Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1926909-A-Place-without-People
by Sk
Rated: · Essay · Children's · #1926909
An unknown place, where creatures unseen live.
It was dark. The landscape of the moor seemed like an ancient burial ground. Nothing stirred in this forsaken place. The place was interesting itself. A forest resided on the other side of the dry moor. The sentinel woods cast horrific shrouds on the ground. There was no wind to rock the branches of the trees. The place possessed a peculiar silence. Animals seemed to have longed disappeared.  The full moon only seemed to illuminate the forest to make any passerby become petrified of the thought of entering it.
But was the forest completely soulless? People didn’t wander into the forest because of its frightening demeanor. But the forest was actually a harmless and so were its visible and invisible residents. The forest was not the home of angry spirits or the undead contrary to people’s preconceptions. It was the home of small animals- squirrels, rabbits, insects, birds and of course -fairies and pixies. For centuries they have lived in the forest in peace and tranquility. No humans ever to disturb them. They themselves did not like the external appearance of the forest, but they knew that their harmony would cease to exist if humans found out of their inheritance. So by magic and spells an almost demonic forest would appear to human eyes beside the moor.
Deep inside the forest was fairy tale fantasies come true. At this hour frogs croaked and nocturnal insects jumped to find food. The leaves of the trees seemed to whistle almost inaudibly. Small animals like rabbits and squirrels had gone into their burrows; still their ears would twitch at the slightest sound. Nature was taking its inevitable course. Even the birds that lived here in the deep forest chirped no more, they sat in their nests, eyes closed; sleeping.  Still at this hour, the pixies and fairies still played in the full moonlit night.  They skated over the lake and the quiet ones hung on the branches of the trees watching the commotion.  They created small floating orbs of light almost like miniature moons to see the lake. They would hold their hands together and dance in circle just like human children. It was a mesmerizing magical moment, but human eyes could never be allowed to see it.
Nevertheless all the inhabitants of the forest are afraid of people. They know that some may burn down the forest-for only material wealth. Also some may even try to capture them, if they come to know of their existence. But for the time being, their habitation is unknown to people. They live in a world of their own- a place without people. Their world probably never had contact with humans, they lived on their own; beside nature. And they are so thankful that their magic creates such illusions to keep away trespassers.
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