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Danny A FtM runs into his highschool crush Will he finally be able to win the girls heart? |
Chapter One: A New beginning. The room was an uproar of chatter, causing a red haired figure to roll their eyes though some of the words hurt badly. Who where they to judge anyone? Were there anyone here that would accept him? He wondered sadly as he made his way through the crowed halls, trying hard to dodge everyone, though someone managed to slam into him and knock him back into a locker. "Move out of my way Dyke!" the boy snapped and the red haired figure sighed before heading into room two-fifty-eight, his English class. "Danielle, you know that they wouldn't treat you like this if you would at lease act straight." the teacher advised, his voice holding nothing but pure disgust and the red haired teen took a seat at the back of the class, otherwise ignoring the comment. The teasing only became worse for her as the other students began to file into the class, the four jocks that sat in front of her making snide comments such as: dyke, freak, carpet muncher and many others that were much ruder. However with tears in her eyes she remained silent, knowing that it would only make it worse if she said anything back. "Why don't you four ass holes just shut up and leave her alone?" A female voice snapped, and when Danielle glanced up she realized who had said it; Alice Martin. "We always' knew you where a Dyke, why don't you burn in hell with that thing!" One of the boys, David retorted. "Why don't you go fuck your mother and shut up?" a girl at the back of the room snapped, and Danielle turned to see that it was none other than the almost mute Punk girl that always sat at the far back, against the window. The whole room went silent then and the girl flipped her blonde and pink hair back behind her shoulder before turning her attention to Alice. "Next time those cock suckers start knock their heads off." she advised then turned toward Danielle who halfway expected a harsh statement. "Just ignore them, they're brains are nothing but air. I'm Dakota by the way." she stated with a smirk, her blue eyes shimmering lighthearted now. "Thanks." Danielle managed to get out before Mr. Anderson, the teacher called the class to order, evidently ignoring the cursing that was going on. The time seemed to crawl by as the middle aged man went over the importance of the metaphor. "This class is going to be the death of me." Danielle heard Alice mutter and chuckled. "tell me about it." she whispered back and the dark haired girl glanced up from where she had her head lain across the desk. "if you don't mind my asking but...why do you look so much like a boy?" she asked and Danielle sighed. "You're transsexual right? A man trapped in a woman's body?" Dakota added, and Danielle nodded. "Yeah." she managed to answer in a small voice, half way expecting them to make a rude retort but Alice only sighed. "Wow, that must suck....I have a hard enough time as a tomboy. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to feel like a man and still be a woman." This shocked the red haired transsexual greatly, this was the first time anyone had actually tried to understand. "So if you are a guy it must kill people to call you Danielle. What do you want us to call you?" Dakota asked after a few minutes. "Daniel or Danny for short." the redhead answered after a while and the two girls nodded. "Do you want us to start referring to you as a man?" Alice asked, stating the obvious and Danny Smiled as Dakota answered for him "What do you think?" Suppressing a chuckle Danny glanced over at Alice, who looked embarrassed. "Yeah, I would like that...thanks you two." 'he' stated though everyone started to laugh in front of them, causing Alice and Dakota both to harden. "You three! Outside Now! I don't need you disrupting the class." Mr. Anderson Snapped, he too overhearing what they had been saying. 'Stupid lesbian's don't know the difference between a girl and a guy. If I was that things parent's I would send it to a asylum and let it stay there.' he thought as he continued to write on the board. "Homophobic son of a bitch." Dakota muttered, leaning against the window on the western end of the wall, right beside the door. "Ignore anything he does to you Danny, he's been out to get me since I moved her too." Alice stated and Danny sighed. "Well there are pricks everywhere." he shrugged with a smile then glanced mischievously at Dakota who looked honestly bored and then at Alice, who was obviously unsure of what to do. "Hey you two, lets ditch the rest of the day." Dakota stated. Danny sighed as he glanced through the photo album, wondering what had happened to the little short haired girl from back then. "Are you still looking at that thing? You'd think that you still had a crush on her or something." a boy with purple highlighted black hair stated and Danny sighed. "Jay, don't you rember when you first came out? How everyone treated you like a freak just because you were gay? Well Alice and Dakota where like my saviors then, they kept me sane." he retorted and Jay sighed. "Why don't you check on social networks or something and try to find her? I mean if she just moved at the end of your guy's senor year it shouldn't be that hard." Jay retorted as he glanced at the clock. "Yeah right, and who is to say that she would still want to talk to me? I mean her mom was putting her through seminary the last account I heard." the red haired figure snapped as he fell back onto the bed. "Oh come on, if she was a Christian then and still hung out with the group you've described to me then she wont change that much." Jay stated just as the doorbell rang. "Well there's tom, I've got a date. See ya later." the boy with spiky colored hair stated as he walked out. "at lease you can find someone." Danny muttered, staring up at the ceiling, his mind going back to the feelings that he had developed for his best friend over three years ago. However then the phone began to ring off the hooked on the bedside table, calling the Trans-man out of his state. "Hello?" he asked, sounding almost bored however then he had to hold the phone away from his head as Dakota's familar voice exsclaimed "Guess who I ran into today!" "I despise guessing games." Danny muttered as he gingerly put the phone back to his ear. "Alice!" Dakota exclaimed and he froze in shock. "How is she? Is she still the same?" he asked, suddenly excited and Dakota laughed. "No, I didn't even recognize her at first. Though there is something you should know....she has a kid." the outspoken young woman replied causing Danny to almost drop the phone. "What? Is she married?" he asked and Dakota laughed again. "No. She wouldn't tell me much but she did say that she hated the son of a bitch that did that to her....her exact words." the blonde retorted then added "and she's now a psychologist....though she's still the biggest tomboy ever." Danny sighed as he absorbed all the information that he had just been giving, then his attention was called back to Dekota who yelled "Danny! What did you do pass out? I've been talking to you for five minutes." "huh? What sorry...I was just thinking." Danny replied and Dakota sighed. "fine Daniel but you better figure out what you're going to wear tonight because We're going to go over to Alice's apartment. She said she'd like to see everyone so I'm going to call Jessi and Maya, maybe Jay and and Tom would like to come along?" the blonde retorted and Danny sighed. "Maybe, you said she had a kid...what is it?" the red haired boy asked and the blonde chuckled. "A little girl who looks a lot like her, except she has blue eyes and is as girly as hell." Dakota stated and Danny chuckled. "Well I better go see what I have to wear...I think Jay borrowed my tux." he stated as he began to rummage through his mess closet, though Dakota only started laughing. "Why don't you wear that blue one, every girl you meet says you look handsome." she laughed, though Danny only sighed. "and yet when I wear that Suit I am always ending up in tears, wearing food or slapped across the face....Or all three." he muttered, recalling how every date he tried to go on had ended. "Oh come on, Alice would never hurt you! Hell I bet she'll be happy to see you again." Dakota stated and the redhead sighed again. "yeah, sure." he muttered, recalling the harsh retort that he had gotten from the girl when he had asked her to the prom right before she had moved. "Come on, stop being such a scardy cat!" Dakota stated, causing Danny to sigh and retort bitterly "I'll see you there in a bit. I've gotta go." Once he had ended the call he sat on the bed and glanced at the yearbook yet again and thought 'I can't see you again Alice...I might just fall usually in love again.' However, despite the tears that he held back he slowly pulled out a less formal outfit consisting of a nice, plain white dress shirt and a pair of light tan jeans. Then he began to fix his hair into the usual spikes he now wore, remember that he had worn it a little longer back in high school. 'I wonder what Alice is like now? I mean she has a kid.' he wondered as he stared at himself in the mirror, green eyes sparkling with curiosity. |