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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Mystery · #1921762
                OUR VOID UNIVERSE

Where we are living? On earth but in universe.


The common definition of universe is “the totality of everything that exists including all physical matter and energy, the planets, the stars, the galaxies and the contents of intergalactic space. So, universe is made up of visible and invisible matter and energy. After observing the expanding universe scientists think that universe is approximately began 23.7 billion years ago. It may be possible that universe also rotate on its position and from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity universe is flat, but it is not decided that universe is finite or infinite. From Red Shift it is observed that universe is expanding. When all the visible light bends towards the red end of spectrum then it is said to be Red Shift. So, they think that universe is formed by Big Bang explosion. Some scientists also think that our universe is oscillating between eras of expansion and contraction, where every Big Bang is followed by every Big Crunch. Stephen Hawking pointed out the possibility that such an oscillating body must not necessarily start and end in singularities.                The clusters of stars which are towards each other due to force of gravity and rotating to its position are called galaxies.     

                            The galaxy in which we are living is named as ‘Milky Way’. Some other galaxies are also founded by astronomers. One of them is ‘The Tarantula Nebula’ and is also known as ’30 Dorodus’ or ‘NGC 2070’. It is a large region of gas and space. The other galaxy is ‘The Large Magellanic Cloud’ and is mentioned by ‘Amerigo Vespucci’ in 1503-1504 and discovered by Magellan in 1519. Through the new research, British astronomers had discovered the most colossal star on record, in a region of space known as ‘The Tarantula Nebula’ in a neighboring galaxy known as ‘Large Magellanic Cloud’. The record breaking star’s name is R136a1 which has a mass 265 times more than our sun.


This discovery had astonished scientists’ who taught it was impossible for stars to exceed more than 150 times mass of our sun. When the star was born it could have been more than twice as massive. Stars of this mass and brightness burn out relatively quickly, with life spans of only three or four million years. If R136a1 took the place of our sun in our solar system, then its gravitational extraction pull our earth so close that the length of an earth year would shrink to three weeks and its ultra violet rays would wipe out all life. The discovery of expanding universe is taken by many different observations. Edwin Hubble also discovered that galaxies are going away from us in each direction. He observed shifts in spectra of light from different galaxies which are proportional to their distance from us.

                                    The theory of Special Relativity is believed to hold through the universe, provided that the spatial and temporal length scales are sufficiently short, otherwise, the more general theory of general relativity must be applied. The three most common elements in the universe are hydrogen, helium and oxygen may nitrogen also. Astronomers think that hydrogen comprises approximately 90% to 20% of all matter in the universe. The force of gravity acts much more on the sun than that of earth. If an object weighing 750 pounds on earth would weigh 10 tons on sun. We know that a space vehicle travels at the rate of 11.263 km/sec to escape the earth’s gravitational pull. The cosmological model is accepted to be of Big Bang, and it was proved when Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) was discovered. We know that universe was infinitely hot at birth and cools down as it expands. Correctly, the universe is not expanding only the galaxies and stars are going away from us, then it seems that it is expanding. It is said that at present universe have a temperature of 2.725 Kelvin only. Scientists said that due to cooling of universe, it ends in Big Freeze. The age of universe is measure by measuring the oldest stars, or any object. In the result of this, universe is believed to be 13.7 billion years old. We think matter as dark energy which attracts galaxies, stars from space. Everyone knows that, the stars have more gravity but we don’t know that, space of universe have more gravity due to objects are inside it. This gravity is due to heat because when it cools down then starts expanding according to observations. But universe is not expanding. The earth’s gravity is also due to hot magma, which is present inside earth at inner core. Just say to keep distance to each celestial body of universe might life will end by colliding celestial bodies.


-          According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, space can expand with speed of light.

-          Quasars are stupendous power houses. The energy produced by it, is equal to the energy produced by a galaxy. They are thought to be powered by ‘super massive’ rotating Black Holes at their centers.

-          The diameter of the observable universe is approximately 93 billion light years.

-          The universe is believed to be mostly made up of dark energy and dark matter.

-          The matter in the universe may be in form which cannot be detected by present instruments, and so it not accounted for in the present models of the universe, this has been named as dark matter. The unknown things are the properties of dark energy and dark matter.

                          Black Hole

  Whenever you read about universe then you might hear the name of Black Hole.

In universe when any big star’s fuel will burnt then an explosion takes place, which is known as supernovae in scientific language. After this explosion the solid body which is left, start shrinking and take a shape of very big dense solid body, known as neutron. If neutron star is big, then the force of gravity also becomes more and it gets shrinked by its own mass.                                                          It becomes very dense that it becomes a black hole. Many time questions arise that how we can say it a black hole. For it there is many evidence of it. In this process it burn with million of degrees and then become invisible, it is the evidence that it goes inside black hole. By measuring its speed astronomers can also be able to know that what its shape is? In other words black hole is a spoiled shape of high gravitational field. As from black hole light also cannot be able to escape.

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