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Rated: GC · Other · Drama · #1923377
teenagers enter a drama filled boarding school

Chapter 1- New Beginnings

It all begins


         It was the day we all began, one of the first times we actually began to live our independent lives. I, along with 250 other freshmen, arrived at the hunter academy. We were ready for it. Everyone came for different reasons. I came because my parents have very time consuming jobs but other people have different reasons. Some came because it is one of the highest ranked schools in the country, others came to have tons of fun, and then there are the select few-who I respect the most- that came to get away.

         So the night before I arrived I couldn’t sleep at all. I was nervous, excited and sad all at the same time. It is probably the feeling that you get before college. Well, at Hunter it is sort of the same thing. You get sent to a school -for 40,000 dollars- for the entire year excluding holidays. There you make a life for yourself. That is exactly what I think everyone here wanted to do.

         I rode over in my father’s Volvo. As soon as we arrived it was heaven, I mean chaos, I mean heaven! I couldn’t decide. I tend to like everything being out of control and wild. In that atmosphere I find that I have the most fun and create the most memories. So while I was walking up towards my room I noticed this guy. He was cracking up and well I wanted to say hello. The only thing that I did not realize was that I was in the middle of a warzone so there was no time for that.

         In fact during my daydreaming I was hit. Full on, to the ground, tackled.  “Oh man. Are you alright?” the mysterious kid asked

         “Yeah, well I will be if you just help me up already.” He was strong when he did. It seemed as though he lifted a lot. I am not really sure what average 15 year olds lift but I am almost positive he did more.

“I’m Nick,” He said with a nod, “Sorry I am a freshman here and well I guess I will see you around. What dorm?”

         “Umm, room 137 on the west side. By the way I’m Cecelia, well Cece for short”

         “Cece, Cool. I am on the west side too. Of course not in the girls wing though!” When he said that he almost made me think he was one of those self-centered jock type guys. Well I wasn’t wrong on the jock thing; he ended up being like the best soccer player I have seen in my entire life, but seriously, Nick, Self-centered? Definitely not.

         “Well get this show on the road.” He proclaimed and he grabbed my stuff and headed to my dorm. Aw, he wanted to carry my stuff. I guess I shouldn’t have been so nervous. Once you have one friend others trail along soon after.

         So when I arrived at my dorm room my stuff was dumped on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. I wish I would have gotten there earlier and maybe I would have gotten the single bed. I hate bunk beds. I always feel like they are just going to fall apart and BAM! I would be sandwiched. Not good thoughts.

         “So” I heard a voice behind me, “are you Cecilia? I am Claire and this is Lexi.”

         “Yeah but people mostly call me Cece.” We continued to talk about where we are from and if we were excited or not. I actually really enjoyed talking to them. They were super nice and funny. I especially liked Lexi, Claire was just a little bit snobby; but you never know, don’t judge a book by its cover.

         Soon enough we were headed to the opening bonfire. I know that it seems a little bit like summer camp but apparently it is a tradition here at Hunter. That probably sounds even more like summer camp. Surprisingly it was really fun.

         “Hey,” Nick yelled “Cece and friends sit over here!”

I guess I made a good first impression. When I walked over to sit down he was sitting there with a bunch of guys. I wanted him to introduce them. It was almost like He read my mind. “This is David and Ryan, My roommates.”

“And they are Tate and Anthony some guys we picked up this afternoon. Neighbors!” David added. Wow he was excited. I guess this is where I introduce my roommates.

“Yeah so here is Claire and Lexi. My roommates” I am not sure why but I put an emphasis on my, but I did.

         I guess that was really where it all began. I mean we had other friends but the bonds were not as strong and we weren’t as close. With this group of people, I may not have known it yet but I was going to go through so much with them. All that talking that night made me feel a lot more excited for my next day at Hunter academy.  I was almost not nervous at all.

Science Class


Oh my god it is not even funny how hard science is. I mean I know I have never been the sharpest tool in the shed, but seriously this is impossible. Cece seems to be getting it pretty fast though. She is my lab partner and must be one of the most positive thinking people I have ever met. It almost seems like she woke up two hours later than everyone else did.

She is always smiling and damn I wish that I could be like her. She pretty much wakes up flawless. Do you know how long it takes to get my perfection up to par? She also plays softball with such finesse I am mind boggled and of course, she understands how the cell works.

         “So let’s look at the mitochondria next. That one seems like one of the easier organelles to find.”

         What the fuck is a mitochondria and organelles? Whatever, I think. “Yeah okay you find it and then I will draw it on the paper.”

         You see most people think I am this major jock but there is more to me than that. I can draw as well, but don’t tell, it is kind of embarrassing. Cece is the only one that knows. That is why in science we always say that I did the microscope work and she did the drawing. It just works better that way. I mean would you want to hop in bed with some artsy freak or a total hot jock. I don’t really know, but I think girls like the jocks better, but at the moment I just need to draw the damn mitochondria already so I can leave. I guess I will just dumb down the drawing for now

         From the back of the classroom I heard a scream. What could it be? Oh wait that is just Caroline. She is obsessed with herself and wants everyone to look at her all of the time. Oh my god how can anyone look at themselves that much, especially if they are not even that hot.

         “So I was thinking about having a movie night in the lounge tonight. You in?” Cece asked

         “Who’s going?” I asked thinking that if Caroline or Cristina are going I am totally out.

         “Well as of now only you-if you can- but I am gonna ask David, Ryan, Nick, and of course Claire and Lexi.”

         “Okay sounds good. Let’s go to Pablo’s before though. Boy does a Burrito sound good right now!” Pablo’s is only the best Mexican restaurant on campus and maybe even in Pennsylvania. I think anyone who has ever eaten there knows that they could eat that food forever. It doesn’t even give me gas.

         “Cool but….” We were cut off by the bell before she could finish.

         So I guess it is on for tonight. I mean Yeah buddy! I know that she doesn’t think of it as a date but I hope she will soon. I want her so badly. Not only because she is super hot, but just because. She is easy going and well everyone likes her. Dude do you know how many props I would get from David. That would be sick!




Jesus, who does Tate think he is? It is like we hook up and then I am nothing to him? Okay. Even worse he likes my roommate. Cece isn’t nearly as attractive as me. No offense but she is sort of, you know, a slut. I mean she always hangs out with Nick and Ryan. I wonder what goes on there, Wink, wink. Ha-ha she thinks she is so sneaky. No she is not. Everyone loves her, except me.

         I mean I know you are thinking what a bitch? Cece is so nice and she says things like this about her. No, umm, well, you’re the bitch! You can’t even see straight. I am the pretty loveable one and she is the loser. Wow I mean what is her problem?

         “So are you coming tonight?” the bitchy witchy asked me at lunch

         “Well yeah I guess I will.” I said sweetly since everyone else was there. I also really like the others going. I hope it turns into one of those mega parties like you see on T.V. where everyone comes. That would be, like so cool.

         “Awesome, so how was class.” Nick asked. He seemed to be asking everyone at the table so I wasn’t going to answer since Cece, Ryan, and David were there too.

         Goods echoed the table. I told everyone that I had to go because I heard some whisper shouting voices around the corner. I love drama so why not listen in?

         “What do you mean?!” I heard a mysterious girl voice say in an upset whisper shout

         “I mean that this, isn’t working” the guy said

         “But Anthony, are you saying last night was a mistake?” she sounded like she was going to cry yet all I was thinking was about what Anthony could have done. He is so nice.

         “Well, trust me I had fun.” Anthony said in a suggestive way. I have a feeling that a sly smile came after he talked because there was a pause. “I just wanted to have some fun last night. It was the first night of the year and there are so many other guys at this school. I am not trying to be a jerk because honestly I am ot usually like this, but” he was interrupted by the girls soft voice.

“I was a virgin.” Now her voice came back to a whisper scream, “Oh, and thanks a lot. I really appreciate your big scary dick.” Sarcasm was in her voice.

That ended the conversation and as she walked away I saw who it was. Angela mills, The smartest girl at school. They would have been so cute together. Oh well, not like I care. Now I will have Anthony all to myself. I better go buy a cute outfit for the movie night because I, the same as Anthony, just want to have fun!




Oh David, David, David. He is the dreamiest boy alive. He is gorgeous! Like honestly between his flawless blonde hair and sparkling hazel eyes I don’t know how anyone wouldn’t swoon immediately.

He is always so happy go lucky and like a movie star. David sings like heaven on earth. He is just like one of the guys who typically want to just like, you know. I can’t say the word or else it would be awkward but to do things that I happen to be a goddess at. Yes, if you are wondering I mean S-E-X.

Cece is the only one who understands my major crushing on him, maybe because she is major crushing on nick? She doesn’t admit to anything but let’s be honest, there is something going on there.

“How about this one?” Cece asks about the dress she has on. I mean I am not a dress person but I absolutely love skirts so we are shopping at the same store before the movie night.

“It looks gorg girlie! Oh my god nick will just want to eat you up!” I said with a bop on the nose. It really did look amazing. A pink mini dress (V-neck of course, to show of her proportionately large boobies) and cute wedges to elongate her legs, it really fits her. Every guy thinks she is so hot and just wants to, you know what, her. They disregard the fact that she is only 5 ft. 2 in. tall. Whatever though, she is cute as a button.

“Really? I like it but who says I need Nick’s approval?”

“Well I just thought that you liked him.”

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t” I think that meant yes

“Aw, you know what they say ‘every tall guy needs a short girl.”

“Who you calling short?” she paused for a second but then the laughter came out of both of us. “I’m one of those short bitches!” she screamed to high heaven

I can just tell that tonight, no wait, this whole year is going to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Final Preparations



So tonight is the big night and it happens to only be the second night. Cece invited me to her place for a movie night and I’m pumped. Man she is so pretty. I am usually a natural around the ladies but she is just, different.

         She is happy, pretty, polite, funny, and smart. She is perfect for me. She was my first friend here and I need her. I mean I like her, a lot, but nobody knows yet.

         I am going to her place in a red shirt because she says that she likes that color on people. I decide to go out to eat Mexican food before the movie so I can brush my teeth before, just in case you know.

          I walk into Pablo’s and who is there Cece but she isn’t alone. She is with Tate. I thought that she liked me back. I really wanted her to like me back. No. Why would she like him?

         I can’t take it. I just can’t. I can’t see then canoodling and so on. However much you can like someone in one day, I don’t know, but I have a feeling I like her more than anyone ever has. I can’t watch. I can’t be here. Case closed.




“Where’s Nick?” I kept on asking but no one knew. I was looking forward to him coming. Maybe he is just busy. I don’t know I hope that’s only the reason.

         “I am calling this kid.” I said in a joking way but on the inside I was serious.

The phone was ringing.

Nick: Hey

         He sounds upset.

Me: Umm hi

Nick: So

Me: Are you still coming?

         I finally got words out of my mouth.

Nick: Nope

Me: Aww. Why not?

Nick: I did not think it was a good idea

Me: Why not? Because it’s a school night?

Man I really have to pry for information, but it’s worth it.

Nick: It doesn’t matter. Look, I am not going to ruin your night over it. Have fun, go wild; I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.

Me: Umm okay but honestly I am here if you need to talk.

Nick: That’s not necessary. Bye then

Me: Okay then bye.

Click. It was over. Oh well though. I mean the least I could do is listen to him.

So I tried and tried, but Tate is not as good as Nick and something needs to be done about that.

Saved Finally


Well yeah, I am happy that she called me. I wish I went. I need her. Just as I am thinking all of these messed up thoughts someone knocks on my dorm door.

         “It’s open” I call to them

No one other than little Miss Cece walks in; she is in an attractive pink dress. I told her that I like it when girls wear pink.

         “Do we need to talk?” She asked me looking like she feels my pain although I know she doesn’t.

         “What is there to talk about?” I asked back. Damn nit why can’t I just be nice to the poor girl

         “Why you are upset”

         “I told you that I am not going to ruin your night over it”

         “You will ruin my night if you don’t tell me.” As she that she gave me one of those irresistible Cece smiles. I had to resist

         “I would but it’s just that it doesn’t really matter I am just being a baby.

         “I promise you that I won’t judge you no matter what you say.” Just then she came over to the couch and put her hands on mine. All the sudden I got excited.

         “I saw you with Tate.” I said it really fast so if she told me about how she really liked him I wouldn’t feel as bad. I know it makes no sense but trust me, it works.

         “I am not with Tate. Wait do you mean before the movie night?” she seemed upset to think that I assumed that but she wasn’t mad at me and she didn’t reject me yet so that is always a good sign.

         “Yeah. I saw you guys before the movie night a Pablo’s.”

         “Do you think I like him or something?” now she seems hurt


         All the sudden something happened that I was not prepared for. She kissed me straight on the lips. Her lips were warm and they had a taste of strawberries from the chapstick she always uses.  After a few seconds she pulled away, “Would I do that if I liked Tate and not you?”

         I smiled at her and I answered her question in my head. No. I pulled her tighter this time and we kissed for what seemed like a minute but actually was about forty-five minutes. I mean counting all of the time that we spent laughing and making comments.

         The reason I know it was forty-five minutes? Yeah, the movie night crowd came barging in to “check on me and her” probably because we were here so long.

         The look on Tate’s face made me feel like there was nothing better than this. Officially the best night of my life. 



© Copyright 2013 Valerie Gibbons (lizzy911 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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