Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1922458-Zack-Jones-Private-Eye
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Detective · #1922458
Award winning author Jet Elway takes on the detective novel in the irreverent Zack Jones

I had a lot of time to kill, so I took one of the cases of beer out of my car, threw it up onto my shoulder, and walked over to Brian’s apartment. I knocked, and the peephole darkened as he looked out at a perfect view of my middle finger.

He opened the door slowly. “Hey, what’s that?” He pointed at the beer on my shoulder.

“Beer, idiot,” I said. It was getting heavy, and I wanted to put it down.

“Beer?” he said. “You’re bringing beer? I mean, you’re not just coming over to drink all of mine?”

I tried to force my way in, but he blocked the doorway like a furry building.

“Wait, Zack,” he said, grinning. “This is a historical moment – where did you get it?”

“I bought it,” I hissed, my shoulder was starting to ache.

“With what?”


“From Bernie?”


He scratched his head.

“Get the hell out of the way!” I rammed by him and let the case of beer down onto his kitchen table.

“Why don’t you put it in the refrigerator?” he asked.

I glared at him, rubbing my shoulder. His eyes glinted merrily. I carried the beer to the refrigerator and shoved it in, right on top of a pizza box, taking one for myself.

“Where’s mine?” he asked, as I came back to take a seat at the table.

“In the refrigerator,” I said. There was a deck of cards on the table, so I shuffled them and dealt two hands of five cards.

“You squished my leftover pizza!” he complained, and he huffed back to the table with a beer, scowling.

Then he remembered something. “Oh yeah, where’d you get money?” He picked up the cards I had dealt for him and rearranged them.

“Five card draw,” I said, ignoring his question. “One-eyed jacks are wild.”

“What are we playing for?” he asked.

I looked up from my hand, which by luck contained a one-eyed jack and a couple of aces. “I got a job. Want to play for money?”

© Copyright 2013 Jet Elway (jetelway at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1922458-Zack-Jones-Private-Eye