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This is chapter 2 of Little Miss Popular. An exciting story told by a popular girl. |
MONDAY I wake up at 6.00am and put on my strict school uniform (ankle length charcoal skirt, shirt, tie, blazer and unbelievably shiny shoes), I straighten my already almost perfectly straight hair and tie it into a sophisticated bun. I have a bowl of cereal for breakfast then expertly put a flick of eyeliner, some mascara and shimmery lip-gloss all over my face. ‘You look like a clown!’ says my 8 year old brother jack so I wave the lip-gloss round next to his face miming making him up, a look of fear shoots across his face and he sprints away. ‘Leave your brother alone Skye’ said mum not even looking up from her phone. ‘But he-‘ ‘Shh!’ God she always took his side!!!! Just then my sister Sasha walked into the room, she goes to the same school as me but she’s in upper school where the uniform is less strict, her skirt just covered her bum and she wasn’t even wearing a tie also she was wearing a sleeveless shirt. Her face was plastered in makeup and her blonde hair had magically grown pink highlights overnight. Mum didn’t even notice ‘Have a nice day honey’ she said automatically when the door slammed. I leave to school, hopping on the bus and adding a thick layer of blusher to my already beautiful face, a pair of snooty little freaks came up to me and asked “HEY, we were wondering if you would come to our party this weekend?” they both had soppy hopeful faces on but were hiding it with fake smiles, I did my best sarcastic smile and said straight out to them “Sorry but FREAKS like YOURSELVES don’t deserve a COOL human being like me to come to your SNOOTY party, anyway I obviously have plans, like an important shopping spree in the centre of Paris so forget about that silly idea of yours!” there smiles instantly dropped and spread an even bigger one on to mine, one of them then said “ but you ALWAYS go shopping” Well that’s what they think, I am usually at Home eating popcorn and watching bad teacher or 500 days of summer with Dylan! So anyway I arrived at school and made my way into the class room, I sat down at my best friend cherry’s desk and pulled out my maths book, today Dylan is away in Spain and now I realised that Abby (a total loser in 8G) is staying in the exact same hotel… they might meet talk about me and Abby will spread it over the school then it will be bye bye popular me. So I USUALLY do well in maths and today we are doing algebra but I can’t concentrate but I attempted it… it did NOT go well AT ALL! The teacher Mrs mc-sparkly-buckle came over and said “AH HA I NEW IT you NEVER understand ANYTHING I have been watching you missy CLOSER THAN YOU THINK!” she said leaning closer to me and her egg smelling breath brushing my face, I mean I have a TEACHER that is STALKING ME !? Seriously ...HELP ME!!! So yeah I had English, geography, science and then R.E., I walk home and I see a different school, boys and girls school come out, I instantly look for a cute boy called Jamie I got a soft tap on the back I turned to find him, Jamie parker right behind me grinning behind all his long wisps of black-brown hair and straight away his deep chocolate coloured eyes met mine and I realised that I was asking him to walk with me to the park (my curfew is 11pm so yeah) he nodded approvingly at my suggestion, we arrived at the park quicker than I thought we would, we sat on a bench and then he said “ I really love the park, hey do’ya wanna bunk off and come here with me instead of school!?” I new that this was a sign looking for trouble but I stupidly grinned a sweet smile that made him realise I was agreeing, I then said “I better go I’ll see you tomorrow morning, here yeah!?” I smiled he smiled it was an obvious Yes! When I got home mum was in the porch with a long blue slim dress on with bright red clumpy boots on, she looked at me and scowled “why can’t you be more like Sasha and wear less make up and be in on time!” she snapped, WHY CAN’T I BE MORE LIKE SASHA, WHY IS SHE NOT HAPPY WITH THE PERSON I AM!? And Sasha wears way more make up than me AND my curfew is 11 I was in by 6 I mean COME’ON mum REALLY!? But I only said “Sorry mum I was out in the park with my new FRIEND and I THOUGHT my curfew was 11 I was in by SIX O’CLOCK!” I exclaimed, “well your too YOUNG to be hanging around with idiots that’s the only reason I sent you to an all girls school so you wouldn’t be hanging around with idiots also known as BOYS-” I rudely interrupted her and shouted “JAMIE IS NOT AN IDIOT!I HATE YOU!!!” I tried to run but mum had a pain-full firm grip of my arm “I am the wife of a famous T.V. star and that will not be ruined by ANY SPITEFUL LITTLE BRATS you will be going to school learn and get a good career so you can be come a famous actor and earn lots of money to keep this family RICH!” she screeched and wacked my face REALLY hard… at that moment daddy came in and sorted every thing out. So I thought… |