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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1925299
Harry potter themed, dark soft vore story. Including Fluffy, the cerberus, Veris Marock
The New Regime

A shadow settled over the world, black smoke, trailing misty ebony raced across the red horizon. Blood had been spilled this day, the young...the old. The barely born, now barely alive. The world wept behind fearful smiles as a tyrant marched towards a fortress he once called home. A pair of shattered spectacles fall to the ground, crushed underfoot of the anonymous, masked army. Nameless, faceless apparitions of pure hatred. The death-eaters. This is the day that everything changed; this is the day that the world went black. He was the chosen one, he had to be, but he’s gone now, killed by the tyrant...the boy who lived...now dead. We hear his voice everyday now, he speaks of glory of war and valour, but we know it’s not real, none of it is. It’s a slaughter, a holocaust, mass genocide, of all who were never given the -once perhaps- great honour of being born to a magical family. Now it was viewed more as a curse to be a wizard.
At the age of 11 the boys were gathered up, they were indoctrinated in the ways of black magic, of curses, of hatred. They trained at Hogwarts, once a place of learning and wisdom, now a haven for lies and narrow mindedness. The women were taught the ways of alchemy, of healing, caring and once they began to ovulate; were magically manipulated and pruned to bare the finest magical children, as with all things under this new regime. Anything the slightest bit different, the tiniest bit individual was stamped out. The wizarding world used to be the single last bastion of magical knowledge left, a haven of love, of magic, of knowledge, wisdom, open mindedness, exploration, curiosity and faith, faith in the combined power and goodness of humanity...now...now it was hell and Emperor Voldemort, our Dark Sovereign, was the devil.
The death-eaters became his secret police; they’d go door to door, offering money and food to all who could provide information on any dissenters. The guilty were stunned and carried off to Hogwarts, the tyrant’s palace. They were tortured for days, even weeks, they used everything from Cruciatus curses to overexposure to boggarts and Dementors leading to insanity and finally...execution. That was possible the most foul, of all his crimes. The groundskeeper, Hagrid, one of the last half blood giants, he was always a friend to the pupils, someone they could count on, someone they looked up to. Sadly, no matter how great and kind he once was, his mind couldn’t handle the constant torture and the power of an imperius curse. Now he was a hideous, emaciated nightmare of a man, eleven feet of pure hatred and sadistic revelry. He served our dark lord in the forbidden area of the third floor, there with his collared pet did he execute the poor wretched souls who dared to stand against Voldemort and his mad regime. Among the very first were what remained of the order of the phoenix. The Weasleys, the Lovegoods, the Longbottoms, the Fletchers, even the Dumbledores. Only one member survived that purge, she’s been on the run for 6 years, until now.  All of the other members rested finally and ultimately as meals for the three ravenous heads of that awful mad dog. Once affectionately named “Fluffy” a simple name that belied it’s ravenous bloodlust.
That was 6 years ago, the regime is well in place now, the wizarding world is dark, and the muggle world darker. My name is Veris Marock I’m 18 years old and I made the mistake of questioning the regime, of asking why so many need to die, simply for how they were born, for this innocent innocuous question I am sentenced to death. I tell myself that I’ll be saved, that there are people coming. Lies told to stave off the truth in the bowels of a haven of lies, where I am sentenced to die for telling the truth by liars. It’s all so...pointless in the end. All this time fighting to save the lives of the many, but after all is said and done, this is the truest equality one can ask for, for all is equal in death.
The line is short today, I don’t know what that means but I know it doesn’t bode well for me or my compatriot. She was older now; the 6 years had been kind to her beautiful body. Hermione granger, now 24 but no less strikingly beautiful, together we walked, solemnly, naked, cold and alone to the rim of the steel bowl that had been built into the floor. Around the bottom of the bowl were chewed up personal effects, bones and broken skulls. A deep raspy cackling caught our attention. It struck me coldly, like a knife to my heart. There he stood, all eleven feet of him. His skin was pallid, his eyes were dark and unloving. His beard was knotted and his hair matted. Dirt and lice covered his foul face. Rubeus Hagrid was gone, consumed by this hideous deformed shadow.
“What ‘ave we ‘ere? New, TRIBUTES!?” He spat the words between sickening agonised retching and wheezing. Hermione wept to see how far her one time friend had fallen.
“Hagrid? HAGRID?!” her eyes brimmed with tears. “What have they done to you...” she asked, fear, despair and defeat lacing her quiet tone.
“They rooted around in my ‘ead, starved me for a good few weeks too, they reached in they did, yanked out all them li’l feelings I ‘ad. ‘En they puts me down ‘ere, with me good friend...” Hagrid pulled a large lever, his gangly arms struggled with the iron contraption. Hermione’s eyes burst with tears that streamed down her red face. I struggled to see through the darkness as the Iron Gate rose but the sounds that came from within made me wish I was blind. A low growling, a hideous snarling and a deep hungry roar emanated from the shadowy chamber. “...Fluffy!” Shouted Hagrid as the massive black furred, three headed canine bounded through the gate and stopped just short of us, barking and snarling wildly. A mad dog, on a rat’s leash.
“Oh my God...” I said. It was all I could say as fear seized me with a cold steel grip and refused to let go.
“Through me lies the way to the suff’rin’ city, through me the way to everlastin’ torment, through me the way to damnation! Abandon all ‘ope all ye who en’er ‘ere”
Fluffy’s black fur shone in the small rays of moonlight that hit his glossy coat. His high protein diet had served him well. The Dog snarled wildly at us, his long pink tongue hung limply out of it’s snapping jaws, it’s dark eyes told of a deep dark hunger. A hunger, I knew, I would be made to satisfy.
“Ye’ll go t’gether, DOWN FLUFFY!” Hagrid commanded, the three headed brute sat down, wagging its tail impatiently. Waiting to be fed.
There was nothing for it, I couldn’t run the chains were too tight, the death eaters were watching from above, and Dementors lined the walls. This was it; this was how it all ended. 18 years I’d spent, fighting as hard as I could, thinking, working, trying my hardest...just to survive...all to be a doggy treat for this three headed monstrosity. The chains were yanked forward, pulling me clean off my feet. I landed on my backside on the cold slabs and I struggled as I was dragged, a pheasant to the hound, to the large bowl like floor level indentation. The hound growled and snarled and lick his chops as I was dragged ever closer to that steel bowl. All three heads began lowering down to the bowl as I was pulled in. I tried to stop my descent but the chains were charmed. Hermione was faring no better, tears stained her red face and despair laced her eyes. Male as I was, my eyes traced her beautiful nude form, her skin was soft and strangely pale; her eyes were empty braziers where a mighty fire once burned, now all but extinguished by a Dementors kiss and a Serpents ire. Her red eyes met mine; they were pleading and filled with gloom. I did all I could do in that situation, I reached my hand out to her; I clasped her hand in mine and squeezed it. I almost whimpered the word that came next.
Hermione’s tear filled eyes locked with mine as she nodded and repeated my empty words of comfort. As our bare feet fell over the rim of the growling dog’s food bowl. Before we could even yell we fell down 4 feet into the bone littered bottom.
“You ‘ang tight there, we’ll clean up what’s left of the Creevies” The deformed Hagrid said.
Suddenly the chains became chokingly tight and slammed us against the wall of the bowl as the floor opened beneath us and the bones were emptied into a landfill of thousands. Muggle and wizard alike. I looked down, grimaced and closed my eyes in fear, anguish and pain. The base of the bowl, closed once more and our breathing became loud, heavy and filled with anxiety. As the dog lowered its heads down to us. I kept telling myself this couldn’t be happening, it couldn’t be true, it couldn’t but the long sandpaper tongue that ran over my whole body, in one quick slurp, woke me to reality. I was here, in the bowels of a place I once called home, chained up in the food bowl of fluffy the three headed dog, about to be eaten up. The reality hit me like a rocket propelled freight train, seemingly as soon as I broke, so did Hermione.
Fluffy continued licking her body, she struggled and kicked but all it did was make the dog hungrier and more eager for her flesh. It’s large tongue then hooked itself under her legs, it worked under them, up over her backside.
A death-eater shouted something incoherent and the chains disappeared. Fluffy barked with joy and greedily lifted the screaming Hermione out of the bowl, it had her balanced on her tongue, as he reared his far left head up to the ceiling, I watched as her legs and feet began to disappear into the dog’s wet salivating maw, it growled hungrily as more and more of her was pushed into its ravenous maw. So transfixed on this horror was I, that I hadn’t noticed the chains had gone. I saw my chance, I reached my hand up, trying desperately to grab the edge and make a run for it. That’s when I heard the snarling. I stop cold and look round, both the right and the middle heads are sizing me up. White spears line cavernous maws of pink death. I stayed absolutely still, bracing myself to be torn apart and eaten alive. This did not happen, instead the pair began licking me over, their tongues travelling the length of my young body, savouring my every inch, loving the taste of the living unwilling meal they’d been bequeathed. The saliva that coated me, made me slip down the bowl again. The heads then retreated and began licking their lips and looking at one another. The dark hunger returned to their eyes. All I could do was whimper and try to crawl again as the middle head grabbed me and began sucking me in head first. I screamed as I saw the opening to his throat growing closer. The far right head began snarling at the middle, biting and trying to grab me, fighting over me, like a piece of meat.
“PLEASE HELP ME!” I screamed, to no avail, all I did was arouse laughter from the spectators. “Please...” From somewhere to my left came the screams of Hermione as the dogs tongue abused her body, fighting hard to get her into it’s throat.
“STOP IT, PLEASE, I DON’T WANT TO! STOP IT! HAGRID, HOW COULD YOU, HOW COULD YOU!?” She screamed, but the old deformed monster had not the heart to hear her. Though the soul that now worked the flesh did not feel them, tears fell from his black, cold, unfeeling  eyes.
The room was filled with slurping and growling as I and Hermione were slowly but surely eaten alive. My bare feet kicked wildly outside Fluffy’s mouth, as more of me was pushed to the back of his throat, my stomach, then my groin ran smoothly over it’s thin, invasive tongue, which wasted no time in pushing me towards the back of the dog’s throat. Finally only my feet remained outside it’s mouth, with one final condemning slurp, the dog reared it’s head, I struggled hard, even inverting my position but the tongue pushed me hard and swallowed me whole. I felt the same movement to my left as Hermione descended alongside me, screaming and crying. Oddly despite having three heads the beast had but one oesophagus, we entered at the same time, and the muscles crushed us together. I held her tight as she cried, I tried to be brave for her, but I broke down on her shoulder. The muscles kneaded us downwards, at an alarming pace well fluffy sighed happily and retreated to the back of his chamber to digest us in peace.
Hermione hooked her finger under my chin and pulled my head up to see hers, our eyes locked. For a minute I forgot I was being swallowed alive by a giant man-eating dog that had just had me for dinner. I tilted my head, so did she, our lips met and our tongues danced, mine invaded the back of her throat as hers probed my mouth. Her hand explored my body as mine explored hers. Both equally curious, neither of us ashamed. I pushed my hips against hers, the head of my member teased and spread her sweet lips, she gasped as I penetrated her and moaned loudly as we began to lightly thrust against one another. The tube got narrower and narrower and eventually we felt our feet being squeezed into a tight sac, the acid tingled our skin, we didn’t care. Hermione pushed me down and straddled my groin, her hands held mine, our lips met again and I thrust inside of her as hard as I could, the mature girl practically screamed as my length penetrated her body to the full extent possible. It didn’t matter we were being eaten alive, digested by a giant three headed beast. We were going out happy. I thought the urge to scream as the acid burned at my back, the walls began churning us, forcing Hermione hard on top of me making us both moan and scream. We fucked for what felt like hours in the belly of the beast, but soon I felt my ability to move weakening, we were running out of air fast, I gave it my all and finally Hermione screamed high and I came hard, the strongest orgasm of both our lives rocked us, and we fell limp in the stomach of the three headed dog. A loud burp escaped the lips of Fluffy in the darkness of his chamber.
In the days to come, our digested bodies would serve to make Fluffy stronger, both magically and physically, our bodies would add to his teeth, his bones, his sense of sight, hearing, even taste. What was ours, becomes his, a permanent part of the beast that had eaten us up. It was an ironic fate, but not an uncommon one, under this new regime.
© Copyright 2013 Lex Mailer (verismarock at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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