Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1926745-Resistant-to-Change
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1926745
What happens when a girl wakes up on an alien lab table and they're feeling experimental?
Bright... It's so bright..

The girl squinted at the harsh light that seared into her eyes. She tried to turn her head to avoid the light, but to her horror, found she couldn't move her head no more than a few centimeters, a clamp held her skull firmly in place. Green eyes widened to their full limits and she tried twisting her body and discovered she couldn't get loose.

She tugged her wrists to no avail, her hands were bound. Moving her feet provided the same results. Twisting her lower body proved ineffective as well. Her stomach was being held by some sort of cold band that chilled her bare skin.

Bare skin?!

Angling her head and eyes as far as she could to look down her body, she gasped when she saw she was totally stripped down. But how?! How did she get here?! And where was here anyways? The room was pure white and she was lying flat on what felt like a table. Bright lights shone from overhead and she could clearly see what looked like a large window, where three figures stood, clad in silver bodysuits, observing her.

"HELP!" she screamed, her frightened eyes darting around for someone. Anyone.

No one came. She tried again, barely noticing a slight mechanical whirring from behind her.

"Someone help me-MMMPPPH!!!" A black ball attached to a silver band extended from the ceiling and lodged itself into her mouth, the bands unhooking and then attaching firmly to the table she lay upon. Apparently whoever the Hell brought her here wanted their unwilling house guest to be quiet.

Breathing heavily against the gag, she stared in wide-eyed horror, watching as one of the figures looked down and moved its hands. Were they tapping at keyboards?!

Oh God, I'm in lab.. they're going to do some fucking experiment on me!

As soon as the thought completed itself, her attention was drawn to another whirring noise coming from above her. Looking up, she saw two circular devices descend from the white ceiling. The girl let out a muffled squeal as the cold metal attached themselves to her bare, ample breasts.

Are they serious?!

Little pincers on the insides of the cups latched onto her nipples, making them harden involuntarily.


Sharp jolts zapped through her breasts, charging her entire body. The girl screamed against the gag, and tried to thrash her head, only succeeding in getting a few auburn strands in her face. The jolts electrified her entire nervous system and she writhed on the table, her body finding exquisite pleasure amidst the pain. But then she always a bit of a masochist.

She was so lost in the sensations that she did not hear another mechanical whirring. So she was rudely shocked when the clamps around her ankles tightened and moved backwards, forcing her legs to spread and knees to bend. Trying to focus proved a herculean task, what with those volts making her so hot that she was certain she was drenching the table.

A door opened and one of the figures at the window stepped inside the bright room. It was clad in a gray, sparkly body suit from head to toe. Not even its eyes were visible due to the dark lenses of its helm. The only thing she could discern about this person was that it was a male due to the flat chest and broad shoulders.

Wait... did it only have three fingers?

The creature in front of her opened a drawer and pulled out a huge syringe. Well, the sight of that totally killed her buzz! She wriggled, trying to escape, trying to plead with the person bringing the needle towards her but no sound other than frantic moaning and squealing would come from the gag.

A strong hand gripped her shoulder, holding her to stop her wriggling. Her eyes pleaded with him not to do this, but he paid no mind and jabbed the gigantic needle into her right arm. She winced at the sting, not worried about the pain, but about what he was pumping into her body.

Finished with his task, the minion removed the needle from her arm and tossed it in an opening that appeared on the table at the press of a button. Another button press recalled the devices that had latched themselves to her breasts. One last button press and a cable extended from the table with a small clamp at the end. This one slid between her legs and latched onto her clitoris. Small static shocks were delivered to the sensitive bundle of nerves. Clenching her fingers, the pale girl writhed on the table. God, it felt so good! The clamp began vibrating and her back arched. Her eyes lifted to make sure the lackey at her side wasn't going to touch her but he just stood impassively... taking fucking notes on a datpad!? Whatever, as long as he didn't touch her.

What he did do was turn a knob near all the buttons and the metal cups descended from the ceiling to latch onto her breasts once again, sending more titillating shocks through her already charged nervous system.

The added stimulation coupled with the wicked little cable between her legs sent her careening over the edge. Eyes rolling back in her head, she thrashed and trembled violently as she came on top of the lab table. She didn't notice the man at the table speak into a microphone on his collar.

She had no idea what was being said over the speaker, it was all weird hisses and consonants, no vowels. Aliens? She'd been abducted by aliens...

Why was that not as alarming as it should've been?


That was the last coherent thought she had before her skin became a blanket of white, hot pain.

Tears spilled from her eyes and she shrieked against the gag as her skin felt like it was being consumed by fire ants. Beyond the pain she felt as if her skin was growing thicker. Her eyes burned and the base of her spine felt strange... Was something growing back there?! What the Hell were they doing?!

She tried screaming these words at the person observing, but her brain mercifully decided to shut down and the bright room faded to black.


What... happened?

Lifting a hand to her pounding skull, Anna sat up. Her eyes snapped open. She was free? No gag? She wasn't chained? She brought her hands up to her face for inspection.

She froze, her heart caught in her throat.

Gray... Her skin was gray... and shiny.

What the fuck did they do to her?!

Hopping off the lab table, she ran to the glass window to see her reflection. Her steps felt different and she nearly fell but caught herself against the glass. Eyes widening to their full limits, Anna let out a soft whimper of disbelief. Her skin had gone from soft and pale to shiny and light gray, purple stripes adorned her arms, legs, waist and cheeks. Her bright green eyes were now a brighter, lime shade. Her hair had gone from auburn to fuchsia. Her hips had narrowed a bit and her waist and breasts had shrank but not by much. But what stood out the most was her face... It was cat-like, slanted eyes, feline nose and mouth. Small green...horns... sprouted from the center of her head. She ran her tongue over her teeth, not surprised to find they were sharper. Swallowing, she ran her trembling hands over her stomach... Her stomach was green now... with scales.

The room felt weird. She needed to sit.

Running her clawed hands through her hair, she headed back to the table, something eavy pulling her down from the waist.

Wait, what..?

Angling her hips so she could see, she squeaked at the small tail protruding from the small of her back. It was gray with purple stripes as well and fell about to her knees. It had green spines running along the middle, like a dragon's tail.

This was all too much to take in. She walked back to the table, her steps still feeling strange like she was walking on stilts or tip-toes. Looking down at her feet her eyes popped again. Digitgrade feet?! With purple toes and green claws, but digitgrade feet?!

She so had to get out of here....

She ran to the door and tried to pull it open but to no avail. She ran to the window, banging hard on the glass. Hopefully whatever they did to her gave her super strength.

She punched the glass, and whimpered in pain while the glass remained mockingly unscathed.

Guess that was a no on the super strength.

Sighing she backed away from the glass to get a better look at herself. In a strange way, it was a very sexy look. She might be able to get used to it...

.... in about a million years. But at least it was cute.

The room went from white to dark room red in the blink of an eye. Loud sirens blared, hurting her sensitive new hearing. Clamping her hands over her ears, she fell to the ground. What was going on!?

The doors slid open and four of those weirdos in the silver suits glided into the room, straight towards her. They reached for her and she rolled away, but they were pretty fast. One was hissing at the others in some strange language she'd never heard before.

She tried crawling toward the open door, but it slid shut just as she reached it. Strong three fingered hands grabbed her by the ankles, arms and tail, dragging her kicking and screaming back to the lab table. Anna fought valiantly but it was in vain. Straps and clamps extended and held her down, forcing her into a spread eagle position.

Haven't they done enough?!

Sharp lime eyes darted to the ceiling in time to see a hatch opening. A long, silver probe extended. She knew a probe when she saw one. Her breath caught when the top part of the table angled and folded so she was now in a reclining position.

The thick probe descended toward her gray muzzle, forcing its way in. The metal chilled her tongue, and lodged its way to the very back of her throat. She twisted her head, purple strands flying, trying to get away but to no avail. A camp appeared from behind her and clamped around her muzzle, keeping it shut tight around the probe.

The sound of hydraulics and then a warm splatter inside of her mouth. Her eyes popped and she tried again to get away, but it was no use. The probe pumped the thick, cream-colored hot liquid into her mouth at an alarming rate. She couldn't help but swallow some of it so she could breath. The rest dribbled from the corners of her mouth, down her neck and over her breasts. Was it weird that this was beginning to excite her a bit?

The clamp released her mouth and the probe removed itself, though it wasn't done pumping bits of the serum, splattering her in the face. She gasped for breath, eyes falling shut and head lulling back.

Another mechanical whirring noise caught her attention and she paled at that sight of what had risen from the end of the table. It had to be about nine inches long and a few inches thick, and made of what looked like latex. The lackey at the table pulled a lever and the table lifted and tilted so that the probe was lined up with her vagina. No... they weren't going to... Oh, shit!

The probe slid into her already sensitized opening and her back arched at the friction. And her movement only made it easier for the descending breast-clamps to reattach themselves, delivering those pleasant shocks again while the probe pumped into her ready flesh. Her head thrashed, sending leftover bits of goo trailing down her, smooth, shiny skin. The probe inside of her released pleasing vibrations against her G-spot and her back arched as she felt herself about to come again. A burst of hot liquid, shooting inside of her was enough to send her careening off of that edge. Yeowling, she shivered and thrashed on the table, shooting off a squirting orgasm, the table getting soaked with the alien serum as well as her own juices.

Coming down from her endorphin high, Anna opened her hazy eyes to see those extraterrestrial goons scribbling something in their datapads. And then that same series of hissing and consonants echoed through the room.

Why was her new shiny skin itchy?

Looking down at herself, her voice left her when she saw her body shifting, her waist shrinking. Then the pain started again. White hot, searing agony. The shrieking and yeowling would've probably shattered Earthly glass it was so loud but no such luck with this stuff that caged her in. Again, it seemed that even in this new form her brain decided to be merciful and shut down again.


Cold. It was really cold.

A soft whimper left Anna's throat and she opened her eyes.

She was staring at her ceiling in her room. Relief flooded her. Dear God, it was all a dream. Getting up, she headed to her mirror, her tail dragging behind her.

Wait what?!

Glancing behind her she felt the blood drain from her face when she saw the ankle-length tail protruding from her back. Running to the mirror a yip of disbelief left her.

She was... furry.

Her waist and breasts had shrank even more, giving her an hour glass figure, but that wasn't what caught her eye. Her body, instead of covered wit gray latex-like skin, was covered in gray fur. Where there were once purple stripes on her shiny skin, there was now purple stripes of fur. Green horns still protruded from her head of thick, fuchsia hair. Her belly was covered with green scales and... were those green nipples? Her eyes were still that sharp lime from before, and her face now covered in soft fur as well, and was no longer cat-like but wolfish. The scales o her stomach made her want to think lizard but she knew what it really was... something older, ancient... powerful.

Would she be able to breathe fire? Because she really wanted to roast them alive right now.

"They do this to me... then dump me back home?!" Storming to the window on her still-digitgrade legs (a lot faster than her human ones, maybe she could get used to this) she leaned her head out of the open window. "You fucking jerks!" she growled at the night sky, hoping they could hear her.

Sighing, Anna made her way back to the bed. Well, all chance of a normal life was gone now. But then again... normal is a dryer setting... Nothing interesting is ever normal.


She looked at herself in the mirror again, angling her head and admiring her new figure.

I still look damned good.

So... she was furry... clearly merged with wolf and... Where they hell did they get a dragon? Oh well, nothing to do about it now. She'd just have to get used to it. Sniffing, her head darted in the direction of the window. Her sense of smell was heightened. She could smell her lover about ten blocks away.

A smirk tugged her muzzle. Maybe those aliens needed a male subject? And her sweetie had mentioned change was a good thing....

© Copyright 2013 HarvestCat (sekhmankh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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