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Rated: E · Script/Play · Action/Adventure · #1926125
This script I wrote from watching the episode off by heart. No copyright intended
START SONG: Morning in Ponyville

[Fade in with magestical music. Pan camera over Ponyville, zoom in to Twilight's library. Twilight opens a window.]

Twilight singing:
Morning in Ponyville shimmers,
Morning in Ponyville shines.
And I know for absolute certain;
That everything is certainly fine.

[Twilight goes out into town square singing about what's around her.]

Twilight singing:
The mayor, en-route to her office,
The sofa clerk selling some quills.

[She goes to a cafe where there's some ponies enjoying tea.]

Twilight singing:
My Ponyville, is so gentle and still,
can things ever go wrong?
I don't think that they will.

[Twilight jumps up onto a table and starts tap-dancing, when she's finished, another pony does the same. Then two ponies lift her back down onto the ground. As she walks along the road, she's joined by other ponies. Earth ponies are walking behind her, singing along, and pegasi are flying in the background.]

Twilight singing:
Morning in Ponyville shimmers!
Morning in Ponyville shines!
And I know for absolute certain;
that everything is certainly...

[A splash of water interrupts her. Twilight looks up to the sky]

Rainbow Dash; that's not funny!

[Rarity is on a bridge near-by, using her magic to move clouds.]

Terribly sorry, darling. See, I'm not good with the thunder-y ones.

[zoom in on Rarity's flank which has Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. zoom back in on Twilight]

Something tells me everything is not going to be fine.

[Cut to intro]

[fade back in on Rarity, trying to move clouds around. An angry crowd have formed around her]

Rarity, what happened to your cutie mark? And where's Rainbow Dash? Why isn't she handling this?

What ever do you mean, Twilight? I'm simply doing what I've done since it first appeared. There; doesn't my sky look wonderful?

[the crowd closes around her, arguing]

Too out of season?
[fade out. Fade back in, Twilight and Spike are walking through the forest]

[Spike yawns]

I still don't see what you had to wake me up for; I love sleeping in the rain.

It's not the weather, Spike. Rarity had Rainbow Dash's cutie mark, and said this was Rainbow Dash's cottage. Something strange is going on.

[They've arrived at Fluttershy's cottage]

[Twilight knocks on the door, and Rainbow Dash answers]

Rainbow Dash tentatively:
Oh, hey guys.

Rainbow Dash. What are you doing in Fluttershy's cottage? And why is Rarity doing your job?

[there is a crash from inside, and Rainbow Dash quickly goes in, and shuts the door. Twilight and Spike slowly follow her in]

… And what in Equestria is going on in here?

[the inside of the cottage is chaos. Animals are running amok all through it.]

START SONG: What my cutie mark is telling me.

Rainbow Dash singing:
These animals don't listen.
No not one little bit.
They run around out of control,
and throw their hissy-fits.
It's up to me to stop them;
'cause plainly you can see:
It's got to be my destiny,
and it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

[Twilight and Spike go to Sugarcube Corner, where there's a crowd watching Fluttershy, who's trying to be funny, but not being very successful.]

Fluttershy singing:
I try to keep them laughing,
Put a smile on their face.
But no matter what I try,
It ends up a bit of a disgrace.

[Everyone is laughing, and Fluttershy looks up hopefully, but she realises it's Spike who's doing it. When Twilight sees Fluttershy's dissapointment, she makes him stop.]

Fluttershy singing:
I have to entertain them,
for plainly you can see.
It's got to be my destiny,
and it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

[Fade to Sweet Apple Acres, where Pinkie Pie is trying to do Applejack's chores. Her mane is straight, rather than its usual bouncy form.]

Pinkie Pie singing:
I don't care much for picking fruit,
And ploughing fields ain't such a hoot.
No matter what I try; I cannot fix this busted water chute.

I have so many chores to do,
it's no fun being me.
But it has to be my destiny;
'cause it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

[Fade to Carousel Boutique, where Applejack is at a sewing machine.]
Lookie here at what I made, I think that it's a dress.
I know it doesn't look like much,
I'm under some distress.
Can y'all give me a hand here,
and help me fix this mess?
My destiny is not pretty.
But it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

[Fade to Rarity in the Town Square, trying to control the weather]
Rarity singing:
I'm in love with weather patterns, but the others have concerns.
For I just gave them frostbite
Over top of their sunburns.

I have to keep on trying; as everyone can see...

[The picture goes smaller, until it's a ball floating in space. As each ponies part comes, they appear.]

Rarity singing:
It's got to be...

Fluttershy singing:
It's got to be...

Rainbow Dash singing:
My destiny...

Applejack singing:
My destiny

R, AJ, FS, RD, PP singing:
And it's what my cutie mark...

[all six cutie marks appear on the screen, from left to right is: Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Twilight. Each pony appears in their wrong place, with half of them blocked, matching up to the pony next to them. Twilight looks across, as though she can see them all there in confusion.]

R, AJ, FS, RD, PP singing:
And it's what my cutie mark...
It's what my cutie mark is telling me.

[Snap to inside library. The door opens and Twilight and spike enter]

This is bad... This is very, very bad.

What's going on? Why's this happening?

Last night, while you were taking one of your seven hour bubble-baths...

[fade into flashback, Twilight describing]

Twilight O.S.:
I got a special delivery from the princess.

[Twilight takes a parcel from a courier pony, who goes to hand Twilight a clip-board, but Twilight closes the door. She takes the note and starts to read.]

Dear Twilight Sparkle, the spell contained on the last page of this book; is Starswerl  the Bearded's secret unfinished masterpiece.

[Twilight lowered the note, and looked at the book.]

Twilight excitedly:

[She continues to read the note.]

He was never able to get it right, and thus abandoned it. I believe you are the only pony who can understand and re-write it. Princess Celestia.

[Twilight puts down the note and flips through the pages, until she finds the spell.]

From one to another, another to one; A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled.

[Behind Twilight, the Elements of Harmony all change colour.]

That doesn't make any sense... That doesn't even rhyme!

[the flashback finishes, and Twilight notices the Elements are different.]

I cast the spell to see what it did, but nothing seemed to happen. But now I know something DID happen; it changed the Elements of Harmony! That must be why their cutie marks are all wrong!

Well, just cast the counter-spell and change them back.

[Twilight flips through the book again.]

There IS no counter-spell!

How about that memory spell you used to change them all back when Discord was here?

It's not their memories, spike; It's their true selves that has been altered!

Uhh, Zecora's cure for the cutie-pox?

That won't work either.

[Twilight starts to go up the stairs to her room.]

M-maybe it's not so bad... Maybe our friends will grow to like their new lives.

No Spike. They're not who they're meant to be any more. Their destinies are now changed... and it's all my fault.

START SONG: I have to find a way.

[Spike looks up at twilight, clutching the spell book, and eyes tearing up. Fade to Twilight on her bed]

Twilight singing:
I have to find a way,
To make this all okay.
I can't believe this small mistake,
Could cause so much heart-ache.

Oh, why?
Oh, why-ei-eay?

Losing promise,
I don't know what to do.
Seeking answers,
I fear I won't get through;
To you.
Oh, why?
Oh, why-ei-eay?

[While Twilight sings, camera goes to each of her friends, all of which look like they've given up.]

[Spike comes up and joins her in her room]

Oh, Spike. What have I done?

[fade out and back in again. Twilight is looking out of her window at the rain. With a depressed look on her face.]

You can't give up now; these are your friends.

[Twilight looks up]

You're right, Spike.

[She gets off the bed, and heads to the mantle piece, where there's a picture of all six of them.]

My friends!

[Twilight starts to glow]

Uuh, Twilight? You okay?

[Twilight opens her eyes, and her cutie mark has appeared in her eyes. When she blinks it's gone.]

That's it, Spike! I know what to do!

[Spike grabs a case, and Twilight puts the elements of harmony in it.]

I may not be able to remind them of who they are; But I can show them what they mean to each other. So that they can find the part of themselves that's been lost! C'mon, Spike!

[Fade to Town Square, where Fluttershy is giving two bits to a Balloon operator.]

Twilight O.S.:

[pan camera around, to see Twilight trying to force her way through a crowd.]

Oh, hey guys.

Fluttershy, what are you doing?

I'm moving back to Cloudsdale. I don't know what's wrong, but I can't seem to make anypony laugh.

[She pulls out a whoopee cushion, and presses it. Twilight and Spike just look at each other]

Well, before you go; I was wondering if you'd like to help out Rainbow Dash. She's having a really hard time with her animals.

Fluttershy nervously:
But... I don't really know anything about animals...

But you DO know something about Rainbow Dash.

I know... that she's a true friend, and I'll do anything I can to help her.

[Fade to “Rainbow Dash's” cottage, where there's a loud banging from inside. Twilight and Fluttershy quickly push their way in. The animals are running amok, more so then before; and in the centre of the room is a massive cauldron, with Rainbow Dash tied up in it. The animals all are holding pieces of cutlery and dancing around the cauldron in a tribal fashion]

Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash:
I'm in here! HELP!

Oh, goodness. Twilight, can't you do a spell or something to get her out?

No. Fluttershy, you're the only one who can help. Rainbow Dash needs you!

Okay... I-I'll try.

[Fluttershy slowly walks amongst the animals]

Uhh, hello? Little woodland creatures?

[several of the animals stop to listen.]

I know that you're all very upset, and feel like giving Rainbow Dash a hard time.

[More of the animals are now paying attention]
But we'd really appreciate it if you'd all just settle down and maybe... rest for a bit?

[She now has all the animals undivided attention.]

[she quickly darts off screen, and comes back with a bowl of salad and places it down in front of rabbits and mice]

Here's some nice, juicy leaves for you to munch on.

[she places a variety of nuts down in front of the other animals.]

And some crunchy, munchy acorns too.

[There are some animals still dancing around the cauldron, Fluttershy goes up to them]

Uhh, don't you want to take a brake, and maybe have a snack?

[the animals shrug and go to join the others.]

Aww... I guess you were all just cranky because you were hungry.

[Angel Bunny turns around from the leaves, and jumps up into Fluttershy's hooves, and gives her a lick.]

You're quite welcome, little friends.

[A bear grabs her from behind and holds her]

I feel strange... like I can understand them... that this is who I am...

[She flies up, and a halo of birds are around her.]

… my destiny!

[Twilight puts Fluttershy's element of harmony on her, and as soon as it was secured, Fluttershy's eyes went wide, with images of the past.]

What... what happened?

Look! Your cutie mark!

[Fluttershy looks, and it's back to the way it was. Twilight starts to bounce around her.]

Oh! I'm so happy you're back to normal. Now I need your help.

START SONG: A true, true friend.

Twilight singing:
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
A friend will be there to help them see.

Fluttershy and Twilight singing:
A true, true friend helps a friend in need to see the light,
That shines from a true, true friend.

Rainbow Dash:
Uh, hello? Friend trapped inside, remember?

[Twilight and Fluttershy helps Rainbow Dash out of the cauldron.]

Twilight singing:
Rarity needs your help;
She's trying hard doing what she can.

[background fades to town centre, where ponies are running around, trying to take cover from the weather]

Would you try, just give it a chance,
You might find that you'll start to understand.

[Rainbow Dash starts clearing the skies. Slow at first, but getting faster as she gains confidence.]

Twilight and Fluttershy singing:
A true, true friend helps a friend in need;
A friend will be there to help you see,
A true, true friend helps a friend in need,
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend.

[Rainbow Dash has finished clearing the skies, and wipes sweat from her brow. Twilight puts Dash's Element on her, and the same thing happens as did with Fluttershy.]

Rainbow Dash:
Uhh, what just happened?

There's no time to explain, Applejack's trying to make dresses!

Rainbow Dash:
Say no more.

[Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity head to Carousel Boutique]

Rainbow Dash singing:
Applejack needs your help;
She's trying hard doin' what she can.

[Rarity starts looking around, and picks out a few fabrics, and slowly starts to sew them together.]

Rainbow Dash singing:
Would you try, just give it a chance?
You might find that you'll start to understand.

[By now, Rarity is in “The Zone” and she's making stuff fly everywhere with her magic while she's sewing.]

T, FS and RD singing:
A true, true friend helps a friend in need;
A friend will be there to help them see,
A true, true friend helps a friend in need,
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend.

[Twilight does the thing with the Elements of Harmony on Rarity.]

Oh, my. What a terrible dream I had.

[She sees some of Applejack's attempts at dresses.]

Or... maybe I'm still having it.

Rarity. Pinkie Pie's about to lose the Apple Farm. We need Applejack's help!

Lose the Apple Farm? Well; we can't let THAT happen, now can we?

[Fade in to them marching toward the farm]

Rarity singing:
Pinkie Pie is in trouble,
We need to get there by her side.
We can try to do what we can, now.
Or together we can be her guide!

[Applejack starts to help out with the chores]

T, FS, RD and R singing:
A true, true friend helps a friend in need;
A friend will be there to help them see,
A true, true friend helps a friend in need,
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend.

[You know what happens by now. Do I really need to explain it each time?]

Yee haw! Now, that's more like it. What's next?
The townspeople are furious! We need the old Pinkie Pie back!

No worries, I'm on it, and I know just what to do.

[Fade in to them walking into town.]

Applejack singing:
The townspeople need ya, they've been sad for a while.
They march around, faces frown, and never seem to smile.
So if you feel like helpin' we'd appreciate a loooooooot!
If you could get up there, and spread some cheer from here to Canterlot!

[Element thing]

Pinkie Pie:
C'mon ponies! I wanna see you smile!

[everypony in the crowd looks up at Pinkie Pie


Mane six and crowd:
A true, true friend helps a friend in need;
A friend will be there to help them see,
A true, true friend helps a friend in need,
To see the light (see the light) that shines (that shines) from a true, true friend!

[All of the six float up into the air, and they hug each other.]

Twilight V.O:
With the marks of our destinies, there's magic without end.

[Twilight opens her eyes]

That's it! I know how to fix the spell!

[Snap to inside the library, The mane six and spike enter. Twilight levitates the spell book and a quill]
From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one; there is magic without end.

[All her friends cheer. Twilight's element starts to glow, and the five others send a beam of light into Twilight. Everyone in the room panics, except for Twilight. She closes her eyes; and wait for whatever is about to happen to happen. Twilight dissapears and the light stops. When the other ponies recover from what happened, they see Twilight's cutie mark burned into the floor.]

[Fade to celestial plain]

[Twilight floats in.]

Where am I? What is this place?

[Princess Celestia comes in]

Congratulations Twilight. I knew you could do it.

Princess? Why am I here?

Today, you've done something that's never been done before.

[the spell book materialises next to Celestia]

Not even a great unicorn like Starswerl the Bearded could have done this, because he didn't understand friendship like you did. You've proven that you're ready.

Ready for what?

START SONG: Celestia's Ballard

[A hallway made up of clips of Twilight's time in Ponyville appears]

Celestia singing:
You've come, such a long, long way.
And I've watched you since that very first day.
To see how you might grow,
To see what you might do,
To see what you've been through;
And all the ways you've made me proud of you.

It's time now, for a new change to come.
You've grown up, and your new life has begun.
To go where you will go,
To see what you will see,
To find what you will be,
For it's time for you,
To fulfil your destiny!

[Celestia flies up, and shoots a beam of light into Twilight's heart. The light comes back out, and spins around her, lifting her up into the air. Snap to sky above Ponyville, where Twilight's cutie mark lights up the night sky. It floats down to in front of her friends, and fades to light. You can see Twilight's silhouette]

Applejack slowly:
Twilight? Is that you?

[Twilight's silhouette reveals wings, and the light fades away completely. All Twilight's friends gasp in awe]

Twilight! What happened to you?

[Rainbow Dash flies in]

Rainbow Dash:
Alright! Twilight's got wings! Awesome,  a new flying buddy!

Why, you've become an alicorn. I didn't even know that was possible.

[Pinkie Pie swings on a trapeze wearing fake wings and horn.]

Pinkie Pie:
Alicorn! Party!

[Princess Celestia flies down behind them]

You look just like a princess.

That's because she IS a princess.

Mane Six:

Pinkie Pie
Hold on a second!

[She takes a glass of water, takes a sip and spits it back out]

Twilight overwhelmed:
A princess?

Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess.

[As Celestia lists out all these traits, the camera pans past the ponies in this order, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. On “Leadership”, The camera is back on Twilight]

But... does this mean I won't be your student anymore?

Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you; but we're all your students now, too. You are an inspiration to us all.

[All Twilight's friends and Celestia bows to Twilight.]

But what should I do now? Is there a book about being a princess I should read?

Celestia [chuckling]:
There'll be time for all of that later.

[Twilight smiles]

[Fade to view Canterlot]

[Fade to throne room. A large crowd has gathered. In the front of the room, Princess's Celestia, Luna and Cadence are standing there.

We are gathered here to day in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville. Even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna. But today, Twilight Sparkle has done something extraordinary...

[show Twilight's friends]

She created new magic. Proving without a doubt that she's ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess.

[Cut to the crowd, where Twilight's parents are standing next to each other.]

[Cut back to Celestia]

Fillies and gentle-colts; may I introduce, for the very first time...

[cut to the doors in the back of the room, which swing open]

… Princess Twilight Sparkle!

START SONG: Princess Twilight cometh.

[Twilight enters, escorted by a chior]

The Princess Twilight cometh, behold! Behold!
A princess here before us, behold, Behold, Behold.
The Princess Twilight cometh.
A princess is, a princess is here!

[They're out on the balcony, facing a huge crowd]

Say something, Princess.

Oh... A little while ago, my teacher and mentor, Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship; which is something I didn't really care much about.

[Twilight gestures for her friends to join her]

But now? On a day like today, I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here, if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship. And for that, I'll always be grateful. Today; I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you friends. Thank you everypony!

[the crowd cheers as Twilight goes back into the throne room. When she's back in there, Shining Armour and Cadence come up to her]

Shining Armour:
Twilight! Oh, I'm so proud of you.

[Twilight and Shining Armour embrace]

Are you... crying?

[Shining Armour quickly wipes away a tear]

Shining Armour:
Of course not... It's liquid pride... totally different thing.

[They laugh and embrace again, before Cadence and Shining Armour back up a bit.]

Way to go, Princess!

Pinkie Pie:
Best coronation day, EVER!

We all love you, Twilight.

[they all embrace]

Aww... I love you too, girls.

[Fade in on Canterlot]

START SONG: Life in Equestria. (Morning in Ponyville reprise)

Twilight singing:
Life in Equestria shimmers!
Life in Equestria shines,

Mane Six singing:
And I know for absolute certain, that everything...
Yes, everything...
Everything is certain-ly fine!
It's fine!

[Twilight takes off and flies into the camera]

Yes! Everything is going to be just fine!

[end credits]

I know this isn't a perfect take on the actual script. But as I said, it's off by heart. I might come back and edit it at a later date, but I think it's close enough.

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