze from her boobs to her eyes, "You look perfect," he choked out, "Are you ready?" "Yes, I just have the one suitcase and a carry on bag," she stooped to pick them up giving him a glance down the top of her sundress and a better look at her tan, firm, perfectly formed breasts. He damn near groaned out loud, "Here, give me your bags." Jake took her bags from her and put them in his car, then opened the passenger door for her to get in. She glanced up at him questioningly and asked, "Jake, are you ok? You're acting...odd." "No, I'm good," he grinned at her, "Let's go." During the drive to the airport Jake's head was spinning. What. The. Hell. Kelly was hot. He'd always thought she was pretty with her full lips and big blue eyes but she'd kept that killer body a secret, hiding it behind baggy tee shirts and jeans. Several time he had to force his gaze from her boobs or her nicely shaped legs to the road ahead of him. He couldn't be attracted to Kelly like this, though his twitching dick was telling him otherwise. She looked like heaven. She smelled fresh, clean, no overpowering perfume just a light clean scent that clung to her. What the hell was he going to do now? He had to pretend to be in love with this woman for three weeks, act like her fiancé. He'd be expected to hold her hand, show affection to her, kiss her, and it was all to be an act. How the hell was he supposed to keep up the pretense when he wanted to pull that sundress down and worship her perfect tits? He smothered another groan. It wasn't supposed to be like this, Kelly was supposed to just be the same old Kelly and play the part of his fiancé so his mother would get off his back about settling down. He had this all planned out; he planned to shower her with attention and affection while in the presence of his family and when they were alone they could just be the comfortable friends that they were. But now, now he didn't know. Could he keep up the façade while still retaining his sanity? He took a deep breath. Of course he could. This beautiful woman sitting beside him was still the Kelly he had known for years. He could do this. He stole another look at her legs and sighed. This was going to be a long three weeks. **** Kelly glanced out the window of the lear jet that was flying them to Chicago. The pilot had just informed them they would be flying over the continental divide and to expect some turbulence. She glanced at Jake who appeared to be sleeping. She smiled to herself remembering Jake's expression when she had greeted him at her front door. She had noticed the way his gaze kept flicking from her eyes to her boobs, her boobs to her legs and them back to her eyes. It seemed she had his attention and that was a good first step to getting him to see her not as Kelly his employee, friend and sometimes drinking buddy but to see her as a flesh and blood woman. With that accomplished she decided the next step better be to get their story together and come up with something believable to tell his family. "Jake?" She said softly. Jake opened his eyes, "Yeah?" "So what's the game plan? How are we going to sell this engagement to your mom and the rest of your family?" "We keep it simple and stick to the truth as much as we can. We tell them we've worked together over the last couple years and that everything just grew from there." Kelly looked thoughtful for a moment, "Ok, simple works. I don't have any family so there's not much to tell there. I'm sure your mother will have a ton of questions, like how did you propose, when did you propose, have we set a date...there's so much and I want to be prepared." Jake sat up straight in his seat as the promised turbulence bounced the aircraft around. Of course he would notice how Kelly's boobs jiggled with every bounce. He ran his hand through his hair and tried to focus, "We can tell her I just proposed a couple of weeks ago, we are keeping it quiet and aren't setting a date. Oh, here," he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black box, "Here's your engagement ring," he tossed the box to Kelly. Kelly caught the box, "You got a ring?" She was surprised. "Well, yeah. It would look kind of weird if we showed up and announced our engagement and you didn't have a ring on your finger." "We could have said that we're ring shopping and haven't found the perfect one yet." "Nah, this is easier." Kelly opened the box and gasped, putting her hand over her mouth. She looked up at Jake and asked, "This is huge. Enormous. Are you nuts? This is fake, right?" Kelly stared at the large, beautifully sparkling marquis cut diamond solitaire. The stone was larger than her thumbnail and set in a platinum setting. She shook her head, "Please tell me this is fake," she whispered. Jake looked offended, "Hell no it's not fake. I wouldn't buy my fiancé a fake diamond ring!" "But I'm not your fiancé!" "My family doesn't know that! But my family does know me and they know if I were to really be engaged I'd go balls to the wall and buy my woman a killer ring." Kelly stared at him a moment then rolled her eyes, "This is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. You're crazy, you know that?" Jake noticed Kelly trembling as she admired the ring. She looked beautiful, her hands trembling, her lips quivering and Jake felt a small jolt of emotion that he couldn't explain and wasn't sure he wanted to. He got up and moved to the seat beside her, "Put it on," he said gruffly. He watched as Kelly shakily put the ring on her left ring finger and then held her hand out in front of her to study it. "This is beautiful, Jake. Huge but not gaudy." He shrugged, but didn't reveal his relief that she liked the ring. Why should he give a damn if she liked it or not? This was, as she pointed out, a false engagement, "I wanted the ring to make a statement, even if only for a few weeks." She glanced up at him and laughed, her blue eyes sparkling. How had he never noticed the crystal blue clarity of her eyes? And her laughter, they'd worked together for over two years and shared plenty of laughs but he'd never paid attention to the musical sound of her laughter. Her smile, her laugh was infectious for he found himself grinning like an idiot, "We, uh, need to discuss some of the awkward moments we may run into." "Okay, fire away." He cleared his throat, suddenly nervous, "Well we will have to act like we're engaged. I'll hold your hand, wrap my arm around you, and, uh, well at some point I'll have to kiss you to make this look believable." She flushed from her neck up to her cheeks, "I know. We're uh, both adults so I don't see a problem." "Yeah, no problem," he cleared his throat, "I have a cousin, Thomas. He's an ass, has been since we were kids. He always wants what I have so if he hits on you or gives you a hard time let me know. I don't want him being an asshole to you or around you." Kelly looked up at him curiously, "Ok. Anyone else I need to prepare myself to meet?" Jake glanced down, then met her eyes, "A friend of my mom's has a daughter, Megan, and we used to date. Our mothers have the delusion that we will get married one day. Megan shares that delusion and she has an acid tongue," he sighed, "I'm sorry Kel, I'm sure she will make things hard on you." "Ok so I'm going to meet an asshole cousin and an ex girlfriend who is a friend of the family and whose mother expects you to marry her daughter. It sounds like I'm not going to be a very popular person." "You'll be ok, I won't let anyone fuck with you. If Thomas becomes a problem I'll take care of it. As for Megan, well, she doesn't take no for an answer and can get nasty when things don't go her way. I, uh, guess I should have told you about that before dragging you halfway across the country." Kelly smiled at him, "I'm confident I can handle Thomas and Megan. Are there any other relatives or friends I need to be aware of?" She was lying through her teeth. Well, ok, she wasn't really that worried about Thomas. She worked with rock stars, some of them pompous and arrogant and she had no trouble putting them in their place but an old flame? Jealousy flared within her and that would be a problem. Even if it was under false pretenses Jake was hers for the next three weeks and a pissy ex who still had the hots for Jake didn't sound like a lot of fun. Jake smiled, relieved at her confidence, "No, that's it." After discussing a few more "what if" scenarios Kelly began to nod off, eventually resting her head on his shoulder. Jake inhaled the intoxicating scent of her, and wondered why he was having second thoughts about this farce. Kelly was willing and not intimidated by the fact that two of the people she may be spending the next few weeks with may treat her poorly. He also wondered why the thought of either Thomas or Megan doing or saying anything to offend or hurt Kelly made him angry. He didn't know why he was suddenly feeling so protective of Kelly and truth be told, he was too chicken shit delve any deeper inside himself for answers. Unaccustomed to being a chicken shit he decided to go play the role he was comfortable in, cocky rock star. He turned in his seat and Kelly lifted her head off his shoulder. He grinned at her, "So, you ready to practice?" Confused by the question and intrigued by the gleam in his blue eyes Kelly asked, "Practice what?" His grin widened, "Kissing me?" Kelly's jaw dropped, "What?" He laughed, shifting in his seat until he was directly facing her, "Kiss me." Kelly let out an almost hysterical laugh, "Now?" God she hoped so. He was so close to her she could feel his breath on her face and her heart was pounding so loudly that surely he heard it. "Of course. We have to make this believable sweetheart, and practice makes perfect," he knew this was a dumbass idea but if he didn't hide behind his cockiness now he'd be forced to think about the way he felt about Kelly and that scared him. He told himself that is was just friendly affection he felt for her. He realized he'd been telling himself that for a while now and he'd bought it for that long but now, now he wasn't so sure and fuck if was going to get mixed up in that shit! He had to make kissing her seem like it was no big deal and what better way than to behave as the horny, cocky rock star? He leaned in close and cradled her face in his hands, wearing the lopsided grin she loved so much. Her heart pounded and she knew her skin was flushed and she couldn't form a thought with him so close. He smelled of his cologne and faintly of cigarette smoke. She met his electric blue gaze and nervously wet her lips not knowing what the sight of her small, pink tongue was doing to his dick. "Why do you want to kiss me now?" she whispered. His grin widened, his gaze never wavering from hers, "We have to make it look real, right?" She nodded and then his lips were on hers and the world stopped spinning. His lips were firm yet gentle as they probed hers, warm and electrifying as she moved her mouth against his, sighing. It was the sigh that undid him. He'd only meant to kiss her lightly, a chaste kiss so he would be familiar with her lips, but chaste went to hell when she sighed into him. Her lips were soft and pliant against his now demanding mouth. He tilted her head back to gain full access of her mouth and he groaned when she opened for him and that little pink tongue was against his, meeting him stroke for stroke. He pulled her closer and she snaked her arms around his neck, pressing her amazing tits into his chest. Her tongue was in his mouth battling with his own and he dropped a hand to the small of her back to press her even closer against him, thankful that this seat wasn't divided by an arm rest. Kelly felt her nipples harden against his chest and when a low groan escaped that back of Jake's throat she knew he felt it, too. She wanted to be closer, feel all of him against her. His mouth was heaven, wreaking havoc with her own as he ran his tongue along her teeth before delving back in to the depths of her mouth. She moved her hands to his hair, and laced her fingers into it as she'd fantasized about doing for so long. After what felt like an eternity and yet nowhere near long enough Jake slowly loosened his grip on the back of her head and her lower back and eased away just slightly, his forehead resting against hers. She loosened her grip in his hair as they caught their breath. Slowly she lifted her eyes to meet his and saw his grin. "I guess we don't have to worry about it looking real." "I guess not," she whispered. He sat back in his seat, his body immediately missing the feel of her pressed against him. "Where did you learn to kiss like that?" She blushed and righted herself in her seat, ignoring him. "You're a very good kisser," he continued, his tone teasing, "We should have done that a long time ago." She did meet his gaze this time, and glared at his teasing grin. "Come on sweetheart, I'm paying you a compliment and you're giving me a dirty look." Her heart throbbed at the endearment but she knew he was teasing her, trying to lighten the moment. "Well, sweetheart, you're not so bad yourself," she threw back at him. Jake laughed and replied, "Well baby I'm yours for the next three weeks anytime you want to take advantage of me." Kelly shook her head leaned her head back against her seat. These next weeks were going to be sweet torture. **** Apprehension clawed at Kelly's insides as Jake drove the rental car down a rural lane outside of Naperville, Illinois to a large, modern brick home that she knew Jake had had built for his mother a year ago. What had she gotten herself into? She stole a glance at Jake out of the corner of her eye. Since their kiss Jake had been flirtatious and attentive, holding her hand until they reached the rental car Jake had arranged for. He looked for all the world like the part he was playing, a man in love bringing his girl home to meet the family. The ease of which he had slipped into the role of attentive fiancé made her grumpy. Wasn't he nervous? Apparently not since he chatted with her most of the hour long drive to his mother's home, telling her what he'd told his mother about her, told her who she would be meeting, about the guest house at the back of the property they would be staying in. During the two years she had worked with him their professional relationship had evolved into friendship, she considered Jake one of her best friends. This acting like they were in love was bothering her more than she thought it would and she knew why. She wasn't acting. She was in love with Jacoby Slade and instead of feeling excitement at three weeks of him pretending to love her she was feeling grumpy and confused, even a little hurt. She didn't want pretend she wanted real. She wanted him to kiss her because he wanted her, hold her hand because he couldn't keep his hands off her not dote on her because he was playing a role. She took a deep, cleansing breath. She had agreed to this and had no one to blame but herself for her discomfort. Even if the kiss had been practice, it had curled her toes and she knew it affected him, too. He'd shifted uncomfortably in his seat trying to hide his hard on. That she'd made him hard had given her great satisfaction. Kelly jumped as Jake opened her car door. She'd been so lost in thought she didn't realize they had reached the house. Jake offered her his hand and she took it. "Ready?" he asked. "Ready." The front door of the house opened and a raven haired woman came rushing out to meet them. She wrapped her arms around her son, then stood back and to study him from arms length. "Jacoby is your hair blue? What is in your eyebrow?" She fingered his eyebrow ring, then grabbed his right hand, "Is that a new tattoo?" Jake laughed, "Hi Mom. Yeah I have several new tatts since I've seen you last." She shook her head, then turned and rested her gaze on Kelly, "You must be Kelly," she wrapped her arms around Kelly and Kelly hugged her in return, immediately liking the woman. "Mom," Jake said, "this is Kelly, my fiancé. Kelly this is my mom Grace." Grace smiled so brilliantly at her that Kelly felt a stab of guilt. "Grace, it's so good to meet you. Jake has told me a lot about you," she glanced up at Jake and then back to Grace. Grace hugged Kelly again and said, "Oh, honey I've heard about you for two years, I already feel like I know you!" releasing her she looked at Kelly expectantly, "Well, let me see it. Let's see the ring!" Kelly obligingly held out her left hand but her mind was on what Grace had just told her. Jake had been talking about her for two years? "Oh Jake this is beautiful," Grace was gently holding Kelly's left hand admiring the ring, then turned towards the house, "Well let's not stand out here, come in! Dinner will be ready in a couple hours and I'm sure you want to freshen up." Jake sat at the breakfast bar drinking a beer while watching Kelly and his mom bustle around putting the finishing touches on dinner. Grace had protested Kelly's help but gave in gracefully when Kelly insisted. The women were getting along well and talking as if they'd known one another forever. Grace had awkwardly apologized for inviting her friend Melanie and Megan and Kelly had reassured her that she was fine with it. Jake was very much enjoying his cold beer and watching Kelly dart back and forth around the kitchen, bending over for this, reaching over her head for that. As she reached up into a cabinet above her head her white sundress inched up to reveal the back of her smooth thigh. She quickly yanked the fabric down and looked up to catch him watching her. He shot her a lopsided grin and she blushed. The women had just decided that everything that could be done to prepare dinner had been done when there was a commotion from the front door. Jake's sister, Allie, appeared, followed by their Aunt Gloria and of course, his cousin Thomas. Jake stood and shook Thomas' hand while the women took turns hugging one another and ohhing and ahhhing over Kelly's engagement ring. Jake handed Thomas a beer and the two men were making small talk when Kelly appeared at Jake's side. "Hello," she said, extending her hand to Thomas. Thomas shook her hand and looked her up and down, his eyes lingering a little too long on her breasts for Jake's liking. He slid an arm possessively around her waist, pulling her against him and leaning down to drop a kiss on her hair, "Sweetheart, this is my cousin Thomas, Thomas this is Kelly, my fiancé." Thomas cocked his head to the side and grinned at Kelly, "Kind of a sudden engagement, eh?" he reached out a hand and placed it on Kelly's abdomen, "You got a little Jake in there?" Jake glared at Thomas but before he could say a word Allie swooped in to diffuse the situation, "Thomas must you always be the class clown?" she grabbed his arm, "Poor Kelly has only been here a few hours and doesn't yet understand your warped sense of humor!" Allie ushered the man away, chatting about a plumbing problem in her apartment and how she would really appreciate him coming over to check it out. Kelly glanced up at Jake and saw the lines of tension framing his mouth, "Jake it's fine," she said quietly. He looked at her doubtfully, "You still have time to bow out," he said quietly. She started to tell him that she had no intention of bowing out but his gaze stopped her. He was going to kiss her. Again. No sooner had the thought formed she felt his had on her low back propelling her flush to his chest and his lips were on hers, firm but gentle. Her hands made their way to his chest as she flattened them there, kissing him back. The niggling thought in the back of her brain that was trying to remind her that this was all a lie disappeared when she felt his tongue teasing her lips apart. She tipped her head back giving him full access to her mouth and fisted her hands into his tee shirt in response to the sweet friction of his tongue against hers. Her nipples hardened against him as her tongue dueled with his. She took control of the kiss, forcing her tongue into his hot mouth and teasing his, lapping at him and then darting away. She traced her tongue along the roof of his mouth and in response he growled low in his throat and with both hands on her bottom pulled her into him while simultaneously backing her into the wall. Feeling the cool wall behind her and the hardness of Jake's dick on her belly ignited her body. Both her hands were in his hair pulling her to him, her breasts throbbing against the wall of his chest. Liquid heat pooled between her legs as Jake once again took over the kiss, plunging his tongue deep into her mouth then withdrawing it. In and out, in and out until she thought she'd go mad. She could feel herself begin to tremble and Jake must have felt it too because he eased his mouth away from hers and leaned his forehead against hers, his breathing heavy. Jake's eyes gleamed with blue with intensity, excitement and perhaps a little surprise as he kissed the tip of her nose. They were both still for a moment, catching their breath. Jake finally moved his head to the side and said softly in her ear, "It's a good thing everyone's in the kitchen sweetheart because I have a condition that has the potential for embarrassment if I turn around right now." His hot breath in her ear gave her caused her flesh to tingle. She looked up at him and whispered, "Yes, I can feel your...your condition." He grinned and whispered, "I'm not the only one with a condition," he gazed down at her breasts smashed against his chest. "You have a couple of conditions, too. A couple of very interesting conditions that I'd like to explore later." Her eyes snapped up to meet his. Had he really just said that? "Oh yes, Kelly girl," he whispered, reading her mind. "Two of your kisses and I'm hard as a rock and feeling like a teenage boy about to pop off." She searched his gaze and then let out a nervous giggle, "I guess there's no use denying the obvious." 'No. No use at all," he leaned in and kissed her lips lightly. They stood like that for several more moments as Kelly felt some sense of control ease back into her body. She looked up at him and nodded at the question in his eyes. They began to ease apart and he placed one more firm kiss on her lips as a female voice Kelly didn't recognize exclaimed, "Well isn't this sweet!" Kelly felt Jake stiffen against her and immediately knew that the voice must belong to Megan. She glanced down at her dress and made a few adjustments while Jake plastered a fake smile on his face and turned around, keeping her tucked firmly into him. "Hello Megan, Melanie," he said. Kelly smiled at the women standing in front of her however she could see that the younger of the two was having difficulty smiling back at her. Both women had dark hair and eyes but only one set of those dark eyes was smiling at her. Melanie reached out her hand to shake Kelly's and introduced herself then hurried into the kitchen saying something about getting the salad she'd made into the refrigerator. Jake kept Kelly tucked closely to his side as he introduced the women. Kelly reached out to shake Megan's hand but the other woman refused it, instead saying bluntly, "Jake I'd like to talk to you alone for just a minute." Jake paused and Kelly, sensing his unease turned to him and said, "If you need a minute that's fine. I'm sure I can help your mother in the kitchen." He looked at her for a moment, then nodded, but proceeded to lay another kiss on her before she walked away and he couldn't help but admire her backside as she waked into the kitchen. "Can you stop ogling her ass long enough to speak to me?" Megan snapped. Jake watched Kelly retreat all the way to the kitchen before he turned and spoke, "No, I'm finding that I can't." Megan snorted, then moved closer to Jake, "What are you doing, Jake?" she asked. "We've known each other for years and we're good together. Very good together," She murmured, stepping close to him and placing her hands on his chest, where Kelly's had been fisted just moments ago. Where Kelly's hands had singed his skin Megan's left it cold. He pushed her hands away and said tiredly, "We've been over this before, Megan." Megan's generous lips pouted, "Just one more time, Jake, that's all I ask. Once more chance," she edged closer, her once alluring perfume now gagging him. Jake leaned in to Megan's face and her pretty brown eyes widened and she smiled at him until he softly said, "I'm not interested, Megan." Her eyes immediately narrowed and she glared at him, "To hell with you Jake," she said just as quietly, "I'm not stupid, I know why you're with her. She just secured you a co headlining deal with Twisted; she's your ticket to success. She has brought your band farther in two years than you could have done in ten years on your own. Ever wonder how she did that, Jake?" She spat his name. "Don't you wonder how many people your fiancé had to fuck to get you where you are now? How many times has she turned whore to get you on stage?" The question shocked Jake, the idea of Kelly sleeping with anyone to further his band made him feel sick. His anger at Megan flared and he said very quietly, "You are in this house tonight because my mother invited you. I will not upset Kelly or my mother by reacting to the bullshit you just spewed by kicking you out. You're not worth it. When you leave this house tonight you will leave with the knowledge that you are no longer welcome here," he didn't stick around for a response but went to the kitchen where everyone was gathered and acted as if all was right with the world. He could get through this night, he would perform, entertain; but the moment he got Kelly back to the guest house he would know if anything Megan had said was true. **** Kelly was nearly asleep in the bubble bath when Jake came barging into the guesthouse bathroom. She jumped but sunk lower into the tub so no part of her was exposed. Jake had felt some of those parts while they had been playing tongue tag all afternoon but still, she had a little pride left. Jake stood for a moment, then began to pace the bathroom. "Have you noticed I'm taking a bath? What's the matter with you?" He looked down at her then knelt by the tub. "You are freaking me out. What's wrong? Did I do or say something wrong at dinner?" All in all she had thought dinner had gone well. She had taken an instant liking to both Jake's mother and sister and even got along Thomas. She could do without seeing Melanie or Megan again but she could think of nothing that had happened that evening to upset him. She'd made plans to go into the city to shop the next day with Allie and Grace, did he think she expected him to foot the bill? That had to be it, though it stung to know he thought so little of her. "I brought my credit card, if that's what you're worried about. I know I'm just playing a role and don't expect you to foot the bill for tomorrow's shopping trip," she said in a hollow voice. His eyes snapped to hers, "What?" "Tomorrow's shopping trip with your mom and sister. I don't expect you to pay for it. Is that what has you wound up enough to barge in on me? You've known me two years, long enough to know I'm not a gold digger." He waved that away, "No, that's not it. Of course you're not a gold digger." Relieved, she leaned forward in the bathtub, careful not to disturb the bubbles that were protecting her dignity. "It's something Megan said," he told her. Her relief was replaced by disappointment, "Oh. Well, if you want to work things out with her I understand. I can get a flight home tomorrow.." "No, hell no! That's not what I meant." Closing her eyes and trying to gather her patience she said, "Then what do you mean?" He rubbed his face with his hands and then ran his hands through his hair and looked uncomfortable, "I don't believe what she said, I just want to make sure. I'd be the world's biggest asshole if....oh hell. You wouldn't sacrifice yourself for the band right? You've never....I wouldn't ever want you to.....compromise yourself to further our band," he muttered. Kelly put two and two together was immediately angry. "Hand me my towel," she snapped. Jake gave her the bath towel and turned so she could step out of the tub. Kelly wrapped herself in the towel and grabbed Jake's arm and turned him to face her, "If you think for one minute that I slept my way to your success you're an idiot! Do you think so little of me? Do you think so little of your talent, your band mates' talent?" Shit now he'd really pissed her off. Looking at her he tried to hide a smile and failed pissing her off even more. Boy was she a sight; naked except for a bath towel, dripping wet, cheeks flushed and eyes flaming. "Are you laughing at me?" she stomped her bare foot just for effect and Jake howled with laughter. Seeing her about do him bodily harm he sputtered, "No. No I'm not." When she narrowed her eyes at him his dick twitched, something it had been doing a lot in her presence in the last twenty four hours. Kelly shrugged and picked up a comb, "You let her play you. You let her mess with your head." Serious now, "I didn't believe it but yeah, she put enough doubt in my head to fuck with me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you." She finished combing her hair and ordered him out of the bathroom so she could brush her teeth and throw on an oversized tee shirt to sleep in. When she came out of the bathroom she saw him gathering a pillow and blanket out of the closet in the bedroom. She glanced from the bed and back to him. The guest house was luxurious and spacious but only had one bedroom. "I'll sleep on the couch," he told her. She eyed the king sized bed and sighed, "That's silly and if your mom or anyone comes in here and sees any evidence you've been sleeping on the couch the jig will be up. It's a king sized bed, plenty of room for both of us." He slowly put the pillow and blanket back in the closet, giving her plenty of time to change her mind. When she didn't he closed the closet and crawled into the bed. Kelly tried to control her heart rate; being in a bed with Jake was emotional suicide. No, she thought, no, we are both adults, we can both do this. Kelly made small talk to alleviate some of the sexual tension surrounding them. Jake kept up the banter, himself looking to dilute the potency of the situation. The small talk led to real talk and they talked for hours; Kelly learning how Jake and Allie had been raised by their mom after their father ditched them to trade in his wife for a younger model. He told her about the nights he would help Allie with her homework and fix her supper because Grace was working two or three jobs to keep them clothed and fed. Jake shared details of his childhood that he'd never talked about before; his love of music from an early age, teaching himself how to play guitar because his mom couldn't pay for lessons. Talking to Kelly was as easy as breathing he loved how she didn't pity him for his childhood but instead praised him for making the best of what was available to him. She didn't judge him when he spoke of his foray into drugs and alcohol and women. On the flipside when Kelly spoke of her idyllic childhood he didn't begrudge her a single moment of it. She had been the only child of parents who supported their daughter's obsession with all things rock and roll. She shared with Jake the darkest moment of her life, the night when an officer had shown up at her door with news of the drunk who had hit her parents head on, killing them instantly. And later, after long moments of sniffles and silence Kelly had decided she was interested in his tattoos, wanting to trace all of them with her fingers while innocently trying to decipher the meaning behind each image. By the time she was done investigating him he had a fierce hard on but didn't act on it. Not tonight, not when they were sharing so much about one another. It was like they were linking their lives with thread, weaving a new, fragile bond. The very idea brought out strange and scary thoughts while at the same time soothed his soul. When she finally fell asleep with her face to his chest he turned out the bedside lamp and gently pulled her close to him, inhaling her scent, her very essence. Yes he was horny as fuck and no he wouldn't get any relief from that tonight but the knowledge that Kelly knew she turned him on and was still willing to share this bed, share the story of her life and then fall asleep in his arms, this was alien to him. The nights of drugs, booze and endless women seemed to be decades ago as he held this woman he'd known for two years. He'd known her, they were friends even, yet now he saw how he'd held her at arms length. **** The next day their shopping trip in Chicago was derailed because Allie was suffering a migraine. She had insisted Grace and Kelly go without her but the other women protested, ending up going into nearby Naperville to visit some of the quaint shops there. Kelly very much enjoyed spending the afternoon with Grace. Grace was warm and caring and she managed to be inquisitive about Kelly and Jake's "engagement" and wedding plans without coming off as pushy. "We haven't set a date yet," Kelly said as she admired a yellow silk sundress in the window of a small boutique they passed. "We know we will be busy with the upcoming tour so we are just going to enjoy being engaged for while." Grace nodded, "I'm so pleased that he found such a sweet girl. Now, come on, let's go look at that dress." By the end of their day Grace not only talked Kelly into purchasing the dress but also a pair of a outrageously expensive shoes to match, and to wear the new purchases home. Kelly had been hesitant to charge the purchases on the black credit card Jake had slipped her this morning but Jake had made a good argument that his fiancé would have access to and enjoy the benefits of his resources. She had reluctantly taken and vowed not to use it. She'd pay him back, she would insist on it, and she didn't regret the purchases at all. The yellow silk of the dress felt wonderful against her body and even she admitted the dress looked amazing on her. She hoped Jake like the dress. Just thinking of him sent a jolt of excitement through her and that was dangerous. Waking up with Jake this morning had been an awkward experience. His hand was splayed over her breast which of course elicited a reaction from her nipple. Trying to wiggle out of his grip had resulted in grinding his erection into her backside. Her cheeks flamed with the memory. She shook her head. Forty eight hours ago she was just Defiance's booking agent and considered Jake and his band mates her friends. Yes she'd had a crush on Jake but who would've thought that just forty eight short hours later she would be shopping with his mother, discussing non existent wedding plans, and, oh yeah, how about the fact that she'd been playing tongue tag with him AND woke up next to him this morning? She had to get the situation under control, get her emotions under control. She was playing a role, Jake was playing a role and it was as simple and complicated as that. The tantalizing kisses and PDA were part of the role and it was normal for the body to react to stimulation. The human body was her enemy right now, reacting to every kiss, every touch and sending impulses to the brain. Any body would react similarly to such sexual stimulation. That thought should be reassuring but somehow it wasn't. Her silly heart wanted to believe that Jake was responding to her, and that just anyone couldn't turn him on. Nonsense. The guy was hot and he was a rock star and women, beautiful women, were a dime a dozen. That hurt but it was logical and it was in her best interest to remember that and keep her wits about her during any further role playing slash tonsil hockey with Jake. With her resolve strengthened she felt better, more in control. For about thirty seconds because that's how long her heart waited to make it's argument. They had talked into the early hours of the morning sharing details about their lives; they discussed happy times, sad times and dark and lonely times and there had most certainly been a connection between them. She had trusted Jake to walk through the most painful moments of her life with him, tell him things she hadn't shared with anyone and his sincerity and concern had been genuine as had been hers when he shared some of his darkest moments with her. The control she felt she'd had over the situation just moments ago was gone, confusion and turmoil once again front and center. Grace's voice intruded on her thoughts and she realized they were back at the house. "I'm sorry Grace, I completely tuned out for a while." "Daydreaming of wedding plans, I suppose," she smiled, then nodded to the two men playing basketball in the driveway, "Look at those tattoos!" Grace exclaimed. Kelly glanced up and her mouth immediately went dry. Jake was shirtless and shooting hoops with Thomas. She watched him play for a moment, drinking in the sight of him. The way his muscled back rippled when he shot the ball towards the hoop made her shiver. He turned and saw them, tossing the ball to Thomas and heading toward them. Tearing her eyes away from his muscled chest she answered Grace, "You don't like his tattoos?" Grace shook her head, "They cover his chest, arms and most of his back. I'm his mother, I don't think I'm supposed to like them." Without thinking Kelly blurted, "I love them, I think they are very sexy." Grace laughed, opening her car door, "I would imagine you do." Jake opened the passenger car door and offered Kelly his hand which she took and stepped out, gauging his reaction to her dress and shoes. She wasn't disappointed. He held both of her hands as he took in the strapless silk dress and the ridiculously high fuck me pumps she had bought. His eyes glittered approvingly, lingering on breasts and then her legs. He dropped her hands and grabbed her at the belted waist of the dress and pulled her closer to him, "Wow." Feeling suddenly shy she looked at her feet. Jake reached out and lifted her chin with his thumb until her eyes met his, "You look good enough to eat." She shivered, "I...it shows a lot of skin. More than I'm used to. And the shoes..." she gasped as his hands found their now familiar spot at the small of her back and hauled her to him. "You look beautiful," he said quietly, "Like sunshine. My very own ray of sunshine," he planted a firm kiss on her lips. After he pulled away she said, "We brought back dinner. I should go help your mom set it out." He released her and watched her retreat, noticing how the material clung to her perfectly shaped ass and how the shoes seemed to melt into her feet and emphasized the slight swell of her claves. Damn. Why the hell had he never noticed how absolutely beautiful she was? Maybe the better question would be why was he noticing her now? ***** The next seven days passed in a whirlwind of activity that included a trip for Jake and Kelly into Chicago to enjoy Navy Pier leading to Kelly's first up close brush with the insanity that was Jake's life. They had been walking along the pier enjoying the sights and a few fans recognized Jake and requested autographs and photos which Jake was happy to do but as word got out that he was at the Pier crowds began to edge closer to them, eventually causing Jake to lead Kelly back to the parking deck and make a quick escape. Their drive back to his mother's house was spent in tense silence. Back at the guest house grabbed a couple bottles of beer out of the fridge, opening one for herself and giving Jake the other. He accepted without a word. Unable to stand the silence any longer Kelly said, "We can try going again next week." Jake plopped on the sofa and snorted, "Hardly. I'm sure it's all over the net that I'm in town. Fans and media leeches will be camped out at the end of the driveway," grabbing his cell he began texting, "I guess it's time to get the boys here." She knew he meant security. Looking at him right now she could see the price he paid for fame; even keeping his hair down and out of his usual faux-hawk, a ball cap and sunglasses he had only had about an hour of privacy. She sat down next to him and reached out to brush an errant strand of hair out of his eyes, "Your fans adore you." "Yeah, most do, and I'm forever grateful to them. Without them I'm nothing. But just once in a while I'd like to do something like we did today without interruption." She frowned, "I don't know what to say, Jake. Up until this last week I've spent with you I thought you loved the lifestyle. Since we've been here, though, I'm seeing a different you." Jake glared at her through narrowed eyes, "I know what you thought of me. You thought I was a womanizing boozing rock star living it up, whose only thought was of who I got to fuck next, right?" "I wouldn't have said it like that. I thought you enjoyed your lifestyle!" Kelly exclaimed as he abruptly rose from the couch, slammed his beer down and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door. Kelly sat for a few moments debating whether or not to go after him when she heard him softly playing his acoustic guitar. Not recognizing the arrangement she stepped closer to the door and listened. No, this wasn't any of Defiance's songs unless he was working on something new. She listened a few more minutes then quietly opened the door and stepped into the room. His back was to her, he sat on the edge of the bed playing and looking out the window. Careful not to disturb him she leaned against the wall and listened until he finished and then she sat on the bed beside him, "That was beautiful. Is it new?" He stiffened, then sighed, "Yeah, something I'm working on." "Oh. Can you play by ear or do you need sheet music?" Glancing over his shoulder at her he asked wryly, "What, do you have a request?" She shrugged, "It's Elvis. "I Can't Help Falling in Love". I've loved it forever, since my Grandma first played it for me when I was a little girl." "I know the song. I don't know it off the top of my head," he shrugged. "It's ok," she said, then reached out for his arm, "I'm sorry, Jake. I really did think you enjoyed the rock star lifestyle." Jake laid the guitar in it's case then stood to look out the window, "I do. I did." Kelly remembered attending several after parties and being completely out of her element as she watched women in little more than bras and panties, some were even topless, sit on the guys' laps and perform a lap dance or worse. She saw one groupie giving Dusty a blow job under the table while he laughed it up slamming back shot after shot of tequila. She thought she'd be scarred for life. Backstage at the shows she had attended had been nearly as crazy with groupies blowing or fucking security just to get to the band members. These guys had the world on a string, they wanted it they got it whether it was women, food, drugs, booze or all of the above and as far as she could tell they loved it. "What changed?" she asked. Jake ran a hand through his unusually flat hair, "I don't know, I guess I did. Don't get me wrong, the first few years I lived the lifestyle balls to the wall. I had women, beautiful women fighting over who got to fuck me. Me, just some kid from rural Illinois and they wanted me. Then," he shrugged, "I had enough of the drugs. I still enjoy drinking but the drugs were fucking with my ability to perform on stage. Then the women I always thought looked and smelled so good all started looking and smelling the same. Desperate for attention, they would be whoever or whatever I wanted just so they could say they fucked me. They don't give a shit who they fuck as long as it's somebody higher up the ranks than the last guy. They don't want me, they never did. They want the act, the guy I am on stage not the guy I am when I'm not performing. I just recently discovered the difference between the stage Jake and the real Jake and I don't know who the hell I'm supposed to be." Kelly moved to stand beside him, "I'm sorry Jake. I didn't mean to judge you. People see the glamorous side of your lives and assume that's who you really are. I think, no I know that you are a good man, Jacoby Slade. You're a caring, attentive son and brother, a good friend and just the fact that you figured out how to separate the real you from the performer you are on stage proves that you're wise beyond your years and that will only help you in your songwriting and performance." He turned to face her, "Thanks Coach, that was a hell of a pep talk." She grinned up at him, "Anytime." He reached out and tucked a runaway blonde curl behind her ear, his fingers lingering on her cheek and then sliding down and tracing her lips. She sucked in a breath of air at the contact when he leaned in to kiss her she already had her lips parted. Their mouths collided in a violent, hot and primal kiss. Jake's searing tongue sought hers out and groaned when her tongue met his thrust for thrust. She fisted her hands in his hair and pulled him closer to her protesting when his mouth left hers to place an open mouthed kiss to the skin under her ear and continue his assault down her neck and to the neckline of her tank top, across her breastbone and up the other side of her neck before reclaiming her mouth with such intensity that their teeth clashed. His hands at her waist inched upward to her ribcage and then to the swell of her breasts. His tongue still wreaking havoc on hers he cupped her breasts and ran his thumb across her nipples causing them to harden instantly. Impatiently he yanked her tank top up and teased her breasts, squeezing the and pinching her nipples through her bra. She whimpered at the touch, desperately wanting more. As though reading her thoughts he unfastened her bra and, not taking the time to take it off cupped her heavy, ample breasts, his hands warm and kneading and squeezing her flesh. Shamelessly she pressed into his palms and when his thumb grazed over her bare nipple she gasped and her core released liquid heat. He tore his mouth from hers and looked hungrily at her breasts, panting, "God you're beautiful." Having his eyes on her caused her nipples to pebble even more and he noticed, grinning, "We need to get you naked, sweetheart, you're killing me. Those tits are worthy of worship and I'm more that ready to do just that." "Wait," she said, only partly coherent, "nobody's watching." His eyebrows shot up, "You want someone to watch?" "No. I mean we only kiss when your family is around to convince them the engagement is real but we are by ourselves and not doing this for anyone's benefit." He laughed, "Sweetheart we will both benefit from this." "I'm confused. Please, tell me why we are doing this?" Jake took a step back as she awkwardly arranged her tank top and bra into some semblance of cover, "I thought we were doing it because we both wanted it." "Jake," she pleaded, "I work for you. Pretending to be engaged is one thing but this will be crossing a line. If we sleep together how would I go back to working for you?" "Sweetheart the line has already been crossed." She nodded in agreement and asked quietly, "Why? Why do you want to do this? Is it part of the charade? Is it real? If it's real what...." Jake cut her off, "I want you," he said simply. "Why? I mean do you want me or would any woman do?" Sighing Jake stepped toward her and tipped up her chin so she was looking him in the eye, "I. Want. You. You've been driving me nuts since we got here and I'm sick of walking around with a hard on. I like you, Kelly, and I'm attracted to you. We're both adults. Are you attracted to me?" She flushed and tried to glance away but he held her chin firm, "Yes," she whispered. "Are you attracted to me or would any man do? Would a rock star turn you on or is just Jake Slade up to par?" "Her eyes glittered, "You, Jake. Just you. The real you and not the image. But I'm scared. I take my job seriously and sleeping with my clients....." "No matter what happens between you and I your job is safe. Permanently. I will never think poorly of you. But I am getting tired of feeling like a horny teenager so what's it going to be Kelly?" Her decision was simple, "Worship me." The grin Jake gave her made her toes curl. He reached out, and snagging her waist with both hands he hauled her to his chest. His hands made quick work of her tank top and bra leaving her only in her jean shorts and flip flops. Normally she would be self conscious but the look in Jake's eyes was one of desire and she felt sexy. With slightly trembling hands she slid her palms under Jake's tee shirt and removed it. His chest was sculpted, hard, and the tattoos and nipple ring only added to the allure. She ran her palms over his chest and abdomen, noting his six pack abs and suddenly feeling self conscious about her body. She wasn't fat but she wasn't the supermodel skinny he was accustomed to, "Um, Jake," she whispered, looking down at her feet. "Yes?" he whispered against her ear all the while kneading her breasts. "I'm not what you're used to. I mean, oohhhhhh," she moaned as he flicked a nipple with his thumb. "I'm not like the size 0 models you usually date. I...I don't have abs or...." He cut her off with a quick, hot, open mouthed kiss then lifted her chin so she was looking at him, "Your body is beautiful." "You haven't see all of it yet," she whispered. Still forcing her to look at him he said, "Those super skinny girls are scary with their sharp pointy elbows and bony knees," he smiled, grabbing her ass with both hands and squeezed, grinding her against his erection, "Do you feel that? You did that." He quickly slipped his jeans and briefs off and made quick work of her shorts and panties. She blushed as he studied her naked body, her senses heightened. No man had ever seen her naked before and she was unsure of what to do next. Telling Jake that she had never done this before was probably a good idea but fear that he would not want her if he knew she were a virgin stopped her. Seeing Jake naked made her belly tighten she experienced a fleeting moment of fear. She'd never seen a naked man before so she had nothing to compare but Jake's erection was huge. Was it going to fit in her? Her thoughts came to a halt when Jake linked his arm around her waist and guided her to the bed where she climbed in and he laid alongside her dipping his head to kiss her. She opened her mouth for him immediately, welcoming his tongue, meeting it with her own thrust for thrust. His hand went to work on her breast, his fingers lightly tracing the sensitive underside, swirling around the nipple and then back to the underside again to lightly squeeze and massage. He took his mouth away from hers, gently laid her on her back and grinned, giving her breast a gentle squeeze, "I'm going to make a meal of these." And he did. He lowered his head and nibbled gently along the underside of her left breast then retraced his path with his tongue. Squeezing her breast from underneath he placed hot, open mouth kisses along the top of her breast. Kelly squirmed and moaned, arching her back into his mouth. Her nipple pebbled and ached and she wanted his mouth there but he laved her breast with open mouth kisses carefully avoiding her nipple. She fisted her hands in his hair and tried to guide his mouth to her aching nipple but he would have none of it, continuing to nuzzle and lick and squeeze. "Jake," she gasped, "please." "Please what, sweetheart?" he asked, then ran his tongue around her areola, getting close to but stopping just short of her stiff peak. He flicked her nipple with his thumb and she cried out, flinching. "You want me to touch you there, baby?" "Please," she whimpered. 'Mmmm," he murmured, continuing his assault, licking circles around her breast and coming closer and closer to her nipple. She could feel his hot breath on her and quickly he darted out his tongue and flicked her nipple. Gasping and arching her back Kelly thought she'd to mad. She had no idea how long he feasted on her but when at last he clamped his hot mouth over her nipple and sucked hard she screamed as a hot jolt of pleasure seared through her belly. Jake sucked her long and hard and she arched beneath him pressing her breast into his mouth. The pressure eased on her breast as Jake lifted his head and gave her a heavy lidded grin before treating her other breast to the same sweet torture. After devouring her breasts her returned his mouth to hers as he traced his fingers ever so lightly down her belly, lower, lower until his hand was between her legs plying at her folds. She was slick and hot and he murmured his approval, "So wet," he whispered in her ear, then traced the outer shell of her ear with his tongue. Goose bumps erupted on her skin as he licked and sucked her ear, the soft skin below her ear and along her breast bone all the while massaging her center with his fingers. "You're so wet sweetheart, so slick," he slipped a finger inside her. Kelly gasped as her muscles clenched around his finger. Kelly's hands were everywhere, running through Jake's hair, exploring his chest and raking over his back. "So tight," he slipped another finger inside her, "So fucking tight." Kelly could feel pressure building in her belly, tightening with each stroke of Jake's fingers. Shamelessly she moved against his hand, grinding against it. She arched her back as she ground harder and harder into his hand, desperately seeking release from the tension coiled in her lower belly. When Jake flicked her clit with his thumb she sobbed, begging, needing him to do it again. He gave her what she needed. He kept his fingers buried inside her and massaged her clit with is thumb, steadily increasing pressure until she was writhing under his hand begging him, "Please," she sobbed. "It's all right," he crooned, "just like that sweetheart, just like that." The pressure from his thumb increased on her clit while his fingers continued to stroke inside her. Kelly was sobbing, bucking wildly against him. "Now, Kelly," he demanded, "come for me. Come for me baby," he commanded. The coil that was wound so tightly inside her snapped and she screamed as pleasure shot from her core through every nerve ending throbbing throughout her body. She shuddered as pleasure like none she'd ever known pulsed from the center of her body in wave after wave of ecstasy. As she floated back to earth she heard the tear of a package and knew Jake was putting on a condom. Now would be a good time to tell him she'd never done this before but she didn't want him to stop now, not when she'd just had an earth shattering, mind numbing orgasm. Her first at that. And while she didn't believe she could achieve another orgasm anytime soon she wanted to make love to Jake, wanted him inside her. Just the thought of him hot and pulsing inside had her feeling the stirrings of desire again. No, she thought, surely she couldn't feel it again so soon, couldn't possibly attain the heights of pleasure she had just felt. Suddenly Jake was over her, gently spreading her legs with his knee. He placed his weight on his elbows and forearms, hovering over her and dropping a kiss on her lips as he placed himself at the threshold of her body. She held his gaze as he slid into her. Her eyes widened and she gasped at the sharp bite of pain as her body tried to accommodate him. She saw shock register in his eyes and he froze, his gaze searching hers, "Kelly," he groaned, resting his forehead against hers. Eyes wide she whispered, "Please don't be angry," she moved her hips slightly, expecting more pain but instead feeling a delicious friction. He brushed her hair off her sweat dampened forehead, "Why didn't you tell me?" Tears pricked at her eyes, "I was afraid you would stop. Please don't stop, it doesn't hurt anymore." He kissed her eyes, her forehead, her mouth. She kissed him back, eagerly opening her mouth for him, shocked at the desire she felt building as his tongue plundered her mouth. His mouth never leaving hers he began to move slowly, easing out of her tight sheath and then slowly back in, once, twice, three times. She felt her inner muscles expanding to accept him and the friction of him easing in and out of her was winding her up again, taking her breath away. Easing his mouth from hers he asked, "Am I hurting you?" She could see his restraint in the corded muscles of his neck, feel his arms shaking as he did everything he could to hold back. "No," she gasped, lifting her hips to meet him as he eased back into her. Her breath hitched at the desire she felt building again. As he pushed into her again she met him, feeling him touch a spot deep inside her that made want more. As he pumped in and out of her she moaned, shifting beneath him trying to get him deeper inside her, thrashing her head from side to side. "Oh please, please..." she gasped, wrapping her legs around his waist, while putting her hands on his ass trying to push him deeper inside her. The desire coiling and building insider her now was different that before but more intense and with the intensity came the promise of greater pleasure. She bucked her hips against him, and he said again, "Am I hurting you?" "No," she gasped as she lifted her hips higher against his thrusts, "Please, I need more." Jake quickened the pace of his thrusts and she felt his restraint melt away as he drove into her again and again. Her moans mixed with his and hearing him moan and knowing she was the reason was a heady feeling; knowing that she was pleasing him intensified her pleasure. She felt that coil of desire in her belly tighten again and knowing that another orgasm was near she cried out, "Harder, Jake please." He obliged and as he pounded into her the special spot at the center of her body began to throb and with each thrust the throb was longer, sweeter, until it exploded inside her, shattering her into a million pieces as she screamed his name. Hearing Kelly screaming his name was his undoing and he groaned loudly, burying his face in her neck as he pulsed inside her, coming hard into her tight pussy. "Fuck....Kelly," he let out in a strangled voice as the last of the spasms rocked his body. He rested his weight on his arms and looked down at her, kissed her mouth and then rolled of her, pulling her with him so she was tucked in to his side with her head resting on his chest. A virgin. Kelly had been a virgin. He shook his head in disbelief, looking down at her, "Are you okay?" She nodded into his chest, "Mmm mmm." "I mean it sweetheart, are you in pain?" She looked up at him, face flushed and sweaty, all big blue eyes and swollen lips, "I'm as far from pain possible, Jake. I'm good. I'm more than good." Knowing she'd be sore soon enough he gently pulled away from her and went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up and took a warm washcloth back into her, placing it between her legs before pulling her into his side again. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have made it better for you, easier." She rested her chin on his chest and asked, "Would you have stopped?" "No. Maybe, I don't know. " "That's why I didn't tell you. I...I wanted you," she blushed from her neck to the top of her head, "and I doubt it could have been any better." Male pride brought on a grin but he was in unchartered territory. The girls he usually slept with were far from virgins and he felt guilt at having taking her virginity when she may have been waiting for someone special. However, knowing that he was the only man that had known her exquisite body, the only man who had made her scream his name in the throes of orgasm the only man to know that tight little pussy made his dick twitch again. To ease his guilt he asked, "Can I ask if you were saving yourself for someone special? There aren't too many twenty five year old virgins walking around anymore," especially in his world. She looked at him out of those beautiful blue eyes; why hadn't he ever noticed how beautiful her eyes were?, and said, "I was waiting for someone I wanted to give myself to, and please don't feel guilty because I wanted to do this. I'm glad it was you. And you didn't hurt me, I....it was amazing," she blushed again then added, "I'd like to do it again." She was flushed a bright red now, and his dick was showing signs of life again but he knew he couldn't be selfish and take her again, even if she wanted it. She would be sore soon and only an asshole would take advantage of the situation. He liked her too much to do that to her and that knowledge rattled him. Usually he took what he wanted and never thought twice but with Kelly he wanted something different. Oh, he wanted her again and would have her again but after her body healed and he knew he'd only bring her pleasure, not pain. She was looking at him with those innocent blue eyes and he smiled, "Oh doing it again won't be a problem, sweetheart. I just want to make sure you are healed and not sore. I want you screaming my name in pleasure not pain." If possible her blush deepened and she smiled, laying her head back down on his chest. He lay with her for almost an hour, sated, content, and curiously happy. He glanced at the clock and saw they had about an hour before his mother would want them for dinner so he slid out of bed and said, "Come on sweetheart, a warm bath is just what you need." He drew her a bath and when she eased into the steaming water she sighed and closed her eyes. While she soaked he went outside and enjoyed the occasional cigarette he allowed himself. As he enjoyed his smoke the thought occurred to him that he had never drawn a bath for a woman, and yet he felt deep satisfaction from doing the simple act for Kelly. He shook his head. He was turning into a pussy. Later that evening they enjoyed a quiet family dinner with Grace, Allie, Gloria and Thomas. Kelly was surprised that she felt no awkwardness with Jake after their afternoon of mind blowing sex. Admittedly she was sore, just as Jake had said she would be. Much to her disappointment muscles she wasn't even aware she had stiff and sore confirming that she wouldn't be able to make love to Jake again tonight. Even now, sore muscles and all, she wanted him; desire pulled deep in her belly. Allie's giggle caught Kelly's attention. "This is so adorable," Allie said to her. Reaching above her head to put away the dish she'd just dried Kelly said, "What is?" "Seeing my brother in love." Kelly turned and met Allie's eyes, "What do you mean?" "I mean," Allie said, glancing over Kelly's shoulder into the great room, "that he hasn't taken his eyes off of you all night. You move and his eyes follow you," she giggled again. Kelly glanced over her shoulder and sure enough Jake was looking at her and winked at her when she met his eye. How ridiculous that a wink would make her all warm inside. "You're good for him," Allie said, "I haven't seen him this happy in a while." Not knowing what to say Kelly just smiled and said, "Thank you." After the kitchen was clean and everything put away Kelly wandered into the great room where Jake and Thomas were watching a baseball game. She moved to sit beside Jake on the couch but his arm snaked around her waist and pulled her into his lap. He nuzzled her ear and whispered, "Are you sore sweetheart?" Her face flamed and she buried her head in his shoulder. Thomas stood, "I need another beer." When Thomas left the room Jake looked at her questioningly. "A little," she said softly. He drew his eyebrows together, "I don't want you to hurt." She brushed a strand of black hair off of his forehead and met his gaze, "I'm fine," she leaned in and whispered, "and I still want to do it again." He groaned and she felt him stir and stiffen beneath her, "You're killing me," he whispered as the others joined them in the great room. While they chatted and watched the rest of the baseball game Kelly thought of a most wonderful way to relieve him of his affliction without causing herself any more pain. Later that evening in the bedroom of the guest house Kelly waited anxiously for Jake to finish his shower. She planned to surprise Jake with a blow job. She'd never performed oral sex before but it couldn't be that difficult, right? When he came out of the bathroom with a towel slung around his waist her heart pounded furiously. His tattooed chest was magnificent. She crawled across the bed and then stood in front of him. She reached out and touched his chest surprised to find it cool to her touch. "You're cold," she said. "Cold shower," he grunted. Now rubbing both her hands across his chest and down his abdomen she said, "That was unnecessary." He grabbed her wrists to stop her movement, "Baby, stop. We can't. I don't want to cause you pain." "You won't," she said, dropping to her knees and removing his towel in one swift movement. She found him hard and warmth flowed through her veins at the knowledge that her touch did that to him. "Kelly," he choked as she wrapped her hands around him and tentatively flicked her tongue over the head of his dick. "Please," she looked up at him, "I want to." The sight of Kelly on her knees in front of him with his dick in her mouth nearly undid him. The sweetness of her awkward movements sent a rush of emotion through him making his heart ache with....what? Tenderness? Affection? He groaned when she took all of him in her mouth and sucked him hard. He gently held her head and guided her movements. Her hot, wet mouth was tight around his dick, her tongue occasionally flickickg the tip, "Ahhhhhh sweetheart," he hissed, "yes, that's good," he held her head and pumped faster into her mouth feeling his balls tighten. "Kelly," he said tightly, I'm going to come." She nodded and kept sucking him until he could hold back no longer. He tangled his hands in her hair as he came and she sucked him dry. He cried out hoarsely, massaging his fingers in her hair. After she wiped him off with the towel she used wiped her own mouth off and he reached down and pulled up and into his arms, tucking her head neatly under his chin against his chest. As he held her he massaged slow circles in her hair, on her back. He could not remember ever being as satisfied as he was to just hold a woman. Holding her felt right, like there was a connection with her and to her that anchored him to reality, to her, to himself. He slowly eased to the bed, climbed in and pulled her in beside him, still holding her, "Thank you," he whispered into her hair. She smiled up at him, her blue eyes soft and beautiful. This woman was absolutely beautiful. Not just her physical beauty but the pureness and goodness of her heart. He'd known her for a couple years but these past two weeks he'd gotten to really know her and damn.....damn. He was used to being around women. He been around a hell of a lot of women, fucking a lot of them and never thinking twice. They were there one night and gone the next and that was how he liked it. How he used to like it. Now, after spending just weeks with Kelly thinking the thought of slipping back into the new woman every night routine wasn't too appealing. Not that he wasn't stoked about this co headlining tour, he was, but the thought of endless women throwing themselves at him made him feel nauseated, but the thought of Kelly being on tour with him, watching his shows, in his bed every night his dick twitched; he wanted to show her that side of his life. As soon as the thought formed he blocked it. No way in hell was he exposing Kelly to the crazy, raunchy lifestyle he led. He'd been down that road before and wasn't interested in going down it again. He glanced down at the woman tucked neatly into his side, her head on his chest. He was taken aback by the way he felt about her. She wouldn't last one day on the road with him, nor would he. He'd kill the first bastard who looked at her. Crazy shit happened on a tour from horny roadies to drunken or stoned musicians and he remembered one incident when a young woman had been drugged at an after party. The guilty party had never been caught but the poor girl would have been raped had she not passed out in front of so many witnesses. No, he would not expose Kelly to that, she didn't deserve it. He tightened his hold on her, eliciting a sigh of contentment from her. That sigh made his heart swell and had him wondering if he'd gone batshit crazy. Never before had he felt as content as he felt now with Kelly in his arms. He was cuddling for shit's sake! The guys would give him so much shit for being such a pussy, but fuck them, he was enjoying it! Kelly curled into Jake's side, reveling in just being held by him. She did wonder at the thoughtful expression he was wearing. He had seemed to enjoy the oral sex, but had she done something wrong? "Why so quiet?" She asked him. "Just thinking." "Oh. I, um, I've never done that before. Did I do it right?" She asked in barely a whisper. The slight tremble in her voice damn near broke his heart, "You did amazing. If you'd done any better I probably would have needed CPR." Her answering smile was so bright, so beautiful, his breath caught in his throat. What. The. Fuck. He was behaving like some sappy lovesick teenage boy. This woman was messing not only with his heart but with his mind! **** Kelly woke early the following morning with a muscular, tattooed arm around her middle. She sighed, she could get used to this. Reality reared it's ugly head reminding her this was just a charade and the end was nearing, but she planned to enjoy every moment. Rolling to her back and stretching she winced slightly, her muscles still sore but in a pleasant way. She was startled to see Jake looking at her, smiling smugly. "Sore, huh?" "Not much, just a twinge here and there," she liked the way he was looking at her, his eyes lazily taking in her naked body. The thought of him looking at her didn't embarrass her, it excited her. He made her feel beautiful even though she didn't have a perfectly flat stomach and she could use some toning to her thighs. When she'd shyly mentioned it to him, he'd told her she was perfect. "Lush and soft in all the right place," he'd said. And he did love her boobs. The fact that this man had been with supermodels and actresses and was turned on by her boobs was a heady rush. She turned him on and that turned her on. She felt him gazing at her breasts, his eyes darkening as her nipples pebbled under his blue gaze. The glint in his eyes told her he noticed, too. He pulled a taut nipple and rolled it between his fingers, groaning as it stiffened more under his touch. He moved his hand to her other breast and did the same. "These," he squeezed her breasts, massaging them, " are amazing," he dipped his head and drew a rigid nipple into his mouth. He sucked long and hard, taking as much of her breast into his mouth as he could and groaned. "I'm glad you like them," she gasped. Kelly buried her hands in his hair and pulled him closer, arching her back and pressing into him. As he laved the same attention on her other breast she panted and writhed beneath him, her center wet and aching for his touch. He sucked her hard and each hard pull caused her center to clench. He released her nipple and grinned at her, "Like them?" He cupped both breasts and buried his face in them, "Sweetheart you have the most amazing breasts I've had the pleasure of seeing." "What about that actress you dated last year? She had a boob job....," "No," he cut her off, "fake doesn't count," he began nuzzling her breasts and with the other hand massaging sensuously, his thumb just missing her nipple, "Fake ones don't feel right," he gave her breasts a squeeze. "They don't smell right," he buried his face in her breasts and inhaled deeply, "and they don't taste right," to as if to make point he popped one nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it, then did the same to her other breast. "Please touch me," she panted. "I am touching you,' he squeezed her breasts hard, "look at me. Watch me touch your beautiful tits." Seeing his hands on her breasts made her so wet, so needy. "These tits, they are mine, and I'm going to fuck them." "Now?" she choked. The smug smile returned, "No sweetheart, not now. Another time. Now I think my attention is needed elsewhere," his hand reached between her legs and touched her very lightly, eliciting a gasp. "Am I right?" "Y..Yes," she moaned as he gently parted her slick folds. He looked at her seriously for a moment, "Are you sore?" "Only a little. Please don't stop," she whispered. He smiled and kissed her, parting her lips with his tongue.l Her tongue eagerly met his as he lightly rubbed her slick folds. When he removed his mouth from hers she started to protest but quickly realized what he was going to do as he repositioned her, bring her bottom on the edge of the bed and then knelt on the floor between her thighs. Kelly gasped when he parted her legs and stared at her most private part. She'd never felt so exposed and embarrassed yet turned on as he looked at her. It felt like he was staring forever so she tried to shut her legs. "Don't be embarrassed sweetheart, you're beautiful," he told her, "Do you know how hot it is for me to see your beautiful pussy drenched and ready for me?" She blushed wildly, the muscles of her vagina clenching. "That's it, baby," he whispered against her. His mouth nuzzled her wet folds, nibbling and licking everywhere except where she needed it most. He positioned her legs over his shoulders and she tightened her legs, her calves pressing his back and forcing him closer to where she needed him. He laughed, still licking her inner thighs, teasing her drenched folds and asked, "What's the matter, sweetheart? What do you want me to do?" She moved her hips against him as he kissed her opening, teasing her with his tongue but never hitting the special spot that she wanted him to kiss. She let out a frustrated groan. He flicked his tongue quickly over her clit causing her to jump, "Tell me what you want me to do." Her hands fisted and clenched the bed sheets, "You know....where,,,, what I need," she gasped. He answered with a lick along the length of her slit, "I want to hear you say it." "Please...lick me. Kiss me," she panted, sure she was going to die if he didn't give her what she so desperately needed. She squirmed and tried to fist her hands into his hair. He flicked her clit with his tongue again and smiled when she bucked against his mouth, "Say it," he demanded, "say where you want me to kiss you. I want to hear the dirty little words come out of that pretty mouth. Damn him! Embarrassed, she cried out, "Lick my pussy Jake! Please lick me," the last word came out on a sob. Grinning against her he obliged, slowly licking up and down her slit, his tongue tracing her opening. She cried out as his tongue swirled around and around her, almost but not quite reaching her throbbing clit. His tongue tortured her sweetly, occasionally flicking her clit but never staying long enough. She writhed on the bed, twisting her fisted hands in the sheets until she pulled the sheets from the bed. She ground herself against his mouth, bucking her hips, seeking the release she needed. At last, when she could take it no longer, Jake latched his mouth on her clit and sucked her. Her orgasm hit hard and she screamed his name as her body shook and shuddered as wave after wave of pure pleasure pulsed through her. She closed her eyes as little aftershocks of pleasure still hummed in her body. She felt the bed shift as Jake slid beside her and wrapped his arms around her. She turned her body so she was facing him. She could feel his erection against her thigh and shyly looked up at him. He wore the smug look of a man who had just thoroughly pleased his woman. She blushed again remembering the things she had said, screamed actually. Embarrassed she buried her forehead in his chest. Jake grinned as Kelly burrowed into his chest; he knew she was embarrassed. He should feel guilty for making her talk dirty but he couldn't muster up an ounce of guilt. Hearing those dirty words from her mouth had damn near made him come. He lazily traced his fingers along her bare back, thinking of the raging erection he was going to have to excuse himself to take care of. He was turned on as hell but knew she still had to be sore from yesterday and he wouldn't hurt her. Her palms massaging his chest was killing him and his body jerked when her hand slid down and grabbed his dick. "Kelly stop," he grasped her wrist and stilled her hand. Her big blue eyes met his and he read the question in them, "No," he sat up, "We can't. You're still tender and I won't hurt you." She sat up and sighed, "I wish you weren't so worried about it. I'm fine." She saw the hesitation in his eyes and knew her window of opportunity was in that moment so she swallowed her embarrassment and began massaging her own breasts, something she had never done before, and squeezed her nipples, allowing her head to fall back. "You won't hurt me," she said thickly, "I'm still wet," and suddenly she was. Even after a mind blowing orgasm just minutes before she wanted him inside her. She saw the look in his eyes as he watched her massage her breasts. She squeezed her breasts and pushed them upward, liquid heat flooding her center. "I'm wet," she moaned. The look in Jake's eyes made her breath catch but she kept pushing, "I want you inside me. My pussy wants you...." she found herself immediately flipped onto her back, Jake's hot eyes boring into hers. "You're not playing fair. That dirty talk is going make my head pop off." "Mmmmm," she moaned, "whatever works." Concern replaced the heat in his eyes, "I don't want to cause you pain. I prefer you screaming my name because I'm making you come, not because I'm hurting you." Touched by his concern she cupped his face with her hand, "If it hurts I'll tell you. I promise." He groaned, kissing her forehead. Those baby blues would be the death of him. Very carefully he slid into her, keeping his eyes locked on hers looking for any indication of pain. When he saw none he moved gently in and out of her tight, hot walls. He wrapped his arms around her, bracing himself on his forearms and elbows and easing in and out of her slowly, carefully, and never breaking eye contact with her. Slowly she began moving beneath him, meeting his gentle thrusts with her own. He leaned down and kissed her softly, easing his tongue in and out of her mouth in the same rhythm he was easing in an out of her body. Slowly he felt himself building up to release as he carefully and tenderly pushed into her. He felt her body tighten around his and she wound her arms around his neck, her blue gaze never leaving his. He held her tightly, pressing her breasts into his chest and never quickening his pace. He felt her tense beneath him, felt her orgasm beginning as her inner walls tightened around him and milked him as her body shuddered and convulsed beneath his. His release poured out of him at the same time, his eyes never leaving hers. Afterward, with Kelly tucked neatly into his side, Jake was overcome with a barrage of emotions as crazy thoughts bombarded him. He'd just made love for the first time in his life. He'd fucked many women, so many he couldn't guess at a number. He'd always considered himself an attentive lover, always making sure whoever he was fucking enjoyed herself but now he realized how wrong that assessment had been. His main focus had always been his own pleasure and the pride he took hearing women shriek his name during her big moment. Being with Kelly was different. It mattered to him that he pleased her and hearing her scream his name when she came did not one thing for his pride, instead her cries went straight to his heart. Looking back he winced as he saw that he'd never before cared for the comfort of the women he'd been with, as long as they'd made all the right noises he figured it was a good score. The thought of causing Kelly pain today had ripped at his heart. Fuck, he was an idiot. He ran a hand through his hair then looked down to see Kelly sleeping in his arms. Before he could stop himself he dropped a kiss on her forehead and she smiled in her sleep. He liked to see her smile. Her smile lit up her face and made his heart drop sideways in his chest. Goddammit he'd known the woman for two years and after two weeks of playing house with her he was falling in love with her and that wasn't good. It wasn't an option. In his world he'd seen many, many promising relationships torn apart because of impossibly long absences, too many temptations and jealousy. Add in the partying and drugs that surrounded him and you have a recipe for disaster. He'd seen up close and personal how destructive a relationship with a rocker could be. Most people thought the life of a rock star was all glitz, glamour and girls but that was only a fraction of it. In the beginning the partying and the women had been like a reward for all the hard work they'd poured into becoming successful, but with the partying and the women came complications. Before, during and after a show women were readily available to him as were alcohol and whatever drug he may want. That had all been badass at first, though he hadn't used the hardcore shit that he knew Ryan had, but it was readily available. Being a rock star was like being the proverbial kid in a candy store but no one ever talked about what happened when the burnout kicked in. For a new band touring is key and the first tours are one big fucking party and he didn't deny he'd enjoyed those days, but as those days pass and the newness wears off, well, that's when the empty feeling started clawing at him . Missing holidays, being away from family and friends and watching relationships end because of the demands of the job...well, that's when alcohol became a friend and he'd found himself drinking more to chase away the emptiness. The women he fucked were good company for a few hours but only for sex. Lately he'd been feeling the burnout, the emptiness, but these last few weeks he'd spent with Kelly brought on the realization that he craved more than meaningless sex. He wanted someone to connect with, talk to, bounce song ideas off of, someone who wanted to be around him for who he was and not what he could offer them. But right now, with the band really taking off and being taken seriously he had to focus on the music and that didn't allow him the luxury of trying to make something of a fledgling relationship, especially with ten months of touring lined up. Kelly was a good woman with a good heart and there was no way in hell he was going to put either of them in a relationship that would inevitably end as a train wreck. Kelly was different that the women in his world. She cared, had a good heart; it was obvious in everything she did and said. She was calm, gentle, she soothed him and made him feel good. The women that surrounded him only cared about what he could give them. Funny, he used to think of them as warm and willing and now he saw them as what they were, cold, callous and looking for an emotionless fuck. He used them, they used him and a happy ending ensued. But now he saw that happy ending for what it was, a cheap fuck. Shit. He glanced at Kelly again, sleeping and impossibly beautiful curled into his side, her head resting on his chest, blonde hair tangled and lips swollen from his kisses. Funny that he'd known her for so long and thought of her as a damn good booking agent and friend, cute and attractive. He'd never noticed how beautiful her blue eyes were, how her smile lit up a room, how sexy she was with her cute ass and those full, gorgeous tits. She was the total package, they type of girl a man brought home to meet his parents, he thought with no little irony. He knew she cared for him, he could see it in the way she looked at him, the way she touched him, and she wasn't the type of woman to sleep with a man she didn't care about. He was a bastard. He and his selfish plan to convince his mother he was getting married to get her off his ass was going to hurt them both. He loved her. As soon as that thought formed he felt panicky. Hell, he really did love her. He wasn't sure she loved him but he knew she cared and in order to protect them both he was going to have to make her hate him. She shifted beside him again and rolled over enough to expose a perfect, lush breast and his dick jumped to life. Fuck, he was enough of a selfish bastard to be grateful for the few days they had left of this charade. He rolled over and pulled her closer to him, kissing the top of her head. He had her for a few more days and selfish asshole that he was, he planned to enjoy them. The next several days passed in a blur of spending time with his family and making love to Jake. On the day before they were to leave, Kelly, Grace and Allie had pored over bridal magazines, ohh and ahhing and making plans for a wedding that wouldn't take place. For a while Kelly was able to get sucked into the idea that this was real but reality soon reared it's ugly head and guilt racked her. She really liked Grace and Allie and she was lying to them and one day they would hater her for it. She was relieved when Jake appeared and said they needed to get to the guest house and pack. Now, packing done, she was lying in Jake's arms and mindlessly tracing a tattoo on his chest with her fingertip, "I like your family. Even Thomas isn't so bad," she smiled. He tightened his arms around her, "They like you too." "They won't," she whispered, "not when they find out I've been lying to them." "This seemed like a good idea at the time but I never took into account who could get hurt. Especially you. I am a selfish bastard," he said, disgusted. She met his eyes, her palm on his cheek, "I agreed to it. Stop the self hate, Jake. Besides, there were some perks in this for me," she flushed. "Yeah," he muttered, "you gave yourself to a man who has nothing to offer you. I can only hurt you, Kelly." She leaned up on one elbow, the sheet sliding down to reveal her breasts, "You haven't hurt me. I have a little confession to make. I've had a...crush, for lack of a better word, on you since I started working with you," her face flamed. A slow grin spread over his face, and he cupped her bared breast, "Oh really?" "Yes," she arched into him, giving him full access to her breasts. "Well," he said wickedly, cupping her breasts and massaging her nipples with his thumbs, "that changes things then. I've been feeling guilty for taking your innocence and here you've been wanting to jump my bones for years." She couldn't think with his hands working their magic on her breasts, "Yes," she moaned. He dipped his head and took her nipple in his mouth, sucking, nibbling, licking, then moving to the other breast and doing the same. Kelly fisted her hands in his hair and pulled his mouth to hers for a soul searing kiss. In a bold move she shoved her palms against his chest and pushed his back into the bed, straddling him. Jake's eyes widened then rolled back as he rubbed her wet slit against his dick. God she felt good. Knowing he loved her made sex even more intense; never had he felt with anyone what he felt when he made love to her. She was goodness to his bad, sunshine to his darkness. She was everything good that he didn't deserve. The sight of her over him, lowering himself onto him, her head tilted back and her breasts bouncing as she rode him damn near made him come immediately. He placed his hands on her hips, gently guiding her as she rocked back and forth against him, her breasts swaying maddeningly. He propped himself up on two elbows and caught a breast in his mouth and sucked hard. She arched her back and quickened her pace, grinding her hips into his. He let go of her breast as her palms shoved him onto his back. Bracing her hands on his chest she rode him gloriously, fucking him in a rhythm all her own. He felt his balls tighten as her walls tightened around him. She rode out her orgasm, screaming his name and milked him dry. He hoarsely cried her name as he came, reaching up and burying his hands in her hair, pulling him to her chest and holding her tight. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning Kelly opened her eyes to find Jake staring at her. Immediately she reached for him but he stopped her. Confusion clouded her eyes, "What's wrong?" she whispered. "Will you remember something for me?" The finality in his voice made her heart stop. This was it, she thought. It was over. She nodded. "I...being inside you," he paused, swallowed hard, "being with you, inside you, it makes me whole. Only with you," he choked out. She reached for him again and again he stopped her. She frowned, "Stop it. I want to touch you." His gaze never leaving hers he dropped her wrist and she palmed his cheek, "I love you," she whispered. "I know," he said through a clenched jaw, "You are too.....good......for me. I've done so much bad..." "I don't care," she told him, "I don't understand your inferiority complex but I can make my own decisions." "I'm a bad risk." "I'm willing to take it." "I won't let you," he said, gently removing her hand from his face, "My lifestyle doesn't permit very many happy endings and I'm not going to hurt you." Tears welled in her eyes, "You're hurting me now." He didn't answer her, just kept his eyes closed. What was he so afraid of, Kelly wondered. She had known this stupid fake engagement would end in a broken heart but this was hurting him, too, she could see it in his eyes. What had him so afraid to love, to be happy? Why didn't he believe he deserved a happy ending? Damn it, was she really this close to happiness only to have it yanked away? She blinked back tears, reaching for him again, only to have him grab her wrist to stop her. Frustration and pain battled within her. She wanted him one more time; she had to have him again. The thought of him never being inside her again made her feel panicky. Just once more, she prayed, and that will be enough. "Jake," she said softly. He opened his eyes and they looked as tortured as she felt. "I need you inside me. Now. One more time," she whispered. His eyes sparked with desire only to look more tortured than they had before, "We can't." "Please," she looked at him, huge liquid blue eyes pleading, "You said you feel whole when you are inside me." "I do," he ground out, "but it will only make it worse." She held his eyes, not saying another word. After several moments of silence her eyes darkened and when she blinked a single tear slipped out, rolling down her cheek. That tiny tear undid him. A stronger man, a better man would have strengthened his resolve and turned away, but he couldn't. He swore softly as he cupped the back of her head and kissed her tear away, then lowered his lips to her mouth. Jake's lips were feather soft on her mouth, once, twice, three times he kissed her softly and when she was afraid that was all she would get she put her hands in his hair and pulled him closer. She raised up and pressed her breasts against his chest and felt his resolve melt away as he finally gave into her. There was no frantic groping, no frenzied kisses or urgency between them, just gentle touches, sweet kisses with tongues gently gliding against one another. There was no hurry this time, they took their time exploring one another with their hands, lips, tongues. When Jake hitched her leg up and over his hip and eased into he held her gaze the whole time. No, there were no frantic thrusts or impatience driving them this time. As the sun's first rays shone through the blinds there were no sweaty, panting bodies writhing in the sheets, only the slow, gentle movements of two lovers prolonging their lovemaking as long as they possibly could. They faced one another in the early light of dawn and when, finally, they could prolong it no more they both reached their climax at the same time, bodies shuddering and clinging to the last waves of ecstasy as they said good bye. **** Kelly glanced up from her computer and looked at the clock. Damn, it was late. She saved the proposal she'd been working on and closed the laptop, then went to her kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, leaning against the counter and peering out the window into the dark and quiet streets. Two am. It had been a little more than a month since she and Jake had said an awkward goodbye when he dropped her off after returning from Chicago. She'd had to fake no tears while telling Grace and Allie goodbye, she'd become close to them during her weeks at their home. They both still sent her frequent texts and emails inquiring about any more plans for the wedding and had they chosen a date? Jake must not have gotten around to telling them about their false engagement yet. Kelly was always vague while answering the two women. Kelly walked through her house and unnecessarily checked the locks, stalling before she went to bed. The nights were the worst. Being in bed without Jake's arms around her hurt so much it was a physical ache. The absence of him, the longing for him was with her constantly. She didn't have to wonder where he was, she always knew that since she put this tour schedule together for them. It was wondering who he was with that was killing her, that kept her awake. He had told her he felt whole when he was inside her, and only her. He had asked her to remember that. Her inner core clenched at the memory. Why? Why had he told her that and then refused to allow her to love him? Was it to torture her? Her life sure as hell felt like torture lately. She ate little and slept even less. Today she felt feverish and her back hurt a lot but she attributed that to just being run down. She knew she had to pull herself together and stop wishing for something she would never have but there was always the thought at the back of her mind that he DID feel something for her, maybe even loved her, he just refused to act on it. Why? Why the self loathing and telling her she was the ray of sunshine that lit up his dark world? She shook her head. She certainly hadn't enjoyed going to bed alone since returning from Chicago but tonight the thought of her cool sheets against her feverish body was soothing. Her body ached and thought she figured it was just exhaustion catching up with her she promised herself she'd call the doctor tomorrow if she still felt feverish. She had just flipped the bedside light in her bedroom on when she heard her phone chirp alerting her that she had a text message. Her heart jumped, who could be texting at two am? She quickly swiped her screen and saw that she had a text from Jake. JAKE. Shakily she opened the message. It read, "o miss yoo seethwart." Oh my God! Did he miss her? Was he drunk? He most surely had to be drunk because of the bumbled spelling. Should she answer or would that make her look like an over eager junior high school aged girl? She agonized several minutes before deciding to send him a winking smiley face icon, then finally fell asleep with her cell phone clutched to her chest. Jake sat around the little table on their bus peeling a label off his beer bottle. Dusty was on his left; Chase and Ryan were still asleep in their bunks. "So I talked to Jack today and he said he ran in to Kelly the other day," Dusty said, speaking of a fellow musician and friend. Just hearing her name made Jake's heart thump painfully, "Oh yeah?" He feigned disinterest but knew Dusty would see right through it. "He asked me if she's sick or something, said she looked like shit. He told me she's pale and looks like she's lost weight and has dark circles under her eyes." A stab of pain shot through Jake, "Is she sick?" Dusty shook his head and stood up, "I don't know. She told Jack she was just tired but hell, you know Jack as well as I do and for her to look bad enough for him to notice...," he slapped Jake on the back, "Congratulations man, it looks like your plan to stay out of her life to avoid hurting her is working just fine." Jake closed his eyes and put his head in his hands. Damn it he was losing his mind. Everywhere he looked he was reminded of her and he missed her so much there was constant ache in his chest. He missed her hair like sunshine, the smile that lit up her face, her bottomless blue eyes...he missed every damn thing about her. And Dusty was right about Jack. He was a friend of theirs and was a good guy but he was flighty and if he noticed something was off then something was wrong. He felt the first stirrings of worry. He thought he had texted her last night but he'd been so wasted he couldn't remember. He pulled out his phone and sure enough he had. He winced at the butchered spelling but saw she had texted back after he'd passed out. Heart pounding he opened her text and saw the winking smile emoticon. It took him a minute to realize he was grinning like an idiot. Damn, just a winking little smiley face from her and he not only was he grinning like a fool but his dick jumped to life. Perfect timing for that. Why couldn't his dick have cooperated when the he'd brought the redhead from Houston to his room on the bus after the show? Or with the blonde from Dallas? Hell after a half dozen failed attempts to use a willing female to get her out of his head had failed he'd quit trying. The booze did a decent job of blurring her face out of his mind but he had to drink so much to get to that point the guys were bitching about him puking all over. They were also making noises about him having missed a sound check or two. He looked up and say Ryan heading to the kitchen area. He rummaged around in the refrigerator until he found a bottle of orange juice and then he sat down at the small table, nodding at Jake. Jake nodded back, then stared back at the little smiley face on his phone. "Why don't you just call her?" Ryan asked bluntly. "You know why." "Yeah I do. You're a fucking coward." "Fuck off Ryan," he stood. Ryan's hand clamped down on his arm, hard. He stared the other man in the eye for several long seconds before he sat back down. "Do you love her?" Ryan demanded. "Yes," he admitted on a sigh. "And she loves you?" The ache in his chest sharpened, "Yes." Ryan lifted both arms in the air and looked at Jake like he'd gone mad, "Then what the hell is wrong with you, man? Why make yourself, her and us miserable?" "I won't repeat the mistake I made with Sherry," he said through clenched teeth. "Oh shit, are you kidding me? That was seven years ago and you were both a couple of dumbass kids and Sherry was...," "What, Ryan? Sherry was what?" Jake demanded, eyes an icy blue. "You know what she was Jake. Sherry was a young girl who wanted to be a rock star's girlfriend and when she got what she wanted she couldn't handle it. Sherry was never a stable person and you know it. Nothing you could have done would have prevented her death. She was a hard core drug user, you were a budding rock star and life was pretty rough while we were trying to make a name for ourselves," Ryan shrugged. "Yes," he snapped, "she landed herself a rock star and I made her miserable." Ryan's eyes flared anger, darkening from brown to black, "She made herself miserable, Jake, not you. You gave her everything she wanted, hell, everything she demanded and it was never enough. She had a habit that got away from her and that killed her, not you." Jake wanted to believe Ryan but he couldn't let himself off the hook, "My lifestyle, the touring, being apart, trust issues, that's what drove her to the drugs. I failed her." "She was using cocaine, meth, and God knows what else and she went through whatever money you were earning at the time until it was gone. Jake she was fucking her dealer for drugs. You didn't do that. She did." Jake sat silently as Dusty and Chase made their way to the table and sat down. Dusty clamped a hand on Jake's shoulder, "He's right, bro. It's sad that she overdosed but it was a long time coming and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it." "But I...," "No butts Jake, "Dusty interrupted. "Did you love Sherry? I mean really love her?" Jake started to say yes but couldn't, not now that he knew what loving someone really felt like, "I...no. I felt responsible for her." "And Kelly, do you love her?" Ryan asked. Rubbing his hands over his face Jake said, "More than my next fucking breath." It was Chase's turn to chime in, "Then what the fuck are you doing, dude? She loves you, too, and you're punishing her for Sherry's mistakes! You're a fucking idiot! Do you have any idea how much you're hurting her?" "I'm trying to protect her!" Jake slammed his fist on the table. "What if we got together and I fuck up? What if she gets tired of the touring or being apart?" Chase laughed, an honest to God belly laugh, "What if the world ends tomorrow? You're insane! You are taking the choice away from her, not giving her any say about how she might want to live her life. She offered you everything, man, and you tossed her love back in her face. By trying to "protect" her you're stomping on her heart and you know what? That pisses me off. I ought to beat your ass for that." Chase was suddenly serious. Jake's head snapped up and he narrowed his eyes at Chase, "Why the fuck do you care enough to want to kick my ass? What's Kelly to you?" Chase met Jake's glare, "Kelly has done as much for this band as we have. We are a success because of her hard work. I like and respect Kelly and if it were me she loved I'd spend my time doing everything humanly possible to make her happy instead of trying to protect her from the "what ifs" in life. I wouldn't be using alcohol to erase her face from my mind and I sure as hell wouldn't be bringing groupie whores back to the bus to fuck to try to forget about her," Chase's face was flushed and his fists were clenched. What the hell? Did Chase have a thing for Kelly? And how the hell did he know how bad she was hurting? Was he talking to her? "What the fuck Chase? Are you moving in on my girl?" nostrils flaring he glared at the other man. These guys were like brothers to him but that wouldn't stop him from kicking Chase's ass if he decided to make a play for Kelly. Chase met Jake's stare but he looked at Jake with something that resembled pity, not anger, "As if she'd give me the time of day, Jake. She's only ever had eyes for you these past two years and I watched helplessly as you paraded your string of models and actresses in front of her without ever even realizing she was in love with you. You just keep hurting her, Jake, and she just keeps loving you," he shook his head as the other man stared at him in awe, "I'm nothing more that Kelly's friend and I've always known that's how it would be and I'm good with that. I want her to be happy and right now she's anything but happy." Jake was trying to digest this new information and as he looked back he saw that maybe Chase was right. Maybe Kelly had been in love with him and he'd never noticed, or more likely refused to notice. He winced as he thought of the times he'd taken his latest arm candy to events that Kelly had attended; he'd dated some pretty high profile models, no wonder Kelly had been so self conscious about him seeing her naked. God the thought of her naked made him hard while at the same time thinking of her doubting her attractiveness, trying to hide her nakedness from him that first day he'd made love to her was like a knife to the gut. He had done nothing but hurt her. She'd given him her heart and he'd stomped on it. He stood and began to pace in the cramped front end of the tour bus. "Fuck!" he yelled. Chase nodded, "Now you're seeing." He turned to Chase, "Have you talked to her since...since we started back on tour?" "We text every day." Jake didn't know whether to strangle Chase or beg him for help. He opted for the second, "How is she? I need to know, Chase. I love her. I love her. She's....she's everything," he choked out. Chase sat for a moment silently, then nodded and grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket, "She's hurting. She's in about the same shape as you." Jake groaned as the knife in his chest twisted, if Kelly was even half as miserable as him...,"Chase please...," "All right, all right," Chase gave in and pulled up a few of the texts and handed the phone to Jake. Jake scanned the screen, his hear breaking with every line of her text he read: Kelly: How is he? Chase: Drinking a lot. How are you? Kelly: Empty. Hollow. But it was worth it. Chase: Worth it? Kelly: 3 weeks with him. Even if that's all I can have it was worth it. Chase: 4 what it's worth he's miserable Kelly: Not 4 long. I'm sure he's not been alone...? Chase: spends most of his time passed out drunk. Kelly: Pls keep him safe. Thx Chase, ur the brother I never had. Chase: K. Bye Kelly. Jake handed the phone back to Chase looking panicked, wild eyed, "When was this?" "Day before yesterday," he frowned, "I heard Dusty mention Jack saying she looked sick. She only text me once yesterday, said she had a fever. Shit, she hasn't answered any texts after that." Jake raked his hands through his hair, the extent of his feelings for Kelly finally dawning on him and realizing the amount of pain he'd inflicted on her. He'd hurt her so much, and now, if she was sick... Thoughts raced through his mind as he finally saw that by professing to protect her from his lifestyle he had only been trying to protect himself from guilt. My God, he loved her so much and thinking of her hurting because of him nearly brought him to his knees. Was it too late? Had he lost her? No, no the texts to Chase proved she still loved him. He had to get to her, especially if she was sick. Fuck. He took out his phone and called her but didn't get an answer, just her voice mail. The sound of her voice on the voice mail almost made him weep. He had to get to her fast. He ran to their bus driver and instructed him to take him to the nearest airport. The driver gave him an odd look but Jake said tersely, "Just do it." He turned around and saw Dusty, Ryan and Chase still seated at the table, grinning like fools. Jake eased the rental car through heavy L.A. traffic and headed towards Kelly's condo. He was concerned; he'd called her multiple times and hadn't gotten an answer and she hadn't responded to the messages he'd left her or even sent him a text. She was probably pissed off at him and wouldn't blame her a bit but Kelly was a professional and would have at least shot him a text since she managed the band's booking needs. Unless she was sick and couldn't get to her phone. He pressed down a little more on the accelerator. Since his talk with his band mates he'd done a lot of thinking about his past. He'd finally conceded that Sherry's death hadn't been his fault. He would probably never be able to completely shake the guilt he felt but he but he also wouldn't hide behind what had happened to her. His fear of fucking up was something he'd have to face and deal with. He loved Kelly and hoped to God she'd hear him out and give him a chance to make things right. He didn't have any idea how a relationship with her would work with his crazy touring schedule but he had to try. As he turned into her drive his concern turned to worry. Her car was in the drive but not a single light in the house was on. He supposed she could have gone out with a friend but surely she'd leave at least the porch light on. He hurried out of the car and up to the door and rang the bell. He waited several moments and began knocking when he got no answer. "Kelly!" he called, now pounding on the door. Still no answer. On an off chance he tried the door knob and it was unlocked. Pushing the door open he called out again, "Kelly?" He heard a small whimper from somewhere inside the house and fear spurred him into action. He went in and started flipping on light switches, going room to room until he found her. She was lying on her bed curled into the fetal position and she was very still. Dropping to his knees beside the bed he said softly, "Kelly? Sweetheart what's wrong?" He reached out to tuck some of her hair behind her ear and she moaned in pain. Panic rising in him he said again, "Kelly I need to know what's wrong," he felt her forehead and didn't need a thermometer to tell him that she had a fever. Shit she was burning up. That spurred him into action, he reached beneath her and lifted her into his arms, her cry of pain shredding his heart. Damn but she was burning hot. He headed back to the rental car and deposited her in the front seat, eliciting another moan and grimace from her. He fastened her seat belt around her and reclined the car seat back to try and make her more comfortable. As he pulled out of the driveway and headed to the nearest hospital he asked her gently, "Baby what happened? Did you hurt yourself? Are you sick? I'll need to know to tell the ER doctors." Her eyes were closed and he could tell it took a lot of effort for her to speak, "I...it hurt to pee for a couple days...," she took a deep breath, "and my back has been hurting...I was going to call my doctor in the morning." "You're going now," seeing her in so much pain was tearing at him. Another small moan escaped her, then she whispered, "Why...what are you doing here?" "We'll talk about it when you feel better sweetheart," he told her, "Just close your eyes and rest, we're almost there," a glance at her pale face grimacing in pain had him pressing harder on the accelerator. When they reached the hospital Jake pulled up to the emergency entrance and carried Kelly in to the ER where a nurse took one look at her and called for a gurney. As soon as Jake laid her on the gurney she was rushed off behind a pair of double doors. Jake started to follow but the nurse grabbed his arm, "You'll need to move your car sir." Shit, he'd left the car sitting in the ambulance bay. After quickly parking the car he rushed back in and stopped at the registration desk. He gave the woman sitting behind the desk Kelly's name, date of birth and address then demanded he be let back to see her. "We only let family members back with the patients," the woman told him. Drawing a deep breath he tried to calm himself and forced the frustration out of his voice, "She is my fiancé." "Sir," the woman started to object, then recognition lit her eyes, "You're Jacoby Slade!" Still faking patience he wasn't feeling he gave the woman his best smile and turned on the charm, leaning in and speaking softly to her, "Yes, I am and you know we're touring, right?" Her eyes were wide as she stared up at him in awe, nodding. Jake leaned in even closer to the woman, "Honey, I can hook you up with VIP passes to our L.A. show," as her eyes widened he pulled out his phone and entered her contact information, "I will have my people contact you within two days to get you all set. Now, about my fiancé?" The young woman smiled at him and pressed a button under her desk that opened the double doors Kelly had been taken through, "She's in room six," she told him a little breathlessly. "Lori," he addressed her by her first name, "You have been so helpful. Thank you. Can I ask one more favor?" She nodded, cheeks flushed. Jake spoke softly, "I'd appreciate it if no one else knew I was here. It would create a distraction and my fiancé is very sick and I'm worried about her. Can you help me with that?" Lori nodded again, "Of course I can. It'll be my pleasure to help!" Lori looked around her so that no one would hear and said very quietly, "She's in room six. Through the doors, down the hall, third room on your right." Jake smiled again, appreciating her assistance. He hated using his fame like that but this was an emergency. He smiled again at Lori then headed back to find Kelly. When he arrived in room six there was a nurse in the room hanging a bag of IV fluids, connecting the tubing to the needle in Kelly's arm. The nurse turned and smiled as he stood by the head of the bed, reaching down and taking hold of Kelly's hand. "Are you her husband?" she asked pleasantly. "Almost," Jake said, "We're engaged," he gave Kelly's hand a quick squeeze. "What's wrong with her?" he asked. "We can't say for sure, the doctor ordered some labs and the IV fluids since she looks pretty dehydrated," she picked up a syringe and inserted the tip of it into a port in the tubing in Kelly's arm. "The doctor ordered this for pain. It's a strong narcotic so it will probably make her pretty sleepy," she said, plunging the drug into Kelly's arm. Within seconds the grimace of pain on Kelly's face disappeared and it looked like she breathed a sigh of relief. Her head rolled to the side and she closed her eyes. "It works that fast?" Jake asked. "Yes," the nurse smiled, "Let me know when it starts to wear off, we don't want her in pain." Relief washed through Jake at the sight of Kelly resting comfortably, no longer moaning or grimacing in pain, "Thank you," he told the nurse sincerely. The nurse looked at him for a moment and her eyes widened, "You're Jacoby Slade of Defiance!" Jake nodded, "Guilty as charged. I'd really appreciate it if my being here can be kept quiet." The nurse nodded, "Absolutely," she glanced at Kelly, "She seems to be comfortable now. Please let me know if she starts having more pain. We'll keep her comfortable." He nodded then sank into a chair at the head of the bed, one hand holding her hand, the other stroking her hair. Even sick and on a hospital bed she was beautiful. He leaned over and kissed her forehead, her eyes opening at the contact. Kelly knew she was at the hospital, knew that Jake was with her, but she didn't know why. She felt him holding her hand, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead and she was confused. Jake had left her, didn't want her, so why was he here? Why was he acting like her lover, even telling the nurse they were engaged. "Jake," she croaked, her tongue feeling thick and pasty. His face was immediately in her line of sight, his blue eyes darkened with concern. He was worried about her. She shook her head. No, that didn't make any sense, "What...why are you here?" she whispered. "Shhh," he said, cupping her face in his hand, "You need to rest." Rest, the oblivion that whatever the nurse had put in her arm was giving her was so tempting. The pain killer was seductively pulling her into sleep. She closed her eyes for a moment, relief from the pain in her back. She curled her fingers around Jake's hand and told herself she would just rest for a minute. Kelly drifted in and out of awareness and the oblivion the pain medication provided. She felt a prick in the arm without the IV, and then, minutes or hours later she felt cold and discomfort as the nurse explained she was using a catheter to obtain a urine specimen. She heard Jake talking with the nurse and then a man, a doctor perhaps, then she felt herself moving. She was too tired, too exhausted to even open her eyes but the one constant she felt was the warmth of Jake's hand wrapped around hers. Occasionally she felt him stroke her hair or her face. Why was he doing this? He didn't want her, he didn't love her. Was this a dream? Was she dreaming him here? She felt panic rise and could hear the beeping of a machine increasing in speed to match the beating of her heart. She struggled to open her eyes and immediately she felt Jake's hand on her forehead, his lips on her cheek. Was he here? Was she saying this out loud or just thinking it? "Sshhh, sweetheart. I'm right here," Jake soothed. She forced her eyes open and saw Jake's face close to hers, then saw the nurse standing on the other side of her. "Kelly I'm going to give you some more pain medicine," the nurse told her, and reached for the tube in her arm. "Wait," Kelly said thickly. The nurse frowned and said, "Your vital signs indicate you are in pain." Kelly nodded, blinking and trying to clear her head, "I am, but please, just give us a minute?" The nurse reluctantly took the syringe and headed out of the room but said, "I'll give you a minute, honey." Kelly looked back at Jake and he looked panicked, "Why won't you take the pain medicine sweetheart?" "It make's my head fuzzy. Why are you here?" The damned machine kicked up it's beeping again. Jake immediately moved so his face was close to hers, and she saw that there were tears in his eyes. Before she could ask another question he pressed a finger to her lips to shush her. "I'm here because I love you and I want you and no, you're not dreaming me here," his voice broke on the last words before he continued with a slight smile, "Yes you said all that out loud." Relief flooded through her, "You love me?" "More than anything in this world," Jake answered, lips trembling. Confusion knotted her brow again, "Then why...," she couldn't finish the sentence as a hot, knife like pain ripped through her back. She cried out, and Jake was instantly on his feet calling for the nurse to bring the pain medication. As the nurse hurried into the room Jake brushed Kelly's lips with his and murmured, "I'm an idiot, baby. I'm an idiot but I love you and I'm not leaving you again. Let the pain medicine work, " he brushed her hair back from her forehead. As the medicine flowed through her veins Jake's face swam in her vision and she felt her eyelids grow heavy. He loved her. She smiled, she hadn't dreamed that. She felt him take hold of her hand and her last conscious thought was to hold on to him and never let go. A bright light and hushed voices awoke her and as she tried to open her heavy eyelids she felt disoriented. Her mouth was dry, her tongue felt thick and rubbery and she almost decided it wasn't worth the effort to wake up when one of the hushed voices she was hearing registered in her brain as Jake's. He was here! It took a lot of effort to open her eyes just a little bit but when she did she knew she was in a hospital room and a nurse was fussing with the IV bags that hung from a pole to the left of her. She tried to move her head but that made her dizzy so she blinked a few times, her eyes scanning the room. Jake was on her right, holding her hand and quietly asking the nurse when she would wake up. She tried to speak, to let them know she was awake but all that came out was a pathetic little croak. That was all it took and Jake was suddenly standing above her, brushing her hair off her forehead and the nurse smiled at her. "Look who's awake," the nurse said cheerfully as she pulled her stethoscope from around her neck and placed it on Kelly's chest. She took her temperature, pulse and blood pressure and then said, "Much better! Your fever is gone and the rest of your vital signs look great. Are you in any pain?" Kelly shook her head no. Other than her muscles feeling heavy and tired she wasn't having any pain and thank God for that. She remembered the back pain she'd had and now there was only a soreness, not the sharp, stabbing pains she'd previously had. The nurse smiled and said, "Ok. You let me know if you have any pain. I'll let the doctor know you're awake. He's making rounds now." After she left the room Jake settled on the side of Kelly's bed, never letting go of her hand, "Are you thirsty?" When she nodded he held up a glass of ice water and put the straw to her lips. The cold liquid felt so good to her parched mouth. She took several large swallows before Jake took it away. "Not too much, baby, I don't want you to get sick." He looked...odd. A myriad of expressions flashed in his eyes; fear, concern, relief, conviction, love. Love. Warmth suffused her body. She was confused and didn't know what had transpired to get Jake to see that he loved her but she was too tired to ask about that right now. She'd ask him later. Instead she asked, "How long was I asleep? What was wrong?" He traced her cheek with his finger, "You apparently had a urinary tract infection for a few days and then the infected urine flowed back into the kidneys causing...ummm, I think I'm saying it right, pyelonephritis. Basically a kidney infection. You were in the early stage of sepsis." As that sunk in she asked, "How long have I been here?" "Two days, not counting today. You slept most of today, it's about four o'clock." That got her attention and she sat up only to lie right back down because she got dizzy. "Oh my God, and you're still here? Your tour!" He shushed her, reaching out and pulling her to his chest, rubbing her back. She leaned into him, a million thoughts running through her mind. What was happening with the tour? This was a co headlining tour and meant big things for the band! She put a hand up to her head, it was just too much think of all this now. Jake laid her back down on the bed, cupping her face in his hands, brushing her hair away from her face. Looking up at him she said, "Thank you. Thank you for bringing me in and staying with me." Jake's electric blue eyes filled with tears, the expression on his face was pure anguish, "I came to apologize for being an asshole, to see if you'd give me another chance. But then when I walked into your condo you were so damn sick...fuck, baby, you scared the hell out of me!" His voice cracked on his last word and he leaned down, burying his head in her shoulder. Kelly wrapped her arms around him as she absorbed what he'd said. Tears poured down her cheeks, mingling with his. Her heart was full, and strangely, as sick as she was she had never felt better. Jake pulled back to look at her, his electric blue gaze searching hers. She stared into the blue depth of his eyes, startled at the intensity of what she saw there. "Kelly," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm so sorry I left you. I ...there's a lot about my life that makes a relationship hard and I was trying to do what I thought was best for you. I...there are some things about my past that you don't know and I..," he ran his hand up and down his face, "I'm fucking this up." Kelly felt her lips tremble, "Fucking what up?" She croaked, throat still dry. Jake looked so beautiful in that moment that she wanted to cry. His amazing blue eyes were red rimmed, his now blue tipped hair flat on one side and sticking out at crazy angles on the other side, his jaw lined with stubble. He didn't look like a cocky rock star, he looked...vulnerable. " I love you so much, Kelly," he squeezed her hand, "I love you so fucking much it scares me." Love, joy and something close to hysteria flooded her veins as happy tears flooded her eyes. She let out a sob as she said, "I love you, too!" He wore a frown of concern as he wiped the tears from her eyes, "Honey don't cry," he almost begged. She laughed then, and moved to sit up. His arms shot around her, hauling her against his chest. She buried her face in his chest, inhaling his masculine scent. She could've stayed like that forever but he gently laid her back against the hospital bed. "I missed you," she whispered. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it, "I missed you baby, more than you'll ever know. The guys were ready to kill me," he said. Remembering that since he was here and not touring like he was supposed to be she asked, "What about the tour?" He smiled, "We're on a break Miss Booking Agent, a three day break." She smiled sheepishly, "I forgot. That makes me feel better, though. I don't want you missing any venues because of me. You'll meet up with the band tomorrow?" "Sweetheart, you're still in ICU. I meant it down in ER when I said I wasn't leaving you again." When she sat up to protest he stopped her with a solid kiss to her lips. "No arguing, lady. You scared the shit out of me and I'm not leaving until you can leave with me," his tone booked no room for argument, "Besides, we have a lot to talk about. She scooted over in the hospital bed and smiled at him shyly, "Come and talk to me," she patted the bed. He laughed, "There's not room for both of us." "There is if you hold me close enough," she said softly, wanting, no needing him close to her. He must have seen that need in her eyes because he only hesitated for a moment before climbing into the bed beside her, carefully tucking her in close to him. She laid her head against his chest and reveled in the feel of being in his arms again. She'd been so afraid these tattooed arms would never hold her again. The tears started again, tears of joy and relief. She pressed herself closer to him. Jake felt her tears through his tee shirt and he quickly looked down at her, "Am I hurting you? Is your back hurting?" "No," she sniffled, "I just thought...I never thought I'd get to feel this again, never have you hold me again." The words tore at his heart and the tears were like a sucker punch to the gut. Chase had been right, he'd caused Kelly just as much, if not more pain than he'd caused himself. He turned slightly in the cramped bed so he could face her and was horrified at the tears rolling down her cheeks, "Please don't cry," he pleaded, wiping her tears away. He looked into and held her deep blue gaze, "I was afraid sweetheart. I'm sorry I'm a coward. Dammit I' m so sorry I hurt you, I never wanted to do that." "Why did you leave me?" He raked a hand through his hair, knowing she deserved an answer but he hadn't really wanted to get into it all in her hospital room. He shook his head at his cowardice; she deserved to know so he quietly told her. Kelly listened with mixed emotions as Jake told her about Sherry. Her initial reaction was overwhelming feelings of resentment and jealousy, but as he continued those feelings turned to anger and eventually sorrow. She reached up to Jake's clenched jaw and turned his head so he was looking at her. The pain and guilt in his eyes hurt her, "Baby, none of that was your fault. I'm so sorry you've carried this guilt for so long. Jake, I am not afraid. I know a relationship with a you is going to be challenging because of your career and your lifestyle but I love you and don't want you to change a thing about your life. I'm not going to worry about what might or might not happen down the road because it broke my heart when you left. Being without you hurt so much," her voice broke. "You said you're afraid I'll grow to hate either touring and living on a bus or get sick of being apart, but I love you, all of you and everything about you and we will figure it out. Your career and success is important to me, I don't want to try to hold you back I want you to succeed and go as far as you want and I want to be there with you!" She was tired by the end of her tirade, both physically and mentally. She laid her head on Jake's shoulder and closed her eyes. She felt him gently place her head on the pillow and prop himself up on an elbow so he could look at her. She opened her eyes and up to see him gazing at her with admiration. "You are the most amazing person I've ever known," he said softly, "Yes I'm afraid of all those things you mentioned but you're right, we have to try because I can't be without you either," he leaned down to press a soft kiss on her lips. Tired as she was her heart soared at his words and at the touch of his lips her own came alive. She kissed him back softly, opening her mouth for him. He responded and met her tongue with his own, taking a brief taste of her before pulling back and tucking her back close to his side. When she protested he kissed her forehead, and told her, "We'll talk more later. You can barely keep your eyes open. Get some rest." When he made a move to get up she protested, fisting her hand in his shirt, "Please lay with me." He smiled, looking down into those beautiful, tired blue eyes, "If you promise to rest." She nodded and he settled back in beside her, soon dozing off himself. A knock at the door drew both of them out of their nap. Kelly lifted her head and saw the doctor entering her room. Jake stood and shook the man's hand. Looking at Kelly the doctor asked, "How are you feeling?" "Better. I'm just tired and my muscles feel a little weak," she reached out and took Jake's hand in hers. The look of concern on his face warmed her heart. "Good," the doctor said, placing a stethoscope on her chest, then her abdomen. He helped her sit up and he tapped on her back which elicited a wince from Kelly. "Still a little tender there?" He asked, sitting on the foot of Kelly's bed. "A little, but nothing like it was before. I really do feel better," she insisted, "When do you think I can go home?" The man shared a look with Jake, then looked at Kelly, "You were very sick when you got here, Kelly, in the beginning stages of sepsis. You're very lucky that your fiancé got you to the ER when he did. Even another hour may have been the difference between life and death." Jake sucked in a breath and sat down in the chair near at the head of her bed. "You are doing well considering how ill you were but your electrolytes are not where I want them yet, and the infection is responding well to the IV antibiotics so I want to get a few more doses in you," the doctor sent her a sympathetic look as she slumped against the bed, "I understand the time constraints and uniqueness of your situation and if I could safely discharge you I would, but I'm not comfortable letting you go for a couple more days. I will release you from ICU to a regular medical unit," he smiled, "That'll save your fiancé from giving out more concert tickets." She looked between Jake and the doctor in confusion. The doctor smiled and explained that ICU rules allow one visitor for fifteen minutes every hour but that Jake had been bribing the staff with concert tickets, autographs and anything else under the sun just so they'd let him stay with her 24/7. Kelly laughed, looking at Jake, "You really are crazy, you know that?" "Mmm hmm," he nodded, "Being on a regular medical floor will work better for other visitors, too." The doctor promised Kelly she'd be in her new room within a few hours and excused himself. Kelly looked curiously at Jake, "What other visitors?" "Chase, Ryan, Dusty for starters, and of course my mom and Allie." Kelly's jaw dropped, "They're all coming?" Jake laughed, "The guys are already here in town and my mom and Allie are flying in as we speak." Kelly gaped at Jake. She was used to being on her own, with no family to speak of. Grace and Allie were coming to see her? "I don't know what to say." He bent down and kissed her head, thought for a moment about what he wanted to do. Hell, these weren't the circumstances under which he wanted to propose but it felt right so he got down on his knee beside her bed and pulled out the box that contained her engagement ring. He opened the box, held it out to her and gruffly said, "Please just say you'll marry me." Kelly couldn't believe her eyes. Jake was on his knee beside her hospital bed, in the ICU no less, asking her to marry him! Her heart soared, then faltered. Wait, he'd said his mom and Allie were coming. Of course they'd expect to see the ring on her finger. Reading her expression he said, "No, it's not what you're thinking. Mom and Allie know all about the fake engagement so there's no reason for me to ask you this except that I can't live without you and I want you to be my wife. I know it's sudden and we'll wait for a while, sweetheart, as long as you need to make sure you can...live this life. Until then, though, I..." "Of course I want to marry you, you crazy man!" she sobbed. Relief, love and joy so profound he felt dizzy flooded through Jake as he rose and sat on the side of her bed, wrapping her in his arms and wiping away her tears. "I don't want to rush you. Living this life will be an adjustment. We can wait as long as you want, but I want you to wear the ring, I want the world to know you're mine. Unless you want a different ring?" Kelly suppressed a laugh, "Jacoby Slade, big bad rock star, are you babbling?" He smiled and shook his head, "I was groveling. I'm...I can't believe you'd even consider saying yes after the way I treated you." She leaned back so she could meet his eyes, "I understand now why you were scared. I know you're still afraid, I can see it in your eyes, but I'm in this for real, babe. I know a rock and roll lifestyle doesn't make for an easy relationship or marriage but being without you isn't an option," she sought out his hand with hers and held it tightly, "We'll make it work. Now, may I please have my ring?" Smiling, Jake slid the ring on her finger and grinned when she held her hand out to admire it, "It hasn't changed since you wore it last." "Yes it has," she said quietly, "This time it's real." She sat, contentedly wrapped in Jake's arms, admiring her ring and thinking what a difference a few days can make. Four days ago she was miserable, broken hearted and aching for Jake's arms around her and now she was safely wrapped in those arms and admiring her engagement ring. Her engagement ring! She was so happy she wanted to shout and squeal and jump around like a fourteen year old girl, but she didn't have the energy so she snuggled deeper into Jake's arms and let out a happy sigh. He kissed the top of her head and lightly rubbed circles on her back until she was so drowsy she could barely stay awake. "Why don't you rest for a while?" he asked, his deep voice rumbling in his chest against her ear. She shook her head against him, "I just got engaged, I don't want to celebrate with a nap!" He laughed, "You can celebrate when Mom and Allie get here." She pulled away from his chest to look at him, "You said they knew about the fake engagement?" "Yeah. The morning after you were admitted I called Mom and let know you were sick, and I told her then." "Was she angry?" she asked softly. She really did care for Grace and felt terrible for lying to her. Jake let out a laugh, "Oh yeah, at me. She ripped me a new ass and so did Allie when she found out, but when they found out how sick you were and how much it was tearing me up they let me off the hook. You're in the clear, sweetheart. They blamed it all on me." She tried to stifle a yawn and said, "It wasn't all your fault." "Mmmm," he kissed her head, "Come on, you need to lie down." He kissed her soundly and tried to tuck the sheets around her. She objected immediately, wanting Jake to settle in beside her. He knew they would be coming to move her to her new room soon and she needed a good rest instead of being cramped in the bed with him but one look into those big blue eyes and he knew he could deny her nothing. He smiled and crawled into the bed and she wiggled around to get comfortable, finally curling into his side and dropping her head to rest on his chest. A small smile up at him and a contented sigh later she closed her eyes and was asleep. **** A few hours later Kelly was settled into her private room. The nurse had disconnected the IV tubing and wrapped the lock in Kelly's hand in a clear plastic dressing so she could take a shower. Jake had shooed the nurse away and insisted on helping Kelly shower. She'd sat in a plastic chair in the shower while Jake had washed and rinsed her hair and gently washed her body. There was nothing sexual in the way he bathed her and her heart swelled with love as he'd tenderly and sweetly cared for her. After showering her he'd gently dried her and helped her into a clean hospital gown, then steadied her as she stood and brushed her teeth. After cleaning up she felt human again and a few minutes after getting settled into bed there was a knock at the door. Grace and Allie came through the door fist, followed by Dusty, Chase and Ryan. Grace rushed over to Kelly and pulled her into a hug, "Oh honey!" she exclaimed, kissing her forehead. Kelly returned Grace's hug, warming at the concern visible in the woman's eyes. Grace checked her over with a mother's eye and fussed about the IV in Kelly's arm, "Are you feeling better? Are you having any pain?" "I feel better, I just tire easily. Jake's been taking good care of me." Grace's gaze met her son's, and she reached out to take his hand in hers, "I've never heard him so upset, I know he was very worried. We all were." "We would have been here sooner but Jake was monopolizing the ICU visiting hours," Allie piped up as she snuck in to give Kelly a quick squeeze. "Hey they only wanted me in there for fifteen minutes out of every hour! There was no way in hell that was happening!" Jake protested. Grace stood and hugged Jake, and he held her tightly. "Thanks for coming Mom." "Well of course I came! As Allie said we'd have been here sooner but thought it best to wait until she was moved to a regular room and could have more visitors." Kelly knew the hospital must have rules about how many visitors a patient could have at a time, but so far no one had said a word about the crowd gathered in her room. She slid a sideways glance at Jake; after hearing of his bribery in the ICU she didn't doubt he'd influenced the staff to look the other way when they passed her room. What a sight was in her room! Jake didn't look as recognizable since his black and blue hair was flat and not in it's usual style but the rest of the band looked like, well they looked like rock stars! There weren't enough chairs in her room for everyone so Jake sat on one side of her bed, Grace the other. Chase was sitting on the counter by her sink since Dusty and Ryan were sprawled in the chairs. Allie was perched on Ryan's knee. That caught her attention, because Kelly had made room for Allie to sit at the foot of her bed. Hmm. Allie and Ryan seemed to be deep in conversation and Allie smiling and slightly flushed. Kelly smiled, she'd have to ask Allie about that later. They spent the next hour talking, joking and laughing. The latter had earned them some frowns from the nurse that came in to check Kelly's vitals. They kept the volume down after that, and when Kelly couldn't stifle another yawn Grace started rounding everyone up to leave. "Wait just a minute," Kelly protested, "What are you doing about the tour?" The guys shared an uneasy look before Jake said, "We're rescheduling some dates for now. We aren't doing anything until you're healthy." Her heart dropped, "Jake, no! No you can't do that! This is your first co-headlining tour and...," "Stop it, Kelly!" Jake said sharply. "Jake," Grace said softly. "I won't stop it!" Kelly looked to Dusty, Chase and Ryan, "Come on you guys! Back me up on this, please! Chances like this don't come around every day! You can't just let this slip through your fingers because of me!" Tears threatened again. Kelly looked at each of the men, waiting for one of them to say something. Allie turned and whispered something in Ryan's ear. Ryan stepped toward Kelly, ignoring a glare from Jake and said, "We all came to an agreement on this Kelly. This wasn't a quick decision we made, we all discussed it with Mitch and he's on board. The guys from Twisted know your work and they're ok with this too. Cade Colwell's having some throat trouble anyway and the extra time off works out for them too. Besides," he grinned, jerking his thumb in Jake's direction, "none of us want to be around that fucker if you're not with him, so just get better and put us out of his misery!" "Who is rearranging your tour dates and are you rebooking the venues you're going to miss?" Before anyone could answer Grace said, "We'll leave you two to discuss this. Come on, guys," she began waving everyone out of the room, "I'll see you tomorrow, Kelly." Everyone but Jake followed Grace out into the hall. When they were alone and Jake shut the door to her room she looked at him expectantly, but he didn't say anything. He looked pissed. She didn't say a word as he stalked over to the bed. He looked at her a long moment then bent down, placing one hand on each side of her head, his face inches from hers. When he spoke his voice was hard, his words clipped. "Do you not comprehend how much I love you?" She met his intense blue gaze, "I know you love me." "You. Almost. Died. How could you think I'd leave you? If the situation was reversed would you leave me?" "No, but my career isn't on the line." "You slept the first two days you were in ICU, you didn't see the worried looks the doctors and nurses wore, didn't hear them quietly discussing your kidney function, you didn't hear them ask me if there was any family they needed to contact. Right now the tour is the furthest thing from my mind. I need you healthy before I can even think about getting back out on the road." Her eyes softened and she leaned into him and kissed him, "I'm sorry. I just want this so bad for you." He sighed and sat on the edge of her bed, "We'll have it. A few days making sure you're healthy won't make or break us." "So what's the plan when I get discharged?" She asked lightly. He ran his hands through his hair, "It's your decision. You can join us on the road or stay home and I'll fly you to wherever I am whenever you want. There are a few two and three day breaks I can fly here to be with you. If you do decide to come on the road with me I'll buy another bus, on for just the two of us. It won't be perfect but it'll be better than cramming us all on the bus we have now." She knew and understood his fears that she'd tire of the rock and roll lifestyle and she wanted to put those fears to rest, "Well then you better get on buying that new bus because I'm coming with you." She recognized the relief in his eyes, felt his muscles relax and he slipped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. "Have I mentioned how much I love you?" She smiled against his shoulder, "Yes, but feel free to tell me as often as you want." Three Weeks Later Kelly was having the time of her life! From the moment Jake had adorned her neck with a lanyard holding an all access pass to the shows she'd been in rock and roll heaven. She watched the roadies and tech guys set up the stage, sound and lighting systems so they would be just right for the show only to tear it all down, travel hundreds of miles and start all over again. She watched sound checks and hung around back stage where there was always a buzz of activity. Managers, local radio staff, caterers, pyro guys all running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Kelly explored the dressing rooms and was always amazed at the lavish buffet that was set out with all the performer's favorite food and drinks. She walked to the buffet to get a plate of fruit for herself when Jax James, front man of the group Static, approached her. "Kelly, you're looking good! How's life on the road treating ya?" "Oh I love it!" she gushed, and from the corner of her eye saw Jake approaching. She shot him a dazzling smile and leaned into his side as he slid a possessive arm around her waist, "I'm learning so much from being here, things that can help me help my clients. I've decided to stick to taking on up and coming bands and put to use what I'm learning here to help market them and get them killer venues." Jax noted Jake's grip on Kelly and didn't blame him a bit for being protective; Kelly may be enjoying herself and learning a lot, but things could get ugly out here on tour and Kelly wasn't just some throw away groupie. She was the kind of girl you kept. "Well," he told her, "we were hoping to talk to you about taking Static on as a new client. You being a little badass when it comes to getting the good venues and all." Kelly beamed, already putting ideas together in her head that she was sure could further the band, "Jax I'd love to work with you guys! You're on this tour for what, three more weeks?" Kelly knew both headlining bands were very happy with Static as a supporting act and was surprised Static's booking agent or manager wasn't looking to sign them on for the rest of the tour. "Yeah, that's the plan," he eyeballed a groupie strutting by in little more that a bra and panties. "What do you have lined up after this gig?" Jax shuffled his feet then met Kelly's eyes, "Not much." She nodded, "I'll make some calls, you guys are too good to be sitting around, you should be booked pretty tight." Relief washed over Jax's face, "Thanks Kelly. You are a life saver! Hey, you feeling all right? I heard you were pretty sick." "I'm feeling much, much better," she slid her arm around Jake's waist, "Jake's taking very good care of me." "Good to hear. Take care of yourself and we'll talk soon?" "Absolutely. We'll get you booked up." Jax smiled, then nodded at Jake and headed over to a gathering of groupies. Jake pulled Kelly close to him and dropped a kiss on her lips, "That's good you're going to take on Static as clients. They're good." "Yes they are. How do you feel about keeping them on as a supporting act for the rest of the tour? I can't believe their manager isn't working on that." "Yeah, well, their manager's a dick. I think they'd be great to keep on the rest of the tour." A bleach blonde groupie chose that moment to approach Jake. Kelly rolled her eyes and shook her head, slipping out of Jake's grasp. She knew Jake loved her and trusted him not to cheat on her, but having to watch as women rubbed their nearly naked bodies up against her fiancé was just too much sometimes. A few moments later Jake met up with her as she plucked a bottle of water off the beverage cart. She looked around and didn't see the blonde leech anywhere, "Ditched your groupie?" Jake wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his hands on the small of her back and pulling her into him, "Of course," he leaned down and kissed her, a hungry kiss, not the chaste kisses he'd been giving her since she'd been sick. Kelly slid her arms around his neck and kissed him back. When his tongue demanded entrance to her mouth she complied instantly, meeting his tongue with her own, engaging in a battle. Oh she'd missed this. She loved making love to Jake, loved how gentle he'd been with her since her illness, but she'd missed these hungry, balls to the wall kisses. She pulled her lips away from his and said, "Come with me," she took his hand and weaved through the people bustling around backstage toward Jake's dressing room. "What are you doing?" he asked warily. She turned and locked the door, "Do you what this "All Access" pass does to me?" "It gets you anywhere you want to go backstage." Kelly laughed as she fingered the lanyard around her neck. She moved closer to Jake so she was standing pressed against him. She saw a flash of desire in his eyes that was quickly replaced by caution. She loved him for being so concerned about her since her hospital stay; when they'd finally made love a few days after she was discharged he'd been so loving and gentle he'd brought tears to her eyes. What they shared had been beautiful, but now, now she was ready for her rock star to...well, rock her world! She needed to be thoroughly, gloriously fucked. She knew he would fight her on it out of worry for her health so she knew she'd have to pull out all the shots. She ran her hands up his chest, his muscles straining against the tight black tee shirt, "I've always had a...thing for rock stars and when you put this around my neck every night," she pressed closely against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and murmured against his ear, "it really, really turns me on," she gave his chest a little push to force him backwards onto the sofa. She hiked her skirt up and straddled him before he had a chance to object. She quickly took off her tank top and threw it aside. She laughed out loud at Jake's wide eyed look of surprise. She ground herself against his erection as she leaned down and kissed him. After a moment's hesitation he kissed her back, his tongue plunging into her mouth, seeking her own and then meeting her thrust for thrust, lick for lick. She moaned and rubbed her breasts against him, already soaking wet for him. She protested when he broke his mouth away from hers, "Don't stop, Jake." "Sweetheart," he began. She cut him off, fisting his tee shirt into her hands, "Don't say it! So help me Jake don't you dare start harping about me just getting over a serious illness!" Eyes glittering with amusement he said, "Sweetheart, you are recovering from a serious illness." She looked deep into his amazing blue eyes, "Jake I know, but I feel fine. I've done everything the doctor told me to do; I get plenty of rest, I finished my antibiotic and I drink so much water and cranberry juice that I pee every hour!," She framed his handsome face in her hands, "I love how sweet and gentle you've been with me, but I need more. I need to be fucked, Jacoby Slade. I'm talking full rock star treatment." She watched his eyes darken, holding her breath and hoping he didn't insist on being painfully gentle with her. Not that she didn't enjoy his gentle ministrations, she did, but right now she just needed him hard and fast. His heavy lidded eyes and crooked grin made her breath catch. "So," he said slowly, catching a strand of her hair and twirling it around his fingers, "the little girl wants to fuck a rock star?" His suggestive words and sexy tone made her nipples tighten painfully and she felt another gush of juices drenching her panties, "Yes please," she moaned. She let out a startled yelp and tightened her legs around his waist when he stood. She tightened her hold around his neck while he walked over to the small table and chairs set in the center of the room. He kicked a chair out of the way and set her on the edge of the table. He reached around behind her and undid her bra, flinging the garment to the side. His eyes burned as he looked at her breasts. "These," he said, cupping and squeezing her breasts, "these are amazing." She arched her back, giving him full access to her breasts. She moaned and writhed against him as his tongue laved one nipple, then the other. He buried his face between her breasts and growled, then reached between her legs to pull her panties aside, groaning when he found her dripping wet, "So fucking wet for me." Jake quickly discarded his pants and he reached between her legs again, this time grabbing her panties and ripping them off of her. Her eyes met his and held them as he pulled her to the edge of the table and teased her slit with the his dick. He ran himself up and down her wet slit over and over again, using the head of his dick to tease her clit with each pass. She wiggled and tried to get closer to him but his hands firmly held her hips in place. "Jake," she panted, "please!" His magnificent blue eyes pierced into hers, "Please what?" "Please fuck me," she told him, seeing in his eyes the effect her words had on him. He loved it when she talked dirty, had told her it was usually undoing and she definitely planned on undoing him soon. She arched her back and thrust her breasts forward and said, "I need your dick inside me, baby. I love it when you're inside me, when my pussy throbs around you and....oooooh!" She gasped as he slammed into her, her fingers gripping the edge of the table tightly. "What was that, sweetheart?" He asked against her ear as he slammed into her again. She was beyond words now, just feeling consumed her. Gripping her hips he pounded into her again and again, each time hitting that perfect, special spot that always seemed just beyond reach and yet coming alive with each thrust. She tried to meet his thrusts but his hands held her hips in place and all she could do was open herself to him and just feel. He filled her completely, stretching her inner walls and she could feel him throb and pulsate inside her. The throbbing, the heat, the fullness was becoming too much and she felt her orgasm building. Opening her eyes she watched him fuck her. His eyes were closed, the muscles in his neck corded and tight, a sheen of sweat covering his chest. The muscles in his strong, tattooed arms bulged as he held her hips steady. The thought that this beautiful, talented man loved her, was hers, was her last rational thought as orgasm crashed through her. She dug her nails into his shoulders as she screamed his name, wave after wave of pleasure slamming through her. Her inner muscles tightened in spasms milking him and as he swelled inside her. Feeling his hot release shoot into her made her come again, shuddering and screaming as he shouted her name on one final thrust. They stayed, sweaty and panting, entangled in one another's arms until Kelly mustered the strength to lift her head and look up at him, "That was...amazing." He grinned at her, "Every time is amazing with you. Each time with you...it just keeps getting better," he tucked a sweaty strand of hair behind her ear. Her heart was so full of love for this man, this crazy, wonderful rock star, that she felt like she was going to burst. She smiled at him and knew that her love for him shone in her eyes. "There's that smile. God I love that smile!" he kissed her forehead. "Well Mr. Rockstar, I've had an amazing time here in your dressing room but your adoring fans await. You have meet and greets in ten minutes." He glanced at the clock and nodded, "Yeah. You'll be in the wings?" He spoke of the place from which she watched all their shows; a small area off to the side of the stage where she could see and not be seen, except by him and the band. She felt the familiar thrill of excitement as she thought of watching the band perform and the moments when Jake glanced to where she was standing to shoot her an occasional grin or intense, intimate look that let her know that even though he was on stage performing for thousands, he was still thinking of her. "Of course I will! I have the best seat in the house!" She slid off the table and gave him a quick but hard kiss, told him she loved him, then excused herself to clean up. His dick jumped just looking over and seeing Kelly in the wings, watching him. The love he felt burned inside him. The adrenaline high he got from performing combined with the hard on he got just knowing she was watching him perform, jumping up and down, pumping her fist in time to the music, he wanted nothing more than to rush over to the wings, toss her over his shoulder and carry her to the closest bed and sink inside her. But right now he needed to concentrate on wrapping up this second encore. They started in on the last song of the night and the crowd was really into the show, as was usual. Fuck his life was insane! He was the luckiest bastard in the world to get to have this; he shared his passion, his music on stage every night while the most beautiful girl in the world stood in the wings cheering him on. He loved the action of being on stage every night, loved the heady rush he got from knowing his band held an audience of thousands captive with their music. He loved knowing that beautiful girl waiting in the wings was his, that she loved and embraced his lifestyle, his music. Hell he loved that she loved him! He knew he was turning into a sappy bastard, the kind of pussy whipped idiot he'd always made fun of but he didn't give a shit. He had it all, his girl, his music, his band brothers. To say he'd been worried about how Kelly would handle being on the road was an understatement, but she'd taken to life on the road like a fish to water. He himself didn't indulge in the drugs anymore and didn't booze it up as often as he had in the band's younger days but that stuff was always around back stage, at the after parties and at fan events. Kelly handled it like a pro. She even handled the groupies with dignity. She didn't attend the meet and greets anymore, in part because it pissed her off to see complete strangers groping at him and in part because she said the fans came to see the band's stage persona, their image, and their image didn't include her. She'd told him that when fans came to see Defiance perform or for a meet and greet they wanted to see the image projected by the band on stage and not to see the life he and the other guys had off stage. They wanted their moment with a rock star. Not to say the hard core groupies didn't bother her, he knew they did. After a week or so of Kelly touring with them most of the even the most stubborn groupies had given up on him, but the occasional girl would make a play for him. If Kelly was nearby she'd usually just roll her eyes but when some of the bolder groupies would touch him or try to kiss him it would piss her off. He made if a point to show her every day he didn't want the groupies or the fan girls. Jealousy was a real and serious emotion that came along with this lifestyle. Hell he didn't like it when he saw the looks some of the roadies and even members of their supporting bands gave Kelly. Tit for tat she had told him. He did think that if their roles were reversed he'd be fucked. No way in hell would he let strange men paw and grope at her the way some fans did to him. Her understanding made him lover her more. He glanced over to where Kelly was standing and shot her a grin, then returned his attention to finishing up the last song of their second encore. After finishing the song the four of them joined hands and took a bow, then quickly headed off the side of the stage. Jake grabbed a towel from his guitar tech and wiped off his soaked with sweat head and then reached for a still jumping up and down Kelly. She launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, "You killed it, baby!" She didn't think she'd ever get enough of watching her perform. Seeing him do what he loved and seeing the crowd react to not only his hard work but the work of all the guys had her bursting with pride after every show. She peppered hid face with kisses as he made his way to his dressing room. As he shut the dressing room door behind them she tried to unwrap her legs from his waist and slide down his body but he stopped her, backing her into the door. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked against her lips, his eyes dark and gleaming at her, "Do you know what you do to me when I can see you in the wings, jumping around, rocking out to my songs?" She blinked up at him and shook her head. He ground his cock into her, "This is what you do. Do you know how difficult it is to perform in front of thirty thousand people with a fucking hard on?" She let out a small giggle and shook her head, "No. Do you know what it does to me to watch you perform? " Her eyes darkened with desire. "What does it do?" He whispered. She bit her bottom lip. She knew he loved it when she talked dirty, it drove him insane and he was practically daring her to do it, "Well it's quite uncomfortable, really. You see, my nipples get hard just watching you play guitar. When you wrap both hands around the mike and sing my pussy quivers and....oh," she shrieked as he hefted her over his shoulder and flung open the dressing room door, "What are you doing? Jake!" Jake stalked out of the backstage area of the arena, ignoring chuckles, odd looks and even his tour manager shouting that he had an interview it ten minutes. He marched straight to their new tour bus, through the bus and opened the door to the back bedroom. Kelly felt herself being lowered to the bed. Neither of them said a word as he shucked his pants off and hiked her skirt up around her waist. He removed her damp panties and tossed them aside. His intense blue gaze darkened as his eyes bored into hers. Silently and never breaking eye contact he slid into her, then closed his eyes for a long moment. Opening his eyes again he silently began easing in and out of her, slowly. Kelly's eyes never left his and she saw every flare of passion when he pushed back into her. She'd been naked with Jake many times and now, though both of them were partially clothed, she felt raw and exposed and she knew instinctively Jake was feeling the same way. As pleasure mounted they still remained silent, eyes locked on one another's. She wrapped her legs around his waist, lifting her hip to meet him with every slow, gentle, thrust. As her climax neared she felt tears slip from her eyes, not because she was sad but because this was the most intense, intimate loving she'd ever shared with Jake. Even as climax gripped her and her body convulsed and shuddered around his her eyes never left Jake's and as she felt him stiffen and pour hot seed into her tears escaped his eyes as well, dropping and mingling with hers. Her orgasm had been earth shattering and she normally screamed like a banshee when Jake made her come but this silent giving of her body to him and his to her had been intense, soul bearing. After catching his breath he rolled off of her onto his side, still looking down at her. He wiped her tears away and she reached up to his face and did the same. Jake softly said, "My God," his hands shook as he cupped her face, "You are my everything, Kelly. If everything, my band, my success, my money were taken away tomorrow I wouldn't give a damn as long as I had you. I've heard people say that shit but never believed it until now. It scares the shit out of me to love you so much." She nodded, her voice thick with tears, "I love you so much....so much it hurts. It scares me, too, but I wouldn't have it any other way." He shook his head, "That's good, because I'm not letting you go," he held her tight for a long time, until she reminded him of a radio interview. "I don't give a damn about the interview." She laughed and gave him a gentle push, "Yes, you do. Come on, go be a rock star. I'll be here when you get back." "Always?" he asked. "Yes, always. Forever." Three Months Later The tour had wrapped up last night in Miami and Jake had surprised Kelly by telling her he had arranged for a house on the beach to stay in for a while, just the two of them. That sounded like heaven to Kelly. She really did love the other guys in the band but four months on a cramped bus...well, she was ready for a break. The other guys were staying at a house just down the beach so they wouldn't be too far away. The house Jake had rented was beautiful, a large spacious home with an open floor plan and lots of windows so that even while she was inside it felt like she was outdoors. She followed Jake from room to room, her jaw dropping several times as he showed her the master bath with a shower that would hold ten and a large whirlpool tub that looked like it would hold just as many. The master suite was larger that the first floor of her condo back home. Jake showed her several other guest rooms, one had been converted to an office for her and another was a music room, full of guitars, amplifiers and other media equipment. Her jaw dropped again as she took in the lanai complete with screened in patio and an infinity pool, and a hot tub built in. The turquoise water beyond was beautiful. "Jake this is amazing! It's perfect!" she told him as he led her to the great room to have a seat on the large, sectional couch. "You really like it?" he sounded nervous. "Of course I do! I love it! Did you see that kitchen? I can't wait to cook for you! This place is fabulous!" "I'm glad you like it," he said, again with a nervous edge to his voice. "Babe are you ok?" She leaned closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm good. I'm just wondering if you like this house enough to consider it home?" She snapped her eyes up to his, "What? Really?" "If you want," he said gruffly, "or we can go wherever you want to go." "Jake," she cupped his face in her hands, "my home is where you are. You are my home, whether we are here, in a hotel, or on a bus or in the middle of nowhere." He buried his head in her hair and held her close before pulling back, "I'm kind of doing this backwards," he said, reaching for his guitar, "I have a song to play for you." Her heart melted, "You wrote me a song?" He grinned, "I didn't write it, I learned it months ago. I've just been waiting for the right time to play it." He strummed a few chords began singing, meeting her eyes, "Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you," he crooned. Tears fell from her eyes as he continued, "Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can't help falling in love with you." As soon as he set the guitar down Kelly threw her arms around his neck, "You remembered! It's my favorite, and it was beautiful!" she cried, wiping her eyes. Her heart doubled in size with love for him! Tears slipping from her eyes, she launched herself at him, tackling him onto the tile floor and rolling until he was on top of her. "We have some studio time booked in Miami to get to work on our next album. Do you think you can put a wedding together in 6 months?" She looked panicked, "Six months? There's so much to do, book a church, a reception venue, flowers, a caterer...," He interrupted her, "I don't use my celebrity status often but I'm willing to make an exception if it will make you my wife sooner." She laughed, "Of course, you're Jacoby Slade, I'm sure you can get a wedding together at the snap of your fingers." "Now you got it, baby," he grinned. "I'd like for your mom and sister to be here to help me. They will enjoy it and so will I." "I'll fly them down in a week or two," he said, leaning down to kiss her, a hot, open mouth kiss full of promises, "I want you to myself for a while." She nuzzled his neck for a moment then pulled back, "What about my condo and my things?" He shrugged, "I'll take care of your lease and I'll get movers to go in and pack things up." She smiled as he began to unbutton her silk shirt, "You have it all figured out, huh?" He looked up at her, "I think I finally do. You rocked my world, Kelly. You rocked it and flipped it upside down." Smiling up at him she teased, "There are so many places in this house to make love. There's the bedroom of course, the shower, the bathtub and then outside we have a pool, hot tub and even the ocean!" With a grunt he stood, then lifted her and started up the stairs, "And I will have you in all of those places, sweetheart, by the end of the day." She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, dropping her head onto his shoulder, letting his strong, tattooed arms cradle her. He was hers, her rock star, her lover, her friend, and soon to be her husband. |