For once there was a noble knight, just in his actions and morals; He fought for who he though was needy, whether it be man or woman; For many a year, he fought in and out for those he had accepted into his guardianship; He fought for them; But little did they know that a great evil had began to well in his heart; It seemed the devil himself, could be the only one to sow such a seed, in such a noble being; But indeed, it was the devil; He kept this to himself, in fear of the others knowing his sudden weakness; For, to them he was a pillar of support; He had his inner conflictions hidden for a long period of time; But the inevitable began to happen; His wall of resilience, that suffered many a barrage from the outside; Began to be eroded from the inside, sabotage; He became a two-edged blade; One you could lean on, and then in a instant, turn on you; A dark night, he did become; For a time, the evil was strong, but he came to handle this entity; Managing to hold it back, until no-one noticed; He was still the knight of reliance; This continued, until a greater evil wandered onto his path; Flaring the inner evil, the new evil began to play with the knight; Testing and contorting him, testing the waters, through a wall of deceit and fake need; The knight fell fool hardy, to the needs of the people; He was played into obliviousness; Though it was his greatest sin, his evil became his greatest asset; Through his inner monster, the knight managed to abate the new evil, with only a portion of his power; By feeding his inner daemon, he continued to exist; Not as a true white knight, but a mere copy of the true thing; |