Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1928430-A-True-Love-Story
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1928430
Trying out my storytelling skills through poetry.
First let me set the scene, of an adolescent teen
Caught between his reality and a dream
Bounded by a day that love roams freely
But in his mind it's contained, analysis to see what it could be
Till his eyes tried to perceive what only his mind could conceive
Of a perfect stranger chilling at ease
An angelic individual left unknown
Is still something his mind couldn't believe

So he approached her but before he could speak
She reverts his world to silence and ask what do you seek?
Now everything he has rehearsed for weeks...
Has been overwhelmed by self-doubt
But he's determined not to back out
Before he finds out what love is about
As she explains on how love for her always takes a different route
How every guy she ever care for seems to scratch her heart out
How everyone is the same just running game
Trying to achieve what they think will bring them closer to a fulfillment of manhood
She continues on how she can't even categorize her own father as man of good
And how he himself would be no different she claim
That he would come take then leave with no shame
As her final words were you guys are all just the saa!!!...

At a drop of a dime he stops her a shamed
On how she has already cursed loves name
As he begins to show her he's not the same
He stars by saying...
See i been watching you for a while
Not in the weird way, but the right way
I been watching your style your smile
Your earthly embrace, your walk of such grace
And your heavenly ora with a glow that illuminates hell's darkest fury!!!
For I am here looking for peace and love
So you can rest your weary heart and relax your soul; and have no worry.

From that moment on, minutes became hours
Hours became days and day grew to weeks
As love takes their hearts into captivity
Their minds don't run it through any test
It just relaxes and let love manifest
Till he ask "Can I have the key to your heart?"
She pause in retrospect and thinks back...
To the last guy she let earn that respect
And how he took that respect for neglect
So she made a promise to never let...
Her heart tell her who to select

So she reply no my heart is for no one to have
Because in the past it always gets stabbed
From understanding her failed relationships he accepts her answer
And still in all sense of her words, he'll still love her like the cure to cancer
So he ask her to make a promise to her self
A promise to....

Close her eyes and listen with her heart
Feel with her mind and let ever thing work in time
To never shy away from love at a rough start
And never judge a men for another man's crimes
As he makes a promise of his own to her....

That he will acknowledge her mind is frangible
But yet still very manageable
To first understand her every silent moment
So he can understand the words she speaks into existence
To love her from the heart and not just with physical parts
And to love her with a passion in every single fashion.
Cherish every moment with her and miss her when she's gone
And before there souls departs...
He'll hold her like it's the last time
Kiss her like he'll never see her again
And talks to her the way he wants a man to talk to his mother
Show her how he wants to make her his cherie amour
By hugging her tightly that providers warmth to her core
Abide by McKnight's five for as long as he's a live
And to respect her women's worth
Show her how the sweetest thing she'll ever know...
With a kiss on the collarbone
Show her how he's not impressed with what on the magazines
Because he knows her beauty is way more than skin deep
And for that he'll dream of her when he's awake and a sleep...

But as he reaches his final promise he is stopped by...
Tear's of love's pains and pleasures
A reaction he couldn't measure
So he grabs her, hold her tight and make his final promise
Something she will forever treasure...

So he starts with a kiss on her forehead
And telling her how he will never try to be a man...
And solve all her problems
As streams of tears dry on his shirt they still grow stronger
To cleanse away her deepest sorrows
As his final promise is what no other before him could keep
So he gather his thoughts,takes a deep breath and swallows
And promises that no matter what happens today
He will always be there for the rest of her tomorrows...

For those very words awoke her heart
As love comes forth, a rose grows from the dust
But before his heart is consumed by love
A tap on the shoulder snaps him to reality
And before he knew it love has cease to exist
A love for the perfect stranger...
That was conceived by the mind through only a dream

Now it's this girl of his dreams that has him...
Questioning whether the definition of beauty what it seems
Because in her essence it doesn't conform
It never has since the day she was born
For her beauty has no norm
So he makes a promise to himself...

That if he ever meet this girl in her physical form
The promise in his dream is what he will perform
With word that go so deep...
But not the last nor the least
So for his final part of speech
If they were to ever meet he would praise; her
From her head to her feet
And give her his love till the day
That behind his name they say...
© Copyright 2013 Leon W. (lew9329 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1928430-A-True-Love-Story