Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1925905-From-the-back-of-the-truck
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1925905
Laina's imagination gets the better of her...again.
From the back of the truck I see a pile of something under a large black tarp.  It’s completely covered and carefully hidden; at least that’s what it looks like to me.  Its shape is suspiciously like a body.  I know, you always tell me my imagination is going to get me into trouble one day, but I’m telling you, that is what it looks like. 

Forgive this awful hand writing of mine, I’m scribbling this in the dark in the back seat of the truck.  I intend to slip it inside the used Ziploc in my bag and then drop it in the road as soon as I’m done writing.  You know, in case I disappear or something.  Bread crumbs. 

Jaren’s older brother is driving, but it’s his dad’s old beige work truck.  I’ve never liked Jaren or paid him much attention in hopes his advances on me would disappear.  They did for the most part, but he still looks at me sometimes.  I needed a ride home tonight.  We (Leanna, Jaren, Freddy, Sarah, and I) were all doing our usual at Jaren’s place, but I really needed a ride home fast.  Everyone had been drinking except Sarah and she STILL doesn’t have her license.  Great designated driver huh?  She refused to risk it in the dark so I was forced to ask Alec to drive me. 

Here’s the thing, I know my way home and he is not driving me home.  We’re on some back road that I’ve never been on.  We just hit a pothole and the thing, under the tarp, part of it just bounced!  I think it was an arm. 

Ok, for anyone who might read this… we took a dirt road just beyond some trees behind the farm.  It’s muddy and almost completely hidden by brush.  The trees rub against the sides of the truck.  It’s too dark to see much, but in the head lights I did see a few tree stumps about waist high not too far from the start of the road.  I’d call it more of a path at this point.  We turned sharply not long after the tree stumps but after that it’s been a long strait drive. 

Alec must know it well enough he’d driving faster than he probably should.  I hear water nearby.  Maybe the Gosling river, but I didn’t think it turned this direction, so I’m not sure.  I think we’re heading east.  Wish me luck.  Oh, and to all my friends and my dad.  I’m sorry for everything.  Love you.  – Laina

P.s. I wish you were here Krista, because you’d have a plan by now.  Miss you.


Laina climbed over the back of the seat to sit in the front.  She buckled in and snuggled close to the door and unrolled the window.  The tree branches weren’t rubbing hard against the truck anymore.

“I was wondering when the cramped space back there would make you change your mind.  I know you hate me, but challenging your fear of tight spaces… wow.”  Alec looked at Laina with a side glance, hesitant to give her his full attention.

“I don’t hate you…” Laina wrinkled up the ziploced letter into her fist and hung her arm out the window.  She let go and watched as it fluttered out of sight into the tall grass.

“Crap.” She was hoping it would land in the middle of the road.


“Nothing, I just forgot my homework”

“Oh, I’ll have Jaren bring it to you tomorrow.”

“Thanks.”  Laina seriously wondered if there was going to be a tomorrow.

“Do you like hunting?”

“….no.  Why?”

Alec looked her squarely in the face for the first time that night.

“I thought you and your dad went out all the time?  What happened, did he make you shoot Bambi or something?”

“No!  I just…where are we going Alec?  This is not the way to my house.”

“Are you drunk!?  Laina, you’ve been down this road before?  With me, remember?”

“No I haven’t!”  But she had been drinking and began scanning her memory for what he might be talking about.

Jaren slowed the truck down and then stopped with a lurch.  He quickly got out of the truck and started reaching into the bed of the truck.  Laina follow him out on the other side of the cab growing more worried as he dug and fiddled with something. 

“What are doing?”

“The ropes came loose; don’t want to body falling out the back.”

“The body?!” her voice wheezed out as she took a few steps back.

“Yes, the body.  You are drunk aren’t you?  Alec tossed the corner of the tarp back to reveal the legs of a hooved animal.

“Oh, right.” She was glad for the dark because she could feel her cheeks start to burn.
Alec laughed at her.  “What, did you think it was a person?” 

“Eh…why are we out here again?”

“I’m taking you home.  Look.  There’s the main road ten feet from us.”

“Of course it is…”  Laina whispered to herself.  She climbed back into the truck and pulled her deep hood over her head.

“You know, you’re cute when your embarrassed.” He teased.
“Oh shut up.”

They pulled onto the road and Alec drove her the rest of the way home.
© Copyright 2013 DaraSerian (daraserian at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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