Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1918719-The-Nightmare
Rated: E · Other · Contest · #1918719
The story of a man's nightmare and the relief he finds therein.
I had a dream one fateful night
When day had made its run.
When waking world had fled from sight
and silent moon eclipses sun.
Into fitful slumber slipped,
Losing command of my thoughts.
Nightmares around me gripped,
The familiar had come to naught.

I forgot what I’ve been taught
About what cannot cause me harm.
My fears abound, in safety sought,
I scream to waken in alarm.
Only to find I’ve fallen deeper,
Down this darkened pit of shade.
No sound escapes from silent sleeper,
Nor outward sign of my dismay.

I saw a monster rear its head,
Somewhere inside of mine.
On my dear memories it fed,
The beast who devours time
Scything talons raking down
Gaping jaws of a giant spider.
I was marked as I was found
As the one outsider.
Until all I could recall of life,
Was that
I had once loved.
Until that too was torn in strife,
An arm severed from the glove.

There upon the edge of breaking,
Inside of me a guide would lead.
She was the love I’d be forsaking,
When I opened my eyes from sleep.
She took my hand and together ran,
From the monster in my mind.
We got so far that soon began
What I never thought to find.

Though reality has many things,
It cannot offer what we shared.
She was my queen, and I a king,
Perched atop our golden chairs.
Seen once forever she would be
Hidden without lock or key
Only behind bars she’s free,
Sealed away inside of me.

We lived a day, a season, then year,
An entire lifetime in my head.
Happy as he who has forgotten fear
Of the monster I had dread.
Until finally it rose from quiet,
When we thought ourselves alone.
We had lived lives in spite it,
Our time together time on loan.

The monster had us caught!
Trapped and helpless in a corner.
With no escape I stood and fought,
Rather die than be a mourner.
Better lose oneself completely,
Than forget what I had sworn.
Death before me, but I would beat he
Who would dare to touch her form.

I ripped the air with my two hands,
But as the creature was not real,
No blows upon the beast did land,
Though its talons I could feel.
Blooded broken and abused,
I awaited morning’s light to heal,
And save me from this awful ruse,
That my fortune had me sealed.

She knelt above me, my lovely queen,
And besought me waken from this dream.
But what fate would befall her here?
Would with the morning she disappear?
She bore the monster and its fury
Begging only that I safely woke.
Bidding me go, though not to hurry
Lest this the last time that we spoke.

Next I knew I lay awake.
Sweat soaked, body shakes.
I can’t remember why I was sad,
Throat chocked, arms ache
The bleeding wounds were not fake.
Memories flood from the dream I had.

Blood trickled down my length
And I thanked every crimson bead.
They gave hope and lent me strength
That perhaps she too was freed.
And there my bride lay beside me
From my dream she was released.
Wearied from dreaming was she
Who in the waking world found peace.
© Copyright 2013 Tobias Wade (tobywriting at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1918719-The-Nightmare