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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Children's · #1923511
The feeling and experience of a child feel to her mother.

The look in her eyes said it all …

August 24th 1985:
A sweet sound dims the vision of my imagination. I was confused, annoyed and puzzled. I could see lot of hustle and bustle in my room. Everything was so unusual that I found myself baffled. I can’t think of my morning any worst than that in my entire life where I have to wake up without beating the evil Dragons. In the mean while when my mind was investigating the answers of unusual questions, the sweet sound scattered into my ears with my name again, and brings my imagination to the real world. This was my mother who was struggling to wake me up for the first day at school. I remember the night before that morning; my mother said that, now I am a big guy. Now I have to face the world, I have to fight for my right and have to work hard to get success and to prove myself. I have to face the world and make my name, now she will not there to guide me every moment; I have to take decisions on my own. I was excited, but scared because I didn’t step out to my house without my mother till that time. The morning of my first day at school still have the place in the deepest corner of my mind. It was one of the wonderful and soothing times I had with my mother in my life. I was dress like a prince that day. My mother made my favorite breakfast. New shoes, new uniform, new books, new stationary; I felt like the king of the world that day.
When I reached the school I found a huge building in front of me. I was amazed to see that every boy and girl wearing the same dress heading towards the building. They were running and rushing and playing. They seem to be happy and their faces glimpse that they didn’t have any worries. With huge building and so un-familiar faces I began to frighten. I wanted to go to my mother’s couch and want to sleep again and enjoy the world of fantasy. But I know that things will change now and my childhood will not be as it was before. Suddenly a lady came with nicely dress clothes and pleasant smile in face. She talked with my mother and after a second she lifts me up and walks towards the building. I couldn’t describe the feelings I had when my fingers lose the grips of my mother’s hand. I found myself helpless and at that day I learned a very important lesson in my life, the lesson which I still remembered. I remember the words of my mother that ‘One day all have to leave this world, world is a temporary place to stay; no one will accompany you for a long time. It’s your journey and you have to travel on it alone.

December 5th 2010
Today I am awarded as the best intern of my company. In addition, I also offered a job with a handsome pay. They also offer me a house in USA and asked to shift to the place as soon as possible. I was very excited and it was one of the happiest day of my life. I hurriedly went to home and announce the good news to my mother. She was very happy, but I could feel the disturbance in her face. I couldn’t find any answer to why she is worried in the happiest occasion of my life. Days pass and the time came when I have to leave to USA. My mother asked me if I can stay here with her and continues the work, but I refused in a harsh manner. I couldn’t find it sensible to refuse the big opportunity life is offering to me. With hugs and kisses I left my mother advising to take care of herself. Her lips wanted to tell something, her face was eager to ask something, but in the light of bright future I was seeing, I couldn’t grudge any gesture of my mother.
December 20th 2016
Six years had passed and I didn’t step into my land. Work load and the race to be the best from other busied me so much that I couldn’t find any time to even call my mother. She call me every second day, but I ended the call saying I am busy right now and will call you later, and that LATER never comes in weeks. Weeks become months and months becomes years. The materialistic world captures me in his spell that I couldn’t find any importance to relations in my life. I forgot that I have my responsibilities to my mother. One night when I was busy doing my work I received a call from Pakistan. It was my uncle. He said that my mother is in hospital and taking the last breath of her life, her last wish is to see me. At that time my mind flattered and I leave everything as it is. By the next 26 hours I found myself in Pakistan.

December 24th 2016

This was the first time I was seeing my mother after six long years. Her face was pale and she look retire and weak. Her long shiny hairs are now white and thick. She can’t speak properly neither she can see. I found tears in my eyes when I see her situation. My consciences keep blaming me that I was responsible for that condition. Doctors say that she didn’t have much time left; I went to her ward and sit close to her. I could see wrinkles in her face, I could feel the pain she suffers without me, and I could imagine how much she agonizes by living with my memory. I hold her hand, and started remembering the finest memories I spent with her. The first day at school, my first position in class, everything goes around through my eyes. My tears fall into her palm which opens her eyes. I could see the relief in her face. I sense that she was living just because to see the glimpse of my face. I could see my reflection in her eyes. The Eyes sparkling like a shining star. Eyes in which I could see my life spend with her. Her eyes were saying that remember my child I told you that “One day all have to leave this world”. The look into her eyes says it all.

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