Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1924841-The-Guardian
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1924841
Episode 1 part 1: A Dream Born, A Nightmare Unleashed, A World Torn.
In a time that was before time, and in a time that is yet to end time. A war began, and is fought and will someday end as it began. Two sides, fighting for dominance, both believing they are in the right. Both thinking they are Good and the other Evil. Which side is which, and what is truly evil and truly good? Is the Adversary the Creator and the Creator the Adversary? Are the Creator and Adversary who they claim to be? Or is neither one who we think they are or they’re claiming to be?

         This is the story of one man, chosen before time and known long after time was a dream. His part in the war, and his beliefs, loves, and sorrows.... One man can make a difference. One man can turn a war. One man, can spawn a dream that can become a paradise....

Or Hell on earth!

This is the story of The Guardian

         In a nightmarish reality, someplace between the conscious and unconscious mind, Jason struggled with an unseen assailant. Every where he ran, everywhere he hid, the assailant found him. He wanted it to end; all the sleepless nights to stop. He wanted to either die or be free!
         “What do you want?” Jason screamed into the ever changing landscape of fire and mountains, to devastated cities and burning forests.
A light caught his attention. He was in a devastated city, a ruin of what looked like New York. A small building, half collapsed, had a light on inside.
         Jason quickly ran to this building and ducked inside. His stalker would find him soon, he knew it.
         “What can I do for you, son?” an old man said as he approached.
         “Wake me from this nightmare!” Jason pleaded as he glanced out the window to see nothing.
         “Heh,” the old man laughed as he lit a cigar and took a couple puffs off it. “Only way to leave a nightmare is to beat it at its own game!”
         “How do you wake up?” Jason demanded.
         “Heh, heh, heh, heh,” the old man laughed and shook his head. “You can’t!”
         “What do you mean!” Jason demanded, “What is this place?”
         “This is the shop of possibilities,” the old man said as he puffed on his cigar and walked over to a wall to pick up a stone.
         “You make no sense,” Jason said as he looked out the window to still see nothing.
         “This is the stone that slayed Goliath,” the old man said between puffs and then picked up a knife, “This is the knife that slayed Caesar.”
         “History lesson is fine and dandy,” Jason quickly said as he saw a shadow forming on the ally wall in front of the shop. “But it’s coming down the alley way. Can we hurry it up with how to defeat this thing, or escape!”
         “We each must have a dark side and overcome it, child,” the old man sighed.          “You must decide on the tool you will use to overcome It.”
         “What are you talking about? What dark side?” Jason asked as he turned to the old man only to find himself in an empty shop. “Hey, where did you go? What did you mean by decide on a tool?”
         “This is the shop of possibilities,” the old man’s voice echoed in his mind, in his being. “Decide on the tool!”
         The front of the store exploded as he thought of a possibility, sending Jason flying through the roof and into the air. He was amazed he wasn’t hurt as his flight ended with him tumbling over the roof of a skyscraper. After staggering to his feet, he slowly staggered to the edge of the building and looked down. He was in New York City.          Though the city was quite alive and street was full of traffic. Jason staggered away from the edge then leaned up against an air-conditioning unit, exhausted from his ordeal. Without realizing it, his eyes closed and he slumped off into a deep sleep.
         Jason woke to a hand shaking him.
         “Hey,” a voice said as he was shook again, “Are you O.K.?”
         Jason jumped and threw his back into the air-conditioning unit as he quickly, more like panicked, looked around himself only to find a beautiful young woman in a red, white, outfit with gold speckles that looked like spandex.
         “Easy,” she said as she put her hand on his shoulder. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
         “Where is it?” Jason quickly sputtered in a panic as he scrambled to his feet.
         “Where is what?” the woman asked.
         “Arrgg!” Jason screamed as he put his hands to his head to find it was covered with some sort of helmet. He looked at his hands to see they were covered by gray colored gloves with a metal brace running down the top of his left forearm and a similar one with electronic buttons and displays on his right top forearm. His hands began to shake in terror, “What’s going on!”
         “Take it easy, fella,” the woman said as she slowly walked toward him and glanced for a second at a thirty foot long crash skid. “You had a pretty bad crash over there. I’m on my way to a place that you can rest at. I’ll take you with me if you like.”
         “Why won’t it come off!” Jason yelled as he tried to get the helmet off “Take it easy,” the woman said putting her hand softly on his shoulder. A sudden calm came over him as his fears suddenly dropped away. “Relax,” the woman’s voice echoed through his mind. “Let me help you, Jason.” The suit he was wearing suddenly glowed and disappeared. Only the armband with the controls remained on his right top forearm.
         “Relax,” the woman spoke to him again.
         “WH-who are you?” Jason asked as he looked at her beautiful face that was smiling softly at him.
         “I’m Fire Storm, but my friends and parents call me Rachel. You can call me either one if you like,” Rachel replied. “What happened to you?”
         “I, ah,” Jason began as he looked at the control panel that he couldn’t’ take off. He swallowed hard, “I’m not sure.”
         “I’ve never met anyone so terrified,” Rachel said as she helped him to his feet.          “What frightened you so badly?”
         “You would only laugh at me and disbelieve me,” Jason said as he lowered his head.
         “Well, I was on my way to visit my parents when I was drawn to your psyonic call for help,” Rachel explained as she walked to the edge of the roof and looked off, “You can tell me on the way if you like. It’s not too far from here.”
         “Ah, where is here?” Jason asked, a tinge of fear building up in him again.
         “Here is New York,” Rachel replied with a smile as she crossed her arms, “Where did you think it was?”
         “I didn’t know,” Jason said softly as he walked up next to Rachel and looked out over the city before he continued, “The last thing I knew was I was in Bay City, Michigan. I had just fallen asleep in my new apartment, if you can call the hole in the wall that. I was having the weirdest dream that suddenly became a nightmare I couldn’t wake up from.”
         “Easy,” Rachel said as she touched his shoulders from behind, “You’re shaking with fright again. Let me get you to my parents and we’ll go from there. OK?”
         Jason looked off over the city again, lost to his own haunts and ghosts.
         “Hey?” Rachel asked as she softly touched his shoulder, “You still with me?”
         “How did you make my suit disappear?” Jason asked.
         “I only made you relax and blocked out your fears for now,” Rachel replied as she glanced down at the bit of control panel that still stuck out from under his sleeve.
         “I wonder how I activate it again,” Jason wondered aloud, “It seemed to have protected me from the nightmare.”
         “Well, let’s get you to mom’s house and figure it out, O.K.?” Rachel said as she looked out over the city. “I’m already late for dinner and I didn’t tell her I was bringing a guy over.”
         The thought of some girl’s dad giving him the third degree and her mother doing similar questions suddenly didn’t appeal to him.
         “Don’t worry about it,” Rachel laughed. “I’ll just tell them you’re a friend I just met and I dragged you along with me for the heck of it!”
         “Great,” Jason mumbled, “Now I’m reduced to carryon luggage!”
         “You’re too funny, Jason,” Rachel laughed as she crossed her arms.
         “Yea, I guess we can go,” Jason said softly, “It’s kinda cold up here.”
         “Well, what did ya expect for fall?” Rachel giggled. “Now, how to get you there. Hmmm.”
         “Well, walking is an option,” Jason suggested.
         “Not with me it isn’t,” Rachel smiled, “I think I can carry you with my mind. Never tried it though. I can move stuff and throw it. Worst that would happen is I would drop you at some point.”
         “Oh, that’s always good,” Jason said crossing his arms, “Then I become road kill!”
         “God! I don’t deserve this!” Rachel laughed as she threw her head back. “O.K., joker, ready?”
         “I guess,” Jason said as he watched Fire Storm suddenly become engulfed in flames and rise off the roof of the building. Suddenly he realized he was floating in mid air. “This is SO weird!”
         “Not that easy, too,” Rachel said as she began to slowly fly off toward her mother’s home.
         “So, how long have you been able to fly?” Jason asked.
         “From the day of my sixteenth birthday,” Rachel said in a strained voice. “Let me get us there in one piece, then we can finish the formalities.”
         “O.K.,” Jason agreed realizing he was slowly sinking as she talked to him. After about twenty minutes of flying and about ten minutes of walking, Jason
walking and Rachel flying next to him, they arrived at the house.
         “Wow, your parents live here?” Jason asked; his first words since they left the building.
         “Yep,” Rachel replied with a proud grin. “Dad built it himself too!”
         “That’s way cool” Jason exclaimed. “Um, you never did fully tell me about yourself.”
         “That’s true. I didn’t, did I,” Rachel said softly. “Well, where should I start?” “Um, what do you do for a living?” Jason asked.
         “That’s an easy one,” Rachel giggled as they slowly went up the driveway. “I go to college and my parents support the bills.”
         “Hey!” Jason exclaimed and went to push her, but she rolled out of the way.
         “Don’t want to touch me while I’m flamed up,” Rachel told him, “It’ll leave a nasty bump!”
         “I’ll keep that in mind,” Jason laughed.
         “Rachel!” a woman’s voice exclaimed, “You made it!”
         “Mom!” Rachel exclaimed as she dropped to her feet and ran up to hug her.
         “And who’s this handsome young man you brought with you as a surprise?” her mom asked.
         “Oh, him?” Rachel asked as she thumbed in Jason’s direction.
         “Oh, gee, thanks a million, Rachel!” Jason complained sarcastically as he crossed his arms, “Now I’m just him, huh?”
         “Don’t mention it, Jason!” Rachel laughed which only annoyed him all the more.
         “Well, you both better get inside before you father gets home,” her morn said and continued as they went in, “Rachel you know how much your father hates that suit of yours. Best go change so he doesn’t get angry.”
         “Gee, I don’t know,” Jason said with a smirk as he eyed Rachel in her suit, “I kinda like they way it fits.”
         “Well you, young man, get to help set the table while the little princess changes her clothes,” her mom stated with a strange smirk on her face.
         “Aw, mom!” Rachel protested.
         “Don’t mom me! Now get moving,” her mom stated.
         “I apologize, ma’an, if my comment was out of line,” Jason apologized.
         “If that was the only reason she has to change,” her mom sighed, “I would have laughed.”
         “Well, I believe a table awaits?” Jason said as he followed Rachel’s mother into the dining room and began to help her sit the table.
         “So, tell me about yourself,” Rachel’s mother said as she handed the plates to Jason.
         “Um, what would you like to know?” Jason asked trying to side step any answers that would cause a problem.
         “Well, where did you and Rachel meet each other?” she asked as she got the silverware out.
         “Promise not to laugh?” Jason said as he paused for a second with the plates.
“I promise,” she chuckled.
         “We met by accident on a building top in New York,” Jason stated.
         “What did she do, run you over?” the woman laughed.
         “No, she slapped me,” Jason laughed. Stretching the truth a bit was fun, but he knew he had to watch how far he did it.
         “Why on God’s good earth would she do that?” the woman asked as she sat the silverware down on the table.
         “I think she thought I was someone else,” Jason replied as he started to put the silverware around. “She even denies it ever happened to this moment. Usually has a different meeting each time asked too!”
         “That definitely sounds like my Rachel,” the woman chuckled.
         “Now what are you two laughing and talking about in here?” Rachel asked as she came into the room.
         “Why you of course!” Jason laughed but only got a sour face from Rachel.
         “Mom!” Rachel exclaimed, “What has he told you about me?”
         “Only how we met, Rachel,” Jason laughed.
         “What did you make up?” Rachel voice echoed in his mind.
         “I only told her the truth!” Jason said in defense. A big grin on his face.
         “You didn’t!” Rachel gasped.
         “I’m not one who likes to lie,” Jason exclaimed as he raised his hand. “Told her you and I met on a building top in New York and you slapped me!”
         “I did not!” Rachel exclaimed.
         “Told you!” Jason laughed as he pointed to her mom.
         “That’s my Rachel,” her morn chuckled.
         “Come here you!” Rachel said as she grabbed Jason by the ear and dragged him out of the dining room.
         “Take it easy on this one, Rach,” her mom shouted after them, “I like this one.”
         “Now you listen, you,” Rachel’s voice echoed in his head after they stopped. “No more of this making up stuff about what happened when, got it?”
         “Ah, sure, Rachel,” Jason answered and added, “Can I have my ear back please?” Rachel let go of his ear. “At least not unless I’m with you so I know the story too.
         It’s going to be fun enough when dad gets here.”
         “Honey, is the kid here yet?” a man’s voice called through the house, “Sounds like dad’s home,” Jason said with a smirk.
         “Yes dear, plus she brought a friend with her,” her mom replied.
         “Um, what’s your last name?” Jason whispered.
         “Huh?” Rachel replied.
         “Your last name? So I can talk better with your parents,” Jason explained.
         “Drake,” Rachel replied softly. “Never thought about that.”
         “Heh,” Jason laughed and continued, “Bet there’s many things you didn’t think about, like the father-boyfriend conversation I am going to have to live through.”
         “Ah, hope you make it,” Rachel replied softly. “The last boyfriend I brought here, he threw out of the house. Jim never did tell me why and never went out with me again.”
         “Dumb guy,” Jason grunted. “We should get back so I can finish the table.”
         “Yea, you’re right,” Rachel said as she crossed her arms nervously. “Sorry about your ear.”
         “Hey, no problems,” Jason replied as he rubbed his sore ear. “If I didn’t have them what would you pull on? Better not answer that one!”
         Rachel only laughed as they entered the dining room. The table was already finished and a red, white candle with golden speckles placed on each end. Jason stood in silent awe at the beautiful sight her mother created from the table and the meal that sat on it, though curious as to how it was sat up so quickly. Roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy. Cream corn, and string beans. Baked carrots smothered in butter. Home cooked bread, freshly sliced and still steaming, glistened with melted butter on top of it. A glass of red wine sat at each seat with a bow around each glass stem.
         “Wow,” was all Jason could muster from the sight of the wonderful meal.
         “So this is the mystery guest that the kid brought with her, huh?” Rachel’s dad said as he entered the dining room from the kitchen. “So, what special things can you do, kid?”
         “Dad!” Rachel said sternly only to have Jason place a hand gently on her shoulder.
         “Well, Sir,” Jason began, “I can work nearly any computer system I’m sat in front of. I can fix electronics with almost no degree of error. I write great poetry and stories, so I’m told. Surf the net while watching TV. Work with physics, quantum physics, and theoretical physics. Fly a plane, drive a car, and drive a boat. Um, oh yes, I can rub my stomach while I pat my head at the same time.”
         “Humph!” Mr. Drake snorted as he lit a pipe up and puffed a few puffs. “Most rehearsed speech I’ve ever heard!”
         “Well, what do you expect, Mr. Drake,” Jason replied as he crossed his arms, “You aren’t the first father to ask me the same question. I only speak of what I can do and have done, Sir.”
         “You’re a polite, kid,” Mr. Drake said as he puffed away and sat down. “I’ll give you that much credit. Have a seat, kid.”
         “Thank you very much, Sir,” Jason said as he pulled a chair out for Rachel to sit down and pushed her in before sitting himself down.
         “And a gentleman too,” Mr. Drake added. “How did you ever meet someone like him?”
         “I, um,” Rachel started and glanced at Jason who only crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at her with a smirk. “I, um, met him by accident on a rooftop in New York and, um, I slapped him.”
         “You what?” Mr. Drake retorted and nearly dropped his pipe.
         “I slapped him, O.K.! I thought he was someone else!” Rachel exclaimed as she slumped back in her chair and crossed her arms pouting. Rachel’s voice echoed in Jason’s mind, “Hope you’re happy now.”
         “Finally a man that can keep this kid in line!” Mr. Drake exclaimed as he stood up and extended a hand to Jason.
         “I wouldn’t say I keep her in line, Mr. Drake. She has quite a fiery temper!,” Jason replied as he shook his hand, “We do, however, have a form of mutual respect for each other.”
         “That’s the one thing all of her past boyfriends didn’t have,” Mr. Drake said as he sat back down, “Respect! None for me, and certainly not any for the kid.”
         “Why in God’s good name do you call her kid?” Jason asked as he sat down, ignoring the warning look from Rachel.
         “Because that is what she is,” Mr. Drake grumbled. “Anyone who runs around a city in a Halloween costume is a kid in my book!”
         Jason could feel the tension in the room suddenly grow and Mr. Drake’s anger as well. He decided not to press the issue further.
         “Well everyone is present and accounted for,” Miss. Drake said as she sat down. “Let’s say grace and enjoy a nice peaceful meal, huh?”
         “I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been going nuts looking at this awesome meal and not able to touch it yet,” Jason said as he scooted his chair closer to the table. “I’m game for her plan!”
         “I’m hungry too,” Rachel laughed.
         “Humph,” Mr. Drake snorted through his pipe.
         “And put that blasted thing out, Henry!” Miss. Drake scolded.
         Everyone quite eagerly consumed the delicious meal. When it was over, Henry Drake got up and lit his pipe as he walked out of the room. Jason got up and began to pick up the table.
         “No, Jason. You’re our guest,” Miss. Drake said as she crossed her arms. “Rachel. Why don’t you take your boyfriend out for a walk or something? The fresh air I’m sure will do you both some good.”
         “Yes, mom,” Rachel replied as she stood up and gave Jason an exasperated look.
         Jason gave her a smirk back and followed her out the door and into the night air.
         “If you didn’t guess yet,” Rachel began after they got a fair distance away from the house and into a beautiful garden, “My mother is also a mutant. Dad doesn’t know it. Funny, all these years and he still doesn’t know.”
         “Maybe he does, but loves her too much to allow himself to see it,” Jason replied softly.
         “What do you mean?” Rachel asked as they sat down on a bench.
         “God! This place is incredible!” Jason exclaimed as he looked at the house about three acres up a slight hill from the one acre garden of flowers and fountains.
         “It’s my mom’s dream garden,” Rachel said with smile as Jason handed her a rose. She continued as they sat down, “My dad made it for her. He’s really good with plants.”
         “Like I said, Rachel,” Jason said as he pulled his knees up into his chest, “He knows but loves her so much that he refuses to see that she is a mutant. Kinda like what he is trying to do with you.”
         “What?” Rachel scoffed, “Treat me like a kid?”
         “No, Rachel,” Jason said softly, “He loves you very much. He is trying as hard as he can to see you as a normal daughter, not a mutant. He is very much a bigot in his own way. He just doesn’t want to admit that his family is different from what he saw it to be years ago. Or what he wanted.”
         “I never thought about it like that,” Rachel said as she pulled her knees up to her chest.
         “There’s a lot of things, I’m sure, neither of us thought of by ourselves. Maybe together we might figure them out,” Jason said as he put his arm around Rachel.
Rachel leaned her head onto his shoulder before suddenly pulling away.
         “I’ in sorry, Rachel,” Jason said as he looked at the fountain in front of them. It was beautiful and stood nearly twelve feet tall and surrounded by a shallow pond.
         “Oh, it’s not your fault,” Rachel said as she looked into the fountain. “It’s just that we just met today and I think we might be moving a bit fast. I don’t really know anything about you yet.”
         “Gee,” Jason laughed as he looked down at the ground, “All I know about you is your are a beautiful young woman with a fiery temper, not to mention body too.”
         “Hey, now!” Rachel exclaimed standing quickly as she looked at him. “Aren’t we getting a bit personal with that one?”
         “I’m only saying the truth,” Jason laughed realizing he needs some salt to go with his foot now. He looked up to Rachel and continued, “It’s just your body lights up like a torch!”
         “That wasn’t what you meant, Jason,” Rachel smiled back. “Did you forget I’m a telepath too?”
         “Hey,” Jason grumped offended as he looked back to the ground, “It’s not fair to look into a person’s personal thoughts without their consent.”
         “I’m sorry, Jason,” Rachel said as she softly touched his arm. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I won’t look into your thoughts unless you tell me I can or you talk to me with your mind.”
         Jason suddenly stood up.
         “Hey, I said I’m sorry!” Rachel said as she stood up.
         “Ssshhh!” Jason said, hand raised as he slowly looked around. His form suddenly shifted to the one that she first encountered. “At least I figured out how to change back.”
         “What is it?” Rachel asked nervously.
         “It’s here,” Jason said nervously, “It’s come to finish me while I’m awake!”
         “Nonsense!” Rachel exclaimed and continued, “That was just a dream you had!”
         “That dream as you call it has tormented me for over a month and transported me from my home to New York, remember?” Jason said as he crossed his arms, “Not to mention gave me this weird suit.”
         “I think the suit is kinda cool,” Rachel said as she moved a bit closer to Jason. “Um, so what does this thing look like?”
         “I have no idea,” Jason said as he looked around the area. “This is cool, the suit allows me to see everything as if it was mid day!”
         “Let me go!” Rachel screamed as a black tentacle wrapped around her and picked her up. She instantly was consumed with flames then was thrown into the fountain, shattering it.
         “Rachel!” Jason screamed as he brought his right arm up and braced it with his left. Energy blasts shot from the metal ring the surrounded his wrist and struck the creature’s tentacle and then mid center.
         The creature howled in anger and pain as it disappeared. Jason ran over to Rachel’s crumpled form in the center of the shattered fountain.
         “Rachel!” Jason cried as he picked up her limp form and carried her to the bench.
         “What happened?” Miss. Drake cried as she ran out to the garden and gasped at the sight. Her garden was destroyed and Rachel laid lifeless on the bench.
         “Get away from my daughter who ever you are!” Miss Drake exclaimed.
         “It’s me, Miss. Drake,” Jason said softly. “We were surprised and attacked. I managed to drive the nightmare away.”
         “I-is she..?” Miss Drake asked, covering her mouth as she slowly approached her daughter’s form on the bench.
         “Jason?” Rachel called very softly.
         “I’m here,” Jason said and took her hand in his.
         “Did you get it?” Rachel asked meekly.
         “Yea,” Jason answered softly, “I found I can throw an energy bolt of some sort. I hurt it.”
         “S-so c-cold,” Rachel said softly as she pulled Jason’s arm around her.
         “My God! She’s freezing!” Miss Drake exclaimed touching her, “Get her in the house, quickly!”
         Jason lifted her up and carried her quickly after her mother.
         “Put her in the bathtub!” Her mother ordered as she pulled several pots out of the cupboard and began filling them full of water and putting them on the stove.
         Jason obediently carried her up the stairs and laid her into the bathtub.
         “I shouldn’t have laughed at your warning,” Rachel said softly as she touched the face mask of his suit.
         “Ssshhhh,” Jason said as he took her hand in his. “That doesn’t really matter anymore!”
         “Go help my mom,” Rachel said softly as she closed her eyes. “I’ll be fine, you’ll see.”
         Jason slowly stood up and started to walk out of the bathroom.
         “Jason?” Rachel called softly.
         “Yes?” Jason replied as he stopped in the doorway.
         “Thanks for really caring about me,” Rachel replied with a soft smile.
         “What can I do to help?” Jason asked as he entered the kitchen.
         “Well, you can start by getting out of the suit before Henry wakes up and sees you in it,” she replied.
         Jason gasped and collapsed to his knees as his form sifted back to his original form.
         “Jason!” Miss. Drake exclaimed as she rushed over to him, “You’re pale as a ghost!”
         “I feel so weak, so tired!” Jason exclaimed as Miss. Drake helped him into a chair. “First time I used it. Didn’t know any side effects. Help Rachel. I’ll be fine. Just starved, like I haven’t ate in weeks.”
         “That suit of yours must be drawing on your body’s energy,” Miss Drake said as she picked up two pots of boiling water. “Don’t worry, they’ll help make her stronger again. You might want to get something to eat from the fridge. That will help you out.”
Jason watched her quickly leave the kitchen and up the stairs. Come back down and refill the pots and put them on the stove before heading up the steps with the other pots. Slowly, he got up and walked dizzily over to the refrigerator and opened the door, took out some bologna and sat back down at the table. He ate one slice, than two, than followed it with a third slice and felt his dizziness begin to fade away.
         “That helping any?” Miss. Drake asked as she came back in and filled the pots up again than placed them on the stove.
         “I’m not feeling dizzy anymore, if that means anything,” Jason said softly as he looked at the half empty container of bologna.
         “That means I was right,” she smiled and picked up the two boiling pots of water and started up the stairs. “Go ahead and finish the pack. You’ll probably need more after that too.”
         Jason picked up the pack of bologna and followed Miss. Drake up the steps and into the bathroom.
         “Feeling a little hungry?” Rachel mocked softly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the boiling water that her mother poured over her.
         “Doesn’t that hurt?” Jason exclaimed softly as he watched the boiling water pour over her.
         “Feels wonderful, actually,” Rachel cooed softly as she slowly opened her eyes. “Mom said the suit of yours was bio-dependent.”
         “Yea, I guess that’s what you call it,” Jason said as he glanced hungrily at the now empty pack of bologna.
         “I’ll go get some more water,” Miss Drake said softly as she left the bathroom and closed the door.
         “Thanks mom,” Rachel said softly as she rubbed the hot water over her arms.
         “Do you ever take that suit of yours off?” Jason asked with a smirk, looking at her red, white suit with gold speckles all over it.
         “Maybe,” Rachel replied softly with smirk on her face. “You should try something with more sugar in it.”
         “Hugh?” Jason asked, confused.
         “It will help you generate more energy faster,” She replied softly.
         “Here, drink this,” Rachel’s mother said as she handed him a huge mug of some foul smelling mixture before continuing on to Rachel’s bath and poured more boiling water into her bath before heading quickly back out and closing the door again.
Jason made a disgusting face when he tasted the foul smelling stuff.
“If mom said to drink it, Jason,” Rachel said as she rolled slowly onto her stomach, “Drink it. That is part of her abilities; to know what someone needs and how to supply it.”
         Jason made another disgusting face as he swallowed a mouthful of the stuff. Oddly, he thought, he could feel is strength slowly coming back to him.
         “How are you feeling now?” Miss. Drake asked Jason as she came in and poured the boiling water over her daughter’s back.
         “Oddly, I fell stronger now,” Jason replied as he looked at the foul drink. “We definitely have to work on the taste of this thing!”
         Miss Drake chuckled as she closed the door.
         “She really thinks you are a nice guy, Jason,” Rachel said as she leaned on her arms at the back of the bathtub. The water was just high enough to cover her legs and most of her body. Rachel smiled softly as Jason looked her over. “You’re cute.”
         “I’m sorry, Rach,” Jason apologized as he took another bitter swig of the drink and groaned. “Definitely have to work on the taste of this thing!”
         Rachel laughed. “Should have seen my expression when mom tried to pour boiling water over me the first time when I was sixteen and nearly died of frost bite.”
         “God! I could just imagine,” Jason exclaimed and groaned as he took another swallow of the stuff “I am feeling much better from this stuff”
         “We have to take that thing out, Jason,” Rachel stated as her mother came in and poured more water over Rachel’s back.
         “Before it attacks my parents or friends,” Rachel continued after her mother closed the door. “Did you get a good look at it?”
         “At what?” Jason asked. “All I saw was a mass of darkness that had black tentacles reaching out for you. I blasted each of them and then it before it fled. It bleeds! We can kill it!”
         “That is good to know,” Rachel said as she slowly sank into the bathtub and closed her eyes again. “At least we can hurt it.”
Jason spotted a plastic mug on the sink and picked it up. Walking over to the bathtub, he knelt next to it and started to pour the hot water over her back with the plastic cup.
         “Mmmmmm,” Rachel exclaimed as she stretched out in the tub. “You definitely know how to make a woman feel good. You can come in mom.”
         “Wasn’t sure with that last comment I heard,” Miss. Drake chuckled as she came in and poured more hot water into the tub. “That should be enough water for you, Rachel.”
         “Thanks mom,” Rachel purred as she sank neck deep into the water.
“Now, if you two will stay out of trouble,” Miss. Drake said as she walked to the door, “I’d like to go to bed. I’m surprised Henry didn’t wake up.”
         “Night mom,” Rachel said as she closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the hot water.
         “Night, Miss. Drake,” Jason said as he swallowed the final mouthful of the foul drink. “Definitely needs more sugar!”
         Rachel groaned and sank completely under the water.
         “Rach?” Jason said as he turned and looked at her only to have her pop out of the water and splash him.
         “Augh!” Jason exclaimed as he tumbled back.
Rachel only laughed and pointed.
         “Thanks!” Jason said as he grabbed a towel and dried his face off before kneeling back by the tub again.
         “Thought you could use a bath,” Rachel giggled as she lowered her head to her hands on the edge of the tub and gave Jason a mischievous look.
         “Tell you what,” Jason said as he lowered his head and rested it on his hands right in front of Rachel’s face.
         “What?” Rachel cooed softly back.
         “I’ll let you give me that bath, if...” Jason said looking into her eyes.
         “If?,” Rachel replied with a dreamy look back, her eyes slowly shifting from a dark blue to a blue green color.
         “If you tell me when you take that suit...” Jason finished and was muffled by Rachel leaning forward and kissing him deeply. “. . . offf..”
         Rachel reached around him with her arms and drew him closer, kissing him deeply with passion she didn’t know she had.
         Jason ignored the heat she gave off as he wrapped his arms around her wet body and returned the passion in her kiss. He closed his eyes and let himself drift into the ecstasy of her kiss.
         “We should get to bed,” Rachel whispered softly as she ended the kiss.
         “You get some sleep, I’m not tired just yet,” Jason replied as he grabbed the towel again and dried off. Somehow, sleep did not appeal to him at the moment.
         Rachel stood up and pulled the stop in the drain as Jason wrapped the towel around her. “Tell you what, Jason.”
         “What?” Jason asked with a flash of mischief on his face.
         “I sit up for a couple hours for you to get some sleep, than you can sit up for a couple hours for me to get some sleep. That way that thing can’t catch us both while we sleep,” Rachel suggested as she stepped out of the tub and rolled her beautiful golden-red hair into the towel.
         “Wow! Even wet to the bone, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met,” Jason exclaimed under his breath.
         “Thanks,” Rachel replied smiling. Her face turing a shade darker as she bit her lower lip.
         “Why don’t you go change into something a bit dryer so you can get some sleep first,” Jason suggested as he stood up.
         “But I thought you liked me wet?” Rachel giggled as she dropped the towel to the floor. A pulse of flame shot from head to toe of her and she was instantly dry. “That better?”
         “Ah... Yea, I guess,” Jason said as he picked up the towel and hung it back on its rack.
Rachel giggled as she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him off to her bedroom.
         “Ah,” Jason hesitated after she let go of his hand.
         “Not getting shy on me now, are you?” Rachel giggled as she rolled down the blanket and sheet of her bed.
         “Um, Rach?” Jason said as he pulled up a chair that sat at a desk, his face beginning to flush from confusion and embarrassment.
         “Hmmm?” Rachel replied as she glanced at him with a smirk on her face.
“Maybe it might be better if I were to keep watch first, um, outside your door,” Jason suggested as he glanced at the door and swallowed hard.
         “Getting cold feet already?” Rachel giggled, “It’s not even our wedding day!”
         “Um, I’ll definitely keep watch out in the hall,” Jason said as he nervously stood up and picked the chair up.
         “No! Jason, please wait!” Rachel said suddenly as she hurried over to him and grabbed his arm. “I was only joking. Please, stay in here!”
         “Rachel, your shaking,” Jason exclaimed as he sat the chair back down.
         “I know,” she replied as she grabbed hold of him and hugged him tightly. “I’m afraid.”
         Jason kissed her head softly as he hugged her back. His hand absently stroked her hair. “You sleep first. I’ll keep watch for the first couple hours.”
         Rachel nodded and reluctantly broke his embrace before climbing into her bed and laying down. She pulled her covers over her and smiled softly as she watched Jason pull up the desk chair and sit down so he could lean on the back and look at her.
         “Night, Rach,” Jason said as he turned off the light.
         “Goodnight,” Rachel said with a smile as she snuggled into her blankets. “My knight in gray armor…”
         Jason energized his armor and looked around the dark room as if it was mid day. He leaned back on his arms and soon drifted off into sleep as he thought to himself how beautiful Rachel’s face was to look at.          
        A soft touch on his shoulder woke him with a start.
         “Relax,” Rachel said softly, “It’s O.K.. You fell asleep.”
         “I’m so sorry, Rach,” Jason said as he de-energized the armor.
         “Don’t worry about it,” Rachel said with a soft smile. “I liked your dream.”
         “You promised!” Jason said offended as he stood up and crossed his arms.
         “I just took a peek to make sure that thing didn’t have you again,” Rachel said as she grabbed her arm and looked down at the floor. “I’m really sorry for disappointing you.”
         “Don’t worry about it,” Jason said softly as he put the chair to the desk. He suddenly realized she was wearing a sweater that revealed some of her cleavage. Her jump suit was off
         “I was wondering how long it would take you to notice,” Rachel giggled. “I changed in the bathroom for your information.”
         “Ah,” Jason said as he walked to the door. “Is your dad gone?”
         “Nope,” Rachel said as she walked through the bedroom doorway. “Should be getting up shortly for work.”
         “So what’s the game plan?” Jason asked as he followed her downstairs.
         “Thought you two would be heading out on the horses,” Miss. Drake said as they reached the bottom of the stairs. “Rachel told me how she promised to teach you how to ride a horse. I’ve even packed a basket so you two can have a nice, quiet picnic someplace like by the river.”
         Jason looked blankly to Rachel who only gave him a smug smile.
         “Thanks mom,” Rachel said as she hugged her, “You’re the greatest!”
         “I love you too, Rachel,” Miss. Drake replied as she pushed her toward the door. “Get going before your father wakes up.”
         “We’re going!” Rachel protested as she was pushed out the door.
         Miss. Drake handed Jason the basket as he walked out the door.
         “Um, I’ve never ridden a horse before, Rach,” Jason said as he carried the very heavy basket behind her.
         “I’ll teach you,” Rachel smiled as she lead on toward the stables.
         Jason admired the beautiful sunrise and realized that for the first time in a month, he had a good night’s sleep. “What was I dreaming about?”
         “What?” Rachel asked not turning around.
         “My dream you said I was having,” Jason repeated as he struggled with the basket.          “What was it? I don’t remember it.”
         “I didn’t see enough of it to know what it was about,” Rachel replied.
         Jason’s curiosity was killing him as he caught a glance of her face which was a deep shade of crimson. All he could think about was she must have been in it.
         Rachel lead the way into the stables and to two horses specifically. “This one is Cinder, my horse. And this lovely stallion is Smoke.”
         “Cute names,” Jason smirked as he sat the heavy basket down.
         “Well, I’ll start by showing you how to put the saddles on and the bit and reigns,” Rachel continued, ignoring his comment.
         Jason watched intently trying to learn everything he could. Rachel was very patient in showing him too. Nearly forty minutes passed by the time Jason was able to saddle and mount his horse with no problems. Next came the driving lessons. Again, he watched intently trying to learn all he could from her. Another ten minutes went by before he was able to get the horse to go forward, left and right.
         “Never thought that riding a horse was so hard to learn,” Rachel mocked as she leaned back in her saddle and glanced over to Jason who was still having fun keeping the horse going in the direction he wanted.
         “I never thought it was so hard to keep a horse going straight,” Jason replied trying to keep the horse behind her.
         “Don’t use your legs to hold on to the horse,” Rachel laughed when she figured out what he was doing wrong. “Just sit and relax, you won’t fall off”

To continue reading, part 2 is here: "The Guardian
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