Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1927270-Trics
by Beam
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Adult · #1927270
Fate is a funny thing, and the world is small.
His hands, strong and calloused, kneading the dough. Picking it up and slamming it back down onto the floured table. His arms and shoulders, lean and strong, flexing with the action. His mouth, lips slightly parted, full and sexy. His eyes, deep drowning blue, focused on his task. His hair, a bizarre blend of light blonde and dark brown, getting long and wavy. His ass and thighs, hugged perfectly in blue jeans, flexing and relaxing in synch with his movements.
Alexxa rested her forehead against the shower wall, the hot spray flowing down her back. Her arms hung relaxed. She groaned as she relived Tric making bread earlier that day at work. That man was sex on a fucking stick.
She was the lowly line cook at a local bar and grill. She was content to be so. She had no great aspirations of running the kitchen. Too much pressure. Lexx simply loved cooking and working the busy line. Chef Michael had hired her three years prior and taught her the ropes. She was grateful every day for the knowledge he had imparted, but today he quit. Announced at the beginning of dinner service that he was retiring and his replacement would start immediately. Jerome, the sous, Kenny, another line, and Lexx had stood shocked and silent as Michael left the kitchen without an introduction or explanation and his presence was replaced by Tric. He was six-feet-giant and football-player-huge. How the hell was he going to fit into this tiny kitchen, Lexx had marveled. He had given them all a shy smile and began calming fears and concerns. She had been distracted by his good looks, but tried to pay attention. She couldn’t remember anymore what his specific credentials had been, but she knew he had the experience. Jerome had taken it the hardest. Everyone could tell he would have wanted the position. Lexx had a feeling he wouldn’t be sticking around… But she had no problem accepting the change. Who objects to eye candy like that?
Alexxa turned around under the water and decreased the cold water until the hot nearly scalded her chest. Angling her body just so, she lowered herself to sit under the spray and breathed in the steam. She knew it was stupid to be thinking about her new boss like that, but as long as it remained thoughts what was the harm? Her mind’s eye continued seeing him, and slowly she began fantasizing further. A late night after dinner service, everyone else would be gone home. Alexxa would be left alone to clean and close the kitchen and take care of any late-night-menu orders from the bar. Tric would meander in to get familiar with the cooler and freezer. Check on what was stocked or needed to be replenished. Maybe he would be adding or adjusting items to the menu. They would strike up a conversation about… whatever. Then Lexx, in her no-boundaries glory, would suggest getting drunk together, and if nakedness ensued so be it. Spreading her bent knees in the shower, Lexx allowed the hot water to flow over her aching kitty. It had been months since another person had spent time down there and for Lexx months felt like eternity. She needed sex, but for the moment she would have to take care of herself. She slowly began easing the tension with Tric fantasy.
His hands glided down her neck as he nipped and kissed at her mouth. He pulled her bra straps down and bit solidly into her shoulder. With ease, Tric popped her bra clasp and threw the troublesome garment to oblivion. His devilish grin cut into Lexx as he slid fingers over nipples, sending them to attention. Lexx pulled his t-shirt up his massive torso and explored his chest with her hands. Tric finished removing his shirt and rested his hands on her hips, allowing her as much time as she wanted to enjoy his body. She looked into his eyes and began swimming, her body humming with need. He unbuttoned her jeans and squatted down. He teased her nipples with his mouth as he shoved her pants and underwear to her ankles. Lexx held her breathe as Tric hummed down her belly and into her hip bone. His face was so close to her sweet spot, but she resisted the urge to shove his mouth onto her clit. He would get there soon enough. He stood again and took a step back so she could get a full view of him removing his own pants and boxer-briefs. His cock sprang out, hard and ready. Tric fisted the length a few times just to drive her crazy. Alexxa loved seeing a man taking so much control. He knew what he wanted and he knew how he was going to get it.
Lexx’s thighs were beginning to tremble, and she was nearing her first orgasm when her reverie was broken by the screeching buzzer of her apartment door. The maintenance guy still hadn’t come out to fix the disgusting sound of the broken box. But who would be there at midnight? Her first early night in weeks. Maybe Carla. A bartender at the same place as Lexx, no one else that knew where Lexx lived would show up at this time of night. Lexx growled as she turned off the water and stepped out. She wrapped her body into a beach towel but left her bobbed hair hang dripping. Carla wouldn’t care what Lexx was wearing, so she had no problem leaving the bathroom and heading to the door. Without bothering to ask who was there, she held down the entry button, allowing enough time for Carla to get in. Lexx unbolted her door and cracked it open so Carla could just come in, and then headed for the kitchen to grab a beer. If she was going to have to wait a few hours to come, she might as well enjoy some alcohol. When she heard a tap on the door, she hollered out,
“Get your ass in here and explain why you interrupted my very steamy shower sex fantasy about my new boss.”
Lexx tossed the bottle cap into the trash and rounded the corner from the kitchen. She stopped dead in her tracks and dropped the sweating beer bottle when she saw not Carla, but Tric standing in her open doorway. He looked flushed and dark and confused and sexy all at the same time. Lexx tried desperately to formulate speech but nothing happened. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t react.
“Hi. Do you always open your door without asking who it is? That just doesn’t seem smart. Especially when you are wearing a towel.” He closed the door behind him and slipped his shoes off without being asked. Lexx still couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, so he continued. “You dropped your beer. That’s a waste of good alcohol.” He squatted in front of her and picked up the now half-empty bottle. “Got a towel to clean that up?” He was so close to her, she could feel his heat against her naked skin. His eyes sparkled and he lowered his voice, “Or should I use this one?” he slid one finger between the overlap of towel around her body. One small tug and it would be off. Lexx forced herself to speak, “Eh.” Wow. Good job girl. She wanted to hit herself but that didn’t happen either. Tric stepped back and laughed deep. He was clearly amused by the whole situation. Maybe he hadn’t heard what she said about the shower… When he wandered into the bathroom searching for a towel, Lexx managed to snap herself back a little. “I thought you would be someone else. Carla. I thought it was Carla at the door. She comes by sometimes when she gets off early but doesn’t want to go home to her sister. So no I don’t open the door for strangers. Just her. And she doesn’t care about the towel. If it was anybody else I would have put on a shirt or at least a robe or something.” Okay now you’re rambling, she told herself. Tric came back to her with a towel that she knew had been on the floor of her bathroom. When he knelt to clean the beer, she jumped and dropped to her knees. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t be cleaning my mess in my own apartment. I’m just completely shocked you’re here.” Lexx took the towel and began sopping up the liquid. She lifted her chin to meet Tric’s eyes that were staring intently on her. “Why are you here? How did you know where I lived? Why are you here?” He smiled at her, but he had a dark edge to him. “I’m your boss remember? I have access to your personal file. Address and everything.” “That’s a little messed up don’t you think? You could have called me. Or waited till tomorrow. I work tomorrow.” Lexx laid the towel over the spill and knelt on it to soak up any remaining beer. Tric stood in front of her and she blushed when she realized his cock was at mouth level. “I really like seeing you on your knees like that.” Holy shit! Lexx jerked her head up and her mouth dropped open. “Oh that’s even better,” Tric growled. Lexx was dumb-struck again. She slowly stood up, not sure her knees would hold her weight, and clutched the now dirty towel to her chest. She became very aware that she was still clad in only a towel. She didn’t know what to say or do. She was shocked, excited, angry, nervous, and a little bit scared. This gorgeous hunk of man had shown up at work eight hours ago and now was in her apartment and making very blatant sexual comments to her. What was she supposed to do? Drop the towel and let him have his way with her, or kick him in the balls and call the cops? She chose neither. Without a word, she stepped past him and down the short hall into her bedroom. That door she closed behind herself. Taking a deep breath, Lexx threw both towels onto her bed and grabbed jogging pants and a t-shirt from the top of her closet. Putting on underwear would have required digging through a hamper of unfolded clean clothes and there just wasn’t time for that. Tric was alone in her living room. She ran her fingers through her damp hair. It was beginning to dry and without a proper brushing it would turn into a scary kind of frizzy fluff. With another deep breath, she forced herself out of the bedroom and back to Tric. She found him settled into her couch, feet propped up on her small ottoman, a beer in each hand. “I got you another beer. The least I could do since I scared the first one right out of your hand.” Okay, that kind of pissed her off. She stormed over to him and kicked his feet off her beloved ottoman. With hands on hips, she snarled, “Why are you here? What makes you think it is okay to come into a stranger’s house, make explicit comments, get into their fridge, and put your feet on their ottoman?” He seemed to shrink for a moment, but then leaned forward and grinned again. “Why are you protecting the ottoman?” “Seriously! Tric! Why are you in my apartment?” Alexxa was absolutely livid now. This douche bag was taking this all as a joke. After a pause, Tric stood and sat the beers down on the coffee table. He faced her at a safe distance and raised his hands in surrender. “I’m really sorry, Ex. I thought…” he shifted nervously on his feet and buried his hands in his pockets. “I thought maybe you remembered me. That maybe you were trying to just keep it professional at work. I guess it never occurred to me that you wouldn’t recognize me. I knew you right away, Ex. I’d know you anywhere, Ex.” Alexxa reeled with confusion. Recognize him? Remember? “Holy shit,” she squeaked as her eyes grew wide. His bizarre multi-colored hair. His swimming-pool eyes. ‘Ex.’ “Leo. Leo? Leo!” her voice grew higher and louder with every word. “Holy fuck! Leo Mastric! Leonard fucking Mastric! What the fucking holy shit hell!” Tric laughed long and hard relieving his tension. “Apparently you remember now.”
© Copyright 2013 Beam (darkone817 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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